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In this paper we analyse the consequences in the white dwarf population of a hypothetical merger episode in our Galactic disc. We have studied several different merging scenarios with our Monte Carlo simulator. For each one of these scenarios we have derived the main characteristics of the resulting white dwarf population and we have compared them with the available observational data, namely the white dwarf luminosity function and the kinematic properties of the white dwarf population. Our results indicate that very recent (less than ∼6 Gyr ago) and massive (∼16 per cent of the mass of our Galaxy) merger episodes are quite unlikely in view of the available kinematical properties of the disc white dwarf population. Smaller merger episodes (of the order of ∼4 per cent of the mass of our Galaxy) are, however, compatible with our current knowledge of those kinematical properties. Finally, we prove that the white dwarf luminosity function is quite insensitive to such a merger episode.  相似文献   

The disc white dwarf luminosity function is an important tool for studying the solar neighbourhood, since it allows the determination of several Galactic parameters, the most important one being the age of the Galactic disc. However, only the     method has been employed so far for observationally determining the white dwarf luminosity function, whereas for other kind of luminosity functions several other methods have been frequently used. Moreover, the procedures to determine the white dwarf luminosity function are not free of biases. These biases have two different origins: they can either be of statistical nature or a consequence of the measurement errors. In a previous paper we carried out an in-depth study of the first category of biases for several luminosity function estimators. In this paper we focus on the biases introduced by the measurement errors and on the effects of the degree of contamination of the input sample used to build the disc white dwarf luminosity function by different kinematical populations. To assess the extent of these biases we use a Monte Carlo simulator to generate a controlled synthetic population and analyse the behaviour of the disc white dwarf luminosity function for several assumptions about the magnitude of the measurement errors and for several degrees of contamination, comparing the performances of the most robust luminosity function estimators under such conditions.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the results of over 17 years of work searching for low mass stellar and substellar companions to more than 370 nearby white dwarfs. Roughly 60 low mass, unevolved companions were found and studied all together, with over 20 discovered in the last few years, including the first unambiguous brown dwarf companion to a white dwarf, GD 1400B. The resulting spectral type distributions for companions to white dwarfs and nearby cool field dwarfs are compared, and the implications for binary star formation are discussed. A brief analysis of GD 1400B, including new data, is also presented. (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We present an analysis of the faint M star population seen as foreground contaminants in deep extragalactic surveys. We use space-based data to separate such stars from high-redshift galaxies in a publicly available data set, and consider the photometric properties of the resulting sample in the optical and infrared. The inferred distances place these stars well beyond the scaleheight of the thick disc. We find strong similarities between this faint sample (reaching   i 'AB= 25  ) and the brighter disc M dwarf population studied by other authors. The optical–infrared properties of the bulk of our sources spanning 6000 Å-4.5 μm are consistent with those 5–10 mag brighter. We also present deep spectroscopy of faint M dwarf stars reaching continuum limits of i 'AB≈ 26, and measure absorption-line strengths in the CaH2 and TiO5 bands. Both photometrically and spectroscopically, our sources are consistent with metallicities as low as a tenth solar: metal-rich compared with halo stars at similar heliocentric distances. We comment on the possible massive astrophysical compact halo object (MACHO) identification of M stars at faint magnitudes.  相似文献   

We present a parallax measurement for the very cool degenerate WD 0346+246, the serendipitous discovery of which was reported by Hambly et al. We find an absolute parallax of 36±5 mas, yielding a distance estimate of 28±4 pc. The resulting absolute visual magnitude of the object is M V =16.8±0.3, making it the second-lowest luminosity white dwarf currently known. We use the distance estimate and measured proper motion to show that the object has kinematics consistent with membership of the Galactic halo. WD 0346+246 is therefore by far the coolest and least luminous of only a handful of plausible halo white dwarf candidates. As such, the object has relevance to the ongoing debate concerning the results of microlensing experiments and the nature of any baryonic dark matter component to the Galactic halo residing in stellar remnants.  相似文献   

The initial–final mass relationship connects the mass of a white dwarf with the mass of its progenitor in the main sequence. Although this function is of fundamental importance to several fields in modern astrophysics, it is not well constrained either from the theoretical or from the observational points of view. In this work, we revise the present semi-empirical initial–final mass relationship by re-evaluating the available data. The distribution obtained from grouping all our results presents a considerable dispersion, which is larger than the uncertainties. We have carried out a weighted least-squares linear fit of these data and a careful analysis to give some clues on the dependence of this relationship on some parameters such as metallicity or rotation. The semi-empirical initial–final mass relationship arising from our study covers the range of initial masses from 1.0 to  6.5 M  , including in this way the low-mass domain, poorly studied until recently. Finally, we have also performed a test of the initial–final mass relationship by studying its effect on the luminosity function and on the mass distribution of white dwarfs. This was done by using different initial–final mass relationships from the literature, including the expression derived in this work, and comparing the results obtained with the observational data from the Palomar Green Survey and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. We find that the semi-empirical initial–final mass relationship derived here gives results in good agreement with the observational data, especially in the case of the white dwarf mass distribution.  相似文献   

