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EVENT has been used to examine the effects of 3D cloud structure, distribution, and inhomogeneity on the scattering of visible solar radiation and the resulting 3D radiation field. Large eddy simulation and aircraft measurements are used to create realistic cloud fields which are continuous or broken with smooth or uneven tops. The values, patterns and variance in the resulting downwelling and upwelling radiation from incident visible solar radiation at different angles are then examined and compared to measurements. The results from EVENT confirm that 3D cloud structure is important in determining the visible radiation field, and that these results are strongly influenced by the solar zenith angle. The results match those from other models using visible solar radiation, and are supported by aircraft measurements of visible radiation, providing confidence in the new model.  相似文献   

We present a new numerical radiative transfer model for application to solar radiation transport in three-dimensional (3D) cloudy atmospheres. The code uses the finite element–spherical harmonics (FE–PN) approximation to solve the second-order even-parity form of the transport equation. It is validated by comparison with solutions from two well-established, deterministic radiative transfer models, the one-dimensional (1D) DISORT code and the spherical harmonics discrete ordinates method (SHDOM). The cases solved show generally good agreement, but also reveal some differences. EVEn-parity Neutral particle Transport (EVENT) is very efficient at performing 1D calculations quickly and, even for quite high angular resolutions, is faster. EVENT also has a competitive speed for the simpler, less-heterogeneous multidimensional cases but it is slower than SHDOM for more variable cases. However, there is significant potential to improve the performance of EVENT; it has not yet been optimised for speed and, as such, is not a finished product. Even as it is, EVENT could be used to produce fast, lower-resolution estimates for applications where this would be sufficient, or at lower-spatial resolutions with partial homogenisation.Another difference between the models is that the SHDOM algorithm is designed for small-scale inhomogeneous cloud fields in which the grid spacing is comparable to the mean free path. Problems arise from the use of larger grid cell optical depths, with an increase in the number of iterations required and a lack of flux conservation. Neither of the models is specifically constrained to conserve flux, but the conservation of flux gives an indication of the accuracy of the solution. Increasing the spatial and angular resolution can improve the accuracy but this is not always possible for very large 3D scenes. The grid-point method of property definition in SHDOM means that it performs best for cases with a continuous variation in extinction as this avoids discontinuities in the source function. The finite clouds used in our tests have sharp boundaries that are easily defined in EVENT but the difficulties caused by these in SHDOM are evident in excesses of up to 10 fluxes.The EVENT mesh resolution is determined by the local optical depth; it has no problem in dense areas but has more trouble in coping with voids or optically thin regions. These conditions are easily handled in SHDOM through streaming of photons along discrete ordinates but EVENT must implement methods such as a ray-tracing algorithm. Cases with extreme values of the extinction coefficient are probably best avoided with EVENT, but slightly larger-scale cases with greater optical depths, not suitable for SHDOM, may be solved more easily. These factors should be considered when selecting the most appropriate method for a particular application.  相似文献   

山地对流云并合形成积层混合云的过程分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
本文利用贵阳市气象台2005和2006年5-9月的地面、高空观测和雷达资料等,分析了41次山地对流云并合形成积层混合云的降水过程.研究发现如果分散的多单体对流云若距离较近,则很可能出现大范围地跨接、合并,则有可能形成范围宽广的片状或带状云系,即积层混合云系.云系形成以后在移动的过程中,会将前方不断新生的对流单体合并,从而云系前缘强度增强,云系不断维持.整个系统的生命期往往较分散云团更长,并有可能会形成间歇性或连续性降水.本文分析了山地对流云并合形成积层混合云的一些具体特征.  相似文献   

An analysis of the spatial and temporal scales of cloud variability and their coupling provided by the results from existing cloud observing systems allows us to reach the following conclusions about the necessary attributes of a cloud monitoring system. (1) Complete global coverage with uniform density is necessary to obtain an unbiased estimate of cloud change and an estimate of the reliability with which that change can be determined. (2) A spatial sampling interval of less than 50 km is required so that cloud cover distributions will generally be homogeneous, or statistically homogeneous, within a sample. (3) A sampling frequency of at least six times a day ensures not only that the diurnal and semi-diurnal cycles are not aliased into long term mean values, but also that changes in them can be monitored. (4) Since estimated climate changes are only evident on a decadal time-scale, unless cloud monitoring is continuous with a record length greater than 10 years and has very high precision ( 1%) instrument calibration with overlapping observations between each pair of instruments, it will not be possible either to detect or to diagnose the effects of cloud changes on the climate.  相似文献   

