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Index species of zooplankton of the Oyashio water are found in and beneath the salinity minimum layer in Sagami Bay. In order to clarify the intrusion path of the intermediate Oyashio Water (or the water of the Mixed Water Region), the oceanographic conditions off the Boso Peninsula are studied by using available hydrographic data obtained mainly by Japan Meteorological Agency. The cross-sectional salinity distribution along KJ line which extends southeastward from off the tip of the peninsula always indicates the existence of a low salinity patch just off the coast in the salinity minimum layer. This water is well separated from the offshore low salinity water which is considered as the water in the western margin of the so-called North Pacific Intermediate Water. We refer to the former water as the coastal salinity-minimum-layer (SML) water and to the latter as the offshore SML water. The coastal SML water is usually bounded by the current zone of the Kuroshio. The existence of the coastal SML water seems to indicate the possible pathway of the intermediate Oyashio water along the Boso Peninsula into Sagami Bay. The detailed water type analysis is made in T-S plane, S-st plane, and O2-st plane. There is no significant difference in distribution ranges of the water types between the coastal SML water and the offshore SML water. However, the water types of the coastal SML water is not uniformly distributed, and the water can be classified into two groups: group A with relatively high oxygen content and relatively low salinity value and group B with relatively low oxygen content and relatively high salinity value. Group A is thought to be associated with strong event-like intrusions, the details of which will be discussed in Part II.  相似文献   

Intermediate intrusion of low salinity water (LSW) into Sagami Bay was investigated on the basis of CTD data taken in Sagami Bay and off the Boso Peninsula in 1993–1994. In October 1993, water of low temperature (<7.0°C), low salinity (<34.20 psu) and high dissolved oxygen concentration (>3.5 ml I−1) intruded along the isopycnal surface of {ie29-1} at depths of 320–500 m from the Oshima East Channel to the center of the bay. On the other hand, the LSW was absent in Sagami Bay in the period of September–November 1994, though it was always found to the south off the Boso Peninsula. Salinity and dissolved oxygen distributions on relevant isopycnal surfaces and water characteristics of LSW cores revealed that the LSW intruded from the south off the Boso Peninsula to Sagami Bay through the Oshima East Channel. The LSW cores were distributed on the continental slope along 500–1000 m isobaths and its onshore-offshore scales were two to three times the internal deformation radius. Initial phosphate concentrations in the LSW revealed its origin in the northern seas. These facts suggest that the observed LSW is the submerged Oyashio Water and it flows southwestward along the continental slope as a density current in the rotating fluid. The variation of the LSW near the center of Sagami Bay is closely related to the Kuroshio flow path. The duration of LSW in Sagami Bay is 0.5 to 1.5 months.  相似文献   

In recent years, anomalous southward intrusions of the Oyashio have been observed frequently from winter to late spring. A barotropic model is used to see the occurrence of the Oyashio intrusion, with special reference to a short time lag between the change in the wind stress in midwinter and the occurrence of the Oyashio intrusion generally in spring of the same year. It is shown that the barotropic response of the ocean to the change in wind stress is fast, and its representative time scale is about 50 days at most. The southward shift of the Oyashio and the subarctic circulation are simulated quantitatively, when the imposed wind stress is changed from the mean wind stress prior to no Oyashio intrusion to that prior to the Oyashio intrusion. It is suggested that the southward intrusion of the Oyashio is a phenomenon connected with the global change in atmospheric circulation.  相似文献   

Vertical distributions of turbidity & phytodetritus (Chl.a and pheopigment), and their seasonal variations were measured in the deep water column of Sagami Bay, Japan, in June 1999, February 2000 and May 2000. Observations were carried out at eight stations along an east-west section of Sagami Bay using a CTD/water sampling system equipped with a memory-type infrared back-scattering meter which had been calibrated for the suspended particles collected in Sagami Bay. Turbidity increased close to the bottom in both summer and winter, indicating the existence of a benthic nepheloid layer throughout the year. But the vertical gradient of turbidity was much larger in summer than in winter. The concentration of Chl.a and pheopigment also increased in the benthic layer in summer, sometimes reaching values of more than 0.01 and 0.2 μg/l, respectively, much higher than those reported in hemipelagic regions of the ocean. In winter, on the other hand, Chl.a kept a constant low value throughout the deep water column. This indicates that the turbid water mass formed in the benthic layer in summer derives from the deposition of large amounts of phytodetritus in spring and the resuspension of these aggregates, which are subsequently decomposed in the benthic layer during the following autumn. Unlike the benthic boundary layer, the turbidity of intermediate water was lower in summer rather than in winter. Because the phytoplankton aggregates exported from the surface water during the spring bloom not only supply phytodetritus to the benthic layer but also scavenge the suspended particles in the water column, the steep vertical gradient of turbidity observed in summer may reflect the dynamic interaction between suspended and sinking particles in the deep water column.  相似文献   

