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赞比亚班韦乌卢地块广泛出露花岗岩,LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb测年结果表明,黑云母花岗岩、二长花岗岩和正长花岗岩的形成时代为1934±27 Ma~1974±9 Ma.岩石地球化学分析结果表明,这些花岗岩SiO2含量为69.4%~72.22%,K2O含量为4.52%~5.08%,Na2O含量为2.94%~3.11%,Al2O3含量为14.12%~14.65%,为高钾钙碱性过铝质I型花岗岩.花岗岩REE明显分异,铕负异常明显;大离子亲石元素Rb和K相对富集而Sr相对亏损;高场强元素Zr、Hf、U和Th相对富集,P、Ti、Nb和Ta相对亏损.锆石的εHf(t)值变化范围为-2.7~3.9和-12.8~1.5,Hf同位素二阶段模式年龄(TDM2)为2.37 Ga~2.83 Ga和2.52 Ga~3.37 Ga,样品的年龄数据投点位于球粒陨石演化线两侧,说明原始岩浆是不均一的,班韦乌卢地块花岗岩原始岩浆可能为新太古代-古元古代壳幔混染物质.  相似文献   

Crustal xenoliths from basanitic dikes and necks that intruded into continental sediments of the Cretaceous Salta Rift at Quebrada de Las Conchas, Provincia Salta, Argentina were investigated to get information about the age and the chemical composition of the lower crust. Most of the xenoliths have a granitoid composition with quartz-plagioclase-garnet-rutile ± K-feldspar as major minerals. The exceedingly rare mafic xenoliths consist of plagioclase-clinopyroxene-garnet ± hornblende. All xenoliths show a well equilibrated granoblastic fabric and the minerals are compositionally unzoned. Thermobarometric calculations indicate equilibration of the mafic xenoliths in the granulite facies at temperatures of ca. 900 °C and pressures of ca. 10 kbar. The Sm-Nd mineral isochron ages are 95.1 ± 10.4 Ma, 91.5 ± 13.0 Ma, 89.0 ± 4.2 Ma (granitoid xenoliths), and 110.7 ± 23.6 Ma (mafic xenolith). These ages are in agreement with the age of basanitic volcanism (ca. 130–100 and 80–75 Ma) and are interpreted as minimum ages of metamorphism. Lower crustal temperature at the time given by the isochrons was above the closure temperature of the Sm-Nd system (>600–700 °C). The Sm-Nd and Rb-Sr isotopic signatures (147Sm/144Nd = 0.1225–0.1608; 143Nd/144Ndt 0 = 0.512000–0.512324; 87Rb/86Sr = 0.099–0.172; 87Sr/86Srt 0 = 0.708188–0.7143161) and common lead isotopic signatures (206Pb/204Pb = 18.43–18.48; 207Pb/204Pb = 15.62–15.70; 208Pb/204Pb = 38.22 –38.97) of the granitoid xenoliths are indistinguishable from the isotopic composition of the Early Paleozoic metamorphic basement from NW Argentina, apart from the lower 208Pb/204Pb ratio of the basement. The Sm-Nd depleted mantle model ages of ca. 1.8 Ga from granitoid xenoliths and Early Paleozoic basement point to a similar Proterozoic protolith. Time constraints, the well equilibrated granulite fabric, P-T conditions and lack of chemical zoning of minerals point to a high temperature in a crust of nearly normal thickness at ca. 90 Ma and to a prominent thermal anomaly in the lithosphere. The composition of the xenoliths is similar to the composition of the Early Paleozoic basement in the Andes of NW Argentina and northern Chile. A thick mafic lower crust seems unlikely considering low abundance of mafic xenoliths and the predominance of granitoid xenoliths. Received: 21 July 1998 / Accepted: 27 October 1998  相似文献   

