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Glacial erosion rates are estimated to be among the highest in the world. Few studies have attempted, however, to quantify the flux of sediment from the periglacial landscape to a glacier. Here, erosion rates from the nonglacial landscape above the Matanuska Glacier, Alaska are presented and compare with an 8‐yr record of proglacial suspended sediment yield. Non‐glacial lowering rates range from 1·8 ± 0·5 mm yr?1 to 8·5 ± 3·4 mm yr?1 from estimates of rock fall and debris‐flow fan volumes. An average erosion rate of 0·08 ± 0·04 mm yr?1 from eight convex‐up ridge crests was determined using in situ produced cosmogenic 10Be. Extrapolating these rates, based on landscape morphometry, to the Matanuska basin (58% ice‐cover), it was found that nonglacial processes account for an annual sediment flux of 2·3 ± 1·0 × 106 t. Suspended sediment data for 8 years and an assumed bedload to estimate the annual sediment yield at the Matanuska terminus to be 2·9 ± 1·0 × 106 t, corresponding to an erosion rate of 1·8 ± 0·6 mm yr?1: nonglacial sources therefore account for 80 ± 45% of the proglacial yield. A similar set of analyses were used for a small tributary sub‐basin (32% ice‐cover) to determine an erosion rate of 12·1 ± 6·9 mm yr?1, based on proglacial sediment yield, with the nonglacial sediment flux equal to 10 ± 7% of the proglacial yield. It is suggested that erosion rates by nonglacial processes are similar to inferred subglacial rates, such that the ice‐free regions of a glaciated landscape contribute significantly to the glacial sediment budget. The similar magnitude of nonglacial and glacial rates implies that partially glaciated landscapes will respond rapidly to changes in climate and base level through a rapid nonglacial response to glacially driven incision. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Evidence of episodic development of alluvial talus is given. Three phases of accumulation are identified within the last 3000 years. Average rates of accumulation range from 0·2–1·7 mm yr?1 during each period. Conventional models relating climate to slope activity are inappropriate due to the local conditions.  相似文献   

The summit plateau of The Storr (719 m) in northern Skye is mantled by a sheet of aeolian sediment up to 2·9 m thick, covering an area of 33 000 m2 with a volume of 41 000 m3. The deposits are of massive, poorly sorted sand with significant components of silt and fine gravel, and contain clasts up to 109 mm in length. The thickness and coarseness of the deposits decline westwards and northwards away from the highest cliffs, implying that the sediment comprises particles dislodged from rockwalls and blown upwards in an accelerating vertical or near-vertical airflow, settling through a lower-velocity flow onto the plateau surface where they are trapped by vegetation. Radiocarbon dating of soils buried under and within the deposits suggests that accumulation began after 7·2–6·9 calendar ka BP but before 5·6–5·3 calendar ka BP , and was probably initiated by exposure of the present rockwall by a massive landslide at c. 6·5 ± 0·5 calendar ka BP . Pollen analyses of buried organic horizons suggest that a vegetation mat dominated by grasses and sedges was present throughout the period of sediment deposition. Sediment accumulation over much of the plateau averaged 10–20 mm per century throughout the late Holocene, but reached c. 60 mm per century in the area of the thickest deposits. The volume of the deposits implies the removal of 420–480 mm of rock (averaged over the face) during the late Holocene, and suggests that small-scale granular disaggregation and release of small clasts constitute a major component of rockwall retreat under present conditions. The origin of the Storr deposits suggests that plateau-top aeolian sediments on other Scottish mountains accumulated in a similar way, but have been eroded and redeposited on lee slopes following breakage of vegetation cover. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The actively deformed foreland of eastern Qilian Shan (mountains) contains well‐preserved geomorphic features such as erosion surfaces, river terraces and tectonically uplifted alluvial fans, providing suitable archives for research on regional tectonic activities and palaeoclimatic changes. These geomorphic surfaces are well dated by using a combination of magnetostratigraphy, electron spin resonance, thermoluminescence, infra‐red stimulated luminescence, radiocarbon dating, and correlation with the well‐established loess–palaeosol sequences of China. Our results show that the erosion surface formed about 1·4 Ma ago, and the age of river terraces is 1·24 Ma, 820–860 ka, 780 ka, 420–440 ka, 230–250 ka, 140 ka, 60 ka and 10 ka, respectively. Valley incision rates of c. 0·09–0·25 m ka?1 have been identified. The repetitive stratigraphic and geomorphic pattern of these terraces indicates the fluvial sedimentation–incision cycles are tightly associated with the 100‐ka glacial–interglacial climatic cycles. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Flume experiments simulating concentrated runoff were carried out on remolded silt loam soil samples (0·36 × 0·09 × 0·09 m3) to measure the effect of rainfall‐induced soil consolidation and soil surface sealing on soil erosion by concentrated flow for loess‐derived soils and to establish a relationship between soil erodibility and soil bulk density. Soil consolidation and sealing were simulated by successive simulated rainfall events (0–600 mm of cumulative rainfall) alternated by periods of drying. Soil detachment measurements were repeated for four different soil moisture contents (0·04, 0·14, 0·20 and 0·31 g g?1). Whereas no effect of soil consolidation and sealing is observed for critical flow shear stress (τcr), soil erodibility (Kc) decreases exponentially with increasing cumulative rainfall depth. The erosion‐reducing effect of soil consolidation and sealing decreases with a decreasing soil moisture content prior to erosion due to slaking effects occurring during rapid wetting of the dry topsoil. After about 100 mm of rainfall, Kc attains its minimum value for all moisture conditions, corresponding to a reduction of about 70% compared with the initial Kc value for the moist soil samples and only a 10% reduction for the driest soil samples. The relationship estimating relative Kc values from soil moisture content and cumulative rainfall depth predicts Kc values measured on a gradually consolidating cropland field in the Belgian Loess Belt reasonably well (MEF = 0·54). Kc is also shown to decrease linearly with increasing soil bulk density for all moisture treatments, suggesting that the compaction of thalwegs where concentrated flow erosion often occurs might be an alternative soil erosion control measure in addition to grassed waterways and double drilling. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Outburst floods from glacier‐dammed lakes are major events associated with glacier thinning and volume reduction. This paper investigates jökulhlaups emanating from the glacier‐dammed lake Øvre Messingmalmvatn at Rundvassbreen, an outlet glacier of the Blåmannsisen ice cap in northern Norway. Since 2001, the lake has several times been observed to drain suddenly, causing jökulhlaup outbursts into the pro‐glacial lake Rundvatnet. Varve analysis and lead‐210 (210Pb) dating were used to date sediment cores taken from Rundvatnet. It was found that sedimentation from jökulhlaups is recognizable in the lake as distinct sand layers embedded in the varved silt‐clay sequence which represents the normal lake sedimentation. Sand fractions were carried in suspension because of the extreme hydraulic conditions of jökulhlaups. The thickest sand layer was deposited during the 2001 jökulhlaup which lasted three days and had a total volume of 40 ×106 m3. Jökulhlaups were also recorded in 2005, 2007, 2009, and 2010; they each resulted in a sand layer. Annual sediment accumulation in Rundvatnet increased up to 10‐fold during the years with jökulhlaup outburst floods, from a normal value of 1–2 mm yr?1 to 8–10 mm yr?1. Five other jökulhlaups were identified from the 1910–1930 sedimentation interval, in addition to those observed in 2001–2010; there appear to have been none for 70 years during 1931–2000. Each jökulhlaup was preceded by a period when the glacier thinned to a critical volume and could no longer withstand the hydrostatic pressure of Øvre Messingmalmvatn; consequently a tunnel developed beneath the glacier, leading to a jökulhlaup. Statistical analyses of the correlations between the pro‐glacial sedimentation rate and temperature and precipitation suggested that although climate conditions are expected to influence sedimentation in the pro‐glacial catchment, a host of other interacting factors moderate the availability and delivery of sediment to the pro‐glacial system, making the processes responsible for changes in pro‐glacial sedimentation to remain uncertain. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Inner gorges often result from the propagation of erosional waves related to glacial/interglacial climate shifts. However, only few studies have quantified the modern erosional response to this glacial conditioning. Here, we report in situ 10Be data from the 64 km2 Entlen catchment (Swiss Alps). This basin hosts a 7 km long central inner gorge with two tributaries that are >100 m‐deeply incised into thick glacial till and bedrock. The 10Be concentrations measured at the downstream end of the gorge yield a catchment‐wide erosion rate of 0.42 ± 0.04 mm yr‐1, while erosion rates are consistently lower upstream of the inner gorge, ranging from 0.14 ± 0.01 mm yr‐1 to 0.23 ± 0.02 mm yr‐1. However, 10Be‐based sediment budget calculations yield rates of ~1.3 mm yr‐1 for the inner gorge of the trunk stream. Likewise, in the two incised tributary reaches, erosion rates are ~2.0 mm yr‐1 and ~1.9 mm yr‐1. Moreover, at the erosional front of the gorge, we measured bedrock incision rates ranging from ~2.5 mm yr‐1 to ~3.8 mm yr‐1. These rates, however, are too low to infer a post‐glacial age (15–20 ka) for the gorge initiation. This would require erosion rates that are between 2 and 6 times higher than present‐day estimates. However, the downcutting into unconsolidated glacial till favored high erosion rates through knickzone propagation immediately after the retreat of the LGM glaciers, and subsequent hillslope relaxation led to a progressive decrease in erosion rates. This hypothesis of a two‐ to sixfold decrease in erosion rates does not conflict with the 10Be‐based erosion rate budgets, because the modern erosional time scale recorded by 10Be cover the past 2–3 ka only. These results point to the acceleration of Holocene erosion in response to the glacial overprint of the landscape. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Lake Karakul in the eastern Pamirs is a large and closed-basin lake in a partly glaciated catchment. Two parallel sediment cores were collected from 12 m water depth. The cores were correlated using XRF analysis and dated using radiocarbon and OSL techniques. The age results of the two dating methods are generally in agreement. The correlated composite core of 12.26 m length represents continuous accumulation of sediments in the lake basin since 31 ka. The lake reservoir effect (LRE) remained relatively constant over this period. High sediment accumulation rates (SedARs) were recorded before 23 ka and after 6.5 ka. The relatively close position of the coring location near the eastern shore of the lake implies that high SedARs resulted from low lake levels. Thus, high SedARs and lower lake levels before 23 ka probably reflect cold and dry climate conditions that inhibited the arrival of moist air at high elevation in the eastern Pamirs. Low lake levels after 6.5 ka were probably caused by declining temperatures after the warmer early Holocene, which had caused a reduction in water resources stored as snow, ice and frozen ground in the catchment. Low SedARs during 23–6.5 ka suggest increased lake levels in Lake Karakul. A short-lived increase of SedARs at 15 ka probably corresponds to the rapid melting of glaciers in the Karakul catchment during the Greenland Interstadial 1e, shortly after glaciers in the catchment had reached their maximum extents. The sediment cores from Lake Karakul represent an important climate archive with robust chronology for the last glacial–interglacial cycle from Central Asia.  相似文献   

A whole rock U-Th-Pb study was carried out on eight granites from a suite previously dated at 177 ± 4my(λ = 1.39 × 10?11yr?1) by Rb-Sr methods. A U-Pb isochron was not obtained owing to recent leaching of U in the outcrop. Seven samples gave a Th-Pb isochron with age 184 ± 16my(λ = 4.99 × 10?11yr?1), (20/8Pb204Pb)0 = 39.2 ± 0.2 and MSWD 0.8. The eighth sample fell off the line and was rejected on geological grounds. Dissolving 5 g aliquots of the powdered rock markedly improved the reproducibility of U analyses but analysis of the variances suggests that inhomogeneities still might exist between duplicate dissolutions. Th-Pb geochronology needs further development to bring it to the level of precision of the Rb-Sr method.  相似文献   