Analysis of current velocity and temperature records obtained from moored buoy systems deployed off the east coast of Japan reveals the intermittent occurrence of semi-diurnal internal tides and their manner of propagation. The internal tidal waves clearly propagate toward the shore, which is confirmed by cross-correlation of the onshore current velocity and temperature between neighboring stations. The propagation speed of the internal tide increases with water depth except in the area furthest offshore. In this area, motions near the second mode seem to occur occasionally, while in the nearshore area the motions for the most part consist of the first mode. Through harmonic analysis, it is shown that theM 1 internal motions were not vertically homogeneous. That is, the internal motions are greater at the lower level in the nearshore area while they are greater at the upper level in the offshore area. Pathways along which the energy of the internal tide should propagate are estimated in such a way that the characteristic curves pass through the area over which relatively large onshore/offshoreM 2 velocity is distributed. The movement of the characteristic ray of a certain phase explains the observed phase velocity estimated from the cross-correlation diagrams. Internal motions around the characteristic ray were pronounced in a rather wide area. Thus, it is suggested that the generation region of the internal tide in the present study area might be relatively wide.  相似文献   

莱州湾东岸海底地下水来源判别及量值估算   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用稳定同位素——18O、D, 结合常规离子分析结果确定了莱州湾东岸海底地下水的来源, 并采用数值方法估算了其量值。结果表明: 莱州湾东岸海底地下水主要来源于波浪、潮汐的海水补给, 同时在一定程度上受地下水径流排泄的影响, 三者对海底地下水的贡献率分别为 31.0%, 56.3%和 12.7%。研究结果对于合理开发、科学保护海底地下水具有重要现实意义。  相似文献   

Phytoplankton dynamics in the lower euphotic zone were observed by tracking a subsurface water released at 20-m depth from Takumi, an artificial upwelling device. Takumi continually discharged seawater pumped up from a depth of 205 m: this water was mixed with 5-m depth water to adjust the density to that of 20-m depth water of Sagami Bay, Japan. The discharged water was pulse-labeled at Takumi with uranine and tracked for 63.9 h with a drifting buoy equipped with a drogue at 20-m depth. We present a simple model to estimate in situ phytoplankton net growth rates from temporal changes in phytoplankton abundance in the discharged water with correction for the influence of water exchange between the discharged water and neighboring layers. Lagrangian observation showed active growth of pico- and nanophytoplankton, especially cryptophytes and Synechococcus (Cyanobacteria), in the subsurface layer. In contrast, diatoms grew little in spite of micromolar concentrations of nutrients. The active growth of pico- and nanophytoplankton was in good agreement with shipboard serial dilution culture experiments. The low growth activity of diatoms was suggested to be related to low light availability in the subsurface layer.  相似文献   

《Oceanologica Acta》1998,21(2):157-163
During the SEFOS 95 cruise (25 March to 15 April 1995) (figure 1) a number of CTD casts were made in order to study the intermediate Mediterranean water (IMW) off the west and north coasts of the Iberian Peninsula. One long-term mooring, for current measurement at four levels, was deployed at 43° 57′ N - 5° 51′ W from February to May. We establish a picture of the distribution and transformation of the IMW along the coast of the Iberian Peninsula based on the thermohaline characteristics of the water masses and the determination of the percentage content of the IMW by the use of the triangle of vertical mixing of the North Atlantic central water (NACW), IMW and Labrador water (LW) [3]. A generalised temperature/salinity (T/S) curve is plotted (figure 6) on the basis of the T/S curves of the cruise. The results of 3 months' current measurements are shown.  相似文献   

