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Regional climates are a major factor in determining the distribution of many species. Anthropogenic inputs of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere have been predicted to cause rapid climatic changes in the next 50–100 years. Species such as the Gila trout (Oncorhynchus gilae) that have small ranges, limited dispersal capabilities, and narrow physiological tolerances will become increasingly susceptible to extinction as their climate envelope changes. This study uses a regional climate change simulation (Leung et al., Clim Change 62:75–113, 2004) to determine changes in the climate envelope for Gila trout, which is sensitive to maximum temperature, associated with a plausible scenario for greenhouse gas increases. These regional climate changes are downscaled to derive surface temperature lapse rates using regression models. This procedure indicates that suitable, warm season habitat for Gila trout will be reduced by 70% by decreasing the size of their climate envelope. Warmer temperatures coupled with a decrease in summer precipitation would also tend to increase the intensity and frequency of forest fires that are a major threat to their survival. The climate envelope approach utilized here could be used to assess climate change threats to other rare species with limited ranges and dispersal capabilities.  相似文献   

Medicanes, strong mesoscale cyclones with tropical-like features, develop occasionally over the Mediterranean Sea. Due to the scarcity of observations over sea and the coarse resolution of the long-term reanalysis datasets, it is difficult to study systematically the multidecadal statistics of sub-synoptic medicanes. Our goal is to assess the long-term variability and trends of medicanes, obtaining a long-term climatology through dynamical downscaling of the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data. In this paper, we examine the robustness of this method and investigate the value added for the study of medicanes. To do so, we performed several climate mode simulations with a high resolution regional atmospheric model (CCLM) for a number of test cases described in the literature. We find that the medicanes are formed in the simulations, with deeper pressures and stronger winds than in the driving global NCEP reanalysis. The tracks are adequately reproduced. We conclude that our methodology is suitable for constructing multi-decadal statistics and scenarios of current and possible future medicane activities.  相似文献   

We investigate the future changes in the climate zone and six extreme temperature indices in Korea, using the 20-km high-resolution atmospheric general circulation model (MRI-AGCM3.1S). The Trewartha and K?ppen climate classification schemes are applied, and four summer-based extreme temperature indices (i.e., summer days, tropical nights, growing degree days, and cooling degree days (CDD) and two winter-based indices (frost days and heating degree days (HDD) are analyzed. To represent significantly the change in threshold indices, the monthly mean bias is corrected in model. The model result reasonably captures the temporal and spatial distribution of the present-day extreme temperatures associated with topography. It was found that in the future climate, the area of the subtropical climate zone in Korea expands northward and increases by 21% under the Trewartha classification scheme and by 35% under the K?ppen classification scheme. The spatial change in extreme climate indices is significantly modulated by geographical characteristics in relation to land-ocean thermal inertia and topographical effects. The change is manifested more in coastal regions than in inland regions, except for that in summer days and HDD. Regions with higher indices in the present climate tend to reveal a larger increase in the future climate. The summer-based indices display an increasing trend, while the winter-based indices show a decreasing trend. The most significant increase is in tropical nights (+452%), whereas the most significant decrease is in HDD (?25%). As an important indicator of energy-saving applications, the changes in HDD and CDD are compared in terms of the frequency and intensity. The future changes in CDD reveal a higher frequency but a lower temperature than those in HDD. The more frequent changes in CDD may be due to a higher and less dispersed occurrence probability of extreme temperatures during the warm season. The greater increase in extreme temperature events during the summer season remains an important implication of projecting future changes in extreme climate events.  相似文献   

A scenario of the Mediterranean Sea is performed for the twenty-first century based on an ocean modelling approach. A climate change IPCC-A2 scenario run with an atmosphere regional climate model is used to force a Mediterranean Sea high-resolution ocean model over the 1960–2099 period. For comparison, a control simulation as long as the scenario has also been carried out under present climate fluxes. This control run shows air–sea fluxes in agreement with observations, stable temperature and salinity characteristics and a realistic thermohaline circulation simulating the different intermediate and deep water masses described in the literature. During the scenario, warming and saltening are simulated for the surface (+3.1°C and + 0.48 psu for the Mediterranean Sea at the end of the twenty-first century) and for the deeper layers (+1.5°C and + 0.23 psu on average). These simulated trends are in agreement with observed trends for the Mediterranean Sea over the last decades. In addition, the Mediterranean thermohaline circulation (MTHC) is strongly weakened at the end of the twenty-first century. This behaviour is mainly due to the decrease in surface density and so the decrease in winter deep-water formation. At the end of the twenty-first century, the MTHC weakening can be evaluated as −40% for the intermediate waters and −80% for the deep circulation with respect to present-climate conditions. The characteristics of the Mediterranean Outflow Waters flowing into the Atlantic Ocean are also strongly influenced during the scenario.  相似文献   

