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This paper presents a new interpretation of the sequence of events in Glen Roy and vicinity during the Loch Lomond Stadial that can be inferred from a detailed varve record constructed by Palmer et al. (2010). 300 years of Younger Dryas glacier advance in the Scottish Highlands are recorded by very thin varves formed in an ice-dammed lake up to 35 km long. At a varve site now occupied by Loch Laggan the lake stood permanently at 260 m, but in Glen Roy varves were also laid down in a lake at 325 m and, later, 350 m caused by glacier advance. Initial ice retreat recorded by a gradual increase in varve thickness was soon followed by much thicker varves. The varve sequences are interrupted by a sand bed caused by sudden drainage of the 350 m lake. The major varves of the Glen Roy sequence show that storminess was still increasing in intensity at least 160 years after glacier retreat had begun. At the Loch Laggan site 15 cm of deformed sediments register an earthquake that produced 3 m faulted uplift of all three Glen Roy shorelines, a response to the abrupt removal of 5 km3 of water when the 260 m lake was catastrophically drained by jökulhlaup. The deformed sediments are immediately followed by varves deposited in a local lake, ice-dammed lake sedimentation now having ceased, having lasted more than 460 years.  相似文献   

Glen Roy is a classic geosite for ice-dammed lake shorelines, the Parallel Roads, and associated features formed during the Loch Lomond (Younger Dryas) Stade (12.9–11.7 ka). The area played a key part in the development of the glacial theory in the early 19th century and continues today to have outstanding scientific value for understanding the processes and timing of events at the end of the last glaciation. Glen Roy has also been long-appreciated as an awe-inspiring visitor attraction, and is now a flagship site for geotourism within Lochaber Geopark. Statutory geoconservation in Glen Roy, beginning in the second half of the 20th century, was founded on the exceptional scientific value of the area. The history and practice of geoconservation in Glen Roy illustrate the contested values of geoheritage and the evolving approaches adopted. Important lessons include the need for open dialogue and partnership working among the local community, land owners and managers, the statutory conservation agency (Scottish Natural Heritage), Lochaber Geopark and the scientific community.  相似文献   

This paper summarises the evidence for glacial ice advance into lower Glen Spean during the Loch Lomond Stadial which involved the blockage of westward-flowing drainage to form a series of ice-dammed lakes, the former surfaces of which are marked by prominent shorelines. Detailed mapping of glacigenic landforms and instrumental levelling of the shorelines reveals a dynamic interplay between the glacier margins and lake formation. Subsequent deglaciation led to lowering of the lake levels, at times by catastrophic drainage beneath the ice (jökulhlaup). The abandoned shorelines have been warped and dislocated in numerous places as a result of glacio-isostatic deformation, faulting and landslip activity. The pattern of retreat of the ice can be deduced from the mapped distributions of retreat moraines and the levelled altitudes of numerous kame and fluvial terrace fragments. The sequence of events outlined in this paper provides important context for understanding the evolution of the landscape of the Glen Roy area during the Loch Lomond Stadial, and a prelude to more recent studies reported in other contributions to this thematic issue.  相似文献   

A sedimentological investigation of new sections of Loch Lomond Stadial (LLS) age deposits is presented from Caol Lairig valley, located adjacent to Glen Roy, Lochaber, Scottish Highlands. The ice lobes in Caol Lairig and Glen Roy blocked local fluvial drainage systems forming lakes that cut shorelines, the ‘Parallel Roads of Glen Roy’ (Agassiz, 1840; Jamieson, 1863, 1892). Within Caol Lairig sediment sequences of proximal, distal and deltaic glaciolacustrine sediments and a subglacial till are reported. The till was deposited during ice advance into the valley and the different glaciolacustrine facies formed in the gap between the head of Caol Lairig and the receding ice margin. When the sediments are related to the shoreline and glacial geomorphological evidence, phases of ice advance and ice retreat and the concomitant changes in lake levels are identified. Initially ice retreat in Glen Roy and Caol Lairig was synchronous but after the fall to 325 m the ice in Glen Roy retreated more quickly than in Caol Lairig. Differences in the ice thickness and the lake water depth in Glen Roy and Caol Lairig may have lead to preferential calving of the Glen Roy ice margin hastening ice retreat.  相似文献   

