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Trace element partitioning in plagioclase feldspar   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Compilation and interpretation of experimental and natural Nernst partition coefficient (plagioclase/meltD) data show that, with a few exceptions, increases in plagioclase/meltD correlate with decreasing anorthite-content of plagioclase. In contrast, increases of plagioclase/meltD for Ga, Sc, Cu, Zn, Zr, Hf and Ti, are better correlated against decreasing melt MgO or increasing melt SiO2 contents. plagioclase/meltD for Ti and the rare earth elements (REE) show little dependence on temperature, but increase as the melt water content increases. plagioclase/meltD for K and Sr are sensitive to pressure. Variations of D0 (the strain compensated partition coefficient), r0 (the size of the site into which REE substitute), and E (Young’s Modulus of this site) were parameterized against variations of melt SiO2, the An-content of plagioclase, and other combinations of variables, allowing plagioclase/meltDREE-Y to be calculated from a variety of input parameters. The interrelations of temperature, melt MgO and SiO2 content, and plagioclase anorthite-content for wet and dry systems were also parameterized to facilitate interpolation where such data are lacking. When combined, these semi-empirical parameterizations yield plagioclase/meltD results comparable to available experimental and natural data.  相似文献   

Analyses of trace elements in the mineral phases of granulites provide important information about the trace element distribution in the lower crust. Since granulites are often considered residues of partial melting processes, trace element characteristics of their mineral phases may record mineral/melt equilibria thus giving an opportunity to understand the nature and composition of melts in the lower continental crust. This study provides an extensive set of mineral trace element data obtained by LA-ICP-MS analyses of mafic and intermediate granulites from Central Finland. Mass balance calculations using the analytical data indicate a pronounced contribution of the accessory minerals apatite for the REE and ilmenite for the HFSE. Coherent mineral/mineral ratios between samples point to a close approach to equilibrium except for minerals intergrown with garnet porphyroblasts. Mineral trace element data were used for the formulation of a set of D mineral/melt partition coefficients that is applicable for trace element modelling under lower crustal conditions. D mineral/melt were derived by the application of predictive models and using observed constant mineral/mineral ratios. The comparison of the calculated D mineral/melt with experimental data as well as the relationship between mineral trace element contents and a leucosome with a composition close to an equilibrium melt provides additional constraints on mineral/melt partitioning. The D values derived in this study are broadly similar to magmatic partition coefficients for intermediate melt compositions. They provide a first coherent set of D values for Sc, V, Cr and Ni between clinopyroxene, amphibole, garnet, orthopyroxene, ilmenite and melt. In addition, they emphasize the strong impact that ilmenite exerts on the distribution of Nb and Ta.  相似文献   

Trace element partitioning between apatite and silicate melts   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
We present new experimental apatite/melt trace element partition coefficients for a large number of trace elements (Cs, Rb, Ba, La, Ce, Pr, Sm, Gd, Lu, Y, Sr, Zr, Hf, Nb, Ta, U, Pb, and Th). The experiments were conducted at pressures of 1.0 GPa and temperatures of 1250 °C. The rare earth elements (La, Ce, Pr, Sm, Gd, and Lu), Y, and Sr are compatible in apatite, whereas the larger lithophile elements (Cs, Rb, and Ba) are strongly incompatible. Other trace elements such as U, Th, and Pb have partition coefficients close to unity. In all experiments we found DHf > DZr, DTa ≈ DNb, and DBa > DRb > DCs. The experiments reveal a strong influence of melt composition on REE partition coefficients. With increasing polymerisation of the melt, apatite/melt partition coefficients for the rare earth elements increase for about an order of magnitude. We also present some results in fluorine-rich and water-rich systems, respectively, but no significant influence of either H2O or F on the partitioning was found. Furthermore, we also present experimentally determined partition coefficients in close-to natural compositions which should be directly applicable to magmatic processes.  相似文献   

