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The concentrations of fluorine in groundwater of North Jordan range from 0.009 to 0.055 mg/l. Other chemical parameters, e.g. pH, EC, TDS, Cl, TH, HCO3, PO4, SO4, NO3, NH4, K, Ca, Mg, and NO3 have been studied and showed higher concentrations in HCO3 and NO3 of 307 and 51 mg/l, respectively. Thermodynamic considerations show that almost all the analyzed samples are undersaturated with respect to calcite and fluorite. This undersaturation is probably due to their low availability in the locations. Fluoride concentration shows a positive relation to pH and HCO3, whereas Cl, Mg, Ca, and Na initially increase and then decrease with increasing fluoride in the water. Saturation indexes of fluorite and calcite are estimated. The chemistry of the groundwater is controlled by the fluorite and calcite solubility. The topography of the area has exerted control on the aerial extent of fluoride concentration.  相似文献   

Five, Neoproterozoic, poorly studied felsic intrusives from NW Saudi Arabia have been subjected to a detailed geological, geochemical and mineralogical study to identify their characteristics and to understand their processes of formation. The results have indicated that the individual plutons in the region are each subtly different. This is mainly displayed by the existence of different types of granites, based on chemistry and petrography (peralkaline, alkaline and calc-alkaline) and mineralogy (particularly the presence of different types of amphibole, both sodic and calcic). The granites were most likely derived by low-pressure, partial melting of crustal rocks with possible crustal contamination, followed by fractional crystallization and later sub-solidus alteration by fluids. The geochemical differences between the granites could be related to their formation during different stages of the region’s evolution. The granites contain relatively high contents of rare earth elements and rare metals, mostly hosted by phosphates (monazite-Ce and xenotime), Nb oxide (fergusonite-Y) and possible rare earth carbonates (synchysite). Further detailed geochemical study would determine the economic significance of the studied granitoids and allow understanding how the plutons were fit into tectonic setting of the region.  相似文献   

Chemical characteristics of groundwater in the Midyan Basin (northwestern Saudi Arabia) were investigated and evaluated. A total of 72 water samples were collected from existing shallow wells and analyzed for different elements. Two multivariate statistical methods, hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) and principal components analysis (PCA), were applied to a subgroup of the data set in terms of their usefulness for groundwater classification, and to identify the processes controlling groundwater geochemistry. The subgroup consisted of 46 water samples out of 72 samples and 24 variables included major elements (Ca2+, Na+, Mg2+, K+, Cl?, HCO3 ?, NO3 ?, SO4 2?), minor and trace element (SiO2, Al, As, B, Ba, Cd, Cr, F, Fe, Mo, P, Pb, Sb, Sn, Ti, and V). For water samples, four geochemically distinct clusters (i.e., C1, C2, C3 and C4) have been observed by hierarchical cluster analysis. Cr, F and Pb are the dominant ions in cluster C2. Al, As, Cd, Mo, Sb and Ti are the dominant ions in cluster C3, while B, Ca, Cl, HCO3, K, Mg, Na, SO4 and V are identified as dominant ions in the cluster C4. In the PCA, a total of five components are extracted form the data set, which explained 73.37 % of the total data variability. Among them the first component reveals strong associations between As, B, Cd, Cr, F, Mo, Pb, Sb and Ti. The second component reveals the associations between Ca, Cl, HCO3, Mg, Na, SO4 and V.  相似文献   

The chemical analysis of 83 water wells in the Marand area, Azarbaijan Province NW of Iran was evaluated to determine the hydrogeochemical processes and ion concentration background in the region. Over the entire area, the dominated hydrochemical types are Ca? +?Mg?+?SO4?+?Cl, Ca?+?SO4, Na?+?Cl and Ca?+?Mg?+?HCO3. Based on the total hardness, the softness of the groundwater is determined. According to electrical conductivity (EC) and sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), the most dominant classes are C3?CS1, C3?CS2, C4?CS2 and C2?CS1. The major ion concentrations are below the acceptable level for drinking water. The groundwater salinity hazard is medium to high, but the Na hazard is low to medium; with regard to irrigation water, the quality is low to medium. So, a drainage system is necessary to avoid the increase of toxic salt concentrations.  相似文献   

