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INTRODUCTIONEstuariescompriseamajorbiogeochemicalinterfaceconnectingthelandandthesea (Man toura,1 987) .Thebehaviorandfateofaparticularriver bornesubstanceintroducedintoanestuaryisdeterminedtoalargeextentbythebiogeochemicalpropertiesofthesubstanceaswellasp…  相似文献   

A three-dimensional transportation model for suspended solids (SS) in Zhujiang (Pearl) River estuary, South China, was developed by coupling with a three-dimensional hydrodynamic model. The model was validated using hourly measured data of sediment contents during 25-26, July 1999. The results showed that modeled contents matched well with measured ones and that the modeled top layer distribution agreed with the remotely sensed image of suspended solids in summer. The modeled results showed clearly the layers of suspended solids in depth, with larger sediment contents in lower layers though in the interface between salt water and freshwater the lowest contents appeared in middle layer. In overall, the suspended solids inflow from 8 rivers,transport southwestward, and carried by strong coastal flow in Zhujiang River estuary. Contours of sediment contents in the estuary spread further to the open sea during ebb tide rather than flood tide which reflects that the suspended solids in the estuary are land sourced.  相似文献   

Although remote sensing data have been used to estimate total suspended matter (TSM) in coastal waters, it has limitations when applied to estuary waters in low spatial resolution situations. The spatial resolution of ocean color satellites such as SeaWiFS and MODIS is usually ~1 km, and therefore is not adequate for small, local-scale areas such as the Zhujiang (Pearl) River estuary. In contrast, 30 m-resolution EO-1 Hyperion imagery has potential for studying TSM in localized areas. We measured the surface spectral radiance reflectance of the river estuary water in the visible and near infra-red spectral range. Sensitivity analysis indicated that the ratio of remote sensing reflectance at 813 nm (Rrs(813)) to reflectance at 559 nm (Rrs(559)) could be used to estimate TSM concentration, and a linear relationship was established between the ratio and in-situ TSM concentration. We applied the linear relationship to Hyperion imagery to map TSM concentration in the estuary. The Hyperion imagery provided sufficient spatial resolution to detect spatiotemporal changes in TSM concentrations in the estuary small estuary area. This study demonstrated the usefulness of Hyperion imagery for mapping the distribution of TSM in estuary waters.  相似文献   

The densities of 36 water samples from the Huanghe River estuary and Bohai Bay were determinedby a magnetic float densimcter under three temperatures from 15℃ to 25℃.All the measured densities ofsamples were greater than that of the values calculated from the International Equation of State of Seawater.The differences between the measured and calculated densities increased with the decrease of salinities.The dif-ferences appeared exponentially correlated with[Ca~(2+)]/s,[Mg~(2+)]/s and[SO_4~(2-)]/s,and had"s"type curverelationship with the alkalinity in all salinity range.But in the salinity ranging from 25.72 to 31.57,therelationships were all linear.The density difference can be estimated from the equation △ρ(10~3kg·m~(-3))=(-2.79+236.5([Ca~(2+)]/s)/(-9.7464×10~(-3)+[Ca~(2+)]/s).It was the high alkalinity and[Ca~(2+)]/s that resulted in the measured densi-ties of seawaters being higher than the calculated densities in the Huanghe estuary and Bohai Bay.  相似文献   

During the summer of 2011,a severe drought event occurred throughout the Zhujiang(Pearl)River Basin of South China.This decreased runoff into the river,resulting in increased salinity and reduced suspended substance.To examine the effects of this extreme drought on the distribution of nutrients and chlorophyll,we compared two surveys from 2006 and 2011.Results show that dissolved inorganic nitrogen concentration did not change from 2006 to 2011,whereas the proportions of NO 2 – and NH 4 + to DIN in 2011 increased.PO 4 3-concentration was lower in 2011 than in 2006,whereas there was no difference in SiO 3 2-concentration between these years.Correlation coeffi cients of salinity with levels of NO 3 –,NO 2 –,NH 4 +,PO 4 3-and SiO 3 2-in 2011 were all much higher than those in 2006,suggesting greater conservation of dissolved nutrients during the extreme drought event.Furthermore,calculated amounts of regenerated nitrate and phosphorus and their proportions to observed nutrients in 2011 were much lower than in 2006,indicating that nutrient regeneration decreased during the extreme drought period.Mean concentration of chlorophyll a(Chl-a)was considerably higher in 2011 than in 2006,and a harmful algal bloom of Cochlodinium geminatum was observed in the estuary,owing to water stagnancy and lower turbidity as a consequence of drought.Therefore,the extreme drought event in 2011 changed the composition ratio of nutrients,enhanced nutrient conservative behavior,and reduced nutrient regeneration.This affected some key ecological processes in the estuary.  相似文献   

