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易桂喜  闻学泽 《地震》2000,20(1):71-79
为了定量评估南北地震带不同段落的长期地震危险性,引入了时间-震级可预报模式。在详细地震复发行为的基础上,沿南北地震带划分了39个震源区。利用其中27个震源的多轮回复发资料初步建立起时间-震级可预报统计模型。计算结果表明,不同震源的地震复发表现出较好的时间可预报行为以及相对较弱的震级可预报行为。以时间可预报模型为基础,对所有震源区未来地震的复发概率进行了估算,同时,用震级可预报模型对未来地震的震级作  相似文献   

根据时间—震级可预报模式研究川滇地块边界断裂系统的地震复发规律,利用历史地震记录和断层滑动速率资料得到了相应的时间可预报统计模型和震级可预报统计模型,并对川滇地块边界断裂带8个震源段在未来10年内的强震复发危险性进行概率评估。计算结果表明,综合危险率K值最高的3个震源段依次为小江断裂带(S5段)、红河、曲江、石屏断裂带(S6段)和安宁河—则木河以及大凉山断裂带(S3段),计算得到这些断裂带下次发生地震的震级分别为7.4、7.1和7.1级;其中S5、S3段发震位置位于南东边界,S6段位于南西边界,表明未来10年内川滇地块南部边界发震的危险性高于北部边界;预期的下次发生的最高震级地震位于南东边界。  相似文献   

本文使用下列关系式测定和估计和沿北太平洋地震区12个震源的强和大的浅层主震重现间隔:logT:=0.30Mmin+0.15Mp-0.27logM0+5.24 Mt=1.05Mmin-0.47Mp+0.60logmO-12.39其中Tt为事件间隔时间,按年数测量;Mmin为所考虑最小主震的面波震级;Mp为前一个主震的震级;Mf为后面跟着发生的主震震级;M0为每年每个震海的矩率。Tt对M  相似文献   

时间—震级可预测模式及其应用研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章介绍了由希腊地震学家帕帕扎乔斯提出,并由他及其同事建立的时间-震级可预测模式。该模式考虑了地震复发过程中的不确定因素,不仅可以用于预测地震的发生时间,还可用于预测地震的强度,因而在长期地震预测研究中具有应用和发展前景。文中介绍了该模式的基础理论与建模方法,同时指出了该模式在建模与计算方法上存在的一些问题。  相似文献   

The historical earthquake activity is intense in the North China region. However, no middle-sized earthquakes have occurred in the last decades in the region since the MS6.2 earthquake in the Zhangbei region in 1998. The quiescence of moderate and strong earthquakes is quite prominent in North China. In this paper, we use small earthquake records in 1970~2009 to study background seismic activity in the North China region. The spatial distributions of seismic parameters are presented, including b-value, the maximum magnitude and annual occurrence probability of earthquakes of M≥6.0. Our results show regions with low b-value that include the Yuncheng region in the Shanxi rift, the Suqian region located in the Tancheng-Lujiang fault zone and the Shijiazhuang region in the Taihangshan block. Our analysis on the synthetic spatial pattern of seismicity indicate that seismicity in the North China region is mainly affected by the regional dynamic factors of deep structures.  相似文献   

华北地区的背景地震活动及区域未来强震危险性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王辉  曹建玲  申旭辉 《地震》2011,31(2):11-23
华北地区的历史强震活动非常频繁。 然而, 自1998年张北MS6.2地震以来, 该地区已经经历了10多年的地震平静期, 中强震平静现象比较突出。 本文利用1970年至2009年的小震资料, 对华北地区的背景地震活动进行分析, 给出了地震活动性参数b值、 最大震级以及强震复发间隔和强震年平均发生概率的空间分布。 b值空间分布表明, 山西构造带的运城地区, 郯庐断裂带的宿迁地区以及太行山块体内部的石家庄地区的b值较低。 地震活动性参数的综合空间图像表明华北地区的地震活动主要受区域深部动力因素所控制。  相似文献   

