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In this article we extend the study performed in our previous article of the collapse of primordial objects. We here analyse the behaviour of the physical parameters for clouds ranging from 107 to 1015 M. We study the dynamical evolution of these clouds in two ways: as purely baryonic clouds and as clouds with non-baryonic dark matter included. We start the calculations at the beginning of the recombination era, following the evolution of the structure until the collapse (which we defined as the time when the density contrast of the baryonic matter is greater than 104). We analyse the behaviour of several physical parameters of the clouds (e.g. the density contrast and the velocities of the baryonic matter and the dark matter) as a function of time and radial position in the cloud. In this study all physical processes that are relevant to the dynamical evolution of the primordial clouds, such as for example photon drag (due to the cosmic background radiation) and hydrogen molecular production, besides the expansion of the Universe, are included in the calculations. In particular we find that the clouds with dark matter collapse at higher redshift when we compare the results with the purely baryonic models. As a general result we find that the distribution of the non-baryonic dark matter is more concentrated than the baryonic one. It is important to stress that we do not take into account the putative virialization of the non-baryonic dark matter; we just follow the time and spatial evolution of the cloud, solving its hydrodynamical equations. We also studied the role of cooling–heating processes in the purely baryonic clouds.  相似文献   

The real-space optical-depth distribution along the line of sight to the QSO Q1422+231 is recovered from two HIRES spectra using a modified version of the inversion method proposed by Nusser & Haehnelt. The first two moments of the truncated optical-depth distribution are used to constrain the density-fluctuation amplitude of the intergalactic medium (IGM) assuming that the IGM is photoionized by a metagalactic UV background and obeys a temperaturedensity relation. The fluctuation amplitude and the power-law index of the relation between gas and neutral hydrogen (H  i ) density are degenerate. The rms of the IGM density at z 3.25 estimated from the first spectrum is with 1.56< <2 for plausible reionization histories. This corresponds to 0.9 2.1 with ( =1.7)=1.44±0.3. The values obtained from the second spectrum are higher by 20 per cent. If the IGM density traces the dark matter (DM) as suggested by numerical simulations we have measured the fluctuation amplitude of the DM density at an effective Jeans scale of a few 100 kpc. For cold dark matter (CDM)-like power spectra the amplitude of dark matter fluctuations on these small scales depends on the cosmological density parameter . For power spectra normalized to reproduce the space density of present-day clusters and with a slope parameter of =0.21 consistent with the observed galaxy power spectrum, the inferred can be expressed as: =0.61( /1.7)1.3( x J/0.62)0.6 for a flat universe, and =0.91( /1.7)1.3( x J/0.62)0.7 for a =0 universe. x J is the effective Jeans scale in (comoving) h 1 Mpc. Based on a suite of detailed mock spectra the 1 error is 25 per cent. The estimates increase with increasing . For the second spectrum we obtain 15 per cent lower values.  相似文献   

A detailed analysis of the 2006 November 15 data release X-ray surface density Σ-map and the strong and weak gravitational lensing convergence κ-map for the Bullet Cluster 1E0657-558 is performed and the results are compared with the predictions of a modified gravity (MOG) and dark matter. Our surface density Σ-model is computed using a King β-model density, and a mass profile of the main cluster and an isothermal temperature profile are determined by the MOG. We find that the main cluster thermal profile is nearly isothermal. The MOG prediction of the isothermal temperature of the main cluster is   T = 15.5 ± 3.9 keV  , in good agreement with the experimental value   T = 14.8+2.0−1.7 keV  . Excellent fits to the 2D convergence κ-map data are obtained without non-baryonic dark matter, accounting for the 8σ spatial offset between the Σ-map and the κ-map reported in Clowe et al. The MOG prediction for the κ-map results in two baryonic components distributed across the Bullet Cluster 1E0657-558 with averaged mass fraction of 83 per cent intracluster medium (ICM) gas and 17 per cent galaxies. Conversely, the Newtonian dark matter κ-model has on average 76 per cent dark matter (neglecting the indeterminant contribution due to the galaxies) and 24 per cent ICM gas for a baryon to dark matter mass fraction of 0.32, a statistically significant result when compared to the predicted Λ-cold dark matter cosmological baryon mass fraction of 0.176+0.019−0.012.  相似文献   

