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A. V. Gurevich Ya. N. Istomin 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2007,377(4):1663-1667
The analysis of observations of pulsar B1931+24 shows that the mechanism of the spin-down of a rotating magnetized neutron star is due to the plasma generation in its magnetosphere and, consequently, the radio emission generation. The unique observation of the switch on and switch off of this pulsar allows us to distinguish between the energy loss in the absence of radio emission (the magnetodipole radiation) and the current loss due to the rotation energy expenditure to the relativistic plasma generation and acceleration in the pulsar magnetosphere. The inclination angle χ, the angle between the rotation axis and the magnetic dipole axis, can be stationary for this pulsar, χ=χst . From observations and theory it follows that χst = 59° . 相似文献
Hongwei Ge Ronald F. Webbink Zhanwen Han Xuefei Chen 《Astrophysics and Space Science》2010,329(1-2):243-248
Roche-lobe overflow and common envelope evolution are very important in binary evolution, which is believed to be the main evolutionary channel to hot subdwarf stars. The details of these processes are difficult to model, but adiabatic expansion provides an excellent approximation to the structure of a donor star undergoing dynamical time scale mass transfer. We can use this model to study the responses of stars of various masses and evolutionary stages as potential donor stars, with the urgent goal of obtaining more accurate stability criteria for dynamical mass transfer in binary population synthesis studies. As examples, we describe here several models with the initial masses equal to 1 M ⊙ and 10 M ⊙, and identify potential limitations to the use of our results for giant-branch stars. 相似文献
A study using archive IUE data of time-varying mass loss has been carried out for a sample of 12 supergiants in the spectral range B5–B9. Additionally dedicated IUE velocity-time observations of discrete absorption components (DAC) in the UV resonance lines have been made for one of the stars (Ori), while optical data obtained for this star shows time variability in the H profile. Ions in which mass-loss features occur are unambiguously identified by comparing spectra of the stars at different mass loss episodes. Time variability in the mass-loss activity of late B-type supergiants is discussed and the stars are examined for trends with effective temperature. The basis for a theoretical model of the stellar wind in these stars is introduced.Paper presented at the 11th European Regional Astronomical Meetings of the IAU on New Windows to the Universe, held 3–8 July, 1989, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain. 相似文献
J. E. Dyson 《Astrophysics and Space Science》1975,35(2):299-312
The interaction of a plane-parallel hypersonic stellar wind with a globule in an Hii region is considered in two approximations. In both approximations, the ionization front on the globule remains strong-D type, and a flow pattern containing two oppositely facing shock waves results. In the first approximation, the structure of the shocked region is calculated assuming that globule gas and stellar wind gas mix well and move at the same velocity. However, this assumption results in a very thick shocked layer and the assumption of good mixing is consequently not well justified. This approximation provides an upper limit on the gas velocities expected in the shocked gas which originated at the globule. In the second approximation, the stellar wind merely applies pressure to balance the momentum flux in the globule gas. The structure of the shocked region is calculated on the assumption that a tangential discontinuity exists between shocked stellar wind and shocked glubule gas. Structures may be produced having velocities ~10 km s?1 and emission measures ~103 cm?6 pc with reasonable stellar luminosities and mass loss rates. 相似文献
W.-R. Hamann 《Astrophysics and Space Science》2010,329(1-2):151-158
Stellar winds appear as a persistent feature of hot stars, irrespective of their wide range of different luminosities, masses, and chemical composition. Among the massive stars, the Wolf–Rayet types show considerably stronger mass loss than the O stars. Among hot low-mass stars, stellar winds are seen at central stars of planetary nebulae, where again the hydrogen-deficient stars show much stronger winds than those central stars with “normal” composition. We also studied mass-loss from a few extreme helium stars and sdOs. Their mass-loss rate roughly follows the same proportionality with luminosity to the power 1.5 as the massive O stars. This relation roughly marks a lower limit for the mass loss from hot stars of all kinds, and provides evidence that radiation pressure on spectral lines is the basic mechanism at work. For certain classes of stars the mass-loss rates lie significantly above this relation, for reasons that are not yet fully understood. Mass loss from low-mass stars may affect their evolution, by reducing the envelope mass, and can easily prevent diffusion from establishing atmospheric abundance patterns. In close binary systems, their winds can feed the accretion onto a companion. 相似文献
