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近年来随着川东北地区普光、龙岗等一系列特大型气田的发现,叠合型盆地古老海相碳酸盐岩层系高含H2S气藏形成机理成为了石油地质学研究的热点和前沿领域.通过构造反演、数值模拟和地球化学分析等方法研究后认为,普光古油藏输导体至少发生晚印支-早燕山早期和早燕山中期两期流体活动,油气通过普光.东岳寨等断裂与长兴组-飞仙关组礁、滩相白云岩输导体由北西和南西两个方向沿着三个优势运移路径向普光构造汇聚,形成昔光古油藏;自中燕山早期原油发生高温裂解以来,普光气藏经历了构造运动控制下的流体调整和TSR控制下的化学改造两个过程.中燕山期是普光气藏接受热化学硫酸盐还原作用(TSR)化学改造的主要时期,TSR一方面对气藏内部的成藏流体进行改造,造成天然气干燥系数变大和碳同位素变重;另一方面TSR相关流体(烃类、H2S和水等)与储层岩石之间的相互作用使储层被溶蚀和硬石膏发生蚀变,对改善其物性具有重要意义.在晚期构造叠加作用下,普光气藏内部的流体存在晚燕山-早喜马拉雅期和晚喜马拉雅期两期调整,现今气藏为早期气藏调整后流体经再次运移与聚集后形成的.  相似文献   

由于油储模型的形态非常复杂,使用地面的地球物理方法探测很难获得可靠的信号,而钻孔雷达的探测在钻孔中进行,同时具备较高的分辨率,因此钻孔雷达在测井探测中起着至关重要的作用.本文基于钻孔雷达对油储模型进行了数值模拟.首先使用开源软件gprMax3.0对四种常见的碳酸盐岩储层进行建模,然后用有限差分算法进行了正演计算.分析模拟结果可知,钻孔雷达对串珠状孔洞型储层的识别效果很好;对走向平行于井轴的裂缝带也能进行有效识别,包括裂缝的长度、延伸方向和裂缝带的走向等信息;对断层型的储层的识别效果相对较差,但仍然能判断一部分信息.因此,钻孔雷达在油储中的探测是可行的.  相似文献   

拓展海相、开发海洋、走向世界,形成并建立全球联动的油气体制,这就是中国油气的"三海战略".面向海相、海洋、海外的三海油气战略,必须眼观全球油气战略格局,研究探索全球油气宏观规律,不仅要突破勘探、计算机等技术瓶颈,遵循油气资源规律与勘探指导思想,还要了解油气出产国的政局、宗教、法律等方面问题,审时度势,分步骤、有的放矢地...  相似文献   

地应力是地下地质结构发生改变的主要影响因素,是断层活动的主要驱动力.它的大小、方向、作用效果等直接决定了断层是否具有封闭性,能否对其周围的油气进行封堵,从 而确定油气开发的有利区带.为了更清楚地认识地应力以及其对油气运移的作用,本文首先对地应力的测量方法进行分类和总结,阐述不同测量方法的工作原理、使用条件以及各自的优缺...  相似文献   

胶莱盆地重磁资料解释与构造特征分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
胶莱盆地位于郯庐断裂带东侧,是典型的拉张盆地,内部划分为诸城凹陷、柴沟地垒、高密凹陷、大野头凸起、莱阳凹陷、牟平──即墨断裂带、海阳凹陷。运用重力资料一级近似解法,定量计算了胶莱盆地基底埋深,结合磁异常解释等,本文重点讨论了盆地内主要断裂的形成时期,切割深度及空间演化。并进一步将诸城凹陷细分为胶县洼陷、集王疃洼陷、平度洼陷、马山构造带、刘家庄构造带、李党家构造带。讨论总结了该盆地构造特征及其发育规律,为该区油气勘探提供了新的认识与依据。  相似文献   

对来自塔里木盆地北部5口钻井的部分中、新生代沉积岩岩芯样品进行了古地磁研究,通过对重磁化组分和特征剩磁组分与露头样品的比较,确定了井下样品的喜山期严重重磁化;并通过烃类分析和对磁性分选颗粒的扫描电镜观察,发现了与碳氢化合物有关的球形磁铁矿颗粒和具有黄铁矿格架颗粒的球形磁铁矿聚集体,从而认为重磁化与油气移聚相关,据此确认了喜山期的油气移聚.  相似文献   