李学仁  万友利  王剑 《地质论评》2020,66(5):1172-1185
本文对羌塘中部白措花岗岩的研究表明,岩体是由花岗闪长岩和二长花岗岩同时侵位的复合岩基,锆石U Pb年龄分别为213. 8±1. 3 Ma、210. 0±1. 1 Ma和208. 1±1. 4 Ma。白措花岗岩为硅过饱和的准铝质—弱过铝质岩石,Eu负异常明显,富集大离子亲石元素,亏损高场强元素,显示典型的壳源特征。εHft)为负值,主要集中于-10~-15,对应的Hf同位素二阶段模式年龄峰值为1. 78 Ga,显示源区为古元古代古老地壳;同时,花岗岩中含有大量闪长质暗色包体,表明有壳幔岩浆混合作用,推测为同时期玄武质岩浆的底侵作用,在地壳深部诱发富硅质基底岩石重熔,快速喷发形成玄武岩—流纹岩双峰式组合,而花岗岩则是由玄武质岩浆在地壳充分熔融后,岩浆沿羌塘中部已有的构造破碎带侵入形成,并且在熔融过程中有镁铁质岩浆注入少量结晶的长英质岩浆中形成暗色包体。因此,花岗岩与双峰式火山岩是同一裂陷动力机制的产物。花岗岩的侵入预示了晚三叠世羌塘盆地构造岩浆活动的结束,之上开始了羌塘侏罗纪海相盆地的沉积。  相似文献   

A. C. Mendes  G. Dias 《地学学报》2004,16(3):109-115
The Peneda–Gerês massif is one of the most representative NW Iberian late‐ to post‐orogenic Variscan granitic plutons. It resulted essentially from the subsynchronous emplacement, at 290–296 Ma, of two granitic magmas of Fe–K subalkaline affinity, with primitive isotopic composition: Sri = 0.703–0.707 and εNdi=?1.5 to ?2.4. An origin by mantle input followed by mantle–crust interactions is proposed, implying the contribution of a less enriched mantle component than that involved in the genesis of synorogenic hybrid granitoids of Mg–K subalkaline affinity. A less voluminous aluminopotassic and isotopically more evolved magma (Sri=0.708–0.709 and εNdi=?3.5 to ?3.9) with little or no mantle input was also generated, suggesting the involvement of lower crust materials. Therefore, this study suggests an input of juvenile magmas in late Variscan times, the mantle‐like isotope signature of Fe–K granitic magmatism being clearly related to a geodynamic setting of extensional processes, large‐scale uplift and thinning.  相似文献   

This study presents the first preliminary U–Pb zircon data on tin-bearing S-type granites from the Gemeric unit of the Western Carpathians (Slovakia). U–Pb single zircon dating controlled by cathodoluminescence suggests crystallization of the Gemeric granites during Permian to Early Triassic (303–241 Ma) time. Post-crystallization, low-temperature metamorphic overprint is reflected by partial Pb loss in zircons. These Gemeric granites are younger than the highly fractionated, S-type, tin- and rare-element-bearing leucogranites in the European Variscides. They may have resulted from partial melting, triggered by increased heat flow from the mantle below the continental crust, and most probably intruded during the post-collisional extension and initial rifting of the Variscan orogenic belt. During Alpine orogeny, the Gemeric granites were affected by a low-temperature deformation and metamorphism.  相似文献   

 Microsampling of cm-scale feldspar crystals within an S-type granite from the Lachlan Fold Belt of southeastern Australia has revealed complex internal Sr and Nd isotopic variations. The observed isotopic zonations are in part interpreted as recording feldspar crystallisation in a dynamically mixing magma system, the isotopic composition of which was varying in response to the influx of more mafic and isotopically more mantle-like magmas, the latter stages of which are now represented in modified form by microgranular enclaves. Similar core to rim isotopic variations in feldspar megacrysts from a microgranular enclave and the adjacent host granite strongly suggest megacrysts in the enclave were transferred from the granitic magma during crystallisation. Feldspar rims have higher 87Sr/86Sri and lower ɛNd(i) than adjacent whole rock analyses, but match those of mineral separates from the surrounding enclave matrix. This suggests that the final stages of megacryst growth occurred in the presence of a component that had previously interacted with a high 87Sr/86Sr, low ɛNd(i) component such as metasedimentary wall rocks. Isotopic heterogeneities are also presererved within different mineral phases in the enclave matrix, suggesting that differing phases grew at differing stages of equilibration between the enclave magma and its host granitic magma. Our results reveal major isotopic heterogeneities on a single crystal and also inter-mineral scale in a pluton which shows well constrained evidence for magma mingling. These results indicate the suitability of feldspars as recorders of isotopic change in magmatic systems, even those which have cooled slowly in the plutonic environment and suggest that much heterogeneity in plutonic systems may be overlooked on a whole rock scale. Received: 28 September 1998 / Accepted: 29 December 1999  相似文献   

