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The environmental history of the Kootenay Valley in the southern Canadian Rockies was reconstructed using lake sediment from Dog Lake, British Columbia, and compared to other paleoenvironmental studies in the region to understand how vegetation dynamics and fire regimes responded to climate change during the Holocene. A pollen-based vegetation reconstruction indicates five periods of vegetation change. At 10,300 cal yr B.P. Pinus-Juniperus parkland colonized the valley and by 7600 cal yr B.P. was replaced by mixed stands of Pinus, Picea and Pseudotsuga/Larix. Fire frequencies increased to their Holocene maximums during the 8200–4000 cal yr B.P. period. From 5500–4500 cal yr B.P. Pseudotsuga/Larix reached its maximum extent in the Kootenay Valley under a more frequent fire regime. At 5000 cal yr B.P. Picea and Abies began to expand in the area and by 4500 cal yr B.P. the forest shifted to a closed montane spruce forest type with dramatically reduced fire frequency. The shift to less frequent forest fires after 4500 cal yr B.P., along with a moisterPicea – dominated closed forest, corresponds to Neoglacial advances in the Canadian Rockies and Coast Mountains. Fire intervals after 4000 cal yr B.P. are significantly longer than the shorter fire intervals of the early to mid Holocene. A return to drier, more open forest condition occurs between 2400–1200 cal yr B.P. with a slight increase in fire activity and summer drought events. Lower lake levels inferred by charophyte accumulation rates during the 2400–1200 cal yr B.P. interval support this moisture regime shift. An abrupt shift toPicea dominated forest occurred from 1200–1000 cal yr B.P. and a final period of wet-closed forest cover reaches its maximum extent from 700–150 cal yr B.P. that appears to be a response to Little Ice Age cooling. Present forests are within their natural range of variability but are predicted to shift again to a drier more open structure with increased Pseudotsuga/Larix cover. More frequent stand replacing fires and increased area burned likely will accompany this change due to continued global warming.  相似文献   

Foy Lake in northwestern Montana provides a record of annual-to-decadal-scale landscape change. Sedimentary charcoal and pollen analyses were used to document fire and vegetation changes over the last 3800 years, which were then compared to similar records from AD 1880 to 2000. The long-term record at Foy Lake suggests shifts between forest and steppe as well as changes in fire regime that are likely the result of climate change. Fire activity (inferred from the frequency of charcoal peaks) averaged 18 fire episodes/1000 years from 3800 to 2125 cal year BP, and increased from 16 fire episodes/1000 years at 2125 cal year BP to 22 episodes/1000 years at 750 cal year BP, a period when the pollen data suggest that steppe vegetation yielded to increasing patches of forest cover. Between 2125 and 750 cal year BP, increased forest cover produced more background charcoal than before and after this period, when vegetation was dominated by steppe. Between 750 and 75 cal year BP steppe has expanded and fire episode frequency averaged 33 episodes/1000 years, increasing to a maximum of 40 episodes/1000 years at ca. 300 cal year BP and then decreasing to present levels. Since AD 1880, the pollen record indicates an increase in shrubs and grasses from AD 1895 to 1960 as a result of vegetation changes associated with timber harvesting and livestock grazing. No fires have been documented in the Foy Lake watershed since AD 1880. Charcoal from the extralocal fires of AD 1910, burning over 4,111,249 ha in Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming, however, is present in Foy Lake. Between AD 1970 and 2000, increased arboreal pollen in the record is consistent with observations that the forest has become more closed. The activities of Euro–Americans have led to a decline in forest cover between AD 1880 and 1970, followed by a recent increase as trees are now growing in areas previously occupied by steppe. Euro–Americans are likely the cause of a reduction in fire activity in watershed since AD 1880.  相似文献   

