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In the spring of 1998, 24-h time series and synchronization of vertical profiles of NO(3)-N, NO(2)-N, NH(3)-N, PO(4)-P, chlorophyll a, suspended substance, salinity, temperature and other chemical parameters were taken at 10 stations in the Pearl River estuary in order to analyze the status and characteristics of nutrients and eutrophication. The results indicated that dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) mainly came from the four river channels in the main estuary, and NO(3)-N was the main form of DIN in most area. The concentration of DIN was general above 0.30 mg l(-1) in the estuary, and more than 0.50 mgl(-1) in most part. Phosphate from four river channels was not the main sources, but land-based sources from the area near Shenzhen Bay or along the estuary were obvious, and other land-based sources outside the estuary brought by coastal current and flood tide current were also the main contributions. The concentration of phosphate was generally about 0.015 mg l(-1) except the area near Shenzhen Bay. The ratio of N:P was generally high, and it was higher in the north than in the south. The highest ratio was higher than 300, and the lowest one was over 30. The concentration of chlorophyll a was about 0.8-7.8 mg m(-3), and turbidity and phosphate may be the main two limiting factors for algal bloom in the estuary. The concentration of nutrients decreased slightly in the past decade, but still stayed at a high level. The nutrients mainly came from domestic sewage, industrial wastewater, agriculture fertilizer and marine culture in the Pearl River estuary.  相似文献   


Two topographically similar adjacent catchments near Johannesburg, South Africa, one suburban, the other natural grassland, were monitored over a five year period to detect differences in runoff and hydrological balance. A network of raingauges, boreholes, flow gauges and water meters was installed. Evapotranspiration was modelled using observed weather data. Groundwater was estimated from tracer and other borehole tests. Surface runoff from the undeveloped and suburban catchments was 4% and 15% of rainfall respectively. Evapotranspiration was 63% of rainfall for both catchments. Sewage outflow was 83% of water consumption for the suburban catchment. Little change in water table level occurred in the suburban catchment, and garden watering probably balanced the high evaporation. Piped water supply was 16% of the precipitation on the catchment.  相似文献   

Bulk suspended particulate matter (SPM), chlorophyll a (Chl a), ignition loss, particulate organic carbon (POC), organic nitrogen, inorganic phosphorus (PIP), and organic phosphorus were investigated in the heavily eutrophic Arakawa River estuary, Japan. Chl a was high (approximately 35 microg l(-1)) in summer and low (approximately 6.7 microg l(-1)) in winter and autumn. POC from living phytoplankton accounted for approximately 34% and approximately 70% of total POC during low- and high-biomass seasons, respectively. During the low-biomass season, detrital POC distribution was conservative, and less reactive, land-derived materials mainly composed particulate organic materials (POM), but complex mixing of land-derived POM and autochthonous planktonic detritus caused nonconservative detrital POC behavior during the high-biomass season. PIP concentration in SPM decreased with increasing salinity, likely by desorption of soluble orthophosphate (ortho-P). The ortho-P released from SPM, 56% of the ortho-P input from the Arakawa River to the bay, was a significant potential source of biologically available phosphorus causing eutrophication of coastal environments.  相似文献   

Organic mercury such as methylmercury is not only one of the most toxic substances found in coastal ecosystems but also has high trophic transfer efficiency. In this study, we examined implications of chronically altered benthic macroinfaunal assemblages for organic mercury trophic availability (based on organic mercury intracellular partitioning) to their predators in the Arthur Kill-AK (New York, USA). Despite low species diversity, both density and biomass of benthic macroinvertebrates in AK were significantly higher than those at the reference site. Disproportionately high biomass of benthic macroinvertebrates (mostly polychaetes) in the northern AK resulted in a more than twofold increase (‘ecological enrichment’) in the trophically available organic mercury pool. These results suggest that altered benthic macroinfaunal community structure in AK may play an important role in organic mercury trophic availability at the base of benthic food webs and potentially in mercury biogeochemical cycling in this severely urbanized coastal ecosystem.  相似文献   

