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论金刚石的成因和成矿作用及找矿方向   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
金刚石是自然界最稀缺、最珍贵的特种矿产,是碳元素在特定的地质环境、极高的温压条件下形成的结晶体。本文系统总结了近年来世界各国金刚石成因研究方面所取得的最新重要成果,着重论述了金刚石形成的物质基础,形成金刚石的热动力条件,金刚石的生长和演化,金刚石的成因模式,金钢石源岩的类型,金刚石的保存及成矿作用和找矿方向。  相似文献   

查明了造山带镁岩-超铁岩杂岩、钾碱型碱性玄武岩建造以及榴辉岩-片麻岩中含有金刚石。划分出中天山和南天山造山型金刚石,其中以某些滚圆形颗粒以及立方体和八面体习性的晶体最为发育。  相似文献   

本区地壳演化分:太古—早元古代构造基底形成、中晚元古代大陆边缘、早古生代裂谷形成与晚古生代海槽演化四个阶段。重晶石矿床成矿作用有火山喷流作用、大陆边缘沉积作用与裂谷带多种成矿作用的叠加,是形成大型超大型重晶石矿床重要特征。本区寻找重晶石矿前景是乐观的。  相似文献   

阿尔丹地盾中埃利康地区的铀矿床,就其矿化发育的规模来说是铀原料的潜在重要来源。矿床定位于复活的古老区域性断裂中和中生代活化期产生的许多构造变动中。矿床经历了长期的和多阶段的成矿作用。成矿前的黄铁矿-碳酸盐-钾长石交代岩分布最广,是所有矿体和矿层的围岩。这些交代岩体具有不明显的带状结构和一个黄铁矿-碳酸盐-绢云母蚀变外带和黄铁矿-碳酸盐-钾长石内带(晚期有冰长石重结晶作用)。埃利康地区铀矿石中唯一的  相似文献   

M·V·罗蒙诺索夫金刚石矿床位于阿尔罕格尔斯克金伯利岩省之内,地处东欧地台、波罗的海地盾和俄罗斯地台与文德—寒武纪活化的阿尔罕格尔构造带交接的部位。据K Ar法定年,该矿床形成时代为(355±10)Ma,其它地质证据亦表明金伯利岩岩体形成时代介于上泥盆纪和中石炭纪之间。该矿床可划分出4个金伯利岩田,即Zolotitskoye,Kepinskoye,Verhotin skoye和Melskoye。按照深度,该床存在两类岩相,即火山角砾岩筒相和火山口相。两类岩相所产出的岩石类型有所不同,深度不同、蚀变类型也不同。金伯利岩矿物成分主要为金云母、铬尖晶石、铬透辉石、石榴子石和镁钛铁矿等。该矿床的金刚石晶体有不同形态,但以菱形十二面体最为常见,当粒度小于05mm时,八面体形态金刚石增多,但无经济价值。在阿尔罕格尔岩省找到M·V·罗蒙诺索夫矿床是20世纪的一大发现,它的金伯利岩成分稳定,内部构造相对简单并含有大量宝石级的金刚石。  相似文献   

蛇绿混杂岩中的橄榄岩和铬铁矿中发现有大量的显微金刚石(microdiamond),其通常伴有超高压矿物组合(柯石英、斯石英等),这对于认识地球深部物质循环及动力学过程具有重要的指示意义。然而,实验表明,金刚石可以形成在低温低压环境(石墨稳定区域)中,不过至今在天然环境中还没有发现相关的证据。  相似文献   

金刚石多晶是一种以金刚石晶粒为主,颗粒间随机定向、紧密结合的矿物集合体。近年来,对于其的研究受到了地球科学、材料科学等领域专家的高度关注,并已成为当前国际上金刚石研究方面的热点、难点和前沿领域。深入开展金刚石多晶的成因、来源方面的研究不但具有重要的  相似文献   

金刚石复合片(PDC)和聚晶(PCD)是金刚石产品的重要分支。在分析国内外资料基础上,提出提高其产品质量的主要方法,采取各种措施完善PDC性能,探讨了提高钻采业用复合材料工具(PDC、PCD、DEI、TSP)质量的有效途径及前景。  相似文献   

赵国春 《岩石学报》1992,8(2):136-144,T001
太平寨紫苏花岗岩套是由围岩即石英闪长质-英云闪长质紫苏斜长片麻岩深熔形成。变质流体相中水的局部富集是导致形成紫苏花岗岩套的深熔作用的重要因素。紫苏花岗岩套岩石中残晶斜长石和结晶斜长石化学成分对比表明深熔过程是在非平衡或亚稳状态下进行的。  相似文献   

探讨了PCD(金刚石聚晶)和PDC(金刚石复合体)的制做技术、合成机理、提高强度的途径、主要性能的测试方法及其在钻头上的镶焊技术。指出,随着PCD和PDC性能的不断完善,必将导致钻探切削具的新发展。  相似文献   