The nickel–iron meteorite of Morasko shows isolated inclusions of troilite in the bulk mass of a Fe,Ni-alloy. During a segregation of the FeS phase chalcophile trace elements were collected from the melt. The solidification of the Fe,Ni-phase occurred probably later, incorporating thereby mainly siderophile trace elements. To prove this general assumption selected trace elements were determined and reveal in the two phases of the present meteorite a characteristic distribution pattern. The meteorite of Morasko is in close conformity to the iron meteorite group IAB with rounded dark FeS inclusions.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to investigate the partitioning of Li, Br, Rb, Cs and B between vapor, brine and halite during subcritical and supercritical phase separation in the NaCl-H2O system (388-550 °C, 250-350 bars). Results indicate that Li and Br partition preferentially into the low-salinity vapor fluids, while Rb and Cs become more enriched in the coexisting brines. Under more extreme conditions of pressure and temperature in the two-phase region, especially near the vapor-brine-halite boundary, strong salting-out effects imposed on neutral aqueous species enhance significantly partitioning of all trace elements into the low-salinity fluid. Dissolved boron is strongly affected by this and a particularly strong enrichment into vapors is observed, a trend that can be effectively correlated with changes in reduced density. Exclusion of Li, Br, Rb, Cs and B from halite, when precipitated, further increases the solubility of these species in the coexisting Cl-poor fluid. In general, the lack of distortion in the partitioning behavior of trace elements between vapor, brine and/or halite with the transition from subcritical to supercritical conditions in the NaCl-H2O system precludes the need for special reference to the critical point of seawater when interpreting phase relations in submarine hydrothermal systems. The combination of experimentally determined trace element partitioning data with constraints imposed by mineral solubility provides a means to better understand the origin and evolution of hot spring vent fluids. For example, in Brandon hydrothermal system (21°S EPR) supercritical phase separation and subseafloor mixing appear to be the main heat and mass transport mechanisms fueled by a shallow magmatic intrusion, with boron systematics ruling out major contributions from magmatic degassing processes accompanying the near-seafloor volcanism.  相似文献   

Diopside-melt and forsterite-melt rare earth (REE) and Ni partition coefficients have been determined as a function of bulk compositions of the melt. Available Raman spectroscopic data have been used to determine the structures of the melts coexisting with diopside and forsterite. The compositional dependence of the partition coefficients is then related to the structural changes of the melt.The melts in all experiments have a ratio of nonbridging oxygens to tetrahedral cations (NBOT) between 1 and 0. The quenched melts consist of structural units that have, on the average, 2 (chain), 1 (sheet) and 0 (three-dimensional network) nonbridging oxygens per tetrahedral cation. The proportions of these structural units in the melts, as well as the overall NBOT, change as a function of the bulk composition of the melt.It has been found that Ce, Sm, Tm and Ni crystal-liquid partition coefficients (Kcrystal?liqi = CcrystaliCliqi) decrease linearly with increasing NBOT. The values of the individual REE crystal-liquid trace element partition coefficients have different functional relations to NBOT, so that the degree of light REE enrichment of the melts would depend on their NBOT.The solution mechanisms of minor oxides such as CO2, H2O, TiO2, P2O5 and Fe2O3 in silicate melts are known. These data have been recast as changes of NBOT of the melts with regard to the type of oxide and its concentration in the melt. From such data the dependence of crystal-liquid partition coefficients on concentration and type of minor oxide in melt solution has been calculated.  相似文献   