We explore possibilities of collapse and star formation in Population III objects exposed to the external ultraviolet background (UVB) radiation. Assuming spherical symmetry, we solve self-consistently radiative transfer of photons, non-equilibrium H2 chemistry and gas hydrodynamics. Although the UVB does suppress the formation of low-mass objects, the negative feedback turns out to be weaker than previously suggested. In particular, the cut-off scale of collapse drops significantly below the virial temperature T vir∼104 K at weak UV intensities ( J 21≲10−2) , owing to both self-shielding of the gas and H2 cooling. Clouds above this cut-off tend to contract highly dynamically, further promoting self-shielding and H2 formation. For plausible radiation intensities and spectra, the collapsing gas can cool efficiently to temperatures well below 104 K before rotationally supported and the final H2 fraction reaches ∼ 10−3.
Our results imply that star formation can take place in low-mass objects collapsing in the UVB. The threshold baryon mass for star formation is ∼ 109 M for clouds collapsing at redshifts z ≲3 , but drops significantly at higher redshifts. In a conventional cold dark matter universe, the latter coincides roughly with that of the 1 σ density fluctuations. Objects near and above this threshold can thus constitute 'building blocks' of luminous structures, and we discuss their links to dwarf spheroidal/elliptical galaxies and faint blue objects. These results suggest that the UVB can play a key role in regulating the star formation history of the Universe.  相似文献   

We model the mass distribution in the recently discovered Einstein ring LBG J213512.73−010143 (the 'Cosmic Eye') using archival Hubble Space Telescope imaging. We reconstruct the mass density profile of the z = 0.73 lens and the surface brightness distribution of the z = 3.07 source and find that the observed ring is best fitted with a dual-component lens model consisting of a baryonic Sersic component nested within a dark matter halo. The dark matter halo has an inner slope of 1.42+0.24−0.22, consistent with cold dark matter simulations after allowing for baryon contraction. The baryonic component has a mass-to-light ratio of  1.71+0.28−0.38 M/L B   which when evolved to the present day is in agreement with local ellipticals. Within the Einstein radius of 0.77 arcsec (5.6 kpc), the baryons account for 46 ± 11 per cent of the projected lens mass. External shear from a nearby foreground cluster is accurately predicted by the model. The reconstructed surface brightness distribution in the source plane clearly shows two peaks. Through a generalization of our lens inversion method, we conclude that the redshifts of both peaks are consistent with each other, suggesting that we are seeing structure within a single galaxy.  相似文献   

We study triple systems of galaxies with mean projected harmonic separation ≃0.6  h −1 Mpc     We call the systems 'wide triplets', in contrast to compact triplets with mean projected harmonic separation ≃0.04  h −1 Mpc, studied by Karachentsev et al. Data are taken for 108 wide triplets from a list compiled by Trofimov & Chernin; at least one-third of them are considered to be probably isolated physical systems. With typical crossing times of about the Hubble time, the wide triplets seem to be in a state of ongoing collapse. This is confirmed by a set of computer models which simulate well the observational characteristics of the ensemble of wide triplets. The simulations also give a statistical estimate of the total mass of a typical wide triplet: it proves to be ≃1013 M. This figure indicates that the dark matter mass is 15–30 times the mass of baryonic matter in the systems. The dynamics of wide triplets, as well as their dark matter content, provide new direct cosmological constraints by establishing that hierarchical evolution is occurring on a mass scale of ∼1013 M and a spatial scale of ∼1 Mpc.  相似文献   

