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The pollution of soils by xenobiotic organic substances such as crude oil constitutes major environmental risks, which are still badly evaluated. The environmental risks are caused by the direct contamination of the surrounding areas or by an effect on the living organisms in the soils, thus acting directly on man via the food chains. For these reasons, it is essential to study the effects of these pollutants in the soil. The general objective of the work was to better characterize the mechanical behaviour of sites polluted by crude oil in the short and medium terms (case of oilfield of Sidi El Itayem, Sfax, Tunisia under the supervision of the Franco-Tunisian Oil Company). The process consists of determining and comparing the physicochemical, mechanical and geotechnical characteristics of virgin soil and soil artificially polluted by crude oil according to various pollution rates reaching 15% of the weight of virgin soil. This process made it possible to generate scientific knowledge and data, which could allow the prediction of the effects of the latter in interaction with the soil.  相似文献   

The study region comprises the Sidi Bouzid shallow aquifer, which is located in the western part of Central Tunisia. It is mainly occupied by agricultural land with intensive use of chemical fertilizers especially nitrates. For this reason, nitrate measurement was performed in 38 water samples to evaluate and calibrate the obtained models. Several environmental parameters were analyzed using groundwater nitrate concentrations, and different statistical approaches were applied to assess and validate the groundwater vulnerability to nitrate pollution in the Sidi Bouzid shallow aquifer. Multiple linear regression (MLR), analyses of covariance (ANCOVA), and logistic regression (LR) were carried out for studying the nitrate effects on groundwater pollution. Statistical analyses were used to identify major environmental factors that control the groundwater nitrate concentration in this region. Correlation and statistical analyses were conducted to examine the relationship between the nitrate (dependent variable) and various environmental variables (independent variables). All methods show that “groundwater depth” and “land use” parameters are statistically significant at 95% level of confidence. Groundwater vulnerability map was obtained by overlaying these two thematic layers which were obtained in the GIS environment. It shows that the high vulnerability area coincides with the likelihood that nitrate concentration exceeds 24.5 mg/l in groundwater. The relationship between the groundwater vulnerability classes and the nitrate concentrations provides satisfactory results; it showed an Eta-squared correlation coefficient of 64%. So, the groundwater vulnerability map can be used as a synthetic document for realistic management of groundwater quality.  相似文献   

 A lumped-parameter model of groundwater balance is proposed that permits an estimate of discharge variability in comparison with the variability of recharge, by taking into account the influence of aquifer parameters. Recharge–discharge relationships are analysed with the model for cases of deterministic and stochastic recharge time-series variations. The model is applied to study the temporal variability of groundwater discharge in a river valley in the territory of Tajikistan, an independent republic in Central Asia. Received, April 1996 Revised, August 1997 Accepted, March 1998  相似文献   

The Himalayas are one of the largest cryospheric systems outside the Polar Regions, and include more than 12,000 glaciers spread over an area of about 33,000 km2. The Himalayan glaciers and snow packs retreating at an accelerating rate, thereby creating an alarming situation for the huge population that resides in northwestern India and southeastern Pakistan, as they depend on surface water resources in the region and rivers emanating from the Himalayas. This work attempts to quantify the contribution of different sources such as glacial/ice/snow melt and groundwater discharge to the Satluj River using the stable isotopes based hydrograph separation method at Ropar (foot hill) and Yusufpur in plain of Punjab, India. A mass balance model of three-component mixing has been engaged using the values of δ18O and electrical conductivity of the river water, and its discharge fraction, to estimate the time-varying relative proportion of each component from July 2013 to January 2014. The proportion of glacier melt was found to peak up to ~?64% at Ropar and ~?15% at Yusufpur during the wet summer months. The fraction of groundwater discharge was found to vary between 10–20% at Ropar and 25–35% at Yusufpur (Punjab plain) over time. The observed trend of d-excess (deuterium excess) values of river water also suggests that the glaciers and snow packs at higher altitudes contain a significant fraction of snow derived from vapor originating in the Mediterranean region, driven by the mid-latitude westerlies known as western disturbances.  相似文献   

