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Panna National Park is situated in the north-central part of Madhya Pradesh, India. Landscape parameters like fragmentation, porosity, patchiness and jaxtaposition have been analysed for disturbance gradient characterization. Disturbance on biodiversity due to human activities has been studied both qualitatively and quantitatively. The species richness is highest in northern mixed dry deciduous forest followed by dry deciduous open scrub and southern tropical dry deciduous teak forest. Species richness of the open thorny dry deciduous forest with grasses is found to be the lowest. Disturbance analysis indicates that 22.02% of the southern slightly moist teak forests are highly disturbed whereas Anogeissus forest and Riverine forest have 17.04% and 12.41% of the area under high disturbance, respectively. A total of 88 field sample plots were laid to enumerate trees, shrubs, herbs, climbers, etc. Biological richness parameters such as Shannon-Wiener biodiversity index, biodiversity value, ecosystem uniqueness were derived from field data. High biological richness is found in northern mixed dry deciduous forest and mixed dry deciduous forest with bamboo. More than 99% of such areas are falling under medium to high biological richness. Nearly 55% of the gentle and flat to gentle, slope categories were found to have low biological richness. Phytosociological analysis of sampled field data indicated that the number of trees per unit area is the lowest in the Savannah. In inaccessible areas, the species richness and number of trees per unit area is very high. Main forces causing disturbance are search for diamonds, dams on river Ken, settlements in and around the park, grazing and resource utilization by villagers for fodder, animal grazing, fuel-wood, timber, etc.  相似文献   

The high biological diversity and rich genetic forest resources of the state of Sikkim are to be conserved due to their sensitiveness to environmental degradation through continued human interference. The conservation of bioprospecting zones in natural forests as well as in protected areas is considered important for up keeping genetic resources and their germplasm. Keeping this in view, ‘Fambong Lho’ wildlife sanctuary in East district, Sikkim, has been selected to characterize different communities in the dominant vegetation type of Tropical Broad Leaved Hill Forest and to assess biodiversity controls in respect of different topographical features, such as altitude, slope, and aspects and use these inputs for prioritizing the protected area into different Bioprospective zones for conservation and planning. An altitude above 2000 m, having a slope in the range of 1–5 percent facing south east aspect are the ideal environmental conditions conducive to have high species richness. The analysis of fragmentation indicates that the forests are under stress along the fringes as they are closely associated with the habitations. The biological richness is recorded reasonably within the limits in the core area of the park but further prioritizing of such areas for conservation is necessary in view of impending danger of frequent interaction of human habitation with in the sanctuary for forest resources.  相似文献   


Biodiversity is the variety and variability of flora and fauna in an ecosystem. Articulated into genes, species, and ecosystem, it provides the biological plasticity needed by life on the earth to adapt changes. As we approach towards the forthcoming century, the earth's diversity of life is increasingly at risk through a combination of mostly human induced factors leading to erosion of genetic resources, extinction of species and collapse of ecological systems. Insitu conservation, biotechnology tools for conservation and prospecting, species habitat relationship and following evolutionary process of speciation are some of the challenges. India being one of the mega biodiversity centers of the world is also known for its traditional knowledge of conservation. The varied regions of the country, with unique floristic and faunal richness, their vastness, endemism, heterogeneity and also inaccessibility of large areas have necessitated creation of authentic baseline database on biodiversity. With the advent of Internet based Geographic Information System technology an effort is being made to harness the power of these technologies to facilitate biodiversity conservation.

