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蒲阳  韩悦  张虎才  常凤琴 《第四纪研究》2021,41(4):1000-1011



The process of salinization has increased dramatically over the past several decades in the northwest arid zone of China. Soil salinization has been recognized as a major environmental problem for many years in the Tarim River Basin. It is the key issue of solving the soil salinization problem to study interaction between water and salt in arid zone, which will provide useful principle and methodology to its solution. Taking Tarim River and Bosten Lake for example, by systematically collecting the basic data of hydrogeology, meteorology, and social economy, we analyzed the interaction of water and salt of Tarim River and Bostan Lake in natural and artificial conditions in aspects of basins, oases, lakes and marshes. The results showed that: (1) Temperature and precipitation are both increasing gradually in the whole Tarim River Basin, the climate tends to be come warmer and wetter, but the water quality condition is not optimistic; (2) At the end of the 1950s, mineralization degree was less than 1.0 g/L from the upper reaches to the lower reaches of the Tarim River. At present, it is more than 3.0 g/L in Alaer Lake (the upper reaches of the Tarim River) except in July, August and October, during which it is less than 1.0 g/L. In Qiala (the lower reaches), it is more than 1.0 g/L except in March, moreover, it is about 5.0 g/L in July and December. The eco-water conveyance project implementation has still not improved Tarim River's water quality condition; (3) Bostan Lake was a tiny salt-water lake in the late 1950s, but the water-soil development of the oasis has aggravated the salinization in recent thirty years. Since the West Pumping Station was brought into operation in 1982, the Bostan Lake which accumulated salt has begun to be desalted. We consider that climate may not be the key factor for salinization in this area. Instead, socio-economic factors relevant to human activities should be mainly responsible for such changes, as is confirmed by our further analysis. In order to improve present situation of water-soil salinization, water resources utilization and management should be strengthened, highly efficient and water-saving irrigating technology should be spread,  相似文献   

Twenty-nine water samples were collected from different river channels of the Pearl River Delta Economic Zone, China. An inductively coupled plasma-mass spectromonitor (ICP-MS) was used to measure concentrations of the trace elements in these samples. The results suggest that the average concentrations of rare earth elements in river water show an increasing trend from the West River, the North River, the rivers of the Pearl River Delta, and the Shenzhen River to the East River. Relatively high concentrations of heavy metals appear in the East River, the rivers of the Pearl River Delta and the Shenzhen River, while the West River and the North River have relatively low heavy metal concentrations. Trace element concentrations in samples collected near urban or industrial areas are much higher than those of samples collected from distant areas, away from urban and industrial areas. After natural conditions, human activities have significant influence on the trace element concentrations in river water. This trace element concentration’s spatial distribution in the river water from the Pearl River Delta Economic Zone is actually an integrated effect of natural conditions and human activity.  相似文献   

Recent sedimentary history of natural environmental change and anthropogenic influence in an ephemeral river catchment has been reconstructed using selected major and trace elements, element ratios, and their different geochemical phases (Tessier sequential extraction methods), pollen, and grain size combined with 210Pb- and 137Cs-dating method in marsh sedimentary cores. Attempts were made to use selected element ratios with different geochemical phases—residual phase of Ti, Al, V, Cr, Ni, Rb, K, Sr, and Ba; mobile Sr and Ba—combined with 210Pb- and 137Cs-chronology to interpret certain time information of environmental changes saved within the marsh sediments. Results indicate that there were two marked humid periods during 1850–1860 ad and 1890–1920 ad, and sand storm activities prevailed during 1920–1930 ad. After about 1900 ad, soil erosion has increased with the extensive agricultural activities in the Huolin River catchments, and further intensified after 1950s. After 1980, soil erosion has become even more intense, which is consistent with the reinforcement of human activities, the drastic loss of vegetation cover in the upstream lands, especially, the exploitation of the open cast coalmine in the upstream of Huolin River at that time. Influenced by the inundation of the Huolin River, the heavy metal pollution historical trends in Xianghai marsh wetland could be roughly divided into three periods by analysis of sediment enrichment factor (KSEF) and the index of geoaccumulation (I geo):1760–1880 ad, 1880–1980 ad, and 1980–now. Human activities accelerate the inputs of heavy metal, which leads to degradation of the marsh. This study also investigated on source of marsh sediments (by Ti/Al), redox condition [by V/Cr and V/(V + Ni)], and salinization indicators (by Sr/Ba and Rb/K). The results demonstrate that sources of sediments and redox conditions were partly similar for both riparian and depressional marshes. Besides, some differences in degree of salinization between two types of marsh were also identified, especially after 1880.  相似文献   