Summary Experiments at 25 kbar and 1000°C, on a model trace element-enriched carbonatite-eridotite mix, produced augite + pargasite ± garnet ± dolomite coexisting with a carbonatite melt. Proton microprobe analysis of the phases showed that key trace elements (Rb, Ba, Sr, Nb, Ta, Zr, Y and REE) all partitioned strongly into the melt (with the exception of Y, Ho and Lu in garnet), verifying that carbonatite is potentially a highly effective metasomatizing agent. The data also indicate that carbonatitic metasomatism will impart higher Ba/Rb, Ba/Nb, Nb/Ta, Sr/Ta, La/Ta, and lower Zr/Y, with little change to Sr/Nb, in affected mantle.
Spurenelementverteilung zwischen Silikatmineralen und Karbonatit bei 25 kbar: Anwendung für die Mantel-Metasomatose
Zusammenfassung Experimente mit einer Modell-mischung von Karbonatit-Peridotit, angereichert mit Spurenelementen, produzierten bei 25 kbar und 1000°C Augit + Pargasit ± Granat ±Dolomit coexistierend mit einer Karbonatitschmelze. Protonmikrosonden-Analyse der Phasen zeigte, dass alle Schlüsselspurenelemente (Rb, Ba, Sr, Nb, Ta, Zr, Y and REE) stark in der Schmelze angereichert werden (mit der Ausnahme von Y, Ho und Lu in Granat), was beweist, dass Karbonatit potentiell ein sehr effektives Agens für Metasomatose ist. Die Daten zeigen weiterhin, dass karbonatitische Metasomatose in betroffenen Mantel höhere Ba/Rb, Ba/Nb, Nb/Ta, Sr/Ta, La/Ta und niedrigere Zr/Y produziert, mit geringen Äderungen für Sr/Nb.

With 1 Figure  相似文献   

Calcium- and aluminum-rich inclusions (CAIs), occurring in chondritic meteorites and considered the oldest materials in the solar system, can provide critical information about the environment and time scale of creation of planetary materials. However, interpretation of the trace element and isotope compositions of CAIs, particularly the light elements Li, Be, and B, is hampered by the lack of constraint on melilite-melt and spinel-melt partition coefficients. We determined melilite-melt and spinel-melt partition coefficients for 21 elements by performing controlled cooling rate (2 °C/h) experiments at 1 atmosphere pressure in sealed platinum capsules using a synthetic type B CAI melt. Trace element concentrations were measured by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) and/or laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). Melilites vary only slightly in composition, ranging from Åk31-43. Results for the partitioning of trace elements between melilite and melt in three experiments and between spinel and melt in two experiments show that partition coefficients are independent of trace element concentration, are in good agreement for different analytical techniques (SIMS and LA-ICP-MS), and are in agreement with previous measurements in the literature. Partition coefficients between intermediate composition melilites and CAI melt are the following: Li, 0.5; Be, 1.0; B, 0.22; Rb, 0.012; Sr, 0.68; Zr, 0.004; Nb, 0.003; Cs, 0.002; Ba, 0.018; La, 0.056; Nd, 0.065; Sm, 0.073; Eu, 0.67; Er, 0.037; Yb, 0.018; Hf, 0.001; Ta, 0.003; Pb, 0.15; U, 0.001; Th, 0.002. Site size energetics analysis is used to assess isovalent partitioning into the different cation sites. The Young’s modulus deduced from +2 cations partitioning into the melilite X site agrees well with the bulk modulus of melilite based on X-ray diffraction methods. The changes in light element partitioning as melilite composition varies are predicted and used in several models of fractional crystallization to evaluate if the observed Li, Be, and B systematics in Allende CAI 3529-41 are consistent with crystallization from a melt. Models of crystallization agree reasonably well with observed light element variations in areas previously interpreted to be unperturbed by secondary processes [Chaussidon, M., Robert, F., McKeegan, K.D., 2006. Li and B isotopic variations in an Allende CAI: Evidence for the in situ decay of short-lived 10Be and for the possible presence of the short-lived nuclide 7Be in the early solar system. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta70, 224-245], indicating that the trends of light elements could reflect fractional crystallization of a melt. In contrast, areas interpreted to have been affected by alteration processes are not consistent with crystallization models.  相似文献   

