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卫星测高混合边值问题的球谐级数解法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
研究了球界面下卫星测高问题的解法,利用有限逼近方法得到了下列结论:若陆地部分是球冠,则卫星测高问题的解可以转换成关于球谐级数位系数的线性方程组,并且位系数的阶和次是以分离形式出现的,从而确保该解法具有实用意义. 利用重力场360阶模型进行模拟计算的结果表明:该解法得到的位系数的相对精度达到了10-11. 同时证明了常用的Stokes问题、Dirichlet问题、Neumann问题可以看成卫星测高问题的特殊情况.  相似文献   

This study presents a comprehensive comparison of radar altimetry signatures at Ka-, Ku-, C-, and S-bands using SARAL, ENVISAT and Jason-2 data over the major bioclimatic zones, soil and vegetation types encountered in West-Africa, with an emphasis on the new information at Ka-band provided by the recently launched SARAL–Altika mission. Spatio-temporal variations of the radar altimetry responses were related to changes in surface roughness, land cover and soil wetness. Analysis of time series of backscattering coefficients along the West African bioclimatic gradient shows that radar echoes at nadir incidence are well correlated to soil moisture in semi-arid savannah environments. Radar altimeters are able to detect the presence of water even under a dense canopy cover at all frequencies. But only measurements at Ka-band are able to penetrate underneath the canopy of non-inundated tropical evergreen forests.  相似文献   

Application of altimetry data assimilation on mesoscale eddies simulation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Mesoscale eddy plays an important role in the ocean circulation. In order to improve the simulation accuracy of the mesoscale eddies, a three-dimensional variation (3DVAR) data assimilation system called Ocean Variational Analysis System (OVALS) is coupled with a POM model to simulate the mesoscale eddies in the Northwest Pacific Ocean. In this system, the sea surface height anomaly (SSHA) data by satellite altimeters are assimilated and translated into pseudo temperature and salinity (T-S) profile data. Then, these profile data are taken as observation data to be assimilated again and produce the three-dimensional analysis T-S field. According to the characteristics of mesoscale eddy, the most appropriate assimilation parameters are set up and testified in this system. A ten years mesoscale eddies simulation and comparison experiment is made, which includes two schemes: assimilation and non-assimilation. The results of comparison between two schemes and the observation show that the simulation accuracy of the assimilation scheme is much better than that of non-assimilation, which verified that the altimetry data assimilation method can improve the simulation accuracy of the mesoscale dramatically and indicates that it is possible to use this system on the forecast of mesoscale eddies in the future.  相似文献   

Non-linear tidal constituents, such as the overtide M4 or the compound tide MS4, are generated by interaction in shallow seas of the much larger astronomically forced “primary” tidal constituents (e.g., M2, S2). As such, errors in modeling these “secondary” shallow-water tides might be expected to be caused first of all by errors in modeling the primary constituents. Thus, in the context of data assimilation, observations of primary-constituent harmonic constants can indirectly constrain shallow-water constituents. Here we consider variational data assimilation for primary and secondary tidal constituents as a coupled problem, using a simple linearized perturbation theory for weak interactions of the dominant primary constituents. Variation of the resulting penalty functional leads to weakly non-linear Euler–Lagrange equations, which we show can be solved approximately with a simple two-stage scheme. In the first stage, data for the primary constituents are assimilated into the linear shallow water equations (SWE), and the resulting inverse solutions are used to compute the quadratic interactions in the non-linear SWE that constitute the forcing for the secondary constituents. In the second stage, data for the compound or overtide constituent are assimilated into the linear SWE, using a prior forced by the results of the first stage. We apply this scheme to assimilation of TOPEX/Poseidon and Jason altimetry data on the Northwest European Shelf, comparing results to a large set of shelf and coastal tide gauges. Prior solutions for M4, MS4 and MN4 computed using inverse solutions for M2, S2, and N2 dramatically improve fits to validation tide gauges relative to unconstrained forward solutions. Further assimilation of along-track harmonic constants for these shallow-water constituents reduces RMS differences to below 1 cm on the shelf, approaching the accuracy of the validation tide gauge harmonic constants.  相似文献   