云的观测中存在的问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据工作实际,指出在地面气象观测工作中观测云时经常存在的问题,并结合实例进行分析,找出了存在问题的原因,强调观测员应当加强学习,不断总结经验,使云的观测符合客观实际,真实地反映大气状况,才能为天气预报、气候研究等提供可靠的依据。  相似文献   

Main characteristics of the atmosphere disturbances over the mountains are calculated with a nonlinear two-dimensional stationary model of the airstream over mountains depending on the properties of the unperturbed upstream. A spatial humidity distribution over mountains is defined under assumption that water vapor is transported with airstreams like a passive pollutant. The derived humidity fields and calculated temperature distribution are used for determining the spatial relative humidity distribution over mountains. Critical values of the relative humidity in the interval of 70–100% are used for identifying the cloud zone boundaries. The analysis is performed on the cloud zone dependence on vertical distribution of relative humidity in the upstream and on the mountain form characteristics. The studies are conducted with a special reference to a complicated mountain relief in Southern Zagros (Iran).  相似文献   

We show that photochemical processes in the lower half of the troposphere are strongly affected by the presence of liquid water clouds. Especially CH2O, an important intermediate of CH4 (and of other hydrocarbon) oxidation, is subject to enhanced breakdown in the aqueous phase. This reduces the formation of HO x -radicals via photodissociation of CH2O in the gas phase. In the droplets, the hydrated form of CH2O, its oxidation product HCO2 , and H2O2 recycle O2 radicals which, in turn, react with ozone. We show that the latter reaction is a significant sink for O3. Further O3 concentrations are reduced as a result of decreased formation of O3 during periods with clouds. Additionally, NO x , which acts as a catalyst in the photochemical formation of O3, is depleted by clouds during the night via scavenging of N2O5. This significantly reduces NO x -concentrations during subsequent daylight hours, so that less NO x is available for O3 production. Clouds thus directly reduce the concentrations of O3, CH2O, NO x , and HO x . Indirectly, this also affects the budgets of other trace gases, such as H2O2, CO, and H2.  相似文献   

郑倩  孙杭媛  潘欣  顾振海  黄亿  叶飞 《气象科学》2022,42(3):390-401
利用2008年9月—2016年8月的CloudSat卫星资料对发生在我国低纬度陆地区域(5°~36.5°N, 78°~124°E)的卷云物理特征进行统计分析,并分别讨论东部沿海、中部、西部3个子区域的卷云物理特征的季节变化。结果表明:卷云的整层发生率西部地区整体低于中部与东部沿海地区。3个子区域整层发生率均在夏季最高、冬季最低。卷云的主要发生高度在5.04~18.71 km,垂直分布中卷云发生率的最大值出现在春季中部地区,为15.34%,高度为9.83 km。冰水路径最大值出现在夏季的东部沿海,液水路径最大值在秋季的西部地区。冰水含量、冰粒数浓度、冰粒有效半径的主要分布高度与卷云的发生高度一致,液水含量、液滴数浓度、液滴有效半径的主要分布高度在5.04~9.35 km。3个子区域卷云冰水含量、冰粒数浓度、冰粒有效半径垂直分布中大多集中在中上部;液水含量垂直分布主要集中在分布高度的中下部。四季卷云雷达反射率因子的最大值在-19.89~-16.78 dBZ,分布高度在7.19~10.55 km。  相似文献   

Research flights in November 1990 over the central parts of the United States, Wyoming and Colorado, were aimed to the investigation of the properties and microstructure of cirrus clouds (mainly cirrocumulus lenticularis). Among the other parameters measured on board the NCAR Saberliner were the concentration and size distribution of submicron particles and, in some cases, the particle deliquescence. For coarse insoluble particles found inside and outside of cloud elements, size distributions and morphology information were obtained by evaluating inertial impactor samples with an optical microscope and scanning electron microscope. In addition, the coarse particle composition was determined by x-ray energy spectrum analysis. The following conclusions from these measurements are:The large and coarse particle size distribution can be roughly simulated by a log-normal function with the modus around r=0.5 μm. Particle concentrations are very variable between several tenths and several particles per cm3. Particle volume distribution features a distinct maximum around 0.75 μm without a broad plateau which was observed in the case of sampling at lower altitude. Aerosol composition heterogeneity at cirrus cloud level is well documented by the evaluation of the fine particle sampling taken with the UMR sampling system. This heterogeneity can be partly explained by the interaction between aerosol and cloud elements, which is documented by the measured particle size distribution curves inside and outside of cloud elements. Assuming that particle deliquescence is caused by H2SO4 and/or by (NH4)2SO4, particle soluble mass fractions were found to be around 30% in the first case and about 40% in the second. The most frequently occurring elements in large and coarse particles at cirrus cloud level were Si, Cl, Ba, S, Ca and C.  相似文献   

