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云南高原湖泊有色可溶性有机物和颗粒物光谱吸收特性   总被引:3,自引:6,他引:3  
云南高原湖泊是我国湖泊分布最密集的五大湖群之一,不但湖泊数量众多而且类型多样.由于湖泊所处位置海拔较高,容易受只益增强UV-B辐射影响.通过对云南高原34个湖泊有色可溶性有机物和颗粒物吸收测定,分析其光谱吸收特性及对总吸收的贡献,有利于深刻理解紫外辐射在高原湖泊内衰减.不同湖泊间CDOM吸收差异明显,其大小与水体营养盐状况相关,CDOM吸收系数与水体总氮存在显著正相关.增加背景项的指数函数模型能最好模拟CDOM光谱吸收.除在浮游植物浓度非常高的杞麓湖、听湖、星云湖,颗粒物吸收系数在675nm附近存在一个吸收蜂外,其它湖泊总颗粒物光谱吸收大致随波长的增加吸收系数逐渐降低,呈现非色素颗粒物光谱吸收特征,整体上颗粒物吸收以非色素颗粒物为主.CDOM对总吸收的贡献主要集中在600nm以下波长,尤其是400nm以下的紫外波段,其在紫外波段(350-400nm)的贡献明显要大于光合有效辐射波段(400-700nm)(ANOVA,P<0.001).特别对于透明度SD≥1.0的清澈型湖泊,CDOM吸收对紫外辐射衰减的贡献更大,其吸收很大程度上决定了紫外辐射的影响深度.  相似文献   

The Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) content of rivers is the most significant part of the carbon cycle migration in the basin under consideration, and it is the basis for a comprehensive understanding of the regional carbon cycle. In this study, we periodically collected samples from four monitoring stations in the Xiying River Basin of the Qilian Mountains in the northern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. We calculated the fluxes of organic carbon in the rivers within the study area and have discussed the influencing factors of DOC concentration in these rivers. The results showed that: (a) The DOC concentration and transport flux of the Xiying river showed significant seasonal changes. The DOC concentration during summer and autumn was higher than that in winter and spring, and the output flux in summer and autumn accounted for approximately 88.3% of the total annual output. (b) Precipitation runoff has a higher DOC concentration than meltwater runoff. Climate factors, river-water chemical characteristics, and seasonal frozen-soil changes in the river basin have significant effects on the river DOC concentration and transport flux. (c) Larger runoff causes higher DOC concentrations in rivers. Runoff is the primary means of carbon migration in the inland river basin. Carbon migration is significant from the upstream to the middle and downstream sections of the inland river basin.  相似文献   

Light attenuation is considered as a sentinel for environmental change in lakes and has a profound influence on aquatic ecosystems. However, the spatial distribution of ultraviolet radiation (UVR) and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) attenuation, and the underlying mechanisms are still not fully understood. We carried out a field investigation with 60 sampling sites covering the entire Lake Qiandaohu from November 29 to December 1, 2013, during the weak stratification period to elucidate the spatial pattern and driving mechanisms. The diffuse attenuation coefficient of UVB (Kd(313)), UVA (Kd(340)) and PAR (Kd(PAR)) varied from 1.48 to 4.63 m−1, 1.09 to 3.43 m−1, and 0.26 to 0.94 m−1, respectively. The corresponding ranges for the 1% attenuation depths were from 0.10 to 3.11 m, 1.34–4.21 m and 4.87–17.58 m, respectively. Total suspended matter (TSM) concentration was highly significantly correlated with Kd(313), Kd(340) and Kd(PAR) indicating that TSM was the main driver of UVR and PAR attenuation in Lake Qiandaohu in the late autumn and early winter. TSM concentration, Kd(313), Kd(340) and Kd(PAR) had obvious horizontal spatial heterogeneity presenting a decreasing trend from the estuary area to the center area in the lake. These results suggested that the spatial distribution of TSM from the inflow drived the spatial distribution of UVR and PAR attenuation. Significantly positive correlations were also observed between the chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) absorption coefficient and Kd(313). TSM and CDOM absorption spectra showed that in the UVR waveband (350–400 nm), the mean relative contribution rates of CDOM (ag(λ)), non-algal particles (anap(λ)), phytoplankton (aph(λ)) and pure water (aw(λ)) to the total absorption were 67.5 %, 24.0 %, 5.0 % and 3.5 %, respectively. In the PAR waveband, the mean relative contribution rates of ag(λ), anap(λ), aph(λ) and aw(λ) to the total absorption were 25.4 %, 18.6 %, 9.4 % and 46.6 %, respectively. Our findings could provide support for ecological environment protection in Lake Qiandaohu considering the importance of UVR and PAR attenuation in aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