We present precise measurements of the X-ray gas mass fraction for a sample of luminous, relatively relaxed clusters of galaxies observed with the Chandra observatory, for which independent confirmation of the mass results is available from gravitational lensing studies. Parametrizing the total (luminous plus dark matter) mass profiles using the model of Navarro, Frenk & White, we show that the X-ray gas mass fractions in the clusters asymptote towards an approximately constant value at a radius r 2500, where the mean interior density is 2500 times the critical density of the Universe at the redshifts of the clusters. Combining the Chandra results on the X-ray gas mass fraction and its apparent redshift dependence with recent measurements of the mean baryonic matter density in the Universe and the Hubble constant determined from the Hubble Key Project, we obtain a tight constraint on the mean total matter density of the Universe,     , and measure a positive cosmological constant,     . Our results are in good agreement with recent, independent findings based on analyses of anisotropies in the cosmic microwave background radiation, the properties of distant supernovae, and the large-scale distribution of galaxies.  相似文献   

We measure the matter power spectrum from 31 Lyα spectra spanning the redshift range of 1.6–3.6. The optical depth, τ, for Lyα absorption of the intergalactic medium is obtained from the flux using the inversion method of Nusser & Haehnelt. The optical depth is converted to density by using a simple power-law relation,  τ∝ (1 +δ)α  . The non-linear 1D power spectrum of the gas density is then inferred with a method that makes simultaneous use of the one- and two-point statistics of the flux and compared against theoretical models with a likelihood analysis. A cold dark matter model with standard cosmological parameters fits the data well. The power-spectrum amplitude is measured to be (assuming a flat Universe),  σ8= (0.92 ± 0.09) × (Ωm/0.3)−0.3  , with α varying in the range of 1.56–1.8 with redshift. Enforcing the same cosmological parameters in all four redshift bins, the likelihood analysis suggests some evolution in the temperature–density relation and the thermal smoothing length of the gas. The inferred evolution is consistent with that expected if reionization of He  ii occurred at   z ∼ 3.2  . A joint analysis with the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe results together with a prior on the Hubble constant as suggested by the Hubble Space Telescope key project data, yields values of Ωm and σ8 that are consistent with the cosmological concordance model. We also perform a further inversion to obtain the linear 3D power spectrum of the matter density fluctuations.  相似文献   

A key prediction of cosmological theories for the origin and evolution of structure in the Universe is the existence of a 'Doppler peak' in the angular power spectrum of cosmic microwave background (CMB) fluctuations. We present new results from a study of recent CMB observations which provide the first strong evidence for the existence of a 'Doppler peak' localized in both angular scale and amplitude. This first estimate of the angular position of the peak is used to place a new direct limit on the curvature of the Universe, corresponding to a density of Ω = 0.7+0.8−0.5, consistent with a flat universe. Very low-density 'open' universe models are inconsistent with this limit unless there is a significant contribution from a cosmological constant. For a flat standard cold dark matter dominated universe we use our results in conjunction with big bang nucleosynthesis constraints to determine the value of the Hubble constant as H 0 = 30 − 70 km s−1 Mpc−1 for baryon fractions Ωb = 0.05 to 0.2. For H 0 = 50 km s−1 Mpc−1 we find the primordial spectral index of the fluctuations to be n  = 1.1 ± 0.1, in close agreement with the inflationary prediction of n  ≃ 1.0.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the angular momentum properties of simulated dark matter haloes at high redshifts that likely host the first stars in the Universe. Calculating the spin distributions of these  106– 107 M  haloes in redshift slices from   z = 15  to 6, we find that they are well fit by a lognormal distribution as is found for lower redshift and more massive haloes in earlier work. We find that both the mean value of the spin and dispersion are largely unchanged with redshift for all haloes. Our key result is that subsamples of low- and high-spin, 106 and  107 M  , haloes show difference in clustering strength. In both mass bins, higher spin haloes are more strongly clustered in concordance with a tidal torquing picture for the growth of angular momentum in dark matter haloes in the cold dark matter paradigm.  相似文献   

We discuss a mechanism for producing baryon density perturbations during the inflationary stage, and study the evolution of the baryon charge density distribution in the framework of the low-temperature baryogenesis scenario. This mechanism may be important for large-scale structure formation in the Universe and, in particular, may be essential for understanding the existence of a characteristic scale of 130  h −1 Mpc (comoving size) in the distribution of the visible matter.
A detailed analysis shows that both the observed very large scale of the visible matter distribution in the Universe and the observed baryon asymmetry value could naturally appear as a result of the evolution of a complex scalar field condensate, formed at the inflationary stage.
Moreover, according to our model, the visible part of the Universe at present may consist of baryonic and antibaryonic regions, sufficiently separated, so that annihilation radiation is not observed.  相似文献   