In Sidi Bouzid plain, rainfall alone is insufficient to satisfy crop water requirements. Within this framework, and in order to improve water resources in the region, the Tunisian State adopted non-conventional water mobilization techniques, among which artificial spate irrigation. The objective of the study is to evaluate the impact of spate irrigation of flood water on the mitigation of agricultural drought and the enhancement of groundwater recharge. Annual and monthly rainfall data as well as flood water volumes were monitored. The study focused on the groundwater drawdown monitoring. Results showed a high flood water contribution to crop water requirements that exceeded rainfall. This water prevented drought in the spate perimeters. The groundwater drawdown was found to fluctuate over time, with an average decreasing rate of 0.4 to 0.5 m/year. Groundwater recharge was found to be highly correlated with flood water contribution through spate irrigation (R 2 = 84 %). Out of the spate zone, a high decrease in the groundwater level was noted. The lowest rate of 1 m/year was that of the farthest piezometer from the spate perimeters. This is influenced by the excessive pumping out of the spate zone. In 1980, groundwater flew from the west to the east. In 2015, the flow movement from the east to the center of the plain did not change due to the presence of the spate perimeters. Nevertheless, excessive pumping around sabkhas changed the flow directions at the outlet zone. A variation in groundwater salinity was observed in both space and time. In 1975, salinity was very low. The outlet zone was the most affected where the drawdown reached several meters, causing saltwater intrusion from the surrounding sabkhas.  相似文献   

An exceptional flood in January 1990 led to the formation of a large ephemeral lake on the Chott el Djerid, a salt playa in southern Tunisia. Repeated observations made during 1990 show that the ephemeral lake underwent four evolutionary stages: (1) initial flooding, (2) evaporative concentration of lake waters, (3) the movement of concentrated brine pools over the playa surface as a result of wind action, and (4) total desiccation of the lake by September 1990. During all four stages the brine chemistry of the lake was monitored. Water inflow into the Chott el Djerid basin was found to have a consistent Ca-SO4-Cl-rich and HCO3-CO3-poor chemistry, reflecting the recycling of homogeneous assemblages of Cretaceous, Mio—Pliocene and Quaternary evaporites within the catchment. As the ephemeral lake shrank, these waters produced an Na-Mg-K-Cl-SO4 brine which was similar to modern sea water. Mineral saturation data show that, during the desiccation of the lake, saturation with respect to both gypsum and halite was achieved and that the most concentrated brines were ultimately saturated with respect to potash phases. After the desiccation of the lake the main mineral phases found on the Chott included gypsum and halite. In addition, ephemeral deposits of carnallite (observed as carnallitite,3KMgCl6H20 + NaCl) were found. This assemblage is that which would be expected to form if the waters had undergone salt norm evaporation at 1 bar pressure at 25°C (SNORM) in the evaporation model proposed by Jones and Bodine (1987). The nature of both the brine chemistry and evaporite mineralogy provides a new and rare example of marine-like potash-bearing evaporites being formed in a contemporary continental playa.  相似文献   

Groundwater of an aquifer located in the vicinity of a large coal washery near Zarand City, Iran consists of two hydrochemically differing facies, which have been informally designated as groundwater (A) and groundwater (B). Groundwater (A) is native, brackish in composition and is characterized by Na+ > Mg2+ > Ca2+ > K+ and SO4 2? > HCO3 ? > Cl? > NO3 ?. Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient matrices, factor analysis data, and values of chloro-alkaline indices, C ratio and Na+/Cl? molar ratio indicate that in the groundwater (A), the ionic load of Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, SO4 2? and HCO3 ? is derived essentially from weathering of both carbonates and aluminosilicates and direct cation and reverse cation–anion exchange reactions. Groundwater (B) is the polluted variant of the groundwater (A), brackish to saline in composition, and unlike the groundwater (A), consists of HCO3 ? as the dominant anion. In comparison with the groundwater (A), the groundwater (B) contains higher concentrations of all ions, and its average ionic load (av. = 59.74 me/L) is 1.43 times higher than that of the groundwater (A) (av. = 41.54 me/L). Additional concentrations of Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, SO4 2?, Cl? and HCO3 ? in the groundwater (B) are provided mainly by downward infiltrating water from the coal washery tailings pond and reverse cation–anion exchange reaction between tailings pond water and exchanger of the aquifer matrix during non-conservative mixing process of groundwater (A) and tailings pond water. Certain additional concentrations of Na+, K+ and NO3 ? in the groundwater (B) are provided by other anthropogenic sources. Quality wise, both groundwaters are marginally suitable for cultivation of salt-tolerant crops only.  相似文献   

