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This present study describes the elemental geochemistry of fluvial sediments in the Kurigram (upstream) to Sirajganj–Tangail (downstream) section of the Brahmaputra–Jamuna River, Bangladesh, with the aim of evaluating their provenance, weathering and tectonic setting. Petrographically, the sediments are rich in quartz (68%), followed by feldspars (8.5%) and lithic grains (7%). The bulk sediment chemistry is influenced by grain size. Concentrations of TiO2, Fe2O3, MgO, K2O, P2O5, Rb, Nb, Cr, V, Y, and, Ce, Th and Ga slightly decrease with increasing SiO2/Al2O3 and grain size, suggesting clay matrix control. In contrast, concentrations of CaO, Na2O, Sr and Pb increase with increasing SiO2/Al2O3 and grain size, suggesting residence of these substances in feldspar. Decrease in Zr as grain size increases is likely controlled both by clay matrix and heavy minerals. In addition, heavy minerals' sorting also influences Ce, Th, Y and Cr abundances in some samples. The sediments are predominantly quartzose in composition with abundant low-grade metamorphic and sedimentary lithics, low feldspars and trace volcanic detritus, indicating a quartzose recycled orogen province as a source of the sediments. Discriminant diagrams together with immobile element ratio plots show that, the Brahmaputra–Jamuna River sediments are mostly derived from rocks formed in an active continental margin. Moreover, the rare earth element ratios as well as chondrite-normalized REE patterns with flat HREE, LREE enrichment, and negative Eu anomalies indicate derivation of the sediments of Brahmaputra–Jamuna River from felsic rock sources of upper continental crust (UCC). The chemical indices of alteration suggest that Brahmaputra–Jamuna River sediments are chemically immature and experienced low chemical weathering effects. In the A–CN–K ternary diagram, most of the samples close to the plagioclase–K-feldspar join line and to the UCC plot, and in the field of various lithologies of Higher Himalayan Crystalline Series, suggesting that rocks in these series are likely source rocks. Therefore, the elemental geochemistry of the Brahmaputra–Jamuna River sediments is controlled mostly by mechanical breakdown of lithic fragments and subsequent preferential attrition of muscovite > albite > quartz.  相似文献   


大量陆源碎屑物质主要通过以长江、黄河为代表的大江大河和以瓯江、浊水溪为代表的山溪性小河流的携带输移至中国东部海域,海域沉积物的物源识别是当前的研究热点。本文通过原子吸收光谱法测试了磁性矿物中的11种元素(Ti、Fe、Cr、Mg、Al、V、Ca、Co、Zn、Mn和S),旨在探讨这些河流沉积物( < 45μm)的磁性矿物群体化学特征,提取其物源指示意义,为边缘海沉积物物源判别提供依据。研究结果表明,这些河流沉积物的磁性矿物主要是以铁氧化物(磁铁矿)为主,铁硫化物含量很低( < 2%),只有台湾浊水溪沉积物中含有相对较多的铁硫化物(主要是磁黄铁矿),为1.84%。除此之外,各河流沉积物磁性矿物中铁氧化物的化学元素组成(Ti、Mg、Ca、Al、Cr、V、Mn、Co和Zn)差异也很明显,其中黄河富含Mg和Ca,长江富含Ti,钱塘江富含Al,瓯江富含Cr,台湾浊水溪相对来说富含Al和Co,而其余元素含量远低于其他河流。从磁性矿物成因图上看,黄河沉积物中磁性矿物落在碱性岩浆岩成因区,但这并不是反映了流域磁性矿物的母岩为碱性岩浆岩,而是由于流域中黄土土壤化过程中产生的细颗粒磁性矿物中含有较高的碱土金属元素(如Mg和Ca)所致;其他河流磁性矿物成因与其流域母岩关系密切,如长江和浙闽河流主要为超基性-基性-中性岩浆岩成因,浊水溪为沉积变质-接触交代成因,都与其所处流域的磁性矿物的母岩类型较为一致。利用Ti+V-S+Co-Ca+Mg三角图可以有效地区分黄河、长江和浙闽河流、浊水溪沉积物物源。磁性矿物群体中的Mn、Zn、Al、Cr元素的差异有助于进一步确定长江和浙闽河流的泥沙来源。同时,发现磁性矿物单颗粒和群体化学组成特征具有一定差异性,很可能是由于分析方法不同所造成。


