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We present hydrodynamical simulations illustrating the instability of stellar wind bowshocks in the limit of an isothermal equation of state. In this limit, the bowshock is characterized by a thin dense shell bounded on both sides by shocks. In a time-averaged sense the shape of this bowshock shell roughly matches the steady state solution of Wilkin (1996)[ApJ, 459, L31], although the apex of the bowshock can deviate in or out by a factor of two or more. The shape of the bowshock is distorted by large amplitude kinks with a characteristic wavelength of order the standoff distance from the star. The instability is driven by a strong shear flow within the shock-bounded shell, suggesting an origin related to the nonlinear thin-shell instability. This instability occurs when both the forward bowshock and the reverse wind shock are effectively isothermal and the star is moving through the interstellar medium with a Mach number greater than a few. This work therefore suggests that ragged, clumpy bowshocks should be expected to surround stars with a slow, dense wind (which leads to rapid cooling behind the reverse wind shock), whose velocity with respect to the surrounding interstellar medium is of order 60 km s−1 (leading both to rapid cooling behind the forward bowshock and sufficiently high Mach numbers to drive the instability).  相似文献   

Due to the instability of the radiation line force, the winds of hot, luminous stars should show a pronounced time-dependence resulting from the nonlinear growth of initially small perturbations. Following the method of Owocki, Castor & Rybicki (1988), we describe the time-dependent wind structure obtained with an independently developed code. Under the central assumption ofisothermality, our results are in very good agreement with the ones by Owocki et al. We find that the response of the wind to periodic base perturbations remains largely periodic, at least up tor 2...3R * , with no clear evidence of stochastic behaviour.In order to test the foregoing assumption of isothermality and to compute the X-ray emission from models of structured winds, we have also incorporated theenergy equation into our simulations. We encountered the numerical problem that all radiative cooling zones collapse because of the oscillatory thermal instability (cf. Langer et al. 1981). We present a method to hinder this collapse by changing the cooling function at low temperatures. The resulting wind showsresolved cooling zones; but, for a supergiant wind relatively close to the star (r 10R * ), the macroscopic wind structure is very similar to isothermal calculations. Most of the hot material is caused by shell-shell collisions.  相似文献   

This work is devoted to improving empirical mass-luminosity relations (MLR) and mass-metallicity-luminosity relation (MMLR) for low mass stars. For these stars, observational data in the mass-luminosity plane or the mass-metallicity-luminosity space subject to non-negligible errors in all coordinates with different dimensions. Thus a reasonable weight assigning scheme is needed for obtaining more reliable results. Such a scheme is developed, with which each data point can have its own due contribution. Previous studies have shown that there exists a plateau feature in the MLR. Taking into account the constraints from the observational luminosity function, we find by fitting the observational data using our weight assigning scheme that the plateau spans from 0.28M to 0.50M. Three-piecewise continuous improved MLRs in K, J, H and V bands, respectively, are obtained. The visual MMLR is also improved based on our K band MLR and the available observational metallicity data.  相似文献   

An exceptionally fast wind (8500 km/s) was suggested to occur in the central star of the planetary nebula K1-16, belonging to the class of the PG 1159 H-deficient pre-white dwarfs. To ascertain the reality of such a fast wind this star has been observed with the HST telescope using the GHRS in the zone of theCiv 155.0 nm doublet. The HST data and tests made using synthetic stellar spectra support the existence of a stellar wind with a terminal velocity of 3800 km/s and a mass loss rate lower thanM<2 · 10–11 M per year. Possibly it is no longer the fastest stellar wind so far observed but it is still among the fastest.  相似文献   

We simulate the collapse of a primordial protostellar cloud by means of a 1D hydrodynamics code accounting for chemical evolution, radiative transfer and radiation pressure. We find that the role of radiation pressure is negligible throughout the whole simulations, i.e. Until shortly after the formation of a central hydrostatic core. We also estimate the luminosity and the spectrum of such collapsing clouds. The luminosity is initially due to a number of H2 lines and is of the order of 1033-34 erg s-1. It then grows to values ≳1036 erg s-1 by the time the core forms, and results from both HH lines and continuum radiation. This revised version was published online in September 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The infrared and radio continuum fluxes of a number of OB-stars are compared to theoretical models. This gives us information about the mass loss rates and the structure of the stellar wind. The more extreme O-star Pup appears to show an effect of clumping in its continuum flux.  相似文献   

Observational evidence, and theoretical models of the magnetic field evolution of neutron stars is discussed. Observational data indicates that the magnetic field of a neutron star decays significantly only if it has been a member of a close interacting binary. Theoretically, the magnetic field evolution has been related to the processing of a neutron star in a binary system through the spin evolution of the neutron star, and also through the accretion of matter on the neutron star surface. I describe two specific models, one in which magnetic flux is expelled from the superconducting core during spin-down, via a copuling between Abrikosov fluxoids and Onsager-Feynman vortices; and another in which the compression and heating of the stellar crust by the accreted mass drastically reduces the ohmic decay time scale of a magnetic field configuration confined entirely to the crust. General remarks about the behaviour of the crustal field under ohmic diffusion are also made.  相似文献   