华北地台金刚石找矿前景及成矿预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
华北地台是我国最重要的金刚石成矿区,已在山东、辽宁找到具经济价值的金伯利岩型金刚石原生矿床,并且在江苏、安徽、河南、河北、山西、吉林等地发现金刚石矿点和重要的找矿信息.依据华北地台金刚石原生矿的成矿规律及物化探、重砂综合信息研究成果,将郯庐断裂带、太行山断裂带及华北地台北缘金刚石原生矿成矿区带,大致划分为4个成矿远景区.  相似文献   

A belt of low-angle normal (or detachment) faults ~250 km long extends from the northern end of the Salton Trough, California to southern Laguna Salada, Baja California, Mexico. The detachment system is divided into two principal segments. The northern segment, here termed the “west Salton detachment system,” comprises top-to-the-east detachment faults along the eastern Peninsular Ranges that root under the Salton Trough. The southern segment, here termed the Laguna Salada detachment system, comprises top-to-the-west detachment faults in northeastern Baja California and the Yuha Desert region of the southwesternmost Salton Trough. Detachments of that system root under Laguna Salada and the Peninsular Ranges of northern Baja California. Both of these systems experienced a major episode of activity in late Miocene to Pleistocene time, synchronous with deposition of the Imperial and Palm Spring formations, and the Laguna Salada detachment system may still be active. Thus, their activity temporally overlapped, partly or completely, with activity on dextral faults of the San Andreas boundary between the Pacific and North American plates, and with accretion of new transitional crust. Some of the detachment faults in the northern segment may have had mid-Miocene normal slip and/or Cretaceous thrust or normal slip as well, although compelling evidence for either is lacking. These detachment faults are distinctly younger than detachments east of the San Andreas fault, which generally ceased activity by middle or late Miocene time and are overlapped by marine or lacustrine rocks (Bouse Formation); these units are equivalent in age to the syntectonic strata of the Salton Trough but are much thinner and essentially undeformed.  相似文献   

华北陆台北缘前寒武纪基底构造与陆台演化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
华北陆台北缘“基底”是由不同时代,不同特征的独立的构造单元组成的。它们原岩主体是以花岗质为主的深成侵入杂岩,层状岩石呈不同尺度的包体包裹在其中,这些构造单元是由构造原因,依一定的时空序列拼贴在一起的。  相似文献   

耿树方  严克明 《地质通报》1991,(2):97-103+105-113
本文运用“区域控制论”和“成矿作用不可逆论”理论,首次从6个方面论证了扬子地台与华北地台是同一个岩石圈板块。并根据板块“基底”深度和板块边界切割深度的不同将其分为三类;地壳(小)板块,莫霍面亚板块和岩石圈板块,华北地台与扬子地台在各地质发展阶段中多数属于莫霍面亚板块,少数阶段为地壳小板块。文中详细论述了秦岭构造带是一个复杂的多旋回裂开—碰撞的重叠造山带,它经历过5个演化阶段和9个演化期,其中包括6次裂开(裂解)和6次挤压、碰撞,以及陆壳塑性推覆和刚性块断作用的复杂演化过程。研究证明,秦岭构造带虽然张裂次数多,但是历次张裂深度都不大,一般多为几十公里;虽然岩浆活动很频繁,但是超镁铁岩不发育,尤其纯橄岩类较少见,因此本区蛇绿岩套都不标准、不典型,作者称为”类蛇绿岩套”,代表了过渡型洋壳的地质环境,说明秦岭构造带多旋回的裂开—碰撞演化过程都是在同一个岩石圈板块内进行的。确定秦岭构造带地壳类型以过渡壳为主,因此其金属成矿作用以贵金属Au、Ag和有色金属Pb、Zn、Mo、Cu等为主,尤其是Au为整个演化过程中的贯通元素,具有巨大的经济意义。本文提出,晚古生代时期扬子地台与华北地台是整体从赤道附近向北漂移的,整体漂移过程就是扬子地台最后一次向华北地台挤压、并使南秦岭过渡壳海槽逐渐收缩、直至中三叠世碰撞和完全封闭的过程。由于扬子地台和华北地台始终属于同一个岩石圈板块,因此它们既不属于世界南方的冈瓦那古陆,也不属于世界北方的劳亚古陆,而是属于可能在世界南,北方之间的第三个古大陆(可能是“古太平洋古陆”)的一部分。  相似文献   

论塔里木地台与华北地台的关系   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
张振法 《物探与化探》1998,22(5):384-393,383
地质、地震测深、大地电磁测深、重磁场特征和古地磁综合研究结果表明,阿拉善—敦煌陆块是具有完整、统一的前寒武系结晶基底的刚性块体。它的西界位于若羌—星星峡断裂;东界位于贺兰山;南缘楔入青藏高原之下;北缘插入兴蒙古生代褶皱系之下,范围颇大(91°E~106°E,38°N~42°N)。阿拉善—敦煌陆块是华北地台重要组成部分,它不但阻挡了印度板块挤压主应力的向北传递,而且把塔里木地台和华北地台紧密连接在一起,组成更加巨大的中华地台。  相似文献   