Temporal variations of sinking particle flux, together with their organic chemical properties, were monitored in the deep basin of Sagami Bay, Japan, using sediment traps with very high time resolutions from March 1997 to August 1998. At a height of 350 m above the bottom (about 1200 m water depth), the averaged total mass flux was more than 1000 mg/m2/day, which is about 10 times higher than those obtained for open ocean regions near Sagami Bay. While large amounts of phytodetritus, derived from phytoplankton blooms in the surface water, were transported downward in spring, the following extraordinary patterns in the temporal variability of sinking particle flux were also observed: (1) A sustained large flux of sinking particles during low productive periods from summer to winter in 1997. (2) An episodic increase of sinking particle flux in June 1998. (3) A difference in the temporal variability of sinking particles between the spring bloom periods of 1997 and 1998. The content of total organic carbon (TOC) and the stable carbon isotopic ratio (δ13C) of TOC demonstrated that the large fluxes observed in (1) and (2) could be attributed to the resuspension of phytodetritus deposited on the sea floor during the spring bloom period, and the abrupt erosion of surface sediment on the continental slope, respectively. The concentration of suspended particles in the deep water column affect the apparent flux of sinking particles. At the same time, sinking particles exported from surface waters during the spring bloom both decrease and increase suspended particle concentration through scavenging and rebound processes, respectively. Finally, the apparent difference in sinking particle flux between 1997 and 1998, (3), could be explained by differences in the extent of the scavenging process, which depend on the flux and quality of exported particles from the surface waters.  相似文献   

Mooring and hydrographic observations were conducted from September 2012 to May 2014 at the mouth of Otsuchi Bay, a ria along the Pacific coast of Japan. Our observations quantitatively demonstrated that the circulation and the water properties of Otsuchi Bay are strongly influenced by the Tsugaru Warm Current (TWC) and Oyashio Current (OY) at seasonal and subseasonal time scales. Two bottom-mounted velocity profilers and temperature and salinity measurements beneath the near-surface halocline showed a counterclockwise lateral circulation pattern related to the TWC, which was enhanced from summer to autumn. From winter to early spring, the lateral circulation patterns related to the TWC weakened and the influence of the OY occasionally increased. When the OY was weak, surface flows became an overturning structure, with outflows in the upper layer and inflows in the lower layer. When the OY was strong and passed close to the Sanriku coast, the circulation became highly variable and intermittent. Intrusions of the markedly low-salinity OY water were observed on two occasions and persisted for periods of several weeks to several months. Salinity was sometimes less than 33.7, the lower limit of the typical TWC from late summer to autumn even when the TWC dominates. We suggested that this is the seasonal fluctuations of the TWC itself, as the upstream current of the Tsushima Warm Current is freshened in summer as a result of the influence of the Changjiang River. The surface water was generally fresher in the south of the bay than in the north, suggesting the Coriolis deflection of the river plume.  相似文献   

Hydrographic structure and transport of intermediate water were observed in the Kuroshio region south of Japan, focusing on the 26.6–27.5σθ density in six cruises from May 1998 through September 2001. In the section off the Boso Peninsula where the Kuroshio exfoliates eastward, the intermediate water was clearly clustered into three groups meridionally composed of the coastal water, the Kuroshio water and the offshore water. Compared with the Kuroshio water characterized by warm, salty water transported by the Kuroshio, the coastal and offshore waters significantly degenerated due to mixing with cold, fresh waters originated from the subarctic region: the former was affected by alongshore spread of the coastal Oyashio and the latter by direct intrusion of the new North Pacific Intermediate Water (NPIW) into the southern side of the Kuroshio current axis. Particularly the offshore water showed higher apparent oxygen utilization (AOU) in layers deeper than 26.9σθ while it showed lower AOU in layers shallower than 26.9σθ, which indicated that colder, fresher and higher AOU water was distributed on the southeastern side of the Kuroshio in deeper layers. In May 1998, the Oyashio-Kuroshio mixing ratio was estimated to be typically 2:8 for the offshore water on the assumption of isopycnal mixing. Moreover, northeastward volume transport of the Kuroshio water was obtained from geostrophic velocity fields adjusted to lowered acoustic Doppler current profiler (LADCP) data to yield 6.1 Sv at 26.6–26.9σθ and 11.8 Sv at 26.9–27.5 σθ. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Mean monthly records of coastal sea surface temperature data (CSST) obtained from stations along the Japanese coasts of the Japan Sea and from those in the related seas for the period 1941–1984 were analyzed by using various methods of time series analysis, for the purpose of clarifying the nature of the year-to-year variations of the state of the Japan Sea. The year-to-year variations in the Japan Sea were found to be closely related to those in the East China Sea and in the western North Pacific. Specific results are as follows. (1) A sudden cooling in the early 1960's occurred in the southern stations of the Japan Sea and continued to the end of the analyzed data. (2) Variations, with about a 6-year periodicity, were observed at most stations, and were especially dominant in the southern stations of the Japan Sea (3) These variations could be traced back to the Kuroshio region of the East China Sea. (4) Variations, with about a 10-year periodicity, were also observed in the northern stations of the Japan Sea.  相似文献   

