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In large spheroidal stellar systems, such as elliptical galaxies, one invariably finds a  106–109 M  supermassive black hole at their centre. In contrast, within dwarf elliptical galaxies one predominantly observes a  105–107 M  nuclear star cluster. To date, few galaxies have been found with both types of nuclei coexisting and even less have had the masses determined for both central components. Here, we identify one dozen galaxies housing nuclear star clusters and supermassive black holes whose masses have been measured. This doubles the known number of such hermaphrodite nuclei – which are expected to be fruitful sources of gravitational radiation. Over the host spheroid (stellar) mass range  108–1011 M  , we find that a galaxy's nucleus-to-spheroid (baryon) mass ratio is not a constant value but decreases from a few per cent to ∼0.3 per cent such that  log[( M BH+ M NC)/ M sph]=−(0.39 ± 0.07) log[ M sph/1010 M]− (2.18 ± 0.07)  . Once dry merging commences and the nuclear star clusters disappear, this ratio is expected to become a constant value.
As a byproduct of our investigation, we have found that the projected flux from resolved nuclear star clusters is well approximated with Sérsic functions having a range of indices from ∼0.5 to ∼3, the latter index describing the Milky Way's nuclear star cluster.  相似文献   

We investigate the correlation between the supermassive black holes (SMBHs) mass ( M bh) and the stellar velocity dispersion  (σ*)  in two types of host galaxies: the early-type bulges (disc galaxies with classical bulges or elliptical galaxies) and pseudo-bulges. In the form  log ( M bh/M) =α+β log (σ*/200 km s−1)  , the best-fitting results for the 39 early-type bulges are the slope  β= 4.06 ± 0.28  and the normalization  α= 8.28 ± 0.05  ; the best-fitting results for the nine pseudo-bulges are  β= 4.5 ± 1.3  and  α= 7.50 ± 0.18  . Both relations have intrinsic scatter in  log  M bh  of ≲0.27 dex. The   M bh–σ*  relation for pseudo-bulges is different from the relation in the early-type bulges over the 3σ significance level. The contrasting relations indicate the formation and growth histories of SMBHs depend on their host type. The discrepancy between the slope of the   M bh–σ*  relations using different definition of velocity dispersion vanishes in our sample, a uniform slope will constrain the coevolution theories of the SMBHs and their host galaxies more effectively. We also find the slope for the 'core' elliptical galaxies at the high-mass range of the relation appears steeper  (β≃ 5–6)  , which may be the imprint of their origin of dissipationless mergers.  相似文献   

A comparison between published field galaxy stellar mass functions (GSMFs) shows that the cosmic stellar mass density is in the range 4–8 per cent of the baryon density (assuming  Ωb= 0.045  ). There remain significant sources of uncertainty for the dust correction and underlying stellar mass-to-light ratio even assuming a reasonable universal stellar initial mass function. We determine the   z < 0.05  GSMF using the New York University Value-Added Galaxy Catalog sample of 49 968 galaxies derived from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and various estimates of stellar mass. The GSMF shows clear evidence for a low-mass upturn and is fitted with a double Schechter function that has  α2≃−1.6  . At masses below  ∼108.5 M  , the GSMF may be significantly incomplete because of missing low-surface-brightness galaxies. One interpretation of the stellar mass–metallicity relation is that it is primarily caused by a lower fraction of available baryons converted to stars in low-mass galaxies. Using this principle, we determine a simple relationship between baryonic mass and stellar mass and present an 'implied baryonic mass function'. This function has a faint-end slope,  α2≃−1.9  . Thus, we find evidence that the slope of the low-mass end of the galaxy mass function could plausibly be as steep as the halo mass function. We illustrate the relationship between halo baryonic mass function → galaxy baryonic mass function → GSMF. This demonstrates the requirement for peak galaxy formation efficiency at baryonic masses  ∼1011 M  corresponding to a minimum in feedback effects. The baryonic-infall efficiency may have levelled off at lower masses.  相似文献   

