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Eclogites occur as a tectonic slice within a metabasite-phyllite-marble unit of the Karakaya Complex in northwest Turkey. The high-pressure mineral assemblage in eclogite is mainly composed of garnet + omphacite + glaucophane + epidote + quartz. Trace element characteristics of rutile and Zr-in-rutile temperatures were determined for eclogites from the Karakaya Complex. Core-rim analyses of rutile grains yield remarkable trace element zoning with lower contents of Zr, Nb and Ta in the core than in the rim. The variations in Zr, Nb and Ta can be ascribed to growth zoning rather than diffusion effects. The Nb/Ta and Zr/Hf ratios increase with a decrease in Ta and Hf contents, which could be ascribed to the effect of metamorphic dehydration in subduction zones on rutile Nb/Ta differentiation. The rutile grains from eclogites in the Karakaya Complex are dominated by subchondritic Nb/Ta and Zr/Hf ratios. It can be noted that subchondritic Nb/Ta may record rutile growth from local sinks of aqueous fluids from metamorphic dehydration.The Zr contents of all rutile grains range between 81 and 160 ppm with an average of 123 ppm. The Zr-in-rutile thermometry yields temperatures of 559–604 °C with an average temperature of 585 °C for eclogites from the Karakaya Complex. This average temperature suggests growth temperature of rutile before peak pressure during the subduction. However, some rutile grains have higher Zr contents in the outermost rims compared to the core. Zr-in-rutile temperatures of the rims are about 20 °C higher than those of the cores. This suggests that the outermost rims would have grown from a distinct fluid at higher temperatures than that of the cores. Moreover, Zr contents and calculated temperatures in both inclusion rutile and matrix rutile from eclogites are identical, which suggests that eclogites within the Karakaya Complex belong to the same tectonic slice and underwent similar metamorphic evolution.  相似文献   

Thermal water chemistry from the Biga Peninsula (NW Turkey) was investigated in order to discriminate among hydrochemical facies, and isotopic groups and identify the major geochemical processes. A systematic hydrogeochemical survey was carried out, incorporating new data as well as results from the previous studies. Results were used to further develop hydrogeological and geochemical models. Thermal water compositions were classified into four groups and the processes affecting evolution of water compositions were interpreted. Types 1, 2 and 3 are representatives of water corresponding to sulfate dominant fluids (mainly NaSO4-type), chloride dominant fluids (mainly NaCl-type), and bicarbonate dominant fluids (Na- or CaHCO3-type), respectively. Group 4 comprises the fluids with compositions that are not dominated by any distinctive anion. Groundwater infiltrates and circulates through the marbles of the Paleozoic basement. The isotopic composition of thermal waters revealed that deep infiltration of meteoric water took place in periods of changed climatic conditions.  相似文献   

金红石是榴辉岩中的主要含钛副矿物。中国大陆科学钻探工程主孔100-2000m岩心样品中,金红石榴辉岩、多硅白云母榴辉岩和蓝晶石榴辉岩中都程度不等地含有金红石。金红石既可以与其它矿物一起包裹在主要变质矿物中,也可以呈粒间矿物,但在榴辉岩经受角闪岩相退变质作用过程中,金红石亦会退变为榍石。本文利用电子探针除了分析了金红石的主要元素外,还仔细测量了Nb、Cr、Zr含量。结果显示,Nb平均含量为147ppm,最高含量为670ppm,Cr的平均含量为614ppm,最高含量为3630ppm,低Nb特征(<1000ppm)显示榴辉岩原岩为镁铁质岩石;此外,三类榴辉岩也具有不同的金红石Nb、Cr地球化学特征,即金红石榴辉岩中的金红石表现为低Cr(<500ppm)、Nb变化大(0-670ppm)的特征,多硅白云母榴辉岩中的金红石以中等Cr含量(500-1200ppm)、Nb变化较大(0-480ppm)为特征,而蓝晶石榴辉岩中的金红石显著富Cr(2000-3630ppm),而Nb则非常贫乏(<140ppm)。在总共289个金红石Zr含量数据中,大部分Zr含量分布在150-240ppm之间,均值约为200ppm;利用Zacketal.(2004)提出的金红石温度计,计算得到金红石的形成温度介于690℃和7870℃之间。研究结果表明,金红石的微量元素分析是研究榴辉岩原岩特征及其钛成矿作用的实用方法之一。  相似文献   