A simulation of the 1991 summer has been performed over south Greenland with a coupled atmosphere–snow regional climate model (RCM) forced by the ECMWF re-analysis. The simulation is evaluated with in-situ coastal and ice-sheet atmospheric and glaciological observations. Modelled air temperature, specific humidity, wind speed and radiative fluxes are in good agreement with the available observations, although uncertainties in the radiative transfer scheme need further investigation to improve the model’s performance. In the sub-surface snow-ice model, surface albedo is calculated from the simulated snow grain shape and size, snow depth, meltwater accumulation, cloudiness and ice albedo. The use of snow metamorphism processes allows a realistic modelling of the temporal variations in the surface albedo during both melting periods and accumulation events. Concerning the surface albedo, the main finding is that an accurate albedo simulation during the melting season strongly depends on a proper initialization of the surface conditions which mainly result from winter accumulation processes. Furthermore, in a sensitivity experiment with a constant 0.8 albedo over the whole ice sheet, the average amount of melt decreased by more than 60%, which highlights the importance of a correctly simulated surface albedo. The use of this coupled atmosphere–snow RCM offers new perspectives in the study of the Greenland surface mass balance due to the represented feedback between the surface climate and the surface albedo, which is the most sensitive parameter in energy-balance-based ablation calculations.  相似文献   

IPCC第六次气候变化评估中的气候约束预估方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周佰铨  翟盘茂 《气象学报》2021,79(6):1063-1070
得益于第五次评估报告(AR5)以来约束预估研究的迅速发展,观测约束成为政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)第一工作组(WGI)第六次评估报告(AR6)提升对未来预估约束的证据链中的重要一环。IPCC第一工作组第六次评估报告首次利用包括根据历史模拟温度升高幅度得到的观测约束、多模式预估以及第六次评估报告中更新的气候敏感度在内的多条证据链来约束全球地表温度未来变化的预估,减小了多模式预估的不确定性。文中回顾并介绍了IPCC第一工作组第六次评估报告中涉及的几种主要观测约束方法(多模式加权方法、基于归因结论的约束方法(ASK方法)、萌现约束方法)及其应用情况。在IPCC第一工作组第六次评估报告以及很多针对不同区域不同变量的预估研究中,观测约束方法均显示出了订正模式误差、改善模式预估的潜力。相比而言,目前中国在观测约束预估方面的研究还不多,亟待加强观测约束方法研究以及在中国区域气候变化预估中的应用,为中国应对气候变化的政策制定和适应规划提供更丰富、不确定性更小的未来气候信息。   相似文献   

Summary Two cumulus convection and two planetary boundary layer schemes are used to investigate the climate of southern Africa using the MM5 regional climate model. Both a wet (1988/89) and a dry (1991/92) summer (December–February, DJF) rainfall season are simulated and the results compared with three different observational sources: Climate Research Unit seasonal data (precipitation, 2 m surface temperature, number of rain days), satellite-derived diurnal precipitation and the Surface Radiation Budget diurnal short-wave fluxes and optical depth. Using the ETA model boundary layer in MM5 simulates too much incident short-wave radiation at the surface at 12 UTC, whereas the medium range forecast model boundary layer yields a diurnal cycle of short-wave radiation closer to the observed. The Betts-Miller convection scheme in MM5 simulates peak rainfall later in the day and less rain days than observed, whereas when using the Kain-Fritsch convection scheme a peak rainfall earlier in the day and more rain days than observed are simulated. The intensity of the hydrological cycle is therefore dependent on the choice of convection scheme, which in turn is further modified by the boundary layer scheme. Precipitation during the wet 1988/89 season is reasonably captured by most simulations, though using the Betts-Miller scheme more accurately simulates rainfall during the dry 1991/92 season. Mean DJF biases in the surface temperature and diurnal temperature range are consistent with biases in the number of rain days and the diurnal cycles of surface moisture and energy.  相似文献   

