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Climate change will have serious repercussions for agriculture, ecosystems, and farmer livelihoods in Central America. Smallholder farmers are particularly vulnerable due to their reliance on agriculture and ecosystem services for their livelihoods. There is an urgent need to develop national and local adaptation responses to reduce these impacts, yet evidence from historical climate change is fragmentary. Modeling efforts help bridge this gap. Here, we review the past decade of research on agricultural and ecological climate change impact models for Central America. The results of this review provide insights into the expected impacts of climate change and suggest policy actions that can help minimize these impacts. Modeling indicates future climate-driven changes, often declines, in suitability for Central American crops. Declines in suitability for coffee, a central crop in the regional economy, are noteworthy. Ecosystem models suggest that climate-driven changes are likely at low- and high-elevation montane forest transitions. Modeling of vulnerability suggests that smallholders in many parts of the region have one or more vulnerability factors that put them at risk. Initial adaptation policies can be guided by these existing modeling results. At the same time, improved modeling is being developed that will allow policy action specifically targeted to vulnerable groups, crops, and locations. We suggest that more robust modeling of ecological responses to climate change, improved representation of the region in climate models, and simulation of climate influences on crop yields and diseases (especially coffee leaf rust) are key priorities for future research.  相似文献   

Changes in land cover affect climate through the surface energy and moisture budgets, but these biogeophysical impacts of land use have not yet been included in General Circulation Model (GCM) simulations of 20th century climate change. Here, the importance of these effects was assessed by comparing climate simulations performed with current and potential natural vegetation. The northern mid-latitude agricultural regions were simulated to be approximately 1–2 K cooler in winter and spring in comparison with their previously forested state, due to deforestation increasing the surface albedo by approximately 0.1 during periods of snow cover. Some other regions such as the Sahel and India experienced a small warming due to land use. Although the annual mean global temperature is only 0.02 K lower in the simulation with present-day land use, the more local temperature changes in some regions are of a similar magnitude to those observed since 1860. The global mean radiative forcing by anthropogenic surface albedo change relative to the natural state is simulated to be −0.2 Wm2, which is comparable with the estimated forcings relative to pre-industrial times by changes in stratospheric and tropospheric ozone, N2O, halocarbons, and the direct effect of anthropogenic aerosols. Since over half of global deforestation has occurred since 1860, simulations of climate since that date should include the biogeophysical effects of land use.  相似文献   

Climate change is already affecting species and their distributions. Distributional range changes have occurred and are projected to intensify for many widespread plants and animals, creating associated risks to many ecosystems. Here, we estimate the climate change-related risks to the species in globally significant biodiversity conservation areas over a range of climate scenarios, assessing their value as climate refugia. In particular, we quantify the aggregated benefit of countries’ emission reduction pledges (Intended Nationally Determined Contributions and Nationally Determined Contributions under the Paris Agreement), and also of further constraining global warming to 2 °C above pre-industrial levels, against an unmitigated scenario of 4.5 °C warming. We also quantify the contribution that can be made by using smart spatial conservation planning to facilitate some levels of autonomous (i.e. natural) adaptation to climate change by dispersal. We find that without mitigation, on average 33% of each conservation area can act as climate refugium (or 18% if species are unable to disperse), whereas if warming is constrained to 2 °C, the average area of climate refuges doubles to 67% of each conservation area (or, without dispersal, more than doubles to 56% of each area). If the country pledges are fulfilled, an intermediate estimate of 47–52% (or 31–38%, without dispersal) is obtained. We conclude that the Nationally Determined Contributions alone have important but limited benefits for biodiversity conservation, with larger benefits accruing if warming is constrained to 2 °C. Greater benefits would result if warming was constrained to well below 2 °C as set out in the Paris Agreement.  相似文献   

如何量化土地利用/覆盖变化(LUCC)对区域气候的影响,是人类活动影响气候变化研究中的一个难点。本文利用卫星遥感反映过去三十年东亚区域土地利用变化数据,基于Mosaic近似考虑土地利用及其变化次网格尺度过程,量化了LUCC对地表辐射收支及气温的影响。过去三十年土地利用/覆盖变化对东亚区域总体呈降温效应(中国东部地区增温效应),LUCC导致的地表反照率变化影响地表辐射收支,中国和东亚区域的辐射强迫分别为-0.56 W m~(-2)和-0.50 W m~(-2)。  相似文献   