In this paper, we quantify the terrestrial flux of freshwater runoff from East Greenland to the Greenland‐Iceland‐Norwegian (GIN) Seas for the periods 1999–2004 and 2071–2100. Our analysis includes separate calculations of runoff from the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) and the land strip area between the GrIS and the ocean. This study is based on validation and calibration of SnowModel with in situ data from the only two long‐term permanent automatic meteorological and hydrometric monitoring catchments in East Greenland: the Mittivakkat Glacier catchment (65°N) in SE Greenland, and the Zackenberg Glacier catchment (74°N) in NE Greenland. SnowModel was then used to estimate runoff from all of East Greenland to the ocean. Modelled glacier recession in both catchments for the period 1999–2004 was in accordance with observations, and dominates the annual catchment runoff by 30–90%. Average runoff from Mittivakkat, ~3·7 × 10?2 km3 y?1, and Zackenberg, ~21·9 × 10?2 km3 y?1, was dominated by the percentage of catchment glacier cover. Modelled East Greenland freshwater input to the North Atlantic Ocean was ~440 km3 y?1 (1999–2004), dominated by contributions of ~40% from the land strip area and ~60% from the GrIS. East Greenland runoff contributes ~10% of the total annual freshwater export from the Arctic Ocean to the Greenland Sea. The future (2071–2100) climate impact assessment based on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) A2 and B2 scenarios indicates an increase of mean annual East Greenland air temperature by 2·7 °C from today's values. For 2071–2100, the mean annual freshwater input to the North Atlantic Ocean is modelled to be ~650 km3 y?1: ~30% from the land strip area and ~70% from the GrIS. This is an increase of approximately ~50% from today's values. The freshwater runoff from the GrIS is more than double from today's values, based largely on increasing air temperature rather than from changes in net precipitation. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Radiocarbon dates obtained on organic materials overridden by a gelifluction lobe allow some estimate of past gelifluction rates for a site near sea level in northern Labrador. The calculated mean gelifluction rate for the last 400 years is in the order of 8 mm yr?1, somewhat higher than the average gelifluction rate described from other locations in the Canadian Arctic. The lobe contains two lithostratigraphic units: an inner diamicton, probably representing a buried gelifluction lobe, overlain by a silt/clay unit which may have been emplaced abruptly as a solifluction sheet. Mean creep rates for these units were in the order of 5 mm yr?1 and 15 mm yr?1 respectively. The area is presently subsiding, and transgressive beach material overlies terrestrial organics which are approximately 300 years old.  相似文献   

To date, studies of the stability of subsurface ice in the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica have been mainly based on climate-based vapor diffusion models. In University Valley (1800 m), a small glacier is found at the base of the head of the valley, and adjacent to the glacier, a buried body of massive ice was uncovered beneath 20–40 cm of loose cryotic sediments and sandstone boulders. This study assesses the origin and stability of the buried body of massive ice by measuring the geochemistry and stable O–H isotope composition of the ice and applies a sublimation and molecular diffusion model that accounts for the observed trends. The results indicate that the buried massive ice body represents an extension of the adjacent glacier that was buried by a rock avalanche during a cold climate period. The contrasting δ18O profiles and regression slope values between the uppermost 6 cm of the buried massive ice (upward convex δ18O profile and SD-18O = 5.1) and that below it (progressive increase in δ18O and SD-18O = 6.4) suggest independent post-depositional processes affected the isotope composition of the ice. The upward convex δ18O profile in the uppermost 6 cm is consistent with the ice undergoing sublimation. Using a sublimation and molecular diffusion model, and assuming that diffusion occurred through solid ice, the sublimation rate needed to fit the measured δ18O profile is 0.2 ? 10? 3 mm yr? 1, a value that is more similar to net ice removal rates derived from 3He data from cobbles in Beacon Valley till (7.0 ? 10? 3 mm yr? 1) than sublimation rates computed based on current climate (0.1–0.2 mm yr?1). We suggest that the climate-based sublimation rates are offset due to potential ice recharge mechanisms or to missing parameters, particularly the nature and thermo-physical properties of the overlying sediments (i.e., temperature, humidity, pore structure and ice content, grain size).  相似文献   

