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Economic and geographic backgrounds of land reclamation in Japanese ports   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Under the present legal system, environmental impacts are usually assessed on condition that reclamation plans are given clearly. Although impact magnitude depends on reclamation scales, the economic and geographic backgrounds of reclamation scales have been rarely analyzed. Hence, properties of reclamation in port districts were investigated. The long-term trend showed that the area newly reclaimed per year has decreased rapidly since the first oil crisis; while the speed of the decrease dropped after 1984. The distributions of increased reclamation area planned against its water depth had one or two peaks in 1989-1991 and 1996-1998. These peaks resulted mainly from "island-type" reclamation, and shifted from shallow to deep sites. The areas of port districts had major effects on increased area of reclamation and maximum water depth in 1989-1991, while such effects were not observed in 1996-1998. Land price had some effects for deepening water depth of reclamation in both periods.  相似文献   

A new methodology has been designed to identify and rank the significant environmental aspects in sea ports. The main objective of the Strategic Overview of Significant Environmental Aspects (SOSEA) is to help port managers to identify significant environmental aspects and to reinforce the awareness about them in order to prioritise work in environmental management. Developed in close collaboration with port environmental managers and tested in a set of ports, it is a user-friendly tool that can be applied in approximately half a working day. It is based on ISO 14001 vocabulary and requirements and it can be considered as the base for the implementation of any Environmental Management System for port communities.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to evaluate the results of a survey of the availability and uptake of port reception facilities within the North Sea area. The evaluation is based primarily on original survey data from the autumn of 2002 which followed on from a similar survey conducted in the summer of 2000. The EU Directive on port reception facilities for ship-generated waste etc. (Directive 2000/59/EC) was due to enter into force in December 2002, and required all EU ports to provide reception facilities to meet the needs of the vessels normally calling in at them. This paper examines the readiness of North Sea ports to meet that requirement and also considers the actual uptake levels of facilities, where ports were able to provide such information.  相似文献   

Port surveys are being conducted in Australia, New Zealand and around the world to confirm the presence or absence of particular marine pests. The most critical aspect of these surveys is their sensitivity-the probability that they will correctly identify a species as present if indeed it is present. This is not, however, adequately addressed in the relevant national and international standards. Simple calculations show that the sensitivity of port survey methods is closely related to their encounter rate-the average number of target individuals expected to be detected by the method. The encounter rate (which reflects any difference in relative pest density), divided by the cost of the method, provides one way to compare the cost-effectiveness of different survey methods. The most cost-effective survey method is site- and species-specific but, in general, will involve sampling from the habitat with the highest expected population of target individuals. A case study of Perna viridis in Trinity Inlet, Cairns, demonstrates that plankton trawls processed with gene probes provide the same level of sensitivity for a fraction of the cost associated with the next best available method-snorkel transects in bad visibility (secchi depth=0.72 m). Visibility and the adult/larvae ratio, however, are critical to these arguments. If visibility were good (secchi depth=10 m), the two approaches would be comparable. Diver deployed quadrats were at least three orders of magnitude less cost-effective in this case study. It is very important that environmental managers and scientists perform sensitivity calculations before embarking on port surveys to ensure the highest level of sensitivity is achieved for any given budget.  相似文献   

We investigated the viability of phytoplankton from ballast water of international commercial ships berthed at the ports of Ulsan and Onsan, Korea. The incubation conditions used were temperatures of 13 °C to represent ambient water and 20 °C to represent the thermal optimum, as well as nutrients in ballast water, shipside water, and F/2 medium. Phytoplankton in new (∼7 days) and old (20 and 23 days) ballast water survived when incubated under the nutrients typical of shipside water and F/2 medium at 13 °C and 20 °C. Colonization process was mostly dominated by Skeletonema costatum, Cylindrotheca closterium and pennate diatoms (<10 μm in diameter). S. costatum and C. closterium were persistent during incubation time, whereas pennate diatoms dominated in the three types of media from doubling to last phase of growth. This study showed that bloom-forming and pennate diatoms appear to be the species most likely to become successfully established in the two ports.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to evaluate the charging systems for the use of port reception facilities for waste oil, and to examine the potential impact of the charging elements of the new (late 2000) EU Directive on port reception facilities for ship-generated waste and cargo residues. Experience to date with alternative models for charging is considered. Conclusions are drawn about the effectiveness of the EU Directive as a means of controlling pollution in the North Sea and producing a 'level playing field' between ports.  相似文献   

Contaminant transport in a strongly heterogeneous stratified formation whose log hydraulic conductivity distribution has a variance greater than unity is investigated. Four kinds of waste leakage scenario are studied. They are: (1) continuous waste leakage from landfills; (2) temporal waste leakage from landfills; (3) continuous deep-well injection wastes; and (4) temporal deep-well injection wastes. Ensemble average concentrations and variances of concentration distributions are calculated for the four scenarios. The results in this paper show that when heterogeneity of a formation increases, transport in this formation differs significantly from the linear solutions which assume that the variances of log hydraulic conductivity are less than unity.  相似文献   

A methodology has been designed to assess the performance of the environmental management in sea ports. The Self Diagnosis Method, developed by two research teams and about sixty sea ports, allows the comparison of the current environmental situation with that corresponding to previous years and the assessment of the opportunities for improvement. The main objective is to review the management activities and procedures that affect the environment and the way the port authority handles significant environmental aspects. It has been designed as a "first level" tool: it can be applied in approximately six hours by a non-expert user. It is based on the ISO 14001 vocabulary, requirements and structure, and it can be considered as a first step in the voluntary implementation of an environmental management system for port communities.  相似文献   

The aim of this research work was to determine the major nitrogen transformation and removal mechanisms in primary and maturation ponds. To accomplished this objective, nitrogen mass balance in waste stabilization pond system was determined using a dynamic mathematical model in order to elucidate the biological nitrogen transformation mechanisms that are effective for removal of nitrogen in this pond system. Results show that nitrogen removal efficiency in a primary facultative pond unit was 13.2%, which was largely due to net loss of organic nitrogen to sediments (9.76%) and denitrification (3.42%). On the other hand, maturation pond removed 15.2% of nitrogen received in the influent with denitrification (13.55%) being the major pathway for nitrogen removal. Ammonia volatilization was not a predominant mechanism for nitrogen removal in both primary facultative and maturation ponds. The major nitrogen transformation routes were mineralization and ammonia uptake in the primary facultative pond, but ammonia uptake by microorganisms was a predominant nitrogen transformation mechanism in maturation pond.  相似文献   

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