Wetland is the conjunction of lake and terrene where human activities are concentrated. From the viewpoints of material transport and cycling in the terrene-lake system, wetland is the buffer where sand and mud, heavy metals, pollutants and nutrients are tarried. In this paper, we provide a case study based on the temporal and spatial distribution of elements in the Wangling River catchment, a small sub-catchment of Longgan Lake in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River. We have found that wetland can buffer major heavy metals such as Cr, Cu, etc.significantly, but has a little buffer function to some active elements such as Fe and Mn, which are always transported as solutions. Human activities not only influence the distribution of elements, but also weaken the buffer function of wetland. Intensive human activities in the Longgan Lake area in the past 70 years have been recorded in stream, wetland and lake sediments, especially the human activity events such as deforesting and reclaiming on a large scale in 1958 and the 1980‘s. Human activities caused the increase of sedimentation rates since the 1950‘ s, as well as the increase of elements‘ concentrations. The extensive use of fertilizers and pesticides since the 1960‘ s have led to the increase of total P concentrations. Increasing SO2 emission accelerate the process of cation exchange in soil, and enhance the leaching of Mn out of soils. Permanent storing of water causes the soil gleyification that also intensifies the leaching of Mn.These are two major reasons for the obvious increase of manganese concentrations in recent 20 years in Longgan Lake. Intensive human activities since the 1950s‘ have intensified the population in this region and thus destroyed the buffer function of wetland.  相似文献   

何明倩  黄文辉  久博 《地学前缘》2021,28(4):327-336
膏质白云岩是鄂尔多斯盆地中东部下古生界马家沟组M51最有利储层,影响膏质白云岩储层性质的最大因素在于溶蚀作用.本文在已有的研究基础上,应用岩心资料及阴极发光、地球化学等方法,测定M51膏质白云岩及其特殊的示底构造的化学成分,并分析其成因模式.岩心、薄片以及物性资料显示:石膏溶蚀形成的大量膏模孔及伴生的次生孔是储层的主要...  相似文献   

Geochemical methods (major elements and Sr, Nd isotopes) have been used to (1) characterize Lake Le Bourget sediments in the French Alps, (2) identify the current sources of the clastic sediments and estimate the source variability over the last 600 years. Major element results indicate that Lake Le Bourget sediments consist of 45% clastic component and 55% endogenic calcite. In addition, several individual flood levels have been identified during the Little Ice Age (LIA) on the basis of their higher clastic content (> 70%).Potential sources of Lake Le Bourget clastic sediments have been investigated from Sr and Nd isotope compositions. The sediments from the Sierroz River and Leysse River which are mainly derived from the Mesozoic Calcareous Massifs are characterised by lower 87Sr/86Sr ratios and slightly lower ?Nd(0) ratios than the Arve River sediments which are derived from the Palaeozoic Mont-Blanc External Crystalline Massifs. The Rhône River appears to have been the main source of clastic sediments into the lake for the last 600 years, as evidenced by a similar Sr and Nd isotopic compositions analyzed in core B16 sediments (87Sr/86Sr = 0.719, ?Nd(0) = − 10) and in the sediments of the Rhône River (87Sr/86Sr = 0.719, ?Nd(0) = − 9.6).The isotopic signatures of flood events and background samples from core B16 in Lake Le Bourget are also similar. This indicates that prior to ∼ 1800, the inputs into the lake have remained relatively homogeneous with the proportion of clastic component mainly being a function of the palaeohydrology of the Rhone River. Early human modification (deforestation and agriculture) of the lake catchment before the 1800s appears to have had little influence on the source of clastic sediments.  相似文献   

As the diversion dike of the Middle Route of the South to North Water Transfer Project (MRSNWTP), the water quality and water quantity of Danjiangkou Reservoir is critical to the project. At present, the rates of industrial wastewater treatment and sewage discharge, which belongs to Chinese State Standard in the districts near the reservoir except Shiyan city, are less than 60% and 40% respectively. The point source pollutants will be controlled because of the project after some time, but the non-point source pollutants caused by vegetation degradation and water-soil erosion will not be controlled effectively in a long time. Water samples were collected from the Danjiangkou Reservoir during 2004 and 2005 and analyzed for trace metals, i.e., silver (Ag), aluminum (Al), arsenic (As), barium (Ba), bismuth (Bi), calcium (Ca), cadmium (Cd), cobalt (Co), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), mercury (Hg), potassium (K), lithium (Li), magnesium (Mg), manganese (Mn), molybdenum (Mo), sodium (Na), nickel (Ni), lead (Pb), antimony (Sb), selenium (Se), silicon (Si), strontium (Sr), vanadium (V), zinc (Zn), chemicophysical parameters and nutrients, i.e., temperature (T), pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), turbidity, total suspended solid (TSS), nitrate/ammonia/ammonium-nitrogen (NO3^-/NH3/NH4^+-N), total nitrogen (TN), dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), total phosphorus (TP), potassium permanganate index (IMn), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), dissolved inorganic carbon (HCO3^-). Our results are water quality belongs to Chinese standard level II, trace metals are low, but they are accumulating, and many of which, i.e., As, Pb, will endanger reservoir water security.  相似文献   

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