苏州澄湖湖底主要由硬粘土组成,同时残留有湖沼洼地和古河道,古河道大致呈NNW-SSE延伸,与历史文献所载古三江之一的东江基本一致.保存着硬粘土平原形成后从河流到湖泊环境演化的良好沉积记录,通过对湖心区古河道SC7孔2cm间隔取样和AMS14C测年、粒度、磁化率等测试分析,初步探讨了该孔的沉积粒度特征及古环境意义,研究结果表明,沉积物粗粉砂含量极少或不含,中-细粉砂和粘土分别占53%-65.8%和19.7%-40.1%;与河床硬粘土相比,粉砂含量较低,粘土含量较高,平均粒径较小,为正偏(硬粘土为极正偏),磁化率也明显较高,多种粒度指标和磁化率指标均表明,澄湖的形成具有河流、河流-湖泊过渡到湖泊的阶段性演化特点,为太湖平原湖荡区湖泊的河泛成因提供了新的证据,现代澄湖则明显受到人类活动的扰动影响.  相似文献   

Previous studies on tidal dynamics of coastal aquifers have focussed on the inland propagation of oceanic tides in the cross-shore direction, a configuration that is essentially one-dimensional. Aquifers at natural coasts can also be influenced by tidal waves in nearby estuaries, resulting in a more complex behaviour of head fluctuations in the aquifers. We present an analytical solution to the two-dimensional depth-averaged groundwater flow equation for a semi-infinite aquifer subject to oscillating head conditions at the boundaries. The solution describes the tidal dynamics of a coastal aquifer that is adjacent to a cross-shore estuary. Both the effects of oceanic and estuarine tides on the aquifer are included in the solution. The analytical prediction of the head fluctuations is verified by comparison with numerical solutions computed using a standard finite-difference method. An essential feature of the present analytical solution is the interaction between the cross- and along-shore tidal waves in the aquifer area near the estuary’s entry. As the distance from the estuary or coastline increases, the wave interaction is weakened and the aquifer response is reduced, respectively, to the one-dimensional solution for oceanic tides or the solution of Sun (Sun H. A two-dimensional analytical solution of groundwater response to tidal loading in an estuary, Water Resour Res 1997;33:1429–35) for two-dimensional non-interacting tidal waves.  相似文献   

In southern Death Valley, pits similar in morphology to honeycomb weathering (herein referred to as corrosion pits) occur on the surfaces of cobbles that are associated with wave-produced benches. The pitted cobbles include a variety of igneous, metamorphic, and siliciclastic rocks; corrosion pits are rare to absent in limestones or dolomites. Pit morphology is controlled by cobble lithology. In massive rocks the pits are arcuate, elongate, and gently tapering; corrosion of laminated or foliated rocks has produced irregular, more jagged pits. The presence of desert varnish has strongly inhibited the corrosion process. The corroded cobbles are inferred to reflect both chemical and physical weathering of rocks along Pleistocene lacustrine strandlines. Corrosion took place through salt-weathering and/or heat-moisture expansion processes and through chemical dissolution of selected minerals as a result of splash-zone wetting and drying. The ancient lake waters may have had high pH and high total dissolved solids contents. The recognition of corroded cobbles may be important in the reconstruction of the position of ancient shorelines for certain types of alkaline lakes and in the reconstruction of their ancient chemistries.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study is to provide information on the ecological integrity of an industrial district located in the estuary of Pará River (Amazon estuary), by applying a selection of fish based multimetric indices of ecosystem integrity: Abundance Biomass Comparation (ABC); Biological Health Index; Estuarine Fish Community, Transitional Fish Classification and Estuarine Biotic Integrity Indexes. To evaluate the impacts of the industrial area and cargo terminal, three areas were considered: Zone 1, (maximum impact), Zone 2 (median risk) and Zone 3 (reference area). All the biological indices used were considered to be excellent indicators of the ecological integrity of the different sectors of the study area and were especially effective for the demonstration of the critical alterations of the fish community of Zone 1 and Zone 2. The simultaneous use of different indices family, with different assumptions, did strengthen the results enhancing the confidence in the diagnostic.  相似文献   

