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《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(13-14):1884-1896
Past analogs for our present interglacial have been sought for better understanding of our present and future climate. Marine Isotope Stage 11 (MIS 11) has long been considered to be a good candidate and has gained increasing attention in recent studies of marine and terrestrial records. In the Chinese loess–paleosol sequences, S4 soil, interpreted as equivalent to MIS 11, yields a very precise terrestrial paleoclimate record of environmental changes that prevailed during this period. In this study, two high-resolution terrestrial mollusc records from the Loess Plateau have been analyzed to characterize climate variability during the periods of MIS 12–10. The changes in environment and climate, indicated by the variations in abundance of land mollusc species, are thus documented. Our mollusc results show that the L5 loess, equivalent of MIS 12, developed under relatively cold and dry conditions. Climate during this period was not as severe as indicated in the marine isotopic records. An episode of warmer and more humid condition occurred at the middle stage of the MIS 12, reflecting a summer monsoon strengthened during the glacial interval. A similar scenario has been observed in the middle part of MIS 10. In addition, our mollusc records provide insight into the climate conditions over the Loess Plateau during MIS 11, a general warm–humid climate dominated during the formation of S4 soil. But at least four fluctuations occurred at Xifeng region, reflecting unstable climate conditions and regional climate differences within the Loess Plateau during this period. Our study shows that the early part of S4, spanning over 30 ka, was very warm and humid, while the late part was characterized by mild-cool conditions. Comparison of mollusc species compositions of both MIS 11 and Holocene intervals reveals different climate conditions. The early part of MIS 11 was warmer and more humid than the Holocene optimum period, while the late part of MIS 11 was similar or cooler. Our study indicates that the extent of warming during the Holocene in the Loess Plateau might be significantly less than the conditions that prevailed during the MIS 11 interglacial period.  相似文献   

洛川黄土记录的最近2500ka东亚冬夏季风变化周期   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
鹿化煜  刘洪滨 《地质论评》1998,44(5):553-558
对厚约140m的陕西洛川坡头村黄土剖面进行间距3~10cm的系统采样,测量了全部样品的磁化率和粒度,选择〉30μm颗粒百分含量和磁化率分别作东亚冬,夏季风强度变化的替代性指标,以新建立的时间标尺为基础,分析了最近2500ka以来东亚季风变化的周期特征。结果表明,第四纪东亚冬,夏季风变化时间序列包括含有100ka,41ka和23ka地球运动轨道要素变化的周期,同时包含有约80ka,56ka和30ka  相似文献   

中国黄土-古土壤序列记录了距今约2.6 Ma以来的环境变迁。孢粉作为恢复植被演替的敏感指标,被广泛用于古植被重建,但是针对高原中部地区长时间尺度植被演替历史的孢粉学研究还较缺乏。通过对黄土高原洛川剖面S5以来的黄土-古土壤序列开展较高分辨率的孢粉学工作,揭示出该区约0.6 Ma以来的植被演化历史。孢粉谱分析表明,洛川地区0.6 Ma以来以温带草原植被为主,不支持塬区历史时期存在大范围落叶阔叶林的观点。现代黄土高原缺少森林植被主要是由自然原因引起,因此塬区的现代生态恢复应以退耕还草为主。  相似文献   




洛川黄土纳米尺度观察:纳米棒状方解石   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文对洛川黄土剖面典型样品进行了透射电镜分析,发现黄土中存在纳米棒状方解石。此类方解石直径30~50nm,长度几百纳米至几微米。纳米棒状晶体有圆滑地粗细变化和弯曲现象,偶见晶体连接成树枝状或晶体直角连接形成框架状形态。X-射线能谱分析显示方解石有少量的镁、磷和硫,这种纳米棒状方解石在国内外文献中鲜有报道。根据纳米尺度研究结果推测,这种纳米棒状方解石形成与生物衍生物诱导的定向结晶有关。纳米棒状方解石是一种重要的黄土堆积时期干旱环境指示矿物,其碳、氧稳定同位素组成代表黄土堆积时气候参数。纳米棒状方解石的发现,对环境中纳米矿物研究、黄土中碳酸盐碳成因及古气候研究具有重要价值。  相似文献   