A total of 72 water samples were collected from the sub-surface aquifer system in the Midyan basin and analyzed for 24 major, minor and trace elements. Histograms and normal quantile plots were used to delineate the sub-populations of the chemical constituents in the studied groundwater samples. Some of the elements such as Al, K, Ca, Mg, Na and Cl have concentrations that could be linked to the weathering of the surface rock strata. On the other hand, the elements like As, Pb and Sb have concentration, that can be linked to agricultural practices in the area. The use of simple statistical analysis, frequency histograms, and Q-Q plots were useful for the detection and evaluation of elemental constituents in the groundwater of the study area.  相似文献   

In Wadi Tharad the groundwater has been subjected to hydrochemical study to identify the process (s) that led to the formation of relatively highly saline water in shallow alluvial aquifer. The chemical analyses results show that the groundwater salinity was highly variable and randomly distributed along the wadi course. This variation could be attributed to intensive evaporation on effluent prone surface irrigation water that led to precipitation of evaporates (e.g., calcite, dolomite, gypsum and probably halite). The intensive irrigation practice through mineral dissolution recharged the groundwater with a marked increase in the salinity. The local hydrogeological condition is also involved in determining the risk of the groundwater salinity as a consequence of irrigation practice. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

In this study, a comprehensive assessment on the generation mechanism, distribution characteristics, and extension rules of structure cracks was conducted by in situ monitoring and field investigation in the Chengchao Iron Mine. Structure cracks are affected by many factors, e.g., surface deformation, structure strength, occurrence position, and machine vibration. They initially occur in a structure when the strength of the structure is not enough to resist the inner strain as surface deformation increases. In contrast, increases in width and length of structure crack exert stress release in the structure and thus decrease structure deformation surrounding the crack. A great ground crack may adversely aggravate structure cracking and release the stress of surrounding rock masses. In addition, micro cracks in rock masses provide favorable conditions for the generation and extension of cracks, resulting that cracks occur in shaft walls more easily and extend towards the deeper. The initial distribution of cracks is generally consistent with such micro cracks. Subsequently, cracks in deep rock masses will extend along the strike of the mined-out area as surface deformation increases. Sensibilities to cracking of structures are changed by their different strain resistances and become stronger from bolt-shotcrete shaft, bolt-shotcrete tunnel, and brick-concrete building to brick wall. Based on distribution characteristics of cracks and wave velocity in rock masses, the overlaying strata affected by underground mining can be divided into four zones: broken zone, broken transition zone, crack generation zone, and micro deformation zone.  相似文献   

The present study was carried out in the Mulaylih area which forms a part of Wadi Al Hamad in the Madinah Province of Saudi Arabia. Thirty groundwater samples from agricultural farms were collected and analyzed for various physio-chemical parameters including trace elements. The area is occupied by the Quaternary alluvium deposits which form shallow unconfined aquifers. Evaporation and ion exchange are the major processes which control the major ion chemistry of the area. The extreme aridity has results in high total dissolved solid values (average of 9793.47 mg/l). Trace element concentrations are low and are mainly attributed to geogenic sources (silicate weathering). Na-Cl groundwater type is the main hydrochemical facies found in the area. The waters are found to be oversaturated with calcite/aragonite and dolomite. The average nitrate concentration was found to be 134.10 mg/l and is much higher than the WHO recommended limit of 50 mg/l in drinking water. Their high values are mainly associated with the application of N-fertilizers on the agricultural farms. The average fluoride concentration in the study was found to be 1.54 mg/l. The relation between F and Cl and Cl and Na reveals that the fluoride concentrations are mainly attributed to geogenic sources. A comparison of the groundwater quality with the Saudi drinking water standards shows that the water is unfit for drinking. The high salinity and sodicity of the groundwater make it unfit for irrigation. Principal component analysis resulted in extraction of four principal components accounting for 79.5% of the total data variability and supports the fact that the natural hydrochemical processes (evaporation and ion exchange) control the overall groundwater chemistry.  相似文献   

Groundwater is the main source of irrigation within south Al Madinah Al Munawarah region. It is also an important source of drinking water in many areas including Madinah city. The wells installed in the aquifer of the study area (south Madinah city) are not currently regulated by the local authorities although they are a key component of water supply. The aquifers in the study area range from unconfined to semi-confined and confined. The main aim of this study is to assess the groundwater in the region for drinking and agricultural uses. For this purpose, hydrochemical analyses of major, minor and trace constituents and nutrients were performed on 29 groundwater samples from the aquifer located about 20 km south of Madinah. The recharge rate of the aquifer of the study area was estimated to be 6.58 % of the annual precipitation using the chloride mass-balance method. Chloride was positively correlated with major ions, which suggests that agricultural activities have some effect on groundwater chemistry through leaching of readily soluble salts from the soil zone. Groundwater of the study area is characterized by dominance of Na over Ca. Chloride was found to be the most dominant anion and replaced by HCO3, thus reflecting geochemical evolution in the study area. The groundwater of the study area is not safe for drinking but can be safely used for salt-tolerant crops.  相似文献   