In this paper, Shunde City is selected as a typical region standing for the Zhujiang Delta because of its excellent location and dike-pond system. There are three main characters of agricultural land use in this region. First, the most typical land use form is dike-pond system. It is a special form of artificial ecosystem of land-water interaction. Second, sandy field is also an important land type in this region. Third, land use is greatly influenced by export-oriented economy. Recently, with economic reforming and the opening up of the Zhujiang Delta, the structure of agricultural land use has been changed greatly. The area of mulberry dike has decreased and a variety of planting crops has increased. Various structure of dike-pond farming has emerged in the Zhujiang Delta such as “fruit dike-fish pond”, “flower dike-fish pond”, “grass dike-fish pond”, “vegetable dike-fish pond”. The area of water has slightly increased and its development tends to modernization due to the use of modern equipment and advanced breeding ways. The area for “three high” (high yield, high quality and high efficiency) agriculture has increased greatly.  相似文献   

The Zhujiang (Pearl) River Delta is one of the most developed Extended Metropolitan Regions (EMR) in China.With the rapid urbanization,the agglomeration of population and industries has emerged,which has led to dramatic changes of spatial structure and land use in this region.With data of high resolution TM remote sensing images and Google Earth maps,this paper identified and analyzed the spatial pattern of the Zhujiang River Delta EMR using Envy and ArcGIS tools.It was found that 1) the industrial land uses were expanding substantially,particularly on the bank sides of the Zhujiang River estuary;2) large-scale housing developments were concentrated in the fringe of metropolitan areas such as those of Guangzhou and Shenzhen;3) a regional transportation network with the spatial pattern of ″1 circle +2 pieces + 3 axes″ had significantly affected the location choice of manufacture enterprises.At the same time,both highly specialized land use and severely mixed land use patterns were identified.As a consequence of the latter,land use efficiency of the whole EMR areas was reduced.Moreover,ecologic and environmental problems were severe.Based on the above analysis,suggestions were given from the viewpoint of spatial safety,land use efficiency,and the reorganization of spatial structure in the Zhujiang River Delta EMR.  相似文献   

To identify impact factors on the distribution and characters of natural plants community in reclamation area, with survey data from 67 plant quadrats in July 2009, soil properties data from 216 sampling points in April 2009, and TM (30 m) data in 2006, the composition and characteristics of natural plants community in different time of the Fengxian area in the Changjiang (Yangtze) River estuary were analyzed with two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN), multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA), detrended canonical correspondence analysis (DCCA) and canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). The results show that: 1) The plant communities in the reclaimed area are mainly mesophytes and helophytic-mesophytic transitional communities, showing a gradient distribution trend with the change in reclamation years. Species richness (MA), species diversity (H) and above-ground biomass also increase with the increase of reclamation years. Nevertheless, they appear to decline slightly in the middle and late reclamation period (> 30 years). 2) With the rise in land use levels, the changes in species richness and species diversity tend to increase at first and then decrease; species dominance (D), however, tends to decline; and above-ground biomass increases slightly. 3) The distribution of the plant community is mainly influenced by the following factors: land use levels (R = 0.55, p < 0.05), soil moisture (R = 0.53, p < 0.05), soil salinity (R = 0.43, p < 0.05) and reclamation time (R = 0.40, p < 0.05).  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONKnowledgeofthedistributionandcompositionofthechlorophyllandcarotenoidpigmentsincoastalmarinewatersprovidesinformationonthephytoplanktonbiomassandalsoonitschemotaxon omy ,thecontributionofriverineinputs,andtheearlydegradationroutesoccurringi…  相似文献   