As technical advances have dramatically increased our ability to analyze trace elements, the need for more reliable data on the compositional dependence of trace element partitioning between minerals and melt has become increasingly important. The late-Cretaceous Carmacks Group of south central Yukon comprises a succession of primitive high-Mg ankaramitic lavas characterized by shoshonitic chemical affinities and containing large complexly zoned clinopyroxene phenocrysts. The compositional zonation of the clinopyroxene phenocrysts is characterized by relatively Fe-rich (Mg# = Mg/(Mg + Fe) = 0.85), but mottled, cores surrounded by mantles of cyclically-zoned clinopyroxene whose Mg# varies repeatedly between 0.9 and 0.80. These cyclically zoned clinopyroxene mantles appear to record the repeated influx and mixing of batches of primitive with more evolved magma in a deep sub-crustal (∼1.2 GPa) magma chamber(s). Laser ablation ICP-MS was used to analyze the trace element variation in these zoned clinopyroxenes. The results indicate more than a threefold variation in the absolute concentrations of Th, Zr, rare earth elements (REE), and Y within individual clinopyroxene phenocrysts, with no apparent change in the degree of REE or high field strength element (HFSE) fractionation. The variation in absolute abundances of trace elements correlates closely with the major element composition of the clinopyroxene, with the most enriched clinopyroxene having the lowest Mg# and highest Al contents. The problem is that the amount of crystal fractionation required to explain the major element variation (∼20%) in these clinopyroxene phenocrysts cannot explain the increase in the abundance of the incompatible trace elements, which would require more than 70% crystal fractionation, if constant partition coefficients are assumed. The anomalous increase in incompatible trace elements appears to reflect an increase in their partition coefficients with increasing AlIV in the clinopyroxene; with an increase in Al2O3 from 1.5 to 4.0 wt.% during ∼20% crystal fractionation over a temperature decrease of ∼100°C being associated with more that a threefold increase in the partition coefficients of Th, Zr, REE, and Y. The magnitude of these increases may indicate that the substitution of these trace elements into clinopyroxene is better modeled in some natural systems by a local charge balance model, rather than the distributed charge model that better replicates the results of annealed experiments. These findings indicate that the effect of Al on the partition coefficients of incompatible trace elements in clinopyroxene may be under appreciated in natural magmatic systems and that the application of experimentally determined clinopyroxene partition coefficients to natural systems must be done with caution.  相似文献   

Element partitioning in metal-light element systems is important to our understanding of planetary differentiation processes. In this study, solid-metal/liquid-sulfide, liquid-metal/liquid-sulfide and solid-metal/troilite partition coefficients (D) were determined for 18 elements (Ag, As, Au, Co, Cr, Cu, Ge, Ir, Ni, Os, Pd, Pt, Mo, Mn, Re, Ru, Se and W) in the graphite-saturated Fe-S-C system at 1 atm. Compared at the same liquid S concentration, the solid/liquid partition coefficients are similar to those in the Fe-S system, but there are systematic differences that appear to be related to interactions with carbon dissolved in the solid metal. Elements previously shown to be “anthracophile” generally have larger solid/liquid partition coefficients in the Fe-S-C system, whereas those that are not have similar or smaller partition coefficients in the Fe-S-C system. The partitioning of trace elements between C-rich and S-rich liquids is, in most cases, broadly similar to the partitioning between solid metal and S-rich liquid. The highly siderophile elements Os, Re, Ir and W are partitioned strongly into the C-rich liquid, with D ? 100. The partition coefficients for Pt, Ge and W decrease significantly at the transition to liquid immiscibility, while the partition coefficient for Mo increases sharply. The bulk siderophile element patterns of ureilite meteorities appear to be better explained by separation of S-rich liquid from residual C-rich metallic liquid at temperatures above the silicate solidus, rather than by separation of S-rich liquid from residual solid metal at lower temperatures.  相似文献   