对来自塔里木盆地北部5口钻井的部分中、新生代沉积岩岩芯样品进行了古地磁研究,通过对重磁化组分和特征剩磁组分与露头样品的比较,确定了井下样品的喜山期严重重磁化;并通过烃类分析和对磁性分选颗粒的扫描电镜观察,发现了与碳氢化合物有关的球形磁铁矿颗粒和具有黄铁矿格架颗粒的球形磁铁矿聚集体,从而认为重磁化与油气移聚相关,据此确认了喜山期的油气移聚.  相似文献   

对来自塔里木盆地北部5口钻井的部分中、新生代沉积岩岩芯样品进行了古地磁研究,通过对重磁化组分和特征剩磁组分与露头样品的比较,确定了井下样品的喜山期严重重磁化;并通过烃类分析和对磁性分选颗粒的扫描电镜观察,发现了与碳氢化合物有关的球形磁铁矿颗粒和具有黄铁矿格架颗粒的球形磁铁矿聚集体,从而认为重磁化与油气移聚相关,据此确认了喜山期的油气移聚.  相似文献   

海湾盆地八面河地区油气运聚与成藏特征分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
采用地质与地球化学原理与方法对渤海湾盆地八面河油气区进行系统测试和分析, 定量估算该油田的油源分配, 提出了相应的运移通道和成藏机理. 研究结果表明, 虽然八面河油田附近埋藏较浅的沙四段烃源岩提供的“未熟-低熟油”在八面河地区原油中占一定的比例, 但这些原油的主体应来自相邻的生油洼陷——牛庄和广利洼陷内埋深超过2700 m的沙四段成熟烃源岩. 定量计算表明, 八面河地区未熟-低熟油的含量不超过20%, 其余为正常原油. 来自生烃洼陷的油气的运移受断层、砂体运载层等优势通道共同控制, 八面河油田只是运移优势通道的指向之一. 新提出的原油来源与运聚模式已为近期油气勘探实践所证实.  相似文献   

古老白云岩储层在深层油气勘探中的地位愈发重要,其成孔-保孔作用复杂,超深层规模优质白云岩储层形成机理一直是核心议题.随着国内外震旦系白云岩深层油气的突破,塔北地区上震旦统奇格布拉克组开始受到关注,但其储集空间差异和形成机理尚未厘清.本文以塔北地区超深钻井岩芯和野外露头为研究对象,基于宏观-微观、定性-定量的储层岩石学分析方法,对其岩相学、储集空间差异和成储机制进行了系统分析:(1)白云岩类型可分为5大类,包括微生物白云岩、颗粒白云岩、残余颗粒白云岩、结晶白云岩和岩溶角砾白云岩,进一步可分为11小类;(2)绵层格架孔、绵层铸模孔和非组构选择性溶蚀孔洞为主要储集空间类型,泡沫绵层石白云岩、岩溶角砾白云岩和细晶白云岩为优势储层岩石类型;(3)(准)同生期高频沉积旋回和表生期大气淡水岩溶是关键成储作用,形成两套规模优质储层,其中奇格布拉克组顶部储层主要受柯坪运动表生岩溶控制,而中上部储层主要受准同生期高频沉积旋回控制,规模储层为“浅成深埋”模式;(4)深部储层品质取决于增孔和减孔地质事件的动态平衡结果,准同生-浅埋藏阶段的白云石胶结作用和深埋藏阶段的压实压溶作用是最主要的破坏性成岩作用,但在多...  相似文献   

