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生态补偿作为缓解当前生态环境问题、协调经济、社会与环境可持续发展的有效手段,已成为国内外学者及政府关注的焦点。目前,国内外已开展了大量有关生态补偿的理论研究和实践,并取得了重大进展。本文在系统梳理国内外相关研究和实践的基础上,首先尝试从生态补偿的内涵、要素(利益相关者、补偿标准、补偿模式、补偿方式、补偿资金、补偿效果)、实践案例等方面对国内外生态补偿的研究与实践进行了对比分析;其次,结合上述成果,归纳分析国内外生态补偿存在的差异;最后,总结提炼我国生态补偿研究及实践中存在的问题,并给出相应的建议。  相似文献   

滨海湿地生态补偿机制建设初探   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
初步探讨了我国滨海湿地生态补偿机制框架,确定了生态补偿的范围为生态地位重要、生态环境脆弱的滨海湿地,补偿主体为政府和湿地开发利用者,补偿客体为滨海湿地管理者和保护者;提出了补偿标准测算应注意的问题和可供选择的方法;从资金补偿和项目补偿两个方面探索了补偿方式和途径;并提出了完善滨海湿地监测和管理系统、明晰滨海湿地产权、推进生态补偿市场化运作、完善生态产业等生态补偿实施对策措施。  相似文献   

生态补偿效益、标准——国际经验及对我国的启示   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
赵翠薇  王世杰 《地理研究》2010,29(4):597-606
随着环境压力的不断增大,生态补偿作为解决环境问题的创新手段日益受到重视,补偿效益是生态补偿的核心。通过综合分析近年来国内外生态补偿研究的相关文献,发现优化选择补偿区域和合理的补偿标准是提高补偿效益的关键,机会成本是应用较广的确定生态补偿标准的方法,不同区域提供的生态服务以及损失的机会成本有差异。我国对区域差异关注较少,补偿标准未能反映农户的真实成本,存在补偿不足或对不需补偿就能提供生态服务的区域实施补偿等问题,补偿资金利用效益较低。国际上比较注重生态补偿的区域差异,在生态补偿效益、促进环境保护积极性等方面效果较好。针对我国目前生态补偿中存在的问题,借鉴国际经验,提出了确定生态补偿标准的理论框架。  相似文献   

指出生态补偿标准的关键或实质是空间选择与分配问题,并根据国内生态补偿项目运行的独特环境,围绕补偿效益这一内在目标,分析生态补偿空间选择与分配的重要性;论述与比较了国际与国内的相关研究动向;结合一个生态公益林补偿配置的研究框架,指出了政府主导型生态补偿空间优化配置的解决方向.  相似文献   

生态补偿是协调贫困地区旅游开发引起的环境问题及社区矛盾的重要方式。通过系统梳理国内外生态补偿相关文献,从旅游生态补偿研究尺度和目的、研究方法和研究内容展开综述,重点对贫困地区旅游生态补偿的涵义、主客体、标准及方式归纳总结。基于上述研究结果,未来应对贫困地区旅游生态补偿的空间差异,补偿标准的视角及补偿方式的长远效应等方面进行系统研究。  相似文献   

近年来,生态补偿作为生态文明的重要组成部分,在学术界获得了广泛的关注。本研究运用知识图谱工具CiteSpace对CNKI数据库中学术期刊收录的生态补偿研究的相关文献进行梳理分析,以期为该领域研究提供更客观、科学的参考。结果表明:国内有关生态补偿的研究在2000年左右开始出现,并于2009年迎来第一个研究热潮;国内学者多从生态补偿的内涵、补偿主客体、补偿标准、补偿方式、补偿监管与补偿效果的评估等方面对生态补偿进行研究和探讨,特别是有关生态补偿标准的文章相对较多。同时,生态补偿研究还常常与生态系统服务价值和生态产品价值实现相联系。未来,研究者应着重关注建立和完善生态补偿标准核算体系、探索市场化的生态补偿机制、重视生态补偿资金分配机制,以及加强生态补偿效果评估的相关研究,以推动生态补偿理论朝着纵深化方向发展,为我国处理好保护与发展之间的关系提供新的研究视角。  相似文献   