When a phenocryst and its lava matrix have been analysed for both major and trace elements, plots of partition coefficient (mineral/matrix) against ionic radius give a family of sub-parallel curves, one univalent, one divalent, etc. Onuma et al. (1968) demonstrated this with two analyses and concluded, from the shape of these curves, that trace element partition between phenocryst and groundmass is determined primarily by crystal structure of the phenocryst. In this study, over 50 such analyses, taken from the literature, have been plotted on modified Onuma diagrams, in order to analyse the constant and variable factors in the curves. It is demonstrated that these curves can provide important additional information in trace element studies by revealing, for example, the site or sites in a mineral which a given element is occupying, the valency state of the element and even, in some cases, the proportion of different valency states present.  相似文献   

Thirty five minor and trace elements (Li, Be, B, Sc, Cu, Zn, Ga, Ge, As, Rb, Nb, Mo, Ag, Cd, In, Sn, Sb, Cs, Ba, La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Tb, Ho, Tm, Lu, Hf, Ta, W, Tl, Pb, Bi, Th and U) in experimentally produced near-liquidus phases, from a primitive nelpheline basanite from Bow Hill in Tasmania (Australia), were analysed by LAM ICP-MS. A number of halogens (F, Cl and I) were also analysed by electron microprobe. The analyses were used to determine mineral/melt partition coefficients for mica, amphibole, garnet, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene and olivine for conditions close to multiple saturation of the basanite liquidus with garnet lherzolite (approximately 2.6 GPa and 1,200°C with 7.5 wt% of added H2O). A broader range of conditions was also investigated from 1.0 GPa and 1,025°C to 3.5 GPa and 1,190°C with 5–10 wt% of added H2O. The scope and comprehensiveness of the data allow them to be used for two purposes, these include the following: an investigation of some of the controlling influences on partition coefficients; and the compilation of a set partition coefficients that are directly relevant to the formation of the Bow Hill basanite magma by partial melting of mantle peridotite. Considering clinopyroxene, the mineral phase for which the most data were obtained, systematic correlations were found between pressure and temperature, mineral composition, cation radius and valence, and ΔG coulb (the coulombic potential energy produced by substituting a cation of mismatched valence into a crystallographic site). ΔG coulb is distinctly different for different crystallographic sites, including the M2 and M1 sites in clinopyroxene. These differences can be modelled as a function of variations in optimum valence (expressed as 1 sigma standard deviations) within individual M1 and M2 site populations.  相似文献   

The occurrence of CO2-rich lavas (carbonatites, kimberlites) and carbonate-rich xenoliths provide evidence for the existence of carbonatitic melts in the mantle. To model the chemical composition of such melts in the deep mantle, we experimentally determined partition coefficients for 23 trace elements (including REE, U-Th, HFSE, LILE) between deep mantle minerals and carbonatite liquids at 20 and 25 GPa and 1600 °C. Under these conditions, majoritic garnet and CaSiO3 perovskite are the main reservoirs for trace elements. This study used both femtosecond LA-ICP-MS and SIMS techniques to measure reliable trace element concentrations. Comparison of the two techniques shows a general agreement, except for Sc and Ba. Our experimentally determined partition coefficients are consistent with the lattice strain model. The data suggest an effect of melt structure on partition coefficients in this pressure range. For instance, strain-free partition coefficient (D0) for majorite-carbonatite melts do not follow the order of cation valence, , observed for majorite-CO2-free silicate melts. The newly determined partition coefficients were combined with trace element composition of majoritic garnets found as inclusions in diamond to model trace element patterns of deep-seated carbonatites. The result compares favorably with natural carbonatites. This suggests that carbonatites can originate from the mantle transition zone.  相似文献   