We present the first results from a major HST WFPC2 imaging study aimed at providing the first statistically meaningful comparison of the morphologies, luminosities, scalelengths and colours of the host galaxies of radio-quiet quasars, radio-loud quasars and radio galaxies. We describe the design of this study and present the images that have been obtained for the first half of our 33-source sample. We find that the hosts of all three classes of luminous AGN are massive elliptical galaxies, with scalelengths ≃10 kpc, and R − K colours consistent with mature stellar populations. Most importantly, this is first unambiguous evidence that, just like radio-loud quasars, essentially all radio-quiet quasars brighter than M R =−24 reside in massive ellipticals. This result removes the possibility that radio 'loudness' is directly linked to host galaxy morphology, but is however in excellent accord with the black hole/spheroid mass correlation recently highlighted by Magorrian et al. We apply the relations given by Magorrian et al. to infer the expected Eddington luminosity of the putative black hole at the centre of each of the spheroidal host galaxies we have uncovered. Comparison with the actual nuclear R -band luminosities suggests that the black holes in most of these galaxies are radiating at a few per cent of the Eddington luminosity; the brightest host galaxies in our low- z sample are capable of hosting quasars with M R ≃− 28, comparable to the most luminous quasars at z ≃3. Finally, we discuss our host-derived black hole masses in the context of the radio luminosity:black hole mass correlation recently uncovered for nearby galaxies by Franceschini et al., and consider the resulting implications for the physical origin of radio loudness.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that the luminosity function of the recently detected population of actively star-forming galaxies at redshift z  = 3 and the B -band luminosity function of quasi-stellar objects (QSOs) at the same redshift can both be matched with the mass function of dark matter haloes predicted by standard variants of hierarchical cosmogonies for lifetimes of optically bright QSOs anywhere in the range 106 to 108 yr. There is a strong correlation between the lifetime and the required degree of non-linearity in the relation between black hole and halo mass. We suggest that the mass of supermassive black holes may be limited by the back-reaction of the emitted energy on the accretion flow in a self-gravitating disc. This would imply a relation of black hole to halo mass of the form M bh ∝  v 5halo ∝  M 5/3halo and a typical duration of the optically bright QSO phase of a few times 107 yr. The high integrated mass density of black holes inferred from recent black hole mass estimates in nearby galaxies may indicate that the overall efficiency of supermassive black holes for producing blue light is smaller than previously assumed. We discuss three possible accretion modes with low optical emission efficiency: (i) accretion at far above the Eddington rate, (ii) accretion obscured by dust, and (iii) accretion below the critical rate leading to an advection-dominated accretion flow lasting for a Hubble time. We further argue that accretion with low optical efficiency might be closely related to the origin of the hard X-ray background and that the ionizing background might be progressively dominated by stars rather than QSOs at higher redshift.  相似文献   

We present results from two high-resolution hydrodynamical simulations of protocluster regions at   z ≃ 2.1  . The simulations have been compared to observational results for the so-called Spiderweb galaxy system, the core of a putative protocluster region at   z = 2.16  , found around a radio galaxy. The simulated regions have been chosen so as to form a poor cluster with   M 200≃ 1014  h −1 M  (C1) and a rich cluster with   M 200≃ 2 × 1015  h −1 M  (C2) at   z = 0  . The simulated protoclusters show evidence of ongoing assembly of a dominating central galaxy. The stellar mass of the brightest cluster galaxy of the C2 system is in excess with respect to observational estimates for the Spiderweb galaxy, with a total star formation rate which is also larger than indicated by observations. We find that the projected velocities of galaxies in the C2 cluster are consistent with observations, while those measured for the poorer cluster C1 are too low compared with the observed velocities. We argue that the Spiderweb complex resembles the high-redshift progenitor of a rich galaxy cluster. Our results indicate that the included supernovae feedback is not enough to suppress star formation in these systems, supporting the need of introducing active galactic nuclei feedback. According to our simulations, a diffuse atmosphere of hot gas in hydrostatic equilibrium should already be present at this redshift, and enriched at a level comparable to that of nearby galaxy clusters. The presence of this gas should be detectable with future deep X-ray observations.  相似文献   

