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Honeycomb weathering has been observed in a Carboniferous sandstone at a coastal location near Ballycastle on the north coast of Northern Ireland. Specimens of this sandstone have been analysed by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and energy dispersive spectrometry. Results reveal that calcium sulphate (gypsum) is the only salt present and is found only at and immediately below the rock surface. SEM observations suggest that crystallization of salts in pores could easily dislodge quartz grains to promote granular disintegration, whilst etching of quartz grain surfaces attests to chemical weathering activity within the rock However, the reason for the development of the honeycomb pattern is not known.  相似文献   

The relative relief of adjacent plagioclase and pyroxene minerals was accurately measured on a recently-exhumed outcrop of gabbroic rocks in Leirdalen, southern Norway. Above the level of the former soil surface the feldspars protrude above the pyroxenes whereas below that level the pyroxenes are higher. Differential relief declines with increasing depth of burial down to 80 cm. On exposed surfaces the mean loss of pyroxene relative to feldspar is 103 cm3 m?2 of rock surface. With burial down to 50 cm in an arctic-alpine Brown Soil the mean loss of feldspar relative to pyroxene is 179 cm3 m?2. These figures represent minimum amounts of weathering over about 9000 years. The results confirm the importance of chemical weathering in arctic-alpine environments and the techniques may provide useful physical measures of degree of weathering for use in rate studies and relative-dating.  相似文献   

Blue-green algae have been observed to affect limestone weathering on Aldabra Atoll, Indian Ocean. Three different habitats can be identified on the rock surface, i.e. epilithic, chasmolithic, and endolithic. Algae in each habitat may affect weathering in various ways. Samples of blue-green algae and rock were taken from various terrestrial and coastal environments on Aldabra Atoll. Samples of limestone tablets and calcite crystals after one year in situ were also studied. Light and S.E.M. microscopy revealed that endolithic boreholes were present on many samples, especially those from frequently wetted sites, to a maximum depth of 800 μm. An ‘altered zone’ of micrite and algal filaments was also discovered in many samples. From morphological and petrographical evidence blue-green algal influences on weathering on Aldabra Atoll seem to be very complex and cannot easily be related to small scale landforms.  相似文献   

A study carried out on Carboniferous limestone in the north and west of Ireland supports the idea that rock substrate is removed by the direct mechanical action of lichens. An experiment in which the lichen Collema auriforma was subjected to a number of wetting-drying cycles, showed, using scanning electron microscopy, that contraction of the lichen thallus during the drying phase plucked rock fragments from the substrate surface. This process could contribute to the formation of karstic features including solution basins.  相似文献   

Many tafoni occur on the faces of marine cliffs on three uplifted shore platforms with different altitudes and with known ages of emergence. The mean value of the ten largest depths of tafoni, D (cm), was obtained and the period of their formation, t (years), was estimated. The relationship between the two variables was found to be D = 20·3 × (1?e?0.005t).  相似文献   

Surface specimens obtained from highly-weathered upland plateau outcrops at three localities in high Arctic Canada have been studied using the scanning electron microscope. Observations are given on factors influencing bedrock surface microfracturing processes. Evidence for the concentration of both salts and organic material in surface cracks which could enhance microfracturing is presented. The importance of lithological parameters including: mineralogy, texture, and structures present in influencing the actual processes of disintegration is reiterated. Under cold, dry high Arctic conditions the combined and apparently inseparable affects of frost action, salt crystallization, and organic activity may have contributed to microfracturing largely responsible for widely scattered examples of highly weathered bedrock terrain.  相似文献   

The effect of the weathering processes generated by Lecidea aff. Sarcogynoides (Koerb.) on the substrate was studied by means of a scanning electron microscope. The elements present in the substrate (Magaliesberg quartzite) and in the lichen thallus were determined by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry for the purpose of comparison. The elements present were mostly similar although a few were present in the thallus which were not observed in the quartzite. It is possible that those elements present in the lichen thallus which were not present in the substrate may have been extracted from the atmosphere. The occurrence of small hollows (weathering pits) in which the early stages of plant development occurs, and the disintegration of the rock indicate that Lecidea aff. sarcogynoides (Koerb.) contributes to the chemical weathering processes by chelation and mechanically by the penetration and expansion of hyphae. A model is proposed in which a possible mechanism for these weathering processes is suggested.  相似文献   