Abundance data for Cs, Rb, Tl, Ba, Pb, Sr, the rare earths, Th, U, Zr, Hf, Sn, Nb, Mo, Mn, Cu, Co, Ni, Sc, V, Cr, Ag, Sb and the major elements are reported for two andesites and a dacite from Saipan, nine andesites and a dacite from Bougainville and two andesites from Fiji. The Saipan rocks are low-K varieties and contain notably low abundances of Rb, Ba, Th and U and have rare earth patterns subparallel to chondritic patterns. The Bougainville andesites include low-Si and high-K varieties which have higher concentrations of the large cations. The Fijian samples are close to the average circum-Pacific andesite and have rareearth patterns sub-parallel to those of sedimentary rocks.All the andesites contain characteristically low (< 20 ppm) values for Ni and have Ni/Co ratios < 1, and V/Ni ratios > 10.These data preclude derivation of calc-alkaline rocks by mixing of upper crustal material or by fractional crystallisation from basaltic parents. A two stage model is proposed involving sea-floor spreading and transportation of the oceanic crust down the dipping seismic plane into the mantle where it is remelted to form andesites.  相似文献   

Pods of granulite facies dioritic gneiss in the Pembroke Valley, Milford Sound, New Zealand, preserve peritectic garnet surrounded by trondhjemitic leucosome and vein networks, that are evidence of high‐P partial melting. Garnet‐bearing trondhjemitic veins extend into host gabbroic gneiss, where they are spatially linked with the recrystallization of comparatively low‐P two‐pyroxene‐hornblende granulite to fine‐grained high‐P garnet granulite assemblages in garnet reaction zones. New data acquired using a Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (LA‐ICPMS) for minerals in various textural settings indicate differences in the partitioning of trace elements in the transition of the two rock types to garnet granulite, mostly due to the presence or absence of clinozoisite. Garnet in the garnet reaction zone (gabbroic gneiss) has a distinct trace element pattern, inherited from reactant gabbroic gneiss hornblende. Peritectic garnet in the dioritic gneiss and garnet in trondhjemitic veins from the Pembroke Granulite have trace element patterns inherited from the melt‐producing reaction in the dioritic gneiss. The distinct trace element patterns of garnet link the trondhjemitic veins geochemically to sites of partial melting in the dioritic gneiss.  相似文献   

Kinetic effects on trace element partitioning have been measured for anorthite, forsterite, and diopside grown from synthetic compositions doped with REE. A seeding technique allowed determination of crystal growth rates and partitioning information was obtained from electron microprobe analyses. Compositional deviations from equilibrium values were sought in the crystals and as gradients in the quenched liquids adjacent to the crystals. The principal result is that large deviations in trace element distribution coefficients from equilibrium values do not occur because of a compensating effect. Rapid growth depletes the melt adjacent to the crystal in the elements of which the crystal is composed, leading to different values for apparent distribution coefficients. However, as the boundary layer melt becomes depleted in the components of the crystal, growth slows and the size of the compositional perturbations decreases. Crystals grown at very high rates (e.g., > 0.2 μm/sec for diopside) tended to be too small for accurate microprobe analyses, but are probably not compositionally extreme since the melts adjacent to the crystals did not acquire sizable compositional gradients. At moderately high growth rates (e.g., 0.02 μm/sec), crystals form in the presence of boundary layer compositions perturbed by as much as 10% from bulk melt values and, in diopside, attain concentrations for excluded trace elements about 70% higher than equilibrium values for crystals plus bulk melt. At the slower growth rates typical of igneous systems, kinetic effects on trace element partitioning are probably negligible.  相似文献   

We have obtained Raman spectra for a number of orthorhombic perovskites CaBO3, where B=Ti, Ge, Zr or Sn. The room temperature Raman spectrum of CaTiO3 was compared with cubic SrTiO3 to assign first- and second-order features. Partially polarized micro-Raman spectra were obtained for CaTiO3 perovskite. The CaBO3 perovskites showed a sequence of increasing complexity in their Raman spectra with increasing degree of orthorhombic distortion from the ideal cubic structure. The spectral changes cannot easily be correlated with changes in chemistry or structure of the perovskite. High temperature micro-Raman spectra for CaGeO3 perovskite were obtained by laser-heating a 15 μm sample. None of the low frequency Raman modes were soft, but showed only normal anharmonicity up to approximately 700 K.  相似文献   