Application of a Discrete-Continuum Model to Karst Aquifers in North China   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
A generalized discrete-continuum model is developed to simulate ground water flow in the karst aquifers of North China. The model is a hybrid numerical flow model, which takes into account both quick conduit flow and diffusive fissure flow. The conduit flow is represented by a discrete network model, and the fissure flow is modeled by a continuum approach. The developed model strongly emphasizes the function of the conduits in the flow fields. They control the general drainage pattern, as demonstrated in the simulation of a complex karst aquifer in North China. The model reproduces reasonably well the flow field in response to an unanticipated discharge of ground water from the karst aquifer into an underground mine based on the aquifer parameters that are manually calibrated from a multiple-well pumping test. Sensitivity of the model to the aquifer parameters was evaluated in the context of the case study.  相似文献   

从联网的系统构成、联网设备及软件配置、联网产生的效益3个方面介绍了华北联网中山西台网的情况,总结了孤立的小网联结成大跨度的现代化监测网络的经验。  相似文献   

华北地区震前断层异常活动方式   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
车兆宏  范燕  马牧军 《地震》2004,24(2):109-118
分析了华北地区跨断层形变资料, 研究了唐山、 大同及张北地震前断层异常活动方式。 结果表明, 震前存在显著的断层异常活动; 断层异常活动方式具有构造控制特征,并与孕震机理有关; 地震孕育过程中有可能出现多次应力集中; 从断层不可逆异常活动地区的分布推测, 唐山地震缓解了延怀地区的地震危险性, 大同地震缓解了紫荆关-狼山断层一线的地震危险性; 张北地震断层异常活动呈松弛变化, 首都圈及邻近地区地震活动将趋于缓解。  相似文献   

华北地震区地震活动特征及其危险性研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
分析了华北地震区历史和近代地震活动特征,得到该区1800年以来5.5级以上地震活动,在删除余震后接近泊松过程,并在此基础上估计了该区未来地震活动趋势;结果表明,2005年前该区发生6级和7级地震的概率分别为0.92和0.69;2010年前该区发生6级和7级地震的概率分别为0.99和0.75。  相似文献   

Based on high-precision data obtained in the past decade from GPS re-measurement in the North China Network, the Crustal Movement Observation Network of China (CMONOC) and GPS measurement along the Shanxi graben zone, the status and evolution of horizontal crustal movement in the North China region are analyzed. The results show that (1) the Yanshan tectonic zone (Zhangjiakou-Bohai Sea zone)is an active one with the largest horizontal strain in the North China region; The largest tendency differential movement of adjacent blocks is seen between the Yanshan block and the North China plain block; about 2mm/a (left lateral) ; (2)The significant horizontal differential movement along the boundaries of the North China region is characterized by right-lateral strike-slip movement at the middle-north segment on its west boundary (composed of Yinchuan and other active tectonic zones) and compressive movement at the south segment; while the Yinshan rift zone located along the west segment on its north boundary is dominated by tensile movement. Other boundaries and zones have no obvious differential movement; (3) On the whole, measurements of each period differ from one another, which might result from the nonlinear movement component as well as from the error effect. In the paper, results of the relative movement and strain in different periods are given for different blocks and boundary zones.  相似文献   

The migration of strong earthquakes is an important research topic because the migration phenomena reflect partly the seismic mechanism and involve the prediction of tendency of seismic activity. Research on migration of strong earthquakes has mostly focused on finding the phenomena. Some attempts on getting regularity were comparatively subjective. This paper suggests that there should be indices of migration in earthquake dataset and the indexes should have statistical meaning if there is regularity in the migration of strong earthquakes. In this study, three derivative attributes of migration, i.e., migration orientation, migration distance and migration time interval, were statistically analyzed. Results in the North China region show that the migration of strong earthquakes has statistical meaning. There is a dominant migration orientation (W by S to E by N), a dominant distance (≤100km and on the confines of 300~700km), and a dominant time interval (≤1a and on the confines of 3~4a). The results also show that the migration will differ slightly with different magnitude range or earthquake activity phase.  相似文献   

目前对强震迁移的研究多是集中在发现迁移现象方面,一些总结迁移规律的尝试则较为主观。本文认为,强震迁移如果具有规律性则其迁移指标应具有某种统计意义,并且对整体数据集的统计分析可避免传统迁移分析方法中的问题。通过对华北地区强震迁移的3个指标(迁移方位、迁移距离、迁移时间)的统计分析,表明研究地区存在较明显的优势迁移方向(西偏南—东偏北方向)、优势迁移距离(100km内以及300~700km范围)和优势迁移时间间隔(1年内以及3~4年内),不同震级范围以及不同活跃期内的迁移特征略有区别。  相似文献   

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