川西高原位于高原气候区和季风气候区的过渡位置,该地区的气候特征对于认识青藏高原对周边气候的影响具有重要意义。通过对漳腊黄土剖面的14C年代测试、地层对比,结合粒度-年龄模型建立了剖面的年代序列。测试了粒度、色度、磁化率和碳酸盐等指标,建立了剖面的气候演化序列。结果表明,剖面记录了104 ka以来的气候变化过程。漳腊黄土粒度在MIS(深海氧同位素阶段)3和MIS4阶段的中值粒径接近,分别为17.6 μm和17.7 μm,反映了期间有一次高原隆升。漳腊黄土粒度曲线记录了多个粒度变粗和变细事件,粒度在H(海因里希)2时明显粗于H1,表明受到了高纬气候系统的影响。另外还存在2个明显的粒度变细事件,分别发生在处于MIS3的28~31 ka和42~45 ka,是低纬气候系统影响的结果。漳腊黄土研究结果表明川西高原气候系统影响因素的复杂性。  相似文献   

Previous work has demonstrated that magnetic properties and sediment particle size of Chinese loess deposits provide information on past behaviour of Chinese summer and winter monsoons, respectively (Heller and Evans, 1995; Derbyshire et al, 1997). It has been suggested that the East Asian winter monsoon system in particular is teleconnected on earth orbital and sub-orbital timescales to climatic states and events in high northern latitudes, especially northern hemisphere ice volume and Heinrich events, (Porter and An, 1995; Chen et al., 1997). However, the majority of this research has been performed around the central part of the Chinese Loess Plateau where the rate of dust accumulation is relatively low, thus limiting the potential resolution of palaeoclimatic records. Here we present a high resolution (5mm / ~20 yr interval) magnetic susceptibility record from an thick loess deposit located at Caoxian in the north-western part of the Loess Plateau. The record spans the “Lateglacial” (last glacial / interglacial transition) and when placed on a palaeomagnetic chronology shows a relationship with the GISP2 proxy air temperature record from Greenland (Grootes et al., 1993; Meese et al., 1994; Stuiver et al 1995). The results demonstrate that several Lateglacial climatic fluctuations previously reported in the North Atlantic region and in Europe are also recorded in China. In addition, the apparent absence of a signal corresponding to the Bølling Interstadial in China during the early deglaciation suggests that, at certain times, the apparent North Atlantic — Asian monsoon teleconnection may have collapsed. The demonstrated ability of the loess deposits to resolve sub-millennial scale climate variations points to their potential as a previously unexplored archive for very high-resolution studies of terrestrial climate.  相似文献   

系统测定了陕西洛川黑木沟黄土/古土壤的总有机碳及其主要组分(稳定有机碳、矿物保护有机碳和化学稳定有机碳)的含量,并对总有机碳与粘粒含量及粘土矿物含量的相关性进行了分析。结果表明:(1)各层古土壤的总有机碳含量均高于其下伏的黄土层(S4例外),而稳定有机碳、矿物保护有机碳以及化学稳定有机碳的平均含量在黄土与古土壤之间无明显差异;(2)黄土和古土壤中有机碳含量达到稳定所需要的时间不同,分别是140~250 ka和330~410ka;(3)总有机碳和化学稳定有机碳与粘粒呈正相关关系(相关系数r分别为0.46和0.54),它们与粉粒和细砂粒的相关性较差,这说明粘粒是土壤固定有机碳的重要组分;(4)高岭石与总有机碳和化学稳定有机碳的相关性比较明显(r分别为0.74和0.61),伊利石和蒙脱石与它们不相关或相关性较差。  相似文献   

Having investigated the loess-paleosol sequence in various loess deposition basins in the China Loess Plateau, authors have found that the paleosol complex S5 is of special significance in terms of Pleistocene paleoclimate. Paleopedological, micromorphological, palynological and paleomagnetic evidences indicate that this paleosol complex formed in the interval of 460,000 to at least 560,000 years BP, which was a climatic optimum.  相似文献   

