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蒸发岩是保存古环境信息的宝库,而石盐是蒸发岩盆地完全干涸后最主要的矿物。石盐矿物具有很好的封闭性,在浅埋深状态就会固结成岩,没有孔隙并且不可压缩。石盐、石膏、钙芒硝、芒硝中的包裹体,是潟湖或陆地盐湖环境下,通过蒸发而结晶析出过程中所捕获的流体(液体和/或气体)。因此,在石盐矿物的内部可以保存下来良好的原生石盐流体包裹体,它们记录了原始海洋/盐湖的温度、化学组分和大气成分的信息,为古环境研究提供了绝妙的直接记录。其中石盐原生流体包裹体的均一温度,可记录卤水沉积时的温度;浅水环境石盐流体包裹体记录的卤水温度近似等于气温。石盐原生流体包裹体中的卤水成分代表了海水/盐湖蒸发浓缩过程中的卤水,可通过其来推断当时的海水/盐湖水体的成分。石盐漏斗晶形成时是漂浮在卤水表面的,其原生流体包裹体可捕获当时的大气,而石盐是一种稳定的无机矿物,其原生流体包裹体可保存原始的大气信息。石盐原生流体包裹体可以提供其他传统地球化学手段无法提供的直接、精确、定量的地质记录,因此在未来的古环境研究中将成为焦点。  相似文献   

通过资料搜集、蒸发岩野外露头地质调查、石盐岩沉积特征分析及盐类矿物学研究,对塔里木盆地塔西南坳陷中新生代蒸发岩的分布、层位、盐类矿物组合、成因进行了初步探讨。塔西南坳陷石盐岩沉积呈透镜体状,主要沿西昆仑山前分布,常含有褐红色、灰绿色泥砾,泥砾岩性与吐依洛克组下段岩性一致,推测应为吐依洛克组沉积晚期海退期成盐,其层位应归属于吐依洛克组上段。石盐岩透镜体在横向分布上不连续,反映了当时塔西南坳陷内部可能存在多个古盐湖次级凹地,其在干旱气候条件下经浓缩蒸发成盐。蒸发岩矿物除石盐、石膏外,还见有杂卤石、钙芒硝等,其中杂卤石可能为后期富钾卤水交代原生石膏的产物,而乌泊1井石盐表面大量的次生钙芒硝可能为盐湖后期石盐析出阶段含钙地下水缓慢持续补给盐湖的产物。  相似文献   

采用岩石薄片鉴定、X射线衍射分析、扫描电镜以及元素地球化学等分析测试手段,对罗布泊盐湖罗北凹地杂卤石的沉积和分布特征进行了研究。结果显示,罗北凹地杂卤石主要发育于含盐系中上部,或以质地较纯的层状杂卤石岩产出,或与钙芒硝/石盐/白钠镁矾共同产出。杂卤石有交代和原生两种成因类型:前者是罗北凹地杂卤石产出的主要类型,是罗布泊硫酸盐型盐湖自身蒸发析出产物,在盐湖演化中后期交代钙芒硝或者石膏形成;后者可能为富钙卤水补给富钾镁盐湖形成。罗北凹地杂卤石的分布具有在南北方向上南厚北薄、在东西方向上中间厚两侧薄的特点,对应的KCl含量也同样具有南高北低、中间高两侧低的特点,它们的分布特征明显受控于区域构造活动,构造导致的沉降区有利于杂卤石聚集成矿。本区杂卤石矿埋藏浅、规模较大,可作为后备钾盐资源。  相似文献   