The Holocene sedimentary diatom record from Otasan Lake, Alberta, has been analyzed to determine the development of this presently slightly acidic lake. The changes in the lake have been linked to the development of the Sphagnum-dominated catchment. Analysis of the stratigraphic data revealed four distinct zones. The lake record began ca. 8200 yrs BP with a benthic and alkaline diatom assemblage dominated by Ellerbeckia arenaria (Moore) Crawford. At ca. 7300 yrs BP planktonic species began to increase and dominate indicating increased water levels, decreased turbidity, and increased nutrient levels. Throughout the Holocene the peatland in the catchment encroached toward the modern lake margin and by ca. 5000 yrs BP lake acidity had changed sufficiently such that acidic diatom species dominated. Tabellaria flocculosa (Roth) Kütz.v. flocculosa Strain IIIp sensu Koppen dominated the record from ca. 5000 to ca. 3100 yrs BP. The lowest lake water pH was inferred for this zone. From ca. 3100 yrs BP to the present Fragilaria species, primarily F. construens v. venter (Ehr.) Hustedt, dominated the diatom assemblage. Diatom productivity and inferred pH were interpreted as stable. From correspondence analysis of the fossil samples, and from species assemblages, underlying gradients of pH, nutrient level, and water depth were inferred. The change from alkaline to slightly acidic conditions took place between ca. 8200 and ca. 5000 yrs BP. From ca. 3000 yrs BP to the present, lake water pH has remained fairly constant. Nutrient levels and water depth were inferred to have altered together. After ca. 8200 yrs BP, nutrients and water level began to increase until ca. 6000 yrs BP. Then, there was a gradual decline in these variables over the most acidic zone until ca. 3000 yrs BP, after which they, too, have remained fairly constant. Dominant Boreal Upland Vegetation was established by ca. 7200 yrs BP, and it was inferred that dominant climate patterns had been established at that time, but small changes in climate have occurred and the landscape in northeastern Alberta has only been stable for the last 3000 years.  相似文献   

Pollen and diatoms preserved in the radiocarbon dated sediments of Two Frog Lake in the Seymour-Belize Inlet Complex of the central mainland coast of British Columbia document postglacial climate change. Two Frog Lake was isolated from the sea prior to 11,040 ± 50 yr BP (13,030 cal. yr BP) when the climate was cool and dry, and open Pinus contorta woodlands covered the landscape. These woodlands were replaced by a mixed conifer forest ca. 10,200 yr BP (ca. 12,300 cal. yr BP) when the climate became moister. A relatively dry and warm early Holocene climate allowed Pseudotsuga menziesii to migrate northward to this site where it grew with Picea, Tsuga heterophylla and Alnus. The climate became cooler and moister at ca. 8,000 yr BP (ca. 9,200 cal. yr BP), approximately 500–1,000 years prior to sites located south of Two Frog Lake and on the Queen Charlotte Islands, but contemporary with sites on the northern mainland coast of British Columbia and south coastal Alaska. Climate heterogeneity in central coastal British Columbia appears to have occurred on a synoptic scale, suggesting that atmospheric dynamics linked to a variable Aleutian Low pressure system may have had an important influence on early Holocene climate change in the Seymour-Belize Inlet Complex. The transition to cooler and moister conditions facilitated the expansion of Cupressaceae and the establishment of a modern-type coastal temperate rainforest dominated by Cupressaceae and T. heterophylla. This was associated with progressive lake acidification. Diatom changes independent of vegetation change during the late Holocene are correlative with the mid-Neoglacial period, when cooler temperatures altered diatom communities.  相似文献   

Paleohydrology studies at Mathews Pond and Whitehead Lake in northern Maine revealed synchronous changes in lake levels from about 12,000 14C yrs BP to the present. We analyzed gross sediment structure, organic and carbonate content, mineral grain size, and macrofossils of six cores from each of the two lakes, and obtained 72 radiocarbon dates. Interpretation of this paleo-environmental data suggests that the late-glacial and Younger Dryas climate was dry, and lake levels were low. Early Holocene lake levels were considerably higher but declined for an interval from about 8000 to 7200 14C yrs BP. Sediment of both lakes contains evidence of a dry period at ∼7400 14C yrs BP (8200 cal yr). Lake levels of both sites declined abruptly about 4800 14C yrs BP and remained low until 3000 14C yrs BP. Modern lake levels were achieved only within the past 600 years. The west-to-east, time-transgressive nature of lake-level changes from several sites across northeastern North America suggests periodic changes in atmospheric circulation patterns as a driving force behind observed moisture balance changes. Electronic supplementary material to this article is available at and accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