We study the size and shape of low-density regions in the local Universe, which we identify in the smoothed density field of the PSCz flux-limited IRAS galaxy catalogue. After quantifying the systematic biases that enter the detection of voids using our data set and method, we identify, using a smoothing length of 5  h −1 Mpc, 14 voids within 80  h −1 Mpc (having volumes 103  h −3 Mpc3) and, using a smoothing length of 10  h −1 Mpc, eight voids within 130  h −1 Mpc (having volumes  8×103 h−3 Mpc3)  . We study the void size distribution and morphologies and find that there is roughly an equal number of prolate and oblate-like spheroidal voids. We compare the measured PSCz void shape and size distributions with those expected in six different cold dark matter (CDM) models and find that only the size distribution can discriminate between models. The models preferred by the PSCz data are those with intermediate values of   σ 8(≃0.83)  , independent of cosmology.  相似文献   

If dark haloes are composed of dense gas clouds, as has recently been inferred, then collisions between clouds lead to galaxy evolution. Collisions introduce a core in an initially singular dark matter distribution, and can thus help to reconcile scale-free initial conditions – such as are found in simulations – with observed haloes, which have cores. A pseudo-Tully–Fisher relation, between halo circular speed and visible mass (not luminosity), emerges naturally from the model: M vis∝ V 7/2.
Published data conform astonishingly well to this theoretical prediction. For our sample of galaxies, the mass–velocity relationship has much less scatter than the Tully–Fisher relation, and holds as well for dwarf galaxies (where diffuse gas makes a sizeable contribution to the total visible mass) as it does for giants. It seems very likely that this visible-mass/velocity relationship is the underlying physical basis for the Tully–Fisher relation, and this discovery in turn suggests that the dark matter is both baryonic and collisional.  相似文献   

Geometry constrains but does not dictate the topology of the three-dimensional space. In a locally spatially homogeneous and isotropic universe, however, the topology of its spatial section dictates its geometry. We show that, besides determining the geometry, the knowledge of the spatial topology through the circles-in-the-sky offers an effective way of setting constraints on the density parameters associated with dark matter (Ωm) and dark energy  (ΩΛ)  . By assuming the Poincaré dodecahedral space as the circles-in-the-sky detectable topology of the spatial sections of the Universe, we re-analyse the constraints on the density parametric plane  Ωm–ΩΛ  from the current Type Ia supernova plus X-ray gas mass fraction data, and show that a circles-in-the sky detection of the dodecahedral space topology gives rise to strong and complementary constraints on the region of the density parameter plane currently allowed by these observational data sets.  相似文献   

We present the 21-cm rotation curve of the nearby galaxy M33 out to a galactocentric distance of 16 kpc (13 disc scalelengths). The rotation curve keeps rising out to the last measured point and implies a dark halo mass ≳5×1010 M. The stellar and gaseous discs provide virtually equal contributions to the galaxy gravitational potential at large galactocentric radii, but no obvious correlation is found between the radial distribution of dark matter and the distribution of stars or gas.
Results of the best fit to the mass distribution in M33 picture a dark halo which controls the gravitational potential from 3 kpc outward, with a matter density which decreases radially as R −1.3. The density profile is consistent with the theoretical predictions for structure formation in hierarchical clustering cold dark matter (CDM) models, and favours lower mass concentrations than those expected in the standard cosmogony.  相似文献   

