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Here we present a preliminary analysis of a helical eruptive prominence at the east limb of the Sun on 21 April 2001. Unusually this eruption is associated with a double CME. We have tried to study the morphology of the event, energy budget of the prominence and associated CMEs. Our analysis shows that the prominence and first CME started simultaneously from the limb and prominence carries sufficient energy to feed both the CMEs. Moreover, it is also concluded that CMEs are magnetically driven and internally powered.  相似文献   

用"多云模型"光谱方法分析1991年3月5日喷泉状爆发日珥的Hα光谱观测资料,导出了该日珥视向速度的二维分布;通过速度场分析,我们探测到日珥喷射速度和旋转角速度随高度的分布,结果表明该日珥的蓝移速度占绝对优势,速度变化范围为8~110km/s,速度分布不均衡、不对称,日珥中部和底部速度较大、顶部速度较小;日珥南边缘的速度梯度比北边缘的更大;日珥的喷射除表现为上升运动外还显示出向着观测者的、平均速度约为50km/s的视向运动;该日珥的旋转角速度约为7×10-4rad/s,两者随高度的变化显示出相反的特征。  相似文献   

Plunkett  S.P.  Vourlidas  A.  Šimberová  S.  Karlický  M.  Kotrč  P.  Heinzel  P.  Kupryakov  Yu.A.  Guo  W.P.  Wu  S.T. 《Solar physics》2000,194(2):371-391
Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are frequently associated with erupting prominences near the solar surface. A spectacular eruption of the southern polar crown prominence was observed on 2 June 1998, accompanied by a CME that was well-observed by the LASCO coronagraphs on SOHO. The prominence was observed in its quiescent state and was followed throughout its eruption by the SOHO EIT and later by LASCO as the bright, twisted core of the CME. Ground-based H observations of the prominence were obtained at the Ondejov Observatory in the Czech Republic. A great deal of fine structure was observed within the prominence as it erupted. The prominence motion was found to rotate about its axis as it moved outward. The CME contained a helical structure that is consistent with the ejection of a magnetic flux rope from the Sun. Similar structures have been observed by LASCO in many other CMEs. The relationship of the flux rope to other structures in the CME is often not clear. In this event, the prominence clearly lies near the trailing edge of the structure identified as a flux rope. This structure can be observed from the onset of the CME in the low corona all the way out to the edge of the LASCO field of view. The initiation and evolution of the CME are modeled using a fully self-consistent, 3D axisymmetric, MHD code.  相似文献   

We have investigated the characteristics of magnetic cloud (MC) and ejecta (EJ) associated coronal mass ejections (CMEs) based on the assumption that all CMEs have a flux rope structure. For this, we used 54 CMEs and their interplanetary counterparts (interplanetary CMEs: ICMEs) that constitute the list of events used by the NASA/LWS Coordinated Data Analysis Workshop (CDAW) on CME flux ropes. We considered the location, angular width, and speed as well as the direction parameter, D. The direction parameter quantifies the degree of asymmetry of the CME shape in coronagraph images, and shows how closely the CME propagation is directed to Earth. For the 54 CDAW events, we found the following properties of the CMEs: i) the average value of D for the 23 MCs (0.62) is larger than that for the 31 EJs (0.49), which indicates that the MC-associated CMEs propagate more directly toward the Earth than the EJ-associated CMEs; ii) comparison between the direction parameter and the source location shows that the majority of the MC-associated CMEs are ejected along the radial direction, while many of the EJ-associated CMEs are ejected non-radially; iii) the mean speed of MC-associated CMEs (946 km?s?1) is faster than that of EJ-associated CMEs (771 km?s?1). For seven very fast CMEs (≥?1500 km?s?1), all CMEs with large D (≥?0.4) are associated with MCs and the CMEs with small D are associated with EJs. From the statistical analysis of CME parameters, we found the superiority of the direction parameter. Based on these results, we suggest that the CME trajectory essentially determines the observed ICME structure.  相似文献   

Kosovichev  A.G.  Zharkova  V.V. 《Solar physics》1999,190(1-2):459-466
Using high-cadence magnetograms from the SOHO/MDI we have investigated variations of the photospheric magnetic field during solar flares and CMEs. In the case of a strong X-class flare of May 2, 1998, we have detected variations of magnetic field in a form of a rapidly propagating magnetic wave. During the impulsive phase of the flare we have observed a sudden decrease of the magnetic energy in the flare region. This provides direct evidence of magnetic energy release in solar flares. We discuss the physics of the magnetic field variations, and their relations to the Moreton Hα waves and the coronal waves observed by the EIT.  相似文献   