Ultramafic xenoliths entrained in the late Miocene alkali basalts and basanites from NW Turkey include refractory spinel-harzburgites and dunites accompanied by subordinate spinel-lherzolites. Whole-rock major and trace element characteristics indicate that the xenoliths are mostly the solid residues of varying degrees of partial melting (~4–~15%), but some have geochemical signatures reflecting the processes of melt/rock interaction. Mantle-normalized trace element patterns for the peridotites vary from LREE-depleted to strongly LREE-enriched, reflecting multistage mantle processes from simple melt extraction to metasomatic enrichment. Rhenium and platinum group element (PGE) abundances and 187Os/188Os systematics of peridotites were examined in order to identify the nature of the mantle source and the processes effective during variable stages of melt extraction within the sub-continental lithospheric mantle (SCLM). The peridotites are characterized by chondritic Os/Ir and Pt/Ir ratios and slightly supra-chondritic Pd/Ir and Rh/Ir ratios, representing a mantle region similar in composition to the primitive mantle (PM). Moderate enrichment in PPGE (Pd–Pt–Rh)/IPGE (Ir–Os–Ru) ratios with respect to the PM composition in the metasomatized samples, however, reflects compositional modification by sulphide addition during possible post-melting processes. The 187Os/188Os ratios of the peridotites range from 0.11801 to 0.12657. Highly unradiogenic Os isotope compositions (γOs at 10 Ma from –7.0 to –3.2) in the chemically undisturbed mantle residues are accompanied by depletion in Re/Os ratios, suggesting long-term differentiation of SCLM by continuous melt extraction. For the metasomatized peridotites, however, systematic enrichments in PPGE and Re abundances, and the observed positive covariance between 187Re/188Os and γOs can most likely be explained by interaction of solid residues with basaltic melts produced by melting of relatively more radiogenic components in the mantle. Significantly, the wide range of 187Os/188Os ratios characterizing the entire xenolith suite seems to be consistent with multistage evolution of SCLM and suggests that parts of the lithospheric mantle contain materials that have experienced ancient melt removal (~1.3 Ga) which created time-integrated depletion in Re/Os ratios; in contrast, some other parts display evidence indicative of recent perturbation in the Re–Os system by sulphide addition during interaction with metasomatizing melts.  相似文献   

The Dulan eclogite–gneiss region is located in the eastern part of the North Qaidam eclogite belt, NW China. Widespread evidence demonstrates that this region is a typical ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic terrane. Eclogites occur as lenses or layers in both granitic and pelitic gneisses. Two distinguished sub-belts can be recognized and differ in mineralogy, petrology and geochemistry. The North Dulan Belt (NDB) has tholeiitic protoliths with high TiO2 and lower Al2O3 and MgO contents. REE patterns and trace element contents resemble those of N-type and E-type MORB. In contrast, eclogites in the South Dulan Belt (SDB) are of island arc protoliths with low TiO2, high Al2O3 and show LREE-enriched and HFSE-depleted patterns. Sm–Nd isotope analyses give isochron ages of 458–497 Ma for eclogite-facies metamorphism for the two sub-belts. The ages are similar to those of Yuka and Altun eclogites in the western extension of the North Qaidam-Altun eclogite belt. The Dulan UHP metamorphic terrane, together with several other recently recognized eclogite-bearing terrenes within the North Qaidam-Altun HP-UHP belt, constitute the key to the understanding of the tectonic evolution of the northern Tibetan Plateau. The entire UHP belt extends for more than 1000 km from the Dulan UHP terrane in the southeast to the Altun eclogite–gneiss terrane in the west. This super-belt marks an early Paleozoic continental collision zone between the Qaidam Massif and the Qilian Massif.  相似文献   

