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As part of an integrated study of the hydrology, meltwater quality and dynamics of the Haut Glacier d'Arolla, Switzerland, the glacier's drainage network structure was determined from patterns of dye recovery in 342 injection experiments conducted from 47 moulins distributed widely across the glacier. This structure was compared with theoretical predictions based upon reconstructed patterns of water flow governed by (a) the subglacial hydraulic potential surface, and (b) the subglacial bedrock surface. These reconstructions were based on measurements of ice surface and bedrock topography obtained by a combination of ground survey and radio-echo sounding techniques. The two reconstructions simulate the drainage system structures expected for (a) closed channels, in which water is pressurized by the overlying ice, and (b) gravity-driven, open-channel flow. The closed-channel model provides the best fit to the observed structure, even though theoretical calculations suggest that, under summer discharge conditions, open-channel flow may be widespread beneath the glacier. Possible reasons for this apparent discrepancy are discussed.  相似文献   

Solute and runoff time-series at Finsterwalderbreen, Svalbard, provide evidence for considerable basal routing of water and the existence of at least two contrasting subglacial chemical weathering environments. The hydrochemistry of a subglacial upwelling provides evidence for a snowmelt-fed subglacial reservoir that dominates bulk runoff during recession flow. High concentrations of Cl and crustal ions, high pCO2 and ratios of [*SO2−4/(*SO2−4+HCO3)] close to 0·5 indicate the passage of snowmelt through a subglacial weathering environment characterized by high rock:water ratios, prolonged residence times and restricted access to the atmosphere. At higher discharges, bulk runoff becomes dominated by icemelt from the lower part of the glacier that is conveyed through a chemical weathering environment characterized by low rock:water ratios, short residence times and free contact with atmospheric gases. These observations suggest that icemelt is routed via a hydrological system composed of basal/ice-marginal, englacial and supraglacial components and is directed to the glacier margins by the ice surface slope. Upwelling water flows relatively independently of icemelt to the terminus via a subglacial drainage system, possibly constituting flow through a sediment layer. Cold basal ice at the terminus forces it to take a subterranean routing in its latter stages. The existence of spatially discrete flow paths conveying icemelt and subglacial snowmelt to the terminus may be the norm for polythermal-based glaciers on Svalbard. Proglacial mixing of these components to form the bulk meltwaters gives rise to hydrochemical trends that resemble those of warm-based glaciers. These hydrochemical characteristics of bulk runoff have not been documented on any other glacier on Svalbard to date and have significance for understanding interactions between thermal regime and glacier hydrology. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A well-developed subglacial drainage system consisting of large cavities developed in the lee of bedrock steps connected together by a network of Nye channels is exposed on an area of recently deglaciated limestone bedrock in front of Glacier de Tsanfleuron, Switzerland. This system covers some 51 per cent of the bedrock surface area, and is believed to have transported the bulk of supraglacially-derived meltwaters through the glacier. Using the cavity hydraulics model of Kamb (1987), it is shown that the geometry of the system rendered it stable against collapse by meltback of channel roofs into a tunnel-dominated system. For likely combinations of glacier geometry and meltwater discharge, the steady state water pressure in this system would have been only a small fraction of that required for flotation, and for discharges of less than about 0·5–5 m3 s?1 water would have flowed at atmospheric pressure. The system appears to have adjusted to varying discharges by a combination of varying water pressure and changing the total cross-sectional area of flow by altering the number of active channels connecting cavities. Glacier sliding velocity would have been independent of meltwater discharge for discharges at which water flowed at atmospheric pressure, but would have risen with increasing discharge for higher flows. Velocities on the order of 0·1 m d?1 are predicted for a realistic range of discharges and effective pressures, and these are believed to be plausible. Episodes of enhanced sliding in glaciers with similar drainage systems could be triggered by a rise in meltwater discharge across the threshold between flows at atmospheric pressure and flow under pressure from the glacier.  相似文献   