Charcoal preserved in lake sediments is commonly used to reconstruct past trends in fire occurrence. However, interpretation of the charcoal record is often complicated, as changes in charcoal influx could represent natural shifts in fire regimes associated with changes in climate, changes in vegetation, or changes in patterns of anthropogenic burning. Here we examine sedimentary charcoal records from three lakes on the Caribbean islands of Hispaniola and Puerto Rico: Laguna Saladilla in the Dominican Republic, Lake Miragoane in Haiti, and Laguna Tortuguero in Puerto Rico. All records are based on microscopic charcoal fragments quantified from pollen slides and cover the last 7,000 or more years of the Holocene. We compare charcoal influx values to archeological and palynological evidence of human activity and explore the role of increasing winter insolation over the Holocene in driving increased charcoal deposition beginning ca. 6,000–5,000 cal yr BP. An increase in charcoal influx at Laguna Tortuguero at ca. 5,200 cal yr BP, previously interpreted as a signal of human settlement predating archeological evidence, may instead reflect insolation-driven shifts in winter drying that led to more frequent and possibly more intense natural fires. Decreased charcoal influx around 3,200 cal yr BP may signal human modification of the environment that altered fire frequency and/or intensity. Comparing the records from these three lowland Caribbean sites highlights possible intervals of synchronous, climate-driven burning as distinct from more localized anthropogenic burning.  相似文献   

Few long-term records of the fire history of Rocky Mountain National Park exist. Data from a lake sediment core was used to reconstruct changes in vegetation and fire frequencies over the last 7000 cal yr. Bear Lake is a high-elevation lake surrounded by subalpine vegetation in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado. Pollen data indicate that a warm and dry climate prevailed between ca. 7000 and 5000 cal yr BP. Temperatures increased until shortly before ca. 3500 cal yr BP when evidence for a marked decline is seen. Cooler-than-present conditions were maintained until ca. 1700 cal yr BP, when conditions transitioned to more like those of the present-day climate. Based on macroscopic charcoal analyses, fire frequency had varied between two and five episodes per 1000 years. The largest peak in charcoal was at ca. 590 cal yr BP. The fire return interval has varied with climate over time; however, we calculate a fire return interval of 325 years over the past 7000 years. Given these results, fire activity is likely to increase under current Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change climate projections of an increase in annual temperatures.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a high-resolution, multi-proxy, late-Holocene study from a lake in the Aspen Parkland of southern Alberta, Canada. A sediment core spanning the last 4000+ yrs from Pine Lake was analyzed for charcoal, granulometry, grain roundness, tephra content, geochemistry, mineralogy and pollen. This multi-proxy record indicates: (1) increasing anoxia causing a shift in S deposition from gypsum to pyrite due to increasing moisture availability in the late Holocene; (2) a decrease in Mg flux into the lake due to the development of the aspen forest, which reduced water flow through the Mg-rich shallow sand aquifer; the aspen forest expansion was in turn induced by the extirpation of plains bison prior to settlement; and (3) a change in the upland fire regime from frequent low-biomass grass fires to less frequent but higher biomass under-story fires, also as a result of the expansion of the aspen forest. Not only are the different proxies sensitive to different rates and magnitudes of change, they also show different sensitivities to different types of hydrological change: the mineralogy and geochemistry are sensitive to changes in water level and redox potential, and to changes in the relative strengths of the aquifers feeding the lake, while the granulometry is sensitive to total hydrological balance. Thus, apparently contradictory proxy results should be viewed as complementary.  相似文献   

吴立  张梦翠  计超  张诗陶 《地理科学》2016,36(12):1920-1928
通过对巢湖湖泊沉积岩芯不同粒级炭屑浓度和磁化率等指标变化的研究,揭示了全新世以来的区域火环境变化及人类活动影响。结果表明: 全新世早期,气候由寒冷干旱向温暖湿润过渡,但仍较为干旱,炭屑浓度也相对略高,火活动比较频繁,地方性和区域性火时有发生; 全新世中期是最温暖湿润的适宜期,炭屑浓度出现全新世以来的低值,火活动微弱,但在文化兴盛时期炭屑浓度出现峰值,则归因于人类活动的影响;全新世晚期,在气候趋于凉干的环境背景下,人类活动的增强更加剧了火活动的频率和强度,炭屑浓度大幅增加; 近200 a炭屑浓度的降低可能与湖区附近已没有足够生物量引起火灾有关。  相似文献   