The Lower Paleozoic rock-units in the Eastern Mediterranean can be separated into two distinct zones: the Northern Zone (Carpathian-Balkan, Istanbul, Zonguldak and Main Range terranes) and the Southern Zone (Tauride-Anatolide, SE Anatolian-Arabian, and Central Iranian terranes). A Gondwanan /Perigondwanan origin can only be properly indicated for the Southern Zone, whereas the Early Paleozoic paleogeographic positions of smaller terranes (e.g. Istanbul Terrane) of the Northern Zone remains questionable.During the Infracambrian-Early Cambrian time in the Southern Zone, the Pan-African consolidated NW Gondwanan pericratonic margin was rifted by back-arc extension or transtension, which is represented by the deposition of fault-controlled continental sediments.The late Early Cambrian-Late Cambrian period in the Southern Zone is designated by a regional transgression from northeast suggesting a rapid subsidence in the area to the northwest of Arabian-Tauride platform and hence opening of a relatively deep basin to the north.The Lower Ordovician in the Southern Zone comprising the Tremadoc and Arenig Series is characterized by a monotonous siliciclastic deposition. Towards the end of Early Ordovician shallowing upward sequences and formation of NW-SE trending highs were noticed. The stratigraphic hiatuses, unconformities and irregular distribution of the Caradoc-Ashgill deposits in the Southern Zone has been ascribed to glacio-eustatic sea-level changes.The Early Silurian (Aeronian-Telychian) deepening and deposition of black shales that follows the regression around the Ordovician-Silurian boundary in the Southern Zone is also very probably related to the relatively rapid global sea-level rise. To the north of the Tauride-Anatolide Platform, Wenlock and Late Silurian are represented by deep marine (basinal) sediments with oceanic basalts.The generation of an accretionary complex in the northern margin of the Taurides together with the regional regression in the southern Taurides and SE Anatolia at the uppermost Silurian-Lower Devonian boundary and the regional unconformity at Lower Devonian (Middle Lochkovian) is very probably related to the closure of a “Paleotethyan” oceanic basin to the north of the Perigondwanan terranes.  相似文献   

Tesbihdere is one of a number of spatially close epithermal Cu-Pb-Zn-Ag-Au deposits hosted by andesites and rhyolites, typical of deposits in the Biga peninsula. Microthermometry of fluid inclusions shows a wide range of temperatures, ~360–170°C, and salinities, ~10-0.5 wt.% NaCl, in the different deposits studied. Dilution of a moderately saline magmatic? fluid with meteoric water occurred at constant temperature indicating, the temperature of both fluids was controlled by the geological environment. Boiling was not a major factor, but did occur in very minor amounts. The large range of temperatures within individual samples can only reasonably be explained by variations from near lithostatic to hydrostatic pressure during vein and fracture opening. That this pressure decrease did not produce extensive boiling suggests that vein opening was gradual rather than aggressive, allowing the pressure and temperature decrease to follow a path close to the L-V boiling curve. P-T reconstruction places emplacement of these ore veins at between 300–500 m beneath the surface. Similarities of LA-ICPMS of fluid inclusions from Tesbihdere, Azitepe and Basmakci, supports the conclusion that they were part of the same contemporaneous mineralizing system. The fluids are dominated by Na, with the concentrations of K>Ca>Mg combined equivalent to the concentration of Na. The range of K/Na ratios is not consistent with the fluid inclusion temperatures as the calculated temperatures are significantly higher indicating the fluids were not close to equilibrium with the enclosing rocks. Elevated K concentrations are consistent with acid-sulphate waters in shallow epithermal systems. Ore metals Cu, Zn and Pb are present in significant concentrations ~500, 300 and 200 ppm respectively and the low Fe/Mn ratios are indicative of a relatively oxidising fluid. The negative δ 34S values of sulphides are consistent with boiling and oxidising redox conditions.  相似文献   