提要:油麻岭和界牌矿床是越城岭—苗儿山地区两个钨多金属矿床,规模均达到中型,主要矿体均产在中细粒(斑状)二长花岗岩接触带附近矽卡岩和破碎带中。本研究利用LA-MC-ICP-MS微区原位测试技术,对油麻岭矿化花岗岩和界牌内接触带花岗岩中的锆石进行了U-Th-Pb和Hf同位素分析。结果显示,油麻岭矿化花岗岩锆石U-Pb年龄为(220±1)Ma(MSWD=0.035),界牌内接触带花岗岩锆石U-Pb年龄为(215±1)Ma(MSWD=0.055),间接指示越城岭—苗儿山地区存在印支期成矿作用。油麻岭花岗岩样品εHf(t)值在-2.47~-6.67,界牌花岗岩样品εHf(t)值在-3.52~-6.79,表明这两个矿区花岗岩都是源于地壳物质的重熔。与南岭地区其他成钨花岗岩比较,两者源区均具有高εHf(t)值特征,可能是较多εHf(t)值>0的新元古代新生岛弧地壳组分加入引起的。本文获得及前人发表的印支期同位素年龄表明,桂北地区经历了较强的印支期成岩成矿事件,有较好的找矿前景,今后应注意区内印支期花岗岩出露区的勘查评价工作。  相似文献   

文峪和娘娘山花岗岩体位于华北陆块南缘小秦岭地区,侵位于太古宇太华岩群中,主要岩性为二长花岗岩.LA-ICP-MS 锆石 U-Pb 定年结果显示,文峪和娘娘山黑云母二长花岗岩体形成时间分别为(135±7) Ma 和(139±4) Ma,普遍含有大量继承锆石.两个岩体均属于具有高硅(SiO2=64.80%~73.30%)、...  相似文献   

Strontium isotopic data suggest that the classic eclogite-facies rocks of western south Norway described by Eskola (1921) formed from several parental materials in a variety of environments. Mineral separates from essentially basic, bi-minerallic (clinopyroxene and garnet) eclogites that occur as lens-shaped masses within high grade gneisses (country rock eclogites) have Sr87/Sr86 values that range from 0.704 for fine-grained varieties to 0.716 for coarse-grained, orthopyroxene-bearing varieties. These high, varied ratios contrast with the very low, restricted ratios (0.701 to 0.704) of similar minerals from ultrabasic, garnet-clinopyroxene-orthopyroxene-olivine assemblages (garnet peridotites) that occur as lenses within large peridotite bodies. The eclogite-facies metamorphism that generated the garnet peridotites may have occurred in the mantle. However, the metamorphism that generated at least the more radiogenic country-rock eclogites must have occurred in the crust. The high Sr87/Sr86 ratios of these eclogites could be generated either by forming them from crustal parental rocks or by contaminating mantle-derived parental rocks with radiogenic strontium from the country rocks. If this contamination occurred after intrusion and before eclogite-facies metamorphism, a rather contrived history must be postulated that involves intrusion, contamination accompanied by hydration, subsequent dehydration, and finally eclogite-facies metamorphism. These processes could have occurred within the long, complicated history of the enclosing country rocks. Alternatively, if the contamination occurred during eclogite-facies metamorphism, the presence of some hydrous fluid appears to be required to transport the radiogenic strontium from the enclosing country rocks. The eclogites with the highest Sr87/Sr86 ratios are also the most coarse-grained and it is possible that the presence of some intergranular fluid enabled these eclogites to recrystallize to a much larger grain size than would have been possible in a totally anhydrous environment. The garnet peridotites and fine-grained country rock eclogites may have formed from mantle material in the crust but escaped contamination by radiogenic strontium as a result of their position in a dry environment in the crust.Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory Contribution No. 2443  相似文献   