甘肃省平凉市灵台县邵寨镇剖面风尘堆积底界年龄大约为5.23 Ma B.P.,通过对该剖面新近纪红粘土与第四纪黄土-古土壤序列的常量元素、 微量元素、Nd同位素的测试,分析其在物源和风化方面的指示意义,发现新近纪红粘土与第四纪黄土具有相似的常量、 微量元素UCC标准化曲线和稀土元素球粒陨石标准化曲线,指示二者皆来自广阔的...  相似文献   

The Neoproterozoic Ikorongo Group, which lies unconformably on the late Archaean Nyanzian Supergroup of the Tanzania Craton, is comprised of conglomerates, quartzites, shales, siltstones, red sandstones with rare flagstones and gritstones and is regionally subdivided into four litho-stratigraphic units namely the Makobo, Kinenge, Sumuji and Masati Formations.We report geochemical data for the mudrocks (i.e., shales and siltstones) from the Ikorongo basin in an attempt to constrain their provenance and source rock weathering. These mudrocks are compositionally similar to PAAS and PS indicating derivation from mixed mafic–felsic sources. However, the siltstones show depletion in the transition elements (Cr, Ni, Cu, Sc and V) and attest to a more felsic protolith than those for PAAS and PS. The Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA: 52–82) reveal a moderately weathered protolith for the mudrocks. The consistent REE patterns with LREE-enriched and HREE-depleted patterns ((La/Yb)CN = 7.3–38.3) coupled with negative Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu* = 0.71 on average), which characteristics are similar to the average PAAS and PS, illustrate cratonic sources that formed by intra-crustal differentiation.Geochemical considerations and palaeocurrent indications suggest that the provenance of the Ikorongo Group include high-Mg basaltic-andesites, dacites, rhyolites and granitoids from the Neoarchaean Musoma-Mara Greenstone Belt to the north of the Ikorongo basin. Mass balance calculations suggest relative contributions of 47%, 42% and 11% from granitoids, high-magnesium basaltic-andesites and dacites, respectively to the detritus that formed the shales. Corresponding contributions to the siltstones detritus are 53%, 43% and 4%.  相似文献   


本文对泰国湾西部T93柱状沉积物样品进行了常微量元素测试,探讨了沉积物物源和沉积环境变迁。T93柱状样全长381 cm,底层年代约14640 cal.a B. P.,间隔10 cm取样测试,样品平均年代间隔375 a。测试结果表明,末次冰消期以来泰国湾沉积物来源主要经历了4个阶段的变迁:1)14640~ 11700 cal.a B. P.期间,该阶段为低海平面时期的陆相沉积,沉积物为粘土质粉砂,Na、K、Ca等活跃的碱金属和碱土金属元素含量较低,Ti、Zr、Ba等含量高,表现出强烈的化学风化特征;δEu平均为0.60,(La/Yb)PAAS平均0.92,物质来源以马来半岛为主,但分异程度高,成分较复杂。2)11700~8000 cal.a B. P.期间,该阶段为海平面快速上升期的滨海沉积,沉积物主要为粘土质粉砂,粉砂组分含量开始增加,Mg和Mn元素含量大幅升高,Fe、Ti含量减少;δEu平均为0.58,(La/Yb)PAAS平均0.99,物质来源主要为马来半岛。3)8000~4000 cal.a B. P.期间,该阶段为高海平面时期的陆架沉积,沉积物包括粉砂和粘土质粉砂,Mg、Na、Ca含量明显增大,化学风化程度减弱;δEu平均为0.60,(La/Yb)PAAS平均1.08,沉积物主要来自中南半岛。4)4000 cal.a B. P.至今,该阶段为海平面稍有下降的稳定陆架沉积,沉积物主要为粉砂,沉积物元素总体稳定,现代沉积体系基本形成;δEu平均为0.62,(La/Yb)PAAS平均0.97,沉积物以马来半岛物质为主,中南半岛物质为辅,物源与现代一致。


Small rivers (≤ 100 km length) are likely to drain fewer rock types. Therefore, their solutes and sediments are good indicators of weathering environments typical of their basins and help constraining the nature of their source rocks. To understand this, the texture, mineralogy, major and trace element compositions of the sediments deposited by the River Hemavati, a northern upland tributary of the Cauvery River in southern India, are analyzed and discussed.