罗布泊杂卤石沉积特征及成因机理探讨   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
罗布泊是世界最大的盐湖之一。罗布泊第四纪地层中不仅蕴藏有超大型规模的卤水钾盐矿床,同时也沉淀了一定规模的固体钾盐矿,杂卤石是主要的固体钾矿物。罗布泊杂卤石主要分布于罗北凹地内部,分布区长轴走向与罗北凹地走向一致,面积约326km2;剖面上,杂卤石分布区呈不对称的扁透镜体状。杂卤石以杂卤石岩或含杂卤石钙芒硝岩等形式产出,杂卤石岩及含杂卤石岩呈薄层状分布,最多达12层,埋深10~38m,其KCl含量一般为3%~10%,最高达15.48%。研究表明,罗布泊杂卤石成因机制有2种:①盐湖(钙芒硝阶段)沉积期间,可能出现气候热波动事件,卤水化学体系演化到杂卤石相区,导致杂卤石结晶析出,主要形成方式为杂卤石交代钙芒硝,部分纯杂卤石岩可能直接从卤水中沉淀出来;②盐湖晚期或干盐湖阶段,石盐晶粒间卤水受地表水混合发生掺杂作用,导致杂卤石析出并沉积于石盐等晶粒间。罗布泊杂卤石等固体钾盐资源具有一定的成矿潜力,查明其成因和分布规律可为勘查评价罗布泊固体钾盐提供理论支持。  相似文献   

文章对罗布泊盐湖区杂卤石、光卤石、钾盐镁矾等不同类型固体钾盐矿物特征、分布及成因进行了分析总结。杂卤石主要产于罗北凹地内部沉降区,以交代成因类型为主,代表了以硫酸盐型卤水为主体的罗布泊盐湖残余卤水钾镁富集到一定程度与石膏、钙芒硝发生水-盐反应的产物。光卤石沉积主要产于断陷带(近)地表,为深部氯化物型卤水经断裂向上运移至地表、与浅部卤水掺杂经蒸发浓缩而成。钾盐镁矾主要产于南小团地区,其形成可能与凹陷基底反转、罗北凹地高浓度卤水回灌有关。罗布泊盐湖区不同类型的固体钾盐沉积是构造-物源-气候3种成钾要素在特定时间窗下耦合的产物:在干旱气候条件下,构造活动一方面导致盆地地貌分异形成更加封闭的成钾次级凹地,为钾盐沉积提供可容纳空间;另一方面活化断裂为深部流体补给盐湖提供通道,为钾盐沉积提供不同类型的物质来源,改变盐湖卤水化学组成最终形成不同类型钾盐矿物。  相似文献   

一里坪盐湖是柴达木盆地一个以富锂卤水为主的干盐湖,蕴藏有丰富的卤水钾锂资源,目前对成矿过程中卤水的成分及其演变规律方面的研究较少.论文选取一里坪盐湖中部钻孔HC2105岩芯的石盐为主要对象,利用激光剥蚀-电感耦合等离子质谱法开展了单个石盐原生流体包裹体成分分析,探讨恢复了一里坪盐湖地区晚更新世以来成盐期的古卤水成分.结果表明,一里坪盐湖下层石盐古卤水Li、B、K等离子浓度均高于上层石盐,这说明晚更新世成矿条件更好.古卤水中Li、B、K和Mg等离子具有正相关性,再结合对Ca离子浓度变化的研究,说明一里坪盐湖的主要物质来源为那棱郭勒河,深部卤水对其物质来源贡献较小;石盐流体包裹体中各离子浓度的演变规律与钻孔沉积韵律以及古气候变化三者基本可以拟合,从而证实盐湖卤水成分变化受到古气候变化的影响,干冷期可能更有利于富锂卤水矿的形成.  相似文献   

蒸发岩盆地杂卤石成因及找钾意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
全球大型杂卤石矿床主要分布在二叠纪、三叠纪以及古近纪-新近纪这三个时期的地层中,并集中在北纬20~50°之间,我国正处于这一富集区内。由于杂卤石较其他含钾矿物溶解度低,因此常常被保留下来,为寻找可溶性钾盐或富钾卤水提供了有利线索。通过分析杂卤石成因类型并结合海水演化特点认为蒸发岩盆地杂卤石成因主要有两种:①原生沉积,但需要一定附加条件,即盐湖浓缩到硫酸钾镁盐沉积阶段时有外来钙离子的补给,或在硫酸钙盐沉积阶段有外来钾镁离子的补给,主要以前者为主;②后生交代,富钾镁的卤水通过构造裂隙运移并与石膏(或硬石膏)接触发生交代作用形成杂卤石。  相似文献   