A severe Cochlodinium geminatum red tide (>300 km2) was observed in the Zhujiang (Pearl) River estuary, South China Sea in autumn 2009. We evaluated the environmental conditions and phytoplankton community structure during the outbreak. The red tide water mass had significantly higher dissolved inorganic phosphate (DIP), ammonia, and temperature, but significantly lower nitrite, nitrate, dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), and DIN/DIP relative to the non-red-tide zones. The phytoplankton assemblage was dominated by dinoflagellates and diatoms during the red tide. C. geminatum was the most abundant species, with a peak density of 4.13×107 cell/L, accounting for >65% of the total phytoplankton density. The DIN/DIP ratio was the most important predictor of species, accounting for 12.45% of the total variation in the phytoplankton community. Heavy phosphorus loading, low precipitation, and severe saline intrusion were likely responsible for the bloom of C. geminatum.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to analyze soil physical and chemical properties,soil comprehensive functions and impact factors after different years of reclamation.Based on the survey data taken from 216 soil sampling points in the Fengxian Reclamation Area of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River Estuary,China in April 2009 and remotely sensed TM data in 2006,while by virtue of multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA),geo-statistical analysis (GA),prin-cipal component analysis (PCA) and canonical correspondence analysis (CCA),it was concluded that:1) With the in-crease in reclamation time,soil moisture,soil salinity,soil electric conductivity and soil particle size tended to decline,yet soil organic matter tended to increase.Soil available phosphorous tended to increase in the early reclamation period,yet it tended to decline after about 49 years of reclamation.Soil nitrate nitrogen,soil ammonia nitrogen and pH changed slightly in different reclamation years.Soil physical and chemical properties reached a steady state after about 30 years of reclamation.2) According to the results of PCA analysis,the weighted value (0.97 in total) that represents soil nutrient factors (soil nitrate nitrogen,soil organic matter,soil available phosphorous,soil ammonia nitrogen,pH and soil particle size) were higher than the weighted value (0.48 in total) of soil limiting factors (soil salinity,soil elec-tric conductivity and soil moisture).The higher the F value is,the better the soil quality is.3) Different land use types play different roles in the soil function maturity process,with farmlands providing the best contribution.4) Soil physi-cal and chemical properties in the reclamation area were mainly influenced by reclamation time,and then by land use types.The correlation (0.1905) of the composite index of soil function (F) with reclamation time was greater than that with land use types (-0.1161).  相似文献   

1 Introduction Economic development in any country or region entails a long process of structural change in production as GDP and income per capita rise. In addition, economic de- velopment requires a long period of structural transfor- mation in materials inputs through reallocating natural resources (Cipolla, 1962). Land, as a crucial element and a key factor of production, is always the best witness of such transformations. In China, one of the largest countries in the world, 13.5% of its…  相似文献   

西辽河的老哈河流域土地利用遥感动态监测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用Landsat TM和ETM+遥感影像,基于知识规则的遥感分类及分类后处理方法对20世纪80、90年代末的半干旱的老哈河流域土地利用变化进行动态监测,并用GIS方法对土地利用变化及其空间分布进行了定量分析。结果表明:在这十年间,由于气候条件的变化及人类活动的影响,老哈河流域土地利用发生显著变化,变化范围占流域总面积的33.64%,土地利用变化主要表现为农、林、牧用地之间的转换。其中水体、滩地、林地、草地和未利用土地减少,大量的沙地和裸土地被开发利用;城乡用地和旱地有所增多,水田大幅度增加,农业耕作方式发生巨大变化。本研究为研究北方干旱化形成机理的生态-水文耦合模型提供重要的下垫面输入条件,为以后土地利用格局的改变对蒸散发和径流过程的影响提供重要的分析前提。  相似文献   

since 1978, rural urbanization has been accelerated in the Zhujiang (Pearl) River Delta because of the rapid development of commodity agriculture, industrialization and tertiary industry. Its natural urban population increase had been mostly mechanical before now, and the towns have been transformed from traditional centers into those serving various functions, particularly industrial ones.In the Zhujiang River Delta, population density and the level of economic changes are high in central areas, and low in outlying area, but on the other hand, urban population has increased slowly in central area and fast in outlying area. In the central areas more industrial towns emerge. So the gap has been greatly reduced. The reform of the construction of the region's economy, the improvement of transportation, the adjustment of the standard of town setting have promoted the distribution of the towns in the Zhujiang River Delta from being centralized to balanced.  相似文献   

The Economic Area of Zhujiang Delta (EAZD for short) includes 14 cities and counties: Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Foshan, Jiangmen, Dongguan, Zhongshan, Huizhou, Huiyang, Huidong, Boluo, Zhaoqing, Gaohui and Sihui. In 1999, the population of EAZD is 22.62 million, 30.99 %of the total population of Guangdong Province, and the land area is 41 698km2, 23.36%of the total area of Guangdong Province (Guangdong Province Statistics Bureau,2000). EAZD is the important base of many …  相似文献   