The geochemistry of Chilean ignimbrites is discussed in terms of major and trace elements. The variation in the major elements and in the distribution of Ba, Co, Cu, Ga, Pb, Sn, Sr, V, and Zr with the differentiation factor (1/3Si+K)-(Ca+Mg) has been studied. The general trend is that characteristic of calc-alkaline rhyolite-dacite-andesite associations. Exceptionally high values of copper reported and high values of Sn and Zr provide further evidence of the anatectic origin of these ignimbrites.  相似文献   

Ontogenetic (developmental stage) measurements of Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca were made on the benthic foraminifer Bulimina aculeata, which were cultured under controlled physicochemical conditions of temperature, pH, alkalinity, salinity, and trace- and minor-element concentrations. We utilized two methods of ontogenetic sampling—whole specimens progressively increasing in length and laser microdissection of a single specimen with subsequent analysis of dissected portions. A novel high-resolution laser-microdissection (HRLM) method allowed for precise (10 μm) cuts of the foraminiferal tests (shells) along the geometrically complex sutures distinguishing individual chambers. This new microdissection method limited sample loss and cross-contamination between foraminiferal chambers. Little or no variation in DSr was observed at different foraminiferal developmental stages. Conversely, DMg was enriched during a mid-developmental stage of whole-specimen samples (150-225 μm DMg = 1.6 × 10−3) compared to earlier and later stages (<150 μm, >225 μm DMg = 8.3 × 10−4). Further analysis of HRLM ontogenetic samples showed a larger, age-dependent DMg signature variation. This increase in shell Mg/Ca may contribute substantially to the measured inter-individual variability in Mg/Ca temperature prediction for cultured B. aculeata. Due to relatively large Mg/Ca inter- and intra-individual variability, measuring similar-size foraminiferal samples may improve the precision of paleotemperature prediction. Additionally, partial dissolution of the highest ontogenetically Mg-enriched calcite (DMg = 1.3 × 10−2-1.6 × 10−2) may occur in undersaturated bottom-water environments or during reductive cleaning procedures. Thus, the calcite phases remaining after partial dissolution by either natural or laboratory cleaning processes may not accurately represent the calcification environment.  相似文献   

Trace/minor element signatures (DCd, DBa, DMg, and DSr) were measured in the tests (shells) of benthic foraminifera cultured in a trace-metal-concentration-controlled system. The culture system was constructed of inert materials and designed to limit microhabitat effects. This system ensured that variation observed in cultured foraminiferal element:calcium (TE/Ca) signatures was due to biologically mediated (vital) effects only. Two species, Bulimina aculeata and Rosalina vilardeboana, reproduced prolifically during two 4-to-8-month culture periods. In every case (i.e., for both species and each element), the inter-individual variability was larger than the analytical precision. Mean (±1 standard deviation) DE signatures for B. aculeata were: DCd: 1.5 ± 0.4, DBa × 10: 2.1 ± 0.7, DMg × 1000: 0.62 ± 0.15, and DSr × 10: 1.5 ± 0.1. Cultured B. aculeata DMg, calibrated from culture and core-top (live) field specimens, predicted temperatures within ±2.0 °C. The observed inter-individual variability from culture specimens was as large or larger than comparable results from core-top investigations. R. vilardeboana DCd signatures were significantly lower, while DBa, DMg, and DSr signatures were significantly higher than B. aculeata values. Since our culture system minimizes microhabitat variability, the variation in measured TE/Ca ratios suggests that biological processes are a significant factor in inter-individual and inter-species variability. Comparison of cultured and field-collected foraminiferal DBa signatures supports previous findings that pore-water chemistry is a major environmental influence on foraminiferal test chemistry.  相似文献   

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