Four out of a total of five symbiotic systems whose optical spectral lines contain satellite components indicating collimated ejection have an additional absorption of P Cyg type with different velocity. These systems are Z And, Hen 3‐1341, StHα 190, and BF Cyg. It is shown that the line profiles of every of these systems can be interpreted in the framework of a model of a collimated stellar wind from the hot compact component proposed initially to interpret the line profiles of Z And, observed during its last active phase after 2000. (© 2014 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Noam Soker   《New Astronomy》2008,13(7):491-497
I suggest the existence of an extended zone above the surface of asymptotic giant branch (AGB), as well as similar stars experiencing high mass-loss rates. In addition to the escaping wind, in this zone there are parcels of gas that do not reach the escape velocity. These parcels of dense gas rise slowly and then fall back. The wind and bound gas exist simultaneously to distances of 100AU. I term this region the effervescent zone. In this phenomenological study I find that the density of the bound material in the effervescent zone falls as r−5/2, not much faster than the wind density. The main motivation to propose the effervescent model is to allow wide binary companions to influence the morphology of the descendant planetary nebulae (PN) by accreting mass from the effervescent zone. Accretion from the effervescent zone is more efficient than accretion from the wind in forming an accretion disk around the companion. The companion might then blow two jets that will shape the descendant PN.  相似文献   

We show that our original suggestion that gamma-ray bursts (GRB) may be flares on Magnetically Active Stellar Systems (MASS) namely flare stars, RS CVn binaries and Cataclysmic variables agrees well with the new observations of CGRO. We make a multi component fit to the log(N) - log(S) distribution and the high degree of isotropy as observed by the previous generation of satellites as well as BATSE/CGRO using the second BATSE catalogue. We then discuss individual source association and optical transient observations and show that they favor the present suggestion. We discuss the physical mechanisms and gamma-ray production processes that can occur on such systems giving the GRB their characteristics. We predict increase of anisotropy in the BATSE/CGRO observations for bright GRB.  相似文献   

The effect of Faraday rotation is shown to lead to the appearance of linear polarization of stellar radiation scattered in an optically-thin circumstellar electron-magnetized shell, even in the case when the shell is spherical. The spectral dependence of the polarization degree is evaluated for scattering in (i) a spherically-symmetric magnetized shell with a power-law radial dependence of the electron density, and (ii) a non-spherical ellipsoidal uniform envelope. The position of maximum in the polarization spectrum permits us to determine the magnetic field magnitude on a star surface. If the rotational and magnetic axes do not coincide, the periodic variability of the polarization will be observed with the period of stellar rotation. Some Be-stars, such as Cas, 48 Lib, EW Lac, Aqr, HD 45677, X Per, are proposed as candidates to be investigated for magnetic fields, as well as some stars of the T Tau-type. This method may be also applied to supernovae shells.  相似文献   

We study the influence of X-rays on the wind structure of selected O stars. For this purpose we use our non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (NLTE) wind code with inclusion of additional artificial source of X-rays, assumed to originate in the wind shocks.
We show that the influence of shock X-ray emission on wind mass-loss rate is relatively small. Wind terminal velocity may be slightly influenced by the presence of strong X-ray sources, especially for stars cooler than   T eff≲ 35 000 K  .
We discuss the origin of the   L X/ L ∼ 10−7  relation. For stars with thick wind this relation can be explained assuming that the cooling time depends on wind density. Stars with optically thin winds exhibiting the 'weak wind problem' display enhanced X-ray emission which may be connected with large shock cooling length. We propose that this effect can explain the 'weak wind problem'.
Inclusion of X-rays leads to a better agreement of the model ionization structure with observations. However, we do not find any significant influence of X-rays on P  v ionization fraction implying that the presence of X-rays cannot explain the P  v problem.
We study the implications of modified ionization equilibrium due to shock emission on the line transfer in the X-ray region. We conclude that the X-ray line profiles of helium-like ions may be affected by the line absorption within the cool wind.  相似文献   

Speculative connections have been made between Sakurai's Object andother hydrogen-deficient stars, principally the RCB stars and [WC]central stars of planetary nebulae. RCBs have also been postulated as the precursors of extreme helium stars (EHes). The question arises to whether Sakurai's Object will evolve down the [WC]-PG1159 evolution track, or the RCB-EHe-HesdO track. From a number of IUE observations, we have measured thesecular contraction rates and pulsation masses of several EHes. These are inconsistent with the predicted contraction rates for helium-shell burning giants produced by a final helium-shell flash (the [WC]-PG1159 track). Although there may be some similarities between Sakurai's Object and some RCBs, if the RCB-EHe conection is valid then these must be superficial rather than structural.  相似文献   

We present the results of detailed spectroscopic abundance analyses for 18 elements in 31 nearby stars with planets (SWPs). The resulting abundances are combined with other similar studies of nearby SWPs and compared to a sample of nearby stars without detected planets. We find some evidence for abundance differences between these two samples for Al, Si and Ti. Some of our results are in conflict with a recent study of SWPs in the SPOCS data base. We encourage continued study of the abundance patterns of SWPs to resolve these discrepancies.  相似文献   

We present the results of an analysis of the winds of two WC10 central stars of planetary nebulae, CPD-56°8032 and He 2-113. These two stars have remarkably similar spectra, although the former exhibits somewhat broader emission line widths. High resolution spectra (up to R=50 000) were obtained in May 1993 for both objects at the 3.9 m AAT, using the UCL Echelle Spectrograph. The fluxes in individual Cii auto-ionising multiplet components, many of which were blended, were derived. Lines originating from auto-ionising resonance states situated in the C2+ continuum are very sensitive to the electron temperature, since the population of the these levels is close to LTE. The measured widths and profile shapes of these transitions are presented and are in excellent agreement with those predicted on the basis of their calculated auto-ionising lifetimes. The wind electron temperature is derived for both stars from the ratio of the fluxes in four such transitions (T e =18 500 K±1 500 K for CPD-56° 8032 andT e =13 600 K±800 K for He 2-113). Optical depth effects are investigated using normal recombination lines to obtain an independent wind electron temperature estimate in excellent agreement with the dielectronic line analysis.  相似文献   

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