Five years of monthly data of indicator bacteria from 1998 to 2002 were evaluated to find out the changes in water quality during the rehabilitation of the Golden Horn, an estuary severely polluted from industrial and domestic discharges since the 1950s. Surface fecal coliform was above 10(6) CFU/100 ml at the inner part in 1998. Following the achievement of healthy water circulation and control of most surface discharges, fecal coliform and fecal streptococci counts decreased below 10(3) CFU/100 ml in the summer of 2002. However, the decrease was interrupted by sudden shifts in rainy periods. Runoff, enhanced by domestic inputs during rainfall, has become the main factor influencing water quality in the estuary today. Increasing values of fecal coliform were observed during periods of low salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen and high ortho-phosphate, whilst decreasing values were detected during high salinity, pH and dissolved oxygen and low ortho-phosphate periods. Striking changes were observed within five years, promising that even an anoxic water body can turn into a recreational area with appropriate treatment.  相似文献   

Annual topographic surveys were carried out at the Saltend mudflat (Humber estuary, UK) between 1998 and 2006. These surveys formed part of an ongoing monitoring programme to examine the potential effects on the mudflat topography of the construction and operation of a waste water treatment works (WwTW) development by Yorkshire Water. Of particular concern was the potential disruption to the sedimentological regime within the special protection area (SPA) and candidate special area of conservation (cSAC) which could affect the invertebrate communities and ornithological functioning of the site. In addition to the development of the WwTW located to the extreme north-west of the site, a port extension removing 10ha of the Saltend intertidal mudflat (outside the SPA but immediately south east of the WwTW) also occurred between 1999 and 2006. Minimal change was noted across the site following the construction and operation of the WwTW between 1998 and 2000. However, the construction of the bund in closer proximity to the SPA and cSAC masked any potential impact the WwTW could have had across the site after 2000. Profiles and contour mapping indicate that significant mudflat accretion occurred in the immediate area of the bund, with a general increase recorded across the western section of the site since 2000. In contrast the alternations to channel planform and subsequent rapid accretion of the mudflat to the east of the jetty, being a significant distance from the developments, are attributed to natural cyclical changes.  相似文献   

We present detailed observations of internally generated turbulence in a sheared, stratified natural flow, as well as an analysis of the external factors leading to its generation and temporal variability. Multi-month time series of vertical profiles of velocity, acoustic backscatter (0.5 Hz), and turbulence parameters were collected with two moored acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCPs) in the Hudson River estuary, and estuary-long transects of water density were collected 30 times. ADCP backscatter is used for visualization of coherent turbulent structures and evaluation of surface wave biases to the turbulence measurements. Benefits of the continuous long-term turbulence record include our capturing: (1) the seasonality of turbulence due to changing riverflow, (2) hysteresis in stratification and turbulence over the fortnightly cycle of tidal range, and (3) intermittent events such as breaking internal waves. Internal mixing layers (IMLs) are defined as turbulent regions above the logarithmic velocity layer, and the bottom boundary layer (BBL) is defined as the continuously turbulent range of heights above the bed. A cross-correlation analysis reveals how IML and BBL turbulence vary with stratification and external forcing from tidal range, river flow, and winds. Turbulence in both layers is maximal at spring tide and minimal when most stratified, with one exception—IML turbulence at a site with changing channel depth and width is maximal at times of maximum stratification and freshwater input.  相似文献   