We examine the status of various dark energy models in light of the recently observed SN 1997ff at   z ≈1.7  . The modified data still fit a pure cosmological constant Λ or a quintessence with an equation of state similar to that of Λ. The kinematical Λ models,  Λ∼ S -2  and  Λ∼ H 2  , also fit the data reasonably well and require less dark energy density (hence more matter energy density) than is required by the constant Λ model. However, the model  Λ∼ S -2  with low energy density becomes unphysical as it cannot accommodate higher redshift objects.
We also examine an alternative explanation of the data, namely the absorption by the intervening whisker-like dust, and find that the quasi-steady state (QSS) model and the Friedmann–Robertson–Walker (FRW) model  Ωm0=0.33  without any dark energy also fit the data reasonably well.
We notice that the addition of SN 1997ff to the old data has worsened the fit to most of the models, except a closed FRW model with a constant Λ and a closed quintessence model with   ω φ =-0.82  , and the models have started departing from each other as we go above   z =1  . However, to make a clear discrimination possible, a few more supernovae with   z >1  are required.
We have also calculated the age of the Universe in these models and find that, in the models with a constant Λ, the expansion age is uncomfortably close to the age of the globular clusters. Quintessence models show even lower age. The kinematical Λ models are, however, interesting in this connection (especially the model  Λ∼ H 2)  , as they give a remarkably large age of the Universe.  相似文献   

We use the present observed number density of large X-ray clusters to constrain the amplitude of matter density perturbations induced by cosmic strings on the scale of 8  h −1 Mpc ( σ 8), in both open cosmologies and flat models with a non-zero cosmological constant. We find a slightly lower value of σ 8 than that obtained in the context of primordial Gaussian fluctuations generated during inflation. This lower normalization of σ 8 results from the mild non-Gaussianity on cluster scales, where the one-point probability distribution function is well approximated by a χ 2 distribution and thus has a longer tail than a Gaussian distribution. We also show that σ 8 normalized using cluster abundance is consistent with the COBE normalization.  相似文献   

We study the evolution of a spherically symmetric density perturbation in the Modified Newtonian Dynamics model applied to the net acceleration over Hubble flow. The background cosmological model is a Λ-dominated, low-Ωb Friedmann model with no cold dark matter. We include thermal processes and non-equilibrium chemical evolution of the collapsing gas. We find that under these assumptions the first low-mass objects  ( M ≤ 3 × 104 M)  may collapse already for   z ∼ 30  , which is in quite good agreement with the recent Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe results. A lower value of a 0 would lead to much slower collapse of such objects.  相似文献   

We present the results of a long (∼93 ks) XMM–Newton observation of the bright BL-Lac object  PKS 0548-322 ( z = 0.069)  . Our Reflection Grating Spectrometer (RGS) spectrum shows a single absorption feature at an observed wavelength  λ= 23.33 ± 0.01 Å  , which we interpret as O  vi Kα absorption at   z = 0.058  , i.e. ∼3000 km s−1 from the background object. The observed equivalent width of the absorption line, ∼30 mÅ, coupled with the lack of the corresponding absorption edge in the EPIC pn data, implies a column density of   N O VI∼ 2 × 1016 cm−2  and turbulence with a Doppler velocity parameter   b > 100 km s−1  . Within the limitations of our RGS spectrum, no O  vii or O  v Kα absorption are detected. Under the assumption of ionization equilibrium by both collisions and the extragalactic background, this is only marginally consistent if the gas temperature is  ∼2.5 × 105 K  , with significantly lower or higher values being excluded by our limits on O  v or O  vii . If confirmed, this would be the first X-ray detection of a large amount of intervening warm absorbing gas through O  vi absorption. The existence of such a high column density absorber, much stronger than any previously detected one in O  vi , would place stringent constraints on the large-scale distribution of baryonic gas in the Universe.  相似文献   

Here Rydberg matter is proposed as a candidate for the missing dark matter or dark baryonic matter in the Universe. Spectroscopic and other experimental studies give valuable information on the properties of Rydberg matter, especially its very weak interaction with light caused by the very small overlap with low states, and because of the necessary two-electron transitions even for disturbed matter. Recently, the unidentified infrared (UIR) bands have been shown to agree well with calculations and experiments on Rydberg matter. This is the reason for the present, somewhat speculative, proposal that dark matter has, at least partially, the form of Rydberg matter. The UIR bands have also been observed directly in emission from Rydberg matter in the laboratory. The unique space-filling properties of Rydberg matter are described: a hydrogen atom in this matter occupies a volume  5×1012  times larger than in its ground state or in a hydrogen molecule.  相似文献   

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