A different approach to investigate the origin of fluids, temperature conditions, age of hydrothermal activity of mineralization in the Biga Peninsula, (Koru, Tesbihdere and Kumarlar) employed mineralogical (illite Kübler Index, b cell dimension, polytype) and geochemical (major, trace/REE, O–H stable isotope and Rb/Sr dating) methods. The Kübler Index (KI) values of illites indicate different temperature conditions, such as low temperature (high-grade diagenesis) for Koru deposit, and high temperature (anchizone) for the Tesbihdere and Kumarlar deposits. The textural, mineralogical and geochemical data from illites show that these have potential for estimating the age of hydrothermal activity and fluid characteristics. Both mineralogical (high grade diagenetic to anchizonal KI, 1M polytype, low d060 values) and geochemical (similar major and trace element composition to host-rocks, low octahedral Mg + Fe contents, oxygen and hydrogen isotope composition) data are compatible with commonly known hydrothermal illites. Stable isotope data of illites are well matched to similar data from fluid inclusions, which indicate mainly magmatic fluids. The Rb/Sr age (22.4 ± 2.3 Ma: latest Oligocene and lowest Miocene) of the illites coincides with plutonic intrusions that are the main instigators of hydrothermal activities related to the extensional tectonic regime in the Biga Peninsula. The mineralogical and geochemical data of illites have some important advantages with respect to the use of fluid inclusions in determining δD of hydrothermal fluids thereby leading to better understanding ore-forming hydrothermal conditions.  相似文献   

苏北榴辉岩中金红石的微量元素地球化学特征   总被引:5,自引:7,他引:5  
本文利用电子探针分析了苏北地区三类榴辉岩中金红石的Nb、Cr和Zr含量,在Zaek et al.(2002)的金红石Nb-Cr图解中,三类榴辉岩的原岩均为镁铁质岩,但它们具有不同的地球化学特征,即(1)小焦G类金红石榴辉岩中金红石的Nb含量最低,平均值为68ppm,而其它两类榴辉岩中金红石的Nb含量较高,平均值介于192~255ppm;(2)蓝晶石榴辉岩具有极高Cr含量,均值6106ppm,而许沟P类榴辉岩中金红石的Cr含量也较高,均值1233ppm,金红石榴辉岩中金红石Cr含量最低,均值为183ppm。利用Zaek et al.(2004)提出的金红石地质温度计,计算得出许沟P类榴辉岩的金红石形成温度介于600~751℃,平均温度689℃;演马厂M类榴辉岩的金红石温度介于507~641℃,平均温度557℃;小焦G类金红石榴辉岩金红石的形成温度介于541~673℃,平均温度613℃;新扬昌G类蓝晶石榴辉岩的金红石形成温度介于541~655℃,平均温度603℃。一种可能的解释是,榴辉岩在拆返过程中退变质作用明显,流体活动强烈,导致金红石中Zr扩散丢失,金红石中Zr含量不同程度地受到角闪岩相退变质过程中再平衡作用的影响,致使计算的温度偏低。  相似文献   

There are numerous hot springs with temperatures ranging from 30 to 100 °C in Biga peninsula and they occur throughout the peninsula. The result of this study shows that the region is under a tectonic compressional regime. The investigation of the faults and fractures in the region indicates that the region has been affected first by N–S and then E–W compression since the Middle Miocene. Opening fractures and antithetic and synthetic faults due to the compressional movements provide paths for the deep circulation of water. In addition, the tectonic movements, granitic intrusion and volcanic activity have also played important roles as heat sources for the geothermal systems.  相似文献   

Lawsonite eclogite pods ranging in size from 3 cm to 6 m occur in lawsonite blueschist and eclogite facies metasedimentary and metabasaltic rocks in the Sivrihisar Massif, Turkey. Some pods have a core of lawsonite eclogite surrounded by alternating, centimeter-scale layers of lawsonite blueschist, eclogite, and transitional eclogite–blueschist, all with similar basaltic bulk composition. These pods also contain texturally late lawsonite-rich veins and layers. Most eclogites and blueschists within the pods lack reaction textures, but some blueschists near pod margins contain texturally complex garnet as well as glaucophane rims on omphacite, suggesting retrogression of eclogite to blueschist. Phase diagrams (pseudosections) calculated for the lawsonite eclogite core of a meter-scale pod indicate that the eclogite equilibrated at ∼22–24 kbar, ∼520°C. Lawsonite eclogite and blueschist at the tectonized margin of the same pod equilibrated at similar temperatures and slightly lower pressures. The composite eclogite–blueschist pod is foliated, lineated, and folded. An earlier generation of lineated omphacite in the pod core has a different spatial orientation than the lineation at the pod margin, although electron backscattered diffraction data show that core and rim omphacite have similar lattice preferred orientation patterns. Petrologic and structural data are consistent with mechanical formation of pods by folding and dissection of eclogite layers at high-P, and localized retrogression at pod margins during initial stages of exhumation at PT conditions >425°C, 16 kbar.  相似文献   

