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A total of 15 rainfall simulation experiments were conducted in a 1 m by 2 m box varying slope (10, 20, 30%) and rainfall intensity (60, 90, 120 mm h?1). The experiments were performed to study how rill networks initiate and evolve over time under controlled conditions with regard to the treatment variables considered, and to allow for input in a computer simulation model. Runoff and sediment yield samples were collected. Digital elevation models were calculated by means of photogrammetry for several time steps of most experiments. The soil used in the experiments was a basal till derived Cambisol typical for the Swiss Plateau. While significant differences were found for sediment yield, runoff did not vary significantly with treatment combinations. Increasing rainfall intensity had a larger effect on sediment yield than increasing slope. Rill density and energy expenditure decreased with time, suggesting that energy expenditure was a useful parameter to describe the emergence of rill network at the laboratory scale. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Severe erosion is caused by intense rainfall in tropical regions. The erodible soil of steep hill slopes, accompanied by destruction of vegetation due to human interventions results in accelerated erosion. A sustainable and cost-effective solution such as vetiver grass (Chrysopogon zizanioides) is, thus, required to control the erosion process. In the current study, 6 small-scale glass models: 1 bare and 5 with vetiver grass, having a slope angle of 37° have been constructed. One year after planting, artificial rainfall of extremely high intensity was applied to all 6 small models and the role of vetiver canopy and roots in erosion and runoff control was observed. To see the effect of soil texture, one among these 5 models was made with silty sand and others contained sandy silt. The results demonstrated that, for sandy silt, the inclusion of vetiver reduced the soil loss by 94%–97%, and soil detachment rates were lowered by 95%. The average runoff also was reduced by 21%. The canopy cover showed a positive impact on reducing both quantities. An increase in average root diameter from 1.6 to 2.5 mm increases the soil loss due to its negative impact on added cohesion. The added cohesion showed a linearly negative correlation with soil loss. A composite system of vetiver and jute geotextile was most effective in erosion reduction among 4 vegetated models with sandy silt. Under same vetiver planting layout, the grass covered model of silty sand yielded 84% lower erosion and 62.5% lower runoff than the grass covered one with sandy silt. Thus, vetiver was more effective in erosion and runoff reduction for soil with a greater percentage of sand, and soil type dominated the erosion process.  相似文献   

Runoff generation and soil loss from slopes have been studied for decades, but the relationships among runoff, soil loss and rill development are still not well understood. In this paper, rainfall simulation experiments were conducted in two neighbouring plots (scale: 1 m by 5 m) with four varying slopes (17.6%, 26.8%, 36.4% and 46.6%) and two rainfall intensities (90 and 120 mm h?1) using two loess soils. Data on rill development were extracted from the digital elevation models by means of photogrammetry. The effects of rainfall intensity and slope gradient on runoff, soil loss and rill development were different for the two soils. The runoff and soil loss from the Anthrosol surface were generally higher than those from the Calcaric Cambisol surface. Higher rainfall intensity produced less runoff and more sediment for almost each treatment. With increasing slope gradient, the values of cumulative runoff and soil loss peaked, except for the treatments with 90 mm h?1 rainfall on the slopes with Anthrosol. With rainfall duration, runoff discharge decreased for Anthrosol and increased for Calcaric Cambisol for almost all the treatments. For both soils, sediment concentration was very high at the onset of rainfall and decreased quickly. Almost all the sediment concentrations increased on the 17.6% and 26.8% slopes and peaked on the 36.4% and 46.6% slopes. Sediment concentrations were higher on the Anthrosol slopes than on the Calcaric Cambisol slopes. At 90 mm h?1 rainfall intensity, increasingly denser rills appeared on the Anthrosol slope as the slope gradient increased, while only steep slopes (36.4% and 46.6%) developed rills for the Calcaric Cambisol soil. The contributions of rill erosion ranged from 36% to 62% of the cumulative soil losses for Anthrosol, while the maximum contribution of rill erosion to the cumulative soil loss was only 37.9% for Calcaric Cambisol. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A new method is presented for predicting sediment sorting associated with soil erosion by raindrop impact for non-equilibrium conditions. The form of soil erosion considered is that which results from raindrop impact in the presence of shallow overland flow itself where the flow is not capable of eroding sediment. The method specifically considers early time runoff and erosion when sediment leaving an eroding area is generally finer and thus may have a higher potential for transport of sorbed pollutants. The new mechanism described is the formation of a deposited layer on the soil surface, which is shown to lead to sediment sorting during an erosion event. The deposited layer is taken to have two roles in this process: to temporarily store sediment on the surface between successive trajectories, and to shield the underlying soil from erosive stresses. Equations describing the dynamics of the suspended sediment mixture and the deposited layer are developed. By integrating these equations over the length of eroding land element and over the duration of the erosion event, an event-based solution is proposed which predicts total sediment sorting over the event. This solution is shown to be consistent with experimentally observed trends in enrichment of fine sediment. Predictions using this approach are found to only partly explain measured enrichment for sets of experimental data for two quite different soils, but to be in poor agreement for an aridsol of dispersive character. It is concluded that the formation of the deposited layer is a significant mechanism in the enrichment of fine sediment and associated sorbed pollutants, but that processes in the dispersive soil are not as well described by the theory presented.  相似文献   

