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地质云分布式数据中心数据建设成果   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
赵林林  刘荣梅  张明华 《地质论评》2019,65(Z1):315-316
正我国国民经济和社会发展第十三个五年规划纲要提出实施国家大数据战略,要求加快建设国家政府数据统一开放平台,推动政府信息系统和公共数据互联开放共享;制定政府数据共享开放目录,依法推进数据资源向社会开放。中国地质调查局积极贯彻落实中央及自然资源部大数据与信息化建设总体部署,围绕世界一流的新型地质调查局建设目标,启动了"地质云"建设工作。旨在依托云计  相似文献   

区域重力调查资料整理及数据处理,主要是外业数据采集,按"五统一"计算布格异常值,通过数据处理,将布格异常进行网格化、异常圆滑、异常解析延拓、异常分量转换、异常导数计算,求取异常体埋深,最后实现成果图件。本文通过几年的工作总结,将各种整理计算公式编写出来,为今后工作提供参考。  相似文献   

MapGIS数据向ArcGIS数据格式转换方法的实践与探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张于  武健强  吴夏懿  丁亮 《江苏地质》2007,31(3):258-261
由于在地图编辑和数据分析方面各具优势,MapGIS和ArcGIS逐渐发展成为目前国内被广泛使用的地理信息系统平台,实现二者间数据安全转换将有利于对两种系统功能的充分利用,大大提高空间数据库的生产效率和使用率。在分析比较两种系统空间建模思想及专有数据格式的基础上,提出了将空间数据从MapGIS平台转换到ArcGIS平台上的基本思路,并通过工作实例进行了数据转换验证,对过程中存在的问题进行了总结,形成了一套较为成熟的技术方法。  相似文献   

地下水位在非饱和水流数据同化中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为理解地下水位观测信息在非饱和水流数据同化中的数据价值,建立了基于地下水位动态观测信息的一维饱和-非饱和水流集合卡尔曼滤波,通过虚拟数值实验检验了地下水位观测信息在非饱和水力参数估计和水分校正中的潜在价值。研究结果表明:在以地下水位为唯一观测数据时,同时更新参数和水头比仅更新水头能更好地校正土壤剖面的水头分布;当多层单个水力参数未知时,地下水位观测可以为参数估计提供有效信息;当多层多个参数未知时,地下水位与多层多个参数之间的复杂关系导致观测信息难以估计出最优的(唯一的)参数值;地下水位可作为辅助信息,与含水量观测等信息联合运用改善参数估计和含水量预测精度。  相似文献   

数据预处理技术在地学大数据中应用   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
大数据时代随着数据的爆发式增长,在带来可供研究的海量数据的同时,也带来巨量的噪声和冗余数据。在地学领域,由于研究方向和技术方法手段的多样化,产生了数据量巨大和类型众多的地学数据集合。在地学信息的研究过程中,经常碰到地学信息孤岛,分图幅地学数据边界系统误差和地学文档的非结构化问题。在对地学数据进行信息的提取和挖掘之前,必须根据研究目的对地学大数据进行预处理,使冗余、复杂的大数据转为结构化、准确、可用的数据。本文以地学大数据的预处理技术为切入点,从地学数据交互标准与语义、数据调平、地质图接边和文本结构化等四个研究方面,分析阐述目前地学大数据挖掘方面存在的问题及主要的解决手段,同时也对多元数据融合在大数据中的应用进行了阐述。希望通过本文对地学大数据预处理技术的探讨,能对地学大数据的挖掘有所帮助。  相似文献   