There exists a petroleum system rich of oil and gas around Halahatang depression,where the oil and gas possess obvious local distinctions of properties in different parts.The research proved that the discovered crude oil and natural gas in the region derived mainly from O2 3 source rock,and the differences of its properties were controlled by the oil and gas filling intensity.The comprehensive study result shows the oil and gas reservoirs of the region mainly underwent three important accumulation phases:late Caledonian-Early Hercynian epoch,late Hercynian epoch,and Yanshan-Himalayan epoch. In the first phase,the oil and gas derived mostly from Cambrian source rock,which formed the primary ancient oil reservoirs,then suffered strong degradation and remained a great quantity of pyrobitumen in the high position of Tabei uplift in the present.In the second phase,the O2 3 source rock of Manjia'er depression started its generation of hydrocarbon,which accumulated in the high position of Tabei uplift afterwards,and then biodegradated to heavy oil in the late Hercynian epoch.In the last phase,the O2 3 source rock of southern Halahatang depression and margin of Manjia'er depression started its peak of generating liquid hydrocarbon,which mostly accumulated in the trap formed before the Indo-China and Yanshan epoch,and in somewhere the heavy oil suffered dilutions in various degrees or serious gas invading,to lead to obvious crude oil divergence.  相似文献   

本文概述了中国南方碳酸盐岩地区的油气勘探经历和认识过程.在刘光鼎院士提出的"油气资源二次创业"理论方法指导下,我国在海相碳酸盐岩地区开展的地球物理勘探工作取得了重要成果.海相碳酸盐岩地区具有更复杂的地质构造和演化过程,该类地区寻找油气是世界性难题,传统勘探手段已不适用.本文给出了该类地区进行地球物理勘探的新思路、新方法、新技术,并以举世瞻目的普光大气田的发现说明了新方法的合理性和优势.文章最后给出在南方海相碳酸盐岩地区进行油气地球物理勘探的发展远景.  相似文献   

The gas field in the center of Ordos Basin has been conventionally considered as a large gas pool with thin reservoirs. However, lots of phenomena contrary to this concept occur in the exploration and production process. It is proposed that the gas field is composed of many small lithological gas pools, sourced from and reservoired in the same Ordovician formation which is an underpressured fluid compartment. A dynamic equilibrium moldel of natural gas migration and accumulation has been developed to illustrate the formation mechanism of these gas pools.  相似文献   

滕吉文  杨辉 《地球物理学报》2013,56(12):4164-4188
在当今全球各国对油、气能源的需求和我国在工业化进程中油气能源十分紧缺的前提下,共享世界油、气能源的同时,必须立足于本土,迅速建立起安全、稳定,且可保证持续供给的油、气能源战略后备基地.油、气田勘探和开采中,尚存在着大于或远大于通常所规范的油、气生成稳定温度和深度限定,而向深部勘察油、气的理念又受到传统油、气成因理论的严峻挑战.为此,近些年来,通过对沉积建造、结晶基底,深部油气生成的物理(主指温度、压力)条件、物源和聚集储存空间的研究,提出:①沉积盆地中存在双相(陆相+海相)沉积建造,而基底则分为中、新生代沉积基底和古老的变质岩结晶基底,即双层基底;②地壳深部介质的物理-化学属性和变质岩及存储空间为油、气的生成和聚集提供了物质基础;③厘定了在有机成因主导下,油、气混合成因(有机+无机)的新理念;④第二深度空间(5000~10000 m)的油、气探查和开发将必是未来深部发现大型和超大型油、气田和深化研究的必然轨迹.  相似文献   

深层油气地球物理勘探基础研究   总被引:2,自引:8,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文讨论当前我国深层油气地震勘探面临的难题及基础研究的三个主攻方向,包括:困难地区深层地震反射体准确成像,地震波场信息学、油气田直接预测的地球物理方法技术等.  相似文献   

There are mainly 3 kinds of existing states of oil generating from source rocks,that is,dispersive liquid hydrocarbon inside of source rock,dispersive liquid hydrocarbon outside of source rock and concentrated liquid hydrocarbon outside of source rock.Because of the differences in thermal history and medium conditions around,and the interaction of organic and inorganic matter,the liquid hydrocarbon with 3 kinds of existing state has different cracking conditions.The gas generation dynamics experiments of crude oil matching different mediums indicate that the distribution of activation energy of methane changes a lot according to medium difference.The carbonate has a main influence on oil cracking conditions and can largely reduce its activation energy,which reflects the lower cracking temperature of crude oil.The mudstone takes a second place and the sandstone is the smallest.The catalytic cracking function to the oil of the carbonate,of the mudstone and of the sandstone changes weaken in turn.The corresponding Ro values of main gas generation period in different mediums are as follows:1.5%―3.8%with pure crude oil,1.2%―3.2%with dispersive crude oil in carbonate,1.3%~3.4% with dispersive crude oil in mudstone and 1.4%―3.6%with dispersive crude oil in sandstone.The influence of pressure to crude oil cracking is relatively complicated.In the low heating speed condition, pressure restrains the oil cracking and gas generation,but in the high heating speed condition,pressure has an indistinctive influence to the oil cracking and gas generation.Pressure also makes a different effort in different evolvement stage.Taking the middle and lower Cambrian source rocks in the Tarim Basin as an example,primary oil generating quantity is 2232.24×10 8 t,residual oil and oil cracking gas quantity is 806.21×10 8 t and 106.95×10 12 m 3 respectively.  相似文献   