张贵宾  张立飞  宁远煜  韩磊 《岩石学报》2014,30(10):2835-2842
本文运用LA-ICP-MS和SIMS对柴北缘超高压变质带中东端沙柳河剖面中的副片麻岩进行了锆石和金红石U-Pb年代和微量元素分析。锆石边部的变质时代为425±6Ma,所对应的锆石Ti含量温度计计算出的温度为689±14℃。金红石U-Pb定年给出的年龄为414.0±6.3Ma,代表了副片麻岩在折返过程中冷却到金红石U-Pb封闭温度约570℃的时代。而金红石Zr含量温度计给出同锆石边部较一致的温度685±9℃,代表了峰期变质时代的温度条件。根据锆石的变质时代和变质温度以及金红石的冷却年龄和封闭温度所限定的T-t轨迹,可以得出此副片麻岩在折返过程中的冷却速率约为11℃/Myr。  相似文献   

The several-hundred-m-thick Miocene Upper Red Formation in northwestern Iran hosts stratiform and fault-controlled copper mineralization. Copper enrichment in the percent range occurs in dm-thick carbonaceous sandstone and shale units within the clastic redbed sequence and consists of fine-grained disseminated copper sulfides (chalcopyrite, bornite, chalcocite) and supergene alteration minerals (covellite, malachite and azurite). The copper mineralization formed after calcite cementation of the primary rock permeability. Copper sulfides occur mainly as replacement of diagenetic pyrite, which, in turn, replaced organic matter. Electron microprobe analysis on bornite, chalcocite and covellite identifies elevated silver contents in these minerals (up to 0.12, 0.72 and 1.21 wt%, respectively), whereas chalcopyrite and pyrite have only trace amounts of silver (<0.26 and 0.06 wt%, respectively). Microthermometric data on fluid inclusions in authigenic quartz and calcite indicate that the Cu mineralization is related to a diagenetic fluid of moderate-to low temperature (Th = 96–160 °C) but high salinity (25–38 wt% CaCl2 equiv.). The range of δ34S in pyrite is −41.9 to −16.4‰ (average −31.4‰), where framboidal pyrite shows the most negative values between −41.9 and −31.8‰, and fine-grained pyrite has relatively heavier δ34S values (−29.2 to −16.4‰), consistent with a bacteriogenic derivation of the sulfur. The Cu-sulfides (chalcopyrite, bornite and chalcocite) show slightly heavier values from −14.6 to −9.0‰, and their sulfur sources may be both the precursor pyrite-S and the bacterial reduction of sulfate-bearing basinal brines. Carbonates related to the ore stage show isotopically light values of δ13CV-PDB from −8.2 to −5.1‰ and δ18OV-PDB from −10.3 to −7.2‰, indicating a mixed source of oxidation of organic carbon (ca. −20‰) and HCO3 from seawater/porewater (ca. 0‰). The copper mineralization is mainly controlled by organic matter content and paleopermeability (intragranular space to large fracture patterns), enhanced by feldspar and calcite dissolution. The Cheshmeh-Konan deposit can be classified as a redbed-type sediment-hosted stratiform copper (SSC) deposit.  相似文献   

Hydrocarbon-bearing Thrace Basin occupies much of the European part of Turkey. The Middle Eocene to Oligocene sequence in the centre of the basin exceeds 9 km in thickness. Based on the stratigraphy, structure and the regional context of this basin, we propose that it developed as a fore-arc basin between the medial Eocene and the Oligocene, above the northward subducting Intra-Pontide Ocean. Its post-Miocene history has been dominated mainly by wrench tectonics resulting from the activity of the now-deactivated northwestern strand. of the present-day North Anatolian fault zone.  相似文献   

