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This paper evaluates the remediation potential of a salinized coastal aquifer by utilizing a scenario simulation. Therefore, the numerical model OpenGeoSys is first validated against analytical and experimental data to represent transient groundwater level development and variable density saline intrusion. Afterwards, a regional scale model with a three-dimensional, heterogeneous hydrogeology is calibrated for a transient state and used to simulate a best-case scenario. Water balances are evaluated in both the transient calibration and scenario run. Visualization techniques help to assess the complex model output providing valuable insight in the occurring density-driven flow processes. Furthermore, modeling and visualization results give information on the time scale for remediation activities and, due to limitations in data quality and quantity reveal potential for model improvement.  相似文献   

Karst aquifers in semi-arid regions are particularly threatened by surface contamination, especially during winter seasons when extremely variable rainfall of high intensities prevails. An additional challenge is posed when managed recharge of storm water is applied, since karst aquifers display a high spatial variability of hydraulic properties. In these cases, adapted protection concepts are required to address the interaction of surface water and groundwater. In this study a combined protection approach for the surface catchment of the managed aquifer recharge site at the Wala reservoir in Jordan and the downstream Hidan wellfield, which are both subject to frequent bacteriological contamination, is developed. The variability of groundwater quality was evaluated by correlating contamination events to rainfall, and to recharge from the reservoir. Both trigger increased wadi flow downstream of the reservoir by surface runoff generation and groundwater seepage, respectively. A tracer test verified the major pathway of the surface flow into the underground by infiltrating from pools along Wadi Wala. An intrinsic karst vulnerability and risk map was adapted to the regional characteristics and developed to account for the catchment separation by the Wala Dam and the interaction of surface water and groundwater. Implementation of the proposed protection zones for the wellfield and the reservoir is highly recommended, since the results suggest an extreme contamination risk resulting from livestock farming, arable agriculture and human occupation along the wadi. The applied methods can be transferred to other managed aquifer recharge sites in similar karstic environments of semi-arid regions.  相似文献   

含水层层状非均质对地下水流系统的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
区域尺度上含水层非均质具有复杂的结构性和随机性,难以准确刻画,造成非均质对区域地下水流系统的影响机制研究不够深入。本文以鄂尔多斯盆地白垩系地下水流系统为研究实例,选择典型剖面,采用剖面二维随机数值模拟方法,通过对比不同非均质刻画方法下地下水流场的变化,探讨含水层层状非均质对地下水流系统的影响机制。结果显示,均质条件下模型各向异性(含水层水平和垂向渗透系数比值Kh/Kv)取值为1000时,地下水流场与实际条件较为接近;非均质条件下,渗透系数方差取值0.91,水平相关长度取值5000 m,Kh/Kv取值150时,接近实际条件。研究表明,在大尺度地下水流模拟研究中,采用水平相关长度、渗透系数方差和各向异性值三个变量生成的随机场能很好地刻画含水层的层状非均质特征及其对水流系统的影响控制作用。由于含水层不同尺度层状非均质的叠加效应,采用均质各向异性介质等效概化含水层层状非均质性会造成等效各向异性值偏大失真的效应。  相似文献   

The fine-scale heterogeneity of porous media affects the large-scale transport of solutes and contaminants in groundwater and it can be reproduced by means of several geostatistical simulation tools. However, including the available geological information in these tools is often cumbersome. A hierarchical simulation procedure based on a binary tree is proposed and tested on two real-world blocks of alluvial sediments, of a few cubic meters volume, that represent small-scale aquifer analogs. The procedure is implemented using the sequential indicator simulation, but it is so general that it can be adapted to various geostatistical simulation tools, improving their capability to incorporate geological information, i.e., the sedimentological and architectural characterization of heterogeneity. When compared with a standard sequential indicator approach on bi-dimensional simulations, in terms of proportions and connectivity indicators, the proposed procedure yields reliable results, closer to the reference observations. Different ensembles of three-dimensional simulations based on different hierarchical sequences are used to perform numerical experiments of conservative solute transport and to obtain ensembles of equivalent pore velocity and dispersion coefficient at the scale length of the blocks (meter). Their statistics are used to estimate the impact of the variability of the transport properties of the simulated blocks on contaminant transport modeled on bigger domains (hectometer). This is investigated with a one-dimensional transport modeling based on the Kolmogorov-Dmitriev theory of branching stochastic processes. Applying the proposed approach with diverse binary trees and different simulation settings provides a great flexibility, which is revealed by the differences in the breakthrough curves.  相似文献   