Successful development of geodetic satellite missions has aroused new interest in determining global and regional gravity field based on satellite data. Satellite altimetry data enable direct determination of the geoid over sea regions. In Egypt, where land and marine geophysical data are inadequate because of rough topography and economic reasons, the use of satellite altimetry data is of special importance. The northern Red Sea region has been selected as a site for case study of the current research, after applying spectral analysis to reveal near-surface structure, the residual geoid of the studied region shows a good correlation with the known geologic features. Moreover, satellite-based gravity data enhance small-scale features and agrees well with land and marine gravity data. Thus, geoid undulation and satellite gravity data can be a complementary source of data to determine near-surface and deep structures.  相似文献   

Satellite altimetry products are increasingly used in many hydraulic applications, and recent studies demonstrate their suitability for the calibration of hydraulic models. The study investigates the effect of satellite‐data uncertainty on the calibration of a quasi‐two‐dimensional (quasi‐2D) model of the middle‐lower portion of the Po river (~140 km). We refer to extended (~16 years of observations) ERS and ENVISAT altimetry products (i.e. River and Lake Hydrology data, RLH) to investigate the effect of (i) record length (i.e. number of satellite measurements at a given satellite track) and (ii) data uncertainty (i.e. altimetry measurements errors) on the calibration of the quasi‐2D model. We first present an assessment of ERS and ENVISAT altimetry errors and then perform the investigations in a Monte Carlo framework by generating datasets of synthetic altimetry products. The results of our analysis further emphasize the suitability of satellite data for the calibration of hydraulic models, providing also a quantitative assessment of the effect of the uncertainty of altimetry products. The analysis highlights the higher accuracy of ENVISAT data, which ensures a stable calibration with ~1.5 years of data (Mean Absolute Error, MAE, lower than 0.4 m, ~0.2 m of which results directly from the uncertainty of ENVISAT data). ERS‐based calibrations become stable with longer series (~3.5–5 years of data), and the negative effect of uncertainty in ERS data is higher (i.e. MAE of 0.6–0.9 m, of which 0.4–0.6 m results from the uncertainty of ERS measurements). Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Free-Air Anomalies (FAA) for the Norwegian marine area including some parts of the North Sea, the Norwegian Sea and the Barents Sea are computed from satellite altimetry data. A total of 84 cycles of ERS2 along-track data, 25 cycles of ENVISAT along-track data and high density ERS1 data during its geodetic mission are used. The new geopotential model from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) mission, GGM02S (Tapely et al., 2005) is used to compute the long wavelength contributions of the geoid and the FAA. To correct data for mean dynamic topography, the available Levitus climatology model (Levitus and Boyer, 1994) is used. Corrected data are then used to compute along-track gradients in each cycle-pass to suppress the orbital and the atmospheric errors below the noise level of the altimeter. Resulted gradients are then stacked and the east-west and the north-south components of the deflection of verticals are computed where ascending and descending tracks meet each other. Finally, the inverse Vening-Meinesz formula is implemented on the gridded deflections to compute FAA. Results are then compared with available marine and airborne data. Standard deviations of ± 4.301 and ± 6.159 mGal in comparison with airborne and marine FAA were achieved. Thereafter, the derived anomalies are combined with marine and airborne FAA together with the land FAA to compute a fine resolution geoid for Norway and the surrounding marine areas. This geoid is evaluated over sea and land with the synthetic geoid (the geoid derived from the mean sea surface by subtracting the mean dynamic topography) and Global Positioning System (GPS)-levelling and the standard deviations of the differences are ± 20.9 and ± 12.8 cm respectively. ali.soltanpour@ntnu.no, hossein.nahavandchi@ntnu.no, kourosh.ghazavi@ntnu.no  相似文献   

Summary The calibrated variance-covariance matrices of the harmonic geopotential coefficients of the recent combined model JGM 2 has been tested and verified by independent crossover altimetry from TOPEX/Poseidon and ERS 1 using the Latitude Lumped Coefficients in the southern oceans area. Although orbits are not yet available for these missions with other recent models for which error matrices have been released, by comparison with JGM 2 results and field differences we also confirm that the error matrices for the satellite model GRIM 4S4p and the combined data model JGM 3 are also generally valid. Projections of these matrices for a variety of inclinations show that many unused orbits of even moderate altitude (≈ 800 km) will still yield trajectory crossover errors at a level of many tens of centimeters even with the latest orbitgeopotential models.  相似文献   