The Hemavati sediments are overall of fine sand size (mean 2–3), and have high concentrations of FeO (≤ 7 wt.%), TiO2 (≤ 1.2 wt.%), Cr (≤ 350 ppm) and Ni (≤ 125 ppm). Major and trace element distribution call for a binary source for the sediments, and particularly point to contrasting climatic conditions of their provenances. The source areas in the upstream and downstream parts are exposed to sub-humid high relief and sub-arid low relief conditions, respectively, with distinct weathering characteristics. The CIA values (85–48) decrease from near the source to downstream, suggesting that the downstream rain-shadow part of the catchment suffered only minor chemical weathering.

On the other hand, the REE distribution in the Hemavati sediments indicates contrasting lithologies in their provenance, and is not controlled by chemical weathering. On the basis of REE patterns, the sediments are divided into two compositional groups. The Type 1 sediments have a REE chemistry similar to the upper continental crust, and have been derived from the > 3.2 Ga composite peninsular gneisses occurring in the low-lying, semi-arid Mysore Plateau. The Type 2 sediments, however, have dominantly intermediate to mafic granulite contributions from the tectonically uplifted Western Ghats, weathered under sub-humid conditions. High concentrations of FeO, TiO2, Cr and Ni in the sediments suggest mafic-dominated source lithologies in the upper catchment, a feature also confirmed by field observations and petrographic study.  相似文献   

The sediment geochemistry, including REE, of surface and core samples from Mansar Lake, along with mineralogical investigations, have been carried out in order to understand the provenance, source area weathering, hydrolic sorting and tectonic setting of the basin. The geochemical signatures preserved in these sediments have been exploited as proxies in order to delineate these different parameters.The major element log values (Fe2O3/K2O) vs (SiO2/Al2O3) and (Na2O/K2O) vs (SiO2/Al2O3) demarcate a lithology remarkably similar to that exposed in the catchment area. The chondrite normalized REE patterns of lake samples are similar to Post Archaean Australian Shale (PAAS) with LREE enrichment, a negative Eu anomaly and almost flat HREE pattern similar to a felsic and/or cratonic sedimentary source. However, the La–Th–Sc plot of samples fall in a mixed sedimentary domain, close to Upper Continental Crust (UCC) and PAAS, suggesting sedimentary source rocks for the Mansar detritus. It also indicates that these elements remained immobile during weathering and transportation. The mineralogical characteristic, REEs, and high field strength elements (HFSE), together with the high percentage of metamorphic rock fragments in the Siwalik sandstone, support a metamorphic source for lower Siwalik sediments. A very weak positive correlation between Zr and SiO2, poor negative correlation with Al2O3, negative correlation of (La/Yb)N and (Gd/Yb)N ratios with SiO2 and positive correlation with Al2O3, suggest that Zr does not dominantly control the REE distribution in Mansar sediments. The petrographic character and textural immaturity indicate a short distance transport for the detritus. The distribution of elements in core samples reflect fractionation. The higher Zr/Th and Zr/Yb ratios in coarse sediments and PAAS compared to finer grained detritus indicate sedimentary sorting. Plots of the geochemical data on tectonic discrimination diagrams suggest that the sediments derived from the lower Siwalik were originated within a cratonic interior and later deposited along a passive margin basinal setting. It therefore reveals lower Siwalik depositional history.  相似文献   

