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IPCC AR4气候模式对东亚夏季风年代际变化的模拟性能评估   总被引:24,自引:2,他引:24  
孙颖  丁一汇 《气象学报》2008,66(5):765-780
文中使用多种观测资料和分类的方法评估了IPCC AR4(政府间气候变化委员会第4次评估报告)气候模式(亦称Coupled Model Intercomparison Program 3, CMIP3)对东亚夏季风降水与环流年代际变化的模拟性能.结果表明,在评估的19个模式中,有9个模式可以较好地再现中国东部地区多年平均降水场,但仅有3个模式(第1类模式)可以较好地对东亚夏季风降水的年代际变化作出模拟,这3个模式是:GFDL-CM2.0、MIROC3.2(hires)和MIROC3.2(medres),其中模式GFDL-CM2.0具有最好的模拟性能.进一步的分析表明,大部分模式对东亚夏季风变化模拟能力的缺乏是因为这些模式没有抓住东亚夏季风降水变化的主要动力和热力学机制,即东亚地区在过去所出现的大范围对流层变冷和变干.而第1类模式由于较好地再现了东亚地区垂直速度场(动力学因子)和水汽场(热力学因子)的变化特征,因此较好地模拟出中国东部南涝北旱的气候变化特征.本文的评估清楚地表明,当选择不同模式进行集合时,模式对某一研究变量的模拟性能好坏极大地影响了集合的结果.当模拟性能较好的模式在一起进行集合时,所得到的结果更加接近于真实的观测结果.就特定的研究变量而言,这种集合更加优于将可得到的所有模式进行集合.这说明,虽然多模式集合一般优于单个模式的结果,但应考虑使参与集合的模式对所研究变量具有一定的模拟能力.  相似文献   

This work analyzes variations of snow water with elevation for a group of AR4 models over the Western United States. The results are expressed in terms of both snow water equivalent (SWE), which is the depth of snow if melted, and snow water volume (SWV), which is the total volume of SWE for a specified region. The decrease in total SWV over the study region between 1905 and 25 and 1980–99 is about 22%, which is in the range of the observed values. The results for both the A1b and B1 scenarios for the middle twenty-first century both show a near total loss of SWE at lower elevations. However, the largest losses for SWV are near 1800 m. Furthermore, the total SWV loss for the A1b scenario is about 63%, whereas that for the more moderate B1 scenario is about 49%. Thus, a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions is likely to reduce the loss of snow, which is vital to society in the dry Western United States.  相似文献   

A novel approach is proposed for evaluating regional climate models based on the comparison of empirical relationships among model outcome variables. The approach is actually a quantitative adaptation of the method for evaluating global climate models proposed by Betts (Bull Am Meteorol Soc 85:1673–1688, 2004). Three selected relationships among different magnitudes involved in water and energy land surface budgets are firstly established using daily re-analysis data. The selected relationships are obtained for an area encompassing two river basins in the southern Iberian Peninsula corresponding to 2 months, representative of dry and wet seasons. The same corresponding relations are also computed for each of the thirteen regional simulations of the ENSEMBLES project over the same area. The usage of a metric based on the Hellinger coefficient allows a quantitative estimation of how well models are performing in simulating the relations among surface magnitudes. Finally, a series of six rankings of the thirteen regional climate models participating in the ENSEMBLES project is obtained based on their ability to simulate such surface processes.  相似文献   

5个IPCC AR4全球气候模式对东北三省降水模拟与预估   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用IPCC AR4中5个全球气候模式数据集和中国东北三省162个站降水实测资料,评估5个全球气候模式和多模式集合平均对中国东北三省降水的模拟能力,并对SRES B1、A1B和A2三种排放情景东北三省未来降水变化进行预估。结果表明:全球气候模式能较好再现东北三省降水的月变化,但存在系统性湿偏差;多模式集合平均能较好模拟东北三省年降水量的空间分布,但模拟中心偏北,强度略强,模式对东北三省夏季降水的模拟效果优于冬季降水;预估结果表明,三种排放情景下21世纪中前期和末期东北三省降水均将增多,21世纪末期增幅高于21世纪中前期,冬季增幅高于其他季节;就排放情景而言,SRES A1B和A2排放情景增幅相当,高于B1排放情景增幅;不同排放情景东北三省降水量增率分布呈较一致变化,A2排放情景下,增幅最显著的辽宁环渤海地区年降水量在21世纪中前期将增加7%以上,21世纪末期将增加16%。  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the performance of eight state-of-art IPCC-AR4 coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation models in their representation of regional characteristics of atmospheric water balance over South Asia. The results presented here are the regional climate change scenarios of atmospheric water balance components, precipitation, moisture convergence and evaporation (P, C and E) up to the end of the twenty-second century based on IPCC AR4 modelling experiments conducted for (A1B) future greenhouse gas emission scenario. The AOGCMs, despite their relatively coarse resolution, have shown a reasonable skill in depicting the hydrological cycle over the South Asian region. However, considerable biases do exist with reference to the observed atmospheric water balance and also inter-model differences. The monsoon rainfall and atmospheric water balance changes under A1B scenario are discussed in detail. Spatial patterns of rainfall change projections indicate maximum increase over northwest India in most of the models, but changes in the atmospheric water balance are generally widespread over South Asia. While the scenarios presented in this study are indicative of the expected range of rainfall and water balance changes, it must be noted that the quantitative estimates still have large uncertainties associated with them.  相似文献   