Using a 3D lightning radiation source locating system (LLS), three pairs of associated lightning discharges (two or more adjacent lightning discharges following an arbitrary rule that their space-gap was less than 10 km and their time-gap was less than 800 ms) were observed, and the interaction between associated lightning discharges was analyzed. All these three pairs of associated lightning discharges were found to involve three or more charge regions (the ground was considered as a special charge region). Moreover, at least one charge region involved two lightning discharges per pair of associated lightning discharges. Identified from electric field changes, the subsequent lightning discharges were suppressed by the prior lightning discharges. However, it is possible that the prior lightning discharge provided a remaining discharge channel to facilitate the subsequent lightning discharge. The third case provided evidence of this possibility. Together, the results suggested that, if the charges in the main negative charge region can be consumed using artificial lightning above the main negative charge regions, lightning accidents on the ground could be greatly reduced, on the condition that the height of the main negative charge region and the charge intensity of the lower positive charge region are suitable.  相似文献   


Short‐ and long‐wave sky radiances measured with an all‐sky automatic recording radiometer are used to infer the sky cloud‐cover conditions at 10‐min intervals (night) and 20‐min intervals (day). During the day a simple net short‐wave detector provides supplementary data and can be employed as a clear‐sky indicator. This system of cloud detection is controlled by a PET microcomputer and provides a basis for the automatic computer programmed estimation of cloud cover.  相似文献   

张涛  李亮亮  李建 《暴雨灾害》2022,37(1):50-57

为更好地理解和认识小尺度地形对降水特性的影响,利用位于云贵高原地区相近的两个国家基准站太华山和昆明站2006—2018年雨季(5—10月)小时降水资料,统计分析了两站降水精细化的时空特征。结果表明,两站的海拔高度差约500 m、站距约5 km,暖季降水量差异不大,但降水的精细特征却存在明显差异,主要表现为:(1)两站的降水量和平均降水强度年际差异不明显,但太华山站多数年份的降水频次远多于昆明站;(2)降水日变化上,太华山站在11—20时的累积降水量要高于昆明站;两站降水频次均具有双峰型特征,但在03—09时和11—17时太华山站的降水频次要明显高于昆明站,00—13时和21—23时昆明站的平均降水强度高于太华山站。(3)两站的降水事件特征不同,太华山站的降水事件次数和累积降水量都明显多于昆明站,主要由持续时间在6 h以上的降水事件贡献。(4)两站降水事件主要为共有降水事件,降水特性差异也主要由共有降水事件造成。太华山站先开始(结束)降水的共有降水事件次数比昆明站多(少),持续时间(降水频次)比昆明站长(多),短、长时降水事件的降水量(降水频次)比昆明站大(多),平均降水持续时间比昆明站多0.36 h。(5)两站单独降水事件占总降水事件的39.9%,太华山站的单独降水事件数是昆明站的1.83倍,而且平均持续时间长于昆明站。


陈军  何为  杨群  雷霆  李小兰  杜小玲 《暴雨灾害》2020,37(2):158-166

利用常规观测资料、地面加密自动站资料、雷达探测资料与NCEP 1°×1°再分析资料等,对低层偏东气流影响下贵州铜仁梵净山东侧4次强降水天气过程进行了分析,重点探讨了在低层偏东气流与地形共同作用下的强降水形成机制,并归纳低层偏东气流影响下的梵净山东侧强降水概念模型。结果表明:(1)高空槽、低层切变线、地面中尺度辐合线是影响梵净山东侧强降水的主要天气系统;(2)低层浅薄偏东气流对梵净山东侧强降水起着关键作用,当低空气流u分量随高度减小时,地形迎风坡气流辐合上升,而气流v分量随高度增加时,地形迎风坡会产生与山脉垂直的水平涡管,在地形抬升作用下涡管向上凸起形成两个涡管环流圈,涡度垂直分量使山脚附近上升气流加强而有利于山脚产生强降水;(3)梵净山东侧强降水区的形成存在三种机制,即迎风坡山脚多次触发对流形成雨量叠加效应、地面中尺度辐合线自身触发组织对流、回波沿地面中尺度辐合线东移形成“列车效应”,三种机制产生的降水带与地面中尺度辐合线走向一致。


