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J. Bennett 《GeoJournal》1995,35(3):333-335
Rice breeders are looking to basic bioscience and biotechnology for help in the solution of important problems that conventional breeding methods have not satisfactorily solved. Among these problems are durable resistance to recalcitrant pests and diseases such as yellow stem borer, gall midge, sheath blight, bacterial leaf blight, blast and tungro virus, and tolerance of abiotic stresses such as drought, salinity and submergence. Nutrient use efficiency, yield potential and efficient hybrid rice production are additional problems for which biotechnology solutions are envisioned. IRRI's biotechnology program emphasizes techniques such as molecular markers, anther culture and DNA fingerprinting that accelerate conventional breeding, and also techniques such as wide hybridization and genetic engineering that broaden the gene pool that breeders can exploit. IRRI's experience in adopting and adapting biotechnology for use in its own breeding program is shared with the national agricultural research systems of Asia through the Asian Rice Biotechnology Network.  相似文献   

Individuals and institutions cooperate with expectations of improved effectiveness and efficiency. In this paper, partnership in rice research is examined. We begin by identifying the underlying rationale for partnership vis-a-vis independent initiatives: that the benefits of working together exceed the corresponding costs. We argue that benefits are derived principally from shared interests and differences, while the major costs of partnership emerge from the need to negotiate roles and responsibilities and to exchange information. We then focus on IRRI's experience — its partners and the various collaborative mechanisms employed. Historically the national agricultural research systems have been IRRI's principal research partners. Of late the number and diversity of partners have grown, bringing significant challenges to IRRI's management approach and structure. Increased cooperation with rice farming communities, consumers, non-government organizations, advanced research institutions, and the private sector is anticipated. The emergence of research consortia as a partnership mechanism introduces the problem of indirect management, in which there is a separation of responsibility and accountability — both for IRRI and its partners. Several techniques to address this problem are suggested.  相似文献   

A number of local, regional, state, and federal programs are in place that strive to protect and restore coastal waters and habitats, and which specifically address eutrophication and nutrient over-enrichment. There are, however, no easily implemented and reliable methods or sources of data and information for citizens, coastal managers, elected officials, and agency staff who are responsible for managing a coastal area to determine sources of nutrients and potential impacts to coastal waters. Coordination among federal and local agencies remains inadequate. In the few examples of successful coastal nutrient management programs, effective nutrient management strategies are often partnerships of national, regional, and local efforts. The recent National Research Council (2000) examination of issues and management options calls for development of a National Coastal Nutrient Management Strategy, coordinated between national, state and local programs, academia, and the private sector. The proposed National Coastal Nutrient Management Strategy includes recommendations for local programs to consider in developing an effective nutrient management strategy, such as setting goals for restoration, determining nutrient reductions needed to meet goals, and monitoring results. The proposed strategy also identifies priority actions which federal programs should consider, including identifying gaps and overlaps in existing and proposed national programs for all aspects of nutrient over-enrichment; increasing accessibility to data, information and expertise on nutrient over-enrichment causes, effects, and management options; and setting clear guidelines for nutrient loads. A nationally consistent monitoring program and targeted research, specifically for atmospheric deposition, seasonal variability of nitrogen and phosphorus enrichment effects, the role of specific nutrients in the occurrence of harmful algal blooms, and economic impacts of nutrient over-enrichment were also identified as priority needs.  相似文献   

Beginning in 1986, the U.S. Geological Survey began an effort to develop a National Water-Quality Assessment Program. The basic premise underlying this initiative is that a better understanding of the quality of water resources across the country, both surface- and groundwater, is needed to develop effective programs and policies to meet the nation's water-quality concerns. The program will focus on water-quality conditions that are prevalent or large in scale, such as occur from nonpoint sources of pollution or from a high density of point sources.The design of the program is substantially different from the traditional approach of a diffuse national monitoring network.The major activities of the assessment program will be clustered within a set of hydrologic systems (river basins and aquifer systems), referred to as study units. In aggregate, the study units will account for a large part of the nation's water use and represent a wide range of settings across the country.Unique attributes of the program include: (1) the use of consistent study approaches, field and laboratory methods, water-quality measurements, and ancillary data measurements for all study units; (2) the development of a progressive understanding of water-quality conditions and trends in each study unit through long-term studies that rotate periods of intensive data collection and analysis with periods during which the assessment activities are less intensive; and (3) the focus of considerable effort on synthesizing results from among the study units to provide information on regional and national water-quality issues.Paper presented at 28th International Geological Congress, Washington, D.C., July 10, 1989.  相似文献   