Monitoring of runoff and erosion in farmers' fields and their impacts gives a better understanding of erosion. However, it is rare that monitoring at frequent intervals is done over a prolonged period. A part of the upper Wissey catchment in central Norfolk, eastern England was monitored for 10 years to assess the extent and frequency of erosion and runoff, their causes and impacts. Surface wash occurred more widely and more frequently than expected. Runoff and erosion took place a number of times in a year in a range of autumn‐ and spring‐sown crops, and occurred dominantly down tractor wheelings or ruts left after harvesting potatoes or sugar beet under wet conditions. Over 10 years erosion affected about half the 105 fields monitored, often more than once. Erosion was more extensive in autumn‐sown cereal fields, but often more severe and with greater off‐field effects, for example muddy flooding of roads from spring‐sown late harvested crops such as potatoes and sugar beet. Runoff from outdoor pig fields also flooded roads and houses. This study confirms other studies of the extent, frequency and severity of erosion in Britain, that rill erosion does not occur in every field in the landscape, that in the main, fields do not erode frequently and rates of erosion are generally small. Runoff and erosion within a field took place more frequently than had been suspected. Compaction and destruction of topsoil structure by machinery especially at harvest, or by outdoor pigs, is important in initiating runoff. Rates of erosion were generally very low and will not affect soil productivity adversely over the short‐term. However, flooding of roads and property, and especially pollution of water courses by sediment, nutrients and pesticides are important off‐field impacts and are the primary reason, over the short‐term, for mitigating runoff and erosion. Monitoring such as this sheds light on the problems of modelling to predict risk of erosion based on erosion rates. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The use of drainage ditches on farmland has an impact on erosion processes both on‐site and off‐site, though their environmental impacts are not unequivocal. Here we study the runoff response and related rill erosion after installing drainage ditches and assess the effects of stone bunds in north Ethiopia. Three different land management systems were studied in 10 cropland catchments around Wanzaye during the rainy season of 2013: (1) the exclusive use of drainage ditches (locally called feses), (2) the exclusive use of stone bunds, and (3) a mixture of both systems. Stone bunds are an effective soil and water conservation technique, making the land more resistant against on‐site erosion, and allowing feses to be installed at a larger angle with the contour. The mean rill volumes for the 10 studied cropland catchments during the rainy season of 2013 was 3.73 ± 4.20 m3 ha?1 corresponding to a soil loss of 5.72 ± 6.30 ton ha?1. The establishment of feses causes larger rill volumes (R = 0.59, N = 10), although feses are perceived as the best way to avoid soil erosion when no stone bunds are present. The use of feses increases event‐based runoff coefficients (RCs) on cropland from c. 5% to values up to 39%. Also, a combination of low stone bund density and high feses density results in a higher RC, whereas catchments with a high stone bund density and low feses density have a lower RC. Peak runoff discharges decrease when stone bund density increases, whereas feses density is positively related to the peak runoff discharge. A multiple linear relation in which both feses and stone bund densities are used as explanatory variable, performs best in explaining runoff hydrograph peakedness (R2 = 83%). Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In order to assess and compare the ecological impacts of channelization and shallow lowland reservoirs, macroinvertebrate communities of a lowland metapotamal river below reservoirs with epilimnial release were studied. The study was carried out in the Dyje River (Czech Republic) at five sites located from 1.5 to 22.5 km downstream of the reservoir outfall. The five sites differed in the degree of channel modification from natural muddy banks to riprap regulation. Seven samples were collected during the years 1998 and 1999 at each site using a semiquantitative method. The data were processed using multivariate analyses and methods for assessing the ecological and functional structure of communities. Altogether, 261 species of benthic macroinvertebrates were recorded including several rare and threatened taxa. Based on the results of principal component analysis (PCA), most of the variability within the species data (the first PCA axis) was explained by the degree of channel modification, from natural muddy banks with aquatic vegetation to a man-made riprap. The second axis was strongly correlated with current velocity. The sites differed in species richness, total abundances, proportion of individual functional feeding groups, pattern of the distribution of the current preference groups, and values of several biotic indexes, all of which also corresponded to the degree of channel modification. Thus, the morphological man-made modifications of the river channel were found to be the main factor affecting lowland river macroinvertebrates and their biodiversity. Our results suggest that the biggest threat to benthic macroinvertebrate diversity of lowland rivers comes from channelization. The impact of reservoirs can be completely overwhelmed by the impact of channelization, especially when muddy banks with aquatic vegetation present a substantial part of habitat diversity and significantly contribute to the total species pool.  相似文献   

