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The sandstone escarpment of the Dhar Tichitt in South-Central Mauritania was inhabited by Neolithic agropastoral communities for approximately one and half millennium during the Late Holocene, from ca. 4000 to 2300 BP. The absence of prior evidence of human settlement points to the influx of mobile herders moving away from the “drying” Sahara towards more humid lower latitudes. These herders took advantage of the peculiarities of the local geology and environment and succeeded in domesticating bulrush millet – Pennisetum sp. The emerging agropastoral subsistence complex had conflicting and/or complementary requirements depending on circumstances. In the long run, the social adjustment to the new subsistence complex, shifting site location strategies, nested settlement patterns and the rise of more encompassing polities appear to have been used to cope with climatic hazards in this relatively circumscribed area. An intense arid spell in the middle of the first millennium BC triggered the collapse of the whole Neolithic agropastoral system and the abandonment of the areas. These regions, resettled by sparse oasis-dwellers populations and iron-using communities starting from the first half of the first millennium AD, became part of the famous Ghana “empire”, the earliest state in West African history.  相似文献   

We present new 14C data on charcoal fragments recovered from the lower (coarse-grained Stone Line) and upper (fine-grained Cover Horizon) portions of surficial formation profiles in Gabon. These data and others compiled from the literature enable a reconstruction of the Upper Holocene geological regional history of Gabon. The connection between the geological events recorded in the surficial formations and the Upper Holocene environmental crisis is discussed and a scenario connecting geological events with climatic and environmental changes is proposed. Such a scenario suggests that following the climatic crisis, the reconstitution of soils by aeolian sedimentation could have been an important factor of Bantu expansion.  相似文献   

Li  Yalin  He  Haiyang  Wang  Chengshan  Wei  Yushuai  Chen  Xi  He  Juan  Ning  Zijie  Zhou  Aorigele 《International Journal of Earth Sciences》2017,106(4):1289-1310
International Journal of Earth Sciences - The lack of Early Cretaceous magmatic records with high-quality geochemical data in the southern Qiangtang subterrane has inhibited a complete...  相似文献   

The Tumen molybdenite–fluorite vein system is hosted by carbonate rocks of the Neoproterozoic Luanchuan Group, located on the southern margin of the North China Craton (NCC) in central China. Previous studies divided the mineralization into four stages according to the crosscutting relationships between veinlets and their mineral assemblages. In this contribution, two distinctive types of fluorite mineralization are recognized: 1) the first type (Type 1) includes colourless, white or green fluorite grains present in Stage 1 veins; and 2) the second type includes Type 2a purple fluorite present in Stage 2 veins and does not coexist with sulfides, and Type 2b purple fluorite crystals associated with sulfides in Stage 2 veins. The rare earth element (REE) content in the fluorite ranges between 13.8 and 27.9 ppm in Type 1, 16.9 and 27.2 ppm in Type 2a, and 42.5 and 75.1 ppm in Type 2b, which suggests that the fluorite was precipitated from acidic fluids (given that REEs are mobile in saline HCl-bearing fluids at high temperature (~ 400 °C)). Comparing the REE chemistry of the Stage 1 against Stage 2 fluorite, the LREE/HREE ratios decrease from 9.8 to 4.0, La/Yb ratios decrease from 16.0 to 6.9 and La/Ho ratios decrease from 10.2 to 3.0, indicating that the hydrothermal process was at high-T and low-pH conditions. The Eu/Eu* ratios in the fluorite decrease from 1.11 ± 0.35 for Type 1 through 0.89 ± 0.19 for Type 2a to 0.75 ± 0.17 for Type 2b, suggesting a gradual increase in oxygen fugacity (fO2) and pH of the mineralising fluid. The Tb/Ca, Tb/La and Y/Ho ratios of the fluorite types indicate that they were formed from the interaction between magmatic fluids and carbonate wallrocks. The fluorite samples show similar REE + Y (REY) patterns to those of dolostone units in the Luanchuan Group and the nearby Neoproterozoic syenite, suggesting that the REY in the fluorite was mainly sourced from the host-rocks, although the syenite could be an additional minor source.  相似文献   

The mineralization area (Altınpınar, Torul–Gümüşhane) is situated in the Southern Zone of the Eastern Pontides Orogenic Belt (EPOB), which is one of the important metallogenic provinces in the Alpine–Himalayan belt and is intruded by the late Carboniferous granitic rocks (Gümüşhane Granitoid), an early to middle Jurassic volcano-sedimentary unit consisting mainly of basaltic–andesitic volcanic and pyroclastic rocks (Şenköy Formation) and Eocene basaltic–andesitic volcanic rocks (Alibaba Formation). The studied Pb–Zn ± Au mineralizations are related to silica veins ranging from a few millimeters to a maximum of 40 cm in thickness and are localized within fracture zones developed along the contact between the Gümüşhane Granitoid and Şenköy Formation. Silicic, sulfidic, hematitic, argillic, intense chloritic and carbonate alteration are the most common types from the fault lines toward the outer zones. Cavity filling and banded structures are widely observed. The mineral paragenesis comprises galena, sphalerite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, tennantite and quartz. Mineral chemistry studies indicate that ion exchange occurs between Zn and Fe in sphalerites, and the Zn/Cd ratio of sphalerites varies between 50.65 and 144.64. The homogenization temperatures measured from fluid inclusions vary between 170 °C and 380 °C, especially between 250 °C and 300 °C, and the wt.% NaCl eqv. salinity of ore-forming fluids is between 2.4 and 7.3 (4.7 on average), supporting an epithermal system in their origin. The values of sulfur isotopes, which are obtained from pyrite and galena minerals, range between − 8.3‰ and − 2.3‰, indicating that sulfur, which enables mineral formation, originates from magmatic genesis. The average formation temperature of the ore is 317 °C as determined with a sulfur isotope geothermometer. The values of oxygen and hydrogen isotopes vary between 8.5‰ and 10.2‰ and − 91‰ and −73‰, respectively. With regard to the compositions of oxygen and hydrogen isotopes, fluids comprising the mineralization are formed by the mixture of magmatic water and meteoric water. This situation is supported by the fact that the increase in the homogenization temperature indicates dilution with surface water but depends on the increase in the salinity of fluid inclusions. Considering all the data, it is clear that the studied mineralization is an epithermal vein-type mineralization that is related to granitic magmas.  相似文献   