Geochemical and Sr- and Nd-isotopic data have been determined for mafic to intermediate microgranular enclaves and host granitoids from the Early Cretaceous Gudaoling batholith in the Liaodong Peninsula, NE China. The rocks include monzogranite, porphyric granodiorite and quartz diorite. Monzogranites have relatively high 87Rb/86Sr ratios (0.672-0.853), low initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.7052-0.7086) and ε Nd(t) values (−18.5 to −20.9) indicating that they were mainly derived from a newly underplated crustal source with a short crustal residence time. Quartz diorites have high initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.7118-0.7120) and negative ε Nd(t) values (−13.2 to −18.1) coupled with high Al2O3 and MgO contents, indicating they were derived from enriched lithospheric mantle with contributions of radiogenic Sr from plagioclase-rich metagreywackes or meta-igneous rocks, i.e., ancient lower crust. Two groups of enclaves with igneous textures and abundant acicular apatites are distinguished: dioritic enclaves and biotite monzonitic enclaves. Dioritic enclaves have low Al2O3 (13.5-16.4 wt%) and high MgO (Mg# = ∼72.3) concentrations, low initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.7058-0.7073) and negative ε Nd(t) values (∼−7.2), and are enriched in LILEs and LREEs and depleted in HFSEs, suggesting they were derived from an enriched lithospheric mantle source. Biotite monzonitic enclaves have Sr and Nd isotopic compositions similar to the monzogranites, indicating they were crystal cumulates of the parental magmas of these monzogranites. Granodiorites have transitional geochemistry and Nd- and Sr-isotopic compositions, intermediate between the monzogranites, quartz diorites and the enclaves.Geochemical and Sr- and Nd-isotopic compositions rule-out simple crystal-liquid fractionation or restite unmixing as the major genetic link between enclaves and host rocks. Instead, magma mixing of mafic mantle-derived and juvenile crustal-derived magmas, coupled with crystal fractionation and assimilation of ancient lower crust, is compatible with the data. This example shows that at least some calc-alkaline granitoids are not produced by pure intracrustal melting, but formed through a complex, multi-stage hybridization process, involving mantle- and crustal-derived magmas and several concomitant magmatic processes (crystal fractionation, crustal assimilation and crustal anatexis).  相似文献   

Abstract The Erzgebirge Crystalline Complex (ECC) is a rare example where both‘crustal’eclogites and mantle-derived garnet-bearing ultramafic rocks (GBUs) occur in the same tectonic unit. Thus, the ECC represents a key complex for studying tectonic processes such as crustal thickening or incorporation of mantle-derived material into the continental crust. This study provides the first evidence that high-pressure metamorphism in the ECC is of Variscan age. Sm-Nd isochrons define ages of 333 ± 6 (Grt-WR), 337± 5 (Grt-WR), 360± 7 (Grt-Cpx-WR) (eclogites) and 353 ± 7 Ma (Grt-WR) (garnet-pyroxenite). 40Ar/39Ar spectra of phengite from two eclogite samples give plateau ages of 348 ± 2 and 355 ± 2 Ma. The overlap of ages from isotopic systems with blocking temperatures that differ by about 300 ° C indicates extremely fast tectonic uplift rates. Minimum cooling rates were about 50° C Myr-1. As a consequence, the closure temperature of the specific isotopic system is of minor importance, and the ages correspond to the time of high-pressure metamorphism. Despite textural equilibrium and metamorphic temperatures in excess of 800° C, clinopyroxene, garnet and whole rock do not define a three-point isochron in three of four samples. The metamorphic clinopyroxenes seem to have inherited their isotopic signature from magmatic precursors. Rapid tectonic burial and uplift within only a few million years might be the reason for the observed Sm-Nd disequilibrium. The εNd values of the eclogites (+4.4 to +6.9) suggest the protoliths were derived from a long-term depleted mantle, probably a MORB source, whereas the isotopically enriched garnet-pyroxenite (εNd–2.9) might represent subcontinental mantle material, emplaced into the crust prior to or during collision. The similarity of ages of the two different rock types suggests a shared metamorphic history.  相似文献   