In Douala (Littoral Cameroon), the Cretaceous to Quaternary formation composed of marine to continental sediments are covered by ferrallitic soils. These sediments and soils have high contents of SiO2 (≥70.0 wt%), intermediate contents of Al2O3 (11.6–28.4 wt%), Fe2O3 (0.00–20.5 wt%) and TiO2 (0.04–4.08 wt%), while K2O (≤0.18 wt%), Na2O (≤0.04 wt%), MgO (≤0.14 wt%) and CaO (≤0.02 wt%) are very low to extremely low. Apart from silica, major oxides and trace elements (REE included) are more concentrated in the fine fraction (<62.5 μm) whose proportions of phyllosilicates and heavy minerals are significant. The close co-associations between Zr, Hf, Th and ∑REE in this fraction suggest that REE distribution is controlled by monazite and zircon. CIA values indicate intense weathering. Weathering products are characterized by the association Al2O3 and Ga in kaolinite; the strong correlation between Fe2O3 and V in hematite and goethite; the affinity of TiO2 with HFSE (Hf, Nb, Th, Y and Zr) in heavy minerals. The ICV values suggest mature sediments. The PCI indicates a well-drained environment whereas U/Th and V/Cr ratios imply oxic conditions. La/Sc, La/Co, Th/Cr, Th/Sc and Eu/Eu* elemental ratios suggest a source with felsic components. Discrimination diagrams are consistent with the felsic source. The REE patterns of some High-K granite and granodiorite of the Congo Craton resemble those of the samples, indicating that they derive from similar source rocks.  相似文献   


准噶尔盆地的新生代沉积的物质来源对认识中亚地区乃至全球气候环境演变、亚洲内陆干旱化以及粉尘输送路径等关键科学问题都具有重要的意义,但目前对盆地内沉积物的物质来源的研究还比较粗略。文章以准噶尔盆地内不同类型的表层沉积物为研究对象,通过对稀土元素特征的研究进一步探讨盆地内不同沉积的物质来源与相互联系。研究结果表明:准噶尔盆地不同区域表层沉积物的稀土元素含量(不含Y元素)变化较大,变化范围为55.54~194.44 μg/g;大部分样品的δCe值在0.95~1.05之间,未见明显的Ce异常,指示了盆地内整体干旱环境下较弱的风化成壤作用,而Eu异常和UCC标准化配分模式表现出的复杂变化,可能指示了准噶尔盆地表层沉积物物质来源的多源性。根据盆地内表层沉积物的稀土元素总量、配分模式以及δEu值表现出的不同特征,结合了盆地内的区域地形和盛行风向等要素,认为盆地东部的戈壁砂和周围山地的基岩碎屑物之间存在着一定的物源继承,同时强劲的西北风也为该地带来了来自盆地北部和中部的物质来源;北部的阿尔泰山碎屑物质是盆地北部戈壁砂和沙漠砂的主要物质来源,但戈壁砂表现出的Eu中度亏损和较高的ΣREE值可能代表着该区域还存在更为广阔的物源;盆地西部各类沉积物之间表现出的稀土元素特征的相似性表明该地缺乏外界物质的参与,物源具有明显的局域性;盆地南缘的沙漠砂和河流表层沉积物主要来源于天山碎屑物质经冰川磨蚀及寒冻风化等作用形成的粉砂粒级物质,但是该地的黄土在地形和风向的影响下表现出了复杂的物质来源,盆地中的沙漠、天山碎屑物质、盆地东部的戈壁砂,甚至于中亚广大荒漠区的粉尘都为黄土提供了部分物源。