Analyses of chemical sedimentary precipitates such as banded iron formation (BIF) provide a direct means to explore the nature and composition of the early hydrosphere. The recently discovered > 3750 Myr old Nuvvuagittuq Supracrustal Belt (NSB) in the Northeast Superior Province (Québec, Canada) hosts a suite of iron oxide-rich (± pyroxene and amphibole) units that are interpreted to be the metamorphosed equivalents of Fe oxide-facies BIF, and a collection of BIF-like Ca–Fe–Mg silicate rocks. The NSB rocks provide a rare glimpse of trace metal availability in Eoarchean (ca. 3800 Ma) seawater. As they may be contemporaneous with the relatively well-studied Isua Supracrustal Belt of southern West Greenland, their comparison provides an opportunity to enhance our basic understanding of the Eoarchean oceans at a global scale. Work since the initial discovery of the NSB in 2001 has established the basic lithological, geochemical and petrographic characteristics of these BIF and BIF-like rocks. Here we review the current state of knowledge of NSB rocks of probable chemical sedimentary origin, including aspects of their geology, likely origin and age. We conclude by examining the implications of results thus far for our understanding of early seawater compositions, and for the emergence of life in the context of early metallo-enzyme evolution.  相似文献   

Spectral analysis of the Messinian Abad marls in the Cariatiz section (Sorbas Basin, south-eastern Spain) reveals three relevant orders of cyclicity. The most significant cycle is in the lowest frequency (average thickness of 365 cm, 4–5 cycles in the section). It is recorded in the composition of planktic foraminiferal assemblages indicative of surface-water temperature, planktic and benthic stable isotope signals, and carbonate proportions. The planktic assemblages, isotope values and carbonate proportions also record a middle-frequency cycle with an average of 177 cm (9–10 cycles in the section). The highest frequency cycle (average of 132 cm, 12–13 cycles in the section) is mainly reflected in siliciclastic and calcite proportions. Age constraints and cycle patterns suggest that the lowest frequency cycle was forced by orbital obliquity, whereas the two higher-frequency ones are related to precession. Obliquity seems to have controlled major changes in surface-water temperature in the Sorbas Basin during the early Messinian. Surface-water temperature was also affected by precession, with changes in weathering and run-off. Spectral analysis has also been applied to vertical shifts of reef facies throughout the progradation of the Cariatiz reef. This reef is coeval with the Cariatiz section. Vertical shifts of reef talus breccias point to the existence of 4–5 major cycles of sea-level change, whereas 7–9 higher-frequency cycles are reflected in the repeated occurrence of lowstand, non-reefal deposits. Correlation with the cycles observed at the Cariatiz section suggests that obliquity forced glacio-eustatic sea-level oscillations in the western Mediterranean during the Late Miocene.  相似文献   

Sediments of the western part of the Valjevo-Mionica basin (Serbia) were examined both geochemically and mineralogically to explain, on the basis of their sedimentologicai characteristics, the causes of changes in their qualitative and quantitative composition. A total of 62 samples obtained from the drillhole at depths up to 400 m was investigated. Using correlation of the obtained data, six geochemical zones were defined, two of which being specially distinguished by their mineralogical, geochemical and sedimentological characteristics. The first one, upper zone A, consists of banded marlstones interbedded with clay and oil shales and is characterized by presence of analcite and searlesite. These minerals and very high contents of Na20 indicate sedimentation in alkaline conditions with increased salinity in arid climate. That provided pronounced water stratification, as well as higher bioproductivity in the basin and sedimentary organic matter preservation. Therefore, the zone A sediments are characterized by high organic matter contents of the type which provides good potential for production of liquid hydrocarbons. Another specific zone, zone F, contains sediments with very high MgO, K2O and Li concentrations. Their geochemical correlation, as well as almost complete absence of illite in this zone, indicates the presence of interstratified clay mineral type illite-saponite (lithium-bearing Mg-smectite).  相似文献   

The most widely accepted origin of n-alkan-2-ones in peats is the microbial oxidation of the related n-alkanes and/or oxidative decarboxylation of fatty acids derived from plant input. The distributions of n-alkanes and n-alkan-2-ones in 48 samples from the Roñanzas 6000 cal. yr BP peat bog profile (N Spain) do not justify a single source. The n-alkan-2-ones typically dominate the n-alkanes, maximizing at C19 or C25/C27, whereas the n-alkanes maximized either at C23 or at C31/C33. The averaged δ13C values of the n-alkanes ranged from −32.3‰ to −33.1‰, but those of the n-alkan-2-ones were consistently higher (−29.2‰ to −29.9‰), suggesting a different, probably bacterial, source for the ketones.  相似文献   

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