The Variscan metamorphism in the Pyrenees is dominantly of the low‐pressure–high‐temperature (LP‐HT) type. The relics of an earlier, Barrovian‐type metamorphism that could be related to orogenic crustal thickening are unclear and insufficiently constrained. A microstructural and petrological study of micaschists underlying an Ordovician augen orthogneiss in the core of the Canigou massif (Eastern Pyrenees, France) reveals the presence of two syntectonic metamorphic stages characterized by the crystallization of staurolite (M1) and andalusite (M2), respectively. Garnet is stable during the two metamorphic stages with a period of resorption between M1 and M2. The metamorphic assemblages M1 and M2 record similar peak temperatures of 580°C at different pressure conditions of 5.5 and 3 kbar, respectively. Using chemical zoning of garnet and calculated P–T pseudosections, a prograde P–T path is constrained with a peak pressure at ~6.5 kbar and 550°C. This P–T path, syntectonic with respect to the first foliation S1, corresponds to a cold gradient (of ~9°C/km), suggestive of crustal thickening. Resorption of garnet between M1 and M2 can be interpreted either in terms of a simple clockwise P–T path or a polymetamorphic two‐stage evolution. We argue in favour of the latter, where the medium‐pressure (Barrovian) metamorphism is followed by a period of significant erosion and crustal thinning leading to decompression and cooling. Subsequent advection of heat, probably from the mantle, leads to a new increase in temperature, coeval with the development of the main regional fabric S2. LA‐ICP‐MS U–Th–Pb dating of monazite yields a well‐defined date at c. 300 Ma. Petrological evidence indicates that monazite crystallization took place close to the M1 peak pressure conditions. However, the similarity between this age and that of the extensive magmatic event well documented in the eastern Pyrenees suggests that it probably corresponds to the age of monazite recrystallization during the M2 LP‐HT event.  相似文献   

A small body of mafic texturally and compositionally varied igneous intrusive rocks corresponding to redwitzites occurs at Abertamy in the Western pluton of the Krušné hory/Erzgebirge granite batholith (Czech Republic). It is enclosed by porphyritic biotite granite of the older intrusive suite in the southern contact zone of the Nejdek-Eibenstock granite massif. We examined the petrology and geochemistry of the rocks and compared the data with those on redwitzites described from NE Bavaria and Western Bohemia.The redwitzites from Abertamy are coarse- to medium-grained rocks with massive textures and abundant up to 2 cm large randomly oriented biotite phenocrysts overgrowing the groundmass. They are high in MgO, Cr and Ni but have lower Rb and Li contents than the redwitzites in NE Bavaria. Compositional linear trends from redwitzites to granites at Abertamy indicate crystal fractionation and magma mixing in a magma chamber as possible mechanisms of magma differentiation. Plots of MgO versus SiO2, TiO2, Al2O3, FeO, CaO, Na2O, and K2O indicate mainly plagioclase and orthopyroxene fractionation as viable mechanisms for in situ differentiation of the redwitzites.The porphyritic biotite monzogranite enclosing the redwitzite is the typical member of the early granitic suite (Older Intrusive Complex, OIC ) with strongly developed transitional I/S-type features. The ages of zircons obtained by the single zircon Pb-evaporation method suggest that the redwitzites and granites at Abertamy originated during the same magmatic period of the Variscan plutonism at about 322 Ma.The granitic melts have been so far mainly interpreted to be formed by heat supply from a thickened crust or decompression melting accompanying exhumation and uplift of overthickened crust in the Krušné hory/Erzgebirge due to a previous collisional event at ca. 340 Ma. The presence of mafic bodies in the Western pluton of the Krušné hory/Erzgebirge batholith confirms a more significant role of mantle-derived mafic magmas in heating of the sources of granitic melts than previously considered.  相似文献   