Saanich Inlet is a highly productive temperate fjord with the capability to record inter-annual patterns of water-column primary production in undisturbed laminated sediments. We investigated spatial and temporal variations in primary productivity, total and size-fractionated phytoplankton chl a, dissolved nutrients, temperature and salinity at the head and mouth of Saanich Inlet from May 2005 to November 2006. New primary productivity was also measured from May to October 2006. During the growing season (spring, summer and fall), primary productivity was 1.5 times higher at the mouth than at the head of Saanich Inlet and, averaged across stations, total productivity was 460 g C m−2 y−1. Average new productivity was 53% and 58% of total primary productivity at the head and mouth of the inlet, respectively, and during the growing season micro-phytoplankton (>20 μm; mainly diatoms) was the most abundant size-class of phytoplankton. These rates of primary production are as high as or higher than those measured in other fjords, possibly because of a tidally-driven fortnightly gravity exchange that supplies nutrients to surface waters that enhance biological production when nutrients would otherwise be limiting. This exchange delivers nutrients at least as far inland as the head station, while nutrients associated with an eddy near the mouth may be the cause of even higher productivity there. We discuss the impact of these nutrient sources to Saanich Inlet on the records of paleoproduction generated from two Ocean Drilling Program cores extracted from this fjord, and suggest that the fortnightly exchange buffers variations in nutrient supply occurring on sub-decadal or decadal scales.  相似文献   

This study investigated the spatial variability of a common faecal indicator organism, Escherichia coli, in an urban salt-wedge estuary in Melbourne, Australia. Data were collected through comprehensive depth profiling in the water column at four sites and included measurements of temperature, salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, and E. coli concentrations. Vertical variability of E. coli was closely related to the salt-wedge dynamics; in the presence of a salt-wedge, there was a significant decrease in E. coli concentrations with depth. Transverse variability was low and was most likely dwarfed by the analytical uncertainties of E. coli measurements. Longitudinal variability was also low, potentially reflecting minimal die-off, settling, and additional inputs entering along the estuary. These results were supported by a simple mixing model that predicted E. coli concentrations based on salinity measurements. Additionally, an assessment of a sentinel monitoring station suggested routine monitoring locations may produce conservative estimates of E. coli concentrations in stratified estuaries.  相似文献   

白洋淀是雄安新区的核心生态功能区.为探究白洋淀不同植物群落区表层沉积物碳(C)氮(N)磷(P)化学计量特征,采集了96组表层沉积物样品开展对比分析.研究表明:白洋淀湿地表层沉积物总有机碳(TOC)含量均值为39.64 g/kg,范围为14.4~ 136.82 g/kg,总氮(TN)和总磷(TP)均值分别为2.62和0....  相似文献   

云南小江流域为典型干热河谷区,该区域干热少雨,流域内泥石流沟众多,生态环境十分脆弱.2017年4月和9月对小江流域的吊嘎河、蒋家沟、蓝泥坪沟、清水沟、陶家小河5条泥石流沟及小江干流开展了系统调查,旨在摸清5条泥石流沟及小江干流河流地貌、水环境及底栖动物群落现状,分析不同河床结构发育程度的泥石流沟间的底栖动物群落差异,揭示底栖动物对反映河床结构发育程度的河流地貌特征参数凹凸度的响应关系.调查期间于5条泥石流沟及小江干流中共采集到底栖动物70种,隶属于4门6纲38科69属,其中环节动物6种,软体动物2种,节肢动物61种,扁形动物1种.从种类类群来看,5条泥石流沟及小江干流的底栖动物物种数、密度、生物量上均以节肢动物占绝对优势,分别占总量的78.0%~92.5%、98.7%~100%、65.0%~100%.从功能摄食类群上来看,5条泥石流沟及小江干流底栖动物密度上均以直接收集者为主,占总量的74.3%~96.3%.回归分析表明,5条泥石流沟中底栖动物物种数、密度及生物量均与河流地貌特征参数凹凸度呈正相关关系,由此可见,发育良好的河床结构在维持河流地貌稳定和改善河流生态方面起着举足轻重的作用.本研究结果可为小江流域山区河流泥石流沟河床结构重建及生态修复提供科学依据.  相似文献   