The information system organizes the data base generated under the project on “Biodiversity Characterization at landscape level using remote sensing and Geographic Information System in North East India” of the Department of Biotechnology and Department of Space, Government of India. The entire database is organized in object oriented relational database using Oracle as Backend and Visual Basic, ASP as front end. The web enabling part comes through uploading the entire spatial and non‐spatial data at a common platform using ArcSDE and ArcIMS The spatial characterization of landscape structures and its linkages with attribute information on the floristic composition, economic valuation, endemism are presented in Biodiversity Information System on a sharable environment. It is a step to evolve with new a mechanism to conserve biological diversity at local, regional and national level.  相似文献   

The paper presents a geospatial modeling approach for the assessment of biological richness in Kuldiha wildlife sanctuary in Orissa located in the northern tip of the Eastern Ghats in India. Indian Remote Sensing satellite data of Resourcesat-1 LISS III and field sampling were used to model biological richness at 1:50,000 scale. It was found that the sanctuary is dominated by Sal mixed dry deciduous forest. The vegetation map prepared through visual interpretation of satellite imagery was subjected to landscape analysis and assessment of biotic disturbance using SPLAM software. The disturbance index together with species richness, ecosystem uniqueness, terrain complexity and total importance value was modeled to access the biological richness in the sanctuary. A total of 3.9 per cent area was found to posses very high plant richness followed by high (21.2%), medium (42.1%) and low (32.8%) in the sanctuary. The study demonstrated the geospatial technology in conjunction with landscape analysis, ground inventory and geospatial modeling seizes good potential for rapid assessment of biological richness. The fringe areas of the sanctuary having disturbance more because most of the small villages which are relocated from sanctuary, settled in those areas.  相似文献   

A new computational procedure for derivation of marine geoid on a 2.5′×2.5′grid in a non-tidal system over the South China Sea and the Philippine Sea from multi-satellite altimeter sea surface heights is discussed. Single-and dual-satellite crossovers were performed, and components of deflections of the vertical were determined at the crossover positions using Sand-well's computational theory, and gridded onto a 2.5′×2.5′resolution grid by employing the Shepard's interpolation procedure. 2.5′×2.5′grid of EGM96-derived components of deflections of the vertical and geoid heights were then used as reference global geopotential model quantities in a remove-restore procedure to implement the Molodensky-like formula via 1D-FFT technique to predict the geoid heights over the South China Sea and the Philippine Sea from the gridded altimeter-derived components of deflec-tions of the vertical. Statistical comparisons between the altimeter-and the EGM96- derived geoid heights showed that there was a root-mean-square agreement of ±0.35 m between them in a region of less tectonically active geological structures. However, over areas of tectonically active structures such as the Philippine trench, differences of about -19.9 m were obtained.  相似文献   

Fragmentation leads to the loss of connectivity among forested landscapes, which is important for biological conservation and biodiversity maintenance. Fragmentation analysis carried out on 20 years time interval in northern-Western Ghats revealed that, losses under moderate and high fragmented forests have decreased from 1985–87 to 2005; however, it is not enough to compensate the loss of intact forests (not fragmented). The area of dense forests in intact forests has decreased from 1985–87 to 2005, this essentially means the loss of quality habitat in the area. While investigating connectivity between fragmented patches by taking different topographical and ecological parameters into the consideration, it was observed that potential connectivity exists between protected areas present in northern and southern areas.  相似文献   

Estimates of forest aboveground biomass are fundamental for carbon monitoring and accounting; delivering information at very high spatial resolution is especially valuable for local management, conservation and selective logging purposes. In tropical areas, hosting large biomass and biodiversity resources which are often threatened by unsustainable anthropogenic pressures, frequent forest resources monitoring is needed. Lidar is a powerful tool to estimate aboveground biomass at fine resolution; however its application in tropical forests has been limited, with high variability in the accuracy of results. Lidar pulses scan the forest vertical profile, and can provide structure information which is also linked to biodiversity. In the last decade the remote sensing of biodiversity has received great attention, but few studies focused on the use of lidar for assessing tree species richness in tropical forests.This research aims at estimating aboveground biomass and tree species richness using discrete return airborne lidar in Ghana forests. We tested an advanced statistical technique, Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS), which does not require assumptions on data distribution or on the relationships between variables, being suitable for studying ecological variables.We compared the MARS regression results with those obtained by multilinear regression and found that both algorithms were effective, but MARS provided higher accuracy either for biomass (R2 = 0.72) and species richness (R2 = 0.64). We also noted strong correlation between biodiversity and biomass field values. Even if the forest areas under analysis are limited in extent and represent peculiar ecosystems, the preliminary indications produced by our study suggest that instrument such as lidar, specifically useful for pinpointing forest structure, can also be exploited as a support for tree species richness assessment.  相似文献   