罗布泊盐湖钙芒硝岩孔隙中蕴藏有超大型规模的卤水钾矿,富钾卤水成因一直备受关注。罗北凹地从统一的罗布泊大湖区中分隔出来后,成盐过程中其湖水仍以南部大湖的补给为主,罗北凹地卤水化学演化与"大耳朵"湖水密切相关。"大耳朵"湖区含石膏碎屑层普遍储藏有卤水,应该是罗北凹地盐湖的"源卤水",钾离子(ρ(K~+)为3.12 g/L左右)已初步富集,平均矿化度为198.83 g/L。为了查明该卤水的化学演化趋势及析盐序列,笔者于2009年、2010年两次采集了大量卤水样品,分别进行室内等温蒸发和自然蒸发实验。蒸发实验结果表明:随着卤水浓缩首先析出(硬)石膏,随后析出大量石盐,最后出现少量钾石盐和光卤石,与EQL/EVP卤水蒸发模型模拟结果相似。将碎屑层卤水蒸发过程中化学组成变化与罗北凹地卤水进行对比,结果显示罗布泊古湖水蒸发至石膏沉积之后,在罗北凹地水化学组成明显发生变化,没有大量石盐沉积,而以钙芒硝沉积为主。推测应是受到深部"富钙水"的持续补给,而"大耳朵"湖起到"预备盆地"的作用,罗布泊古湖水经"大耳朵"湖蒸发浓缩后,钾离子得到初步富集,在流入罗北凹地后与深部"富钙"水混合,强烈蒸发浓缩,大量钙芒硝矿物析出,最后形成富钾卤水。  相似文献   

老挝甘蒙省钾镁盐矿床位于呵叻盆地的东隅,本文以该矿床ZK318钻孔的含矿段———下盐层为研究对象,对其开展了系统的矿物学和地球化学特征研究。结果表明,矿石矿物以石盐、钾石盐和光卤石为主,含少量方硼石和硬石膏。根据矿物与主量元素的分布特征,将下盐层分为5个次层,由下至上顺序为:盐岩层(石盐为主)→钾盐岩层(钾石盐为主)→光卤石岩层(光卤石为主)→薄盐岩层(石盐为主)→钾盐岩层(钾石盐为主)。微量元素Br值均大于200×10-6,表明卤水来源于海水;由盐岩层→钾盐岩层→光卤石岩层,B含量呈现出逐渐升高的趋势,表明B含量与卤水盐度呈线性关系。但顶部钾盐岩层的B含量高达890×10-6,与少量方硼石的存在相吻合,指示成矿卤水除了海水外,还有深部热液的贡献。按照卤化物卤水蒸发浓缩的顺序,光卤石是该卤水浓缩的最后阶段,但在光卤石沉积之后,又晶出一薄层石盐,表明曾经历过一次短暂的淡水补给。上、下两层钾石盐具有基本相同的Br含量,分别为1 790×10-6和1 792×10-6,且均直接沉积在石盐之上,故为原生钾石盐,而非光卤石的次生淋滤产物。认为甘蒙省钾镁盐矿床为海源陆相沉积,海水和深部热液是成钾物质的主要来源,钻孔中出露的两层钾石盐均为原生沉积。  相似文献   