Stable oxygen isotope analysis and measurement of several dissolved cations and anions of bulk meltwater samples have provided information about the hydrochemical environment of the glacial hydrological system at Imersuaq Glacier, an outlet tongue from the Greenland ice‐sheet, West Greenland. The samples were collected at frequent intervals during the period 20–28 July 2000 in a small (<20 L s?1) englacial meltwater outlet at the glacier margin. The results document the following findings: (i) a marked diurnal variation of δ18O is related to the composition of oxygen isotope provenances, mainly near‐marginal local superimposed ice and basal up‐sheared ice further up‐glacier; (ii) a relationship is seen between all base cations (Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+), SO42? and δ18O, indicating that solute acquisition is provided by solid–solution contact with the up‐sheared ice—as the relationship with Cl? is weak the influence of seasalt‐derived solutes is small in the area; (iii) when the melt rate is high, two diurnal maxima of δ18O values and solute concentrations are measured, and it is suggested that a snow meltwater component is responsible for the second maximum of δ18O—a short residence time leads to a delayed decrease in ion concentrations. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


The effects of land use on river water chemistry in a typical karst watershed (Wujiang River) of southwest China have been evaluated. Dissolved major ions and Sr isotopic compositions were determined in 11 independent sub-watersheds of the Wujiang River to investigate the spatio-temporal variations in river water chemistry and their relationship to land use. The results show significant spatial variability in pH, major ions, total dissolved solids (TDS), and Sr isotopic compositions throughout the basin. Correlation analysis indicates that nitrogen content is significantly related to forest coverage. Nitrogen and potassium generally have higher values in the rainy season, and the percentage of agricultural land controlled NO3- levels, which originate from anthropogenic sources. Forest cover, which varies between 35% and 71%, has no statistically significant impact on river solute concentrations, but the TDS flux is low in sub-watersheds with greater forest cover. Geological sources have a significant influence on pH and Sr isotopic compositions in river water throughout the basin.
Editor D. Koutsoyiannis

Citation Han, G., Li, F., and Tan, Q., 2014. Effects of land use on water chemistry in a river draining karst terrain, southwest China. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59 (5), 1063–1073.  相似文献   

Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating was applied to glacial and loess deposits in the north flank of the Terskey-Alatoo Range, Kyrgyz Republic, to elucidate the glacier chronology of the central Asian mountains during the Last Glacial. Moraines in five parts of study area were classified into four stages (Terskey Stages I–IV) based on their geographical position and elevation, and their moraine rock weathering. According to this classification, the oldest moraines (Terskey Stage I) were at 2100–2250 m a.s.l. and the second-oldest moraines (Terskey Stage II) were at 2400–2700 m a.s.l. Quartz samples from moraines of these two stages were used for OSL dating. The OSL ages of the quartz samples indicate that glacier expansion in the Terskey Stage II occurred between 21 and 29 ka BP.  相似文献   

The factors controlling the chemistry of 69 low-order streams in the Blue Ridge and Valley and Ridge physiographic provinces of Virginia and Maryland were studied over a 13-month period. Principal component analysis was used to examine regional patterns in stream chemistry and to examine the degree to which the chemistry of low-order streams is controlled by the bedrock upon which they flow. Streams clustered into regionally isolated groups, strongly related to bedrock type, with SO2?4 and HCO?3 the chemical variables of most importance. Sulphate concentrations appear to be strongly controlled by climate and hydrology, and sorption in the soils within the watershed. Much of the atmospherically derived SO2?4 accumulates in watersheds during the growing season and is later flushed out. Weathering reactions were found to be particularly important in the production of HCO?3, accounting for 91 per cent on an annual basis, and export of divalent cations from these watersheds, accounting for 48–50 per cent on an annual basis. About half of non-anthropogenic Na+ was derived from weathering of silicates, whereas nearly all K+ was identified with leaching by SO2?4. Water chemistry was strongly related to the rock type in the watershed and the weatherability of the component minerals. Rock type is not a randomly distributed function; instead, it is controlled by geologic factors that result in clusters of similar rock types in a given region. When planning large synoptic studies, it is extremely important to consider that a sampling scheme based on random sampling of a non-randomly distributed function May, not provide the most accurate representation of the variables of interest. Instead, a hierarchical sampling scheme May, be indicated. Our results also suggest that, although one sample in time May, be sufficient to characterize the primary geochemical factors controlling stream chemistry throughout the year, it May, not be sufficient to detect subtle, flow-related alterations in chemistry.  相似文献   