长期饮用高碘水会引起甲状腺功能障碍,威胁人体健康。文章以福州市富碘浅层地下水为研究对象,基于不同土地利用类型区的42组地下水样品,采用统计分析和离子比系数等方法,研究了地下水中碘的分布特征及高碘地下水成因机制。结果表明:福州市地下水中碘含量为0.008 0~0.52 mg/L,平均值为0.10 mg/L,呈现出内陆低-沿海高、山地低-平原高、农村低-城市高的分布特征。高碘地下水样品占19.1%,主要分布在闽江沿岸主城区、福清东部及平潭等滨海地区。第四纪形成的冲海积沉积物是区内地下水中碘富集的天然物质基础,还原的地下水环境、较长的滞留时间是利于地下水中碘富集的自然条件。高碘地下水的空间分布与人口密度高的地区高度耦合,揭示了人类活动排放的高碘生活污水是该地区高碘地下水形成的重要驱动因素。  相似文献   

《China Geology》2021,4(3):377-388
Delingha is located in the northeast margin of Qaidam Basin. Bayin River alluvial proluvial fan is the main aquifer of Delingha, in which groundwater generally flows from north to south. The hydrochemistry results showed that two different hydrochemical evolution paths formed along southeast and southwest directions, respectively. Cl-Na type groundwater was formed in front of Gahai Lake, and SO4·HCO3-Na·Ca type groundwater was formed in front of Keluke Lake. The results of deuterium (D) and 18O revealed that the groundwater mainly originated from the continuous accumulation of precipitation during geological history under cold and humid climate conditions. In addition, results of 14C indicated that the groundwater age was more than 1140 years, implying relatively poor renewal capability of regional groundwater. Moreover, our numerical modeling results showed that the regional groundwater level will continue to rise under the warm and humid climate conditions.© 2021 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   

近年来,我国地下水水质受人为与自然双重因素的影响正不断恶化。其中,人类活动作用影响尤为突出。应用水化学方法识别人类活动对地下水水质影响的程度主要依据人类活动导致地下水化学特征的变化,通过其变化程度的大小从而得出人类活动影响强度的大小。该方法基于地下水化学指标背景值的获取技术,充分考虑各水化学指标之间的联系,利用反映水化学演化特征的5种水化学图与马氏距离相结合,识别并量化异常,最终得出影响程度分级。评价结果不仅可识别出无明显地表污染源引发的水质变化,量化人类活动对地下水水质影响程度,还能预测地下水受污染潜在风险。在柳江盆地的应用结果表明,该地区地下水水质受到人类活动影响比较大的区域主要分布在南部石门寨镇及北部驻操营镇,且南部较北部地区影响程度更为严重,这与研究区人口分布密集度及煤矿分布区域较为吻合。对比研究区水质图可知,驻操营北部及东部落地区地下水可能遭受污染的风险较大。该方法与根据某些指标的变异程度进行识别的方法相比,评价结果可靠程度更高,且以背景值获取方法为基础,得出的异常程度分级更具科学性。  相似文献   

Mediterranean Spain is a region with intensive agricultural production combined with an important seasonal water demand for water supply. High application rates of inorganic nitrogen fertiliser, input of plant protection products and intensive irrigation, sometimes with treated wastewater, is a common practice. As a result, most aquifers show nitrate contamination problems of agricultural origin. Data on pesticide residues is scarce, as systematic monitoring is not currently done. In Majorca Island, values up to 700 mg/l of nitrate in groundwater have been observed. To analyse the current situation derived from non-point pollution, several actions have been taken at different scales: declaration of a nitrate vulnerable zone, field experiments to evaluate nitrogen transport to the aquifer and the development of a GIS-simulation model to generate nitrate risk maps.  相似文献   

为了解大柴旦盐湖地下水排放通量,测试了深部热水、浅层地下水、河流水、盐湖表层水中镭同位素(223 Ra、224 Ra、226 Ra和228 Ra)的活度值.研究结果表明湖水中223 Ra、224 Ra、226 Ra和228 Ra的活度值,在盐度较低时随着盐度的增加而升高,当盐度大于168.99‰时,则随着盐度的增加而降...  相似文献   

The structural and sedimentological study of fault-propagation folds in Southern Tunisia highlights a special geometry of the growth strata (strata deposited simultaneously with the formation or growth of a fold). This distinct geometry is visible in the uppermost growth-strata beds and consists of one flank with unconformity as opposed to the other flank with perfect conformity. This geometry can be explained by the mechanism of fault-propagation folding, with asymmetrical flank dips and hinge migration kinematics. This kinematics was originally predicted by the fault-propagation fold model, which facilitates the study of this special geometry in a narrow domain of sedimentation-to-shortening ratios. A plot projection provides a generalisation of the results of all types of fault-propagation folds by revealing the expected geometry of the growth strata. This study constitutes one of the most complete examples of kinematic model validation on a field scale.  相似文献   