Whole rock major, trace and rare earth element (REE) compositions of Paleogene to Neogene sedimentary rocks of the NW shelf succession (Province 1) of Bangladesh contain a record of interaction of the India and Asian plates, Himalayan tectonism, and climatic development. Analyses of 66 sandstones and mudrocks from the Tertiary succession of Bangladesh were made to examine provenance, source weathering, and the influence of paleoclimate and tectonism. The sediments display linear geochemical trends due to quartz dilution, and varying quartz–clay ratios produced by hydrodynamic sorting. Chondrite-normalized REE patterns for both sandstones and mudrocks from different groups are similar to upper continental crust, with moderate to high LREE enrichment (lithotypes within formations average LaN/YbN 5.31–11.41) and marked negative Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu* 0.51–0.69). Based on geochemical criteria the succession can be divided into three parts (Jaintia; Barail–Surma; and Dupi Tila). Very high silica contents in Jaintia Tura sandstones and high Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) indices in Kopili mudrocks (Fe-shales) suggest derivation from a deeply weathered and stable cratonic source (India). The Tura sandstones are interpreted as first-cycle quartz arenites, produced while the Indian plate drifted across equatorial regions during the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal maximum (PETM). The Barail–Surma and Dupi Tila sediments were derived from a felsic orogen (the Himalaya). The Barail–Surma sediments were mainly derived from the Trans Himalayan Batholith and associated granitoids, with significant contribution from the Lesser Himalaya. Mafic input is also evident, probably from intraoceanic arc material within the Himalaya. Barail mudrocks have uniformly high CIA values (92–95), suggesting intense steady-state weathering of their proto-Himalayan source, and warm and humid climate. In contrast, CIA values of Surma mudrocks range from 66 to 93 (average 84), suggesting non-steady state weathering related to active uplift in the Himalaya. The Dupi Tila sediments were derived from a more felsic Lesser Himalaya source, with significant contribution from the Trans-Himalaya and very little or no ophiolitic or arc material. Dupi Tila mudrocks have CIA ratios of 62–99 (average 72), also indicating non-steady state weathering in the rising Himalayan source. Geochemical compositions of the NW shelf sediments are comparable to coeval successions in the Surma basin (Province 2) of Bangladesh and the Siwaliks (India), indicating similar source. Evolution of the Indian monsoon and associated high precipitation caused intense chemical weathering of the Surma and Dupi Tila source, despite rapid uplift. The Surma Group thus bears the signature of evolution of the Asian monsoon in the Bengal basin at 21 Ma, simultaneous with the development of the East Asian monsoon. This supports proposals that both monsoon systems developed at the same time.  相似文献   

Geochemical variations in stream sediments (n = 54) from the Mahaweli River of Sri Lanka have been evaluated from the viewpoints of lithological control, sorting, heavy mineral concentration, influence of climatic zonation (wet, intermediate, and dry zones), weathering, and downstream transport. Compositions of soils (n = 22) and basement rocks (n = 38) of the catchment and those of <180 μm and 180–2000 μm fractions of the stream sediments were also examined. The sediments, fractions, soils and basement rocks were analyzed by X-ray fluorescence to determine their As, Pb, Zn, Cu, Ni, Cr, V, Sr, Y, Nb, Zr, Th, Sc, Fe2O3, TiO2, MnO, CaO, P2O5 and total sulfur contents. Abundances of high field strength and ferromagnesian elements in the sediments indicate concentration of durable heavy minerals including zircon, tourmaline, rutile, monazite, garnet, pyriboles, and titanite, especially in <180 μm fractions. The sediments show strong correlation between Ti and Fe, further suggesting presence of heavy mineral phases containing both elements, such as ilmenite and magnetite. The basement rocks range from mafic through to felsic compositions, as do the soils. The river sediments lack ultrabasic components, and overall have intermediate to felsic compositions. Elemental spikes in the confluences of tributary rivers and high values in the <180 μm fractions indicate sporadic inputs of mafic detritus and/or heavy minerals to the main channel. Al2O3/(K2O + Na2O) and K2O/Na2O ratios of the sediments and LOI values of the soils correlate well with the climatic zones, suggesting intense weathering in the wet zone, lesser weathering in the intermediate zone, and least weathering in the dry zone. Low Sr and CaO contents and Cr/V ratios in stream sediments in the wet zone also suggest climatic influence. Fe-normalized enrichment factors (EFs) for As, Pb, Zn, Cu, Ni and Cr in stream sediments in the main channel are nearly all <1.5, indicating there is no significant environmental contamination. The chemistry of the sediments, rocks and the soils in the Mahaweli River are thus mainly controlled by source lithotype, weathering, sorting, and heavy mineral accumulation.  相似文献   