Detailed geological mapping and drilling has shown that the contact between the Cambrian volcano‐sedimentary sequence at Rosebery and the Mt Read Volcanics is formed by a major thrust fault dipping east at 40° and having a displacement of at least 1.5 km. The sedimentary sequence is part of the Dundas Group, a Middle to Late Cambrian forearc‐like sequence which unconformably overlaps the volcanics south of Rosebery. The Rosebery Thrust Fault marks the eastern boundary of a zone of folding, faulting and disruption which affects the Dundas Group and the tectonically interfingered and underlying basaltic greywacke‐mudstone sequence of the Crimson Creek Formation. At least some of this deformation occurred prior to deposition of the Ordovician Limestone, as evidenced by marked angular discordances. The complex area can be interpreted as a Cambrian accretionary prism‐forearc‐arc sequence developed above an east‐dipping subduction zone.

The Henty Fault System, which cuts obliquely through the Mt Read belt and encloses a misfit wedge of sediments, pillow lavas, gabbros and ultramafic rocks, is interpreted as a remnant of an inter‐arc basin. The fault system separates a dacitic‐andesitic arc segment to the northwest from a more rhyolitic segment to the southeast. The latter is overlain by a younger arc sequence, the Tyndall Group, which may have been the source for the Dundas Group volcanic detritus.  相似文献   

Monitored natural attenuation can be a viable option for remediation of groundwater contamination by BTEX compounds. Under the field conditions, the rate of contaminant mass attenuation through natural processes, such as biodegradation, to a large extent affected by the groundwater flow regime, which is primarily controlled by the aquifer heterogeneity. Numerical simulation techniques were used to describe quantitatively the relationship between biodegradation rate of BTEX and aquifer heterogeneity. Different levels of aquifer heterogeneity were described by random hydraulic conductivity fields (K) having different statistical parameters, the coefficient of variation (CV) and the correlation length (h). The Turning Bands Algorithm was used to generate such K fields. Visual MODFLOW/RT3D was used to simulate the fate and transport of dissolved BTEX plume within heterogeneous aquifers. The multispecies reactive transport approach described BTEX degradation using multiple terminal electron-accepting processes. First-order biodegradation rate constants were calculated from simulated BTEX plumes in heterogeneous flow fields. The results showed that aquifer heterogeneity significantly affected biodegradation rate; it decreased with increasing CV when h was in the range of up to 12 m, whereas it increased with increasing CV when h was greater than about 12 m. For well characterized aquifers, this finding could be of great value in assessing the effectiveness of natural attenuation during feasibility studies at BTEX contaminated sites.  相似文献   

One of the most cost-effective in situ technologies for soil and groundwater (i.e., aquifer) remediation is electrokinetic remediation. In electrokinetic remediation, electromigration due to electric field is combined with hydromigration due to hydraulic flow by purge water to remove pollutants from aquifers through the pore water. This study aims at investigating theoretically the role of electromigration (as active movement) of pollutants and the role of hydromigration (as passive movement) of pollutants in electrokinetic remediation, and making it clear that the control variables for electrokinetic remediation are the applied voltage and the hydraulic flow rate. These aims are pursued by construction of a mathematical model based on physico-chemical considerations and by model simulations of the electrokinetic remediation applied to the virtual aquifer polluted by heavy metals of copper sulfate. According to numerical simulations with the model: (1) heavy metal (nonanionic copper) is removed from the upstream anode region and accumulated in the downstream cathode region; (2) to carry away the heavy metal outside the aquifer (global removal), hydromigration by purge water flow is essential; and (3) electromigration contributes mainly to the redistribution of heavy metals within the aquifer (local removal and local accumulation).  相似文献   