B. G. Katz 《水文研究》1989,3(2):185-202
During 1983 and 1984, wet precipitation was primarily a solution of dilute sulphuric acid, whereas calcium and bicarbonate were the major ions in springs and ground water in two small watersheds with a deciduous forest cover in central Maryland. Dominant ions in soil water were calcium, magnesium, and sulphate. The relative importance of mineral weathering reactions on the chemical composition of these subsurface waters was compared to the contribution from wet precipitation, biological processes, and road deicing salts. Mineral reaction models, developed from geochemical mass-balance relationships, involved reactions of primary and secondary minerals in metabasalt and metarhyolite with hydrogen ion. Geochemical weathering reactions account for the majority of total ion equivalents in soil water (46 per cent), springs (51 per cent), and ground water (68 to 77 per cent). The net contribution of total ion equivalents from biological processes was 20 and 16 per cent for soil water and springs, respectively, but less than 10 per cent for ground water. The contribution of total ion equivalents from deicing salts (10 to 20 per cent) was related to proximity to roads. Strong acids in precipitation contributed 44 per cent of the total amount of hydrogen ions involved in mineral-weathering reactions for ground water in contact with metarhyolite compared to 25 per cent for ground water in contact with metabasalt, a less resistant rock type to weathering.  相似文献   

王欣  丁永建  张勇 《湖泊科学》2019,31(3):609-620
冰川融水通过热量、水、物质传输对山地冰冻圈冰湖水文效应产生影响,引起广泛关注.本文从山地冰冻圈冰湖的水量、物理化学性质、生物等方面系统总结冰川融水对冰湖水文效应的影响.冰川融水被冰湖滞留能在一定程度上延缓区域冰川水资源的亏损,但也直接导致了潜在危险性冰湖数量和危险程度增大.冰川融水对冰湖物理性质的影响主要表现在降低湖水温度、影响透明度/浊度、改变湖水密度、造成湖水热力分层现象等方面,对冰湖化学性质的影响主要表现在增加湖水中的氮素、溶解有机物、持久性有机污染物、各类离子和重金属等,进而影响冰湖生物的分布、组成、结构和功能.深入系统地开展冰川融水及其变化对冰湖水文效应研究,对冰川水文与水资源、山地冰冻圈生态环境研究具有重要意义.  相似文献   