The impact of land-use change on the quality of groundwater in the Xiaotjiang watershed, China was assessed for the period 1982–2004. Groundwater samples were collected from 30 monitoring points across the watershed, and were representative of the various changes, determined by remote sensing and geographical information systems. The results indicate that 610 km2 (60% of the total watershed area) were subject to land-use change during the period. The most important changes were the conversion of 135 km2 of forested land to cultivated land, and 211 km2 of unused land to cultivated land. The main impact was ascribed to diffuse pollution from fertilizers applied to newly cultivated land, and from building development. Overall the groundwater pH value was significantly increased, as were the concentrations of ions , , , , and Cl in groundwater whilst the concentrations of Ca2+ and declined. More precisely, in the regions where forested land and unused land were converted into cultivated land, the pH value and the concentrations of Mg2+, , , , , Cl increased whilst the concentrations of Ca2+ and declined. However in the region where cultivated land was converted into construction land, the pH value and the concentrations of Ca2+, Mg2+, , , , , , Cl increased.
Résumé  L’impact des changements de l’utilisation du territoire sur la qualité de l’eau souterraine dans le bassin versant de Xiaojiang, en Chine, a été évalué de 1982 à 2004. Des échantillons d’eau souterraine ont été récoltés à partir de 30 points d’observation éparpillés sur le bassin, représentant les divers changements déterminés par télédétection et système d’information géographique. Les résultats indiquent que 610 km2 (soit 60% de la surface du bassin) ont été sujets à des modifications de l’utilisation du territoire sur cette période. Les changements les plus importants furent la conversion de 135 km2 de forêt et 211 km2 de terres inutilisées en terres cultivées. Le principal impact est attribué à la pollution diffuse des engrais utilisés en agriculture et pour les batiments. De manière générale le pH de l’eau souterraine a augmenté significativement, ainsi que les concentrations des ions , , , , et Cl, tandis que les concentration en Ca2+ et ont diminué. Plus précisément dans les régions transformées en terres cultivées, la valeur du pH et les concentrations en Mg2+, , , , , Cl ont augmenté tandis que les concentrations en Ca2+ et ont diminué. Toutefois dans les régions cultivées converties en zones de construction, le pH et les concentrations en Ca2+, Mg2+, , , , , , Cl ont augmenté.

Resumen  El impacto del cambio en uso de la tierra en la calidad del agua en la cuenca Xiaojiang, China fue evaluado para el periodo 1982–2004. Muestras de agua subterránea fueron tomadas de 30 puntos de monitoreo a través de la cuenca, y fueron representativas de los múltiples cambios, determinados por sensores remotos y sistemas de información geográfica. Los resultados indican que 610 km2 (60% del área total de la cuenca) estaban sujetos a cambios de uso de la tierra durante el periodo estudiado. Los cambios más importantes fueron la conversión de 135 km2 de bosques a tierra cultivada, y 211 km2 de tierra sin uso (ociosa) a tierra cultivada. El impacto principal fue causado por contaminación difusa de fertilizantes aplicados a la tierra recientemente cultivada, y a desarrollo de construcciones. En general el pH en agua subterránea creció significantemente, al igual que las concentraciones de los iones , , , , y Cl en agua subterránea mientras que las concentraciones de Ca2+ y decrecieron. Mas precisamente, en las regiones donde bosque y tierra ociosa fueron convertidas en tierra cultivada, el valor de pH y las concentraciones de Mg2+, , , , , Cl crecieron mientras las concentraciones de Ca2+ y decrecieron. Sin embargo en la región donde tierra cultivada fue convertida en construcciones, el valor de pH y las concentraciones de Ca2+, Mg2+, , , , , , Cl crecieron.