Pump tests and geophysical logs acquired in a fluvial sandstone aquifer within the resource-rich Moncton Subbasin of New Brunswick, Canada, have been used to characterize fracture patterns and flow directions for purposes of developing a water-wellfield protection plan. Fracture patterns consist of three high-angle sets, and a low-angle set parallel to bedding. NW-trending high-angle fractures, predominantly in fluvial sandstone units, appear to be most important in controlling groundwater flow directions. This contrasts with an earlier regional hydrogeological study that attributed most flow to sub-horizontal bedding-plane fractures. Water levels monitored during a 72-h pump test revealed drawdown extension parallel to the NW-trending fracture set. Drawdown curves indicate that the aquifer is laterally constrained—likely reflecting differences in fracturing observed between the channelized sandstone and surrounding shale units. As a result, groundwater flow induced by pumping is influenced by both fracture anisotropy and by the heterogeneity of the fluvial depositional environment. Relationships observed between fracture patterns, regional geological structure and lithology provide a basis for extrapolating the conceptual model to other nearby areas in the region, where potential impacts of geological resource development on groundwater are attracting public concern.  相似文献   

Accurate and reliable characterization of aquifer heterogeneity remains one of the foremost problems in hydrogeology. In this study, ground penetrating radar (GPR) and borehole geophysical logging are used to investigate scales of heterogeneity present locally (<500 m laterally) within an outwash deposit comprised of inter-bedded and cross-bedded sands and gravels of glaciofluvial origin. At a small scale (<15 m laterally), gamma log data in adjacent boreholes show evidence of fining upward sequences, occasional coarsening upward sequences, and abrupt changes in grain sizes, which appear to be laterally continuous at scales of 10 m. At the site scale (<500 m laterally), GPR profiles show a strong reflection interpreted as the water table. Reflectors in the unsaturated zone are more clearly defined than those beneath the water table due to signal attenuation within the saturated sediments. Undulating to discontinuous reflectors at scales of 10–15 m are interpreted to result from interbedded and cross-bedded sands and gravels. A few laterally continuous horizontal to sub-horizontal reflectors, which extend at least up to 360 m, are interpreted as unconformities, based on evidence of gravel bars, truncation of underlying units, as well as scour and fill features in a nearby gravel pit exposure. Overall, the integration of these two geophysical methods provided evidence of unit correlation at the two scales of investigation.  相似文献   

The geochemical processes, water–rock interactions and stable isotopes distribution (δ13C of DIC and δ18O and δ34S of \({\text{SO}}^{{{\text{2 - }}}}_{{\text{4}}} \)) were investigated in the gasoline-contaminated aquifer at the Hnevice site, 50  km northwest of Prague, Czech Republic. Diesel, gasoline and oil leaks originate from a large fuel storage area causing heavy contamination of the saturated and unsaturated zones in an area of about 0.7  km2. Groundwater investigations were conducted using five multilevel sampler wells with emphasis on redox parameters and degradation by-products and a solid-phase study focused on iron speciation and determination of principal and secondary minerals. Based on the study of groundwater and solid-phase geochemistry, four different geochemical zones were described. Zone I is thought to be background consisting of an aerobic aquifer and the absence of reduced species in significant concentrations. Zone II is situated in the plume core with methanogenic, sulphate and iron-reducing conditions accompanied by ankerite and kutnahorite precipitates and significant depletion of the oxidation capacity of the aquifer. Zone III is a mixing (corona) zone, situated at the fringe of the plume with high biodegradation rates and Fe(III)-precipitants. In zone IV, reoxidation of Fe(II) minerals (with e.g. the occurrence of psilomelane and cornelite) is typical.  相似文献   

