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笔者利用在中太平洋(CP)区采取的CP9和CP25钻孔柱状样及19个站位的表层沉积物样品,通过对沉积物的成分、类型、古生物化石、常微量元素含量等鉴定测试,从地球化学特征对该区全新世以来沉积物中元素在垂向变化特点及相互之间的亲疏关系进行了详细分析和研究。通过R型因子分析与物源的研究,认为该区沉积物主要受陆源碎屑及生物碎屑沉积的影响较大,晚期火山物质供应比早期要充足,全新世的沉积环境趋于比较稳定。  相似文献   

Geology of Ore Deposits - Abstract—Yellow volborthite Cu2.95(V1.91P0.09)Σ2O7(OH)1.90·2H2O, and turquoise atacamite, Cu2[Cl0.98(OH)0.02]Σ1.00(OH)3 have been found incrusting...  相似文献   

On the basis of complex studies of tephra layers (morphology of volcanic glass particles, chemical composition of glass particles and minerals, and REE distribution), marker tephra layers (K2, K3) were distinguished in the stratigraphic columns in the area of the Sea of Okhotsk. The areas of distribution of tephra layers and their age datings were determined. Tephra layers are shown to be similar in their chemical composition. They are correlated with strong explosive eruptions in the Nemo caldera complex on Onekotan Island (northern part of the Kuril Islands) in the Late Pleistocene.  相似文献   

Sedimentary changes during the last ∼2500 years have been reconstructed from cored sedimentary records from the deltaic floodplain of the Lower Tagus Valley and the Tagus mudbelt on the continental shelf offshore Lisbon. We used a multi-proxy approach consisting of sedimentology, grainsize, pollen data and magnetic susceptibility. In the floodplain grainsize coarsened and sedimentation rate and magnetic susceptibility increased during the late Holocene due to an increased flooding frequency and/or intensity. On the Tagus shelf the mudbelt grainsize fined, together with a higher sedimentation rate and increased magnetic susceptibility. The fining grainsize is explained by an increased suspended sediment flux towards the shelf and subdued winnowing. Floodplain and shelf records were correlated by radiocarbon dating and changes in sediment characteristics. We identified four depositional phases (∼2300/∼1600/∼1100/∼670 cal BP) on the floodplain and the shelf. These are tentatively explained by land-use changes in the Tagus catchment.  相似文献   

On the basis of bathymetric and seismic data, obtained during cruises 37 (2005) and 41 (2006) of R/V Akademik M.A. Lavrentiev, a new structural scheme of transverse faults in the forearc of the Central Kuril Islands was compiled, the fault kinematics was studied, and a model of the extension zone in the structural pattern of the study area was proposed. According to this model, the trench rollback and development of back-arc basins resulted from the continuous supply of material into the upper mantle convection cell owing to subduction and an increase in the dynamic pressure that pushes the subducting plate, causing it to migrate toward the ocean.  相似文献   

Investigation of Pernatoe Lake sediments in the south of Paramushir Island has enabled us to obtain the first continuous pollen record of climate and vegetation changes in the north of the Kurile archipelago during the Holocene. Series of radiocarbon datings of between 10 000 ± 40 and 2180 ± 40 years ago are evidence that the beginning of sediments accumulation, found after borehole development, is related to the Early Holocene. Diatom analysis has shown several stages in the lake development: raised bog on the border of the Pleistocene and Holocene, lagoon formation resulting from the sea level rise over 9–6 ky, and freshwater lake formation 6 ky and up to the present. Climate warming during the period attributed to the boreal and Atlantic periods of the Holocene is reflected by the dominance of Pinus pumila and Alnus serrulata assemblages in vegetation cover. Wide dune fields were formed in the Sea of Okhotsk and the Pacific shores of Paramushir Island 5–4 ky. Strengthening of atmogenic processes is related to cooling of the climate and drying of some areas of the underwater slope.  相似文献   

Shikotan Island of the Lesser Kuril Ridge forms, together with the Vityaz Ridge, the outer arc of the Kuril island-arc system. Marine Pliocene sediments first registered on the island contain diatoms and palynomorphs, which allow their dating. The thin Pliocene semiconsolidated sediments constitute the upper part of sections in the coastal and central areas of the island. They rest with the erosional surface and stratigraphic hiatus upon the Upper Cretaceous-Lower Paleogene (Campanian-Danian) Malokuril’sk Formation. The Pliocene sediments were deposited in relatively shallow-water environments of open sea near the shore, with a forest-free landscape and freshwater basins. The occurrence of reworked marine Oligocene and Miocene diatoms in these sedimentary rocks indicates their development in the Lesser Kuril Ridge area and contribution of their eroded material to the formation of Pliocene sequences. Wide development of Pliocene Marine sediments on Shikotan Island is evidence for ascending movements in the region during the post-Pliocene period, which is also characteristic of the Greater Kuril Ridge islands. The composition and formation conditions of the Pliocene sediments in the outer arc of the Kuril island-arc system suggest that the southwestern (Lesser Kuril Ridge) and northeastern (Vityaz Ridge) segments of this single anticlinal structure evolved under different tectonic regimes through the Pliocene.  相似文献   