We present a statistical study of the characteristics of type-II radio bursts observed in the metric (m) and deca-hectometer (DH) wavelength range during 1997–2008. The collected events are divided into two groups: Group I contains the events of m-type-II bursts with starting frequency ≥ 100 MHz, and group II contains the events with starting frequency of m-type-II radio bursts < 100 MHz. We have analyzed both samples considering three different aspects: i) statistical properties of type-II bursts, ii) statistical properties of flares and CMEs associated with type-II bursts, and iii) time delays between type-II bursts, flares, and CMEs. We find significant differences in the properties of m-type-II bursts in duration, bandwidth, drift rate, shock speed and delay between m- and DH-type-II bursts. From the timing analysis we found that the majority of m-type-II bursts in both groups occur during the flare impulsive phase. On the other hand, the DH-type-II bursts in both groups occur during the decaying phase of the associated flares. Almost all m-DH-type-II bursts are found to be associated with CMEs. Our results indicate that there are two kinds of shock in which group I (high frequency) m-type-II bursts seem to be ignited by flares whereas group II (low frequency) m-type-II bursts are CME-driven.  相似文献   

Shanmugaraju  A.  Moon  Y.-J.  Dryer  M.  Umapathy  S. 《Solar physics》2003,217(2):301-317
We present results from a study of sunspots and faculae on continuum and Caii K images taken at the San Fernando Observatory (SFO) during 1989–1992; a total of approximately 800 images in each bandpass were used. About 18000 red sunspots, 147000 red faculae, and 800000 Caii K faculae were identified based on their contrasts. In addition, we computed the contrasts of pixels on the red images cospatial with Caii K faculae. Sunspot contrasts show a strong dependence on size but no dependence on heliocentric angle. There are continuous but systematic differences among facular regions. We find that the contrast of Caii K faculae is relatively insensitive to heliocentric angle, but is a strong function of facular size, in the sense that larger Caii K faculae are always brighter. The contrast of red faculae is a function of both heliocentric angle and size: the contrast functions show that larger regions contain larger flux tubes, contain deeper flux tubes, and have larger filling factors than small facular regions. Comparisons of cospatial pixels on red and Caii K images show a tight correlation between the average contrast of a region in the continuum and its size and heliocentric angle in the Caii K images. The average contrast of all facular regions is positive everywhere on the disk, even though the largest regions contain flux tubes which appear dark at disk center.  相似文献   

We have statistically studied the 344 Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) associated with flares and DH-type-II radio bursts (1??C?14 MHz) during 1997??C?2008. We found that only 3?% of the total CMEs (344) compared to the general population CMEs (13208) drives DH-type-II radio bursts (Gopalswamy in Solar Eruptions and Energetic Particles, AGU Geophys. Monogr. 165, 207, 2006). Out of 344 events we have selected 236 events for further analysis. We divided the events into two groups: i) disk events (within 45° from the disk center) and ii) limb events (beyond 45° but within 90° from the disk center). We find that the average CME speed of the limb events (1370?km?s?1) is three times, while for the disk events (1055?km?s?1) it is two times the average speed of the general population CMEs (433?km?s?1). The average widths of the limb events (129°) and disk events (116°) are two times greater than the average width of the general population CMEs (58°). We found a better correlation between the CME speed and width (correlation coefficient R=0.56) for the limb events than that of the disk events (R=0.47). The shock speed of the CMEs associated with DH-type-II radio bursts is found by applying Leblanc, Dulk, and Bougeret??s (Solar Phys. 183, 165, 1998) electron density model; the disk events are found to have an average speed of 1190 km?s?1 and that of the limb events is 1275 km?s?1. From this study we compare the CME properties between limb and disk events. The properties like CME speed, width, shock speed, and correlation between CME speed and width are found to be higher for limb events than disk events. The results in disk events are subject to projection effects, and this study stresses the importance of these effects.  相似文献   

Kalaivani  P. Pappa  Prakash  O.  Shanmugaraju  A.  Feng  Li  Lu  Lei  Gan  Weigun  Michalek  G. 《Astrophysics》2021,64(3):327-344
Astrophysics - We analyze radio bursts observed in events with interacting/non-interacting CMEs that produced major SEPs (Ip &gt; 10 MeV) from April 1997 to December 2014. We compare properties...  相似文献   