Present study deals with the vegetation type mapping, structure and composition analysis of the tropical forests, spread over 1,294 km2 area in South Andaman Islands. Seventeen vegetation classes spreading over 89.92% forested area of the islands were mapped with the overall accuracy of 88.89%. Evergreen, semi-evergreen and mangrove forests were reasonably well distributed forests, while moist deciduous and littoral evergreen were narrowly restricted. The stocking was quite variable across the forest types. 60.04% of forested area was under medium to high canopy density. Secondary and degraded forest types were mapped. Information on floristic composition, structure and diversity of various forest types were obtained from 84 field sample plots. An inventory of 423 species of plants from 101 families included 155 trees, 84 shrubs, 150 herbs and 84 climbers. Tree density and mean basal area ranged from 517 to 900 stems ha−1 and 36.15 to 53.58 m2 ha−1 respectively. Evergreen forests accounted for highest diversity followed almost equally by semi-evergreen and moist deciduous forests.  相似文献   

The short wavelength geoid undulations, caused by topography, amount to several decimeters in mountainous areas. Up to now these effects are computed by means of digital terrain models in a grid of 100–500m. However, for many countries these data are not yet available or their collection is too expensive. This problem can be overcome by considering the special behaviour of the gravity potential along mountain slopes. It is shown that 90 per cent of the topographic effects are represented by a simple summation formula, based on the average height differences and distances between valleys and ridges along the geoid profiles, δN=[30.H.D.+16.(H−H′).D] in mm/km, (error<10%), whereH, H′, D are estimated in a map to the nearest 0.2km. The formula is valid for asymmetric sides of valleys (H, H′) and can easily be corrected for special shapes. It can be used for topographic refinement of low resolution geoids and for astrogeodetic projects. The “slope method” was tested in two alpine areas (heights up to 3800m, astrogeodetic deflection points every 170km 2) and resulted in a geoid accuracy of ±3cm. In first order triangulation networks (astro points every 1000km 2) or for gravimetric deflections the accuracy is about 10cm per 30km. Since a map scale of 1∶500.000 is sufficient, the method is suitable for developing countries, too.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionDifferentgeoidsolutionswerecarriedoutforE gyptusingheterogeneousdataanddifferentmethodologies (El_Tokhey ,1 993) .ThemaingoalofthispaperistodetermineamostaccuratenewgeoidforEgypttakingadvantageofanewupdatedgravitydatabase,theinformationgivenby…  相似文献   

We used a full remote sensing-based approach to assess plant species diversity in large and inaccessible areas affected by Lantana camara L., a common invasive species within the deciduous forests of Western Himalayan region of India, using spectral heterogeneity information extracted from optical data. The spread of L. camara was precisely mapped by Pléiades 1A data, followed by comparing Pléiades 1A, RapidEye and Landsat-8 OLI – assessed plant species diversities in invaded areas. The single plant species analysis was improved by Pléiades 1A-based diversity analysis, and higher species diversity values were observed for mixed vegetation cover. Furthermore, lower Coefficient of Variation and Renyi diversity values were observed where L. camara was the only species, while higher variations were observed in areas with a mixed spectral reflectance. This study was concluded to add a crucial baseline to the previous studies on remote sensing-based solutions for rapid estimation of biodiversity attributes.  相似文献   