The Edremit Fault Zone (EFZ) forms one of the southern segments of the North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ) at the northern margin of the Edremit Gulf (Biga Peninsula, South Marmara Region, Turkey). Stratigraphic, structural and kinematic results indicate that basinward younging of the fault zone, in terms of a rolling-hinge mechanism, has resulted in at least three discrete Miocene to Holocene deformational phases: the oldest one (Phase 1) directly related to the inactive Kazda? Detachment Fault, which was formed under N–S trending pure extension; Phase 2 is characterised by a strike-slip stress condition, probably related to the progression of the NAFZ towards the Edremit area in the Plio–Quaternary; and Phase 3 is represented by the high-angle normal faulting, which is directly interrelated with the last movement of the EFZ. Our palaeoseismic studies on the EFZ revealed the occurrence of three past surface rupture events; the first one occurred before 13178 BC, a penultimate event that may correspond to either the 160 AD or 253 AD historical earthquakes, and the youngest one can be associated with the 6 October 1944 earthquake (Mw = 6.8). These palaeoseismic data indicate that there is no systematic earthquake recurrence period on the EFZ.  相似文献   

The 1.5 km-large hydrothermal system of Balya is characterized by three alteration styles which from the outer halo towards the center are: (i) propylitic alteration with the hydrothermal mineral assemblage of calcite-daphnite-albite-epidote-quartz-pyrite; (ii) argillic/phyllic alteration with the hydrothermal mineral assemblage of sericite/muscovite-kaolinite-rutile-quartz ± pyrite; (iii) advanced argillic alteration with the hydrothermal mineral assemblage of alunite-jarosite-kaolinite-quartz-sericite ± pyrite. Hornblende andesite is the protolith of the hydrothermal alteration system. Enrichment in Si, Sb and Rb, and depletion in Na, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, P, Ba, Sr, and Zn distinguishes the argillic/phyllic and advanced alteration types from propylitic alteration and the unaltered hornblende andesite protolith. REE distribution patterns indicate an essentially immobile behaviour of REEs during the alteration cycle. K-Ar age data for unaltered and hydrothermally altered rocks define a synchronous age of 25.3 ± 1.2 Ma for both igneous and hydrothermal activity.  相似文献   

The Armutlu Peninsula and adjacent areas in NW Turkey play a critical role in tectonic reconstructions of the southern margin of Eurasia in NW Turkey. This region includes an inferred Intra-Pontide oceanic basin that rifted from Eurasia in Early Mesozoic time and closed by Late Cretaceous time. The Armutlu Peninsula is divisible into two metamorphic units. The first, the Armutlu Metamorphics, comprises a ?Precambrian high-grade metamorphic basement, unconformably overlain by a ?Palaeozoic low-grade, mixed siliciclastic/carbonate/volcanogenic succession, including bimodal volcanics of inferred extensional origin, with a possibly inherited subduction signature. The second unit, the low-grade znik Metamorphics, is interpreted as a Triassic rift infilled with terrigenous, calcareous and volcanogenic lithologies, including basalts of within-plate type. The Triassic rift was unconformably overlain by a subsiding Jurassic–Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian) passive margin including siliciclastic/carbonate turbidites, radiolarian cherts and manganese deposits. The margin later collapsed to form a flexural foredeep associated with the emplacement of ophiolitic rocks in Turonian time. Geochemical evidence from meta-basalt blocks within ophiolite-derived melange suggests a supra-subduction zone origin for the ophiolite. The above major tectonic units of the Armutlu Peninsula were sealed by a Maastrichtian unconformity. Comparative evidence comes from the separate Almacık Flake further east.Considering alternatives, it is concluded that a Mesozoic Intra-Pontide oceanic basin separated Eurasia from a Sakarya microcontinent, with a wider Northern Neotethys to the south. Lateral displacement of exotic terranes along the south-Eurasian continental margin probably also played a role, e.g. during Late Cretaceous suturing, in addition to overthrusting.  相似文献   