In the Kachchh Mainland, the Jumara Dome mixed carbonate-siliciclastic succession is represented by the Jhurio and Patcham formations and siliciclastic-dominating Chari Formation (Bathonian to Oxfordian). The Ju- mara Dome sediments were deposited during sea-level fluctuating, and were interrupted by storms in the shallow marine environment. The sandstones are generally medium-grained, moderately sorted, subangular to subrounded and of low sphericity. The sandstones are mineralogically mature and mainly composed of quartzarenite and subar- kose. The plots of petrofacies in the Qt-F-L, Qm-F-Lt, Qp-Lv-Ls and Qm-P-K ternary diagrams suggest mainly the basement uplift source (craton interior) in rifted continental margin basin setting. The sandstones were cemented by carbonate, iron oxide and silica overgrowth. The Chemical Index of Alteration values (73% sandstone and 81% shale) indicate high weathering conditions in the source area. Overall study suggests that such strong chemical weathering conditions are of unconformity with worldwide humid and warm climates during the Jurassic period. Positive correlations between A1203 and Fe203, TiO2, Na20, MgO, K20 are evident. A high correlation coefficient between A1203 and K20 in shale samples suggests that clay minerals control the major oxides, The analogous con- tents of Si, A1, Ti, LREE and TTE in the shale to PAAS with slightly depleted values of other elements ascribe a PAAS like source (granitic gneiss and minor mafics) to the present study. The petrographic and geochemical data strongly suggest that the studied sandstones/shales were deposited on a passive margin of the stable intracratonic basin.  相似文献   

The major, trace and rare earth elements geochemistry and clay mineral compositions in the river bed sediments from lower reaches of Godavari river suggest that they are derived from weathering of felsic rocks. Trace and rare earth elemental compositions indicate evidence of sedimentary sorting during transportation and deposition. Lower concentrations of transition elements, such as V, Ni and Cr imply enrichment of felsic minerals in these bed sediments. The REE pattern in lower Godavari sediments is influenced by the degree of source rock weathering. The light rare earth elements (LREE) content are indicating greater fractionation compared to the heavy rare earth elements (HREE). A striking relationship is observed between TiO2 and gZREE content suggesting a strong control by LREE-enriched titaniferous minerals on REE chemistry. Shale-normalized REE pattern demonstrate a positive Eu anomaly, suggesting weathering of feldspar and their secondary products, which are enriched in Eu. Chondrite-normalised REE pattern is characteristic of felsic volcanic, granites and gnessic source rocks. Trace elemental compositions in sediments located near urban areas suggest influence of anthropogenic activity. Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) is high (avg. 65.76), suggesting a moderate chemical weathering environment. X-ray diffraction analysis of clay fraction shows predominance of clay minerals that are formed because of the chemical weathering of felsic rocks.  相似文献   

闽东北地区位于政和—大埔断裂带东侧。在晚侏罗世—早白垩世,该地区经历了十分强烈的火山活动,形成了分布广泛、厚度巨大的陆相火山沉积岩系,其下伏基底地层中的迪口组与福建省金矿或矿化关系极为密切,是福建省重要的含金矿源层,有较好的成矿条件。水系沉积物异常重现性试验及元素的表生迁移研究表明,不同采样批次、不同季节、不同年份在相同采样介质和采样点获得的主要成矿元素异常重现性较好。与全国水系沉积物元素平均含量相比,Au、Ag、Pb、Zn异常较明显。水系沉积物元素异常统计揭示,Au、Ag、As、Sb的成矿能力评价最高。这种元素异常组合表明,与火山岩有关的金矿是本区最有利的成矿矿种,并在闽东北地区经钻探验证,取得了良好的找矿效果。  相似文献   

