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某区放射性环境地质评价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在某区拟建隧洞沿线的条带状区域进行了放射性环境地质调查。共采集和分析岩土(芯)放射性核素镭、钍、钾样品111组,地下水和地表水样品5组;现场测定岩土放射性样品392组。结果表明,在该区域内,某煤矿巷道中煤层和砂岩接触带煤、砂岩中镭-226比活度出现高值异常,相应的内照射指数和外照射指数也超过相关标准中规定的放射性核素限量,该异常带环境辐射剂量率也较高。镭-226的富集可能源于煤中有机质对放射性核素的吸附和解吸过程。建议在隧道选线过程中尽力避让这一地段。  相似文献   

对安徽东至县铁炉地区开展了放射性污染调查工作,并提出了防治方案和治理措施。其方法是采用6台FD-3013γ辐射仪、1台FD-3022N道γ谱仪和1台FD-3017氡射气仪对该地区进行大比例尺地面γ辐射剂量率、地面γ能谱、水中氡浓度等测量。获得了该地区γ辐射剂量率为0.11~4.38μGy/h;铀质量活度为123-1 230Bq/kg,钍质量活度为21-411 Bq/kg,钾质量活度为264-528Bq/kg;水中铀活度浓度为4-12 300 Bq/L,水中氡活度浓度为2-155Bq/L;剥露的岩矿、矿渣中铀质量活度为1230-151 290 Bq/kg,钍质量活度为25-411 Bq/kg。该地区地面γ辐射剂量率、地层中铀、钍质量活度均高于安徽省平均值,而剥露的岩矿、矿渣中铀质量活度远大于地层中的铀质量活度,是该地区环境中最大的潜在污染源之一,并为此提出了4项治理措施。  相似文献   

对南方某核设施退役治理后的辐射环境进行了现场监测,并对当地辐射环境进行评价,评价结果表明:矿区及其周边地区空气中γ辐射吸收剂量率、氡及其子体浓度都低于国家管理限值水平,治理后土壤中氡析出率明显下降,土壤及地表水中放射性核素铀、镭含量较低,治理效果保持较好。  相似文献   

通过对西安地铁隧道穿越地裂缝带的大型物理模型试验成果的分析,提出在地裂缝活动时,穿越地裂缝带的地铁隧道有以下两个方面的变化特征:一是作用于隧道的荷载发生改变;二是在隧道底部产生脱空现象。这种脱空现象无论在整体式隧道还是盾构隧道中都会出现。造成隧道在界面上与土体脱空的原因是隧道和周围地层的变形不协调。脱空区域的大小对地铁隧道的变形与内力计算会产生明显影响。在对隧道变形特征分析的基础上,总结得出了西安地铁穿越地裂缝带隧道变形的4种计算模型:对于整体式长隧道,可以采用一端固定而另一端简支,或一端固定而另一端定向支承的计算模型;对于整体式短隧道,可以采用外伸梁模型;对于盾构隧道,可以采用一端固定而另一端定向支承的计算模型。最后,对脱空条件下隧道数值分析的建模问题进行了讨论。算例分析表明:在数值计算中,对于隧道与土体接触面的界面处理非常关键,否则将造成计算结果的重大误差。  相似文献   

地球上所有生物都受到天然辐射和人为辐射的照射 ,天然辐射是主要来源。在人类所受到的天然辐射照射中一半以上来自放射性气体氡及其子体的贡献 (联合国原子能效应委员会 ,2 0 0 0 )。氡及其子体是诱发肺癌的主要因素之一 ,已被世界卫生组织 (WHO)列入室内致癌物质。因此 ,氡危害预测及新的环境辐射现场检测技术自 2 0世纪 80年代以来一直是热点研究课题。我“辐射与环境实验室”自 1995年以来取得如下主要成果 :1 建立了自然环境中大地大气氡交换理论模型在某些花岗岩或构造断裂带等潜在土壤氡高浓度区 ,室内积累的高氡浓度将对公众健…  相似文献   

某在建隧道在穿越金岭寺-羊山盆地侏罗系上统土城子组(J_3t)和中统髫髻山组(J_2t)非煤地层时,发生了天然气涌出和燃烧事故,危及隧道施工安全。本文在收集整理区域油气构造资料的基础上,通过现场测试和室内试验等手段,研究了隧道内浅层油气的形成机理、运移模式及危害因素。研究结果表明:(1)现场检测CH_4最高浓度57.20%,7组气样中CH_4最高浓度为9.72%,均超过燃爆极限;(2)浅层油气主要来源于下伏的侏罗系北票组烃源岩;(3)深部油气在沿断层及次生裂隙向上运移过程中,容易在中浅部裂隙发育带局部聚集,形成次生油气囊,危及隧道安全;(4)隧道穿越含油气盆地时,应分析油气地质背景,加强油气检测和测试,评价油气对隧道危害。  相似文献   