The multipart Riffeltal rock glacier, located in a tributary valley of the Kaunertal, Tyrol, Austria is investigated to enlarge the knowledge about spatial and temporal development of rock glaciers in and at the margins of pro‐glacial areas and to get a better understanding of glacier–rock glacier interactions. The subject of interest consists of a complex system of two adjacent rock glacier tongues and various superposed lobes with differing ages, origin and root zones, and therefore diverse development. To determine the reasons for their diverging development, the internal structure and permafrost occurrence on and in the surrounding area of the rock glacier were studied by application of geomorphological mapping, geophysical methods and measurement of the basal temperature of the winter snow cover (BTS). Permafrost modelling was performed on the basis of BTS data and land surface parameters derived from a high resolution airborne laser scanning (ALS) digital elevation model (DEM). Additionally, the ALS data were used to measure vertical and horizontal changes of the rock glacier surface between 2006 and 2012. Glacier–rock glacier interactions during and since the Little Ice Age (LIA) are evident for the development of the studied rock glacier. A geomorphic map gives important information about the connection between glacial advance or retreat and permafrost or ground ice occurrence. The combination of all information helps in the analysis of diverse kinematic action of neighbouring rock glacier tongues. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Strontium (Sr) concentrations and isotopic ratios have been measured in a series of water and rock samples from most of the major tributaries of the Lake Qinghai basin on the north‐eastern Tibetan Plateau. Dissolved Sr and 87Sr/86Sr show ranges of 488–12 240 nmol/l and 0·710497–0·716977, respectively. These data, together with measurements of major cations and anions in rivers and their tributaries and various lithologies of the catchment, were used to determine the contributions of Sr and its isotopic expense to rivers and lakes. Our results demonstrate that the chemical components and 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the alkaline waters are derived from mixing of carbonate and silicate sources, with the former contributing 72 ± 18% dissolved Sr to rivers. The difference in tributary compositions stems from the lithology of different river systems and low weathering intensity under a semi‐arid condition. Variation in 87Sr/86Sr ratios places constraint on the Sr‐isotopic compositions of the main tributaries surrounding Lake Qinghai. The water chemistry of the Buha River, the largest river within the catchment underlain by the late Paleozoic marine limestone and sandstones, dominates Sr isotopic composition of the lake water, being buffered by the waters from the other rivers and probably by groundwater. However, the characteristic chemical composition of the lake itself differs remarkably from the rivers, which can be attributed to precipitation of authigenic carbonates (low‐magnesium calcite, aragonite, and dolomite), though this does not impact the Sr isotope signature, which may remain a faithful indicator in paleo‐records. Regarding the potential role of groundwater input within the Lake Qinghai systems in the water budget and water chemistry, we have also determined the Sr concentration and 87Sr/S6Sr ratio of groundwater from diverse environments. This has allowed us to further constrain the Sr isotope systematic of this source. A steady‐state calculation gives an estimate for the groundwater flux of 0·19 ± 0·03 × 108 m3/yr, accounting for about 8% of contemporary lake Sr budget. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Following the Ediacaran metazoan radiation, the “Cambrian Explosion” set up the major framework of todays’ animal phyla as well as modern marine ecosystem. Here, we present a preliminary investigation on the temporal and spatial (from shallow to deep waters) variations of the early Cambrian ocean chemistry in South China through analyzing a Fe-S-C systematic dataset integrated from literature. Our investigation indicates that the early Cambrian deep ocean in South China was still anoxic and Fe2+-enriched (i.e., ferruginous) although its surface was oxic, and in between a metastable euxinic (anoxic and sulfidic) water zone may have dynamically developed in anoxic shelf waters with an increasing weathering sulfate supply. Furthermore, accompanying marine transgression and regression cycles in the early Cambrian, such a “sandwich” structure in ocean redox chemistry demonstrates five evolutional stages, which can be well correlated to the spatiotemporal patterns of fossil records in South China. The good correlation between metazoan fossil occurrences and water chemistry in South China suggests that early animals possibly possessed ability to inhabit anoxic but generally not euxinic environments as free H2S was fatal to most eukaryotes. This view can well explain why those small shell fauna and sponges disappeared from shelf to slope areas where sulfidic Ni-Mo-rich shales were widely deposited. Thus, we conclude that the spatiotemporal variations of ocean chemistry and its biological effects probably played a key role in the phased animal radiations and “extinctions” in the early Cambrian.  相似文献   