祝亚丽  王会军 《气象学报》2008,66(6):993-1004
评估了参加政府间气候变化委员会第4次评估报告(IPCC AR4)的耦合模式对南极涛动和北极涛动的模拟能力。分析了24个模式对1970—1999年南极涛动和北极涛动的模拟效能,并与两套再分析资料ERA-40和NCEP-1进行了对比分析。结果表明,模式的模拟能力具有一定的季节依赖性,冬季模拟能力最好。大多数模式对南极涛动空间结构和时间序列趋势的模拟好于北极涛动。根据Taylor图选出具有较好模拟能力的模式并做集合分析,发现经过选取的模式集合可以明显改善模式的模拟能力。分析SRES A1B情景下的南极涛动和北极涛动的模拟、预估结果表明:1970—2099年,南极涛动和北极涛动指数均呈持续上升趋势,北极涛动指数增长略显平稳。相对于1970—1999年、2060—2089年两半球的海平面气压场均呈现极区气压降低、中纬度气压升高的形态,同样表明南、北极涛动在后一时段更强。因此,在气候变暖背景下,南、北极涛动将持续增强,21世纪中期的臭氧恢复可能不会显著影响这种趋势。  相似文献   

In order to analyze the effects of the duration of precipitation events, trends in extreme rainfall over the Iberian Peninsula (IP) for multi-day extreme precipitation events (1 to 7?days) were evaluated from records of 52 observatories regularly distributed over Iberia with no missing data for the common period 1958–2004. Two approaches were used: first, the nonparametric Mann–Kendall test together with the Sen method, and second, a parametric test based on the statistical theory of extreme values, involving time-dependent parameters to account for possible temporal changes in the frequency distribution. It was found that, in winter, there were significant negative trends for a great part of the Iberian Peninsula, but significant positive trends for the southeast over areas that shrank as the number of days considered for the precipitation event increased. Spring also showed negative trends for a great part of the IP but with a major area of positive trend over the northeast that remained unchanged when considering the maxima of from 1 to 7?days of rainfall. Autumn showed a bipolar spatial pattern, with the west being positive and the east negative.  相似文献   

The atmosphere?Cocean general circulation models (AOGCMs) used for the IPCC 4th Assessment Report (IPCC AR4) are evaluated for the Greenland ice sheet (GrIS) current climate modelling. The most suited AOGCMs for Greenland climate simulation are then selected on the basis of comparison between the 1970?C1999 outputs of the Climate of the twentieth Century experiment (20C3M) and reanalyses (ECMWF, NCEP/NCAR). This comparison indicates that the representation quality of surface parameters such as temperature and precipitation are highly correlated to the atmospheric circulation (500?hPa geopotential height) and its interannual variability (North Atlantic oscillation). The outputs of the three most suitable AOGCMs for present-day climate simulation are then used to assess the changes estimated by three IPCC greenhouse gas emissions scenarios (SRES) over the GrIS for the 2070?C2099 period. Future atmospheric circulation changes are projected to dampen the zonal flow, enhance the meridional fluxes and therefore provide additional heat and moisture to the GrIS, increasing temperature over the whole ice sheet and precipitation over its northeastern area. We also show that the GrIS surface mass balance anomalies from the SRES A1B scenario amount to ?300?km3/year with respect to the 1970?C1999 period, leading to a global sea-level rise of 5?cm by the end of the 21st century. This work can help to select the boundaries conditions for AOGCMs-based downscaled future projections.  相似文献   