中国加入综合大洋钻探(IODP)科学计划(2003-2013)   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
将于2003年秋开始实施的IODP是一个比ODP更加庞大的国际地球科学合作计划。面对国际深海研究的新挑战,我国应抓紧时机,及早准备,扩大队伍、积聚力量,充分发挥我国自然条件和原有研究积累的优势,将深入国际深海前沿领域与国内的研究结合起来,力争实现中国海深海钻探的新航次,促进我国地球科学进入海陆结合的地球系统研究和全面走向国际的新局面。同时,通过国际合作与国内有关深海工作计划的结合,为维护我国海上权益、探索底资源和为环境、减灾以及发展海洋高新技术做出贡献。我国参加IODP要遵循"有所为,有所不为"的原则,在加入ODP以后取得进展的基础上,优先选择比较成熟和最为迫切的领域,以点带面进行重点突破,逐步扩大,继续加强古海洋学研究,并同时向洋中脊、深部生物圈等新领域发展。具体包括以下优先研究领域:深部生物圈及海底下的海洋,古环境研究,西太平洋大陆边缘岩石圈演化与震源带。希望有关部委积极支持我国有关大洋钻探的基础研究力量和深海资源、技术等项目之间的密切合作,在国内大联合的基础上参加国际计划,制定长远的国家计划,在国家层面上部署深海研究,组成"国家队"参与国际竞争。  相似文献   

M. A. Arraudeau 《GeoJournal》1995,35(3):325-328
IRRI's upland rice research has made progress in solving some of the dilemmas in the upland rice ecosystem, although many challenges remain. IRRI researchers are gaining a better understanding of the ecosystem's constraints, opportunities, and research approaches. Cultivar improvement, use of farmer participatory methods to reduce erosion, and weed management are areas where research advances are being made. Developing perennial upland rice and managing weeds using less herbicide are exciting new projects being pursued. Enhancing rice productivity is seen as an entry point to alleviating the interrelated problems of declining productivity, lack of sustainability, and poverty in the uplands. Delay can irreparably damage the uplands and gravely affect the people who depend on them for survival.  相似文献   

Rice is the major staple food of Asia, and an important source of employment and income in rural areas, particularly in low-income countries. Research has contributed significantly in achieving food security by increasing the yield potential of rice in irrigated systems, reducing the crop maturity period and achieving yield stability by developing resistance against major insects and diseases in the modern high-yielding varieties. Poverty is, however, still extensive in fragile rainfed rice ecosystems where rice yield has remained low, as scientists have yet to develop high-yielding varieties resistant to abiotic stresses and problem soils. Rice production needs to be increased by another 70% over the next 30 years to meet growing food needs. This has to be achieved with less land, less water, and less labor to accommodate the demand for these inputs from the expanding nonagricultural sectors. The challenge to the rice research community is to make further shifts in yield potential of rice for the irrigated systems, to close the yield gaps in the rainfed systems through developing resistance of high yielding varieties to abiotic stresses, and greater understanding of the interactions between genotypes and environment, developing durable resistance against pests and diseases to reduce farmers' dependence on harmful agrochemicals, and to increase efficiency in the use of water, labor and fertilizers. As further intensification of rice cultivation is inevitable, scientists must understand the negative environmental side-effects of increasing rice productivity, to develop appropriate mitigation options.  相似文献   