The Liushuigou intermediate-basic meta-igneous complex at Guanzizhen, Tianshui area, is mainly composed of metagabbro, metagabbro diorite and metadiorite, while the Baihua basic meta-igneous complex consists mainly of pyroxenite, gabbro (gabbro diorite), diorite and quartz diorite. They form a relatively complete comagmatic evolutionary series. The geochemical characteristics of intermediate-basic igneous rocks indicate that they belong to a tholeiite suite. Their chondrite-normalized REE patterns are nearly flat and are LREE-slightly enriched type, and their primitive mantle-normalized and MORB-normalized trace element spider-grams are generally similar; the LILEs Cs, Ba, Sr, Th and U are enriched, while Rb and K and the HFSEs Nb, P, Zr, Sm, Ti and Y are depleted. All these show comagmatic evolutionary and genetic characteristics. The tectonic environment discrimination by trace element reveals that these igneous complexes formed in an island-arc setting. The Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry (TIMS) single-grain zircon U-Pb age for the Liushuigou intermediate-basic meta-igneous rocks in the Guanzizhen area is (507.5±3.0) Ma, representing the age of these igneous complexes, which indicates that island-arc-type magmatite rocks in the northern zone of West Qinling are Late Cambrian and also reveals that the timing of subduction of the paleo-ocean basin represented by the Guanzizhen ophiolite and resulting island-arc-type magmatic activity are probably Late Cambrian to Early Ordovician. Translated from Geology in China, 2005, 32(4): 529–540 [译自: 中国地质]  相似文献   

巴颜喀拉地块夹持于昆南缝合带、金沙江缝合带及龙门山断裂带之间,出露了较多的花岗岩体。当俄花岗岩体的岩石地球化学特征表明,当俄岩体具有较高SiO_2含量(w(SiO_2)=65.78%~70.22%)、过铝质(A/CNK=1.58~1.95,1.1)特征,属过铝质高钾钙碱性A型花岗岩;该岩体总体形成温度为700℃—800℃,总体形成压力为0.05GPa—0.2GPa,为低压高温环境;岩石具有Rb、Th强正异常,Ba、Nb、Sr、P、Ti强烈亏损,轻稀土强烈富集特征,且具有一定的负Eu异常,显示出有壳源的特征;花岗岩锆石SHRIMP U-Pb测年为211.9 Ma±1.9Ma,表明岩浆侵位时代为中生代晚三叠世。当俄花岗岩体形成于碰撞造山后期地壳减薄环境中,属于印支晚期岩浆活动的产物。  相似文献   

胶东昆嵛山杂岩文登长山南花岗闪长岩体中广泛分布具有火成结构的闪长质包体,这些包体主要为椭圆形或纺锤形,定向排列,大小不等(几cm至几m),颜色较寄主岩深,粒度较细,包体具有与寄主岩石相似的矿物组合,但铁镁质矿物及斜长石含量明显比寄主岩石高,而石英和钾长石含量低于寄主岩石;镜下包体具有明显的不平衡反应结构,广泛发育针状磷灰石。在地球化学特征上,包体和寄主岩石部富集大离子亲石元素和轻稀土元素,亏损高场强元素,并具有相近的Sr、Nd同位素组成,ISr为0.70784~0.70818,εNd为-15.0~-15.5然而,包体和寄主岩石的主量元素在相关图上呈明显的线性关系,并且岩石学和锆石Hf同位素特征也明显表明文登长山南岩体在成岩过程中发生了镁铁质岩浆和长英质岩浆的混合作用。在岩浆混合作用过程中,全岩Sr、Yd同位素和晚期生成的矿物组成比较快速地达到了均一化,而主量元素和高温矿物锆石Hf同位素组成则残留了原始岩浆的部分特征研究表明,锆石Hf同位素在岩浆混合作用过程中不容易达到同位素平衡,其同位素组成比全岩Sr、Nd同位素更能有效地示踪混合岩浆的源区特征和岩浆混合过程。  相似文献   