以青藏高原西南部塔若错的34cm浅湖芯为研究对象,对其沉积物样品进行总有机碳、无机碳、总氮、微量元素、正构烷烃含量及碳氮比等多项指标的分析测定。采用过剩210Pb和137Cs计年法对该湖芯进行了定年和沉积速率研究,获得了近300年的连续湖泊沉积环境序列。在明确了各指标气候环境指示意义的前提下,综合对比分析湖芯中各项气候环境指标,并结合定年结果重建了塔若错湖区近300年来的气候环境变化。结果表明:塔若错湖区气候环境变化可分为3个明显阶段:早期为1705~1778年,该地区气候环境温暖湿润,湖区植被广泛发育;中期为1778~1860年,湖区处于小冰期末次阶段,气候环境寒冷而湿润,植被发育受阻;后期为1860年至今,为小冰期结束后偏暖干化时期。其中,后期又可分为3个亚阶段:1860~1924年,湖区气候环境稍暖且干旱,植被稍有发育;1924~1969年,湖区气候环境呈现偏冷干特点,植被发育暂缓;1969年至今,湖区气候回暖,环境干旱化有所缓解,植被开始逐渐发育。在气候冷暖变化上,该湖芯记录与古里雅冰芯记录和青海湖湖泊沉积记录都有较好的可对比性,只是在起讫年代上存在一些差异。  相似文献   

针对洛川黄土国家地质公园旅游市场疲软, 与黄土地质遗迹极高的科学、科普价值不匹配等问题, 运用SWOT态势分析法, 对洛川黄土国家地质公园进行系统诊断, 提出了加快现代化地质博物馆建设、加强专业人才培养、提高科普效应、整合资源、联合申报世界地质公园、产权分离、广泛融资等发展战略, 以期为洛川黄土国家地质公园深度开发和区域可持续发展提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Luminescence dating of loess older than 100 ka has long been a challenge. It has been recently reported that, using optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) of fine-grained quartz (4–11 μm) extracted from loess, the range of luminescence dating could be pushed to 0.6 Ma with OSL ages being in agreement with independent ages [Watanuki, T., Murray, A.S., Tsukamoto, S., 2005. Quartz and polymineral luminescence dating of Japanese loess over the last 0.6 Ma: comparison with an independent chronology. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 240, 774–789]. The aim of this study is to provide a luminescence chronology (20 samples) for the standard Luochuan loess section, and to further examine the upper limit of quartz OSL dating for Chinese loess. The growth curve does not saturate at 700 Gy, and should allow reliable equivalent dose (De) determination up to at least 400 Gy. However, when compared with independent chronological control, the De that could be treated as reliable is less than 230 Gy (corresponding to 70 ka in age for Chinese loess), and the De larger than 230 Gy should be underestimated. Ages for samples from the lower part of palaeosol S1 are severely underestimated, with the maximum age of 95 ka for a sample from the bottom of this palaeosol, much younger than the expected age of 128 ka. The maximum De obtained for sample L9/M, collected from loess layer L9 which is below the Matuyama–Brunhes (B/M) boundary whose age is 780 ka, is only 403 Gy which corresponds to an age of 107 ka. The cause of underestimation is not yet clear. The previous results by Watunuki et al. (2005) on the extension of OSL dating of loess to 0.6 Ma is not confirmed. When evaluating the validity of OSL ages in S1, another possibility is to question the already established chronological frame for Luochuan section, which is based on the hypothesis of continuous dust deposition. The assumption of an erosion hiatus between L2 and S1 could make the OSL ages look reasonable. However, if this is the case, then it is difficult to explain why the age of sample L9/M is only 107 ka which could be treated as a saturation age, while the OSL can provide a correct age for loess as old as 94.9 ka for sample LC22 collected from the bottom of S1. Much work is required to clarify these confusions.  相似文献   

青藏高原中部唐古拉山口邻近地区气候特征   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
本利用青藏高原中部的唐古拉山口附近连续的气温,气压,湿度,风速,风向及太阳辐射资料,初步分析了该区域年内气候变化和日变化等特征:年平均气温为-6.0℃,最冷月为12月,最热月为7月,与高原西部比较,具有升温快,降温慢的变化特点;降水多集中于6-8月,但相对湿度的年际变化无规律可循,湿度变化与热力作用关系密切;年平均风速为3.6m/s,且冬季风强,夏季风弱,上午风弱,午后风强,1月午后风速可达10  相似文献   