Though soil erosion is an important concern in Sri Lanka, there is a dearth of baseline information on soil erosion in many ofits watersheds, which obstructs monitoring of soil erosion and mitigating its effects. In order to assess soil erosion in a critical watershed and to identify its determinants, the Samanalawewa watershed, which contains one of the main hydropower generating reservoirs in Sri Lanka, was selected for this study. Remote-sensing (RS) and geographic information system (GIS) based modeling...  相似文献   

Seasonal soil water dynamics were measured on a hillslope transect in the jarrah forest of southwest Western Australia over the period 1984-86 using mercury manometer tensiometers, gypsum blocks, and a neutron moisture meter. The soil water potential gradients indicated downward vertical drainage flux through winter and spring. There was generally a change to an upwards flux in early summer which was sustained through to autumn. A shallow ephemeral saturation zone was identified in and above a duricrust layer, lasting up to three days after heavy, late winter rainfall. The annual maximum to minimum unsaturated soil water storage on the hillslope was approximately 400 mm to 6 m depth and 480 mm to 15 m depth. This did not change significantly in years of substantially different winter rainfall. The magnitude of seasonal soil water storage was similar to other forested areas with deep soil profiles. The depth of observable infiltration was dependent on annual rainfall. This was consistent with the observation that groundwater levels responded to rainfall over the whole hillslope in wet years but only responded on the lower slopes in dry years. The average summer drying rate of the soil profile to 6 m depth of 3.5 mm day?1 was within the range of values reported for forests elsewhere. In late summer, following an extended drought period, the drying rate decreased downslope but increased midslope.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyse how the performance and calibration of a distributed event‐based soil erosion model at the hillslope scale is affected by different simplifications on the parameterizations used to compute the production of suspended sediment by rainfall and runoff. Six modelling scenarios of different complexity are used to evaluate the temporal variability of the sedimentograph at the outlet of a 60 m long cultivated hillslope. The six scenarios are calibrated within the generalized likelihood uncertainty estimation framework in order to account for parameter uncertainty, and their performance is evaluated against experimental data registered during five storm events. The Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency, percent bias and coverage performance ratios show that the sedimentary response of the hillslope in terms of mass flux of eroded soil can be efficiently captured by a model structure including only two soil erodibility parameters, which control the rainfall and runoff production of suspended sediment. Increasing the number of parameters makes the calibration process more complex without increasing in a noticeable manner the predictive capability of the model. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We explore the impact of uncertainties in the spatial–temporal distribution of rainfall on the prediction of peak discharge in a typical mountain basin. To this end, we use a stochastic generator previously developed for rainfall downscaling, and we estimate the basin response by adopting a semi-distributed hydrological model. The results of the analysis provide information on the minimum rainfall resolution needed for operational flood forecasting, and confirm the sensitivity of peak discharge estimates to errors in the determination of the power spectrum of the precipitation field.  相似文献   