The consequences of fire on water chemistry are important considering that major changes in the frequency and intensity of forest fires are anticipated as a result of global warming. Due to the important differences in succesionnal vegetative trends after fire between mixed-wood and coniferous-dominated forests in Quebec (Canada), we undertook a long-term paleoecological study of the impact of fires on the biogeochemistry of Lac à la Pessière, a small lake located in a conifer-dominated boreal forest ecoregion (Picea mariana-moss domain). The paleolimnological study was carried out using diatom assemblages (class:Bacillariophyceae) to reconstruct changes in environmental variables of limnological interest [pH, total phosphorus (TP), total nitrogen (TN), dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and, epilimnetic carbon dioxide (CO2)] potentially associated with fire over the last 1200 calendar years. Diatom composition and related reconstructed limnological variables were compared before and after fire events. No significant changes were systematically observed in lake chemistry associated with fire events. However, diatom-inferred epilimnetic CO2showed a clear decreasing trend over the last 400 cal. yrs BP. The results suggest that fire-induced changes in lake chemistry are limited in catchments dominated by black spruce (Picea mariana). We hypothesize that this fact result of excess moisture associated to the thick humus layer, which likely limits the mobilization of nutrients and major ions even during a fire event.  相似文献   

Mid-Holocene changes in vegetation, palaeohydrology and climate were investigated from the sediments of Lake Vankavad in the northern taiga of the Usa Basin, NE European Russia, through the analysis of pollen, plant macrofossils, Cladocera and diatoms. Lake Vankavad was probably formed at ca. 5000 BP (ca. 5600 cal. BP) and initially it was shallow with a littoral cladoceran fauna. Macrofossil and pollen results suggest that dense Betula-Picea forests grew in the vicinity and the shore was close to the sampling point. At ca. 4600 BP (ca. 5400 cal. BP) the water level rose coincident with the decrease in the density and area of forests, probably caused by cooling climate and accelerated spread of mires. There was also a further rise in the water level at ca. 3500 BP (ca. 3800 cal. BP). The initiation of the lake, followed by two periods of rising water-level, as well as the increase in mire formation, was a consequence of a rise in groundwater level. This probably reflects lower evapotranspiration in a cooling mid-Holocene climate and/or higher precipitation in the lowland area. Also the decreased forest density and area may have contributed to the lower evapotranspiration. It is also possible that permafrost aggradation or changes in peat ecosystems might have affected the hydrological conditions in the area.  相似文献   

The study of global climate change for the last 2000 years is very important for predicting climate evolution in the future. In order to explore the evidence of climate change for that period, the Chinese scientists made convincing statements using high-resolution substitution data such as tree-ring, coral and ice core. Continuous accumulated peat sediment is the better substitution data to provide climate information. Selecting the peatlands with a certain area and less human interference, th…  相似文献   

South-western Australia has a Mediterranean-type climate and its infertile soils support a highly diverse angiosperm flora. Little is known of the vegetation history of this region, and this means that little can be said of the roles of environmental stability, climate change, or human impact on the maintenance or development of the high biodiversity of the region. This study presents a pollen and fossil charcoal record from two peat profiles from a freshwater lagoon region near Lake Muir, east of Manjimup, in south-western Australia. The record shows a glimpse of an early Holocene where a mix of Casuarina and eucalypts with an understorey of heath and some open herbaceous vegetation, including chenopods, occurred. Fire was not an important factor at this time. The main record begins from about 4800 BP, and shows a vegetation mix of Corymbia calophylla and Eucalyptus marginata, with the latter becoming dominant by about 3500 BP. Corymbia calophylla again becomes prominent in the last few centuries. A heathy understorey is present throughout the last 4800 years, but was apparently less dense during phases when C. calophylla was more prominent. Melaleuca woodland has been the main vegetation type around the wetland areas and areas of inundation since the mid-Holocene. Major fire periods at Byenup, around 4200 BP and between about 3000 and 2000 BP, did not result in major vegetation changes. An analysis of cation content in the sediments suggests that weathering and erosion rates have been relatively stable throughout the record, but an increase in phosphorus and possibly organic matter in the surface layers suggests that agricultural practices have led to changes in the chemistry of sediments. It is hypothesised that an increase in effective precipitation about 4800 BP led to the initiation of the continuous part of the sediment record at Byenup. This increase most likely resulted from a more effective westerly wind stream. Changes since this time are more likely a result of changing fire regime and the interaction of species, rather than climate shifts.  相似文献   

