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The possibility to predict the redshift distribution on the basis of certain assumptions about the time-dependence of quasar luminosity is discussed. It is found that for a certain general class of models that resembles the spinar model for quasars only specific combinations of parameters give rise to acceptable results. Further consequences are discussed.  相似文献   

The recently finished Edinburgh UVX quasar survey at B <18 is used together with other complete samples to estimate the shape and evolution of the optical luminosity function in the redshift range 0.3< z <2.2. There is a significantly higher space density of quasars at high luminosity and low redshift than previously found in the PG sample of Schmidt & Green, with the result that the shape of the luminosity function at low redshifts ( z <1) is seen to be consistent with a single power law. At higher redshifts the slope of the power law at high luminosities appears to steepen significantly. There does not appear to be any consistent break feature which could be used as a tracer of luminosity evolution in the population.  相似文献   

Consider the problem of estimating the Quasar Luminosity Function (QLF). In a 2007 Ph.D. dissertation, Hugeback considers the QLF as a nonhomogeneous poisson process and estimates the intensity function under SDSS DR3 data (The University of Chicago, AAT 3273021). The present study follows Hugeback’s approach but introduces a mixture component which improves Hugeback’s model in several respects. Namely, the database is partitioned into two groups according to redshift: z < 2.75 and z ? 2.75. Next, a mixture model for the QLF was derived using the concept of pseudolikelihood, the addition of a K function to allow for inter-point interaction, and evaluation of residuals diagnostic plots. This mixture model (i) improves the deviance of Hugeback’s model, and (ii) satisfies residual assumptions that are violated under Hugeback’s model. Moreover, this study confirms Hugeback’s finding of inhomogeneity in the QLF, and provides stronger evidence for the existence of an interaction between redshift and absolute magnitude.  相似文献   

We study the effect of quasar feedback on distributions of baryons in galaxy groups using high-resolution numerical simulations. We use the entropy-conserving gadget code that includes gas cooling and star formation, modified to include a physically based model of quasar feedback. For a sample of 10 galaxy group-sized dark matter haloes with masses in the range of  1–5 × 1013 M  h −1  , star formation is suppressed by more than 50 per cent in the inner regions due to the additional pressure support by quasar feedback, while gas is driven from the inner region towards the outer region of the haloes. As a result, the average gas density is 50 per cent lower in the inner region and 10 per cent higher in the outer region in the simulation, compared to a similar simulation with no quasar feedback. Gas pressure is also higher in the outer region, while temperature and entropy are enhanced in the inner region. The total group gas fraction in the two simulations generally differs by less than 10 per cent. We also find a small change of the total thermal Sunyaev–Zeldovich distortion, leading to 10 per cent changes in the microwave angular power spectrum at angular scales below 2 arcmin.  相似文献   

We present the results from a CCD survey of the B -band luminosity function of nine clusters of galaxies, and compare them to published photographic luminosity functions of nearby poor clusters like Virgo and Fornax, and also to the field luminosity function. We derive a composite luminosity function by taking the weighted mean of all the individual cluster luminosity functions; this composite luminosity function is steep at bright and faint magnitudes and is shallow in-between.
All clusters have luminosity functions consistent with this single composite function. This is true both for rich clusters like Coma and for poor clusters like Virgo.
This same composite function is also individually consistent with the deep field luminosity functions found by Cowie et al. and Ellis et al., and also with the faint end of the Las Campanas Redshift Survey R -band luminosity function, shifted by 1.5 mag. A comparison with the Loveday et al. field luminosity function, which is well determined at the bright end, shows that the composite function, which fits the field data well fainter than M B=−19, drops too steeply between M B=−19 and −22 to fit the field data there.  相似文献   

From as early as the 1930s, astronomers have tried to quantify the statistical nature of the evolution and large-scale structure of galaxies by studying their luminosity distribution as a function of redshift—known as the galaxy luminosity function (LF). Accurately constructing the LF remains a popular and yet tricky pursuit in modern observational cosmology where the presence of observational selection effects due to e.g. detection thresholds in apparent magnitude, colour, surface brightness or some combination thereof can render any given galaxy survey incomplete and thus introduce bias into the LF.  相似文献   

A blink survey of M31 undertaken by means ofB andV plates taken at the 2 m Rozhen observatory telescope gave the possibility to select ten brightest red supergiant candidates. There are a few bright red supergiants in M31 in comparison the LMC, M33, and our Galaxy. They are more frequent in the northern part of M31 where the higher rate of star formation occurs. Our search indicatedM V –8.0 for the brightest red supergiants. Their occurrence in a galaxy depends not only on luminosity of the latter but also on the rate of star formation in it.  相似文献   

From published data on X-ray sources identified with clusters of galaxies the X-ray luminosity function of the clusters was derived to ϕx ˜ Lx-0.8 in the range 1043Lx ≦ (2–3) · 1045 ergs/s. For Lx > 3 · 1045 ergs/s the function decreases abruptly.  相似文献   

We discuss prospects for cluster detection via the Sunyaev–Zel'dovich (SZ) effect in a blank field survey with the interferometer array, the Arcminute MicroKelvin Imager (AMI). Clusters of galaxies selected in the SZ effect probe cosmology and structure formation with little observational bias, because the effect measures integrated gas pressure directly, and does so independently of cluster redshift.
We use hydrodynamical simulations in combination with the Press–Schechter expression to simulate SZ cluster sky maps. These are used with simulations of the observation process to gauge the expected SZ cluster counts. Even with a very conservative choice of parameters we find that AMI will discover at least several tens of clusters every year with     the numbers depend on factors such as the mean matter density, the density fluctuation power spectrum and cluster gas evolution. The AMI survey itself can distinguish between these to some degree, and parameter degeneracies are largely eliminated given optical and X-ray follow-up of these clusters; this will also permit direct investigation of cluster physics and what drives the evolution.  相似文献   

The role of the angular momentum in the regular or chaotic character of motion in an axially symmetric quasar model is examined. It is found that, for a given value of the critical angular momentumL zc , there are two values of the mass of the nucleusM n for which transition from regular to chaotic motion occurs. The [L zc – M n ] relationship shows a linear dependence for the time independent model and an exponential dependence for the evolving model. Both cases are explained using theoretical arguments together with some numerical evidence. The evolution of the orbits is studied, as mass is transported from the disk to the nucleus. The results are compared with the outcomes derived for galactic models with massive nuclei.  相似文献   

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