何中波  胡宝群  冀华丽  贺锋  耿英英  黄少华  朱满怀 《地质论评》2024,70(1):2024010017-2024010017
本文通过对鄂尔多斯盆地镇原地区下白垩统砂岩进行主量元素、微量元素及稀土元素REE等地球化学分析, 就下白垩统砂岩的沉积再循坏特征、化学风化及其构造背景和物质来源等展开讨论。研究表明: ① 下白垩统洛河组、环河组和罗汉洞组的物源主体上具有相似性, 且在构造背景、物源区及物源特征上有良好的继承性。物源区总体具有富石英、富方解石胶结物、钾长石或富钾矿物较斜长石多的特点, 罗汉洞组较环河组和洛河组硅质更高、方解石胶结物更少、质更纯。稀土元素REE配分模式曲线一致, 轻重稀土分馏明显, 富集大离子亲石元素Ba、Pb、Sr和轻稀土元素, 亏损高场强元素Nb、Ta、Th、Y等,自下而上随着地层变新, 沉积岩中总的稀土含量有变小的趋势, 重稀土元素分馏程度减小; ② 研究区下白垩统砂岩原始物质主要为长英质与基性岩混合岩 (如中酸性侵入岩、长英质变质岩)及部分沉积岩。研究区大部分沉积物是鄂尔多斯盆地西南缘逆冲推覆带母岩风化剥蚀的产物搬运至此沉积形成, 系首次沉积的物质, 少数沉积物 (即风成砂)为就地再次搬运堆积形成, 系再循环沉积物质; ③ 在构造背景上具有以被动大陆边缘构造环境占主要优势的特点。碎屑物主要来源于陆块源区, 其次来源于再旋回造山带和混合源区。  相似文献   

南海北部湾全新世以来沉积物地球化学特征及物源分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探讨全新世以来南海北部湾沉积物的沉积环境变化,对北部湾海域的SO-31沉积物柱状样进行了元素地球化学分析。根据元素地球化学的垂向分布特征,将SO-31沉积柱划分为3个单元,反映了全新世不同时期的区域海平面波动以及沉积物物源的变化。SO-31沉积柱的稀土元素配分曲线和La/Co与La/Sc散点图分析表明:111 400~12 800 a BP(全新世前期),研究区海平面较低,红河、其他周边河流及海岸侵蚀物均为本区的主要物源;28 500~1 1400 a BP(全新世早期),随着海平面的逐渐上升,河口和岸线逐渐后退,各物源供给区对本区沉积物的贡献量也发生了相应变化,相对而言红河贡献率有所下降;30~8 500 a BP(中全新世至今),区域海平面持续上升导致了琼州海峡打开,北部湾水动力环境和物源供给发生了剧变,红河对本区的物源贡献逐渐变小,而来自北部湾东部的物质成为本区沉积物的主要物源。  相似文献   


位于青藏高原东北缘的陇西黄土高原地处我国东亚季风、西南季风、西风环流及高原季风等多个大气环流的交汇部位,同时处在沙漠-黄土的边界带上,环境对气候变化的反应非常敏感。广泛分布于该区的风尘堆积是研究我国干旱、半干旱区古气候演化及高原隆升环境效应的理想材料。本文对陇西黄土高原的甘肃会宁黄土进行常、微量元素测试分析,并与陇东黄土高原黄土的地球化学特征进行了对比。结果表明,陇西和陇东黄土的地球化学组成相似,与上部陆壳(UCC)平均化学成分也基本一致,说明两者都是复杂的源岩风化物质经过高度混合堆积而成。陇西与陇东黄土的地球化特征在总体一致的基础上也存在着明显不同,反映了两者沉积后化学风化和物源的差异。与陇东黄土相比,陇西黄土具有较高的CaO、MgO、Na2O和较低的Fe2O3含量,说明陇西黄土的化学风化强度相对较低;CIA值也显示,陇西黄土处于初等化学风化阶段,而陇东黄土则处于中等化学风化阶段;在化学性质相对稳定的元素中,陇西黄土与陇东黄土相比具有较高的SiO2/Al2O3、SiO2/TiO2、TiO2/Al2O3、U/Pb、Zr、Hf值和较低的Ta、Y、Rb/Sr、Ba/Sr、Ce/Yb、Eu/Yb、LREE/HREE值,反映了两者物源上的差异。受特殊地理位置的影响,我国北方戈壁荒漠、青藏高原的冰川及冰缘沉积以及邻近的第四纪松散沉积物都有可能成为陇西黄土的潜在物源。进一步研究显示,会宁黄土的地球化学特征在大约300ka B.P.前后发生了明显变化,结合以前磁组构、石英颗粒表面形态的分析结果,进一步证明青藏高原东北缘的风尘物源在该时期可能发生过比较大的变化,300ka B.P.以后高原的冰川及冰缘沉积对该区风尘物源的贡献明显增加,而青藏高原在此时期的快速隆升导致的高原季风加强可能是形成风尘物源变化的主要原因。


