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Numerical models play a prominent role in hydrogeology, with simplifying assumptions being inevitable when implementing these models. However, there is a risk of oversimplification, where important processes become neglected. Such processes may be associated with outliers, and consideration of outliers can lead to an improved scientific understanding of bedrock aquifers. Using rigorous logic to investigate outliers can help to explain fundamental scientific questions such as why there are large variations in permeability between different bedrock lithologies.  相似文献   

Transmissivity and head data are sampled from an exhaustive synthetic reference field and used to predict the arrival positions and arrival times of a number of particles transported across the field, together with an uncertainty estimate. Different combinations of number of transmissivity data and number of head data used are considered in each one of a series of 64 Monte-Carlo analyses. In each analysis, 250 realizations of transmissivity fields conditioned to both transmissivity and head data are generated using a novel geostatistically based inverse method. Pooling the solutions of the flow and transport equations in all 250 realizations allows building conditional frequency distributions for particle arrival positions and arrival times. By comparing these fresquency distributions, we can assess the incremental gain that additional head data provide. The main conclusion is that the first few head data dramatically improve the quality of transport predictions.  相似文献   

Where the water table is above the soil-rock contact in karst regions, cover-collapse sinkholes in the soil and soft sediment above the rock commonly occur as a result of drawdown of the piezometric surface in the karst aquifer. Transient stresses and pore pressures around soil voids at the soil-rock contact can cause hydraulic fracturing of the soil near the wall of the void. After the first such fracture, successive sloughing of soil propagates the soil void rapidly to the surface, resulting in a cover-collapse sinkhole. Sinkhole formation by this mechanism should be strongly a function of rate and magnitude of piezometric surface drawdown, permeability and tensile strength of the soil, and the size, depth, and geometry of the initial soil void. Large soil voids and those with walls that are partly planar or of low curvature are most susceptible to hydraulic fracture and the resulting progression to sinkhole formation.  相似文献   

The correct measurement of velocities in rivers is important for the true determination of discharge, erosion, scouring, and sediment transport processes. With the goal of increased accuracy, the use of acoustic Doppler velocimeters (ADVs) is increasing in hydrological measurements in rivers, lakes, and laboratories. ADVs are extensively used in the USA. ADVs have advantages when compared with classical measurement devices; however, one must be careful while using an ADV because their sampling approach creates a large number of extreme values by sending signals into the flow, measuring the velocities of particles moving with the water and assuming that these particles move with same velocity as the water. To calculate unbiased statistical properties, outliers must be removed from the time series. This study explains the methods used to filter velocity time series collected with ADVs and investigates the effects of these filters on the statistical characteristics of the filtered time series.  相似文献   

The statistical analysis of compositional data is based on determining an appropriate transformation from the simplex to real space. Possible transfonnations and outliers strongly interact: parameters of transformations may be influenced particularly by outliers, and the result of goodness-of-fit tests will reflect their presence. Thus, the identification of outliers in compositional datasets and the selection of an appropriate transformation of the same data, are problems that cannot be separated. A robust method for outlier detection together with the likelihood of transformed data is presented as a first approach to solve those problems when the additive-logratio and multivariate Box-Cox transformations are used. Three examples illustrate the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

This paper presents a Geographic Information System (GIS)-based spatial analysis scheme to account for spatial patterns and association in geological thematic mapping with multiple geological data sets. The multi-buffer zone analysis, the main part of the present study, was addressed to reveal the spatial pattern around geological source primitives and statistical analysis based on a contingency table was performed to extract information for the assessment of an integrated layer. Mineral potential mapping using multiple geological data sets from Ogdong in Korea was carried out to illustrate application of this methodology. The results obtained from the case study indicated that some geochemical elements and residual magnetic anomaly dominantly affected spatial patterns of the mineral potential map in the study area and the dominant classes of input data layers were also extracted. This information on spatial patterns of multiple geological data sets around mines could be used as effective evidences for the interpretation of the integrated layer within GIS.  相似文献   

小波分析在试验信号消噪方面的应用   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:7  
李刚  谢云  陈正汉  李建平 《岩土力学》2003,24(1):103-105
利用小波分析对试验数据进行后处理,较好的消除了系统的噪音。与Fourier变换法、10点平均滤波法比较后可知,小波分析方法能较好的保留原始数据的特征信息。对目前仍因被噪音困扰而不能正常进行的试验分析提供了一条解决途径。  相似文献   

To obtain data on heavy metal contaminated soil requires laborious and time-consuming data sampling and analysis. Not only has the contamination to be measured, but also additional data characterizing the soil and the boundary conditions of the site, such as pH, land use, and soil fertility. For an integrative approach, combining the analysis of spatial distribution, and of factors influencing the contamination, and its treatment, the Mollifier interpolation was used, which is a non-parametric kernel density regression. The Mollifier was capable of including additional independent variables (beyond the spatial dimensions x and y) in the spatial interpolation and hence explored the combined influence of spatial and other variables, such as land use, on the heavy metal distribution. The Mollifier could also represent the interdependence between different heavy metal concentrations and additional site characteristics. Although the uncertainty measure supplied by the Mollifier at first seems somewhat unusual, it is a valuable feature and supplements the geostatistical uncertainty assessment.  相似文献   

针对微地震信号能量弱、信噪比偏低的问题,将基于Hankel矩阵的滤波算法引入微地震信号处理中,用于衰减微地震信号中的随机噪音,提高微地震事件波至时间的拾取精度;采用Akaike信息准则(AIC)自动选取信号特征值,能适用于微地震事件的实时自动处理。与常规滤波方法相比,该方法在压制噪音的同时保护了微地震信号,其有效性和实用性在模型数据和实际微地震数据测试中得到了验证。  相似文献   