In the Arkansas River Basin in southeastern Colorado, surface irrigation provides most of the water required for agriculture. Consequently, the region’s future could be significantly affected if climate change impacts the amount of water available for irrigation. A methodology to model the expected impacts of climate change on irrigation water demand in the region is described. The Integrated Decision Support Consumptive Use model, which accounts for spatial and temporal variability in evapotranspiration and precipitation, is used in conjunction with two climate scenarios from the Vegetation-Ecosystem Modeling and Analysis Project. The two scenarios were extracted and scaled down from two general circulation models (GCMs), the HAD from the Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research and the CCC from the Canadian Climate Centre. The results show significant changes in the water demands of crops due to climate change. The HAD and CCC climate change scenarios both predict an increase in water demand. However, the projections of the two GCMs concerning the water available for irrigation differ significantly, reflecting the large degree of uncertainty concerning what the future impacts of climate change might be in the study region. As new or updated predictions become available, the methodology described here can be used to estimate the impacts of climate change.  相似文献   

Agricultural systems models are essential tools to assess potential climate change (CC) impacts on crop production and help guide policy decisions. In this study, impacts of projected CC on dryland crop rotations of wheat-fallow (WF), wheat-corn-fallow (WCF), and wheat-corn-millet (WCM) in the U.S. Central Great Plains (Akron, Colorado) were simulated using the CERES V4.0 crop modules in RZWQM2. The CC scenarios for CO2, temperature and precipitation were based on a synthesis of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC 2007) projections for Colorado. The CC for years 2025, 2050, 2075, and 2100 (CC projection years) were super-imposed on measured baseline climate data for 15–17 years collected during the long-term WF and WCF (1992–2008), and WCM (1994–2008) experiments at the location to provide inter-annual variability. For all the CC projection years, a decline in simulated wheat yield and an increase in actual transpiration were observed, but compared to the baseline these changes were not significant (p > 0.05) in all cases but one. However, corn and proso millet yields in all rotations and projection years declined significantly (p < 0.05), which resulted in decreased transpiration. Overall, the projected negative effects of rising temperatures on crop production dominated over any positive impacts of atmospheric CO2 increases in these dryland cropping systems. Simulated adaptation via changes in planting dates did not mitigate the yield losses of the crops significantly. However, the no-tillage maintained higher wheat yields than the conventional tillage in the WF rotation to year 2075. Possible effects of historical CO2 increases during the past century (from 300 to 380 ppm) on crop yields were also simulated using 96 years of measured climate data (1912–2008) at the location. On average the CO2 increase enhanced wheat yields by about 30%, and millet yields by about 17%, with no significant changes in corn yields.  相似文献   

环太湖地区土地利用变化的局地气候效应   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用WRF模式和1985年、2005年环太湖区域的土地利用资料,模拟了环太湖区域土地利用变化的局地气候效应,并从陆面过程的角度进行了分析。模拟结果显示:城市扩张区域净短波辐射通量增多,地面温度升高,感热通量增大,潜热通量减小。近地面水平风场在城市化地区风速减小,在城市化带方向上形成狭长的动能衰减区域。湖陆风和城市热岛环流增强,城市化地区向上垂直速度增大,积云性降水增多。老城区和郊区下沉运动增强,对流受到抑制,积云性降水减少。层云降水的改变,集中在层云降水的大值区,且多呈带状分布。总降水在城市化区域增强,在老城区和郊区减少,积云性降水占总降水的比值增大。在土地利用没有变化的区域,降水的改变与地表能量通量的改变在空间分布上大致吻合。  相似文献   

利用NCAR大气环流模式CAM4.0,针对潜在植被和当代植被的分布情形进行了两组25 a的积分试验,探讨了土地利用变化对东亚地区地表能量平衡、水分循环和气候的可能影响.结果表明:以森林退化、农田迅速增加为主的当代土地利用变化,显著改变地表属性,使得东亚地区不同季节的地表反照率均明显增加,并显著改变东亚地区的冬、春季节的地表能量和水分循环.此外,当代大尺度土地利用变化对东亚地区大气环流也有一定影响,可引起东亚冬季风环流显著加强和东亚夏季较弱的偏南风异常.当代土地利用变化未能引起东亚地区近地面气温的显著变化,但可引起东亚北(南)部地区春季降水的显著增加(减小).  相似文献   

