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鳖甲溃疡和穿孔病的病原及其防治 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
对鳖甲溃疡和穿孔病的病原进行了研究,提出了勒氏假单胞菌,产碱菌和枯草芽直菌3种病原菌;同时在病原药敏试验的基础上筛选治疗药物(鳖康乐1号),并进行了生产性防治试验。 相似文献
红鳍笛鲷弧菌病病原的研究 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
从广东湛江特呈岛鱼排取患病红鳍笛鲷进行病原分离、纯化,得到一株病原菌Ls 1。该菌 为革兰阴性短杆菌,有运动性,菌落半透明,最适温度28~30℃,需盐生长,氧化酶反应阳性,发酵 葡萄糖不产气,不发酵肌醇,对弧菌抑制剂O/129敏感。经API ID32E细菌鉴定系统及弧菌科细 菌生化鉴定管鉴定,该菌为一株溶藻弧菌(Vibrioaginolyticus);其对红鳍笛鲷的半数致死量为6.32 ×105mL-1。药敏试验结果表明,该菌对阿莫西林、先锋V不敏感,对新生霉素、卡那霉素、多粘菌 素B、四环素中度敏感,而对庆大霉素、氟哌酸、氯霉素、红霉素、链霉素和复方新诺明等有较高的敏 感性。 相似文献
报道了鲢、鳙鱼溶血性腹水病的病原和防治方法。研究结果表明,该病无病毒性病原存在,病原为嗜水气单胞菌嗜水亚种(Aeromonashydrophilasubsp.hydrophila)。采用作者研制的鱼康乐(Y·K·L)进行治疗。治愈率达86.5‰。 相似文献
对广东顺德勒流镇某水产养殖场患出血病的乌鳢进行病原分离,对分离菌进行形态学分析、生化鉴定、PCR鉴定和人工感染。经鉴定,分离菌为温和气单胞菌,其半致死温度LD50为1.645×105 CFU/g。组织病理学观察表明,鳃小片毛细血管严重充血,基部细胞增生,部分鳃小片相互融合成肉芽肿结构;肝细胞出现空泡,部分区域肝细胞坏死、溶解和脂肪变性;肾小体血管球充血破裂,部分肾小管上皮细胞玻璃样变,细胞质中出现大量空泡;脾脏中血细胞明显增多,淋巴细胞减少;肠黏膜下层和固有膜可见结缔组织增生、水肿现象。温和气单胞菌可引起乌鳢的肝、脾和肾等重要器官出现典型的病理变化并引起死亡。 相似文献
以介休市连福镇赵家庄煤矿为例,预测了由于采煤所引起的地面塌陷、地裂缝、水土污染等地质灾害,并针对这些地质灾害采取了防治方案,力求有效地预防和减少地质灾害的发生. 相似文献
西宁市地质灾害及其防治对策 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
通过对西宁市地质灾害发育类型与分布特征的分析,提出了对以崩、滑、流为主地质灾害预防及治理的各项具体措施,针对性强、易操作,可最大限度地减少或降低致灾区内人民生命财产遭受损失。 相似文献
以介休市连福镇赵家庄煤矿为例,预测了由于采煤所引起的地面塌陷、地裂缝、水土污染等地质灾害,并针对这些地质灾害采取了防治方案,力求有效地预防和减少地质灾害的发生. 相似文献
金属矿山生态环境问题及其防治对策 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
近年来我国金属矿山生态环境问题有明显上升的势头,导致矿山生态环境问题的潜在隐患显著增多。文章概述了环境污染、生态环境破坏、地质灾害等金属矿山典型生态环境问题,同时指出了加强对上述生态环境问题研究工作的必要性和防治对策。 相似文献
文章通过对湖州市近几年地质灾害发生的情况介绍 ,指出了地质灾害发生的原因 ,指出不仅是自然原因 ,更多的是人为因素 ,提出了地质灾害防治的建议和措施 相似文献
模拟天然继发感染研究对虾病毒病暴发前期病毒和弧菌的关系。结果显示 ,弧菌先感染再病毒感染组比病毒先感染再弧菌感染组死亡率高、死亡快、生长慢、免疫功能低下。表明弧菌的潜伏感染对病毒的增殖有利 ,而病毒的潜伏感染对弧菌的继发感染没有明显的促进作用。说明病毒性流行病的暴发前期可能是由弧菌先感染 ,使对虾体内环境发生变化而助长病毒感染 ,其中对虾的免疫力下降是关键 相似文献
济南市地处华北平原地面沉降区的东南边缘,地面沉降调查与防治工作起步相对较晚,2011年5月19日济南市政府令第243号发布了济南市地质灾害防治管理办法,将地面沉降纳入济南市重点防治的地质灾害之一,有力推进了地面沉降灾害防治工作。2017年7月济南市批复了《济南市地面沉降防治规划(2016—2025)》《规划》明确了济南市地面沉降防控目标、任务,对地面沉降防控工程进行了部署。目前,济南市已完成北部平原区的地面沉降调查与评价工作,建立了基岩起算点、GPS监测墩、GPS监测点、监测标石、二等水准测量线路、分层标、地下水监测孔为基础的地面沉降监测网络,取得了地面沉降监测基础数据,填补了济南市地面沉降工作的空白,为今后济南市地面沉降监测预警体系的建设奠定了基础。 相似文献
According to China's second national survey of pollution sources, the contribution of agricultural non-point sources(ANS) to water pollution is still high. Risk prevention and control are the main means to control costs and improve the efficiency of ANS, but most studies directly take pollution load as the risk standard, leading to a considerable misjudgment of the actual pollution risk. To objectively reflect the risk of agricultural non-point source pollution(ANSP) in Chongqing, China, we investigated the influences of initial source input, intermediate transformation, and terminal absorption of pollutants via literature research and the Delphi method and built a PTA(pressure kinetic energy, transformation kinetic energy, and absorption kinetic energy) model that covers 12 factors, with the support of geographical information system(GIS) technology. The terrain factor calculation results and the calculation results of other factors were optimized by Python tools to reduce human error and workload. Via centroid migration analysis and Kernel density analysis, the risk level, spatial aggregation degree, and key prevention and control regions could be accurately determined. There was a positive correlation between the water quality of the rivers in Chongqing and the risk assessment results of different periods, indirectly reflecting the reliability of the assessment results by the proposed model. There was an obvious tendency for the low-risk regions transforming into high-risk regions. The proportion of high-risk regions and extremely high-risk regions increased from 17.82% and 16.63%in 2000 to 18.10% and 16.76% in 2015, respectively. And the risk level in the main urban