In Pakistan various brick building structures are currently disintegrating in the Indus Valley. These include the Harappan site of Mohenjo-Daro. The environment of this site is described, the nature and speed of the disintegration problem is outlined, and the cause of disintegration is discussed Weathering occurs in association with the development of salt efflorescences and some bricks disintegrate only a few years after being laid down. Chemical and X-ray diffraction analyses show that the predominant salt is the sodium sulphate mineral thenardite. The reasons for its effectiveness are discussed. They include its high solubility, the rapid change of solubility with temperature, and its hydration characteristics.  相似文献   

The main break-in-slope on the northern submarine flank of Molokai at −1500 to −1250 m is a shoreline feature that has been only modestly modified by the Wailau landslide. Submarine canyons above the break-in-slope, including one meandering stream, were subaerially carved. Where such canyons cross the break-in-slope, plunge pools may form by erosion from bedload sediment carried down the canyons. West Molokai Volcano continued infrequent volcanic activity that formed a series of small coastal sea cliffs, now submerged, as the island subsided. Lavas exposed at the break-in-slope are subaerially erupted and emplaced tholeiitic shield lavas. Submarine rejuvenated-stage volcanic cones formed after the landslide took place and following at least 400–500 m of subsidence after the main break-in-slope had formed. The sea cliff on east Molokai is not the headwall of the landslide, nor did it form entirely by erosion. It may mark the location of a listric fault similar to the Hilina faults on present-day Kilauea Volcano. The Wailau landslide occurred about 1.5 Ma and the Kalaupapa Peninsula most likely formed 330±5 ka. Molokai is presently stable relative to sea level and has subsided no more than 30 m in the last 330 ka. At their peak, West and East Molokai stood 1.6 and 3 km above sea level. High rainfall causes high surface runoff and formation of canyons, and increases groundwater pressure that during dike intrusions may lead to flank failure. Active shield or postshield volcanism (with dikes injected along rift zones) and high rainfall appear to be two components needed to trigger the deep-seated giant Hawaiian landslides.  相似文献   

The basaltic Kaupulehu 1800–1801 lava flow of Hualalai Volcano, Hawaii contains abundant ultramafix xenoliths. Many of these xenoliths occur as bedded layers of semi-rounded nodules, each thinly coated with a veneer (typically 1 mm thick) of lava. The nodule beds are analogous to cobble deposits of fluvial sedimentary systems. Although several mechanisms have been proposed for the formation of the nodule beds, it was found that, at more than one locality, the nodule beds are overbank levee deposits. The geological occurrence of the nodules, certain diagnostic aspects of the flow morphology and consideration of the inferred emplacement process indicate that the Kaupulehu flow had an exceptionally low viscosity on eruption and that the flow of the lava stream was extremely rapid, with flow velocities of at least 10 m s-1 (more than 40 km h-1). This flow is the youngest on Hualalai Volcano and future eruptions of a similar type would pose considerable hazard to life as well as property.  相似文献   

Plastic debris is accumulating on the beaches of Kauai at an alarming rate, averaging 484 pieces/day in one locality. Particles sampled were analyzed to determine the effects of mechanical and chemical processes on the breakdown of polymers in a subtropical setting. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) indicates that plastic surfaces contain fractures, horizontal notches, flakes, pits, grooves, and vermiculate textures. The mechanically produced textures provide ideal loci for chemical weathering to occur which further weakens the polymer surface leading to embrittlement. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) results show that some particles have highly oxidized surfaces as indicated by intense peaks in the lower wavenumber region of the spectra. Our textural analyses suggest that polyethylene has the potential to degrade more readily than polypropylene. Further evaluation of plastic degradation in the natural environment may lead to a shift away from the production and use of plastic materials with longer residence times.  相似文献   