Annex I Parties may receive credits or debits from Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) activities, contributing to achieving individual emission reduction targets. In the Durban climate negotiations, Parties agreed new LULUCF accounting rules for the second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol (CP2). By using these new rules, this paper presents key differences among Parties at the minimum (assuming no additional action) and potential (assuming additional actions) contribution of the forest-related LULUCF activities in achieving the pledges for 2020. Overall, the potential contribution of LULUCF is relatively modest (up to about 2 % of 1990 emissions) for the EU, the Annex I Parties likely joining the CP2, and for the Annex I Parties that joined the CP1 as a whole. However, for specific Parties, LULUCF can make a substantial contribution to achieving the pledges. For New Zealand, for instance, the potential contribution of future LULUCF credits may equal 33 % of its 1990 emission level. For Australia, the pledges are expressed relative to 2000 emission levels including LULUCF emissions. Given that LULUCF emissions have strongly declined between 1990 and 2000, and a further decline in foreseen by 2020 (based on Australia’s projections), the minimum contribution of LULUCF to meet the Australian pledges appears to be about 19 % and 7 % relative to its 1990 and 2000 emission level, respectively. A further 3 % potential contribution is estimated from additional actions.  相似文献   

PRUDENCE simulations of the climate in Central Europe are analysed with respect to mean temperature, mean precipitation and three monthly mean geostrophic circulation indices. The three global models show important circulation biases in the control climate, in particular in the strength of the west-circulations in winter and summer. The nine regional models inherit much of the circulation biases from their host model, especially in winter. In summer, the regional models show a larger spread in circulation statistics, depending on nesting procedures and other model characteristics. Simulated circulation biases appear to have a significant inluence on simulated temperature and precipitation. The PRUDENCE ensemble appears to be biased towards warmer and wetter than observed circulations in winter, and towards warmer and dryer circulations in summer. A2-scenario simulations show important circulation changes, which have a significant impact on changes in the distributions of monthly mean temperature and precipitation. It is likely that interactions between land–surface processes and atmospheric circulation play an important role in the simulated changes in the summer climate in Central Europe.  相似文献   

Ecosystem changes in floodplains could be a major issue during the twenty-first century as designated habitat areas are affected by climate change and floodplain management options. As part of the RegIS project, a Regional Impact Simulator has been developed to investigate these potential changes. This paper presents the methodologies and results of biodiversity metamodels used within the Regional Impact Simulator for two regions of the UK: East Anglia and North West England. Potential impacts and adaptations to future climate and socio-economic scenarios are analysed for three habitat types in floodplains (saltmarsh, coastal grazing marsh and fluvial grazing marsh) and selected species. An important finding is that management choices, which can be linked to socio-economic futures have a greater potential impact on habitat viability than climate change. The choices society makes will therefore be key to protection and conservation of biodiversity. The analyses also show that coastal grazing marsh is the most vulnerable habitat to sea-level rise, although there is a scope for substituting losses with fluvial grazing marsh. These results indicate that these methods provide a useful approach for assessing potential biodiversity changes at the regional scale, including the effect of different policies.  相似文献   

The impact of climate change and irrigation technology advancement on agricultural water use in China is analyzed for the period of 1949–2005. The Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) is adopted to characterize climate change, and the Gross Irrigation Quota (GIQ) is used to examine the relationship between agricultural water use and climate change in China. The results show that the GIQ correlates well with the PDSI in Chinese irrigated areas for the period of 1949–1990. A quantitative relationship between the GIQ and PDSI is statistically regressed; a new GIQ dataset is generated with the PDSI based on this relationship over the period 1949–2005. The generated GIQ data with climate-only information follow the pattern of the actual GIQ for the period 1949–1990. Since 1991, the actual GIQ becomes much smaller than the generated GIQ, indicating that irrigation technology advancement exerts a dominant impact on reducing agricultural water use intensity in China.  相似文献   

城市化极大地改变了城市下垫面的性质,这有可能增加灰霾天气发生的概率和强度.利用Landsat-7 ETM+和HJ-1A卫星多光谱遥感数据,通过人工解译获得2002年和2012年武汉市土地利用情况,并对武汉市土地利用规划图进行数字化和尺度转换.在此基础上,针对武汉市典型灰霾天气过程,对不同土地类型(历史、现状和规划)利用WRF-NAQPMS空气质量数值模式进行了不同情景的模拟.同时,对比分析和揭示了不同情境下,大气风场和主要大气污染物浓度场的变化,解析了下垫面对灰霾天气的影响.可为从灰霾天气防治的角度完善城市土地规划和建设提供科学依据.  相似文献   

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