Micro-erosion meter sites, installed on Aldabra Atoll, Indian Ocean in 1969 to measure erosion rates in coastal and subaerial sites, were remeasured in 1971 and again in 1982. The orders of magnitude of calculated erosion rates are comparable but the precise figures and patterns differ. For subaerial sites the short term (1969–71) range of 0·11–0·58 mm a?1 compares with a long term (1971–82) range of 0·06–0·75 mm a?1; for coastal sites short term ranges of 0·002–7·5 mm a?1 compare with long term rates of 0·09–2·7 mm a?1. Interpretation and extrapolation of short term data should only be made with caution.  相似文献   

The trajectory of the North Atlantic Deep Water is traced from 65°N to 20°N latitude. Along this track the dissolved O2 decreases, theδ18O of the dissolved O2 increases, and the14C content of the water decreases. From these observations the rate of in-situ O2 utilization in the deep water is calculated to be 0.10 μmol kg?1 yr?1. As was observed previously in the Pacific, theδ18O data presented here indicate that the utilization is probably caused by bacterial respiration. Carbon dioxide is being added to the water at the rate of 0.07 μmol kg?1 yr?1 from the oxidation of this organic matter. An additional 0.12 μmol kg?1 yr?1 of CO2 is derived from the dissolution of particles of CaCO3.  相似文献   

Glacier recession and landform development in a debris‐charged glacial landsystem characterized by an overdeepening is quantified using digital photogrammetry, digital elevation model (DEM) construction and mapping of the Icelandic glacier Kvíárjökull for the period 1945–2003. Melting of ice‐cores is recorded by surface lowering rates of 0·8 m yr–1 (1945–1964), 0·3 m yr–1 (1964–1980), 0·015 m yr–1 (1980–1998) and 0·044 m yr–1 (1998–2003). The distribution/preservation of pushed and stacked ice‐cored moraine complexes are determined by the location of the long‐term glacial drainage network in combination with retreat from the overdeepening, into which glacifluvial sediment is being directed and where debris‐rich ice masses are being reworked and replaced by esker networks produced in englacial meltwater pathways that bypassed the overdeepening and connected to outwash fans prograding over the snout. Recent accelerated retreat of Kvíárjökull, potentially due to increased mass balance sensitivity, has made the snout highly unstable, especially now that the overdeepening is being uncovered and the snout flooded by an expanding pro‐glacial, and partially supraglacial, lake. This case study indicates that thick sequences of debris‐charged basal ice/controlled moraine have a very low preservation potential but ice‐cored moraine complexes can develop into hummocky moraine belts in de‐glaciated terrains because they are related to the process of incremental stagnation, which at Kvíárjökull has involved periodic switches from transport‐dominant to ablation‐dominant conditions. Glacier recession is therefore recorded temporally and spatially by two suites of landforms relating to two phases of landform production which are likely typical for glaciers occupying overdeepenings: an early phase of active, temperate recession recorded by push moraines and lateral moraines and unconfined pro‐glacial meltwater drainage; and a later phase of incremental stagnation and pitted outwash head development initiated by the increasing topographic constraints of the latero‐frontal moraine arc and the increasing importance of the overdeepening as a depo‐centre. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Because groundwater is Earth's largest pool of freshwater, understanding the sensitivity of deep drainage to climate, soils, and land cover is critical in managing water resources. To better understand controls on this critical flux in the context of woody encroachment, we determined the sensitivity of deep drainage to climate, soil texture, soil compaction, rooting depth, growing season duration, and plant–water stress response using Hydrus‐1D to simulate deep drainage. To evaluate the simulation results, we compared these results with ground measurements at two anchor sites. At both anchor sites, Hydrus‐1D predictions of deep drainage matched measured values within the errors inherent in ground measurements. Sensitivity analysis suggested greatest sensitivity of deep drainage to climate (24 mm yr?1) and rooting depth (12 mm yr?1), moderate sensitivity to growing season duration (5 mm yr?1) and soil texture (4 mm yr?1), and lowest sensitivity to topsoil compaction and plant–water stress response (3 mm yr?1). The sensitivity analysis indicated the relative importance of the plant‐related factors considered, which, in decreasing order, were rooting depth, growing season duration, and plant–water stress response – factors that change concomitantly as a result of forestation or woody encroachment. Further ground‐truth measurements of woody encroachment effects on deep drainage are needed to confirm or refine the results of this simulation modelling study. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