The evolution of number density, size and intrinsic colour is determined for a volume-limited sample of visually classified early-type galaxies selected from the Hubble Space Telescope /Advanced Camera for Surveys images of the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey (GOODS) North and South fields (version 2). The sample comprises 457 galaxies over 320 arcmin2 with stellar masses above  3 × 1010 M  in the redshift range  0.4 < z < 1.2  . Our data allow a simultaneous study of number density, intrinsic colour distribution and size. We find that the most massive systems  (≳3 × 1011 M)  do not show any appreciable change in comoving number density or size in our data. Furthermore, when including the results from 2dF galaxy redshift survey, we find that the number density of massive early-type galaxies is consistent with no evolution between   z = 1.2  and 0, i.e. over an epoch spanning more than half of the current age of the Universe. We find large discrepancies between the predictions of semi-analytic models. Massive galaxies show very homogeneous intrinsic colour distributions, with nearly flat radial colour gradients, but with a significant negative correlation between stellar mass and colour gradient, such that red cores appear predominantly in massive galaxies. The distribution of half-light radii – when compared to   z ∼ 0  and   z > 1  samples – is compatible with the predictions of semi-analytic models relating size evolution to the amount of dissipation during major mergers.  相似文献   

We make a case for the existence for ultra-massive black holes (UMBHs) in the Universe, but argue that there exists a likely upper limit to black hole (BH) masses of the order of   M ∼ 1010 M  . We show that there are three strong lines of argument that predicate the existence of UMBHs: (i) expected as a natural extension of the observed BH mass bulge luminosity relation, when extrapolated to the bulge luminosities of bright central galaxies in clusters; (ii) new predictions for the mass function of seed BHs at high redshifts predict that growth via accretion or merger-induced accretion inevitably leads to the existence of rare UMBHs at late times; (iii) the local mass function of BHs computed from the observed X-ray luminosity functions of active galactic nuclei predict the existence of a high-mass tail in the BH mass function at   z = 0  . Consistency between the optical and X-ray census of the local BH mass function requires an upper limit to BH masses. This consistent picture also predicts that the slope of the   M bh–σ  relation will evolve with redshift at the high-mass end. Models of self-regulation that explain the co-evolution of the stellar component and nuclear BHs naturally provide such an upper limit. The combination of multiwavelength constraints predicts the existence of UMBHs and simultaneously provides an upper limit to their masses. The typical hosts for these local UMBHs are likely the bright, central cluster galaxies in the nearby Universe.  相似文献   

We analyse a sample of 32 galaxies for which a dynamical estimate of the mass of the hot stellar component, M bulge, is available. For each of these galaxies, we calculate the mass of the central black hole, M , using the tight empirical correlation between M and bulge stellar velocity dispersion. The frequency function     is reasonably well described as a Gaussian with     and standard deviation ∼0.45; the implied mean ratio of black hole mass to bulge mass is a factor of ∼5 smaller than generally quoted in the literature. We present marginal evidence for a lower, average black hole mass fraction in more massive galaxies. The total mass density in black holes in the local Universe is estimated to be ∼     consistent with that inferred from high-redshift     active galactic nuclei.  相似文献   

We investigate pure luminosity evolution models for early-type (elliptical and S0) galaxies (i.e. no number density change or morphological transition), and examine whether these models are consistent with observed number counts in the B , I and K bands, and redshift distributions of two samples of faint galaxies selected in the I and K bands. The models are characterized by the star formation time-scale τ SF and the time t gw when the galactic wind starts to blow, in addition to several other conventional parameters. We find that the single-burst model ( τ SF=0.1 Gyr and t gw=0.353 Gyr), which is known to reproduce the photometric properties of early-type galaxies in clusters, is inconsistent with the redshift distributions of early-type galaxies in the field environment, owing to overpredictions of the number of galaxies at z ≳1.4 even with strong extinction which is at work until t gw. In order for dust extinction to be more effective, we treat τ SF and t gw as free parameters, and find that models with τ SF≳0.5 Gyr and t gw>1.0 Gyr can be made consistent with both the observed redshift distributions and the number counts, if we introduce strong extinction [ E ( B − V )≥1 as a peak value]. These results suggest that early-type galaxies in the field environment do not have the same evolutionary history as described by the single-burst model.  相似文献   