Over the past 200 years significant research effort has gone into explaining the origin of the obvious former shorelines in Glen Roy (the so-called “Parallel Roads”). The large gravel deposit at the mouth of Glen Turret has attracted similar interest, but a solution to its origin and age remains contested: the same applies to the associated gravel fans in upper Glen Roy. This paper presents the results of systematic mapping and instrumental levelling of these features and new evidence from two previously unrecorded gravel fans in the nearby Allt Chonnal valley. Interpretation of altitudinal and lithofacies data indicates that all the fans (including the one at the mouth of Glen Turret) were deposited in a series of ice-dammed lakes during the Loch Lomond Stadial (Younger Dryas). The largest gravel fans were deposited in the shallow lake heads of the 260 m, 325 m and 350 m lakes in upper Glen Roy, infilling these areas to the extent that deposition was in part subaerial. The absence of foreset bedding from the deposits is explained by the relatively shallow depth of lake waters, which inhibited development of classic Gilbert-type deltas and encouraged Hjulström-type fans. The previous assumption that gravel deposition into the 325 m and 350 m lakes was relatively limited is shown to be erroneous. The Allt Chonnal gravel fans, deposited into these lakes, have an estimated combined volume of 6,000,000 m3 deposited in about 200 years. Significant gravel deposition into these former lakes continued at least until glaciers started to retreat in Glen Roy. When glacier retreat began, gravel deposition was reduced by over 85%. This research also concludes that the glacier which deposited the Turret fan emanated from Glen Gloy, supplied not only by ice from the south but also from ice that spilled into Glen Gloy from the adjacent Great Glen. The Loch Lomond Stadial (LLS) ice cap mapped in the Monadhliath Mountains was connected to the west Highland ice cap, which at the time filled the Great Glen. Regional equilibrium line altitude (ELA) estimates, based solely on the Monadhliath LLS ice cap evidence, may therefore be altitudinally too high.  相似文献   

New lithostratigraphical, pollen-stratigraphical and tephrostratigraphical data are presented for a sediment sequence at Turret Bank, a site that lies close to the confluence of the River Turret with the River Roy in Lochaber, the western Scottish Highlands. The site is also adjacent to the inner margin of a major gravel fan, the Glen Turret Fan, the age of which has been debated and has a crucial bearing on the overall sequence of events in Glen Roy, especially concerning the maximum limit of Loch Lomond Readvance (Younger Dryas) ice. Several lines of evidence point to the sediment sequence at Turret Bank having been wholly deposited during the Loch Lomond Stadial-early Holocene transition: (i) the pollen sequence is typical for this transitional period; (ii) varved deposits preserved in the sequence bear a strong resemblance to mid-Stadial varves in a regional master varve scheme for Glen Roy and vicinity (the Lochaber Master Varve Chronology); and (iii) an early Holocene tephra – the Askja-S Tephra – is preserved within the sequence. Some limitations with the new data are considered, but it is concluded that the coherent integration of lithostratigraphic, geomorphological, pollen-stratigraphical and tephrostratigraphical data point to the likelihood that Loch Lomond Readvance ice extended to the inner margin of the Glen Turret Fan, and that the fan was probably constructed by glacial meltwaters at this time.  相似文献   

Despite a wealth of research on the patterns and timing of glaciation in Glen Roy over the last 150 years, glacial events within Glen Turret remain heavily debated. These debates centre on the extent and source of Loch Lomond Stadial (Younger Dryas) ice in Glen Turret, and the implications for the age and genesis of the Turret Fan. Here we present details of recent systematic geomorphological mapping of Glen Turret and the neighbouring valleys to the north and east. The geomorphological evidence recorded indicates a plateau icefield style of glaciation centred on the Carn Dearg plateau, of which the Turret Glacier was an outlet. A morphostratigraphical approach is used to identify a relative chronology of glacial events, and suggests that the Turret Fan may have formed prior to the Loch Lomond Stadial. A reconstruction of the Carn Dearg plateau icefield is presented, which was connected to the larger Monadhliath Icefield to the east. Equilibrium line altitudes for the outlet glaciers range from 560 ± 20 m to 646 ± 20 m and are comparable with those calculated for surrounding regions. This research suggests that the Turret Fan is predominantly an older feature that was deposited by a more extensive plateau ice-sourced Turret Glacier prior to the Loch Lomond Stadial, most likely during or immediately after deglaciation of the last ice sheet.  相似文献   