中国区域化探全国扫面计划卅年   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:10  
区域化探全国扫面计划是一项科学研究研究与大规模调查密切结合的大科学计划。在20世纪70年代为计划的提出进行了许多预研究。1978年项目得到国家地质总局的批准。批准后正式展开之前进行了五年的技术准备。包括拟定工作方法规范、举办培训班、研制多元素多方法分析系统、制备水系沉积物土壤及岩石标准样, 拟定分析质量监控方案及对各种特殊景观地区野外工作方法进行研究。这项计划至今已进行了30年, 覆盖了全国700余万平方公里的面积。根据这项计划提供的地球化学异常的线索找到了数百个新矿床, 特别是金矿。所取得的海量数据还对基础地质研究、环境、生态及农业的研究提供新的依据。并为国内外地球化学填图的思路与方法技术作出了极大贡献, 使中国的地球化学填图走在了世界的最前列。  相似文献   

The lack of sufficient direct observation data of typhoon fine structure is the main bottleneck that restricts the further development of typhoon discipline and forecasting. This paper briefly introduced the basic information of the National Key R&D Program of China, entitled “Experiment on Coordinated Observation of Offshore Typhoon in China”, which started in early 2019. Firstly, the importance and necessity of the program around the national needs on typhoon-related disaster reduction and prevention were explained. Then, the coordinated observation difficulties and frontiers in the current typhoon discipline situation from the development and improvement of the physical mechanism and key forecasting technologies were shown. The overview of the direct observation instrument and platform, the field campaign and the parameterization techniques related to physical process in typhoon numerical modeling was provided. Finally, the key scientific and technical issues and main research contents of the program were given.  相似文献   

In fiscal year 1982, the U S Geological Survey began an interdisciplinary research thrust entitled Toxic Waste-Groundwater Contamination Program The objective of the thrust was to provide earth sciences information necessary to evaluate and mitigate existing groundwater contamination problems resulting from the planned or inadvertant disposal of wastes and from certain land-use practices, and to improve future waste disposal and land-use practices The program supports process-oriented and interdisciplinary field research, and regional groundwater quality studies This article provides an overview of the current (Fiscal Year 1985) activities of the Toxic Waste Program  相似文献   

International Ocean Discovery Program, or present IODP that has been evolved from the early Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP), Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) and Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) is one of the international ocean drilling and exploration programs originated from USA. IODP 361 cruse supported by JOIDES Resolution is characterized of high maneuverability, high tectonic integrity, high comprehensive disciplinary, information aggregation, international researcher gathering, global study targeting, quantity study production, isolated close working environments and huge investment, which is one of the most important international cooperation platforms of the geosciences, especially global changes. It is also one of the super powerful engines not only guiding but also pushing the study on global change via exploring the records of ocean evolution, and also the fountainhead to understand the processes and mechanism of the global changes. As one the main members of the IODP, China is not only participating the activities and scientific researches of IODP, but also needs to improve the capabilities to monitor the ocean and establish our own facilities, laboratories and research centers. These are not only very important for the global research and the future development, but also crucial for the preservation of the ocean environment. Leaning and mastering mature operation models from the JOIDES Resolution, using the experience of IODP management for reference may benefit our research work and yield twice the result with half the effort.  相似文献   

The Berchtesgaden National Park (Bavaria, Germany), a study site of the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere program in the catchment of Berchtesgadener Ache, is introduced as a platform for interdisciplinary research. As the investigation of how human activities affect the natural resources in the park area, which has been defined a main aim of the program, naturally requires expertise from different scientific fields, interdisciplinary research has been fostered in the national park plan since the very beginning of the Man and the Biosphere program in 1981. To analyze the complex interactions and mutual dependencies between socio-economic and natural systems, a variety of monitoring programs have been initialized in different disciplines (e.g. climate sciences, zoology, botany) that are addressed in this paper. As a result of these research efforts, the park offers a profound data basis to be used in future studies (e.g. land cover classifications, maps of geological and soil conditions). Detailed information is provided on a climate monitoring network that has been installed in the park starting in the year 1993. The network has been continuously extended over the years and now provides extraordinary comprehensive information on meteorological conditions in the park, setting the basis for current as well as for potential future climate-related studies. A special characteristic of the station network is the fact that it covers a large range of elevations from 600 m a.s.l in the valleys to 2,600 m a.s.l in the summit regions and is therefore able to capture altitudinal gradients in meteorological variables as typical for Alpine regions. Due to the large number of stations in high elevations (15 stations are in elevations higher than 1,500 m a.s.l) the network provides information on the complex hydrometeorological conditions in summit regions which are often insufficiently represented in observation networks due to the increased costs for maintenance of climate stations in these locations. Beside the various monitoring programs, a variety of numerical models have been (further) developed for application in the park area that make extensive use of the different data collected and therefore largely benefit from the comprehensive data pool. The potential and necessity of the climate monitoring network for modelling studies is demonstrated by utilizing the meteorological recordings in the framework of a hydrometeorological simulation experiment. Further examples of environmental modelling efforts are shortly described together with preliminary model results.  相似文献   