The present research deals with the geochemical characteristics of the Holocene sediments from Alamdanga area, Chuadanga district, Bangladesh. Main goals of the study are to delineate source rock characteristics, degree of chemical weathering and sorting processes and behavior of redox conditions during deposition of the sediments. Geochemical characteristics of the sediments show comparatively a wide variation in accordance with stratigraphy in their major element contents (e.g. SiO2 69.46-82.13, A1203 2.28-8.88 in wt%), reflecting the distinctive provenance and in part an unstable period in terms of tectonic activity. Geochemical classification of the sediments shows mostly sub-arkose with few sub-litharenites. Some major and trace elements display comprehensible correlation with A1203 confirming their possible hydraulic fraetionation. The chemical index of alteration (CIA*), W* index, index of compositional variability (ICV), plagioclase index of alteration (PIA*) values and the ratio of SIO2/Al2O3, suggest low degrees of chemical weathering in the source areas as well as immature to moderately mature the sediments. The sediments suggest semi-arid climatic trends within oxic deltaic depositional conditions during the Holocene, at 3-12 ka. Whole rock geochemistry and discrimination diagrams demonstrate the continental signature derivatives, which might have been derived from the felsic to intermediate igneous rocks (granitic plutonic rocks) as well as from quartzose sedimentary/metamorphic provenance. These typical sources are present in a vast region of the Himalayan belt and catchment areas of Ganges. The tectonic setting of the sediments demarcates typically passive margin with slightly continental arc system.  相似文献   

王盟  张进江  戚国伟 《地质科学》2013,48(3):747-761
本文主要对库车坳陷的库车河流域和巴音布鲁克盆地中生代砂岩样品进行了碎屑金红石微量元素电子探针分析。结果显示,巴音布鲁克地区侏罗纪砂岩中的碎屑金红石来自变质泥质岩和来自基性变质岩的比例大致相当,而库车坳陷中生代砂岩中碎屑金红石则主要来自变质泥质岩。两地金红石的变质级别以角闪岩相/榴辉岩相为主,并有一定比例麻粒岩相变质的金红石。库车坳陷中生代砂岩中麻粒岩相金红石的含量,从三叠纪至白垩纪呈现出低—高—低的特点,说明侏罗纪时期物源方向有所变化,可能有东南部物源的参与。白垩纪时期,库车河地区砂岩中麻粒岩相变质金红石含量减少,可能与南天山再度抬升隆起成为优势物源区有关。  相似文献   

通过对闽江和九龙江沿岸沉积物中重矿物的分析,发现重矿物组合与源区岩石具有极好的相关性。两条河流流域重矿物组合为不透明铁矿类—绿帘石—锆石—电气石—角闪石,特征矿物为绿帘石,含量高达原生透明重矿物比重的70%,其成因除与高级变质岩有关外,还与中酸性岩浆岩及其与围岩接触蚀变发生的绿帘石化有关。从重矿物组合、重矿物特征指数以及与锆石年龄谱系的比对分析发现,闽江流域重矿物源自闽西北武夷山前寒武纪的变质岩、闽东广泛出露的燕山期岩浆岩和接触变质岩,而九龙江流域重矿物源自闽西南的印支—燕山期花岗岩。闽江上游沉积物重矿物以源自高级变质岩的重矿物为特征,中下游由上游来源的重矿物和下游酸性岩浆岩及接触变质岩形成的重矿物共同构成;九龙江以印支—燕山期花岗岩中的副矿物组合为特征。研究结果显示,对于中小流域面积的河流,由于搬运距离有限,重矿物组合保存的源岩信息量大,可作为研究流域内构造演化和源汇对比的重要手段。  相似文献   

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