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山东省远距离热带气旋暴雨研究   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:20  
应用1971—2003年的山东降水资料、常规天气图资料、台风年签和NCEP资料,对在华沿海登陆和活动的热带气旋在山东造成远距离暴雨的气候特征进行统计分析,对环流形势场进行合成分析。建立了山东省远距离热带气旋暴雨的天气学模型。分别计算分析了山东有和无远距离热带气旋暴雨合成的水汽和温湿能的收支。结果表明:在华南沿海登陆和活动的热带气旋与西风带环流系统和副热带高压相互作用在山东造成的远距离热带气旋暴雨年均2.5次。暴雨的范围广、强度大。出现暴雨的时间比热带气旋登陆时间滞后。在山东造成远距离暴雨的热带气旋在华南沿海登陆时,中心东部有一股东南风或偏南风低空急流指向内陆。中高纬度中低层西风带环流弱,位置偏北。500 hPa西风带中的偏北气流与副高边缘的偏南气流在山东境内汇合。低层850—700 hPa伴有低值系统影响,山东为气旋性环流控制。热带气旋登陆后其中心附近的中低层偏南风急流向北伸展,绕过副高脊线直达山东。在台风中心附近至山东之间建立起水汽和温湿能的输送通道,把高温高湿的暖湿空气源源不断地向山东输送。在台风登陆后12—48小时内,山东暴雨区上空有大量的水汽和温湿能的净流入。暖湿气流与西风带气流相汇合,产生辐合上升,造成暴雨。  相似文献   

利用2000—2009年6—8月的NCEP 1 °×1 °FNL数据、TRMM降水数据及JMA提供的《TC最佳路径集》等资料,综合考虑低层水汽通道及TC与中纬度系统相互作用的两个因素,对0 °以北150 °E以西东亚地区的远距离暴雨进行统计分析,得出这一时期共有48例远距离暴雨产生,并将其分为5种类型。将各类型合成分析后得到远距离暴雨在850 hPa、500 hPa的主要影响系统有:TC、中纬度槽、副热带高压及水汽通道,其中水汽通道多与印度季风相连接对远距离降水的影响最显著,其次是中纬度槽。形成最多的是北槽、涡-南TC型远距离暴雨占总数的68.8%,而且远距离暴雨多发生在TC路径的右侧(占总数的71%)。200 hPa上多数远距离暴雨发生在高空急流的右后方,并在TC的东西部各有一反气旋性涡旋。当TC东部无反气旋性涡旋时TC较弱。当远距离暴雨发生在TC的西北方向,且西北方向有槽存在时TC较强。利用WRF中尺度数值模式对1104号TC Haima进行敏感性试验表明,TC在此次暴雨过程中起主要作用,通过影响降水区的水汽通道导致降水增强。   相似文献   

用中国国家气象信息中心整编的1971—2006年中国693个地面基准站日降水资料、同期美国JTWC最佳路径资料和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,对热带气旋(TC)远距离暴雨进行统计分析和诊断研究。结果表明:36a中有14.7%的TC产生远距离暴雨。TC远距离暴雨事件遍及中国大陆27个省(市、自治区),其中,环渤海地区和川陕交界处为中国TC远距离暴雨高发区。远距离暴雨集中发生在6—9月。34.6%的TC远距离暴雨具有影响范围广、降水强度大的特点。诊断分析表明,TC远距离暴雨能否产生的关键在于热带气旋东侧环流能否将水汽输送到中纬度槽前,如果有高气压或偏北气流对水汽输送的阻断,就不会形成远距离暴雨。  相似文献   

利用JMA最佳TC路径资料和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,普查了1961—2010年宁夏的暴雨个例,并对影响宁夏的热带气旋远距离暴雨进行了统计和合成分析。结果表明:宁夏各测站远距离暴雨日数在暴雨总日数中普遍占比达30%~46%,是宁夏暴雨类型里十分重要的一类。远距离暴雨主要集中发生在8月,较宁夏暴雨气候多发期推迟10~20天。台湾岛及其以东洋面和海南岛附近是宁夏产生远距离暴雨的热带气旋高频影响关键区,在两个TC高频影响区域之间还存在一个少台风甚至无台风影响的海域。进一步诊断分析表明,热带气旋、中纬度槽(涡)、副热带高压、水汽通道及高空急流是产生远距离暴雨的主要影响系统。根据诊断特征将远距离暴雨分为两类,揭示其环流差异主要体现在热带气旋和副高位置、水汽输送通道及海平面气压场,并在此基础上归纳了两类远距离暴雨的预报概念模型。  相似文献   