尚海洋  丁杨  张志强 《中国沙漠》2016,36(3):830-835
流域生态补偿是当前生态经济研究的热点问题。在简要说明流域内生态系统服务与流域生态补偿的关系之后,从理论上分析了流域生态补偿标准的环境收益参照——机会成本变为环境收益,并以石羊河流域生态恢复目标为例开展实证,在考虑补偿总预算约束下,比较采用两种补偿标准参照生态补偿机制运行的效果。结果表明:采用环境收益代替机会成本作为补偿标准参照,对于提高农户参与生态补偿的积极性、保护生态系统服务行为的约束性作用明显;引入以机会成本与环境收益比值确定的优先补偿指标,在生态补偿资金预算约束下替代机制对完成既定生态恢复目标有显著促进作用。  相似文献   

福建武夷山国家级自然保护区生态补偿机制研究   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
陈传明 《地理科学》2011,31(5):594-599
建立有效的生态补偿机制是自然保护区取得资源环境保护和社区社会经济发展的关键。利用文献调研法、问卷调查法、访谈法、利益相关者分析法、机会成本法和意愿调查法等,分析福建武夷山国家级自然保护区生态保护对社区的影响,从补偿主体、客体、标准、方式和途径等方面探讨福建武夷山国家级自然保护区生态补偿机制。研究结果表明,福建武夷山国家级自然保护区大部分社区居民对保护区的建立持赞同态度,这种态度受被调查者的教育程度、年龄和性别的影响;自然保护区的建立限制了社区社会经济的发展,使大多数社区居民收入减少,而社区居民没有得到相应的补偿;社区居民面临着资金不足、补偿措施不到位和缺乏致富技术等问题;确定了基于利益相关者分析和意愿调查的福建武夷山国家级自然保护区生态补偿的主体和客体;依据发展权限制的损失(包括退耕还林的机会成本、野生动物破坏造成的损失)、社区居民受偿意愿和受益者的支付意愿,制定了生态补偿的标准,明确了生态补偿的方式和途径。  相似文献   

流域生态补偿研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘力  冯起 《中国沙漠》2015,35(3):808-813
本文结合生态补偿的理论,综述流域生态补偿的基本概念和理论,总结补偿标准制定方法,概括补偿的原则、政策、措施等主要环节,提出目前存在的问题(过于依赖政府主导,补偿重点不明确,补偿范围不明晰,立法未完善等)。并提出了今后应注意的问题,展望了未来的研究重点:首先,继续保持政府监督,引入市场手段论证实施流域生态补偿;二是分清保护性和破坏性生态资源利用行为,采取灵活方式,对相应行为补偿额度进行调整,以有效筹措补偿资金、优化补偿资本来源;三是东西部地区流域内人口、资源、环境等各方面特点不同,补偿应分清"有水无水"和"水好水坏"的问题,采取不同的侧重点.随着丝绸之路经济带建设的推进,西北地区祁连山生态保护与治理已经列为所在各省的战略之一,内陆河流域资源禀赋的发挥要综合考虑生态效益、社会效益和经济效益;四是加强针对生态要素的立法,如土壤保护法、清洁空气法等,建立健全法律制度,保障流域生态补偿的有效进行。  相似文献   

稻田生产对生态环境的影响具有两面性,为使稻田生产提供不同组合或更高水平的环境服务,需要补偿农户因转变操作方式而损失的收益。然而目前稻田生态系统的生态功能尚未得到广泛普遍的重视,造成了稻田生态保护的激励不足和稻田环境问题的普遍发生。因此,必须尽快建立科学的以生态环境恢复为导向的稻田生态补偿机制,以调整相关利益各方生态及其经济利益的分配关系。本文在综述稻田生态补偿研究的基础上,明晰了稻田生态补偿的概念及其必要性,构建了稻田生态补偿的机制框架,分析了补偿的标准和途径。  相似文献   