周斌 《水科学进展》2017,28(3):472-478
国家重点研发计划"水资源高效开发利用"重点专项是国家科技计划管理改革后首批启动的重点专项之一。该专项立足中国水资源安全形势和国内外科技发展现状及趋势,以提升国家水资源安全保障的科技支撑能力为目标,通过全链条创新和全景式布局,凝练了现阶段中国水资源安全领域亟需解决的重点研究任务。深入分析了"水资源高效开发利用"重点专项的总体布局、科学目标、主要任务和立项情况,剖析了2016年和2017年项目立项和申报中存在的现象和问题,讨论了下一步支持的重点任务方向,对于加强重点专项项目的立项、申报和管理,保障总体目标实现具有积极的指导作用。  相似文献   

The Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics was founded in 1958, which is one of the research bodies under the Academia Sinica (National Academy of sciences). Four divisions (of Rock and Soil Dynamics, Rock Mechanics, Soil Mechanics, Electronic and Mechanical Design ) and one factory have been set up in the light of the needs for research tasks. In addition to these units, there is an information research division and a computer department. More than 300 staff are now working in this Institute, about half of the employees are technical staff and scientists. Since founded thirty years ago, more than 220 items of major research topics has been Completed by our Institute. Of which 210 items of major scientific and technical contributions have been obtained. Among them 8 won the national prize, containing 1 piece of national invention prize and 36 won the significant result prize issued by Academia Sinica, HuBei province or ministries. Many results approach or come up to advanced level of the world and much more results reach the national leading level. In order to promote the academic activity and its engineering services, the Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics takes pleasure inviting international cooperation in the field of geotechnical engineering science.  相似文献   

中国科学院武汉岩土力学研究所是中国科学院直属的岩土力学专业研究所。自1958年成立至今已有30周年,现已发展成为具有相当规模的从事岩土力学基础研究、应用研究和开发研究的综合性研究所。全所职工300多人,科技人员占2/3,其中,高级研究人员占21%,中级研究人员占43%。我所设有4个研究室和情报室、计算机室及一个实验工厂。30年来共完成220多项较大的研究课题,内含重大岩土工程90项;取得科技成果210多项,其中获国家级成果奖8项,院(省、部委)级重大成果奖36项。我所实行改革以来,无论在科学研究还是在工程实践上都得到了很大的发展,目前正在将改革进一步深化。我所真诚希望与国内外有关单位和同行进一步发展各方面的交流与合作,以共同促进岩土力学与工程事业的发展。  相似文献   

In the past 50 years, we have witnessed remarkable progress in our understanding of the Earth and ocean system, as a result of the internationally integrated deep ocean drilling programs, the Deep Sea Drilling Program (DSDP), the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP), and the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP). One of the legacies of the deep ocean drilling programs is the development and applications of the CORK, Circulation Obviation Retrofit Kit. Earth and ocean sciences have been shifting from a traditional discontinuous, expeditionary mode toward a mode of sustained in situ observations today. The seafloor CORK observatories offer Earth, ocean and life scientists new opportunities to study multiple, interrelated deep marine subsurface processes, over time scales ranging from seconds to decades. Here, we first provided a concise examination of the development history of the CORKs, then described the first installations of ODP CORKs, the evolution of different models of CORK, and finally, summarized the scientific lessons learned in the installation and operation effort of the CORKs. In the end, we offered our perspectives on using CORKs to study geological, hydrogeological, microbiological, and biogeochemical processes in the deep marine subsurface biosphere, particularly pertaining to China’s efforts in establishing and enhancing its deep-sea and deep-biosphere research and monitoring programs.  相似文献   