Aircraft observations of electrical conductivity and cloud microphsical, dynamical and other electrical parameters were made in warm stratocumulus and cumulus clouds forming during the summer monsoon seasons (June-September) of 1983 and 1985 in the Deccan Plateau region, India. A Gerdien type cylindrical condenser was used for the measurement of electrical conductivity. The variations in the electrical conductivity are observed to be closely associated with the updrafts and downdrafts in the cloud, liquid water content, cloud droplet charge and coro-na discharge current. The value of electrical conductivity in warm clouds is found to be in the order of 10-12 ohm-1 m-1 which is two orders higher than that observed in clear-air at cloud-base levels in some regions by other investigators.Classical static electricity concepts predict reduced conductivity values inside clouds. Cloud electrical conductivi-ty measurements, particularly in warm clouds are few and the results are contradictory. The recently identified mech-anism of vertical mixing in clouds lends support to coovective charge separation mechanism with inherent larger than clear-air values for cloud electrical conductivity and therefore consistent with the measurements reported herein.  相似文献   

The Sundqvist parameterization for warm rain production by autoconversion processes as the function of cloud liquid water mixing ratio m is tested by defining a realistic ‘driving’ profile m(z) for a maritime low, warm stratocumulus cloud, and comparing with various recent observations. The results show that the parameterization is acceptable, especially after tuning its rain collection constant C1. It is somewhat sensitive to the vertical resolution of the host model, though. Extending the calculations by considering typical cloud and raindrop size spectra, extra variables such as drizzle amounts and droplet effective radii (forced by the bulk Sundqvist rain rates) could be estimated by numerical integration. Also, these seem to agree fairly well with the available observations.  相似文献   

During a field measuring campaign at Kleiner Feldberg (Taunus) in 1990, microphysical characteristics of clouds have been measured by Forward Scattering Spectrometer Probes (FSSP). The aim was to study the influence of aerosol and meteorological factors on droplet size and number. The results are: More mass in the accumulation size range of the aerosol leads to more droplets in stratocumulus clouds and to higher soluble masses in droplets of stratus clouds. However, the aerosol distribution was coarser in the stratus clouds compared to the stratocumulus clouds. Within the first 200 m from cloud base, the droplets grow while their number decreases. The growth results in a stable size of about 14 µm diameter over a large distance from cloud base in many stratocumulus clouds. Two types of mixing processes were observed: processes with reductions in the number of droplets (inhomogeneous mixing) and with reductions in the size of the droplets (homogeneous mixing).  相似文献   

The role of clouds in photodissociation is examined by both modeling and observations. It is emphasized that the photodissociation rate is proportional to the actinic flux rather than to the irradiance. (The actinic flux concerns the energy that is incident on a molecule, irrespective of the direction of incidence. The irradiance concerns the energy that is incident on a plane.) A 3-layer model is used to calculate the actinic flux above and below a cloud, relative to the incident flux, in terms of cloud albedo, zenith angle and the albedo of the underlying and overlying atmosphere. Cloud albedo is mainly determined by cloud optical thickness. An expression for the in-cloud actinic flux is given as a function of in-cloud optical thickness. The 3-layer model seems to be an useful model for estimation of photodissociation rates in dispersion models. Further, a multi-layer delta-Eddington model is used to calculate irradiances, actinic fluxes and photodissociation rates of nitrogen dioxide J(NO2) as a function of height in inhomogeneous atmospheres. For the considered wavelength interval [290–420 nm], Rayleigh scattering, ozone absorption and Mie scattering and absorption by cloud drops and aerosols should be taken into account. It is stressed that both models are one-dimensional and as such are unable to deal with partial cloudiness. It is shown that if no clouds are present, the actinic flux depends primarily on the solar zenith angle. The actinic flux usually increases with height. For cloudy atmospheres, another important parameter with respect to the actinic flux is added: cloud optical thickness, which determines cloud albedo. It can be shown that in-cloud characteristics and cloud height are less important in describing the effect of a cloud on the actinic flux (outside the cloud). The in-cloud values of the actinic flux can exceed the values outside the cloud. Finally, using the photostationary state relationship, good agreement is found between model results and aircraft measurements.  相似文献   

A large data set of the total (liquid and ice) cloud water content in continental stratiform clouds of middle latitudes was collected in the Cloud Physics Laboratory (CPL) of the Central Aerological Observatory (CAO). The total flight length in clouds was over 100,000 km. On the basis of these data, the cumulative frequencies of TCWC occurrences F(w) were found and parameterized by log-normal distributions which parameters depend on temperature. In the temperature interval from 0°C to −40°C the empirical values of F(w) deviate of no more than 5% from the parameterized ones.The new data, with a better probe detecting threshold, lead to a noticeable increase of the cases with small values of cloud water content and correspondingly, decrease of cloud water content characteristic values comparing with the values previously obtained by many authors. The difference increased with decreasing temperature.  相似文献   

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