徐洋  刘成林  曹养同 《地质学报》2021,95(7):2183-2192
古盐湖成盐演化具有多期次、连续性和淡化—咸化—盐化的周期性特征,系统研究成盐剖面的沉积韵律有利于恢复古盐湖成盐演化特征.本文以库车盆地KL4钻孔含盐系剖面及其74个石盐样品为研究对象,将含盐系剖面划分为4个成盐韵律,在此基础上开展岩相学、石盐元素地球化学以及石盐流体包裹体氢氧同位素分析等工作.结果显示:剖面上部Ⅲ和Ⅳ成盐韵律发育钾石盐、含钾石盐、杂卤石、钾石膏、钾芒硝等盐类矿物;K+含量的分布范围为0.021%~0.158%,平均含量0.051%;石盐原生流体包裹体中氢氧同位素δD和δ18 O值范围分别为-78.2‰~-58.7‰和-2.4‰~1.3‰,平均值分别为-66.32‰和-0.80‰.盐湖卤水从早期到晚期蒸发浓缩程度逐渐升高,早期成盐卤水在晚期高浓度卤水的形成过程扮演了预富集的角色,在Ⅲ和Ⅳ成盐阶段发现3次钾盐析出事件.本研究为探讨库车盆地中始新世古盐湖环境、沉积特征以及成盐规律提供了重要依据.  相似文献   

青海察尔汗盐湖别勒滩区段杂卤石成因及其成钾指示意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
牛雪  焦鹏程  曹养同  赵艳军  刘斌山 《地质学报》2015,89(11):2087-2095
别勒滩区段位于青海察尔汗盐湖西部,前人认为察尔汗盐湖固体钾盐矿物以光卤石为主,在别勒滩区段西部发现有杂卤石,但并未引起足够重视,对杂卤石成因未做详细研究。本文通过对别勒区段七个钻孔样品的矿物鉴定及地球化学分析,发现别勒滩区段杂卤石以原生和准同生交代方式赋存,且以后者为主,多交代石膏等硫酸盐矿物产出,少量出现交代石盐现象。杂卤石主要分布于别勒滩中西部地区,整个别勒滩区段自西向东出现了以杂卤石为主渐变为以钾石盐—光卤石为主的分布规律。结合别勒滩区段晶间卤水的补给条件,研究认为别勒滩区段杂卤石形成是涩聂湖硫酸镁亚型湖水与先期形成的盐类矿物发生交代反应的结果。别勒滩地区杂卤石作为典型的陆相成因,对研究海相蒸发岩矿床中普遍存在的杂卤石成因具有一定的对比借鉴意义,海相蒸发岩矿床中的杂卤石可能是盆地形成的内陆盐湖湖水与早期沉积的盐类矿物发生交代反应形成,对寻找海相钾盐有一定的指示意义。  相似文献   

石盐的流体包裹体成分可提供古流体组成的物理化学信息,用以探查卤水组成变化及环境演化规律等。四川盆地位于上扬子地台,其中的早-中三叠纪沉积建造是中国海相找钾的有利层位之一。获取石盐沉积时期的卤水成分信息,是深刻认识四川盆地古海水蒸发浓缩程度的重要途径。文章利用激光剥蚀电感耦合等离子体质谱法,对采自川东地区长平3井嘉陵江组的石盐流体包裹体开展了化学组成分析,结果显示古卤水化学类型为Mg_SO4型;流体包裹体中的ρ(K~+)与现代海水浓缩到钾石盐析出阶段的ρ(K~+)基本一致,可能揭示了盆地三叠纪时期古卤水已达到钾石盐析出阶段,对四川盆地沉积环境演化及钾盐成矿规律研究等具有重要的理论意义。  相似文献   

Sichuan Basin is one of the most important marine–salt forming basins in China. The Simian and Triassic have a large number of evaporites. The Triassic strata have found a large amount of polyhalite and potassium-rich brine. However, no soluble potassium salt deposit were found. In this study, the halite in well Changping 3 which is located at the eastern part of the Sichuan basin was studied using the characteristics, hydrogen and oxygen isotopes of the fluid inclusion in halite to reconstruct the paleoenvironment. The salt rocks in well Changping 3 can be divided into two types: grey salt rock and orange salt rock. The result shows that the isotopic composition of the halite fluid inclusion is distinct from the global precipitation line reflecting that the salt formation process is under strong evaporation conditions and the climate is extremely dry. At the same time, compared with the hydrogen and oxygen isotopes of brine in the Sichuan Basin and the hydrous isotope composition of the inclusions in the salt inclusions of other areas in China, it is shown that the evaporation depth of the ancient seawater in the Sichuan Basin was high and reached the precipitation of potassium and magnesium stage.  相似文献   