High-temperature, high-pressure eclogite and garnet pyroxenite occur as lenses in garnet peridotite bodies of the Gföhl nappe in the Bohemian Massif. The high-pressure assemblages formed in the mantle and are important for allowing investigations of mantle compositions and processes. Eclogite is distinguished from garnet pyroxenite on the basis of elemental composition, with mg number <80, Na2O > 0.75 wt.%, Cr2O3 < 0.15 wt.% and Ni < 400 ppm. Considerable scatter in two-element variation diagrams and the common modal layering of some eclogite bodies indicate the importance of crystal accumulation in eclogite and garnet pyroxenite petrogenesis. A wide range in isotopic composition of clinopyroxene separates [Nd, +5.4 to –6.0; (87Sr/86Sr)i, 0.70314–0.71445; 18OSMOW, 3.8–5.8%o] requires that subducted oceanic crust is a component in some melts from which eclogite and garnet pyroxenite crystallized. Variscan Sm-Nd ages were obtained for garnet-clinopyroxene pairs from Dobeovice eclogite (338 Ma), Úhrov eclogite (344 Ma) and Nové Dvory garnet pyroxenite (343 Ma). Gföhl eclogite and garnet pyroxenite formed by high-pressure crystal accumulation (±trapped melt) from transient melts in the lithosphere, and the source of such melts was subducted, hydrothermally altered oceanic crust, including subducted sediments. Much of the chemical variation in the eclogites can be explained by simple fractional crystallization, whereas variation in the pyroxenites indicates fractional crystallization accompanied by some assimilation of the peridotite host.  相似文献   

朱江  吴昌雄  彭三国  刘锦明  张闯  陈祺 《地质学报》2019,93(7):1671-1686
谭冲和陈冲岩体出露于西大别造山带新县岩基北缘,主要岩性分别为二长花岗岩和花岗斑岩。为理解其岩石成因和构造属性,对两个岩体开展了激光等离子质谱(LA-ICP-MS)锆石U-Pb测年、元素地球化学和Sr-Nd-Hf同位素研究。结果表明,谭冲和陈冲岩体锆石U-Pb年龄分别为133.5±1.1Ma(MSDW=0.63)和132.9±1.1Ma(MSDW=1.30),暗示其形成于早白垩世。岩石均具有较高的SiO_2(69.40%~77.82%)、Al_2O_3(11.72%~15.26%)和总碱(Na_2O+K_2O=6.40%~8.70%)含量,K_2O/Na_2O比值大于1,过铝质(A/CNK=1.14~1.66,一个样品值0.97除外)等特点,总体归为高钾钙碱性系列。岩石富集轻稀土((La/Yb)_N=22.98~28.64),负Eu异常不明显,亏损Ba、Nb、Ta、P、Ti和Y元素。岩石锶同位素初始比值I_(Sr)为0.707220~0.707557,钕同位素ε_(Nd)(t)值为-17.7~-18.1,两阶段Nd模式年龄T_(DM2)=2.36~2.40Ga。锆石ε_(Hf)(t)值集中于-21.4~-25.8,两阶段Hf模式年龄T_(DM2)=2.24~2.48Ga。详细的矿物组成、岩石地球化学和Sr-Nd-Hf同位素分析揭示,两个岩体成因类型均为分异的I型花岗岩,起源于残留相含有石榴子石的部分熔融岩浆。岩浆房形成压力和深度较大,可能是在加厚下地壳环境扬子陆块北缘古老陆壳物质重熔的产物。结合区域同期岩浆岩对比研究认为,西大别地区与东大别地区加厚下地壳拆沉时限基本一致,发生在133Ma左右。  相似文献   

Forty-eight moldavites and samples of rocks from the impact crater of Ries were analyzed using non-destructive neutron activation analysis. The following elements have been determined: La, Ce, Sm, Eu, Lu, Sc, Co, Cs, Hf and Th; and Rb and Cr in two moldavites. The darker moldavites, more common in Moravia, show higher contents of trace elements than those lighter in colour, from Southern Bohemia.Terrestrial igneous rocks cannot be regarded as a suitable source material, but terrestrial sandy to silty claystones show strong similarities in major and trace element abundances, and exhibit analogous inter-element variations to moldavites. The Tertiary claystones and sandstones which probably covered the Ries area before the impact, are a possible source rocks for moldavites.  相似文献   

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