土-水特征曲线是反映非饱和土基本特性的本构曲线,是土质斜坡非饱和渗流和力学机制分析中的重要参数。但受限于实验设备和测试技术等条件的限制,使得土-水特征曲线的测试耗时长、难度大,且多数测试方法难以实现全吸力范围内(0~106 kPa)的曲线测定,间接获取土-水特性曲线的模型拟合法,通常又存在因参数多解性而导致的结果失真等问题。现有的黄土高原非饱和特征曲线测试结果多集中于马兰黄土(L1),而其下的几十层黄土、古土壤的测试尚基本属于空白。笔者基于TRIM试验测试技术,对洛川黄土剖面的29层黄土-古土壤序列进行测试,获取了土-水特征曲线、吸应力特征曲线和渗透系数函数等系列参数,建立了黄土高原非饱和黄土工程特性标准剖面。通过对各参数综合分析发现,各物性参数在垂向上随深度呈现相似的变化规律,且均在黄土-古土壤的接触带参数变化较大;粘土矿物成分和孔隙结构特征是影响非饱和土-水特征曲线的重要参数,且与曲线参数α、n存在一定的非线性关系。  相似文献   

黄土是一种具有水敏性的特殊土,天然状态下可以长期保持直立高陡的状态,遇水后呈现出崩解、湿陷、滑动、流变等变形行为。开展黄土的水敏性特性及其时空分布规律研究,对指导黄土高原工程建设和防灾减灾具有重要的现实意义。笔者在非饱和土力学的框架下,引入吸应力的概念,对黄土的水敏性及其力学机制进行解释,即水敏性的本质是,随着含水率的增大,土体内部吸应力逐渐减小,对应不同的外界边界条件时,产生崩解、湿陷、滑动、流变等不同的宏观变形行为。在黄土高原从西到东、从北向南不同空间位置的黄土剖面的不同的层位,系统采集黄土样品,基于TRIM试验测试技术,开展样品的土-水特征曲线与吸应力特征曲线测试。试验结果表明,脱湿与吸湿条件下的各曲线呈现相同的变化规律,均存在3个明显的特征段。黄土对水的敏感程度随其沉积年代和在黄土高原分布位置的不同,呈现出规律性的变化。空间上,从西向东、由北向南,水敏性增强;时间上,沉积年代由老到新,水敏性增强。  相似文献   

《Quaternary Research》2014,81(3):433-444
A high-resolution rock magnetic investigation was performed on the Chaona Quaternary loess/paleosol sequences in the Central Chinese Loess Plateau. Based on a newly developed independent unturned time scale and magnetic records, we reconstructed the history of the East Asia monsoons during the last 3 Ma and explored the middle Pleistocene climate transition (MPT). Rock magnetic results show that the loess layers are characterized by relatively high coercivity and remanent coercivity, lower magnetic susceptibility (MS), and that the paleosol layers are characterized by relatively high MS, saturation magnetization and remanent saturation magnetization. Spectrum analyses indicate that there are various periods in addition to orbital periodicities. According to the onset and stable appearance of 100 kyr period, we consider that the MPT recorded in this section began at ~ 1.26 Ma and was completed by ~ 0.53 Ma, which differs from previous investigations based on orbitally tuned time scales. The forcing mechanism for the MPT was more complicated than just the orbital forcing. We conclude that the rapid uplift of the Tibetan Plateau may have played an important role in the shift of periodicities during the middle Pleistocene.  相似文献   