The present study has generated spatial databases on the vegetation type with plant biodiversity, forest fragmentation and disturbance regimes in Tamilnadu parts of Eastern Ghats (EG), India. These databases have been analysed geospatially with landscape ecology approach. The study also includes ground inventory of plant species based on Remote Sensing (RS) data stratification. The vegetation type map was generated from the visual interpretation of two season IRS LISS III data. The spatial landscape analysis of the remotely sensed interpreted images was carried out using customized software, SPLAM. This is first such study in Tamilnadu Eastern Ghats that provides a comprehensive spatial database on vegetation types, disturbance regime and plant species diversity. The study has shown that the dry deciduous and thorn forests have shown better resistance to disturbance compared to the most disturbed evergreen and semievergreen forests. The study outputs are being utilized by forest department and biodiversity boards for conservation action planning and compliance to Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).  相似文献   

A detailed gravimetric geoid in the North Atlantic Ocean, named DGGNA-77, has been computed, based on a satellite and gravimetry derived earth potential model (consisting in spherical harmonic coefficients up to degree and order 30) and mean free air surface gravity anomalies (35180 1°×1° mean values and 245000 4′×4′ mean values). The long wavelength undulations were computed from the spherical harmonics of the reference potential model and the details were obtained by integrating the residual gravity anomalies through the Stokes formula: from 0 to 5° with the 4′×4′ data, and from 5° to 20° with the 1°×1° data. For computer time reasons the final grid was computed with half a degree spacing only. This grid extends from the Gulf of Mexico to the European and African coasts. Comparisons have been made with Geos 3 altimetry derived geoid heights and with the 5′×5′ gravimetric geoid derived byMarsh andChang [8] in the northwestern part of the Atlantic Ocean, which show a good agreement in most places apart from some tilts which porbably come from the satellite orbit recovery.  相似文献   

The dependence of coastal communities on mangrove forests for direct consumptive use due to the scarcity of alternate resources makes them one of the highly disturbed landscapes. This paper examines the spatial characteristics and extent of anthropogenic disturbances affecting the mangrove forests of Bhitarkanika Conservation Area situated along the east coast of India by using remotely sensed data and GIS, supplemented with socioeconomic surveys. The study reveals that resource extractions from these forests were considerable despite the protected status. Around 14% of the total fuel wood consumed annually in each of the household came from the mangrove forests of the Park. The patterns of consumption were spatially heterogeneous, controlled by the availability of alternatives, ease of accessibility, presence of markets, human density, and forest composition. The disturbance surface showed 30% of the major forest classes to be under high to very high levels of disturbance especially at easy access points. Besides, the distribution of economically useful species also determined the degree of disturbance. Resource use surfaces clearly identified the biotic pressure zones with respect to specific mangrove use and could be combined with the disturbance regime map to prioritize areas for mangrove restoration.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to develop probabilistic seismic hazard maps for Yangon and its surrounding areas including ‘Peak Ground Acceleration’ values for 2% and 10 % probability of the exceedance in 50 years at rock sites. The present study area is situated between the latitudes of N 13°37′ and N 20°2′ and the longitudes of E 93°35′ and E 99°5′. The study areas are focused on nine source zones centered around Yangon with the radius of about 200 km. The probabilistic seismic hazard maps are created by ArcGIS-9.3 software.  相似文献   

The present study attempts to assess the biological richness in Sunderban Biosphere Reserve (SBR) using a three-pronged approach i.e. satellite image (IRS 1D LISS-III) for vegetation/land use stratification, landscape analysis for disturbance regimes assessment and the disturbance regimes together with the ecosystem uniqueness, species richness and importance value for biological richness modelling. The study showed that four mangrove categories, viz., Avicennia, Phoenix, mixed mangroves and mangrove scrub, cover 23.21 per cent of the total geographical area of SBR. The largest area is occupied by mixed mangroves (18.31%). The overall accuracy of the vegetation/land use map worked out to be 91.67 per cent. The disturbance analysis revealed that the vegetation types were not much disturbed. Shannon-Weaver’s index of diversity was highest in case of mixed mangrove. The results revealed that 75 per cent forest area has high biological richness.  相似文献   