We have selected and analysed the properties of a sample of  2905 Ks < 21.5  galaxies in  ∼131 arcmin2  of the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey (GOODS) Chandra Deep Field South (CDFS), to obtain further constraints on the evolution of Ks -selected galaxies with respect to the results already obtained in previous studies. We made use of the public deep multiwavelength imaging from the optical B through the infrared (IR) 4.5-μm bands, in conjunction with available spectroscopic and COMBO17 data in the CDFS, to construct an optimized redshift catalogue for our galaxy sample. We computed the Ks -band luminosity function and determined that its characteristic magnitude has a substantial brightening and a decreasing total density from   z = 0  to  〈 z 〉= 2.5  . We also analysed the colours and number density evolution of galaxies with different stellar masses. Within our sample, and in contrast to what is observed for less massive systems, the vast majority (∼85–90 per cent) of the most massive  ( M > 2.5 × 1011 M)  local galaxies appear to be in place before redshift   z ∼ 1  . Around 65–70 per cent of the total assemble between redshifts   z = 1  and 3 and most of them display extremely red colours, suggesting that plausible star formation in these very massive systems should mainly proceed in obscured, short-time-scale bursts. The remaining fraction (up to ∼20 per cent) could be in place at even higher redshifts   z = 3–4  , pushing the first epoch of formation of massive galaxies beyond the limits of current near-IR surveys.  相似文献   

We present the optical identifications of a 95-μm ISOPHOT sample in the Lockman hole over an area of approximately half a deg2. The Rodighiero et al. catalogue includes 36 sources, making up a complete flux-limited sample for   S 95 μm≥ 100 mJy  . Reliable sources were detected, with decreasing but well-controlled completeness, down to   S 95 μm≃ 20 mJy  . We have combined mid-infrared (IR) and radio catalogues in this area to identify the potential optical counterparts of the far-IR sources. We found 14 radio and 13 15-μm associations, 10 of which have both associations. For the 11 sources with spectroscopic redshift, we have performed a spectrophotometric analysis of the observed spectral energy distributions (SEDs). Four of these 95-μm sources have been classified as faint IR (FIR) galaxies  ( L FIR < 1. e 11 L)  , six as luminous IR galaxies (LIRGs) and only one as an ultraluminous IR galaxy (ULIRG). We have discussed the redshift distribution of these objects, comparing our results with evolutionary model predictions 95 and 175 μm. Given their moderate distances (the bulk of the closest spectroscopically identified objects lying at   z < 0.2  ), their luminosities and star formation rates (SFR; median value  ∼ 10 M yr−1  ), the sources unveiled by ISOPHOT at 95 μm seem to correspond to the low redshift  ( z < 0.3)  FIRBACK 175-μm population, composed of dusty, star-forming galaxies with moderate SFRs. We computed and compared different SFR estimators, and found that the SF derived from the bolometric IR luminosity is well correlated with that computed from the radio and mid-IR fluxes.  相似文献   

The differing   M bh– L   relations presented in McLure & Dunlop, Marconi & Hunt and Erwin et al. have been investigated. A number of issues have been identified and addressed in each of these studies, including but not limited to the removal of a dependency on the Hubble constant, a correction for dust attenuation in the bulges of disc galaxies, the identification of lenticular galaxies previously treated as elliptical galaxies and the application of the same ( Y ∣ X ) regression analysis. These adjustments result in relations which now predict similar black hole masses. The optimal K -band relation is  log( M bh/M) =−0.37(±0.04)( M K + 24) + 8.29(±0.08)  , with a total (not intrinsic) scatter in log M bh equal to 0.33 dex. This level of scatter is similar to the value of 0.34 dex from the     relation of Tremaine et al. and compares favourably with the value of 0.31 dex from the   M bh– n   relation of Graham & Driver. Using different photometric data, consistent relations in the B and R band are also provided, although we do note that the small  ( N = 13)  R -band sample used by Erwin et al. is found here to have a slope of −0.30 ± 0.06. Performing a symmetrical regression on the larger K -band sample gives a slope of ∼−0.40, implying M bh∝ L 1.00. Implications for galaxy–black hole co-evolution, in terms of dry mergers, are briefly discussed, as are the predictions for intermediate mass black holes. Finally, as noted by others, a potential bias in the galaxy sample used to define the   M bh– L   relations is shown and a corrective formula provided.  相似文献   