This study examines cloud radiative forcing (CRF) in the Asian monsoon region (0o--50oN,60o--150oE) simulated by Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fourth Assessment Report (AR4) AMIP models. During boreal winter, no model realistically reproduces the larger long-wave cloud radiative forcing (LWCF) over the Tibet Plateau (TP) and only a couple of models reasonably capture the larger short-wave CRF (SWCF) to the east of the TP. During boreal summer, there are larger biases for central location and intensity of simulated CRF in active convective regions. The CRF biases are closely related to the rainfall biases in the models. Quantitative analysis further indicates that the correlation between simulated CRF and observations are not high, and that the biases and diversity in SWCF are larger than that in LWCF. The annual cycle of simulated CRF over East Asia (0o--50oN, 100o--145oE) is also examined. Though many models capture the basic annual cycle in tropics, strong LWCF and SWCF to the east of the TP beginning in early spring are underestimated by most models. As a whole, GFDL-CM2.1, MPI-ECHAM5, UKMO-HadGAM1, and MIROC3.2 (medres) perform well for CRF simulation in the Asian monsoon region, and the multi-model ensemble (MME) has improved results over the individual simulations. It is suggested that strengthening the physical parameterizations involved over the TP, and improving cumulus convection processes and model experiment design are crucial to CRF simulation in the Asian monsoon region.  相似文献   

National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Coupled Forecast System (CFS) is selected to play a lead role for monsoon research (seasonal prediction, extended range prediction, climate prediction, etc.) in the ambitious Monsoon Mission project of Government of India. Thus, as a prerequisite, a detail analysis for the performance of NCEP CFS vis-a-vis IPCC AR4 models for the simulation of Indian summer monsoon (ISM) is attempted. It is found that the mean monsoon simulations by CFS in its long run are at par with the IPCC models. The spatial distribution of rainfall in the realm of Indian subcontinent augurs the better results for CFS as compared with the IPCC models. The major drawback of CFS is the bifurcation of rain types; it shows almost 80–90 % rain as convective, contrary to the observation where it is only 50–65 %; however, the same lacuna creeps in other models of IPCC as well. The only respite is that it realistically simulates the proper ratio of convective and stratiform rain over central and southern part of India. In case of local air–sea interaction, it outperforms other models. However, for monsoon teleconnections, it competes with the better models of the IPCC. This study gives us the confidence that CFS can be very well utilized for monsoon studies and can be safely used for the future development for reliable prediction system of ISM.  相似文献   

The capability of reproducing observed surface air temperature (SAT) changes for the twentieth century is assessed using 22 multi-models which contribute to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fourth Assessment Report. A Bayesian method is utilized for model evaluation by which model uncertainties are considered systematically. We provide a hierarchical analysis for global to sub-continental regions with two settings. First, regions of different size are evaluated separately at global, hemispheric, continental, and sub-continental scales. Second, the global SAT trend patterns are evaluated with gradual refinement of horizontal scales (higher dimensional analysis). Results show that models with natural plus anthropogenic forcing (MME_ALL) generally exhibit better skill than models with anthropogenic only forcing (MME_ANTH) at all spatial scales for different trend periods (entire twentieth century and its first and second halves). This confirms previous studies that suggest the important role of natural forcing. For the second half of the century, we found that MME_ANTH performs well compared to MME_ALL except for a few models with overestimated warming. This indicates not only major contributions of anthropogenic forcing over that period but also the applicability of both MMEs to observationally-constrained future predictions of climate changes. In addition, the skill-weighted averages with the Bayes factors [Bayesian model averaging (BMA)] show a general superiority over other error-based weighted averaging methods, suggesting a potential advantage of BMA for climate change predictions.  相似文献   

General circulation models (GCMs) have demonstrated success in simulating global climate, and they are critical tools for producing regional climate projections consistent with global changes in radiative forcing. GCM output is currently being used in a variety of ways for regional impacts projection. However, more work is required to assess model bias and evaluate whether assumptions about the independence of model projections and error are valid. This is particularly important where models do not display offsetting errors. Comparing simulated 300-hPa zonal winds and precipitation for the late 20th century with reanalysis and gridded precipitation data shows statistically significant and physically plausible associations between positive precipitation biases across all models and a marked increase in zonal wind speed around 30°N, as well as distortions in rain shadow patterns. Over the western United States, GCMs project drier conditions to the south and increasing precipitation to the north. There is a high degree of agreement between models, and many studies have made strong statements about implications for water resources and about ecosystem change on that basis. However, since one of the mechanisms driving changes in winter precipitation patterns appears to be associated with a source of error in simulating mean precipitation in the present, it suggests that greater caution should be used in interpreting impacts related to precipitation projections in this region and that standard assumptions underlying bias correction methods should be scrutinized.  相似文献   

IPCC第一工作组(WGI)第四次评估报告(AR4)已于2007年2月2日公布(http://ipcc-wg1.ucar.edu/wg1/wg1-report.html)。我们对报告所引用的参考文献,主要针对论  相似文献   