利用1954-1998年的资料,以统计分析的方法,对广西沿海热带气旋暴雨与热带气旋生成地区、路径和天气形势的相互关系进行初步探讨,归纳出几点有价值的结论.  相似文献   

桂林热带气旋暴雨的分析和预报   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  

热带气旋与河北特大暴雨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孙寿全  魏文秀 《气象》1995,21(7):34-37
利用1965-1994年资料统计表明,约有70%左右的河北特大暴雨与西太平洋热带气旋有直接或间接的关系。综合归纳了热带气旋影响的河北特大暴雨的三种类型,并对其中快速发展型进行了进一步的分析和探讨。  相似文献   

Estimating tropical cyclone precipitation from station observations   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
In this paper, an objective technique for estimating the tropical cyclone (TC) precipitation from station observations is proposed. Based on a comparison between the Original Objective Method (OOM) and the Expert Subjective Method (ESM), the Objective Synoptic Analysis Technique (OSAT) for partitioning TC precipitation was developed by analyzing the western North Pacific (WNP) TC historical track and the daily precipitation datasets. Being an objective way of the ESM, OSAT overcomes the main problems in OOM, by changing two fixed parameters in OOM, the thresholds for the distance of the absolute TC precipitation (D0) and the TC size (D1), into variable parameters.
Case verification for OSAT was also carried out by applying CMORPH (Climate Prediction Center MORPHing technique) daily precipitation measurements, which is NOAA's combined satellite precipitation measurement system. This indicates that OSAT is capable of distinguishing simultaneous TC precipitation rain-belts from those associated with different TCs or with middle-latitude weather systems.  相似文献   


利用1980—2013年7月1日—9月30日中国东南地区818个国家地面气象站小时降水资料以及台风6 h路径观测数据分离出台风降水后,采用最大似然估计法得到台风小时降水Gamma概率密度函数分布的形状参数α和尺度参数β,并对代表站点上Gamma分布模拟的小时降水概率分布与观测的小时降水频率分布进行对比分析;最后,基于Gamma分布模拟,得到台风小时降水总的降水概率分布特征以及不同台风影响距离和台风强度影响下超过给定阈值的降水累积概率分布与极端降水阈值。结果表明:我国东南地区台风降水总的特征是小时降水超过5 mm多发地区位于华南、华东沿海地区;其余大部分地区不易发生超过5 mm的小时降水量;广东沿海、广西南部、海南西北部,小时降水超过10 mm的累积概率为10%~15%;小时雨量超过20 mm阈值的概率极低;在近距离台风影响下,随着台风强度增大,95%累积概率小时降水阈值为15~20 mm的区域由福建和广东沿海以及海南变为湛江和海南,而阈值为10~15 mm的地区由两广浙闽地区变为广东、福建和江苏沿海以及浙江;就远距离台风而言,随着台风强度增大,东南地区出现台风降水的区域逐渐由东南沿海向内陆延伸;海南、广东、福建和江西为远距离强台风影响下95%累积概率对应的小时降水阈值较高地区。


Liguang Wu  Li Tao 《Climate Dynamics》2011,36(9-10):1851-1864
Although previous studies reported upward trends in the basin-wide average lifetime, annual frequency, proportion of intense hurricanes and annual accumulated power dissipation index of Atlantic tropical cyclones (TCs) over the past 30?years, the basin-wide intensity did not increase significantly with the rising sea surface temperature (SST). Observational analysis and numerical simulation conducted in this study suggest that Sahel rainfall is the key to understanding of the long-term change of Atlantic TC intensity. The long-term changes of the basin-wide TC intensity are generally associated with variations in Sahara air layer (SAL) activity and vertical wind shear in the main development region (MDR), both of which are highly correlated with Sahel rainfall. The drying Sahel corresponds to an equatorward shift in the African easterly jet and African easterly wave activity, introducing the SAL to lower latitudes and increasing the MDR vertical wind shear. As a result, Atlantic TCs are more vulnerable to the suppressing effects of the SAL and vertical wind shear. Since the SST warming, especially in the tropical Indian Ocean, is a dominant factor for the Sahel drying that occurred over the past 30?years, it is suggested that the remote effect of SST warming is important for the long-term change of Atlantic TC intensity. Although influence of the AMO warm phase that started in the early 1990s alone can provide a favorable condition for TC intensification, its influence may have been offset by the influence of the ongoing SST warming, particularly in the Indian Ocean. As a result, there was no significant trend observed in the basin-wide average and peak intensity of Atlantic TCs.  相似文献   