We have used far-infrared data from IRAS , Infrared Space Observatory ( ISO ), Spitzer Wide-Area Infrared Extragalactic (SWIRE), Submillimetre Common User Bolometer Array (SCUBA) and Max-Planck Millimetre Bolometer (MAMBO) to constrain statistically the mean far-infrared luminosities of quasars. Our quasar compilation at redshifts  0 < z < 6.5  and I -band luminosities  −20 < I AB < −32  is the first to distinguish evolution from quasar luminosity dependence in such a study. We carefully cross-calibrate IRAS against Spitzer and ISO , finding evidence that IRAS 100-μm fluxes at <1 Jy are overestimated by ∼30 per cent. We find evidence for a correlation between star formation in quasar hosts and the quasar optical luminosities, varying as star formation rate (SFR)  ∝ L 0.44±0.07opt  at any fixed redshift below   z = 2  . We also find evidence for evolution of the mean SFR in quasar host galaxies, scaling as  (1 + z )1.6±0.3  at   z < 2  for any fixed quasar I -band absolute magnitude fainter than −28. We find no evidence for any correlation between SFR and black hole mass at  0.5 < z < 4  . Our data are consistent with feedback from black hole accretion regulating stellar mass assembly at all redshifts.  相似文献   

We analyse the observed distribution of Eddington ratios  ( L / L Edd)  as a function of supermassive black hole mass for a large sample of nearby galaxies drawn from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. We demonstrate that there are two distinct regimes of black hole growth in nearby galaxies. The first is associated with galaxies with significant star formation [   M */star formation rate (SFR) ∼  a Hubble time] in their central kiloparsec regions, and is characterized by a broad lognormal distribution of accretion rates peaked at a few per cent of the Eddington limit. In this regime, the Eddington ratio distribution is independent of the mass of the black hole and shows little dependence on the central stellar population of the galaxy. The second regime is associated with galaxies with old central stellar populations (   M */SFR ≫  a Hubble time), and is characterized by a power-law distribution function of Eddington ratios. In this regime, the time-averaged mass accretion rate on to black holes is proportional to the mass of stars in the galaxy bulge, with a constant of proportionality that depends on the mean stellar age of the stars. This result is once again independent of black hole mass. We show that both the slope of the power law and the decrease in the accretion rate on to black holes in old galaxies are consistent with population synthesis model predictions of the decline in stellar mass loss rates as a function of mean stellar age. Our results lead to a very simple picture of black hole growth in the local Universe. If the supply of cold gas in a galaxy bulge is plentiful, the black hole regulates its own growth at a rate that does not further depend on the properties of the interstellar medium. Once the gas runs out, black hole growth is regulated by the rate at which evolved stars lose their mass.  相似文献   

The first spectroscopic census of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) associated with late-type galaxies in the Virgo cluster was carried out by observing 213 out of a complete set of 237 galaxies more massive than   M dyn > 108.5 M  . Among them, 77 are classified as AGNs [including 21 transition objects, 47 low-ionization nuclear emission regions (LINERs) and nine Seyferts] and comprise 32 per cent of the late-type galaxies in Virgo. Due to spectroscopic incompleteness, at most 21 AGNs are missed in the survey, so that the fraction would increase up to 41 per cent. Using corollary near-infrared observations that enable us to estimate galaxy dynamical masses, it is found that AGNs are hosted exclusively in massive galaxies, i.e.   M dyn≳ 1010 M  . Their frequency increases steeply with the dynamical mass from zero at   M dyn≈ 109.5 M  to virtually 1 at   M dyn > 1011.5 M  . These frequencies are consistent with those of low-luminosity AGNs found in the general field by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Massive galaxies that harbour AGNs commonly show conspicuous r -band star-like nuclear enhancements. Conversely, they often, but not necessarily, contain massive bulges. A few well-known AGNs (e.g. M61, M100, NGC 4535) are found in massive Sc galaxies with little or no bulge. The AGN fraction seems to be only marginally sensitive to galaxy environment. We infer the black hole masses using the known scaling relations of quiescent black holes. No black holes lighter than  ∼106 M  are found active in our sample.  相似文献   

We establish constraints on the mass and abundance of black holes in the Galactic halo by determining their impact on globular clusters, which are conventionally considered to be little evolved. Using detailed Monte Carlo simulations and simple evolutionary models, we argue that black holes with masses M bh≳(1–3)×106 M can comprise no more than a fraction f bh≈0.17 of the total halo density at Galactocentric radius R ≈8 kpc. This bound arises from requiring stability of the cluster mass function. A more restrictive bound may be derived if we demand that the probability of destruction of any given, low-mass M c≈(2.5–7.5)×104 M] globular cluster not exceed 50 per cent; this bound is f bh≲0.025–0.05 at R ≈8 kpc. This constraint improves those based on disc heating and dynamical friction arguments as well as current lensing results. At smaller radius the constraint on f bh strengthens, while at larger radius an increased fraction of black holes is allowed.  相似文献   