Caffeine has been associated with wastewater pollution in temperate and subtropical locations, but environmental caffeine concentrations in tropical locations have not been reported. The objectives of this study were to measure caffeine and agricultural pesticide (carbaryl, metalaxyl, and metribuzin) concentrations in environmental waters on the tropical north shore of Kauai (Hawaii, USA) and assess whether patterns in caffeine concentration were consistent with a wastewater caffeine source. Groundwater, river, stream and coastal ocean samples were collected in August 2006 and February 2007. Caffeine was detected in all August 2006 samples and in 33% of February 2007 samples at concentrations up to 88 ng L−1. Metribuzin was detected in five samples collected in February 2007. Carbaryl and metalaxyl were not detected in any sample. Caffeine was not detected in offshore ocean samples or river samples upstream of human development. A positive correlation between caffeine and enterococci suggested a possible wastewater caffeine source.  相似文献   

The Schmidt hammer has for some years been used to measure the hardness of different rock surfaces and to date relatively boulders in moraine deposits. In this paper applications on isostatically raised boulder-beaches and rocky shores are described. The research area is the northern Swedish Bothnian coast where present isostatic uplift is between 0.8-1.0 cm year?1. Elevations above sea-level can be converted to a timescale. Rebound values (R) of the Schmidt hammer are correlated with the altitude and the degree of rock weathering can be estimated for each site. Eight sites with boulder-beaches and nine sites with rocky shores have been analysed. For boulder-beaches correlation-coefficients of 0.82-0.97 for weathering values (R) and the elevations above sea-level were obtained. For the rocky shores these values were calculated to 0.75-0.97. This method has applications in both geomorphology and archaeology. For example, a deep layer of weathered dolerite in the Nordingrå region, which previously has been regarded as a post-Weichselian formation, can be shown to be of pre-Weichselian origin. Several archaeological applications are also mentioned in the paper.  相似文献   

In this paper, general relationships of riverine bicarbonate concentrations and fluxes as a function of drainage basin mineral content and runoff are examined using a database of the 25 largest rivers in the world. Specific HCO3 flux normalized to unit basin area, which peaks in the mid latitudes, was found to be strongly correlated with the carbonate mineral content of river basins, while river HCO3 concentration was related to the balance of precipitation and evaporation. Within this global context, the weathering patterns of CO2 in a few large rivers (Changjiang, Huanghe, Pearl, and Mississippi rivers) were examined in further detail. The Zhujiang (Pearl River), especially its largest branch (Xijiang), was characterized by the highest specific weathering rate among all the world's large rivers due to an exceptionally high carbonate mineral content (over 80%) in its drainage basin and its warm and wet environment. It has a moderate level of HCO3 concentration, however, due to dilution by relatively high precipitation in the watershed. In stark contrast, the Huanghe (Yellow River) has one of the lowest specific weathering rates because of low carbonate mineral content and a dry climate. However, it has a high HCO3 concentration due largely to the concentrating effects of high evaporative water loss, as a result of arid weather and the agricultural use of water through irrigation systems, as well as carbonate-containing surficial deposits (i.e., loess). The strong correlation between specific HCO3 fluxes and discharge in all four rivers with different discharge seasonality suggests that higher precipitation in drainage basins promotes higher weathering rates.  相似文献   

At Writing-On-Stone Provincial Park in southern Alberta, Canada, weathering is causing deterioration and loss of archaeologically important Indian rock art. A procedure devised for the use of park personnel identified four classes of weathering ranging from largely unweathered rock to severely weathered. The technique employed simple visual, qualitative assessment and photo interpretation of 50 sample sections of sandstone cliff face covering a total area of 354 m2. Schmidt hammer tests indicated large variations in rock strength and provided a numerical basis for the visual assessment. About 43 per cent of the cliffs are severely to completely weathered, 41 per cent show moderate weathering.  相似文献   