This paper examines the spatial variation of HIV/AIDS prevalence rates in Nigeria. It uses Exploratory Spatial Data Analytical (ESDA) techniques to provide insight into the pattern. The overriding objective is to determine if there is a significant spatial clustering of HIV/AIDS. The calculated and mapped Global and Local Moran’s I, and Getis and Ord G i * values reveal certain states such as Benue, Nassarawa, Federal Capital Territory (FCT) and Cross River have significant spatial clusters of HIV/AIDS rates in Nigeria. The spatial analysis enables policy makers to identify states most affected, and design effective and culturally acceptable preventive measures. Specific policies targeted at states are a more appropriate approach in tackling the epidemic rather than the usual universal cookie-cut HIV reduction strategies that may not be applicable to the different cultural milieu.  相似文献   

The European remote sensing satellite (ERS-2) synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data was used for temporal monitoring of soil moisture at Sukhothai, Thailand. Higher correlations were found between the observed soil moisture and the radar backscattering coefficient. The soil moisture distribution shows great variation in space and time due to its stochastic nature. In order to obtain a better understanding of the nature and causes of spatial variation of soil moisture, the extensive soil moisture measurements observed in Thailand and also remotely sensed ERS-2 SAR data were used for geostatistical analysis. The observed soil moisture shows seasonal variations with mean varying from 3.33 %v/v (dry season) to 33.44 %v/v (wet season). The spatial geostatistical structure also shows clear seasonal variations in the geostatistical characteristics such as range and sill. The sills vary from 1.00 (%v/v)2 for the driest day to 107.57 (%v/v)2 for one of the wet days. The range or the correlation lengths varies between 46.5 and 149.8 m for the wettest and driest periods. The nugget effect does not show strong seasonal pattern or trend but the dry periods usually have a smaller nugget effect than the wet periods. The spherical variogram model fits the sample variograms very well in the case of soil moisture observations while the exponential model fits those of the remotely sensed data. The ranges observed from the observed soil moisture data and remotely sensed data at the same resolution are very similar. Resolution degradation affects the geostatistical structure of the data by reducing the sills, and increasing the ranges.  相似文献   

刘洪波 《世界地质》2019,(2):461-469
根据小子域滤波原理,小子域滤波产生异常边界扭曲主要表现为高频干扰,提出小子域滤波与非局部均值滤波联合的方法以克服小子域滤波存在的异常边界扭曲问题。利用小子域滤波良好的边界增强能力和非局部均值滤波高频细节保护能力,在压制小子域滤波缺陷的同时尽可能保护小子域滤波的边界增强效果。通过模拟计算和莱州湾海域实测重力数据处理表明,本文方法在增强异常边界的同时压制小子域滤波产生的边界扭曲效应,获得了更好的重力异常处理效果。与单一小子域滤波相比,本文方法不需要考虑异常边界形态,具有更强的稳定性和普适性。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the practical use of filtering and inversion in VLF-EM data processing and interpretation. The advantages and disadvantages of both mentioned techniques were outlined to avoid the misleading interpretation of such data in some case studies. Much concern is taken to show the interval distance effect upon the correct depth identification of the anomalous body by either inversion or filtering. The methodology of the study is going through proposing an initial model, generating the synthetic VLF-EM data of the model by means of forward modeling, filtering (Karous–Hjelt filter) and inversion (Inv2DVLF software) of the synthetic data and comparing between the results of both methods and the initial model. The study reached to (1) Karous–Hjelt filter provides misleading depths for his limited depth of resolution and cannot provide estimates of deep targets if the profile is too small, whereas inversion provides exact results, particularly in case of shallow anomalous target; (2) crossover between in-phase and out-of-phase data could resulted from a small shallow conductive target or a large deep one; (3) selection of a reasonable environmental resistivity has an important impact on the inversion process; and (4) the numerical reflection resulted during VLF-EM data inversion could lead to an erroneous interpretation.  相似文献   

It is essential that computer-based models used in the safety assessment of radioactive waste repositories accurately represent the processes occurring in real field systems. Confidence in long-term predictions of radionuclide migration will then depend upon the completeness of data available, particularly those obtained from the disposal site, and correct implementation of the model. The study of natural geochemical systems provides information on the adequacy of the underlying “generic” database and enhances our understanding of the transport mechanisms which form the basis of performance assessment. This paper concentrates on speciation-solubility modelling and describes four natural occurrences of uranium, each of which displays a different facet of uranium migration behaviour. The attributes of each site and the means by which uranium is immobilised are described. Retardation is highly species specific and this is illustrated through the use of site data in equilibrium speciation and coupled chemical transport calculations. Oxidation of U(IV) to U(VI) species promotes leaching of uranium ore at all the locations studied, emphasising the need to ensure that reducing conditions persist in a repository dominated by its actinide inventory.  相似文献   

为获得更好的噪声滤除方法,本文建立一个球状模型,对全张量重力梯度三个水平分量加入高斯白噪声,并利用FFT和PSD分别对加噪后三个分量(Vxx1,Vxy1,Vyy1)进行频谱分析,根据频谱分析结果分别设计了巴特沃斯低通滤波器和高斯低通滤波器对加噪数据进行滤波,取得了较好效果,并利用复杂模型验证滤波效果。  相似文献   

因子分析与地统计学在化探数据分析中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以铜陵矿集区土壤勘查地球化学数据为实例,应用因子分析方法获取了地球化学数据中的多个主因子信息,并利用地统计学方法开展了各主因子的空间变异分析和插值研究。研究结果显示,因子分析得到的各主因子对应于不同的成矿信息,将因子分析与地统计学分析和插值方法相结合,可以更好的展现各主因子得分的空间分布趋势以及与已知成矿信息的关联程度,进而服务于成矿预测和找矿勘探工作。  相似文献   

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