Using results from structural analysis of a sample of nearly 1000 local galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, we estimate how the mass in central black holes is distributed amongst elliptical galaxies, classical bulges and pseudo-bulges, and investigate the relation between their stellar masses and central stellar velocity dispersion σ. Assuming a single relation between elliptical galaxy/bulge mass, M Bulge, and central black hole mass, M BH, we find that  55+8−4  per cent of the mass in black holes in the local universe is in the centres of elliptical galaxies,  41+4−2  per cent in classical bulges and  4+0.9−0.4  per cent in pseudo-bulges. We find that ellipticals, classical bulges and pseudo-bulges follow different relations between their stellar masses and σ, and the most significant offset occurs for pseudo-bulges in barred galaxies. This structural dissimilarity leads to discrepant black hole masses if single   M BH– M Bulge  and   M BH–σ  relations are used. Adopting relations from the literature, we find that the   M BH–σ  relation yields an estimate of the total mass density in black holes that is roughly 55 per cent larger than if the   M BH– M Bulge  relation is used.  相似文献   

We analyse the K -band Hubble diagram for a sample of brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) in the redshift range 0< z <1. In good agreement with earlier studies, we confirm that the scatter in the absolute magnitudes of the galaxies is small (0.3 mag). The BCGs exhibit very little luminosity evolution in this redshift range: if q 0=0.0, we detect no luminosity evolution; for q 0=0.5, we measure a small negative evolution (i.e., BCGs were about 0.5 mag fainter at z =1 than today). If the mass in stars of these galaxies had remained constant over this period of time, substantial positive luminosity evolution would be expected: BCGs should have been brighter in the past, since their stars were younger. A likely explanation for the observed zero or negative evolution is that the stellar mass of the BCGs has been assembled over time through merging and accretion, as expected in hierarchical models of galaxy formation. The colour evolution of the BCGs is consistent with that of an old stellar population ( z for>2) that is evolving passively. We can thus use evolutionary population synthesis models to estimate the rate of growth in stellar mass for these systems. We find that the stellar mass in a typical BCG has grown by a factor ≃2 since z ≃1 if q 0=0.0, or by factor ≃4 if q 0=0.5. These results are in good agreement with the predictions of semi-analytic models of galaxy formation and evolution set in the context of a hierarchical scenario for structure formation. The models predict a scatter in the luminosities of the BCGs that is somewhat larger than the observed one, but that depends on the criterion used to select the model clusters.  相似文献   

We analyse the evolutionary history of galaxies formed in a hierarchical scenario consistent with the concordance Lambda cold dark matter (ΛCDM) model focusing on the study of the relation between their chemical and dynamical properties. Our simulations consistently describe the formation of the structure and its chemical enrichment within a cosmological context. Our results indicate that the luminosity–metallicity and the stellar mass–metallicity (LZR and MZR) relations are naturally generated in a hierarchical scenario. Both relations are found to evolve with redshift. In the case of the MZR, the estimated evolution is weaker than that deduced from observational works by approximately 0.10 dex. We also determine a characteristic stellar mass, M c≈ 3 × 1010 M, which segregates the simulated galaxy population into two distinctive groups and which remains unchanged since z ∼ 3, with a very weak evolution of its metallicity content. The value and role played by M c is consistent with the characteristic mass estimated from the SDSS galaxy survey by Kauffmann et al. Our findings suggest that systems with stellar masses smaller than M c are responsible for the evolution of this relation at least from z ≈ 3. Larger systems are stellar dominated and have formed more than 50 per cent of their stars at   z ≥ 2  , showing very weak evolution since this epoch. We also found bimodal metallicity and age distributions from z ∼ 3, which reflects the existence of two different galaxy populations. Although SN feedback may affect the properties of galaxies and help to shape the MZR, it is unlikely that it will significantly modify M c since, from   z = 3  this stellar mass is found in systems with circular velocities larger than 100 km s−1.  相似文献   

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