The present study deals with the hydrochemical characteristics of groundwater in the upper catchment of Wadi Fatimah basin. The analysis of data indicated strongly that the chloride and sulfate in the groundwater are mainly of marine origin, concentrated by high evaporation processes. Flushing is the most important factor that modifies the ionic concentrations and almost stands for the short-term variation in groundwater chemistry. Weathering reactions of the rock-forming minerals take place under relatively high PCO2 condition in water and soil zone; it can be an important long-term neutralization process. It is accounted as a contributor for Ca and Mg ions in the groundwater. Using the chloride method the recharge rate has been estimated at 72 mm yr–1.  相似文献   

Wadi Qudaid is present about 120 km northeast of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. The area includes Precambrian Arabian Shield, Tertiary sedimentary rocks, Tertiary basic volcanics (harrat), and finally Quaternary wadi deposits which represent the main aquifer of Wadi Qudaid area. The present study indicates the presence of pronounced geochemical variations in the groundwater characters along the main channel of Wadi Qudaid from the southwestern part (downstream) to the northeastern (upstream) part. The groundwater-bearing horizon is thicker in the downstream part than the upstream part. The study also revealed that the groundwater is of good quality in the upstream (NE) part than the downstream (SW) part. This is related to the addition and depletion of many elements during the groundwater trip from NE to SW and the addition and depletion of some elements. The downstream part is of high hardness and TDS when compared with the upstream part. Also, the downstream part is of high bisnous element (As, Co, Ni) than the upstream part. The groundwater of the southwestern part of Wadi Qudaid are free from the following elements: i.e., Al, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, and Pb.  相似文献   

Hydrogeology Journal - Sabkha Matti is a potential discharge point for regional groundwater systems in the Rub’ al Khali topographic basin of Saudi Arabia. The hydrogeochemical evolution of...  相似文献   

This systematic study was carried out with objective to delineate the various sources responsible for \(\hbox {NO}_{3}^{-}\) contamination and \(\hbox {F}^{-}\) enrichment by utilizing statistical and graphical methods. Since Central Ground Water Board, India, indicated susceptibility of \(\hbox {NO}_{3}^{-}\) contamination and \(\hbox {F}^{-}\) enrichment, in most of the groundwater, \(\hbox {NO}_{3}^{-}\) and \(\hbox {F}^{-}\) concentration primarily observed \({>}45\) and \({>}1.5~\hbox {mg/L}\), respectively, i.e., higher than the permissible limit for drinking water. Water Quality Index (WQI) indicates \({\sim }22.81\%\) groundwater are good-water, \({\sim }71.14\%\) groundwater poor-water, \({\sim }5.37\%\) very poor-water and 0.67% unsuitable for drinking purpose. Piper diagram indicates \({\sim }59.73\%\) groundwater hydrogeochemical facies are Ca–Mg–\(\hbox {HCO}_{3 }\) water-types, \({\sim }28.19\%\) Ca–Mg–\(\hbox {SO}_{4}\)–Cl water-types, \({\sim }8.72\%\) Na–K–\(\hbox {SO}_{4}\)–Cl water-types and 3.36% Na–K–\(\hbox {HCO}_{3 }\) water-types. This classification indicates dissolution and mixing are mainly controlling groundwater chemistry. Salinity diagram indicate \({\sim }44.30\%\) groundwater under in low sodium and medium salinity hazard, \({\sim }49.66\%\) groundwater fall under low sodium and high salinity hazard, \({\sim }3.36\%\) groundwater fall under very-high salinity hazard. Sodium adsorption ratio indicates \({\sim }97\%\) groundwater are in excellent condition for irrigation. The spatial distribution of \(\hbox {NO}_{3}^{-}\) indicates significant contribution of fertilizer from agriculture lands. Fluoride enrichment occurs in groundwater through the dissolution of fluoride-rich minerals. By reducing the consumption of fertilizer and stress over groundwater, the water quality can be improved.  相似文献   