Organic carbon (OC) associated with fluvial bed sediment plays an important role in biotic and abiotic processes operating within drainage basins. Increasingly, there is a need to characterize storage and spatial distributions of OC in aquatic sediments, particularly under-sampled areas like tropical streams. The objectives of this study were to examine in detail the variation of OC concentration with bed sediment grain size, to characterize the influence of grain size variation on relative OC mass storage, and to compare weighted OC values to those in other aquatic sediments worldwide. The study area selected was a third-order dendritic drainage basin developed in a basaltic complex. Bed sediments along a 6 km section of Manoa Stream were systematically sampled every 50 m for a total of 113 sample site locations. Sediments were partitioned into six size fractions (< 2·0 mm) and OC was determined by dry combustion. Data indicate that the OC concentration increases with decreasing grain size, with the greatest values in the < 0·063 mm (silt + clay) fraction, approximately 4·6 times greater than the very coarse sand fraction (1·00–2·00 mm). Robust smoothing techniques illustrated a general decrease in OC concentration downstream for the size fractions < 0·25 mm. Bed sediments were dominated by size fractions coarser than 0·5 mm (80 per cent of the total distribution) and only about 2 per cent in the fractions less than 0·13 mm. Combining information on OC concentration per size fraction and the mass contribution of each fraction to the whole sample, it was observed that fractions coarser than 0·5 mm had eight to 12 times the storage of OC per kilogram of bed sediments than the fractions finer than 0·13 mm. Weighted OC values for Manoa Stream were on average 6·7 g-OC kg−1, and these were similar to those reported in the literature for a variety of sediments in aquatic environments, both freshwater and marine. These data provide important information on the relative mass storage of OC in bed sediments and their longitudinal patterns in a tropical fluvial environment. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Scanning electron microscopy reveals that Lecidea auriculata penetrates rock surfaces, detaching, incorporating and expelling flakes of rock. Measurements on an age sequence of moraine ridges illustrate changes in the extent and intensity of weathering over time. A minimum rate of surface lowering (0·0012 mm a?1) is 25 to 50 times faster than weathering due to other processes in the same area. The spatial pattern of weathering is influenced by the narrow ecological range of the species. Surface rocks on dry, exposed sites are probably weathering much more rapidly than those in adjacent damp hollows and beneath snowpatches.  相似文献   

In the Kora area of central Kenya domed inselbergs are well developed on outcrops of granitoid migmatite, while positive relief features are rare on the surrounding gneiss. Block-strewn, vegetated hills occur on restricted areas of granoblastite, gabbro, and metagabbro. Schmidt Hammer measurements have shown that the apparent differences in resistance to weathering and erosion are not due to variations in rock hardness, since all the rock types have similar ‘R’ values. The results of geochemical analyses have shown that the migmatites are significantly more potassic than the surrounding gneiss. Samples of migmatite from the inselbergs were also found to be slightly richer in potassium than migmatite samples from the inter-inselberg areas. The variations in potassium content probably reflect differences in protolith composition, chemical fractionation during partial melting, and the effects of metasomatism. These findings support earlier suggestions that, other things being equal, potassium-rich granitoid rocks weather more slowly than less potassic rocks.  相似文献   

Three active earth-slide slopes of Tertiary mudstone were investigated: Slope 1 has an angle of 17 ?4°, Slope 2 of 12.9°, and Slope 3 of 11.6°. Infinite slope analysis indicated that the instability of these three slopes can be well explained by using the residual strength parameters of earth-slide soils near the sliding surface in conjunction with the highest ground water table. The residual angle of shearing resistance, ø'r, plays an important role in the determination of slope angle because it differs greatly among slopes. Mineralogical studies and X-ray diffraction analyses were performed for the clay minerals included in the slope material. The results showed that illite and chlorite were found in Slope 1, and also in Slopes 2 and 3 together with interstratified illite/montmorillonite and montmorillonite. The degree of weathering is progressive in order of Slopes 1, 2 and 3. The alteration of clay minerals by weathering causes the reduction in ø'r -values, i.e., 19.4° in Slope 1 (steep, less weathered) and 12.1-9.2° in Slopes 2 and 3 (gentle, much more weathered). This result indicates that the degree of weathering has a great influence on the value of ø'r, which in turn determines the slope angle.  相似文献   

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