We present a Holocene record of floristic diversity and environmental change for the central Varanger Peninsula, Finnmark, based on ancient DNA extracted from the sediments of a small lake (sedaDNA). The record covers the period c. 10 700 to 3300 cal. a BP and is complemented by pollen data. Measures of species richness, sample evenness and beta diversity were calculated based on sedaDNA sampling intervals and 1000‐year time windows. We identified 101 vascular plant and 17 bryophyte taxa, a high proportion (86%) of which are still growing within the region today. The high species richness (>60 taxa) observed in the Early Holocene, including representatives from all important plant functional groups, shows that modern shrub‐tundra communities, and much of their species complement, were in place as early as c. 10 700 cal. a BP. We infer that postglacial colonization of the area occurred prior to the full Holocene, during the Pleistocene‐Holocene transition, Younger Dryas stadial or earlier. Abundant DNA of the extra‐limital aquatic plant Callitriche hermaphroditica suggests it expanded its range northward between c. 10 200 and 9600 cal. a BP, when summers were warmer than present. High values of Pinus DNA occur throughout the record, but we cannot say with certainty if they represent prior local presence; however, pollen influx values >500 grains cm?2 a?1 between c. 8000 and 7300 cal. a BP strongly suggest the presence of pine woodland during this period. As the site lies beyond the modern tree limit of pine, it is likely that this expansion also reflects a response to warmer Early Holocene summers.  相似文献   

It is shown that the development history of landscapes on Simushir Island includes several stages marked by their reorganizations, which were caused by climate changes and volcanic eruptions. The stratigraphic data derived from sections of the soil-tephra cover in different areas of the island and from the peatland section on the Dushnaya Bay coast served as the basis for the paleogeographic reconstructions. They include data on the palynological spectra of the fossil and recent soils and peatland; the latter also yielded diatom assemblages. The radiocarbon dates and tephrostratigraphic record provided age estimates for the corresponding events.  相似文献   

Based on the combined analysis of the seismologic and other geophysical data (the gravity and magnetic fields and the acoustic basement topography), it was revealed that the largest earthquakes that occurred in the region of the Central Kuril Islands in 2006, 2007, and 2009 were related to the block structure of the Earth’s crust. The aftershocks of the largest earthquakes recorded in 2006 and 2007 became foreshocks for the earthquakes of 2007 and 2009, respectively. In total, the earthquakes that occurred in this area in the period of 2006–2012 are closely related to the tectonic destruction zone existing there, clarify its position, and support the previous concept of the superimposed and cross cutting relationships of this zone with respect to the Kuril Island Arc.  相似文献   

Extreme atmosphere-induced seiche oscillations occasionally occur in specific inlets and bays of the world ocean causing severe damage to coastal areas, ships and port constructions. Ciutadella inlet (Menorca Island, Western Mediterranean) can be singled out as a place where such large seiches, locally known as rissaga, are quite common. Similar (although weaker) oscillations are also regularly observed in bays of Shikotan Island (South Kuril Islands, northwestern Pacific). Several spectacular events in these regions, identified in the first part of this study (Rabinovich and Monserrat, 1996), are analysed to determine the atmospheric parameters responsible for the generation of large-amplitude seiches. Their generation mechanism was shown to be quite different from that causing ordinary background oscillations. Coincidence of some external factors and certain resonance effects seem to be necessary to produce the destructive waves. In particular, rissaga waves in Ciutadella inlet were found to be related to significant atmospheric disturbances propagating from the southwest, coinciding with the orientation of the inlet, and having a phase speed of about 3 m/s, which is close to the phase speed of long waves offshore from Menorca. Pronounced resonant properties of the inner basin strongly amplify incoming waves in Ciutadella inlet. In contrast, the bays of the northwestern coast of Shikotan Island are protected from normally incident atmosphere-induced waves by the elongated Kunashir Island, hence the whole situation there is not so favorable for the excitation of large seiches.  相似文献   