Bin Chen  Yihua Yan 《Solar physics》2007,246(2):431-443
Through the data around 3 GHz from the Radio Spectrometer in Huairou, Beijing, zebra-pattern structures from the 21 April 2002 event have been studied. Zebra stripes consist of periodically pulsating superfine structures in this event. An analysis of temporal profiles of intensities at multiple frequency channels shows that the Gaussian temporal profiles of pulse groups on zebra stripes are caused by drifting zebra stripes with Gaussian spectral profiles. The observed quasiperiodic pulsations with about 30 ms period have a peculiar feature of oscillation near a steady state, probably resulting from relaxation oscillations, which modulate the electron cyclotron maser emission that forms the zebra stripes during the process of wave – particle interactions. All the main properties of the zebra stripes with pulsating superfine structures indicate that the double plasma resonance model might be the most suitable one, with the relaxation oscillations, to form the superfine structures. The model of LaBelle et al. (Astrophys. J. 593, 1195, 2003) could not account for the observed properties of zebra-pattern structures in this event nor for most zebra-pattern structures occupying a wide frequency range, mainly because the allowable frequency range of the zebra-pattern structures in their model is too narrow to reproduce the observed zebras.  相似文献   


We have statistically analyzed a set of 115 low frequency (Deca-Hectometer wavelengths range) type II and type III bursts associated with major Solar Energetic Particle (SEP: Ep?>?10 MeV) events and their solar causes such as solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) observed from 1997 to 2014. We classified them into two sets of events based on the duration of the associated solar flares:75 impulsive flares (duration <?60 min) and 40 gradual flares (duration >?60 min).On an average, the peak flux (integrated flux) of impulsive flares?×?2.9 (0.32 J m?2) is stronger than that of gradual flares M6.8 (0.24 J m?2). We found that impulsive flare-associated CMEs are highly decelerated with larger initial acceleration and they achieved their peak speed at lower heights (??27.66 m s?2 and 14.23 Ro) than the gradual flare-associated CMEs (6.26 m s?2 and 15.30 Ro), even though both sets of events have similar sky-plane speed (space speed) within LASCO field of view. The impulsive flare-associated SEP events (Rt?=?989.23 min: 2.86 days) are short lived and they quickly reach their peak intensity (shorter rise time) when compared with gradual flares associated events (Rt?=?1275.45 min: 3.34 days). We found a good correlation between the logarithmic peak intensity of all SEPs and properties of CMEs (space speed: cc?=?0.52, SEcc?=?0.083), and solar flares (log integrated flux: cc?=?0.44, SEcc?=?0.083). This particular result gives no clear cut distinction between flare-related and CME-related SEP events for this set of major SEP events. We derived the peak intensity, integrated intensity, duration and slope of these bursts from the radio dynamic spectra observed by Wind/WAVES. Most of the properties (peak intensity, integrated intensity and starting frequency) of DH type II bursts associated with impulsive and gradual flare events are found to be similar in magnitudes. Interestingly, we found that impulsive flare-associated DH type III bursts are longer, stronger and faster (31.30 min, 6.43 sfu and 22.49 MHz h?1) than the gradual flare- associated DH type III bursts (25.08 min, 5.85 sfu and 17.84 MHz h?1). In addition, we also found a significant correlation between the properties of SEPs and key parameters of DH type III bursts. This result shows a closer association of peak intensity of the SEPs with the properties of DH type III radio bursts than with the properties DH type II radio bursts, atleast for this set of 115 major SEP events.


We present results of the first simultaneous observations of zebra patterns (ZPs) with super-fine spiky structure in the microwave range made at two observatories ~1000 km apart (Beijing and Nanjing, China). The fine structure was recorded by a spectra polarimeter in the 5.2 – 7.6 and 2.8 – 3.6 GHz ranges at the Huairou station and by the spectrometer in the 4.5 – 7.5 GHz range at the Purple Mountain Observatory. Simultaneously, the locations of radio sources were observed by the Siberian Solar Radio Telescope (SSRT) at 5.7 GHz. For a general analysis of the April 10, 2001 event, the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory/Michelson Doppler Imager (SOHO/MDI) data and Transition Region and Coronal Explorer (TRACE) images in EUV 171 Å line were used. The circular polarization degree was very weak for the burst background radio emission and moderate to strong for the fine structure. The polarization sign in all the cases probably corresponds to the extraordinary wave mode. Estimations of the magnetic field values in the whistler model for fine structure agree well with the extrapolated values from magnetic maps. Given the possibility of wave transformation in the perpendicular magnetic field and the spiky structure of the ZP, the whistler wave model appears to be the most appropriate explanation for the zebra stripe phenomenon.  相似文献   