台风登陆衰减后造成降水加强的概况   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
对1965-2008年101例登陆台风衰减后3d内仍存在较强降水的天气过程,运用客观分离方法及其改进方案,分离提取了台风降水(Tropical Cyclone Precipitation;TCP),结果表明:即使登陆台风衰减为热带低压或停编后,因台风系统的存在而产生高强度降水是一种普遍现象,仍旧是预报服务中需要高度关注的问题.采用气候趋势系数和功率谱等方法得到TCP及台风的气候特征:台风衰减点的位置分布具有很强的区域性,与南岭、武夷山脉的走势大致吻合;台风衰减后降水并非单纯性减少,随着时间的推移,空间分布具有向北、向西扩散的特点,特别是中纬度地区的江汉一江淮一带,仍然是防灾减灾的重点.对于衰减后降水反而加强的台风,防御重点可以有针对性地对登陆华南类和登陆华东类两类路径的台风展开.  相似文献   

We examine the role of local and remote sea surface temperature (SST) on the tropical cyclone potential intensity in the North Atlantic using a suite of model simulations, while separating the impact of anthropogenic (external) forcing and the internal influence of Atlantic Multidecadal Variability. To enable the separation by SST region of influence we use an ensemble of global atmospheric climate model simulations forced with historical, 1856–2006 full global SSTs, and compare the results to two other simulations with historical SSTs confined to the tropical Atlantic and to the tropical Indian Ocean and Pacific. The effects of anthropogenic plus other external forcing and that of internal variability are separated by using a linear, “signal-to-noise” maximizing EOF analysis and by projecting the three model ensemble outputs onto the respective external forcing and internal variability time series. Consistent with previous results indicating a tampering influence of global tropical warming on the Atlantic hurricane potential intensity, our results show that non-local SST tends to reduce potential intensity associated with locally forced warming through changing the upper level atmospheric temperatures. Our results further indicate that the late twentieth Century increase in North Atlantic potential intensity, may not have been dominated by anthropogenic influence but rather by internal variability.  相似文献   

Tropical cyclone (TC) activity in the western North Pacific (WNP) has changed interdecadally with an approximately 20-year period between 1951 and 1999. The cause and mechanism of interdecadal variability of TC frequency in the WNP is investigated using NCEP/NCAR reanalysis and the result obtained from a high-resolution coupled general circulation model (CGCM). The interdecadal variability of TC activity in the WNP correlates with long-term variations in sea surface temperatures (SSTs) in the tropical central Pacific and with those of westerly wind anomalies associated with the monsoon trough that appears over the tropical WNP during the typhoon season of July to October. The westerly wind anomalies at near 10°N show positive feedback with the SST anomalies in the central Pacific. Therefore, the interdecadal variability of TC frequency is related to long-term variations in atmosphere–ocean coupling phenomena in the tropical North Pacific. A 50-year long-run simulation using the high-resolution CGCM showed the robustness of interdecadal variability of TC frequency.  相似文献   

On the basis of observations and results from the combination of a statistical formation model and a trajectory model, the inter-decadal shift of prevailing TC tracks in the western North Pacific (WNP) are examined. The contributions of the changes in large-scale steering flows and tropical cyclone (TC) formation locations to the observed inter-decadal shift are investigated and their relative importance is determined. This study focuses on two periods, 1965–1986 (ID1) and 1987–2010 (ID2), which are determined based on the abrupt change of the annual category 4 and 5 TC frequency derived from the Bayesian change-point detection analysis. It is found that the models can well simulate the primary features of prevailing TC tracks on the inter-decadal timescale. From ID1 to ID2, a significant decrease in the frequency of TC occurrences is observed over the central South China Sea and well simulated by the models. Areas with a remarkable increase in the TC frequency, which extends from the Philippine Sea to the eastern coast of China and in the west of the WNP basin, are also reasonably simulated. Above changes in the prevailing TC tracks are attributed to (1) intensified cyclonic circulation centered over the western part of China and (2) more westward-southward expansion and intensification of the subtropical high over the WNP. Further analysis reveals that the inter-decadal shift in prevailing TC tracks is mainly resulted from the combined effects of changes in large-scale steering flows and TC formation locations. Although both contribute to the inter-decadal shift in the prevailing TC tracks, changes in large-scale steering flows play a more important role compared to changes in TC formation locations.  相似文献   

非静力模式预报热带气旋路径个例试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用非静力模式(MM5V2)对9611号、9904号等北上热带气旋路径预报进行民试验。用松驰(Nudging)四维同化方案和人造热带气旋(Bogus TC)技术,使独t-12时刻的模式场(包括第一个Bogus TC)通过预积分逐步逼近to时刻的Bogus TC和同时刻的观测资料场庆1999年能够得到相隔6h一次的AT106L19预报场后,分别在t-12、t-a6和to时刻各制做一个Bogus TC  相似文献   

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