Groundwater, a renewable and finite natural resource, vital for man’s life, social and economic development and a valuable component of the ecosystem, is vulnerable to natural and human impacts. The aim of present study is to evaluate hydrogeochemical parameters and heavy metals in groundwater and to study their spatial distribution in the Rupnagar District of Punjab. The spatial distribution of physico-chemical parameters were studied using Arc GIS 9.2. It was observed that the concentration of parameters, such as NO3, Cd, Cr, Mn and Pb was above permissible limit (World Health Organization, WHO) in southern part of the study area. The heavy metal pollution index (HPI) was calculated for all sampling locations and it was found much above the critical limit of pollution. Geochemical reaction models of selected water groups were constructed using Phreeqc. Geochemical modeling suggests that sodium has source other than halite-albite and calcium has alternate source other than gypsum-carbonate or silicates. It also suggests that evaporites, ion exchange, dissolution along with anthropogenic activities are controlling the hydro-geochemistry of groundwater in the region. Various indices, such as heavy metal pollution index, permeability index, sodium adsorption ratio, were studied to verify suitability of groundwater for drinking and irrigation.  相似文献   

A classification approach has been implemented in the present work by integrating traditional water sample analysis methods and Geographic Information System (GIS) capabilities in order to classify zones with acceptable groundwater quality for drinking. GIS extrapolation capabilities with their multi-conditional layering facilities were integrated together in order to assess in the determination of areas suitable for drinking purposes. This technique was implemented in Wadi Rabigh, Western Saudi Arabia, due to its significance as one of the most promising areas in the Western Province in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, owing to the establishment of King Abdullah Commercial City and King Abdullah University for Science and Technology (KAUST) nearby. Results show that only a limited area in the aquifer can be used for domestic purposes. This area is located in two separate patches in the upstream part of the aquifer while most of the aquifer water is categorized as brackish which might be used for agriculture purposes to a certain extent. The downstream area of the aquifer is very saline due to sea water intrusion effect.  相似文献   

Groundwater samples were collected from Mettur taluk of Salem district, Tamilnadu, India for two different seasons (pre-monsoon and post-monsoon) and analyzed for fluoride ion along with other chemical parameters. The major litho units of the study area are Charnockites, peninsular gneiss, and calc gneiss of meta-sedimentary group. The fluoride concentration ranges from 0.1 to 2.8?mg/L and 0.4 to 4.0?mg/L during pre-monsoon (PRM) and post-monsoon (POM) seasons, respectively. Results showed that collected water samples were contaminated by the presence of fluoride ion. During PRM and POM, 21% and 56% of samples recorded higher fluoride when compared with Indian Drinking Water Standard (1?mg/L) and (9% and 35%) of samples recorded higher fluoride when compared with World Health Organization tolerance limit (1.5?mg/L). The ratio of Na/Ca indicates high sodium content in groundwater enhances the dissolution of fluoride at higher pH. Hydrogeochemical facies indicates water-rock interaction as main source for high fluoride in groundwater. A positive correlation between pH, Mg, and F indicates high alkaline nature of water promotes fluoride leaching from source rocks into ground water. Factor analysis indicates hydro-geochemical processes like weathering, ion exchange, and anthropogenic contributes to groundwater chemistry. The saturation index indicates dissolution and precipitation contributes fluoride dissolution along with mixing.  相似文献   

Kinmen Island is principally composed of low permeable granitoid and covered by a very thin sedimentary layer. Both surface and groundwater resources are limited and water demand is increasing with time. The groundwater in the granitoid has been surveyed as an alternative water source for daily use. Two to five highly fractured zones in the granitoid aquifer for each site were first determined by geochemical well logging. Accordingly, ten samples were collected from three sites. Using environmental isotopes and geochemical modeling, geochemical processes occurring due to water–rock interaction in the granitoid aquifer can be quantitatively interpreted. The stable isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen in groundwaters cluster along Taiwan’s local meteoric waterline, indicating evaporation does not have considerable effect on groundwaters. Given such a high evaporation rate for Kinmen Island, this result implies that infiltration rate of groundwater is high enough to reduce retention time through a well-developed fracture zone. NetpathXL is employed for inverse geochemical modeling. Results determine gypsum as being the major source of sulfate for deep groundwaters. The contribution from pyrite is minor. In addition, the weathering of albite to kaolinite is the dominant water–rock interaction characterizing geochemical compositions of deep groundwater in Kinmen Island.  相似文献   

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