Detailed measurements of the altitudes of the shorelines of former ice-dammed lakes in Glen Roy and vicinity in the Scottish Highlands prove erroneous the conventional view that former shorelines in areas affected by glacio-isostatic uplift are uniformly tilted and/or gently warped. The measurements demonstrate differential uplift of blocks of the earth's crust. The surfaces of some blocks have no detectable tilt whereas others have gradients up to at least 4.6 m/km and are tilted in different directions. In three areas 0.7–2.0 km long, shorelines are distorted by crustal movements; all these areas have landslides attributed to earthquakes that accompanied the release of stress. In the area of greatest local distortion three shorelines rose about 3 m above their average altitudes for the immediately surrounding area, and a fault scarp was produced. Possibly these local distortions accompanied catastrophic lake drainage by jökulhlaup, analogous to crustal movements associated with man-made lakes. A relationship between crustal movement and the limit of a glacial advance is demonstrated. These findings have implications for other parts of the world affected by glacioisostatic uplift.  相似文献   

Late Quaternary lake sediment deposits from a former ice-dammed lake at Glen Roy, Scotland, contain deformation structures indicative of liquefaction. The distribution of deformation styles reflects a concentric pattern of the degree of liquefaction. A possible fault rupture and several landslides are also observed in the central area. The liquefaction structures, the zonation of the sediment deformation and the association of deformation with landsliding can most simply be interpreted in terms of ground shaking during a major earthquake occurring at the end of the last glacial episode in Scotland (c. 10,000 bp).  相似文献   

Between 1958 and his retirement in 1982, J.B. Sissons published some 80 articles and two books. The majority of these were devoted to aspects of the Quaternary geomorphology of Scotland, but many of his findings have much wider application. This paper reviews the six main areas in which Sissons made an outstanding research contribution. In approximate chronological order, these were as follows: (i) reassessment of the significance of meltwater channels and related fluvioglacial landforms (1958–1963); (ii) the deciphering of an extremely complex sequence of raised and buried shorelines and associated sea-level changes in eastern Scotland (1962–1972), together with reinterpretation of the age and origin of marine rock-cut platforms in western Scotland (1974–1982); (iii) work on the data banking of borehole records and the relevance of certain aspects of drift stratigraphy to engineering operations (1969–1971); (iv) research on the extent and chronology of the last Scottish ice sheet and associated readvances (1961–1982); (v) the reconstruction of the extent and palaeoclimatic implications of Loch Lomond Stadial glaciers (1972–1982); and (vi) investigation into aspects of landscape evolution in the Glen Roy area, including the formation of former lake shorelines, the catastrophic drainage of former ice dammed lakes and its effects, the interpretation of complex terrace sequences and the discovery of links between deglaciation, unloading, faulting, earthquakes and landslides (1978–1982). This paper also includes a complete list of Sissons' publications.  相似文献   

Glen Roy, Lochaber is a key UK site for understanding Late Devensian environmental change, as it contains an annually-resolved glaciolacustrine varve record. This paper develops our understanding of varve sedimentation within Glen Roy through the examination of a new varve sequence located in a more proximal position on the Allt Bhraic Achaidh Fan, one of a series of major fans within the valley. This new varve record consists of c. 203 annual layers, much fewer years than at other sites in the Lochaber area probably due to five significant hiatuses within the record. Varve sediment characteristics and thickness are comparable to, but not statistically correlated with, other varve series that were used to construct a consolidated varve record for the area, the Lochaber Master Varve Chronology. Sedimentological characteristics, analysed by thin section micromorphology, suggest that varve thickness changes within the basin are controlled mainly by distance from the valley sides rather than the position of the ice margin during the Loch Lomond Readvance, as previously proposed.  相似文献   

Subglacial and subaqueous sediments deposited near the margin of a Late-glacial ice-dammed lake near Achnasheen, northern Scotland, are described and interpreted. The subglacial sediments consist of deformation tills and glacitectonites derived from pre-existing glaciolacustrine deposits, and the subaqueous sediments consist of ice-proximal outwash and sediment flow deposits, and distal turbidites. Sediment was delivered from the glacier to the lake by two main processes: (1) subglacial till deformation, which fed debris flows at the grounding line; and (2) meltwater transport, which fed sediment-gravity flows on prograding outwash fans. Beyond the ice-marginal environment, deposition was from turbidity currents, ice-rafting and settling of suspended sediments. The exposures support the conclusion that the presence of a subglacial deforming layer can exert an important influence on sedimentation at the grounding lines of calving glaciers.  相似文献   