Scientists as well public institutions dealing with geospatial data often work with a large amount of heterogeneous data deriving from different sources. Without a well-defined, organized structure they face problems in finding and reusing existing data, and as consequence this may cause data inconsistency and storage problems. A catalog system based on the metadata of spatial data facilitates the management of large amount of data and offers service to retrieve, discover and exchange geographic data in an quick and easy fashion. Currently, most online catalogs are more focusing on the geographic data and there has been only few interests in catalogizing Earth observation data, in which in addition the acquisition information matters. This article presents an automatic metadata extraction approach that creates from different optical data deriving from various satellite missions of scientific interest (i.e. MODIS, LANDSAT, RapidEye, Suomi-NPP VIIRS, Sentinel-1A, Sentinel-2A) metadata information, based on an extended model of the standard ISO 19115. The XML schema ISO 19139-2 with the support of gridded and imagery information defined in ISO 19115-2 was examined, and based on the requirements of experts working in the research field of Earth observation the schema was extended. The XML schema ISO 19139-2 and its extension has been deployed as a new schema plugin in the spatial catalog Geonetwork Open Source in order to store all relevant metadata information about satellite data and the appropriate acquisition and processing information in an online catalog. A real-world scenario that is productively used in the EURAC research group institute for Applied Remote Sensing illustrates a workflow management for Earth observation data including data processing, metadata extraction, generation and distribution.  相似文献   

曲森  赵向辉 《吉林地质》2003,22(4):71-72
数字信息化是当今世界经济和社会发展的总趋势,计算机的出现促进了当今数字信息产业的形成,推动了当代科技社会经济的腾飞,使世界进入到“知识经济”社会的新时代。为适应数字信息时代的需要,传统的人工手动、纸质载体地质资料借阅和管理,已远不能满足于现代数字信息化经济社会的发展需求,建立健全的全国统一地质资料目录查询系统,电子数据化借阅管理体系,实现地质资料资源信息共享,充分发挥其地质资料在社会主义建设中的作用。原地质矿产部早在1986年,开始调研论证光盘存储地质资料项目,1996年正式列为地矿部全国地质资料全息数字化工程项…  相似文献   

地质数据本体构建及其在数据检索中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对传统以关键词、主题词等字符串匹配为核心的地质数据检索方法存在的查不全、查不准的问题,给出了基于地质数据本体的语义级检索解决方案。通过对地质数据的概念、属性、关系、规则及相应实例的详细表达,构建了地质数据本体(矿产资源预测部分),搭建数据检索系统并开展了应用实践。实验表明,引入地质数据本体后,检索结果在数据的查全率和查准率方面显著提高,并能智能推送相关联的数据信息。开发的地质大数据专题检索系统,实现了对局域网中多源异构地质数据的获取、半自动化标注和语义关联检索,满足地质大数据应用服务的需求,对于大数据时代背景下地质数据的精确发现、深层挖掘及共享有重要意义。  相似文献   

Universal cokriging is used to obtain predictions when dealing with multivariate random functions. An important type of nonstationarity is defined in terms of multivariate random functions with increments which are stationary of orderk. The covariance between increments of different variables is modeled by means of the pseudo-cross-covariance function. Criteria are formulated to which the parameters of pseudo-cross-covariance functions must comply so as to ensure positive-definiteness. Cokriging equations and the induced cokriging equations are given. The study is illustrated by an example from soil science.  相似文献   


Compositional data analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Compositional data occur naturally in the geosciences — tables of chemical analyses, rock-compositions, sedimentary proportions, pollen-analytical tables, etc. The statistical analysis of such data requires special techniques and it is not possible to use standard methods of computing correlation coefficients and carry out multivariate statistical analyses without the risk of incurring grave mistakes. The special property of compositional data, to wit, the fact that the determinations on each specimen sum to a constant, means that the variables involved in the study occur in constrained space defined by the simplex , a restricted part of real space.  相似文献   

Universal cokriging is used to obtain predictions when dealing with multivariate random functions. An important type of nonstationarity is defined in terms of multivariate random functions with increments which are stationary of orderk. The covariance between increments of different variables is modeled by means of the pseudo-cross-covariance function. Criteria are formulated to which the parameters of pseudo-cross-covariance functions must comply so as to ensure positive-definiteness. Cokriging equations and the induced cokriging equations are given. The study is illustrated by an example from soil science.  相似文献   

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