本研究于2020年7月在大亚湾及大鹏半岛沿岸开展造礁石珊瑚的分布、覆盖率、死亡率、硬珊瑚补充量和物种多样性调查。结果表明:24个站位共发现造礁石珊瑚9科17属44种以及5个未定种,其中裸肋珊瑚科的种类最多,有7属27种,其次为鹿角珊瑚科和滨珊瑚科,均有2属6种;中央列岛沿岸造礁石珊瑚平均覆盖率为12.0%,三门岛沿岸平均覆盖率为12.9%,大鹏半岛沿岸平均覆盖率为5.2%;以坚实滨珊瑚(Porites solida)、翼形蔷薇珊瑚(Montipora peltiformis)、五边角蜂巢珊瑚(Favites pentagona)和多孔同星珊瑚(Plesiastrea versipora)等为优势种;造礁石珊瑚物种多样性较高。与历史数据相比,大亚湾及大鹏半岛沿岸造礁石珊瑚退化严重,活珊瑚覆盖率锐减,优势种由分支状珊瑚逐步转变为皮壳状或亚团块状珊瑚。此外,本研究构建了近岸造礁石珊瑚生态脆弱性评价体系,并对目前大亚湾及大鹏半岛沿岸造礁石珊瑚进行了生态脆弱性评价。结果显示,中央列岛、三门岛和大鹏半岛东侧海域造礁石珊瑚处于低或中脆弱状态;较场尾、杨梅坑、西冲和大鹏半岛西侧海域造礁石珊瑚处于高或很高脆弱状态,在环境压力影响下其受损可能性较高。在海水养殖、渔业捕捞、滨海旅游和船舶航行等日益频繁的人类活动下,大亚湾及大鹏半岛沿岸造礁石珊瑚整体处于中高脆弱状态,建议加强珊瑚礁监测,并采取相应的保护措施。  相似文献   