Experimental studies on pathway patterns of secondary oil migration   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The oil migration patterns in porous medium are discussed based on the results of diphasic expulsing experiments. In the experiments, dyed kerosene was used as expulsing phase to expulse water saturated in a glass cylinder filled with sorted glass beads. Two series of experiments were done: one with different initial oil column heights and the other with variable oil injection rates. Three secondary migration patterns, including stable displacement pattern, fingering pattern and stringing pattern may be recognized in each series of experiments. Two classic dimensionless parameters, the modified Bond number and the Capillary number, were used to construct a phase diagram that may characterize the patterns. A new method was proposed to calculate the Darcian velocity of moving kerosene in the cylinder when only buoyancy force acts. It is found that when Darcian velocity is used to get the two dimensionless parameters, the data from both series of experiments, as well as those obtained from literatures, may be reasonably drawn in a phase diagram to identify the three migration patterns.  相似文献   

在石油、天然气的勘探和开发研究中,涉及到深部空间的介质、结构和属性,在沉积建造上涉及到陆相沉积、海相沉积和火山岩相,在油、气成因理论上涉及到有机成因和无机成因,在机制上涉及到深部流体的分异、调整、运移和动力作用.这些本质性问题的研究和探讨是人们十分关注的科学领域.基于油、气生、储和形成的理论、应用和成效的研究提出,有几个基础性的理念问题必须重新认识,特别是沉积建造与古老变质岩结晶基底;双相(海相和陆相)沉积建造与盆地的内涵和双基(有机和无机)混合油、气成因理念.清晰地厘定这些认识不仅有益于对油、气形成、聚集和勘探及开发给出一个更为科学的深部空间,即第二深度空间(5000~10000 m)的油、气勘探,而更为重要的是基于对这些理念的重新认识和深化研究可构建新的思路或理论,且在新的理念导向下,强化油、气深部勘探,以期能在理论研究和实践应用中取得新的成效,发现大型与超大型油、气田.  相似文献   

油气区地表黄土磁化率异常直接指示油气藏研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
油气区地表黄土具有磁化率异常,早已是一 个不争的事实,而为什么会产生这种异常,以及这 种异常对探测油气藏是否具有某种指导性意义,一 直是国内外油气地球物理工作者关注和研究的课题 之一。本文作者对油气区地表黄土磁化率异常成因 进行了分析,并采用适当的数学手段,对中国西部 某油气区黄土样品磁化率观测值进行了处理;合理 地划分出黄土磁化率背景值,根据磁化率异常确定 油气远景区和量化评价因子。经过实际油井验证, 证明了应用磁化率指示油气藏信息的有效性。  相似文献   

The characteristics of coal pores and the interaction relationship between hydrocarbons and pores in coal are analysed based on the typical example of oil from coal in Tuha Basin, pointing out that the interaction between hydrocarbon molecules and coal pore surface particles is a major controlling factor of expulsion of oil from coal. Distribution characteristics of coal pores and the ability of hydrocarbon generation are inner factors of the expulsion of the oil from coal; tectonic compressive shear stress is an external force of the expulsion of oil from coal; expulsion of the oil from coal has greater geochromatographic effect than that from mudstone, the low mature stage (or vitrinite reflectance Ro is less than 0.9%) is advantageous to the coal-formed oil expulsion and migration; hydrocarbons in the hydrocarbon network are linked with carrier beds (such as fault), through the pore network and fissure which are connected with each other, which constitutes the main pathway of expulsion and migration.  相似文献   

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