A new gravimetric, satellite altimetry, astronomical ellipsoidal boundary value problem for geoid computations has been developed and successfully tested. This boundary value problem has been constructed for gravity observables of the type (i) gravity potential, (ii) gravity intensity (i.e. modulus of gravity acceleration), (iii) astronomical longitude, (iv) astronomical latitude and (v) satellite altimetry observations. The ellipsoidal coordinates of the observation points have been considered as known quantities in the set-up of the problem in the light of availability of GPS coordinates. The developed boundary value problem is ellipsoidal by nature and as such takes advantage of high precision GPS observations in the set-up. The algorithmic steps of the solution of the boundary value problem are as follows:
- Application of the ellipsoidal harmonic expansion complete up to degree and order 360 and of the ellipsoidal centrifugal field for the removal of the effect of global gravity and the isostasy field from the gravity intensity and the astronomical observations at the surface of the Earth.
- Application of the ellipsoidal Newton integral on the multi-cylindrical equal-area map projection surface for the removal from the gravity intensity and the astronomical observations at the surface of the Earth the effect of the residual masses at the radius of up to 55 km from the computational point.
- Application of the ellipsoidal harmonic expansion complete up to degree and order 360 and ellipsoidal centrifugal field for the removal from the geoidal undulations derived from satellite altimetry the effect of the global gravity and isostasy on the geoidal undulations.
- Application of the ellipsoidal Newton integral on the multi-cylindrical equal-area map projection surface for the removal from the geoidal undulations derived from satellite altimetry the effect of the water masses outside the reference ellipsoid within a radius of 55 km around the computational point.
- Least squares solution of the observation equations of the incremental quantities derived from aforementioned steps in order to obtain the incremental gravity potential at the surface of the reference ellipsoid.
- The removed effects at the application points are restored on the surface of reference ellipsoid.
- Application of the ellipsoidal Bruns’ formula for converting the potential values on the surface of the reference ellipsoid into the geoidal heights with respect to the reference ellipsoid.
- Computation of the geoid of Iran has successfully tested this new methodology.
Keywords: Geoid computations; Ellipsoidal approximation; Ellipsoidal boundary value problem; Ellipsoidal Bruns’ formula; Satellite altimetry; Astronomical observations  相似文献   

A hydrographic method was proposed to separate out the hourly scaled groundwater level changes caused by net recharge, barometric effects and evapotranspiration from a semidiurnal water table fluctuation. A characteristic midnight time, with a turning point of the barometric pressure change and high relative air humidity, which meant that neither the barometric effect nor groundwater evapotranspiration occurred, was proposed for determining the net recharge rate rnet. Then, the barometric efficiency fbar was estimated using the other time period without evapotranspiration, and the evapotranspiration rate rETG was finally obtained using the remainder of the water level changes. A case example illustrated that estimation of fbar using the proposed method was more accurate than that using the traditional error analysis method, which may result in a significant underestimation under the condition of the present water level changes. Additionally, the abnormal semidiurnal fluctuations, more specifically, two step-down fluctuations, which may be a common pattern when the groundwater level is controlled by net recharge, barometric effects and evapotranspiration, can be well understood using the three components separated out. The results also showed that nighttime groundwater evapotranspiration, accounting for an average of 23% of that during the daytime, cannot be ignored.  相似文献   

High‐altitude inland lakes in High Mountain Asia (HMA) are key indicators to climate change and variability as a result of mostly closed watersheds and minimal disturbance by human activities. However, examination of the spatial and temporal pattern of lake changes, especially for water‐level variations, is usually limited by poor accessibility of most lakes. Recently, satellite altimeters have demonstrated their potential to monitor water level changes of terrestrial water bodies including lakes and rivers. By combining multiple satellite altimetry data provided by the Laboratoire d'Etudes en Géophysique et Océanographie Spatiales (LEGOS) and Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (GLAS) instrument on the NASA Ice, Cloud and land Elevation satellite (ICESat), this study examined water level changes of typical lakes in HMA at a longer timescale (in the 1990s and 2000s) compared with earlier studies on Tibetan lakes. Cross‐evaluation of the radar altimetry data from LEGOS and laser altimetry data from ICESat/GLAS shows that they were in good agreement in depicting inter‐annual, seasonal and abrupt changes of lake level. The long‐term altimetry measurements reveal that water‐level changes of the 18 lakes showed remarkable spatial and temporal patterns that were characterized by different trends, onsets of rapid rises and magnitudes of inter‐annual variations for different lakes. During the study period, lakes in the central and northern HMA (15 lakes) showed a general growth tendency, while lakes in South Tibet (three lakes) showed significant shrinking tendency. Lakes in Central Tibet experienced rapid and stable water‐level rises around mid‐1990s followed by slowing growth rates after 2006. In contrast, the water‐level rises of lakes in the northern and north‐eastern Tibetan Plateau were characterized by abrupt increases in specific years rather than gradual growth. Meteorological data based on station observations indicate that the annual changes of water level showed strongly correlated with precipitation and evaporation but may not evidently related to the glacier melting induced by global warming. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