Sustainable development requires the management and preservation of water resources indispensable for all human activities. When groundwater constitutes the main water resource, vulnerability maps therefore are an important tool for identifying zones of high pollution risk and taking preventive measures in potential pollution sites. The vulnerability assessment for the Eocene aquifer in the Moroccan basin of Oum Er-Rabia is based on the DRASTIC method that uses seven parameters summarizing climatic, geological, and hydrogeological conditions controlling the seepage of pollutant substances to groundwater. Vulnerability maps were produced by using GIS techniques and applying the “generic” and “agricultural” models according to the DRASTIC charter. Resulting maps revealed that the aquifer is highly vulnerable in the western part of the basin and areas being under high contamination risk are more extensive when the “agricultural” model was applied.  相似文献   

The Salalah central sewage treatment plant has been designed to treat 20,000 m3/day at the first stage and two further stages to double the initial capacity. The plant currently (2005) treats more than 15,000 m3/day effluents to a tertiary level, and after chlorination phase, the effluents are recharged into tube wells in a line parallel to the coast. The process aims to help stabilize the seawater interface and a part to be recovered from hand-dug wells/boreholes further inland and downstream. A three-dimensional flow and solute advection transport model was developed to assess the effectiveness of the proposed recharge scheme and to track the solute transport with respect to the design system. The advection transport model predicted that in 2020 the maximum pathlines of the injection fluids would reach the abstraction wells that are located 600 m, southward of the injection bores in about 1-year travel time in the case of the no-management interference and more than that southward under management interference. The developed flow predicted the wedge of the saline intrusion in 2019 is tracked up to 2.7 and 3.4 km from the shoreline with the injection and without the injection, respectively under constant underflow. The injection scheme is effective in pushing back the saline zone front by 700 m. This study argues that the treated wastewater would help to increase the water levels at the vicinity of the injection line and to reduce the influence of saline inflows from the coast. The reclaimed sewage recharge scheme is examined in the case of the Salalah coastal aquifer using groundwater simulation, which can also be applied to other regions with similar conditions.  相似文献   

This study provides a solution for groundwater contamination problems. High anthopogenic loading on the water intake area makes it difficult to predict the migration of a contaminant to water supply wells, despite the known source location. Predictions were made using finite-difference grid models. The study provides an evaluation of the effects of the aquifer heterogeneity on the simulation results.  相似文献   

Landslide risk analysis procedures in this study could evaluate annual landslide risk, and assess the effectiveness of measures. Risk analysis encompassing landslide hazard, vulnerability, and resilience capacity was used to evaluate annual landslide risk. First, landslide spatial, temporal, and area probabilities were joined to estimate annual probability of landslides with an area exceeding a certain threshold in each slope unit. Second, different elements were assigned corresponding values and vulnerabilities to calculate the expected property and life losses. Third, the resilience capacities of communities were calculated based on the scores obtained through community checklists and the weights of items, including “the participation experience of disaster prevention drill,” “real-time monitoring mechanism of community,” “autonomous monitoring of residents,” and “disaster prevention volunteer.” Finally, the annual landslide probabilities, expected losses, and resilience capacities were combined to evaluate annual landslide risk in Shihmen watershed. In addition, annual risks before and after the implementation of measures were compared to determine the benefits of measures, and subsequently benefit–cost analysis was performed. Communities with high benefit–cost ratios included Hualing, Yisheng, Siouluan, and Gaoyi. The watershed as a whole had a benefit–cost ratio far greater than 1, indicating the effectiveness of measures was greater than the investment cost. The results of factor sensitivity analysis revealed changes in vulnerabilities and mortality rates would increase the uncertainty of risk, and that raise in annual interest rates or reduction in life cycle of measures would decrease the benefit–cost ratio. However, these changes did not reverse the cost-effective inference.  相似文献   

Lixin  Yi  Yanxiang  Jiang  Yajie  Zheng  Lixin  Dong  Jing  Kang  Jie  Yuan  Yongpeng  Yang 《Natural Hazards》2022,114(1):733-749
Natural Hazards - Land subsidence caused by excessive groundwater extraction is a manmade geological hazard caused during the development of many cities. It is fundamental for the management...  相似文献   

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