Five pollen zones are identified in Yangmu peatland of Mishan region located at 45o34’N, 132o23’E through sporo-pollen analysis. The changing process of paleovegetation and paleoclimate was obtained. Warm-inclined broad-leaved forest predominated in the environment of warm climate with a little dry 3400 yr BP. Deciduous broad-leaved and coniferous mixed forests predominated, in which Pinus, Picea and Abies were main species, together with wet meadow in the environment of cool and humid climate during 3400-1940 yr BP. Deciduous broad-leaved and coniferous mixed forests predominated in the dry and warm climate environment 1940-1090 yr BP. Broad-leaved forest was predominant, and the climate was warm and humid 1090-545 yr BP. Marsh meadow predominated when the climate changed to cool and dry 545 yr BP. The composition of the upper part of the 143-125 cm of the peat profile presented the cold period in the early Christian era through mutual identification between the records of historical material such as spores and pollens, susceptibility, organic matter and archaeological studies. The composition of the parts of 125-85 cm and 85-38 cm presented the warm climate in the Northern and Southern Dynasty and Sui and Tang dynasties. Since 3400 yr BP because of the frequent human activities in Mishan region, the amount of cultural relics in the Sui and Tang dynasties increased, which indicated that the ancients took much more woods from the forests in the warm climate environment.  相似文献   

We analysed a 620-cm-long sediment record from Lake Kotokel located in East Siberia (Russia) for subfossil diatoms, chironomids and pollen to provide a reconstruction of the climate history of the area for the last 12.2 kyr. The subfossil records show differing time lags in their responses to climate change; diatoms and chironomids were more sensitive to climate change than the pollen record. Changes in the biogenic proxies seem related with changes in insolation, the temperature of the North Atlantic and solar activity. The chironomids Chironomus plumosus-type and Einfeldia carbonaria-type and the diatom Aulacoseira granulata were interpreted as markers of warm climate condition. The proxy records were divided into four periods (A, B, C and D) suggesting differing climate in East Siberia during the Holocene. Period D (12.2–9.5 kyr BP) at the beginning of the Holocene, according to chironomid and diatom records, was characterized by warm climate with summer temperatures close to modern. However, forest vegetation had not become fully established yet. During Period C (9.5–5.8 kyr BP), the climate seemed to gradually become colder and wetter from the beginning of Period C to 7 kyr BP. From 7 to 5.8 kyr BP, the climate seemed to remain cold, but aridity increased. Period B (5.8–1.7 kyr BP) was characterised by frequent and sharp alternations between warm and cold conditions. Unstable conditions during this time are also registered in records from Lakes Baikal, Khubsugul and various other shallow lakes of the region. Optimal warm and wet conditions seemed to occur ca. 4 kyr BP. During Period A (the last 1.5 kyr) the diatom and chironomid records show evidence of cold conditions at 1.5–1 kyr BP, but the forest vegetation did not change significantly.  相似文献   

Three lake sediment sequences (lakes Nero, Chashnitsy, Zaozer’e) from the Rostov-Jaroslavl’ region north of Moscow were studied to provide information on palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental changes during the past 15,000 cal yr. The multi-proxy study (i.e., pollen, macrofossils, mineral magnetic measurements, total carbon, nitrogen and sulphur) is chronologically constrained by AMS 14C measurements. Lake Nero provided the longest sedimentary record back to ca. 15,000 cal yr BP, while sediment accumulation began around ca. 11,000 cal yr BP in the two other lakes, possibly due to melting of permafrost. Limnic plant macrofossil remains suggest increased lake productivity and higher mean summer temperatures after 14,500 cal yr BP. While the late glacial vegetation was dominated by Betula and Salix shrubs and various herbs, it appears that Betula sect. Albae became established as early as 14,000 cal yr BP. Major hydrological changes in the region led to distinctly lower lake levels, starting 13,000 cal yr BP in Lake Nero and ca. 9000 cal yr BP in lakes Chashnitsy and Zaozer’e, which are situated at higher elevations. These changes resulted in sedimentary hiatuses in all three lakes that lasted 3500–4500 cal yr. Mixed broad-leaved – coniferous forests were widespread in the area between 8200 and 6100 cal yr BP and developed into dense, species-rich forests between 6100 and 2500 cal yr BP, during what was likely the warmest interval of the studied sequences. Agricultural activity is documented since 500 cal yr BP, but probably began earlier, since Rostov was a major capital by 862 A.D. This apparent gap may be caused by additional sedimentary hiatuses around 2500 and 500 cal yr BP.  相似文献   