介绍了2005~2008年期间,用REM-III型氡析出率仪和DHZM-I型氡及其子体连续监测仪对某铀矿山的工作场所和居民区分别进行土壤(岩石)氡析出率和环境空气中氡浓度的测量,并应用适当的估算模式估算氡吸入所致公众年有效剂量。结果表明,随着对辐射环境治理工作的加强和人们环保意识的提高,在所监测的工作场所中,大部分监测点的氡浓度没有超过国家规定的限值;在居民区,也没有发现任何监测点的个人剂量超过核工业辐射环境质量评价规定的限值。  相似文献   

南岸总干渠长引水隧洞长30.46 km,隧洞围岩由侏罗系及第四系地层组成.本文通过放射性地质调查和研究工作,评价隧洞地质体中放射性核素含量水平和环境地表放射性辐射水平,为工程施工提供放射性辐射环境方面的资料和依据.  相似文献   

龙泉山是具备油气生储盖组合的含油气构造,出露侏罗系和白垩系非煤系地层,有7个构造高点,节理裂隙发育,是浅层天然气有利聚集区,沙溪庙组砂岩是浅层天然气主要储层。已建达成铁路炮台山隧道和成-简快速通道龙泉山2#隧道在施工中都出现浅层天然气燃烧和爆炸现象。拟建的成洛大道东延线、成安渝高速公路和成渝客专又将以隧道方式通过龙泉山含油气构造,故研究浅层天然气对隧道危害有重要意义。通过现场8座隧道共20个钻孔天然气浓度测试,发现8座隧道均有浅层天然气显示,天然气最高浓度8.654%,最低浓度0.081%, 8座隧道均受到天然气危害。研究表明,隧道所处构造位置和地层岩性是隧道受浅层天然气危害大小的主要影响因素,隧道离含油气构造高点越近,在穿越裂隙发育的地层时,其钻孔天然气浓度越高,隧道受浅层天然气危害越大。  相似文献   

商漫高速是国家高速公路网福银高速(GTO)的重要组成部分,其间穿越的鹘岭隧道属一深埋特长型公路隧道。隧道竣工后在K153+0.20~091.4段两季出现透水,严重影响隧道的正常使用。透水是隧道施工和运行中最常见的工程地质问题,产生的诱因很多。从鹘岭隧道的水文地质环境背景入手,分析隧道透水产生的外在和内在矛盾,探讨灰岩地层隧道透水的处置方法及防治措施。  相似文献   

Soil gas radon release patterns have been monitored continuously for more than 3 years in the Eastern Mediterranean Province (EMP) (Southern Turkey), alongside regional seismic events, providing a multidisciplinary approach. In the period from January 2008 to January 2011, 14 earthquakes M L ≥4 occurred in the study area. By monitoring the sites for more than 3 years, the site-characteristic patterns of soil radon emanation of each site have become evident. Radon emanation data show seasonal (semi-annual) variation characteristics; high soil radon values are between May and October and low soil radon values are between November and April. With available rainfall data, the soil gas radon data can be more reliably evaluated. It is shown in this paper that if radon emanation data are available over sufficiently long periods of time and baseline data (and their seasonal variations) are known with certainty for each monitoring site, then the observation of positive anomalies might provide a correlation or connection to seismic activity.  相似文献   

Radon emanation has been monitored in shallow capped holes by a Tracketch method along several active faults and in the vicinity of some volcanoes and underground nuclear explosions. The measured emanation shows large temporal variations that appear to be partly related to crustal strain changes. This paper proposes a model that may explain the observed tectonic variations in radon emanation, and explores the possibility of using radon emanation as an indicator of crustal deformation. In this model the emanation variation is assumed to be due to the perturbation of near-surface profile of radon concentration in the soil gas caused by a change in the vertical flow rate of the soil gas which, in turn, is caused by the crustal deformation. It is shown that, for a typical soil, a small change in the flow rate (3 · 10−4 cm sec−1) can effect a significant change (a factor of 2) in radon emanation detected at a fixed shallow depth (0.7 m). The radon concentration profile has been monitored at several depths at a selected site to test the model. The results appear to be in satisfactory agreement.  相似文献   