Because it offers an effective means to alleviate current ecological problems and a way to coordinate sustainable economic and social development with protection of the environment, eco-compensation has become a subject of interest to scholars and governments all over the world. A great many studies have been carried out and eco-compensation schemes have been put into practice; there have been many fruitful results. Based on a review of related research and practices, this paper attempts first to discuss domestic and international eco-compensation research and practices in terms of the meaning of eco-compensation and its components (stakeholders, compensation criteria, compensation modes, compensation approaches, compensation funds, and compensation effects). Next, taking into consideration the above discussion, the paper looks at the differences between Chinese and international eco-compensation measures. Finally, existing problems with eco-compensation research and practices in China are summarized and some suggestions are put forward.  相似文献   

At the end of the 1990s China started to construct an ecological compensation system for national key ecological function areas. An eco-compensation system focusing on the “Transfer Payment of National Key Ecological Function Areas” has been established. The current eco-compensation system has played a positive role in improving the ecological environment of national key ecological function areas; but the ecological effect is weakening due to existing problems in the eco-compensation system such as unreasonable calculation of compensation standards, poor expression of rights and interests of stakeholders, simple sources of capital and modes of compensation. For better development, the eco-compensation system should be improved by (i) adhering to the combination of vertical compensation (oriented) and horizontal compensation (auxiliary) on the whole and establishing a transfer payment system of eco-compensation at national scale; (ii) defining the compensation standard according to ecological protection costs, development opportunity costs and ecological service values and adding indicators that reflect economic green transformation to evaluate compensation effects; (iii) gradually building a utilization system of eco-compensation funds in which multi-stakeholders participate and establishing a green development-oriented system to evaluate the performance of local governments; and (iv) cultivating a new business pattern where ecological services are the product, to grow the ecological service industry.  相似文献   

选取《中国学术文献网络出版总库》文献,从文献作者、研究领域、支撑平台、研究方法、研究区域、研究层次6 个方面,对1987-2012 年国内生态补偿研究进行评析。在文献作者方面,国内生态补偿研究尚未形成强大的核心作者群;从年度文献数量看,可将研究领域划分为4 种类型,即急剧上升型、平缓上升型、平缓稳定型和下降型;从研究区域看,国内生态补偿研究以省域层面的研究成果较多,涉及到30 多个地域类型区;在研究方法上,早期研究生态补偿大多为定性描述,目前过渡到定性与定量研究相结合;在研究层次方面,最初生态补偿研究大多为自然科学类基础与应用基础研究,后转向技术指导与政策决策支撑方面的社会科学应用研究。最后,从研究领域、研究区域、研究方法、项目支撑以及研究挑战5个方面讨论了国内生态补偿研究的未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

Ecological compensation plays an important role in promoting ecological protection. Identifying factors affecting the willingness of farmers to accept eco-compensation has become a focus of ecological economics. The Qianxi traditional chestnut agricultural heritage system is a typical agroforestry system in China and adapts the local environment well. However, local farmers concentrate on chestnut monocultures, driven by short-term profits. The local ecological environment is very fragile. We surveyed 100 local rural households. Based on face-to-face interviews and questionnaires and model assessment, we analyzed factors affecting the willingness of farmers to accept eco-compensation in the Qianxi chestnut agroforestry system of Hebei. We found that many factors influence farmer willingness to accept, including education level, household income, environmental awareness, environmental protection practices and knowledge of ecological compensation. This research provides helps clarify the mechanism of farmer participation in eco-compensation and provides a basis for further development of compensation standards that benefit the local environment.  相似文献   