Species richness, or simply the number of species in a given area, is commonly used as an important indicator of biological diversity. Spatial variability in species richness has been postulated to depend upon environmental factors such as climate and climatic variability, which in turn may affect net primary productivity. The Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) derived Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) has been shown to be correlated with climatic variables including rainfall, actual evapotranspiration and net primary productivity. To determine factors favoring high species richness, we examined the relationship between interannual NDVI variables and species richness of birds at a quarter degree scale (55 × 55 km). Results revealed a strong positive correlation between species richness and maximum average NDVI. Conversely, species richness showed negative correlation with standard deviation of maximum NDVI and the coefficient of variation. Though these relationships are indirect, they apparently operate through the green vegetation cover. Understanding such relationships can help in mapping and monitoring biological diversity, as well as in estimating changes in species richness in response to global climatic change.  相似文献   

Hydromorphogeological studies have been carried out around Agnigundala mineralised belt (longitude 70°.39′ - 16°.51′ and latitude 16°.2′ - 16°.15′) using remote sensing IRS-IB and SPOT data for ground water exploration. Based on erosional and depositional characters of various geomorphic units like Hills (Structural and denudational) Pediment, Buried pediment, plains and valley fills have been identified in various lithologies like granite, granite gneiss, biotite schist, phyllite,. quartzite and dolomite. The acclamations of individual geomorphic units through visual interpretation are verified from field data. The groundwater potentials of the individual geomorphologic units have been evaluated to obtain a complete hvdrogcological picture of the area. The field data have further helped in quanlifying various geomorphological units with reference to their potential for ground water occurrence.  相似文献   

干旱区生态系统极易受到气候及土地利用变化的影响,其生物多样性格局及其形成机制是重要的生态学问题。基于新疆地区鸟类及哺乳动物物种多样性数据,结合气候、地形和长时间序列的植被遥感参数产品FAPAR数据等,主要在不同的土地利用类型及海拔带上采用单因子相关分析方法探讨了物种丰富度格局的形成机制。总体来说,不同生境类型中,植被遥感参数因子(DHI、NDVI等)与两种类群物种丰富度分布的相关性强于与气候因子(温度、降水)的相关性。具体而言,植被遥感参数因子中,基于FAPAR的生境指数因子与丰富度的相关性大于基于植被指数的因子(DHI_cumNDVI_cumEVI_cum);气候因子中,在草地生境或者较低的海拔上,年均降水因子对于丰富度分布的解释力强于年均温度因子。这表明在新疆地区,影响鸟类与哺乳类动物物种丰富度分布的主导理论是生境异质性假说与环境稳定性假说,其解释力在多种生境内均强于生产力与环境热量。  相似文献   

A least-squares prediction method is described to estimate horizontal coordinate distortions at lower order points of a network using known coordinate differences (NAD27 coordinate distortions Δϕ′s and Δλ′s) at higher order points between NAD27 coordinates and coordinates derived from a recent (MAY 76), relatively distortion free, adjustment of these points. Empirical autocovariance functions of Δϕ and Δλ and crosscovariance function between Δϕ and Δλ are derived from some 5,250 data points and modelled using series of exponential functions. Empirical mean square values of Δϕ and Δλ, which are a measure of the distortions in NAD27 ϕ and λ, are 0.051 and 0.645 arcsecs2 respectively. The corresponding mean value of the product ΔϕΔλ, which is a measure of the correlation between Δϕ and Δλ, is 0.056 arcsecs2. The accuracy obtainable for predicted Δϕ and Δλ at an arbitrary point (e.g., lower order station) is a function of the accuracy and configuration of known Δϕ′s and Δλ′s in the surrounding area. Accuracies obtainable for various types of data configuration are given. Under favorable conditions taking place in about 60% of cases, accuracies in terms of ms agreement with known values of 0″.02 (0.6 m) and 0″.01 (0.2 m along parallel at latitude 50°) for the predicted latitude and longitude distortions are obtainable. Finally, a comparison with a method based on the use of complex polynomials is made. Presented at International Symposium on Geodetic Networks and Computations, Munich, August–September 1981.  相似文献   

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