冯伟  钟敏  江敏  许厚泽 《地球物理学报》2010,53(7):1562-1570
本文在考虑洋底压力变化的情况下,利用2003~2008年融合多颗卫星的测高资料估计了全球和中国近海的海水热含量变化.顾及洋底压力(OBP)变化以及热膨胀系数随海水深度变化的影响,提出的改进方法提高了对中高纬度地区热含量变化的估算精度.在OBP变化较为明显的北太平洋区域I(30°N~50°N,170°E~190°E)、南印度洋区域II(40°S~60°S,100°E~120°E)和南太平洋区域III(40°S~60°S,100°W~120°W),改进方法的均方差较传统方法分别降低了16.3%、60.5%和48.4%.同时研究表明,卫星测高的精度以及盐度变化是影响中高纬度地区热含量估计精度的重要因素.在中国近海地区,东海和黄海的热含量主要表现为周年变化;南海区域的热含量除周年变化外,还存在半周年项和年际变化项,且南海的海水热含量近年有增加的趋势.  相似文献   


数字高程模型(DEM)是南极冰盖变化研究的基础,由于现场实测数据的稀缺,卫星测高数据是南极地区构建DEM的主要数据来源.CryoSat-2是新一代用于极地冰盖、海冰监测的测高卫星,本文利用2012-12—2015-01两个完整周期的CryoSat-2测高数据建立一个新的南极冰盖DEM.坡度是影响卫星测高精度的重要因素之一,利用改进的重定位方法对CryoSat-2数据进行坡度改正.插值方法是影响DEM精度的重要因素,通过对几种常用插值方法的比较,最后选用克里金插值方法对测高数据进行插值,建立了1 km分辨率的南极DEM.在88°S以南的CryoSat-2数据空白区,利用南极数字数据库(ADD)的等高线数据对DEM进行填补,建立了全南极冰盖DEM.利用ICESat卫星测高数据、IceBridge航空测高数据以及GPS地面实测数据对新建立的CryoSat-2 DEM进行精度验证,并与Bamber 1 km DEM、ICESat DEM、RAMPv2 DEM以及JLB97 DEM等四种国际上常用的南极DEM进行比较.结果表明:新建立的CryoSat-2 DEM的整体精度约为0.730±8.398 m;在冰穹顶部区域,DEM精度优于1 m;在冰架上,DEM精度约为4 m;在内陆冰盖大部分地区,DEM精度优于10 m;在地形复杂的山区和沿海边缘地区,DEM误差超过150 m.


Our goal is to determine vertical crustal movement rates from tide gauge and satellite altimetry measurements. Tide gauges measure sea level, but as they are fixed to the crust, they sense both sea surface height variations and vertical crustal movements. The differential sea level rates of sufficiently nearby stations are a good means to determine differential crustal movement rates, when sea level height variations can be assumed to be homogeneous. Satellite altimetric measurements determine sea surface height variations directly and can be used to separate the crustal signal from the sea surface height variations in tide gauge measurements. The correction of the tide gauge sea level rates for the sea surface height contribution requires collocation of the satellite pass and the tide gauge station. We show that even if this is not the case, the satellite altimetric observations enable correction of differential tide gauge rates for the effects of sea surface rate inhomogeneities.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new orientation to address the problem of hydrological model calibration in ungauged basin. Satellite radar altimetric observations of river water level at basin outlet are used to calibrate the model, as a surrogate of streamflow data. To shift the calibration objective, the hydrological model is coupled with a hydraulic model describing the relation between streamflow and water stage. The methodology is illustrated by a case study in the Upper Mississippi Basin using TOPEX/Poseidon (T/P) satellite data. The generalized likelihood uncertainty estimation (GLUE) is employed for model calibration and uncertainty analysis. We found that even without any streamflow information for regulating model behavior, the calibrated hydrological model can make fairly reasonable streamflow estimation. In order to illustrate the degree of additional uncertainty associated with shifting calibration objective and identifying its sources, the posterior distributions of hydrological parameters derived from calibration based on T/P data, streamflow data and T/P data with fixed hydraulic parameters are compared. The results show that the main source is the model parameter uncertainty. And the contribution of remote sensing data uncertainty is minor. Furthermore, the influence of removing high error satellite observations on streamflow estimation is also examined. Under the precondition of sufficient temporal coverage of calibration data, such data screening can eliminate some unrealistic parameter sets from the behavioral group. The study contributes to improve streamflow estimation in ungauged basin and evaluate the value of remote sensing in hydrological modeling. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