The evolution of magnesium chloride brines with high bromide contents via a multistage reaction and dissolution process has been studied in brine seeps of a German potash mine. The observed chemical trends and phase equilibria can be modeled and interpreted in terms of a NaCl solution (cap rock brine) infiltrating into a potash zone characterized by the metamorphic mineral assemblage kieserite + sylvite + halite + anhydrite. Establishment of a persistent, stable equilibrium assemblage and constant fluid composition in the invariant point IP1 of the six component (Na-K-Mg-Ca-Cl-SO4-H2O) system of oceanic salts is prevented by the perpetually renewed input of NaCl-brine and by the intermittent exposure of incompatible kieserite. Instead, the solutions develop towards the metastable invariant point IP1(gy), with the mineral assemblage carnallite + polyhalite + sylvite + halite + gypsum, where gypsum takes the place of anhydrite (stage I). The temporary exposure of kieserite and the ensuing formation of polyhalite effectively buffer the solutions along the metastable polyhalite phase boundary during stages II and III. Eventually, in stage IV, polyhalite becomes depleted and admixture of more NaCl brine leads to low sulfate solution compositions, which are now only constrained by carnallite + sylvite + halite, and the once hexary system degenerates to a quaternary one (Na-K-Mg-Cl-H2O) in point E. Bromide in brines shows equilibrium partitioning with respect to the wall rock minerals. The pattern of evolving brine compositions may serve as a model for similar brine occurrences, which in some cases may have been misinterpreted as remains of fossil, highly concentrated and chemically modified seawater. Similar magnesium chloride brines of salt lakes (e.g., Dead Sea, Dabusun Lake) show subtle differences and are constrained by fewer mineral equilibria (more degrees of freedom), and their low sulfate contents are due to gypsum precipitation, driven by calcium chloride input from dolomitization reactions. Finally, the observed reaction sequence is generalized, and a model for the formation of magnesium sulfate depleted, chloride-type potash salts and bischofite deposits by leaching of sulfate-type evaporites is proposed.  相似文献   

腾格里沙漠122个盐湖分为石盐、石盐-芒硝、石盐-白钠镁矾及芒硝(石膏)4种类型。盐湖含盐系厚度一般4~9m,总体呈现下部为含盐碎屑沉积,上部以盐类沉积为主,构成储卤层,卤水赋存其中,由湖岸至湖心储卤层厚度增长。含卤层理渐小,卤水含KCl渐高。盐湖中矿物主要为碳酸盐矿物,以芒硝、石膏为主的硫酸盐矿物、石盐以及粘土矿物。盐湖卤水以晶间卤水为主。许多卤水含K+大于2g/L。K+含量最高的红盐池,平均含量达19.14g/L。对钾矿而言,在盐湖分布相对集中地区,有一定的综合开发利用前景。  相似文献   