Geomorphological mapping of southern Skye indicates evidence for a single readvance of locally-nourished glaciers. These comprised a major icefield that occupied c. 155 km2 of the main mountain area, a small icefield c. 10 km2 in extent in the Kyleakin hills and ten corrie glaciers with a total area of c. 16 km2. The absence of Lateglacial pollen sites, shorelines and periglacial features within the limits of local glaciation implies a Loch Lomond Readvance age for this glacial event. The area-weighted mean equilibrium line altitude (ELA) of the reconstructed Loch Lomond Readvance glaciers (319 m) conforms with a regional eastwards rise in ELAs that indicates dominant westerly airstreams during the Loch Lomond Stadial. An easterly decline in ELAs across the former icefields is interpreted in terms of easterly transfer of snow across ice-sheds by westerly winds, though the altitudes of corrie glacier ELAs suggest that the dominant snow-bearing winds were southerlies. Calculations based on the area-weighted mean ELA for the major icefield (308 m) indicate a stadial mean July sea-level temperature of c. 6 °C. The anomalously low gradients of certain former icefield outlet glaciers are attributed to deformation of subglacial sediment, an effect that may vitiate the assumption of linear ablation/accumulation gradients in the calculation of former ELAs for reconstructed glaciers.  相似文献   

The tidewater glacier complex of Kongsvegen/Kronebreen, at the head of Kongsfjorden in north-west Spitsbergen, has advanced rapidly several times since its Neoglacial maximum. Two such advances, 1869 and 1948, are well constrained in time and space and are widely interpreted as glacier surges. During the 1869 advance an ice-dammed lake formed on the western side of Ossian Sarsfjellet. This ice-dammed lake is associated with a thrust moraine complex. Four lake levels are identified, two of which are associated with rock-cut shorelines implying a degree of lake stability. The history of this lake, the nature of the ice dam and its relationship to the thrust moraine complex are discussed. The lake history spanning 28 to 35 years is used to assess the ice-marginal dynamics of the Kongsvegen/Kronebreen glacier. It is concluded that, contrary to previous suggestions, the rapid advance of this tidewater glacier may simply be an example of a non-climatic ice-marginal fluctuation, of the type common to tidewater glacier, as opposed to a glacier surge. A second ice-dammed lake, to the east of Ossian Sarsfjellet, formed sometime after 1869 as the ice retreated, and still exists today. This largely supraglacial lake is associated with a very different geomorphological assemblage, which has a poor long-term preservation potential. The geomorphological characteristics of the two lakes on Ossian Sarsfjellet are compared and used to discuss the problems associated with the recognition of ice-dammed lakes within the Pleistocene record. On the basis of the evidence presented here, ice-dammed lakes may be more common during deglaciation than currently suggested.  相似文献   

Our knowledge about the glaciation history in the Russian Arctic has to a large extent been based on geomorphological mapping supplemented by studies of short stratigraphical sequences found in exposed sections. Here we present new geochronological data from the Polar Ural Mountains along with a high‐resolution sediment record from Bolshoye Shchuchye, the largest and deepest lake in the mountain range. Seismic profiles show that the lake contains a 160‐m‐thick sequence of unconsolidated lacustrine sediments. A well‐dated 24‐m‐long core from the southern end of the lake spans the last 24 cal. ka. From downward extrapolation of sedimentation rates we estimate that sedimentation started about 50–60 ka ago, most likely just after a large glacier had eroded older sediments from the basin. Terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide (TCN) exposure dating (10Be) of boulders and Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dating of sediments indicate that this part of the Ural Mountains was last covered by a coherent ice‐field complex during Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 4. A regrowth of the glaciers took place during a late stage of MIS 3, but the central valleys remained ice free until the present. The presence of small‐ and medium‐sized glaciers during MIS 2 is reflected by a sequence of glacial varves and a high sedimentation rate in the lake basin and likewise from 10Be dating of glacial boulders. The maximum extent of the mountain glaciers during MIS 2 was attained prior to 24 cal. ka BP. Some small present‐day glaciers, which are now disappearing completely due to climate warming, were only slightly larger during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) as compared to AD 1953. A marked decrease in sedimentation rate around 18–17 cal. ka BP indicates that the glaciers then became smaller and probably disappeared altogether around 15–14 cal. ka BP.  相似文献   