Solar radiation cycles, earth-orbital changes, and continental drift drive long to very long term (103–106 years) climatic changes. Lin and North used the stationary solutions of a simple energy balance model (EBM) to study the equilibrium climatic stages. In this paper, we study time dependent solutions and, in particular, transition processes. We make use of two time scales: a seasonal cycle (fast variation) and a long term time change (slow variation). Variations over short time scales are solved using a Fourier transform in time and long term variations are studied using a 4th order Runge-Kutta method. The energy balance equation is a parabolic type equation and it is well posed. Climate changes depend mainly on external forcing and the state of the climate is determined by the slow time scale forcing. In other words, transitions from one climate stage (snow-covered) to another (snow-free) at bifurcation points are monotonic, despite 20% to 50% shortperiod random fluctuations in the solar energy. This smooth transition is especially noticeable when the land bands lie close to the north pole (70° N to 90° N) or at high latitudes (50° N to 75° N).Now at Applied Physics Laboratory, The Johns Hopkins University, Laurel, MD 20723, USA  相似文献   

基于RegCM4.4高分辨率区域气候模式数据和华中区域1986—2005年逐日气象观测资料,在对模式模拟性能检验的基础上,对中国华中区域未来不同时期、1.5℃和2℃温升阈值下气候变化进行预估.结果表明:模拟结果能较准确反映出区域气温、降水年内变化特征及空间分布特征;与观测值相比,气温模拟值偏低、降水模拟值偏大;与198...  相似文献   

This work was aimed at assessing the role of climate extremes in climate change impact assessment of typical winter and summer Mediterranean crops by using Regional Circulation Model (RCM) outputs as drivers of a modified version of the CropSyst model. More specifically, climate change effects were investigated on sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) and winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) development and yield under the A2 and B2 scenarios of the IPCC Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES). The direct impact of extreme climate events (i.e. heat stress at anthesis stage) was also included. The increase in both mean temperatures and temperature extremes under A2 and B2 scenarios (2071?C2100) resulted in: a general advancement of the main phenological stages, shortening of the growing season and an increase in the frequency of heat stress during anthesis with respect to the baseline (1961?C1990). The potential impact of these changes on crop yields was evaluated. It was found that winter and summer crops may possess a different fitting capacity to climate change. Sunflower, cultivated in the southern regions of the Mediterranean countries, was more prone to the direct effect of heat stress at anthesis and drought during its growing cycle. These factors resulted in severe yield reduction. In contrast, the lower frequency of heat stress and drought allowed the winter wheat crop to attain increased yields with respect to the baseline period. It can be concluded that the impact of extreme events should be included in crop-modelling approaches, otherwise there is the risk of underestimating crop yield losses, which in turn would result in the application of incorrect policies for coping with climate change.  相似文献   

根据海河流域1961-2010年气象观测资料,检验IPCC AR4中全球气候模式和多模式集合的模拟能力,并预估未来2011-2050年气候变化的可能趋势,结果表明:全球气候模式以及多模式集合对海河流域都具有一定的模拟能力,其中MIUB_ECHO_G模式和多模式集合具有相对较好的模拟能力.海河流域气温和降水未来情景预估表明:气温整体呈现增加趋势,尤其是A1B情景下各模式的年升温率均高于全国水平;未来降水也呈现增加趋势,在A1B和B1情景下,各模式都为夏季降水增加显著.A2情景下,春季时各模式降水均增加显著,A1B情景下,MIUB_ECHO_G模式模拟在2013年出现突变,降水量出现显著增长,A2情景下,MIUB_ECHO_G模式和多模式集合模拟的降水量则是在2031年和2001年出现突变,出现显著增长.  相似文献   

Observations and records maintained by the Hudson's Bay Company at York Factory and Churchill Factory on Hudson Bay between 1714 and 1825, serve as the source of information for a study of changes in the date of arrival of geese as a phonological indicator of climatic change. Changes in the migration pattern of geese are reflected in the changing date of arrival at the same location over a long period of time. Variations in this date are determined to be a function of southerly or tailwinds in the northward spring migration.  相似文献   

Climate change is causing important shifts in the suitability of regions for wine production. Fine scale mapping of these shifts helps us to understand the evolution of vineyard climates, and to find solutions through viticultural adaptation. The aim of this study is to identify and map the structural and spatial shifts that occurred in the climatic suitability for wine production of the Cotnari wine growing region (Romania) between 1961 and 2013. Discontinuities in trends of temperature were identified, and the averages and trends of 13 climatic parameters for the 1961 to 1980 and 1981 to 2013 time periods were analysed. Using the averages of these climatic parameters, climate suitability for wine production was calculated at a resolution of 30 m and mapped for each time period, and the changes analysed. The results indicate shifts in the area’s historic climatic profile, due to an increase of heliothermal resources and precipitation constancy. The area’s climate suitability for wine production was modified by the loss of climate suitability for white table wines, sparkling wines and wine for distillates; shifts in suitability to higher altitudes by about 67 m, and a 48.6% decrease in the area suitable for quality white wines; and the occurrence of suitable climates for red wines at lower altitudes. The study showed that climate suitability for wine production has a multi-level spatial structure, with classes requiring a cooler climate being located at a higher altitude than those requiring a warmer climate. Climate change has therefore resulted in the shift of climate suitability classes for wine production to higher altitudes.  相似文献   