Understanding the key drivers behind intensive use of groundwater resources and subsequent depletion in northern India is important for future food security of India. Although spatio-temporal changes of groundwater storage (GWS) and its depletion in northern India are mapped using the NASA's GRACE (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment) records, the sub-regional diverse socio-political and environmental factors contributing to the variability in groundwater withdrawals and renewals are not well documented. Here, we provide new evidence on changes in GWS at different spatial scales using both observations and satellite-based measurements applying both parametric and non-parametric statistical analyses. The substantial loss of GWS has occurred since the beginning of the 21st century, and the decline in GWS is associated with some record-breaking dry and hot climate events. We present how certain state-based policy decisions, such as supplying free electricity for irrigation, prompted farmers to extract groundwater unsustainably and thus led to widespread GWS deletion, which has been also accelerated by frequent dryness and rising temperatures. In the hotspot of Punjab, Haryana and Delhi of northern India, the extracted groundwater during 1985–2013 is equivalent to a metre-high layer if spread uniformly across its geographical domain. We find that the groundwater storage loss in northern India has increased rapidly from 17 km3 to 189 km3 between the pre-2002 and 2002–2013 periods. This loss in northern India is, therefore, an excellent example of rapid surface greening and sub-surface drying—a result of an interplay of socio-political and environmental factors. As groundwater continues to be treated as a common natural resource and no clear definition exists to guide policymaking, this study also illustrates how the administrative district level approach can solve the widespread problem of depletion.  相似文献   


A large dam is planned at Stiegler’s Gorge in Tanzania. The change in the Rufiji River flood pattern will affect downstream ecosystems. This paper concentrates on the highly productive floodplain lakes that play a vital role in local livelihoods. A participatory monitoring system with village-based observers collected water level, rainfall, fisheries and food data from 2001 to 2011. Water balances of the lakes show dependence on the Rufiji River flood, with varying vulnerability. With the dam design flood of 2500 m3 s-1, lakes with a high threshold and small catchment will dry out quickly. Lakes with a lower threshold and substantial catchment are more robust but may still dry out during prolonged local drought. Analysis of rainfall (1923–2012) indicates a recent decrease. The data were analysed through feedback workshops with local observers, government technical staff and researchers. Through this collaborative approach, local capacity in preparing for the post-dam future was enhanced.
Editor D. Koutsoyiannis; Guest editor M. Acreman

Citation Duvail, S., Mwakalinga, A.B., Eijkelenburg, A., Hamerlynck, O., Kindinda, K., and Majule, A., 2014. Jointly thinking the post-dam future: exchange of local and scientific knowledge on the lakes of the Lower Rufiji, Tanzania. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59 (3–4), 713–730.  相似文献   

The Chilean lake district includes diverse lentic ecosystems along ca. 700 km of the country (36°–43°S), including the “Nahuelbutan lakes”, “Araucanian lakes” and “Chiloe lakes”. This area is recognized as an important “hot spot” of benthic freshwater biodiversity in Southern South America. In Chilean temperate lakes, increased nutrient loads of P and N caused eutrophication, particularly in the Nahuelbutan Lakes. The freshwater Hyriidae mussel Diplodon chilensis (Gray, 1828) which is one of the most abundant species in Chilean temperate lakes, is known to be very susceptible to eutrophication. This species presents a clear reduction in its geographic ranges and is considered to be a threatened species in many Chilean lakes. In this study, we used a correlative approach to determine how eutrophication-driven changes in the food supply and in geographical parameters of different Chilean lakes affected the shell growth rates of D. chilensis. The results obtained from sclerochronological analyses of the mussel shells suggest an association with a group of environmental variables, including geographical types (negative), such as latitude and altitude, and limnological types (positive), especially phosphorous and turbidity. However, the D. chilensis populations under extreme conditions of turbidity in eutrophic and hypertrophic lakes are extinct or nearly so. The high positive correlation of the mean D. chilensis growth rates with orthophosphate (R=0.76; P<0.05), in relation to dissolved inorganic nitrogen, suggests that P is the major limiting factor of the primary productivity in Chilean temperate lakes. We discuss some implications of our results in terms of the conservation of biodiversity in temperate lake ecosystems at different taxonomic levels.  相似文献   

Climate-driven alterations of hydro-meteorological conditions can change river flow regimes and potentially affect the migration behaviour of fishes and the productivity of important fisheries in the Amazon basin, such as those for the continental-scale migratory goliath catfishes (Brachyplatystoma, Pimelodidae). In this study, we investigated hydrologic responses to climate change using a hydrologic model forced with climate inputs, which integrate historical (2001–2010) observations and general circulation model (GCM) projections under the emission scenario Representative Concentration Pathway 8.5. We developed an empirical model to characterize future (2090–2099) climate-change impacts on goliath catfish spawning migrations as a function of river flow depth dynamics at the upstream elevational limit of spawning (250 m) in headwater basins of the Amazon. The model results revealed spatially variable impacts of climate change on the catfish spawning migrations. The Marañón, Ucayali, Juruá, Purus, and Madeira basins had a predicted increase in the annual mean (3–8%) and maximum (1.1–4.9%) spawning migration rate (i.e., the fraction of fish that migrate to the spawning grounds in a day), mainly due to the lengthened rising phase of flow-driven migratory events during wet seasons. The Caquetá-Japurá, Putumayo-Içá, Napo, and Blanco rivers had predicted decreases (3–7%) in the mean migration rate because of decreases in the length of the rising season of flow depth and the frequency of migratory events. The predicted timing of fish spawning migrations (quantified by the temporal centroid of migration rates) was delayed by 7–10 days in the west-central and southwest regions and was 8 days earlier in the northwest and northcentral areas, due to changes in the onset of the rising season. We established a river depth baseline that controls the onset of goliath catfish spawning migration. This depth varies between 0.9–5.6 m across study sites. We found that the estimated depth baseline was most sensitive to uncertainties in river width and cross-sectional channel shape. These results may help inform sustainable adaptation strategies for ecosystem conservation and local fisheries management in the Amazon basin.  相似文献   