The data on the mineral composition and crystallization conditions of magnesian skarn and magnetite ore at contacts of dolerite with rock salt and dolomite in ore-bearing volcanic—tectonic structures of the Angara—Ilim type have been integrated and systematized. Optical microscopy, scanning and transmission electron microscopy, electron microprobe analysis, electron paramagnetic resonance, Raman and IR spectroscopy, and methods of mineralogical thermometry were used for studying minerals and inclusions contained therein. The most diverse products of metasomatic reactions are found in the vicinity of a shallow-seated magma chamber that was formed in Lower Cambrian carbonate and saliferous rocks under a screen of terrigenous sequences. Conformable lodes of spinel-forsterite skarn and calciphyre impregnated with magnesian magnetite replaced dolomite near the central magma conduit and apical portions of igneous bodies. At the postmagmatic stage, the following mineral assemblages were formed at contacts of dolerite with dolomite: (1) spinel + fassaite + forsterite + magnetite (T = 820?740°C), (2) phlogopite + titanite + pargasite + magnetite (T = 600–500°C), And (3) clinochlore + serpentine + pyrrhotite (T = 450°C and lower). Rock salt is transformed at the contact into halitite as an analogue of calciphyre. The specific features of sedimentary, contact-metasomatic, and hydrothermal generations of halite have been established. The primary sedimentary halite contains solid inclusions of sylvite, carnallite, anhydrite, polyhalite, quartz, astrakhanite, and antarcticite; nitrogen, methane, and complex hydrocarbons have been detected in gas inclusions; and the liquid inclusions are largely aqueous, with local hydrocarbon films. The contact-metasomatic halite is distinguished by a fine-grained structure and the occurrence of anhydrous salt phases (CaCl2 · KCl, CaCl2, nMgCl2 · mCaCl2) and high-density gases (CO2, H2S, N2, CH4, etc.) as inclusions. The low-temperature hydrothermal halite, which occurs in skarnified and unaltered silicate rocks and in ore, is characterized by a low salinity of aqueous inclusions and the absence of solid inclusions. The composition and aggregative state of inclusions in halite and forsterite indicate that salt melt-solution as a product of melting and dissolution of salt was the main agent of high-temperature metasomatism. Its total salinity was not lower than 60%. The composition and microstructure of magnetite systematically change in different mineral assemblages. Magnetite is formed as a result of extraction of iron together with silicon and phosphorus from dolerite. The first generation of magnetite is represented by mixed crystals, products of exsolution in the Fe-Mg-Al-Ti-Mn-O system. The Ti content is higher at the contact of dolerite with rock salt, whereas, at the contact with dolomite, magnetite is enriched in Mg. The second generation of magnetite does not contain structural admixtures. The distribution of boron minerals and complex crystal hydrates shows that connate water of sedimentary rocks could have participated in hydrothermal metasomatic processes.  相似文献   

The Late Ordovician-Early Silurian Mallowa Salt of the Carribuddy Group, Canning Basin, north-west Australia, is the largest halite deposit known in Australia, attaining thicknesses of 800 m or more within an area of approximately 200 000 km2. Study of 675 m of drill core from BHP-Utah Minerals’ Brooke No. 1 well in the Willara Sub-basin indicates that the Mallowa Salt accumulated within a saltern (dominantly subaqueous evaporite water body) that was subject to recurrent freshening, desiccation and exposure. Textures and bromine signatures imply a shallow water to ephemeral hypersaline environment typified by increasing salinity and shallowing into evaporitic mudflat conditions toward the top of halite-mudstone cycles (Type 2) and the less common dolomite/anhydrite-halite-mudstone cycles (Type 1). The borate mineral priceite occurs in the capping mudstones of some cycles, reinforcing the idea of an increasing continental influence toward the top of mudstone-capped halite cycles. The rock salt in both Type 1 and Type 2 cycles typically comprises a mosaic of large, randomly orientated, interlocking halite crystals that formed during early diagenesis. It only partially preserves a primary sedimentary fabric of vertically elongate crystals, some with remnant aligned chevrons. Intraformational hiati, halite karst tubes and solution pits attest to episodic dissolution. Stacked Type 2 cycles dominate; occasional major recharges of less saline, perhaps marine, waters in the same area produced Type I cycles. The envisaged saltern conditions were comparable in many ways to those prevailing during the deposition of halite cycles of the Permian Salado Formation in New Mexico and the Permian San Andres Formation of the Palo Duro Basin area in Texas. However, in the Canning Basin the cycles are characterized by a much lower proportion of anhydrite, implying perhaps a greater degree of continental restriction to the basin. The moderately high level of bromine in the Mallowa Salt (156·5 ± 43·5 ppm Br for primary halite, 146·1 ± 54·7 ppm Br for secondary halite) accords with evolved continental brines, although highly evaporative minerals such as polyhalite and magnesite are absent. The bromine levels suggest little or no dissolution/reprecipitation of primary halite and yet, paradoxically, there is little preservation of the primary depositional fabric. The preservation of early halite cements and replacement textures supports the idea of an early shutdown of brine flow paths, probably at burial depths of no more than a few metres, and the resultant preservation of primary bromine values in the secondary halite.  相似文献   

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