Bocchialini  K.  Costa  A.  Domenech  G.  Rovira  M.  Vial  J.C.  Wingfield  K. 《Solar physics》2001,199(1):133-143
We present the results obtained from analyzing SUMER/SOHO observational data of a quiescent solar prominence. The studied prominence is made of complex structures. From the 1-hr data set, we derive characteristic frequencies in terms of intensity and velocity oscillations, as measured in 4 transition-region lines. The presence of different types of frequencies is detected: chromospheric oscillations and intermediate periods (6 min to 12 min). This result suggests that these oscillations are transmitted by the magnetic fields from the chromosphere to the transition region.  相似文献   

In association with the large solar flare of April 15, 2001, the Chacaltaya neutron monitor observed a 3.6σ enhancement of the counting rate between 13:51 and 14:15 UT. Since the enhancement was observed beginning 11 min before the GLE, solar neutrons must be involved in this enhancement. The integral energy spectrum of solar neutrons can be expressed by a simple power law in energy with the index γ=-3.0±1.0. On the other hand, an integral energy spectrum of solar protons has been obtained in the energy range between 650 MeV and 12 GeV. The spectrum can also be expressed by a power law with the power index γ=-2.75±0.15. The flux of solar protons observed at Chacaltaya (at 12 GeV) was already one order less than the flux of the galactic cosmic rays. It may be the first simultaneous observation of the energy spectra of both high-energy protons and neutrons. Comparing the Yohkoh soft X-ray telescope images with the observed particle time profiles, an interesting picture of the particle acceleration mechanism has been deduced.  相似文献   

Wiik  J.E.  Dammasch  I.E.  Schmieder  B.  Wilhelm  K. 《Solar physics》1999,187(2):405-426
A quiescent polar crown prominence was observed at Meudon in Hα and Ca ii lines, and by EIT and SUMER on board SOHO in UV lines from 9 to 10 March 1996. SUMER observed the prominence continuously in a scanning mode between 21:40 UT on 9 March, and 18:13 UT on 10 March, in the nitrogen line N v (λ1238) with a 1 arc sec2 resolution. Altogether 190 prominence images (121×108 pixels) were obtained. These are presented in a movie. The prominence is highly dynamic. Large-scale features, such as mixed loop systems and dark cavities are changing on time scales of a few hours. Filamentary structure is evident and is changing within a few frames of the movie. A lifetime of 20–25 min for the fine structure has been found by the autocorrelation method. We have statistically analysed the three moments of the N v line in the prominence: line intensity, Doppler shift and linewidth, in the context of a multiple-thread model. We find that the data are consistent with a model where the prominence is assumed to be an ensemble of small threads. In the brightest parts of the prominence it is possible that there are many unresolved threads (15–20) along the line of sight with diameters smaller than a few hundred kilometers. The filling factor is probably very small and in that case the structures occupy only a fraction of the volume. Supplementary material to this paper is available in electronic form at http://dx.doi.org/10.1023/A:1005151015043  相似文献   

To investigate the dependence of large gradual solar energetic particle(SEP) events on the associated flares and coronal mass ejections(CMEs), the correlation coefficients(CCs) between peak intensities of E 10 MeV(I_(10)), E 30 MeV(I_(30)) and E 50 MeV(I_(50)) protons and soft X-ray(SXR) emission of associated flares and the speeds of associated CMEs in the three longitudinal areas W0–W39, W40–W70(hereafter the well connected region) and W71–W90 have been calculated.Classical correlation analysis shows that CCs between SXR emission and peak intensities of SEP events always reach their largest value in the well connected region and then decline dramatically in the longitudinal area outside the well connected region, suggesting that they may contribute to the production of SEPs in large SEP events. Both classical and partial correlation analyses show that SXR fluence is a better parameter describing the relationship between flares and SEP events. For large SEP events with source location in the well connected region, the CCs between SXR fluence and I_(10), I_(30) and I_(50) are0.58±0.12, 0.80±0.06 and 0.83±0.06 respectively, while the CCs between CME speed and I_(10), I_(30) and I_(50) are 0.56±0.12, 0.52±0.13 and 0.48±0.13 respectively. The partial correlation analyses show that in the well connected region, both CME shock and SXR fluence can significantly affect I_(10), but SXR peak flux makes no additional contribution. For E 30 MeV protons with source location in the well connected region, only SXR fluence can significantly affect I_(30), and the CME shock makes a small contribution to I_(30), but SXR peak flux makes no additional contribution. For E 50 MeV protons with source location in the well connected region, only SXR fluence can significantly affect I_(50), but both CME shock and SXR peak flux make no additional contribution. We conclude that these findings provide statistical evidence that for SEP events with source locations in the well connected region, a CME shock is only an effective accelerator for E 30 MeV protons. However, flares are not only effective accelerators for E 30 MeV protons, but also for E 30 MeV protons, and E 30 MeV protons may be mainly accelerated by concurrent flares.  相似文献   