Sea surface temperature (SST) has been measured in the south of Japan using a thermometer set up in the ferry boat to investigate the characteristics of the warm water intrudes into the coastal areas from the Kuroshio. Time series analysis was applied to the SST data with satellite images and hydrographic observation data from April 1987 to September 1989. The results indicate that the warm Kuroshio water intruded into the coastal areas on the Enshu-nada and the Kumano-nada Seas intermittently with periods of about 50 and 20 days associated with the fluctuation of the Kuroshio path and the Kuroshio frontal disturbance respectively. The intrusion with a 50-day period was dominant when the Kuroshio took a stationary small meander path (B- and C-types). The warm water spread to the west at 20 cm s–1, and was estimated to have a depth of 150 m at least and supply enough heat to make up the loss due to the evaporation in the coastal area. During the straight path of the Kuroshio, it was detected that the warm water intruded into coastal areas only with a 20-day period. The warm water that intrudes with a period of 20 days spreads to the west at 25 cm s–1 in a small scale.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations in the picoplankton community were investigated from June 2002 to March 2004 within the photic zone of Sagami Bay, Japan. The study area was mostly dominated by coastal waters during the warm period (mixed layer water temperature ≥ 18°C). During the cold period (mixed layer water temperature ≤ 18°C), the water mass was characterized by low temperature and high saline waters indicative of the North Pacific Subtropical Mode Water (NPSTMW). Occasionally, a third type of water mass characterized by high temperature and low saline properties was observed, which could be evidence of the intrusion of warm Kuroshio waters. Synechococcus was the dominant picophytoplankton (5−28 × 1011 cells m−2) followed by Prochlorococcus (1−5 × 1011 cells m−2) and picoeukaryotes during the warm period. Heterotrophic bacteria dominated the picoplankton community throughout the year, especially in the warm period. During the Kuroshio Current advection, cyanobacterial abundance was high whereas that of picoeukaryotes and heterotrophic bacteria was low. During the cold period, homogeneously distributed, lower picophytoplankton cell densities were observed. The dominance of Synechococcus in the warm period reflects the importance of high temperature, low salinity and high Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) on its distribution. Cyanobacterial and heterotrophic bacterial abundance showed a positive correlation with temperature. Prochlorococcus and picoeukaryotes showed a positive correlation with nutrients. Picoeukaryotes were the major contributors to the picophytoplankton carbon biomass. The annual picophytoplankton contribution to the photosynthetic biomass was 32 ± 4%. These observations suggest that the environmental conditions, combined with the seasonal variability in the source of the water mass, determines the community structure of picoplankton, which contributes substantially to the phytoplankton biomass and can play a very important role in the food web dynamics of Sagami Bay.  相似文献   

Seasonal and interannual variations in physicochemical properties were investigated in the neritic area of Sagami Bay, Kanagawa, Japan, from December 2000 to December 2005. Physicochemical properties (i.e. temperature, salinity, density, dissolved oxygen and dissolved inorganic nutrient concentration) revealed clear seasonal variations, which were similar to each other during all 5 years. Temperature, salinity and dissolved inorganic nutrients showed rapid, drastic variations within a few days and/or weeks. These variations are related to sea levels, principally due to the shifting effects of the Kuroshio Current axis: they were strongly affected by the Kuroshio Water and other waters, when sea level difference was greater than ca. 35 cm and lower than ca. 15 cm, respectively. Temperature difference (DF T ) increased with sea level difference, and the difference of salinity and dissolved inorganic nutrients (NH4 +-N, NO3 +NO2 -N, NH4 ++NO3 +NO2 -N, PO4 3−-P and SiO2-Si) increased and decreased with DF T , respectively. All these correlations are significant. Total dissolved inorganic nitrogen (N), phosphate (P) and silicate (Si) revealed seasonal variations in the ranges of 0.57–16.08, 0.0070–0.91 and 0.22–46.38 μM, respectively. From the regression equations between these elements allowed the following relation to be obtained; Si:N:P = 14.8:13.4:1. Dissolved inorganic nutrients were characterized by Si and/or P deficiency, especially in the upper layer (0–20 m depth) during summer. Single and/or combined elements are discussed on the basis of potential and stoichiometric nutrient limitations, which could restrict phytoplankton (diatom) growth as a limiting factor.  相似文献   

The path of the Kuroshio in Sagami Bay was surveyed through drifter tracking from Oshima-West Channel to Oshima-East Channel. A subsurface drifter with a drogue at 300 m depth flowed around Oshima from Oshima-West Channel to Oshima-East Channel. A difference in flow directions between the upper and lower layers was apparent in the northwest of Oshima. Flow directions there were shown to change from north in the surface layer to east in the bottom layer, and this was confirmed with moored currentmeters.A profile of northward current velocity was estimated from measurements in six layers with currentmeters deployed in the Oshima-West Channel. The profile shows a core of northward flow along the eastern bottom slope and a weak southward flow along the western bottom slope. Volume transport of the Kuroshio into Sagami Bay was estimated to be 1.8×106m3sec–1 from the profile.Long-term current measurement showed that southward flows were observed in Oshima-West Channel in July 1977, May 1978 and April 1979. Cold or warm water masses appearing south of the Izu Peninsula are suggested to have caused the changes.Displacement of the cold water mass in July 1977 is discussed on the basis of current measurements and offshore oceanographic conditions.  相似文献   

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