In China, the distribution of water resources is incompatible with the development of productivity. The construction of South-to-North Water Diversion Project has achieved inter-basin water diversion, and the project can alleviate the uneven distribution of water resources phenomenon effectively. However, in recent years, the aggregate effects of water pollution and water resource shortages have been serious. Establishing transverse eco-compensation mechanisms becomes the key method to achieve sustainable use of water resources. Based on statistical and questionnaire data, this paper uses the Opportunity Costs Method and Willingness to Pay approach to establish a transverse eco-compensation standard calculation model for the Middle Route Project of the South- to-North Water Diversion. The results show that the upper and lower limits of the transverse eco-compensation standard for the Middle Route Project is $2.52 billion and $2.20 billion every year, respectively. However, the paying and receiving standards varied widely among different compensation payers and compensation receivers. Meanwhile, the significant factors influencing the paying willingness of the receiver area citizens were age, education level, average revenue per month, knowledge about the South-to-North Water Diversion Project and recognition of the importance of eco-environmental integrity. This study began with a theoretical analysis, then analysed related problems related to calculating transverse eco-compensation standards for the Middle Route Project of the South-to-North Water Diversion by an empirical study. This empirical study helps to establish effective transverse eco-compensation mechanisma and promotea the development of effective policies and legislation.  相似文献   

Eco-compensation, known as payment for ecosystem services, is defined in China as an institutional arrangement for regulating the relationship of economic interests among ecological protectors, beneficiaries and destructors in order to protect ecological service function and foster harmony between people and nature with non-market and market tools including transfer payment, taxes and fees. Reasonable compensation to ecological service providers significantly contributes to the protection of ecological assets and effective supply of ecological services by adopting transfer payments or market transactions on the basis of comprehensively considering the costs of ecological protection, costs of development opportunity and ecological service values. It is helpful for implementing a strategy for main functional areas. The building of eco-compensation mechanisms is therefore highly valued as the most important institutional guarantee for promoting the ecological civilization. Existing eco-compensation mechanisms mainly fall into three categories: exchequer based transfer payment, vertical and horizontal, and market based compensation in China. The institutional framework has been primarily established, inclusive of a forest ecological benefit compensation fund system, grassland eco-compensation system and transfer payment system of national key ecological function areas. Under the framework, various areas and departments have actively explored the building of an eco-compensation system and achieved important progress for forests, grassland, wetlands, river basins and water resources, exploitation of mineral resources, oceans and national key ecological functions areas. However, the eco-compensation system dominated by vertical transfer payments is still far from perfect in China. The interest regulation pattern of “developer to protect and beneficiary to compensate” has not been formed. Its role in the protection of the ecological environment has not been brought into full play. China should improve eco-compensation systems by intensifying eco-compensation inputs, strengthening government responsibility, diversifying eco-compensation tools, and establishing institutional systems.  相似文献   

Agricultural land provides not only food and fiber (an important element of food security), but also serves as a non-market commodity with characteristic externalities and public services. However, there are also many negative impacts on environment of the paddy production. Thus, Payments for paddy ecosystem services encourage farmers to engage in ecological or organic agricultural practices and agro-ecological/environmental supply. However, compared with forest, wetland, and pasture, the eco-function and ecosystem services of paddy fields have gotten insufficient attention. It is necessary to establish an eco-compensation mechanism for paddy fields that boosts behavior that protects farms to benefit the ecosystem. Based on a review of eco-compensation for paddy fields, this paper proposes the policy game framework of eco-compensation for paddy fields, which is oriented to ecological restoration. Secondly, this paper introduces methods for determination of compensation standards, including the cost the farmers’ willingness to accept, and the ecological benefits of adopting environmental friendly farming practices. And finally, this paper puts forward policy recommendations for eco-compensation for paddy ecosystems.  相似文献   

通过对生态补偿内涵的深入分析,首先把生态补偿的概念区分为人际补偿和人地补偿2个相互联系的方面,并指出其研究意义;其次,利用1986-2005年福建经济与环境统计数据,通过EKC曲线模型分析福建省环境质量的变化趋势,得出现阶段福建省总体环境状况仍处在污染继续加重的结论,并对其原因做了简要分析;最后,基于实证研究所得结论,运用人际补偿和人地补偿的概念框架,参照国际上发达国家的经验,对福建省环保投入的合理数额、生态补偿机制的规范和创新等问题进行了探讨。提出人地补偿必须注重时空合理配置和其效率有赖于入际补偿机制创新等观点。  相似文献   

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