决策者和公众正在越来越多地关注气候变化带来的影响,而这需要更加丰富的、区域尺度上的当前和未来气候状况的精细信息.《图集》与IPCC第六次评估报告(AR6)第一工作组(WGI)报告中其他章节相协调,评估区域气候变化的观测、归因、预估的基本信息,并建立了在线交互图集系统.《图集》包含图集章节和交互图集两部分:图集章节基于新...  相似文献   

备受世界瞩目的政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)第四次评估报告的写作已进入实质阶段。2005年5月10-12日,IPCC第一工作组第四次评估报告第二次主要作者会议(IPCC WGI AR4 LA2)在北京召开。会议由IPCC第一工作组联合主席、中国气象局局长秦大河院士和美国国家海洋大气局Susan Solomon博士主持。来自世界各国家和  相似文献   

用于IPCC第四次评估报告的气候模式比较研究简介   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
2005年3月1~4日,IPCC第四次评估报告气候模式比较会议(Workshop on Analyses of Climate Model Simulations for the IPCC AR4)在夏威夷举行。此次会议的主要目的是提交最新IPCC试验的初步比较结果,为IPCC第四次评估报告作准备。笔者在此对该会议中提交的科学结论做一简要介绍。  相似文献   

江志红  陈威霖  宋洁 《大气科学》2009,33(1):109-120
利用中国区域550个站点1961~2000年日降水量资料, 考察参与政府间气候变化委员会(IPCC)第四次评估报告的7个新一代全球模式及多模式集合对现代气候情景下(20C3M)5个极端降水指数的模拟能力, 同时进行中国区域未来不同排放情形下极端降水事件变化的预估, 结果表明: 最新全球模式能较好地模拟出极端降水指数气候场的空间分布及其中国区域的线性趋势, 且模式集合模拟能力优于大部分单个模式, 但在青藏高原东侧、 高原南部存在虚假的极端降水高值区, 模拟的东部季风区的极端降水强度系统性偏低, 区域平均序列年际变率的模拟能力也较低。中国地区21世纪与降水有关的事件都有趋于极端化的趋势, 极端降水强度可能增强, 干旱也将加重, 且变化幅度与排放强度成正比。  相似文献   

This study evaluates the fidelity of Arctic and Antarctic oscillations (AO and AAO for short,respectively) in the coupled general circulation models participating in the Fourth Assessment Report of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC AR4).The AO and AAO during 1970-1999 in 24 models are analyzed and compared with that in ERA-40 and NCEP-1.Models'performance is seasonally dependent,with best reproducibility of both spatial structure and trend in winter.In most models,the spatial pattern and temporal trend of AAO during this period are more delicately simulated than AO.After picking out models with better performance according to the Taylor diagram,we find that their ensemble mean can obviously improve models'reproducibility.The AO and AAO in the Special Report on Emission Scenarios (SRES) A1B Projection during the 21st century are also briefly analyzed.The results reveal that both the AO and AAO indices keep increasing during 1970-2099,with a steadier pace of AO than AAO.The spatial difference of sea level pressure between 2060 2089 and 1970-1999 shows decreased values in polar regions,and increased values in midlatitudes.The results manifest that the ozone recovery during the mid 21st century may not weaken such a trend.  相似文献   

2005年8月16日,中国气象局组织召开了政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)第四次评估报告(AR4)中国作者第二次会议。IPCC主席团成员、IPCC第一工作组联合主席、中国气象局局长秦大河院士到会并在开幕式中发表了重要讲话。来自国家气候变化对策协调小组成员单位(国家发展和改革  相似文献   

原韦华 《大气科学进展》2013,30(6):1679-1694
Atmospheric Intercomparison Project simulations of the summertime diurnal cycle of precipitation and low-level winds over subtropical China by Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fifth Assessment Report models were evaluated. By analyzing the diurnal variation of convective and stratiform components, results confirmed that major biases in rainfall diurnal cycles over subtropical China are due to convection parameterization and further pointed to the diurnal variation of convective rainfall being closely related to the closure of the convective scheme. All models captured the early-morning peak of total rainfall over the East China Sea, but most models had problems in simulating diurnal rainfall variations over land areas of subtropical China. When total rainfall was divided into stratiform and convective rainfall, all models successfully simulated the diurnal variation of stratiform rainfall with a maximum in the early morning. The models, overestimating noon-time (nocturnal) total rainfall over land, generally simulated too much convective rainfall, which peaked close to noon (midnight), sharing some similarities in the closures of their deep convection schemes. The better performance of the Meteorological Research Institute atmospherer. ocean coupled global climate model version 3 (MRI-CGCM3) is attributed to the well captured ratio of the two kinds of rainfall, but not diurnal variations of the two components. Therefore, a proper ratio of convective and stratiform rainfall to total rainfall is also important to improve simulated diurnal rainfall variation.  相似文献   

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