IMRODUcTlONThe577km1ongMinjiangRiver,thelongestriverinFujianProvinceofChina,hasa6O992km2drainagebasin.Thewaterdischargeislarge(meaninyearsis198Om/s).TheannualrunofffromtheMinjiangRiveris5.84xlOlom,WhichismorethanthatoftheHuangheRiver,andranksthirdintheannualrunoffofmaorChineseriversWhang,l994).SimdentnutrientSfromtheMinjiangRivertotheseaisanarisa-ryconditionforthefonnationandcontinuingexistenceoftheMindongFisheryGroundandtheMihahongFisheryGround.Inthendingareaofriverwaterwithseaw…  相似文献   

At present, approximately 36% of coasts are experiencing net erosion in the Changjiang River delta and the north Jiangsu coastal plain. Future sea level rise will accelerate the process of coastal erosion. According to the ratio of the calculated value of coast retreat by Bruun rule to the estimated value by using measured data, the proportion affected by sea level rise in total coastal erosion has been estimated in this paper. When sea level rises by 20cm, the proportion determined by sea level rise will increase from 1.0% at present to 2.2% in the future in the coasts of abandoned Huanghe River delta and from 8.5%–9.6% to 13.5%–15.2% in the north and south banks of the Changjiang River delta. This result is lower than that from the similar research in the world, and this phenomenon is related with the special development process of the coasts in this area. The mechanism of accelerating coastal erosion by sea level rise is that sea level is will increase the intensity of tidal current, wave and storm surge and decrease the ability to reduce the force of waves on the tidal flat and coastal wetland due to the loss of their areas. Therefore, the length of erosion coasts will increase, the sedimentation rate of accretion coasts will decrease or even turn accretion into erosion, the width of tidal flat will reduce and coastal slope will increase. So the project of coastal protection of this area must be reinforced. Project funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Chinese Academy of Sciences.  相似文献   

The Zhujiang (Pearl) River Delta is the rapid economic development region in China since the opening and reform door policy was carried out in 1978. Being the rapid development of industry and city, the impact on the aquatic environmental quality was significant. The pollution caused the water quality descended and the ecological system degraded, and also impeded the economic development. The characteristics and problems of the aquatic environment are: the capacity of aquatic environment is large but hasn’t been utilized rationally, the water quality is influenced by saline sea water and tide current, the main pollutants are organic matter and the pollution is going heavier, the concentration of pollutants change seasonally. The countermeasures of aquatic environmental protection are: carrying out the environmental functional regionalization and controlling the total amount of pollutant discharge, revising the industrial structure and making a rational industrial arrangement, raising the rate of waste water treatment and making a full assessment of the water conservancy project.  相似文献   

IINTRODUCTION niques in China(ZHANG。t al,1999; CHEN et al,2000b).Since the early 1990s,he acceleration of land With its abundant forest,land and water re-use/cover change(LUL乙)has spurred renewed con-sources,the area of the Nenjlang River valley Is one ofcerns about the role ofland use change Indrlvingmany the lmpoFtant lumber products and commodity grainenvironmental problems.Research on the causes and ba…  相似文献   

Water samples were collected and analyzed in high water season (July 1997) and in middle water season (October, 1997) from two main lower reach gauge stations of the Zhujiang (Pearl) River, namely Hekou and Makou, respectively. Content of particulate organic carbon is always higher than that of dissolved organic carbon in both seasons, which is obviously different from the global average pattern, i.e. dissolved organic carbon is the dominant component of the transported riverine organic carbon. The content of dissolved and particulate organic carbon changes with the water levels in a direct ratio. The percentage of organic carbon in total suspended substance changes with the content of total suspended substance in an inverse ratio. The more intense is the soil erosion in the drainage, the more concentrated is the riverine organic carbon in the river. The contribution of autochthonous organic carbon is large in high water season than in middle water season. Fundation item: This project was supported financially by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 49901002), the key funds of resources and eco-environmental research of the CAS (No. KZ952-J1-402), a funds of the state key laboratory of organic geochemistry, and Guangdong Province Science Funds (No. 984131). Biography: Gao Quan-zhou (1965 —), male, a native of Anhui Province, associate professor. His research interests are geomorphology and Quaternary geochemistry.  相似文献   

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