Changes in stream chemistry were studied for 4 years following large wildfires that burned in Glacier National Park during the summer of 2003. Burned and unburned drainages were monitored from December 2003 through August 2007 for streamflow, major constituents, nutrients, and suspended sediment following the fires. Stream‐water nitrate concentrations showed the greatest response to fire, increasing up to tenfold above those in the unburned drainage just prior to the first post‐fire snowmelt season. Concentrations in winter base flow remained elevated during the entire study period, whereas concentrations during the growing season returned to background levels after two snowmelt seasons. Annual export of total nitrogen from the burned drainage ranged from 1·53 to 3·23 kg ha?1 yr?1 compared with 1·01 to 1·39 kg ha?1 yr?1 from the unburned drainage and exceeded atmospheric inputs for the first two post‐fire water years. Fire appeared to have minimal long‐term effects on other nutrients, dissolved organic carbon, and major constituents with the exception of sulfate and chloride, which showed increased concentrations for 2 years following the fire. There was little evidence that fire affected suspended‐sediment concentrations in the burned drainage. Sediment yields in subalpine streams may be less affected by fire than in lower elevation streams because of the slow release rate of water during spring snowmelt. Published in 2008 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The effects of basin size on low-flow stream chemistry and subsurface contact time were examined for a part of the Neversink River watershed in southern New York State. Acid neutralizing capacity (ANC), the sum of base cation concentrations (SBC), pH and concentrations of total aluminum (Al), dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and silicon (Si) were measured during low stream flow at the outlets of nested basins ranging in size from 0·2 to 166·3 km2. ANC, SBC, pH, Al and DOC showed pronounced changes as basin size increased from 0·2 to 3 km2, but relatively small variations were observed as basin size increased beyond 3 km2. An index of subsurface contact time computed from basin topography and soil hydraulic conductivity also showed pronounced changes as basin size increased from 0·2 to 3 km2 and smaller changes as basin size increased beyond 3 km2. These results suggest that basin size affects low-flow stream chemistry because of the effects of basin size on subsurface contact time. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this study, we have modeled the density(ρ) and bulk sound velocity(VΦ) profiles of the bottom lower mantle using the experimental thermal equation of state(EoS) parameters of lower-mantle minerals, including bridgmanite, ferropericlase,CaSiO3-perovskite, and post-perovskite. We re-evaluated the literature pressure-volume-temperature relationships of these minerals using a self-consistent pressure scale in order to avoid the long-standing pressure scale problem and to provide more reliable constraints on the thermal EoS parameters. With the obtained thermal EoS parameters, we have constructed the ρ and VΦ profiles of the bottom lower mantle in different composition, mineralogy, and temperature models. Our modelling results show that the variations of chemistry, mineralogy, and temperature have different seismic signatures from each other. The Fe and Al enrichment at the bottom lower mantle can cause an increase in ρ but greatly lower VΦ. A change in mineralogy needs to be considered with the lateral variation in temperature. The cold slabs will be shown as denser regions compared to the normal mantle because of the combined effect of a lower temperature and the presence of a denser post-perovskite at a shallower depth,whereas the hot regions will have a 1–2% lower ρ than the normal mantle. VΦ of both cold slabs and hot regions will be lower than the normal mantle when bridgmanite is the dominant phase in the normal mantle, yet they will be greater once bridgmanite transforms into post-perovskite in the normal mantle. Our modeling also shows that the presence of a(Fe, Al)-enriched bridgmanite thermal pile above the core-mantle boundary will exhibit a seismic signature of enhanced ρ and VΦ, but a reduced VS,which is consistent with the observed seismic anomalies in the large-low-shear-velocity-provinces(LLSVPs). The existence of such a(Fe, Al)-enriched bridgmanite thermal pile thus can help to understand the origin of the LLSVPs. These results provide new insights for the chemical and structure of the deepest lower mantle.  相似文献   

Debris cover on glaciers is an important component of glacial systems as it influences climate–glacier dynamics and thus the lifespan of glaciers. Increasing air temperatures, permafrost thaw and rock faces freshly exposed by glacier downwasting in accumulation zones result in increased rockfall activity and debris input. In the ablation zone, negative mass balances result in an enhanced melt-out of englacial debris. Glacier debris cover thus represents a clear signal of climate warming in mountain areas. To assess the temporal development of debris on glaciers of the Eastern Alps, Austria, we mapped debris cover on 255 glaciers using Landsat data at three time steps. We applied a ratio-based threshold classification technique and analysed glacier catchment characteristics to understand debris sources better. Across the Austrian Alps, debris cover increased by more than 10% between 1996 and 2015 while glaciers retreated in response to climate warming. Debris cover distribution shows significant regional variability, with some mountain ranges being characterised by mean debris cover on glaciers of up to 75%. We also observed a general rise of the mean elevation of debris cover on glaciers in Austria. The debris cover distribution and dynamics are highly variable due to topographic, lithological and structural settings that determine the amount of debris delivered to and stored in the glacier system. Despite strong variation in debris cover, all glaciers investigated melted at increasing rates. We conclude that the retarding effects of debris cover on the mass balance and melt rate of Austrian glaciers is strongly subdued compared with other mountain areas. The study indicates that, if this trend continues, many glaciers in Austria may become fully debris covered. However, since debris cover seems to have little impact on melt rates, this would not lead to prolonged existence of debris-covered ice compared with clean ice glaciers.  相似文献   