River deltas are the major repositories of terrestrial sediment flux into the world's oceans. Reduction in riverine inputs into the deltas due to upstream damming might lead to a relative dominance of waves, tides and currents that are especially exacerbated by coastal subsidence and sea‐level rise ultimately affecting the delta environment. Analysis of multi‐date satellite imagery and maps covering the Krishna and Godavari deltas along the east coast of India revealed a net erosion of 76 km2 area along the entire 336‐km‐long twin delta coast during the past 43 years (1965–2008) with a progressively increasing rate from 1·39 km2 yr?1 between 1965 and 1990, to 2·32 km2 yr?1 during 1990–2000 and more or less sustained at 2·25 km2 yr?1 during 2000–2008. At present the Krishna has almost become a closed basin with decreased water discharges into the delta from 61·88 km3 during 1951–1959 to 11·82 km3 by 2000–2008; and the suspended sediment loads from 9 million tons during 1966–1969 to as low as 0·4 million tons by 2000–2005. In the case of the Godavari delta, although the water discharge data do not show any major change, there was almost a three‐fold reduction in its suspended sediment loads from 150·2 million tons during 1970–1979 to 57·2 million tons by 2000–2006. A comparison of data on annual sediment loads recorded along the Krishna and Godavari Rivers showed consistently lower sediment quantities at the locations downstream of dams than at their upstream counterparts. Reports based on bathymetric surveys revealed considerable reduction in the storage capacities of reservoirs behind such dams. Apparently sediment retention at the dams is the main reason for the pronounced coastal erosion along the Krishna and Godavari deltas during the past four decades, which is coeval to the hectic dam construction activity in these river basins. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley and Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The use of loose spoils on steep slopes for surface coal mining reclamation sites has been promoted by the US Department of Interior, Office of Surface Mining for the establishment of native forest, as prescribed by the Forest Reclamation Approach (FRA). Although low‐compaction spoils improve tree survival and growth, erodibility on steep slopes was suspected to increase. This study quantified a combined KC factor (combining the effects of the soil erodibility K factor and cover management C) for low compaction, steep‐sloped (>20°) reclaimed mine lands in the Appalachian region, USA. The combined KC factor was used because standard Unit Plot conditions required to separate these factors, per Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) experimental protocols, were not followed explicitly. Three active coal mining sites in the Appalachian region of East Tennessee, each containing four replicate field plots, were monitored for rainfall and sediment yields during a 14‐month period beginning June 2009. Average cumulative erosivity for the study sites during the monitoring period was measured as 5248.9 MJ·mm·ha?1·h?1. The KC ranged between 0.001 and 0.05 t·ha·h·ha?1·MJ?1·mm?1, with the highest values occurring immediately following reclamation site construction as rills developed (June – August 2009). The KC for two study sites with about an 18–20 mm spoil D84 were above 0.01 t·ha·h·ha?1·MJ?1·mm?1 during rill development, and below 0.003 t·ha·h·ha?1·MJ?1·mm?1 after August 2009 for the post‐rill development period. The KC values for one site with a 40 mm spoil D84 were never above 0.008 t·ha·h·ha?1·MJ?1·mm?1 and also on average were lower, being more similar to the other two sites after the rill development period. Based on an initial KC factor (Ke) measured during the first few storm events, the average C factor (Ce) was estimated as 0.58 for the rill development period and 0.13 for the post‐rill development period. It appears that larger size fractions of spoils influence KC and Ce factors on low‐compaction steep slopes reclamation sites. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Black marls form very extensive outcrops in the Alps and constitute some of the most eroded terrains, thus causing major problems of sedimentation in artificial storage systems (e.g. reservoirs) and river systems. In the experimental catchments near Draix (France), soil erosion rates have been measured in the past at the plot scale through a detailed monitoring of surface elevation changes and at the catchment scale through continuous monitoring of sediment yield in traps at basin outlets. More recently, erosion rates have been determined by means of dendrogeomorphic techniques in three monitored catchments of the Draix basin. A total of 48 exposed roots of Scots pine have been sampled and anatomical variations in annual growth rings resulting from denudation analysed. At the plot scale, average medium‐term soil erosion rates derived from exposed roots vary between 1·8 and 13·8 mm yr?1 (average: 5·9 mm yr?1) and values are significantly correlated with slope angle. The dendrogeomorphic record of point‐scale soil erosion rates matches very well with soil erosion rates measured in the Draix basins. Based on the point‐scale measurements and dendrogeomorphic results obtained at the point scale, a linear regression model involving slope angle was derived and coupled to high‐resolution slope maps obtained from a LiDAR‐generated digital elevation model so as to generate high‐resolution soil erosion maps. The resulting regression model is statistically significant and average soil erosion rates obtained from the areal erosion map (5·8, 5·2 and 6·2 mm yr?1 for the Roubine, Moulin and Laval catchments, respectively) prove to be well in concert with average annual erosion rates measured in traps at the outlet of these catchments since 1985 (6·3, 4·1 and 6·4 mm yr?1). This contribution demonstrates that dendrogeomorphic analyses of roots clearly have significant potential and that they are a powerful tool for the quantification and mapping of soil erosion rates in areas where measurements of past erosion is lacking. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A spatially distributed, physically based, hydrologic modeling system (MIKE SHE) was applied to quantify intra‐ and inter‐annual discharge from the snow and glacierized Zackenberg River drainage basin (512 km2; 20% glacier cover) in northeast Greenland. Evolution of snow accumulation, distribution by wind‐blown snow, blowing‐snow sublimation, and snow and ice surface melt were simulated by a spatially distributed, physically based, snow‐evolution modelling system (SnowModel) and used as input to MIKE SHE. Discharge simulations were performed for three periods 1997–2001 (calibration period), 2001–2005 (validation period), and 2071–2100 (scenario period). The combination of SnowModel and MIKE SHE shows promising results; the timing and magnitude of simulated discharge were generally in accordance with observations (R2 = 0·58); however, discrepancies between simulated and observed discharge hydrographs do occur (maximum daily difference up to 44·6 m3 s?1 and up to 9% difference between observed and simulated cumulative discharge). The model does not perform well when a sudden outburst of glacial dammed water occurs, like the 2005 extreme flood event. The modelling study showed that soil processes related to yearly change in active layer depth and glacial processes (such as changes in yearly glacier area, seasonal changes in the internal glacier drainage system, and the sudden release of glacial bulk water storage) need to be determined, for example, from field studies and incorporated in the models before basin runoff can be quantified more precisely. The SnowModel and MIKE SHE model only include first‐order effects of climate change. For the period 2071–2100, future IPCC A2 and B2 climate scenarios based on the HIRHAM regional climate model and HadCM3 atmosphere–ocean general circulation model simulations indicated a mean annual Zackenberg runoff about 1·5 orders of magnitude greater (around 650 mmWE year?1) than from today 1997–2005 (around 430 mmWE year?1), mainly based on changes in negative glacier net mass balance. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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