Carbonaceous units commonly host or are closely related to lode-gold mineralization in the mesothermal Fazenda Maria Preta (FMP) and Fazenda Canto (FC) deposits of the Paleoproterozoic Rio Itapicuru greenstone belt of northeastern Brazil. In these deposits, the carbonaceous matter occurs mainly as: (1) straight to anastomosing seams (Type I) along or transecting the rock fabric, or as stylolitic structures in quartz veins; (2) single grains composed of an agglomerate of highly anisotropic subgrains (Type II); or (3) single grains with a homogeneous internal texture (Type III), which are either enclosed in Type-I carbonaceous seams or disseminated in the rock matrix. Type-I carbonaceous matter commonly hosts or is overgrown by the gold-related sulfide paragenesis, particularly arsenopyrite, whereas both Type I and Type II enclose crystals of arsenopyrite or occur as inclusions and in sharp contact with the sulfide phases.

The three morphological types of carbonaceous matter exhibit similar Raman spectral characteristics, with distinct D and O peaks at wave numbers between 1351 cm?1 and 1357 cm?1, and 1585 cm?1 and 1598 cm?1, respectively. In contrast to the FMP deposit, the carbonaceous matter of the FC deposit shows D peaks of higher intensities than the O peaks. The O peaks are accompanied by an additional disorder-induced band on the high wave number side (≈ 1622 cm?1), and the O/D peak intensity ratios are higher and the half-height O-peak widths smaller. These spectral parameters indicate that the carbonaceous matter in both deposits corresponds to some form of microcrystalline disordered graphitic material and defines a graphitization trend from the FMP to the FC deposit.

The carbonaceous matter of the FMP deposit is isotopically lighter (δ13C = ?23.3‰ to ?30.8‰; x = ?27.4 ± 1.8‰ relative to PDB) than the carbonaceous material of the FC (δ13C = ?18.5‰ to ?21.0‰, x = ?19.7 ± 0.9‰). These δ13C values, together with the geologic evidence, point toward a primarily biogenic organic origin for the carbonaceous matter. The marked differences in the Raman spectral parameters and the δ13C values are interpreted as resulting from different degrees of thermal maturation of carbonaceous matter attained during the regional greenschist metamorphism and granite intrusions of the Rio Itapicuru greenstone belt.

The δ13C compositions of CO2 resulting from the oxidation or hydrolysis of the carbonaceous matter, calculated by applying the equilibrium CO2-graphite fractionation, fall within the range ?9.7‰ to ?18.8‰ at 360 to 420°C (FMP deposit) and ?6.0° to ?10.0° at 390 to 455°C (FC deposit). These calculated δ13C values are lower than those obtained from primary fluid-inclusion CO2 in gold-bearing veins (?6.0° to ?10.2° for the FMP deposit; ?2.8° to ?4.9° for the FC deposit) and imply that the thermal maturation process of the carbonaceous matter contributed little to changes in the chemistry and isotopic composition of the ore fluid. The presence of the carbonaceous matter may have been an important factor in gold deposition during fluid-carbon interaction, acting: (1) as a chemical trap, by reducing the f(O2) of the ore fluids or enhancing fluid immiscibility by adding small quantities of CH4 and N2 to the fluid phase; and/or (2) as a physical barrier, by adsorbing gold on its surface as activated carbon.  相似文献   

对塔里木地台地质条件分析结果表明,它和成矿地台区相似,都是古老的地台区,有相似的构造和地质条件,有金伯利岩的伴生岩石,阶地金刚石砂矿等。根据这些,可以圈出成矿远景区,如:伴生岩石分布区,两个次级构造单元之间的断裂带成矿远景区,阶地砂矿区等。因此,塔里木地台成为寻找金刚石有希望的地区。  相似文献   

哈萨克斯坦北部Kumdy-Kol金刚石矿床地质与变质金刚石成因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
哈萨克斯坦北部Kokchetav地区的Kumdy Kol金刚石矿床是世界上惟一的变质金刚石矿床。对该金刚石矿床成因以及相关岩石的诸多研究成果不仅深化了对超高压变质岩的研究 ,而且推动了大陆动力学研究的进展。在该金刚石矿床中找到的岩相学证据证明 ,该金刚石矿床的主要含矿岩石大理岩曾经在俯冲带中循环到 >2 4 0km的深部。文章在介绍Kokchetav变质金刚石矿床的地质特征和大地构造背景的基础上 ,讨论了该变质金刚石矿床的形成过程以及变质金刚石的成因。Kokchetav变质金刚石主要表现出蜂窝状或草莓状的特征外形。这种蜂窝状或草莓状金刚石是快速生长条件下结晶的结果。结合最近的研究成果 ,笔者认为Kokchetav金刚石矿床中金刚石的形成与深俯冲大理岩中的白云石分解作用密切相关。白云石分解反应形成文石和菱镁矿组合 ,菱镁矿继续分解形成金刚石 (MgCO3 =金刚石 +MgO +O2 )。基于这个认识 ,Kokchetav金刚石矿床中碳 (金刚石和石墨 )的来源应该是碳酸盐岩  相似文献   

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