Grechnev  V.  Uralov  A. M.  Kiselev  V. I.  Kochanov  A. A. 《Solar physics》2017,292(1):1-9
Solar Physics - We have examined the more than 1100 drawings of the solar disk made by the German amateur astronomer Johann Caspar Staudach during 1749?–?1799 and counted the...  相似文献   

Share  G.H.  Murphy  R.J.  Dennis  B.R.  Schwartz  R.A.  Tolbert  A.K.  Lin  R.P.  Smith  D.M. 《Solar physics》2002,210(1-2):357-372
The RHESSI high-resolution spectrometer detected γ-ray lines and continuum emitted by the Earth's atmosphere during impact of solar energetic particles in the south polar region from 16:00–17:00 UT on 21 April 2002. The particle intensity at the time of the observation was a factor of 10–100 weaker than previous events when gamma-rays were detected by other instruments. This is the first high-resolution observation of atmospheric gamma-ray lines produced by solar energetic particles. De-excitation lines were resolved that, in part, come from 14N at 728, 1635, 2313, 3890, and 5106 keV, and the 12C spallation product at ∼ 4439 keV. Other unresolved lines were also detected. We provide best-fit line energies and widths and compare these with moderate resolution measurements by SMM of lines from an SEP event and with high-resolution measurements made by HEAO 3 of lines excited by cosmic rays. We use line ratios to estimate the spectrum of solar energetic particles that impacted the atmosphere. The 21 April spectrum was significantly harder than that measured by SMM during the 20 October 1989 shock event; it is comparable to that measured by Yohkoh on 15 July 2000. This is consistent with measurements of 10–50 MeV protons made in space at the time of the γ-ray observations.  相似文献   

During several campaigns focused on prominences we have obtained coordinated spectral observations from the ground and from space. The SOHO/SUMER spectrometer allows us to observe, among others, the whole Lyman series of hydrogen, while the Hα line was observed by the MSDP spectrograph at the VTT. For the Lyman lines, non-LTE radiative-transfer computations have shown the importance of the optical thickness of the prominence – corona transition region (PCTR) and its relation to the magnetic field orientation for the explanation of the observed line profiles. Moreover, Heinzel, Anzer, and Gunár (2005, Astron. Astrophys. 442, 331) developed a 2D magnetostatic model of prominence fine structures that demonstrates how the shapes of Lyman lines vary, depending on the orientation of the magnetic field with respect to the line of sight. To support this result observationally, we focus here on a round-shaped filament observed during three days as it was crossing the limb. The Lyman profiles observed on the limb are different from day to day. We interpret these differences as being due to the change of orientation of the prominence axis (and therefore the magnetic field direction) with respect to the line of sight. The Lyman lines are more reversed if the line of sight is across the prominence axis as compared to the case when it is aligned along its axis.  相似文献   

We studied the characteristics of Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) associated with solar flares and Deca-Hectometric (DH) type II radio bursts, based on source position during 23rd solar cycle (1997–2007). We classified these CME events into three groups using solar flare locations as, (i) disk events (0–30); (ii) intermediate events (31–60) and (iii) limb events (61–90). Main results from this studies are, (i) the number of CMEs associated with solar flares and DH-type IIs decreases as the source position approaches from disk to limb, (ii) most of the DH CMEs are halo (72%) in disk events and the number of occurrence of halo CMEs decreases from disk to limb, (iii) the average width and speed of limb events (164 and 1447 km s−1) are higher than those of disk events (134 and 1035 km s−1) and intermediate events (146 and 1170 km s−1) and (iv) the average accelerations for disk, intermediate and limb events are −8.2 m s−2, −10.3 m s−2 and −4.5 m s−2 respectively. These analysis of CMEs properties show more dependency on longitude and it gives strong evidence for projection effect.  相似文献   

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