Recent studies have found insignificant or decreasing trends in time‐series dissolved organic carbon (DOC) datasets, questioning the assumption that long‐term DOC concentrations in surface waters are increasing in response to anthropogenic forcing, including climate change, land use, and atmospheric acid deposition. We used the weighted regressions on time, discharge, and season (WRTDS) model to estimate annual flow‐normalized concentrations and fluxes to determine if changes in DOC quantity and quality signal anthropogenic forcing at 10 locations in the Mississippi River Basin. Despite increases in agriculture and urban development throughout the basin, net increases in DOC concentration and flux were significant at only 3 of 10 sites from 1997 to 2013 and ranged between ?3.5% to +18% and ?0.1 to 19%, respectively. Positive shifts in DOC quality, characterized by increasing specific ultraviolet absorbance at 254 nm, ranged between +8% and +45%, but only occurred at one of the sites with significant DOC quantity increases. Basinwide reductions in atmospheric sulfate deposition did not result in large increases in DOC either, likely because of the high buffering capacity of the soil. Hydroclimatic factors including annual discharge, precipitation, and temperature did not significantly change during the 17‐year timespan of this study, which contrasts with results from previous studies showing significant increases in precipitation and discharge over a century time scale. Our study also contrasts with those from smaller catchments, which have shown stronger DOC responses to climate, land use, and acidic deposition. This temporal and spatial analysis indicated that there was a potential change in DOC sources in the Mississippi River Basin between 1997 and 2013. However, the overall magnitude of DOC trends was not large, and the pattern in quantity and quality increases for the 10 study sites was not consistent throughout the basin.  相似文献   

为揭示大型浅水湖泊水体磷浓度对湖泊外源负荷削减和生态系统变化的响应规律,指导富营养化湖泊水生态修复和管理实践,利用太湖湖泊生态系统研究站2005-2018年连续14年的太湖水体各形态磷浓度的月、季度调查数据,估算了太湖湖体各形态磷赋存量的季度变化,分析了太湖水体磷浓度受湖泊水位、水量、蓝藻水华态势(蓝藻总生物量及水华出现面积)等环境条件变化的影响特征.结果表明,在连续10年的全流域高投入污染治理背景下,太湖水体总磷浓度仍未发生显著下降,水体各形态磷浓度在年际、月际及空间上的变幅大,不同季节和不同湖区总磷浓度的时空差异性大于14年来总磷浓度年均值的差异性;全湖32个监测点上、中、下3层混合样水体总磷平均值为0.113mg/L(n=1788),其中颗粒态磷浓度平均值为0.077mg/L,是水体总磷的主要赋存形式,溶解性总磷浓度平均值为0.036mg/L,其中反应性活性磷浓度平均值为0.015mg/L,占总磷浓度的13%;太湖水体总磷的赋存量介于410~1098t之间,56个季度的平均值为688t,其中冬季(12-2月)、春季(3-5月)、夏季(6-8月)、秋季(9-11月)平均值分别为68...  相似文献   

Tide gauge records of recent sea-level change along the U.S. east coast have received significant attention within the literature of glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA). Geographic trends in these tide gauge rates are not reduced by a GIA correction based on a commonly adopted radial viscosity profile (characterized, in particular, by a lower mantle viscosity 1−2×1021 Pa s), and this has led to speculation that the residual trends reflect contributions from neotectonics or oceanographic processes. While the trends can be significantly reduced by adopting an Earth model with a stiffer lower mantle, such a model appears to be incompatible with independent constraints from post-glacial decay times in Hudson Bay. We use a finite-element model of the GIA process to investigate whether 3-D viscosity variations superimposed onto the “common” radial viscosity profile may provide a route to reconciling the east coast sea-level trends. We find that the specific 3-D structure we impose has little impact on the geographic trends in the GIA-corrected rates. However, we do find that the imposed lateral variations in lower mantle viscosity introduce a nearly uniform upward shift of 0.5 mm/yr in GIA-induced sea-level rates along the U.S. east coast. Thus, inferences of regional (U.S. east coast) sea-level rise due to modern melting of ice reservoirs, based on tide gauge rates corrected using 1-D GIA models, may be significantly biased by this simplifying assumption.  相似文献   

The stratigraphic division and correlation of the Lower/Middle Cambrian boundary is a global problem that has not yet been solved even up to now. That is because there existed two distinctly different biogeographic regions during the Early and Middle Cambrian[1]—— the Indian-Pacific biogeographic region and the Atlantic biogeographic region. In the Atlantic biogeographic region the traditional Lower/Middle Cambrian boundary was marked by the extinction of Olenellids trilobite and the in…  相似文献   

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