Easter Island (SE Pacific, 27°S) provides a unique opportunity to reconstruct past climate changes in the South Pacific region based on terrestrial archives. Although the general climate evolution of the south Pacific since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) is coherent with terrestrial records in southern South America and Polynesia, the details of the dynamics of the shifting Westerlies, the South Pacific Convergence Zone and the South Pacific Anticyclone during the glacial–interglacial transition and the Holocene, and the large scale controls on precipitation in tropical and extratropical regions remain elusive. Here we present a high-resolution reconstruction of lake dynamics, watershed processes and paleohydrology for the last 34 000 cal yrs BP based on a sedimentological and geochemical multiproxy study of 8 cores from the Raraku Lake sediments constrained by 22 AMS radiocarbon dates. This multicore strategy has reconstructed the sedimentary architecture of the lake infilling and provided a stratigraphic framework to integrate and correlate previous core and vegetation studies conducted in the lake. High lake levels and clastic input dominated sedimentation in Raraku Lake between 34 and 28 cal kyr BP. Sedimentological and geochemical evidences support previously reported pollen data showing a relatively open forest and a cold and relatively humid climate during the Glacial period. Between 28 and 17.3 cal kyr BP, including the LGM period, colder conditions contributed to a reduction of the tree coverage in the island. The coherent climate patterns in subtropical and mid latitudes of Chile and Eastern Island for the LGM (more humid conditions) suggest stronger influence of the Antarctic circumpolar current and an enhancement of the Westerlies. The end of Glacial Period occurred at 17.3 cal kyr BP and was characterized by a sharp decrease in lake level conducive to the development of major flood events and erosion of littoral sediments. Deglaciation (Termination 1) between 17.3 and 12.5 cal kyr BP was characterized by an increase in lake productivity, a decrease in the terrigenous input and a rapid lake level recovery, inaugurating a period of intermediate lake levels, dominance of organic deposition and algal lamination. The timing and duration of deglaciation events in Easter Island broadly agree with other mid- and low-latitude circum South Pacific terrestrial records. The transition to the Holocene was characterized by lower lake levels. The lake level dropped during the early Holocene (ca 9.5 cal kyr BP) and swamp and shallow lake conditions dominated till mid Holocene, partially favored by the infilling of the lacustrine basin. During the mid- to late-Holocene drought phases led to periods of persistent low water table, subaerial exposure and erosion, generating a sedimentary hiatus in the Raraku sequence, from 4.2 to 0.8 cal kyr BP. The presence of this dry mid Holocene phase, also identified in low Andean latitudes and in Patagonian mid latitudes, suggests that the shift of storm tracks caused by changes in the austral summer insolation or forced by “El Niño-like” dominant conditions have occurred at a regional scale. The palm deforestation of the Easter Island, attributed to the human impact could have started earlier, during the 4.2–0.8 cal kyr BP sedimentary gap. Our paleoclimatic data provides insights about the climate scenarios that could favor the arrival of the Polynesian people to the island. If it occurred at ca AD 800 it coincided with the warmer conditions of the Medieval Climate Anomaly, whereas if it took place at ca AD 1300 it was favored by enhanced westerlies at the onset of the Little Ice Age. Changes in land uses (farming, intensive cattle) during the last century had a large impact in the hydrology and limnology (eutrophication) of the lake.  相似文献   

On Tenerife, one of the Canary Islands, a series of clastic dikes and tubular vents is attributed to liquefaction of sediments during a high-intensity paleoearthquake. Geotechnical, geological, tectonic, and mineralogical investigations have been carried out to identify the soil composition and structure, as well as the geological processes operating in the area. Geochronological analysis has indicated an age ranging from 10,081±933 to 3490±473 years BP for the liquefaction features. The area in which these liquefaction features are found has undergone tectonic uplift and is affected by two faults. One of these faults was responsible for displacing the Holocene materials. The paleoearthquake responsible for this liquefaction has been analysed in terms of its peak ground acceleration (pga) and magnitude by back calculation analysis based on the cyclic stress and Ishihara methods. A range of 0.22–0.35g was obtained for the pga, with the value of 0.30g being selected as most representative. From this, an earthquake-modified Mercalli intensity of IMM=IX was estimated for the liquefaction site. The magnitude-bound method and energy-based approaches were used to determine the magnitude of the paleoearthquake, providing a moment magnitude M in the range of 6.4–7.2; M=6.8 is taken as the representative figure.  相似文献   

The stratigraphic subdivision of peat in the Gorobets River valley, the largest river on Shikotan Island, is conducted based on the study of palynological and diatom assemblages, tephrostratigraphy, and radiocarbon dating. The study object is one of the oldest peats in the South Kurile region and reflects the development of natural environments beginning from the early Holocene. Nine phases are distinguished in the development of vegetation on Shikotan Island. The changes in vegetable communities were determined by climatic fluctuations during the Holocene. Their ages, the factors responsible for the appearance and extinction of particular coniferous, small-, and broad-leaved taxa, and changes in their landscape-forming role during different periods of the Holocene, as well as specific features in the formation of the present-day vegetation on the Lesser Kurile Ridge representing a separate floral area, are established. In addition to the climatic and sea-level fluctuations, the development of the island landscapes was determined to a significant extent by its topography, size, and isolation.  相似文献   

The paper presents new data on the Cambrian stratigraphy of Bennett Island, one of the least explored East Arctic islands. The section, about 500 m of total thickness, comprises four lithological units that store a record of the deposition history: (1) clastic sediments including storm sandstones; (2) shallow-marine mudstone; (3) lagoonal variegated mudstone and limestone; (4) black shale. It is suggested to classify the units as formations with their proper names. The section spans all epoches of the Cambrian stratigraphy constrained by trilobite fossils. In the Cambrian, territory of the island belonged to Siberia rather than to some exotic terrane, judging by abundant endemic Siberian trilobite species in the Bennett section. This inference is supported by synchronicity in recorded deposition events of Bennett Island and northeastern Siberia (Kharaulakh Mountains). The Cambrian sediments of the two areas were deposited in different parts of a single shallow sea which extended as far as Taimyr.  相似文献   

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