We present results from three geophysical campaigns using high‐resolution sub‐bottom profiling to image sediments deposited in Loch Ness, Scotland. Sonar profiles show distinct packages of sediment, providing insight into the loch's deglacial history. A recessional moraine complex in the north of the loch indicates initial punctuated retreat. Subsequent retreat was rapid before stabilisation at Foyers Rise formed a large stillstand moraine. Here, the calving margin produced significant volumes of laminated sediments in a proglacial fjord‐like environment. Subsequent to this, ice retreated rapidly to the southern end of the loch, where it again deposited a sequence of proglacial laminated sediments. Sediment sequences were then disturbed by the deposition of a thick gravel layer and a large turbidite deposit as a result of a jökulhlaup from the Spean/Roy ice‐dammed lake. These sediments are overlain by a Holocene sheet drape. Data indicate: (i) a former tributary of the Moray Firth Ice Stream migrated back into Loch Ness as a major outlet glacier with a calving margin in a fjord‐like setting; (ii) there was significant sediment supply to the terminus of this outlet glacier in Loch Ness; and (iii) that jökulhlaups are important for sediment supply into proglacial fjord/lake environments and may compose >20% of proglacial sedimentary sequences. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper describes recent proglacial lacustrine sediments exposed by the drainage of a small (probably never more than 0·03 km2) ice-dammed lake basin at Leirbreen, central Jotunheimen, Norway. The dominant facies include ripple-laminated, massive and horizontally-stratified sands, massive and horizontally-laminated silts, and irregularly-laminated fine sands and silts. The major control on lake circulation and the nature and distribution of these facies was an underflow driven by a subglacial meltwater stream which formed the major lake input. Although much of the sedimentary sequence indicates a pulsatory input, the proximal character of this small lake prevented the development of classic varved silts. Compressional deformation of shoreline sediments was due to winter lake ice push. Other deformational processes included the grounding of icebergs, water escape and syn-sedimentary downslope collapse. Observations from an adjacent small ice-marginal lake at Leirbreen provide support for several of the inferences drawn from the sediments of the former ice-dammed lake.  相似文献   

Laguna Potrok Aike, located in southernmost Patagonia (Argentina, 52°S) is a 100 m deep hydrologically closed lake that probably provides the only continental southern Patagonian archive covering a long and continuous interval of several glacial to interglacial cycles. In the context of the planned ‘International Continental Scientific Drilling Program’ initiative ‘Potrok Aike Maar Lake Sediment Archive Drilling Project’, several seismic site surveys that characterize in detail the sedimentary subsurface of the lake have been undertaken. Long sediment cores recovered the material to date and calibrate these seismic data. Laguna Potrok Aike is rimmed steeply, circular in shape with a diameter of ∼3·5 km and is surrounded by a series of subaerial palaeoshorelines, reflecting varying lake-level highstands and lowstands. Seismic data indicate a basinwide erosional unconformity that occurs consistently on the shoulder of the lake down to a depth of −33 m (below 2003 ad lake level), marking the lowest lake level during Late Glacial to Holocene times. Cores that penetrate this unconformity comprise Marine Isotope Stage 3-dated sediments (45 kyr bp ) ∼3·5 m below, and post-6800 cal yr bp transgressional sediments above the unconformity. This Middle Holocene transgression following an unprecedented lake-level lowstand marks the onset of a stepwise change in moisture, as shown by a series of up to 11 buried palaeoshorelines that were formed during lake-level stillstands at depths between −30 and −12 m. Two series of regressive shorelines between ∼5800 to 5400 and ∼4700 to 4000 cal yr bp interrupt the overall transgressional trend. In the basin, mound-like drift sediments occur after ∼6000 cal yr bp, documenting the onset of lake currents triggered by a latitudinal shift or an increase in wind intensity of the Southern Hemispheric Westerlies over Laguna Potrok Aike at that time. Furthermore, several well-defined lateral slides can be recognized. The majority of these slides occurred during the mid-Holocene lake-level lowering when the slopes became rapidly sediment-charged because of erosion from the exposed shoulder sediments. Around 7800 and 4900 cal yr bp , several slides went down simultaneously, probably triggered by seismic shaking.  相似文献   

Geomorphic evidence suggests that shorelines of 100–200 m above the modern lake levels were common across the Tibetan Plateau during late Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3. The timing of this lake‐level highstand is mainly based on radiocarbon ages. Problems surrounding the ages of lacustrine sediments at or beyond the limit of the radiocarbon‐dating method have created a need for alternative geochronometers. Chronological advances during the last decade have renewed interest in the timing of events beyond the limit of radiocarbon dating. Here, we synthesize published data for elevated lacustrine landforms of 48 lakes on the Tibetan Plateau, in order to provide a thorough perspective on the timing and pattern of lake‐level changes in this alpine area during the late Quaternary. The ages of these elevated shore features reveal a long‐term trend of relative lake‐level fall from at least MIS 5, instead of a peak in MIS 3, as previously thought. Dating lacustrine terrace sequences reveals that the rate of lake‐level fall ranged from ~1 to 3 mm a?1, comparable with that of related river downcutting across the plateau. Palaeoclimatic proxy records point to a sustained drying since the Last Interglacial, suggesting that long‐term aridification might be the culprit for this widespread and progressive lake‐level fall.  相似文献   

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