A seasonal field study was carried out in the Seine estuary to determine the chemistry of sediment porewaters using the 'peeper' technique and changes in the elevation of the mudflats using the 'Altus' technique. This approach allowed us to evaluate the release of nutrients and to link these releases to the sediment hydrodynamics. Our results show that nutrient and organic matter cycling in a Seine estuary mudflat exhibits a seasonal behaviour, which is mainly influenced by variations in hydrodynamics. Sediments, rich organic matter, were input during floods and they were mineralized during summer and autumn, releasing nutrients and dissolved organic carbon into the sediment porewaters. The nutrient release, including ammonium, is mainly linked to the mineralization of organic matter, while the release of phosphate is delayed. The delay could be the result of phosphate association with organic matter and/or its co-precipitation with calcium and iron.  相似文献   

A number of samples from the A0, A2, B and C horizons have been collected from podzolic soils in the Lake Gosciaz catchment in central Poland. The catchment is very uniform consisting of 2–6-m-high sand dunes with sparse stands of pine and a grass undervegetation. Radiocarbon dates of fossil soils covered by dune sand, within the same type of environment as the Lake Gosciaz catchment, indicate that the main dune-forming phase is of Older Dryas age. Magnetic measurements have been carried out on bulk samples and on particle size fractions from the different soil horizons. With respect to our mineral magnetic study it can be concluded that the soils are very uniform over the entire catchment. Relatively high concentrations of magnetic grains are found in the humus layer, particularly in the <4 μm size fraction, as indicated by the highest X, Xfd, SIRM and HIRM values. The most likely mechanism for the magnetic enhancement in these podzolic top soils is continued burning processes. Low magnetic concentrations in the A2 horizon are due to eluviation and chelation. Local conditions can lead to a range of magnetic minerals precipitating in the B horizon.  相似文献   

对川滇及邻区特定构造区域地震活动的时间、强度和空间分布进行了分析,结合研究区1988年以来的8次地震发生前ML≥3.0级地震活动指标缺震(L值)、频度(N值)、活动度(S值)和危险度(D值)的曲线非线性特征进行了分析,给出了下一次地震危险性时间的估计方法。川滇及相邻地区的地震模型ML≥3.0级群体地震活动的震兆曲线,能够很好地描述川滇区域地震活动强、弱变化的异常信息,临震信号是地震失稳的标志,有震异常和临震前的短临异常反映出的时间变化非线性曲线特征能够有效地给出地震发生的时间判断。  相似文献   

《Marine pollution bulletin》2010,60(8-12):221-233
This study assessed foraminiferal assemblages in Biscayne Bay, Florida, a heavily utilized estuary, interpreting changes over the past 65 years and providing a baseline for future comparisons. Analyses of foraminiferal data at the genus level revealed three distinct biotopes. The assemblage from the northern bay was characterized by stress-tolerant taxa, especially Ammonia, present in low abundances (∼2.0 × 103 foraminifers/gram) though relatively high diversity (∼19 genera/sample). The southwestern margin of the bay was dominated by Ammonia and Quinqueloculina, an assemblage characterized by the lowest diversities (∼12 genera/sample) and highest abundances (∼1.1 × 104 foraminifers/gram), influenced by both reduced salinity and elevated organic-carbon concentrations. A diverse assemblage of smaller miliolids and rotaliids (∼26 genera/sample) characterized the open-bay assemblage, which also had a significant component (∼10%) of taxa that host algal endosymbionts. In the past 65 years, populations of symbiont-bearing taxa, which are indicators of normal-marine conditions, have decreased while stress-tolerant taxa, especially Ammonia spp., have increased in predominance.  相似文献   

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