针对当前分布式目标雷达干涉测量运算效率低、选点困难等问题,本文提出了一种建立在快速同质点选取下的干涉数据处理框架.相比之前的时序数据处理方法,新方法具有选点快速、自适应性强的特点,能在保留影像分辨率基础之上增加空间点密度.另外,在统计推断的基础上,提出基于无偏空间相干性估计的分布式目标选择方法,进而弥补了传统经验阈值设定的缺陷.本文以美国加州Lost Hills油田区为例,在论证数据处理框架的可行性基础之上,分析了因孔隙流体萃取和孔隙压力降低引起的地表变形.  相似文献   

Riverbank retreat along a bend of the Cecina River, Tuscany (central Italy) was monitored across a near annual cycle (autumn 2003 to summer 2004) with the aim of better understanding the factors influencing bank changes and processes at a seasonal scale. Seven flow events occurred during the period of investigation, with the largest having an estimated return period of about 1·5 years. Bank simulations were performed by linking hydrodynamic, fluvial erosion, groundwater flow and bank stability models, for the seven flow events, which are representative of the typical range of hydrographs that normally occur during an annual cycle. The simulations allowed identification of (i) the time of onset and cessation of mass failure and fluvial erosion episodes, (ii) the contributions to total bank retreat made by specific fluvial erosion and mass‐wasting processes, and (iii) the causes of retreat. The results show that the occurrence of bank erosion processes (fluvial erosion, slide failure, cantilever failure) and their relative dominance differ significantly for each event, depending on seasonal hydrological conditions and initial bank geometry. Due to the specific planimetric configuration of the study bend, which steers the core of high velocity fluid away from the bank at higher flow discharges, fluvial erosion tends to occur during particular phases of the hydrograph. As a result fluvial erosion is ineffective at higher peak discharges, and depends more on the duration of more moderate discharges. Slide failures appear to be closely related to the magnitude of peak river stages, typically occurring in close proximity to the peak phase (preferentially during the falling limb, but in some cases even before the peak), while cantilever failures more typically occur in the late phase of the flow hydrograph, when they may be induced by the cumulative effects of any fluvial erosion. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Millennial catchment–mean erosion rates derived from terrestrial cosmogenic nuclides are generally based on the assumption that the lithologies of the parent rock each contain the same proportion of quartz. This is not always true for large catchments, in particular at the edge of mountainous plateaus where quartz‐rich basement rocks may adjoin sedimentary or volcano‐sedimentary rocks with low quartz content. The western Central Andes is an example of this type of situation. Different quartz contents may be taken into account by weighting the TCN production rates in the catchment. We recall the underlying theory and show that weighting the TCN production rate may also lead to bias in the case of a spatial correlation between erosion rate and lithology. We illustrate the difference between weighted and unweighted erosion rates for seven catchments (16 samples) in southern Peru and northern Chile and show variations up to a factor of 2 between both approaches. In this dataset, calculated erosion rates considering only granitoid outcrops are better correlated with catchment mean slopes than those obtained without taking into account the geological heterogeneity of the drained watershed. This dataset analysis demonstrates that weighting erosion rates by relative proportions of quartz is necessary to evaluate the uncertainties for calculated catchment–mean erosion rates and may reveal the correlation with geomorphic parameters. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Although obvious in the field, the impact of road building on hydrology and gullying in Ethiopia has rarely been analysed. This study investigates how road building in the Ethiopian Highlands affects the gully erosion risk. The road between Makalle and Adwa in the highlands of Tigray (northern Ethiopia), built in 1993–1994, caused gullying at most of the culverts and other road drains. While damage by runoff to the road itself remains limited, off‐site effects are very important. Since the building of the road, nine new gullies were created immediately downslope of the studied road segment (6·5 km long) and seven other gullies at a distance between 100 and 500 m more downslope. The road induces a concentration of surface runoff, a diversion of concentrated runoff to other catchments, and an increase in catchment size, which are the main causes for gully development after road building. Topographic thresholds for gully formation are determined in terms of slope gradient of the soil surface at the gully head and catchment area. The influence of road building on both the variation of these thresholds and the modification of the drainage pattern is analysed. The slope gradient of the soil surface at the gully heads which were induced by the road varies between 0·06 and 0·42 m m?1 (average 0·15 m m?1), whereas gully heads without influence of the road have slope gradients between 0·09 and 0·52 m m?1 (average 0·25 m m?1). Road building disturbed the equilibrium in the study area but the lowering of topographic threshold values for gullying is not statistically significant. Increased gully erosion after road building has caused the loss of fertile soil and crop yield, a decrease of land holding size, and the creation of obstacles for tillage operations. Hence roads should be designed in a way that keeps runoff interception, concentration and deviation minimal. Techniques must be used to spread concentrated runoff in space and time and to increase its infiltration instead of directing it straight onto unprotected slopes. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this preliminary study the partitioning of rain-water into various components of the hydrological cycle in three high-altitude forests of contrasting tree physiognomies (namely, Aesculus indica, Quercus semecarpifolia and Abies pindrow) were studied in the Nandadevi Biosphere Reserve, Central Himalaya, India. The results are compared with the hydrological characteristics of low-altitude forests of this region. The study has indicated a significant role of tree physiognomy with regard to rainfall partitioning into the various components of the hydrological cycle. It is suggested that A. pindrow (an evergreen tree) should be considered superior to A. indica (a deciduous tree) with regard to soil and water conservation in this region. This work is of relevance to land management programmes pertaining to afforestation, logging and regeneration. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Soil moisture distribution shows highly variation both spatially and temporally. This study assesses the spatial heterogeneity of soil moisture on a hill-slope scale in the Loess Plateau in West China by using a geostatistical approach. Soil moisture was measured by time-domain reflectometry (TDR) in 313 samples. Two kinds of sampling scales were used (2 × 2 m and 20 ×20 m) at two soil layers (0-30 cm and 30-60 cm). The general characteristics of soil moisture were analyzed by a classical statistics method, and the spatial heterogeneity of soil moisture was analyzed using a geostatistical approach. The results showed that the spherical model is the best-fit model to simulate soil moisture on the experimental hill-slope. The parameters of this model indicated that the spatial dependence of soil moisture in the selected hill-slope was moderate. Even the 2 × 2 m sampling scale was too coarse to show the detailed spatial variances of soil moisture in this area. The dependent distance increased from 27.4 m to 494.16 m as the sampling scale became coarse (from 2× 2 m to 20 ×20 m). A map of soil moisture was generated by using original soil moisture data and interpolated values determined by the Kriging method. The average soil moisture (area weighted) in the different layers of soil was calculated on the basis of this map (10.94% for the 0-30 cm soil layer, 11.88% for the 30-60 cm soil layer). This average soil moisture is lower than the corresponding average effective soil moisture, which suggests that the soil moisture is not sufficient to support vegetation in this area.  相似文献   