地磁倒转和漂移不仅是研究地球动力学的重要手段之一,也能使地磁年代框架更加准确。通过对洛川黄土剖面L1、S1进行详细的岩石磁学、古地磁研究,结果表明:L1、S1中主要的载磁矿物是磁铁矿,但赤铁矿也可能携带稳定的特征剩磁;洛川黄土剖面能够记录Blake漂移,并发生于(123±2)ka。通过S1中1 092~1 240cm处6套平行样品的古地磁结果,表明洛川黄土难以记录Blake漂移的形态学特征;L1未记录到Mono Lake和Laschamp漂移,但是在175cm处识别出1次明显的地磁异常事件,年代约17.9ka。我们认为该地磁异常事件应为Hilina Pali/Tianchi漂移。此外,导致同一极性事件在不同地区记录产生差异的可能原因有中国黄土存在千年尺度的沉积间断、较低的沉积速率及黄土剖面所处地理位置的不同。同一剖面平行样品间地磁漂移形态学存在差异,可能是由于极性漂移期间较低的古地磁场强度抑制了黄土剩磁记录能力所致。  相似文献   

黄土高原区域尺度土壤水分空间变异性   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24       下载免费PDF全文
土壤水分是黄土高原植物生长发育和生态环境重建的主要限制因子。为揭示黄土高原区域尺度深层土壤水分的空间变异性,在黄土高原共布点234个,采集深剖面土壤水分样品12198个。采用经典统计和地统计学相结合的方法系统分析了土壤水分的分布规律、变异特征及影响因素。结果表明:①黄土高原地区土壤水分在水平方向上表现出由东南向西北递减,在垂直方向上(0~500cm)表现出先减小后增加的分布特征;②土地利用对区域尺度土壤水分的数量及垂直分布规律具有显著影响;③土壤水分在不同土层深度(0~500cm)的变异系数、空间异质比等参数的垂直分布均呈先减小后增加趋势,这些参数在表达土壤水分变异的效果上具有一致性。相关结果对黄土高原区域尺度水土过程调控、生态水文过程研究具有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

将前人对黄土高原黄土地层划分的研究成果进行全面总结、分析,结合洛川、宝鸡、西峰3个经典剖面,利用土壤 地层学、沉积学、磁性地层学、古生物学、年代学、地球化学等研究方法对黄土高原的黄土地层进行详细对比以及进一步 细分。将早、中更新世界线调整为B/M极性倒转开始的对应层位——L9顶部。根据岩性和气候旋回周期的差异性等,将离 石黄土三分,S8/L9作为离石黄土内部划分的一条新界线,S1~L5划分为上离石黄土,S5~S8划分为中离石黄土,L9~L15划分为 下离石黄土。在分析过程中发现关键层位(S0,L1,S1,S5,L9,L15,L33) 的年龄具有差异性。  相似文献   

不同降雨条件下黄土高原浅层滑坡危险性预测评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
黄土地区浅层滑坡发育非常广泛,由于其具有分布规律性差、前期变形迹象小、分布范围大、面小点多等特征,目前还无法进行有效预测,因此给黄土地区工程安全带来严重威胁。根据无限边坡模型,结合降雨入渗-土体强度衰减规律和GIS(地理信息系统)技术,构建了不同降雨条件下黄土地区浅层滑坡发育危险性评价模型,并将该评价模型应用到延河一级支流幸福川流域,预测在有效降雨量30、50、100、200 mm条件下,该流域浅层滑坡发育程度,并与当前较为流行的SINMAP模型(地形稳定性模型)进行对比。结果表明:①不稳定和潜在不稳定浅层滑坡主要分布在末级河流的两侧和源头,稳定和较稳定区域主要分布在一级河流河道两侧和塬面上;通过对比分析,SINMAP模型计算的结果与本文建立的模型在降雨强度30 mm时的计算结果较为一致。②在本文建立的模型评价结果中,随着有效降雨量的增加,Fs(稳定性系数)<1.00的不稳定区域所占比例逐渐增加,从30 mm的1.12%到200 mm的4.79%;相反,稳定区域则出现逐渐减少的趋势。③根据已发生灾害点的分布,随着有效降雨量的增加,研究区域已发生的灾害点分布在Fs<1.25的比例明显增加,从30 mm的62%到200 mm的88%,在SINMAP评价模型中,研究区域已发生的灾害点的64%分布在不稳定和潜在不稳定区域内,说明本文所建立的评价模型具有一定的精度。通过与SINMAP评价模型对比,本文建立的模型主要采用基于降雨入渗规律,而SINMAP评价模型主要基于降雨汇流过程,因此在利用过程中应根据区域特征选择利用。  相似文献   

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