Climate change increases the complexity and uncertainty of regional natural resource management (NRM), calling into question the appropriateness of linear knowledge-transfer approaches. In this paper we reflect on knowledge practices among a partnership of researchers and NRM planners, under a federal program of NRM investment intended to ‘deliver information’ to regional NRM planners to support planning for climate change. We unpack ‘container’ and ‘conduit’ metaphors of linear, one-way communication invoked by the starting conditions, and explore whether more relational ways of communicating were achieved. A key theme emerged early in the research that NRM planners felt overwhelmed by the sheer volume of information available and discouraged by the irrelevance of much of it to their climate change planning. Our research-practice collaboration unfolded in this context and through ongoing face-to-face and virtual engagement over a period of two years. The collaborative approach featured joint identification of priority activities, co-design of planning approaches, and the iterative co-development of an online ‘information portal’, which acted as a boundary object. We report the emergence of a ‘knowing system’, resulting from these efforts to foster relationships and co-produce boundary objects in a particular geographic context. Our findings highlight the potential benefits of investing in the capacity of researchers and NRM practitioners to engage in collaborative research partnerships premised on the emergence of knowing systems.  相似文献   

The National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program (NTHMP) Steering Committee consists of representatives from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), and the states of Alaska, California, Hawaii, Oregon, and Washington. The program addresses three major components: hazard assessment, warning guidance, and mitigation. The first two components, hazard assessment and warning guidance, are led by physical scientists who, using research and modeling methods, develop products that allow communities to identify their tsunami hazard areas and receive more accurate and timely warning information. The third component, mitigation, is led by the emergency managers who use their experience and networks to translate science and technology into user-friendly planning and education products. Mitigation activities focus on assisting federal, state, and local officials who must plan for and respond to disasters, and for the public that is deeply affected by the impacts of both the disaster and the pre-event planning efforts. The division between the three components softened as NTHMP scientists and emergency managers worked together to develop the best possible products for the users given the best available science, technology, and planning methods using available funds.  相似文献   

In this paper, we have analysed the major marine research strategies, programs and projects and the overall layout on marine research of the United Kingdom in recent years and found several characteristics: The United Kingdom increased emphasis on the national top-level design of marine research; The marine research infrastructures of the United Kingdom will be given long-term support in the future; Priority areas on marine research in the future will be determine and identified according to the national science and technology status and national needs of national economy; The United Kingdom will focus on ocean acidification, marine renewable energy development and coastal hazards research in the future. Then we gave out some recommendations on our courtry’ development on marine science and technology: Establishing a long-term national marine science and technology strategic plan; strengthening the investment in the important marine research infrastructure; setting several reasonable research priorities according to China’s national strategic needs.  相似文献   

The discovery of living microorganisms deep in the marine sediments and even in the oceanic crust (the marine “deep biosphere”), is one of the most significant and exciting discoveries since the ocean drilling program began almost a half-century ago. Investigation of the deep biosphere has become the most thrilling research frontier for both geological and biological sciences. The “biosphere frontiers” has been listed as one of the four themes in the 10-year plan of the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP 2012-2023), including deep life, biodiversity and environmental forcing of ecosystems. Here, we introduced the deep biosphere and its environmental features, several completed Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expeditions, which targeted the subseafloor deep biosphere within the crust and sediments, and highlighted the main progress we have made in deep biosphere and deep life research, especially the contribution of Chinese scientists. Finally, we will give a perspective on the future of deep biosphere research according to the challenge we are facing and the key questions need to be answered.  相似文献   

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