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为了及时掌握森林抚育的实施情况,科学评价政策实施绩效,准确反映森林抚育对森林生长和效益等各方面的影响,建立森林抚育成效监测体系。本文首先对森林抚育成效监测的相关业务调查分析,总结了现阶段森林抚育成效监测的主要内容,分析适用于森林抚育成效监测专题地图的可视化表达机制,设计并实现了森林抚育成效监测专题图表达框架。并针对ArcGIS API for JavaScript没有提供图表专题类的问题,提出了一种与ECharts图表库相结合制作专题图的方法。此方法通过Canvas方式在客户端生成统计图表,具有丰富的图表类型和强大的交互功能,能够满足不同数据的处理需求,丰富了统计图表专题图表达形式,让数据呈现更加完美,能满足各种用户的制图需求。 相似文献
城乡规划建设迫切需要信息化决策支持手段.文章从整体上详细地设计了城乡规划辅助决策系统的框架以及数据库:以GIS为核心,以ArcGIS Server为开发平台,采用Flex开发语言,设计并开发了城乡规划决策统一平台;基于面向服务的思想,在一体化集成框架的基础上,对城乡规划辅助决策系统数据库设计进行了论述,并对数据库设计中所涉及到的控制性详细规划的各类矢量地理空间数据进行了整合;初步实现了标准化的、统一的城乡规划辅助决策数据库.实验表明:该平台具有先进的网络服务特性、高度的集成性以及良好的移植性,为城市信息化管理辅助决策提供参考. 相似文献
曹雷 《测绘与空间地理信息》2021,44(1):116-118,121
当前网络中存在多种在线地图服务,既有面向大众日常使用的各大互联网公司发布的在线地图服务,如百度地图、腾讯地图等,也有偏向于专业开发人员使用的ESRI和超图公司的在线地图服务,同时还存在目前各企事业单位使用较多的天地图等服务.这些广泛使用的地图服务各有特点,适用于不同客户的具体使用场景和需求.在使用这些服务时,通常需要利... 相似文献
随着网络的普及以及新型地图载体的出现,公众使用地理信息的需求越来越迫切。在公众版地图成果基础上叠加从不同尺度数据中提取的公开要素,形成系列公开地图产品的技术思路也已成熟。作为联系空间与非空间信息之间"桥梁"的地名,在地图中是必不可少的,在编制公开地图产品时迫切需要准确、便捷的地名服务系统。本文主要介绍了面向公开地图表示的地名数据集及地名服务系统的设计思路和功能实现,并对其关键技术及创新点进行分析。 相似文献
以福建省龙岩市为例,分析了在线地理信息服务对公共地理框架数据的建设要求;介绍了龙岩市公共地理框架数据的建设内容、方法,以及由此而带来的地理信息服务的转变。 相似文献
从专题地图到数字地球——20世纪我国地图科技复兴的一角 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
即将迎来国庆60周年和我国测绘科学事业50周年庆典之际,作者为我国测绘事业实现数字化和信息化转型而欢呼。作者以50年来的亲身经历和体验,参与国家地图集与制图自动化、遥感专题制图到数字地球的探索历程,风雨如磐,感慨万千。 相似文献
T. Natarajan R. P. Kala N. D. Sharma 《Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing》1986,14(2):23-36
A remote sensing experiment ‘TERRA’ was conducted during the first Indo-Soviet joint manned space flight. Under this experiment aerial photographs of the Indian terrain were taken using fixed cameras like MKF-6 and KATE-140 and hand held cameras like Hasselblad 500 EL/M and Practika B-200. In order to find out the positional accuracy of features identifiable on TERRA photographs, an experiment was carried out photogrammetrically using a stereopair of KATE-140 photographs. Analog as well as analytical stereo-plotter were used. A simple technique of comparing the known ground coordinates of various well defined ground features identifiable both on map as well as on stereo model, with the coordinate calculated from the stereopair observation was adopted. Due to the non availability of the actual coordinates of ground details/features and limitations of identifications of such ground details, used for observation in the present study, the results obtained have indicated that the residual errors are random in nature and not systematic. The results showed that such space borne aerial photographs like KATE-140, can be used for obtaining desired cartographic accuracy for the preparation of topographical as well as other thematic maps on scale 1:250,000 and smaller. 相似文献
《International Journal of Digital Earth》2013,6(10):829-845
In this paper, we present the service-oriented infrastructure within the Wide Area Grid project that was carried out within the Working Group on Information Systems and Services of the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites. The developed infrastructure integrates services and computational resources of several regional and national Grid systems: Ukrainian Academician Grid (with satellite data processing Grid segment, UASpaceGrid) and Grid system at the Center on Earth Observation and Digital Earth of Chinese Academy of Sciences. The study focuses on integrating geo-information services on flood mapping provided by Ukrainian and Chinese entities to benefit from information acquired from multiple sources. We also describe services for workflow automation and management in Grid environment and provide an example of workflow automation for generating flood maps from optical and synthetic-aperture radar satellite imagery. We also discuss issues of enabling trust for the infrastructure using certificates and reputation-based model. Applications of utilizing the developed infrastructure for operational flood mapping in Ukraine and China are given as well. 相似文献
Glacial mapping using landsat thematic mapper data: A case study in parts of gangotri glacier, NW himalaya 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Glacial mapping is difficult and hazardous because of the remoteness and inaccessibility of the terrain. In this context, remotely-sensed data from satellites provide valuable information on glaciers and the associated landforms. It is important to note that judicious selection of spectral bands is critical in mapping the glacial features. Glacial landforms in parts of Gangotri glacier, NW Himalaya, have been delineated using selected bands of Landsat Thematic Mapper Data. Digital image processing of Landsat data has helped in identifying the major features of the Gangotri glacier such as accumulation and ablation zones, and glacial moraines. The study shows that Thematic Mapper bands 4, 5 and 7 are more useful in snow mapping because of their distinct spectral discriminability in identifying the glacial features. 相似文献
Amr H. Abd-Elrahman Mary E. Thornhill Michael G. Andreu Francisco Escobedo 《International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation》2010
Community involvement in gathering and submitting spatially referenced data via web mapping applications has recently been gaining momentum. Urban forest inventory data analyzed by programs such as the i-Tree ECO inventory method is a good candidate for such an approach. In this research, we tested the feasibility of using spatially referenced data gathered and submitted by non-professional individuals through a web application to augment urban forest inventory data. We examined the use of close range photogrammetry solutions of images taken by consumer-grade cameras to extract quantitative metric information such as crown diameter, tree heights and trunk diameters. Several tests were performed to evaluate the accuracy of the photogrammetric solutions and to examine their use in addition to existing aerial image data to supplement or partially substitute for standard i-Tree ECO field measurements. 相似文献