We make use of a previous well-tested Galactic model, but describing the observational behaviour of the various stellar components in terms of suitable assumptions on their evolutionary status. In this way we are able to predict the expected distribution of Galactic white dwarfs (WDs), with results which appear in rather good agreement with recent estimates of the local WD luminosity function. The predicted occurrence of WDs in deep observations of selected Galactic fields is presented, and we discuss the role played by WDs in star counts. The effects on the theoretical predictions of different white dwarf evolutionary models, ages, initial mass functions and relations between progenitor mass and WD mass are also discussed.  相似文献   

Taking advantage of recent Hubble Space Telescope ( HST ) data for field stars in the region of the Galactic globular cluster NGC 6397, we tested the predictions of several Galactic models with star counts reaching a largely unexplored range of magnitudes, down to V ∼26.5. After updating the input stellar ( V − I ) colours, we found that the two-component Bahcall–Soneira (B&S) model can be put into satisfactory agreement with observations for suitable choices of disc/spheroid luminosity functions (LFs). However, if one assumes the disc LF of Gould, Bahcall and Flynn together with the spheroid LF of Gould, Flynn and Bahcall, there is no way to reconcile the predicted and observed V -magnitude distribution. We also analysed the agreement between observed and predicted magnitude and colour distributions for two selected models with a thick disc component. Even in this case there are suitable combinations of model parameters and faint-magnitude LFs that can give a reasonable agreement with observational star counts in both magnitude and colour. However, the above-quoted combination of Gould et al. LFs again gives predictions in clear disagreement with observations.  相似文献   

Near-infrared photometry and spectroscopy are obtained for a heterogeneous sample of nearby white dwarfs with possible excess flux as identified primarily in the Two Micron All Sky Survey. Among the sample of 43 stars are a number of white dwarfs that are either metal-rich, magnetic or binary suspects. With a few notable exceptions in four (or possibly five) distinct categories, the newly obtained JHK photometric data fail to corroborate the putative excesses, with  〈 K IRTF− K 2MASS〉=+0.31  mag. Where available, Galaxy Evolution Explorer photometric data are used to better constrain the overall spectral energy distribution of the white dwarfs, enabling any excess near-infrared flux to stand out more readily against the expected stellar photosphere.
With superior data, a near-infrared photometric excess is confirmed at three metal-rich white dwarfs and ruled out at nine others. Several new binaries are confirmed or suggested; five white dwarf–red dwarf pairs and five double degenerates. Four apparently single magnetic white dwarfs – two DA and two DQp – display modest to strong near-infrared excess (relative to non-magnetic models), which may be better described as two effective temperatures owing to a redistribution of energy in highly magnetic or peculiar atmospheres.  相似文献   

We present a phenomenological study of highly ionized, non-photospheric absorption features in high spectral resolution vacuum ultraviolet spectra of 23 hot DA white dwarfs. Prior to this study, four of the survey objects (Feige 24, REJ 0457−281, G191−B2B and REJ 1614−085) were known to possess these features. We find four new objects with multiple components in one or more of the principal resonance lines: REJ 1738+665, Ton 021, REJ 0558−373 and WD 2218+706. A fifth object, REJ 2156−546, also shows some evidence of multiple components, though further observations are required to confirm the detection. We discuss possible origins for these features including ionization of the local interstellar environment, the presence of material inside the gravitational well of the white dwarf, mass loss in a stellar wind and the existence of material in an ancient planetary nebula around the star. We propose ionization of the local interstellar medium as the origin of these features in G191−B2B and REJ 1738+665, and demonstrate the need for higher-resolution spectroscopy of the sample, to detect multiple interstellar medium velocity components and to identify circumstellar features that may lie close to the photospheric velocity.  相似文献   

Recent measurements by Hipparcos present observational evidence supporting the existence of some white dwarf (WD) stars with iron-rich core composition. In connection with this, the present paper is aimed at exploring the structure and evolution of iron-core WDs by means of a detailed and updated evolutionary code. In particular, we examined the evolution of the central conditions, neutrino luminosity, surface gravity, crystallization, internal luminosity profile and ages. We find that the evolution of iron-rich WDs is markedly different from that of their carbon–oxygen counterparts. In particular, cooling is strongly accelerated (up to a factor of 5 for models with pure iron composition) as compared with the standard case. Thus, if iron WDs were very numerous, some of them would have had time enough to evolve at lower luminosities than that corresponding to the fall-off in the observed WD luminosity function.  相似文献   

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