Water quality in the Paso Piedras Reservoir has deteriorated, primarily due to periodic blue-green algal blooms, making it temporarily unfit for human consumption. This phenomenon results from the eutrophication of waters of the watershed, and nutrients are considered to be the primary contributors to degradation of freshwater quality. In order to reduce the levels of nitrogen and, most of all, phosphorus, entering the Paso Piedras Reservoir, it is necessary to understand the incidence of diffuse transfers of nutrients from agricultural soils. The nitrogen composition, soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) and other physico-chemical parameters of the water were analysed in various different parts of the watershed in order to characterize water input to the reservoir from areas with different anthropogenic activity. The upper Sauce Grande basin was divided into three areas with different edaphic characteristics. The physico-chemical parameters measured in sampling surveys included: SRP, ammonium and nitrate, pH, conductivity, turbidity, and total solids. The results showed that the water of the Sauce Grande (areas 1 and 2) was not strongly contaminated, but in El Divisorio (Area 3, which is a sub-watershed whose stream flows directly into the Paso Piedras Reservoir), the levels of conductivity, total suspended sediments and SRP were so high that its contribution to the reservoir accounts for nearly 50% of the total SRP input. The main characteristics of El Divisorio watershed that make it a diffuse source of SRP were not only that its soils, under agricultural-livestock production, have significant slopes, so that water and wind erosion are faster, but also that human intervention had caused the destruction of aggregates. The results showed the influence of the soil characteristics, production systems and the micro-environment developed in the reservoir on the characteristics of waters flowing out of the reservoir. The two villages located in Area 2 had no significant influence on the concentration of nitrogen compounds and SRP found downstream.  相似文献   

Understanding the effects of hydrological processes on solute dynamics is critical to interpret biogeochemical processes. Water chemistry and isotopic compositions of surface water (δ18Ow and δDw) were investigated in rivers from Southwest China to study the effects of hydrological variability on biogeochemical processes. The inverse relationship between deuterium excess (d-excess) and δ18Ow could be ascribed to non-equilibrium fractionation processes, and the slope of the Local River Water Line was much lower than the Local Meteoric Water Line, suggesting the post-precipitation evaporation pattern. The evaporation fraction (1–f) was estimated by the d-excess method, varying from 0.01 to 0.18. (1–f), was a function of water temperature and drainage mean elevation, indicating that evaporation easily occurs at high temperatures in low-elevation regions. The hydrological processes co-varied with solute dynamics in the river network, and fluid transit time and temperature were likely responsible for the co-variations. Also, we found that hydrological processes played an important role in solute dynamics through shifting the geochemical processes (e.g., enrichment, water-rock reaction, photosynthesis, and secondary mineral precipitation). This study highlights that biogeochemical processes co-vary with hydrological processes, and we suggest that investigating hydrological processes can help to understand biogeochemical processes.  相似文献   

Naotatsu  Shikazono 《Island Arc》1994,3(1):59-65
Abstract Chemical data on hydrothermally altered volcanic rocks from a green tuff belt in Japan indicate that the average rate of Mg removal from seawater due to seawater cycling through back-arc basins in the circum-Pacific region during the early to middle Miocene (25–15 Ma) is estimated to be 2.6±1 × 1013 g/year. This is similar to that through present-day mid-ocean ridges (2.4 × 1013 g/year). Hydrothermal fluxes of K, Ca and Si are calculated to be 4.2±1.6 × 1013 g/year, 4.3±1.7×1013 g/year and 1.0±0.4 × 1014 g/year, respectively. These calculated results indicate that the seawater/volcanic rocks interaction at subduction-related tectonic settings have to be taken into account in considering the geochemical mass balance of seawater over geologic time.  相似文献   

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