Soil-gas radon measurements provide a valuable tool in assessing probable indoor radon levels on a regional basis. However, in Great Britain, seasonal weather changes can cause large changes in soil-gas radon concentration. Although this does not significantly constrain systematic radon potential mapping programmes, it does cause difficulties in responding to ad-hoc requests for site-specific radon investigations. The relationship between soil-gas radon and gamma spectrometry measurements made in the field with radon released from a representative sample of soil in the laboratory has been investigated as part of a program to develop a method of radon potential mapping and site investigation which can be used at any time of the year. Multiple soil and soil-gas samples were collected from sites underlain by bedrocks with widely varying radon potentials. For each geological unit, sites both free of and covered by glacial drift deposits were sampled. Soil and soil-gas samples were taken at the same depth of 60–100 cm. The effectiveness of these radon site investigation procedures has been evaluated by studying the relationship between the soil-gas radon, gamma spectrometry and radon emanation data with an independent estimate of the radon risk. The geologic radon potential (GEORP), which is the proportion of existing dwellings which exceed the UK radon Action Level (200 Bq m−3) for a particular combination of solid and drift geology within a defined geographic area, has been used for this study as the independent estimate of radon risk. Soil-gas radon, radon emanation and eU (equivalent uranium by field γ spectrometry) are all good geochemical indicators of radon risk (GEORP) in Derbyshire but only soil-gas radon correlates significantly with GEORP in Northamptonshire. Radon in soil gas discriminates more effectively between sites with different radon potential in Northamptonshire if soil permeability is also taken into account. In general, measurement of soil-gas radon in the field provides the most universally applicable indicator of radon potential. If soil-gas radon concentrations cannot be determined because of climatic factors, for example when the soil profile is waterlogged, measurement of radon emanation in the laboratory or measurement of eU can be used as radon potential indicators in some geological environments. This applies particularly in areas where the soil composition rather than the composition and permeability of the underlying rock or superficial deposits are the dominant controls of radon potential. It appears, therefore, that it may be necessary to use different radon site investigation methods according to the specific factors controlling radon emanation from the ground. In some cases no method will provide a reliable indicator of radon risk under unfavourable climatic conditions.  相似文献   

The suggestion that radon could be used as a radioactive tracer of regolith-atmosphere exchanges and as a proxy for subsurface water on Mars, as well as its indirect detection in the Martian atmosphere by the rover Opportunity, have raised the need for a better characterization of its production process and transport efficiency in the Martian soil. More specifically, a proper estimation of radon exhalation rate on Mars requires its emanation factor and diffusion length to be determined. The dependence of the emanation factor as a function of pore water content (at 267 and 293 K) and the dependence of the adsorption coefficient on temperature, specific surface area and nature of the carrier gas (He, He + CO2) have been measured on a Martian soil analogue (Hawaiian palagonitized volcanic ash, JSC Mars-1), whose radiometric analysis has been performed. An estimation of radon diffusion lengths on Mars is provided and is used to derive a global average emanation factor (2-6.5%) that accounts for the exhalation rate inferred from the 210Po surface concentration detected on Martian dust and from the 214Bi signal measured by the Mars Odyssey Gamma Ray Spectrometer. It is found to be much larger than emanation factors characterizing lunar samples, but lower than the emanation factor of the palagonite samples obtained under dry conditions. This result probably reflects different degrees of aqueous alteration and could indicate that the emanation factor is also affected by the current presence of pore water in the Martian soil. The rationale of the “radon method” as a technique to probe subsurface water on Mars, and its sensitivity to soil parameters are discussed. These experimental data are useful to perform more detailed studies of radon transport in the Martian atmosphere using Global Climate Models and to interpret neutron and gamma data from Mars Odyssey Gamma Ray Spectrometer.  相似文献   

We suggest a model of radon emanation under compression or extension strain from a medium equivalent to rocks containing pores and cracks. The model is shown in several examples to be suitable for simulating the nucleation of rock bursts in deep mines and earthquakes. According to correlation of strain and radon measurements at the same sites, a relative strain change of n×10?7 corresponds to a 200% change of radon activity concentration. This high sensitivity means that radon data can be good tracers of tectonic movements.  相似文献   

地下水中氡及其母体铀、镭的测试研究,在勘探铀矿以及矿泉的开发利用方面,国内外已有大量工作和重要成果。近几年来,在地震预报的应用方面,也开展了不少工作。对于地下水中氡的形成问题的研究,是与上述各项工作有密切联系的一项基础工作。  相似文献   

氡与氡的危害   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
常桂兰 《铀矿地质》2002,18(2):122-128
本简述了氡的物理,化学特征和射气作用,介绍了氡测量方法,着重阐述了非矿山氡积累对人类健康产生的危害与防治,通过具体数据和实例说明了人类对氡危害的认识过程,提出了对环境生态评价及对氡侵害人体健康的一些防治措施。  相似文献   

We report results of transect radon surveys on twenty six large and small faults of different geometries in the western Baikal and southern Angara (southern Siberian craton) areas. The studied faults show up in the radon field as broad zones of high radon activity concentration, with their widths 1.4 times the widths of faulting-related deformation zones. Other things being equal, radon emanation depends on the size and slip geometry of faults and on their activity in the Cenozoic. Relative radon activity is higher in rift faults than in cratonic ones, in normal relative to strike-slip faults, and in larger and more active faults, the latter factor being the basic geodynamic control of radon emanation.  相似文献   

Experimental and theoretical research into the processes of radon emanation during failure of rocks has been carried out. We propose a physical model for the mechanisms of origin of anomalies of radon volume activity. Based on the obtained experimental data, relative changes in the open porosity and specific inner surface of rock during its failure have been studied.  相似文献   

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