The pre-Early Cambrian Sandikli Basement Complex in western Central Anatolia comprises a low-grade meta-sedimentary succession (Güvercinoluk Formation) and meta-rhyolites intruded by meta-quartz porphyry rocks (Kestel Cayi Porphyroid Suite). The Güvercinoluk Formation consists of alternation of meta-siltstones and meta-sandstones with olistostromal conglomerates, rare black chert and cherty meta-dolomite lenses. The Kestel Cayi Porphyroid Suite is a deformed, highly sheared dome-shaped rhyolitic body with quartz porphyry rocks. Quartz porphyry dykes intrude both the volcanic carapace and the meta-sedimentary rocks of the Güvercinoluk Formation. Both the meta-quartz porphyry rocks and meta-rhyolites are typically mylonitic with relict igneous textures. Geochemical data indicate that the felsic rocks of the Kestel Cayi Porphyroid Suite are subalkaline and display characteristic features of post-collisional, I-type granitoids. The basement complex is unconformably overlain by variegated conglomerates, mudstones and arkosic sandstones with andesitic lavas, followed by siliciclastic rocks and carbonates that yielded Early Middle Cambrian fossils.

Based on the geochemical characteristics of the felsic rocks of Kestel Cayi Porphyroid Suite and the depositional features of the associated sediments it is suggested that the Sandikli Basement Complex is related to a post-collisional extension event in NW Gondwanaland. Similar occurrences elsewhere have been related to a transition from continental plate convergence to continental plate divergence along the Pan-African Belt.  相似文献   

Northwestern Anatolia is characterized by voluminous Paleozoic to Cenozoic granitoid bodies with varying compositions. Most of them are composite plutons emplaced into western Anatolia orogenic crust during the Eocene, Oligocene and Miocene along the İzmir-Ankara-Erzincan suture zone. This paper reports systematic good quality mineral and bulk-rock chemistry, Sr-Nd isotope data, honblend Ar-Ar, zircon U-Pb and first apatite (U-Th)/He (AHe) ages to reveal possible source compositions of the Evciler and Eybek granitoids and petrogenetic/geodynamic processes involved during their genesis, and thermochronology of Oligocene magmatism in the NW Anatolia. The Evciler and Eybek granitoids are mainly granodiorite and composed of K-feldspar (usually orthoclase and rarely microcline), plagioclase (albite, oligoclase), hornblende, biotite, quartz and accessory minerals (e.g., titanite, zircon, apatite, opaque), and secondary minerals such as chlorite, sericite and clay minerals. Estimated temperature-pressure conditions are 690–770 ° C at 1.6–2.7 kbar for the Evciler granitoid and 690–760 ° C at 3.2–4.01 kbar for the Eybek granitoid. These two granitoids enriched in LILEs (e.g., U, Th, Rb, and K), LREEs and Pb, and depleted in HREEs (e.g., Nb, Ti) and Sr, Ba and P relative to LILEs, and display small negative Eu anomalies. They belong to calc-alkaline, high-K calc-alkaline and minor shoshonite series, and display metaluminous and I-type character. Their REE patterns show a large fractionation between LREE and HREE ((La/Yb)N = 4.6–21.4) and a small negative Eu anomaly (Eu* = 0.2–0.3). The Evciler granitoid has homogeneous 87Sr/86Sr = 0.7060−0.7063 and 143Nd/144Nd = 0.51259−0.51262, and the Eybek granitoid has 87Sr/86Sr = 0.7060−0.7080 and 143Nd/144Nd = 0.51243−0.51263. New precise 40Ar/39Ar age data of hornblende and 206Pb–238U ages of zircons and (U-Th)/He ages of apatites from the plutons allow a more accurate temporal reconstruction of the Cenozoic magmatism of the western Anatolia. 40Ar/39Ar dating of hornblendes from the Evciler and Eybek granitoids gave plateau ages of between ca. 28 Ma and 25 Ma. Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (LA-ICP-MS) 206Pb-238Pb ages of euhdral magmatic zircons from the samples of these granitoids yield between ca. 28 and 26 Ma. The new high-temperature age constraints indicate Oligocene emplacement ages for the two intrusive bodies. The closeness of the zircon U-Pb and the hornblende Ar-Ar ages show that they experienced quick post-crystallization cooling. However, the significant difference between the apatite (U-Th)/He ages of 19.8 Ma and 7.6 Ma obtained on the Evciler and Eybek granitoids warns that in the post-Oligocene times the two structural blocks had different exhumation histories.  相似文献   

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