Quantitative knowledge about the impacts of climate change on the hydrological regime is essential in order to achieve meaningful insights to address various adverse consequences related to water such as water scarcity, flooding, drought, etc. General circulation models (GCMs) have been developed to simulate the present climate and to predict future climatic change. But, the coarse resolution of their outputs is inefficient to resolve significant regional scale features for assessing the effects of climate change on the hydrological regimes, thus restricting their direct implementation in hydrological models. This article reviews hierarchy and development of climate models from the early times, importance and inter-comparison of downscaling techniques and development of hydrological models. Also recent research developments regarding the evaluation of climate change impact on the hydrological regime have been discussed. The article also provides some suggestions to improve the effectiveness of modelling approaches involved in the assessment of climate change impact on hydrological regime.  相似文献   

A hydrogeochemical approach has been carried out in the Mio-Plio-Quaternary aquifer system of northern Sfax to investigate the geochemical evolution, the origin of groundwaters and their circulation patterns. The groundwater samples collected from different wells seem to be dominated by sodium chloride type to sulphate chloride type. Detail analysis of chemical data including the thermodynamic calculations was used to assess that the chemical evolution of groundwater is primarily controlled by water–rock interactions. The values of sodium absorption ratio and electrical conductivity of the groundwater were plotted in the US Salinity Laboratory diagram for irrigation water. Most of the water samples in northern Sfax fall in the fields of C4S1, C4S2 and C4S3 indicating very high salinity and medium to high sodium alkalinity hazard. Thus, groundwater quality is ranging between doubtful to unsuitable for irrigation uses under normal condition, and further action for salinity control is required in remediating such problem. Principal component analysis of geochemical data used in conjunction with bivariate diagrams of major elements indicates that groundwater mineralization is mainly controlled by (1) water–rock interaction processes, (2) anthropogenic process in relation with return flow of NO3-rich irrigation waters and (3) domestic discharges.  相似文献   

In arid and semi-arid zones,water is the most vulnerable resource to climate change.In fact,various techniques such as artificial recharge are adopted to restore aquifers and to ensure aquifer sustainability in relation to the accelerated pace of exploitation.Morocco is a Mediterranean country highly vulnerable to climate change,many of its main aquifers are subjected to excessive drawdowns.This technique is practiced to increase potentiality of these aquifers.In the Northwestern area of Morocco,the significant development experienced by Tangier City in the industrial,tourism,and commercial sectors will lead to increased water requirements-up to 5 067 L/s(159.8 mm^3)by 2030.However,the Charf El Akab aquifer system,subject to artificial recharge,is the only groundwater resource of Tangier region;hence,a rational management context is needed to ensure aquifer sustainability,and optimized exploitation under the background of differing constraints,such as increased water requirements,and climate change impacts.This work aims to respond,for the first time,to the Charf El Akab aquifer overexploitation problem,and to evaluate the future scenarios of its exploitation in the event of failure of one of the superficial resources.This work also presents a synthesized hydrodynamic modeling based on the results of the numerical simulations carried out using Feflow software for 2004(date of cessation of injections)and 2011(date of resumption of these facilities),making it possible to evaluate the impact of the artificial recharge on the piezometric level of the aquifer on a spatiotemporal scale.Finally,the exploitation scenarios have shown that the aquifer of Charf El Akab will not adequatly provide for the region's water requirements on the future horizon,entailing an optimal management of water resources in the region and an intentionally increased recharge rate.  相似文献   

In arid and semi-arid zones, water is the most vulnerable resource to climate change. In fact, various techniques such as artificial recharge are adopted to restore aquifers and to ensure aquifer sustainability in relation to the accelerated pace of exploitation. Morocco is a Mediterranean country highly vulnerable to climate change, many of its main aquifers are subjected to excessive drawdowns. This technique is practiced to increase potentiality of these aquifers. In the Northwestern area of Morocco, the significant development experienced by Tangier City in the industrial, tourism, and commercial sectors will lead to increased water requirements-up to 5 067 L/s (159.8 mm3) by 2030. However, the Charf El Akab aquifer system, subject to artificial recharge, is the only groundwater resource of Tangier region; hence, a rational management context is needed to ensure aquifer sustainability, and optimized exploitation under the background of differing constraints, such as increased water requirements, and climate change impacts. This work aims to respond, for the first time, to the Charf El Akab aquifer overexploitation problem, and to evaluate the future scenarios of its exploitation in the event of failure of one of the superficial resources. This work also presents a synthesized hydrodynamic modeling based on the results of the numerical simulations carried out using Feflow software for 2004 (date of cessation of injections) and 2011 (date of resumption of these facilities), making it possible to evaluate the impact of the artificial recharge on the piezometric level of the aquifer on a spatiotemporal scale. Finally, the exploitation scenarios have shown that the aquifer of Charf El Akab will not adequatly provide for the region's water requirements on the future horizon, entailing an optimal management of water resources in the region and an intentionally increased recharge rate.  相似文献   

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