The Siret River has the largest drainage basin (42 274 km2) in Romania. It gathers all the rivers from the eastern part of the Eastern Carpathians, a fact that causes marked asymmetry of the basin. This study is principally concerned with changes in the form of the longitudinal profile and the grain size variability introduced by the Carpathian tributaries. Channel sediment analyses considered the petrography, granulometry, and morphometry of the pebbles, relating these to the river bed and floodplain geometry and to some properties of the drainage basin. The following conclusions arise. The Siret River undergoes an intense regrading of its longitudinal profile, with marked aggradation between transects 24 and 26 (see Figures 1 and 2). This reflects selective accumulation of coarse material due to the massive contribution of the Carpathian tributaries. This phenomenon has been continuous throughout the Holocene, resulting in the gravel sheet formation of the Pericarpathian piedmont.  相似文献   

Quantifying the relative contributions of different factors to runoff change is helpful for basin management, especially in the context of climate change and anthropogenic activities. The effect of snow change on runoff is seldom evaluated. We attribute the runoff change in the Heihe Upstream Basin (HUB), an alpine basin in China, using two approaches: a snowmelt-based water balance model and the Budyko framework. Results from these approaches show good consistency. Precipitation accounts for 58% of the increasing runoff. The contribution of land-cover change seems unremarkable for the HUB as a whole, where land-cover change has a major effect on runoff in each sub-basin, but its positive effect on increasing runoff in sub-basins 1 and 3 is offset by the negative effect in sub-basin 2. Snow change plays an essential role in each sub-basin, with a contribution rate of around 30%. The impact of potential evapotranspiration is almost negligible.

EDITOR D. Koutsoyiannis

ASSOCIATE EDITOR S. Huang  相似文献   

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