What hydraulic information can be gained from remotely sensed observations of a river's surface? In this study, we analyze the relationship between river bed undulations and water surfaces for an ungauged reach of the Xingu River, a first‐order tributary of the Amazon river. This braided reach is crosscut more than 10 times by a ENVISAT (ENVironmental SATellite) track that extends over 100 km. Rating curves based on a modeled discharge series and altimetric measurements are used, including the zero‐flow depth Z 0 parameter, which describes river's bathymetry. River widths are determined from JERS (Japanese Earth Ressources Satellite) images. Hydrodynamic laws predict that irregularities in the geometry of a river bed produce spatial and temporal variations in the water level, as well as in its slope. Observation of these changes is a goal of the Surface Water and Ocean Topography satellite mission, which has a final objective of determining river discharge. First, the concept of hydraulic visibility is introduced, and the seasonality of water surface slope is highlighted along with different flow regimes and reach behaviors. Then, we propose a new single‐thread effective hydraulic approach for modeling braided rivers flows, based on the observation scales of current satellite altimetry. The effective hydraulic model is able to reproduce water surface elevations derived by satellite altimetry, and it shows that hydrodynamical signatures are more visible in areas where the river bed morphology varies significantly and for reaches with strong downstream control. The results of this study suggest that longitudinal variations of the slope might be an interesting criteria for the analysis of river segmentation into elementary reaches for the Surface Water Ocean Topography mission that will provide continuous measurements of the water surface elevations, the slopes, and the reach widths.  相似文献   

Satellite altimetry is routinely used to provide levels for oceans or large inland water bodies from space. By utilizing retracking schemes specially designed for inland waters, meaningful river stages can also be recovered when standard techniques fail. Utilizing retracked waveforms from ERS‐2 and ENVISAT along the Mekong, comparisons against observed stage measurements show that the altimetric measurements have a root mean square error (RMSE) of 0·44–0·65 m for ENVISAT and 0·46–0·76 m for ERS‐2. For many applications, however, stage is insufficient because discharge is the primary requirement. Investigations were therefore undertaken to estimate discharges at a downstream site (Nakhon Phanom (NP)) assuming that in situ data are available at a site 400 km upstream (Vientiane). Two hypothetical, but realistic scenarios were considered. Firstly, that NP was the site of a de‐commissioned gauge and secondly, that the site has never been gauged. Using both scenarios, predictions were made for the daily discharge using methods with and without altimetric stage data. In the first scenario using a linear regression approach the altimetry data improved the Nash‐Sutcliffe r2 value from 0·884 to 0·935. The second scenario used known river cross‐sections while lateral inflows were inferred from a hydrological model: this scenario gave an increase in the r2 value from 0·823 to 0·893. The use of altimetric stage data is shown to improve estimated discharges and further applications are discussed. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The South China Sea (SCS) is a semi-enclosed deep basin with complex topography includ-ing broad continental shelves, steep slopes, and a large deep basin. It is dominated by prevailing southwest monsoon in summer and by much stronger northeast monsoon in…  相似文献   

如何厘清钻孔体应变信号中的气压和固体潮频响效应,一直是地球动力学研究中的一大难点.区别于国内现有研究,本文尝试采用传递函数对陕西地区的4个体应变台进行了系统诊断.结果表明:(1)低频带(0.1~0.5 cpd)气压响应的稳定性和可靠性较好,高频带(8~30 cpd)次之,中频带(0.5~8 cpd)最差;(2)不同频带...  相似文献   

利用多年卫星测高资料研究南海上层环流季节特征   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
利用10年高精度卫星测高海面高异常网格资料,联合EGM96稳态海面地形模型,构成南海海域合成海面地形的时间序列,并计算了各个时期的南海表层地转流场. 利用卫星跟踪漂流浮标观测结果与相应时期南海地转流场进行对比验证,结果显示本文结果可以很好地反映南海海域一些中小尺度的环流特征. 根据南海各季节多年平均表层环流场结构,对南海环流周年变化规律和季节特征进行了初步的探讨. 研究结果表明,南海表层环流始终处在不断演变过程之中,在时间和空间上都表现出明显的多尺度特征.  相似文献   

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