areas was significantly higher than that in the southeastern and northeastern areas of Chongqing. The centroids of all grades of risky areas presented a successive distribution from west to east, and the centroids of high-risk and extremely high-risk regions shifted eastward. From 2000 to 2015, the centroids of highrisk and extremely high-risk regions moved 4.63 km(1.68°) and 4.48 km(12.08°) east by north, respectively. The kernel density analysis results showed that the high-risk regions were mainly concentrated in the main urban areas and that the distribution of agglomeration areas overall displayed a transition trend from contiguous distribution to decentralized concentration. The risk levels of the regions with a high proportion of cultivated land and artificial surface were significantly increased, and the occupation of cultivated land in the process of urbanization promoted the movement of the centroids of high-risk and extremely high-risk regions. The identification of key areas for risk prevention and control provides data scientific basis for the development of prevention and control strategies. 相似文献
彭洁莹 《广东海洋大学学报》2003,23(5):64-67
宋词中大量存在的伤春悲秋词 ,隐含着深沉的人生况味 ,其实质是对人生易逝、好景不长的叹息 ,是人生意识的觉醒。而歌妓在宋人人生的得意与失意中都扮演了重要角色。由这些与歌妓密切相关的词作可了解宋代士人文化精神中的另一面 相似文献
地质工作是国家经济建设和社会发展的重要基础,与生态文明建设息息相关,随着社会经济的快速发展,特别是党的十九大以来,人民对美好生活的向往越来越强烈。地质勘查单位应转变发展思路,拓展地质工作服务领域,积极探索地质工作服务生态文明建设的新思路、新模式,为水生态保护提供地质技术支撑、协助做好土壤污染防治工作、推进城市地下空间合理开发利用,全方位支撑服务生态文明建设大局。 相似文献
Measurements were made on the contents of protein,lipid,glycogen(PLG)and water,and on caloric values and amino acids,in muscle of three mudskippers periophthalmus cantonensis,Scarteiaosviridis and Boleophthalmus pectinirostris collected from Haicang,Xiamen.The essential amino acids(EAA)for these fishes were also studied with radioisotopic trace method.The results showed:(1)Thecontent of each component in tested fish muscles differed slightly,and protein was the most importantcomponent making up from 6.685% to 9.891% of the wet weight (about 44.21%-50.45% of dryweight);(2)Energy calculated from the sum of protein, lipid and glycogen in wet muscle was low (<4.3kJ/g) in these Fishes, especially in B. pectinirostris(<3.1 kJ/g), the ratios of energy to protein content (E/P) also were low(<39.873-45.535kJ/g), (3)Seventeen amino acids were determined in thesethree fishes.The content of the same amino acid(among the seventeen) tested in different species andsexes varied slightly.The amounts of methionine, phenyl 相似文献
Studies on the community structures of meiofauna and marine nematode at six stations in the Southern Yellow Sea,China 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
HUANG Yong ) ZHANG Zhinan) and LIU Xiaoshou) ) College of Marine Life Sciences Ocean University of China Qngdao P.R.China ) Agricultural College Liaocheng University Liaocheng Shandong P.R.China 《中国海洋大学学报(英文版)》2005,4(1):34-42
1Introduction As part of a comprehensive investigation of ecosys-tem dynamics in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea,astudy has been made of meiofauna,defined here asmetazoans passing a0.5mm sieve but retained by a0.031mm sieve.Meiofauna is an important energeticgroup in benthic small food web due to their smallsize,high abundance and fast turnover rates.Theproduction of meiofauna is equal to or higher than thatof macrofauna in estuaries,shallow waters and deepseas(Gerlach,1971;Platt and Warw… 相似文献
The finite-element method was used to simulate the currents of Jiaozhou Bay and the nearcoast areas, and then established the model of the transport and diffusion of suspended particulate matter there. The transport and diffusion of dredged matter near the discharging field were estimated ; and the results were used to analyze the effects of the suspended particulate matter on the marine environment. 相似文献