Pollen and charcoal data from the Jingerwa section of the Nihewan Basin, north-central China, were used to reconstruct vegetation and climate changes during Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3. Mean annual precipitation changes were quantified by applying pollen-climate transfer functions. Sparse vegetation cover dominated by herbs indicates relatively dry climate between 51 and 43 cal ka BP. Between 43 and 35 cal ka BP, a Pinus-dominated forest reached its maximum extent, implying that climate was wetter than today. Severe fire episodes during that period suggest warm temperatures. Between 35 and 32 cal ka BP, forest retreat and the expansion of dryland vegetation are indicative of drier climates. Slightly wetter conditions prevailed between 32 and 29 cal ka BP, as indicated by the expansion of ferns. Our results suggest that the climate conditions in the Nihewan Basin during middle and late MIS 3 were probably wetter than today. This may have been caused by intensification of Asian monsoon circulation in response to greater insolation in June at 30°N. However, increases in summer temperatures and evaporation, triggered by peak summer insolation levels, may have led to a reduction in humidity around 35 cal ka BP.  相似文献   

A high-resolution, multi-proxy lake sediment record was used to establish the timing of Holocene environmental change in Canoran Lake, southwest Nova Scotia, Canada. Proxies include %C, δ15N, δ13C, HI, magnetic susceptibility, and pollen. Canoran Lake is a small, shallow (11 m) lake with two ephemeral inlets and an outlet. The site was deglaciated at ca. 15,300 cal (calibrated) year BP and elevated %C values indicate the establishment of a productive aquatic environment that is consistent with Allerød warming. The Allerød was interrupted by rapid air temperature cooling during the Younger Dryas (ca. 12,900–11,600 cal year BP). The Early Hypsithermal (ca. 11,600–8,500 cal year BP) was relatively warm and wet. A slight increase in clastic input occurred between 9,100 and 8,500 cal year BP but δ15N, δ13C, and HI values imply that the lithostratigraphic response may not be indicative of climate-induced change. The strong proxy response between 8,500 and 8,000 cal year BP was likely due to cooling and drying coincident with the 8.2 k year event. The climate was relatively warm and dry during the Late Hypsithermal (ca. 8,000–3,500 cal year BP). None of the proxies’ exhibit notable change during the 5,500 cal year BP hemlock decline, indicating that ecological change was likely due to a pathogen attack. Post-Hypsithermal (modern) climate was characterized by an increase in precipitation and a decrease in air temperatures from ca. 3,500 to 700 cal year BP (top of core).  相似文献   

东北三江平原全新世火演化及其与植被和气候的关系   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
通过勤得利泥炭剖面碳屑、花粉记录,重建东北三江平原地区全新世火演化与植被变化的历史;研究火演化与植被、气候的关系;探讨人类火活动及其环境效应的信息。三江平原最近9700aB.P.以来,疏林草原植被时期(9200-8500aB.P.)和疏林植被时期(9700-9200aB.P.)对应了暖干气候阶段,碳屑浓度出现峰值,而湿润时期的碳屑浓度均很低。显示在暖干气候阶段,火灾发生的频次高、强度大;湿润或相对湿润阶段。火灾力度相对较小或频次较低。同时,自然植被状况和植物类型同样制约了天然火发生的频次和强度。20世纪50年代三江平原开发与垦荒对火演化和环境产生重要影响。  相似文献   

This paper presents the first paleolimnological study of the postglacial development of a marl and peat complex on the Canadian Precambrian Shield. Ring Lake (48° 46 N, 85° 51 W), situated within the carbonate glacial drift area of northwestern Ontario, originated about 9000 BP in a basin exposed by the retreating waters of proglacial Lake Superior. The development of Ring Lake was interpreted from pollen and diatom analysis of one sediment core from the littoral zone and another core from near the lake centre.The sequence of postglacial vegetation development parallels published accounts of forest history in northern Ontario. The predominant diatom throughout the littoral core was the alkaliphilous Cymbella diluviana. The central core was dominated by circumneutral and alkaliphilous species of Achnanthes Navicula, Fragilaria, and Cymbella, except in recent samples where acidophilous species of Anomoeoneis were common.Diatom-inferred (DI) pH shows that the early lake was alkaline because of drainage from base-rich tills. The presence of marl in the littoral core indicates deposition of calcareous materials until the site dried out during the Hypsithermal period. There is evidence that beaver activity around 5000 BP caused a temporary change in lake hydrology. A decline in DI pH over much of the postglacial reflects gradual exhaustion of carbonates in the drainage area. An increase in acidophilous diatoms in samples representing the past 3500 y is consistent with gradual acidification of the system and development of a littoral peatland in a cooler neoglacial climate.  相似文献   

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