A double-resolution regional experiment on hydrodynamic simulation of climate over the eastern Mediterranean (EM) region was performed using an International Center for Theoretical Physics, Trieste RegCM3 model. The RegCM3 was driven from the lateral boundaries by the data from the ECHAM5/MPI-OM global climate simulation performed at the MPI-M, Hamburg and based on the A1B IPCC scenario of greenhouse gases emission. Two simulation runs for the time period 1960-2060, employing spatial resolutions of 50?km/14?L and 25?km/18?L, are realized. Time variations of the differences in the space distributions of simulated climate parameters are analyzed to evaluate the role of smaller scale effects. Both least-square linear and non-linear trends of several characteristics of the EM climate are evaluated in the study. One of the key findings with regard to linear trends is a notable and statistically significant precipitation drop over the near coastal EM zone during December-February and September-November. Statistically significant positive air temperature trends are projected over the entire EM region during the four seasons. Also projected are increases in air temperature extremes and the relative contribution of convective processes in the Southern Mediterranean coastal zone (ECM) region. A notable sensitivity of projected larger-scale climate change signals to smaller-scale effects is also demonstrated.  相似文献   

通过对国内外情景预估模拟展现气候变化前景和极端气象条件下的灾害事件正、反两方面的案例分析,总结情景预估应用的经验和教训,提出充分发挥情景预估辅助作用的思路,并展望未来情景预估与虚拟现实等高科技结合的应用前景。  相似文献   

Regional Climate Models (RCMs) have been developed in the last two decades in order to produce high-resolution climate information by downscaling Atmosphere-Ocean General Circulation Models (AOGCMs) simulations or analyses of observed data. A crucial evaluation of RCMs worth is given by the assessment of the value added compared to the driving data. This evaluation is usually very complex due to the manifold circumstances that can preclude a fair assessment. In order to circumvent these issues, here we limit ourselves to estimating the potential of RCMs to add value over coarse-resolution data. We do this by quantifying the importance of fine-scale RCM-resolved features in the near-surface temperature, but disregarding their skill. The Reynolds decomposition technique is used to separate the variance of the time-varying RCM-simulated temperature field according to the contribution of large and small spatial scales and of stationary and transient processes. The temperature variance is then approximated by the contribution of four terms, two of them associated with coarse-scales (e.g., corresponding to the scales that can be simulated by AOGCMs) and two of them describing the original contribution of RCM simulations. Results show that the potential added value (PAV) emerges almost exclusively in regions characterised by important surface forcings either due to the presence of fine-scale topography or land-water contrasts. Moreover, some of the processes leading to small-scale variability appear to be related with relatively simple mechanisms such as the distinct physical properties of the Earth surface and the general variation of temperature with altitude in the Earth atmosphere. Finally, the article includes some results of the application of the PAV framework to the future temperature change signal due to anthropogenic greenhouse gasses. Here, contrary to previous studies centred on precipitation, findings suggest for surface temperature a relatively low potential of RCMs to add value over coarser resolution models, with the greatest potential located in coastline regions due to the differential warming occurring in land and water surfaces.  相似文献   

Most African countries struggle with food production and food security. These issues are expected to be even more severe in the face of climate change. Our study examines the likely impacts of climate change on agriculture with a view to propose adaptation options, especially in hard hit regions. We use a crop model to evaluate the impact of various sowing decisions on the water satisfaction index (WSI) and thus the yield of maize crop. The crop model is run for 176 stations over southern Africa, subject to climate scenarios downscaled from 6 GCMs. The sensitivity of these simulations is analysed so as to distinguish the contributions of sowing decisions to yield variation. We compare the WSI change between a 20 year control period (1979–1999) and a 20 year future period (2046–2065) over southern Africa. These results highlight areas that will likely be negatively affected by climate change over the study region. We then calculate the contribution of sowing decisions to yield variation, first for the control period, then for the future period. This contribution (sensitivity) allows us to distinguish the efficiency of adaptation decisions under both present and future climate. In most countries rainfall in the sowing dekad is shown to contribute more significantly to the yield variation and appears as a long term efficient decision to adapt. We discuss these results and additional perspectives in order to propose local adaptation directions.  相似文献   

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