Albert A. Zijlstra 《Astrophysics and Space Science》1995,224(1-2):309-320
Mass loss dominates the stellar evolution on the Asymptotic Giant Branch. The phase of highest mass-loss occurs during the last 1–10% of the AGB and includes the so-called Miras and OH/IR stars. In this review I will discuss the characteristics and evolution of especially Miras, and discuss how they are linked to the mass loss. There are indications that high mass-loss rates are only reached for relatively young stars with massive progenitors. The mass loss rates vary both on long and short time scales: the short-term variations are likely linked to luminosity variations associated with the thermal-pulse cycle. The influence of mass loss in the post-AGB phase is also discussed. 相似文献
《New Astronomy》2013
We investigate the effect of mass on the radiation of a relativistically rotating neutron star. The method of Haxton and Ruffini is used to find the radiation flux from a relativistically rotating neutron star. By extending the idea of a point charge orbiting a black hole, a pulsar is modeled by simulating a relativistically rotating magnetic dipole embedded within a neutron star. The resulting equations retain the mass of the neutron star, thereby introducing effects of general relativity on the radiation from the dipole. We present exact solutions to the modeling equation as well as plots of energy spectra at different rotational velocities and inclination angles. We also present plots of total energy versus mass and two tables containing a comparison of energy ratios. These demonstrate that, for realistic neutron star masses, the high speed enhancement of the radiation is always more than compensated by the frame dragging effect, leading to a net reduction of radiation from the star. It is found that the inclusion of mass not only reduced the special relativistic enhancement, but negates it entirely as the mass of the neutron star approaches the mass limit. 相似文献
Stellar populations contain the most important information about star cluster formation and evolution. Until several decades ago, star clusters were believed to be ideal laboratories for studies of simple stellar populations(SSPs). However, discoveries of multiple stellar populations in Galactic globular clusters have expanded our view on stellar populations in star clusters. They have simultaneously generated a number of controversies, particularly as to whether young star clusters may have the same origin as old globular clusters. In addition, extensive studies have revealed that the SSP scenario does not seem to hold for some intermediate-age and young star clusters either, thus making the origin of multiple stellar populations in star clusters even more complicated. Stellar population anomalies in numerous star clusters are well-documented, implying that the notion of star clusters as true SSPs faces serious challenges. In this review, we focus on stellar populations in massive clusters with different ages. We present the history and progress of research in this active field, as well as some of the most recent improvements, including observational results and scenarios that have been proposed to explain the observations. Although our current ability to determine the origin of multiple stellar populations in star clusters is unsatisfactory, we propose a number of promising projects that may contribute to a significantly improved understanding of this subject. 相似文献
We examine the envelope properties of asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars as they evolve on the upper AGB and during the early post-AGB phase. Because of the high mass-loss rate, the envelope mass decreases by more than an order of magnitude. This makes the density profile below the photosphere much shallower, and the entropy profile much steeper. We discuss the possible role of these changes in the profiles in the onset of the high mass-loss rate (superwind) and the large deviation from spherical mass loss at the termination of the AGB. We concentrate on the idea that the shallower density profile and steeper entropy profile allow the formation of cool magnetic spots, above which dust forms much more easily. 相似文献
The collapse, bounce, shock wave and expansion of the envelope of a rotating star have been analysed in the adiabatic approximation using the particle-in-cell method. The bounce takes place first in the equatorial plane and a shock wave arises there which shortly afterwards crosses the surface of the star. In the envelope, and to a less extent in the remainder of the star, there is a fast and lasting meridional motion the direction of which changes. As a consequence of the fast meridional motion in the envelope, mass and angular momentum are transported towards the axis of rotation. If the initial star rotates fast enough this will cause a secondary radial expansion in the polar region and a mass ejection. These motions reduce the strong anisotropy caused originally by the equatorial expansion. Strong whirls may arise along the axis of rotation. In the remainder of the star the meridional motion becomes supersonic. The temperature in the envelope depends to a high degree on the choice of the equation of state. Massloss is proportional to the energy initially added. The final loss of angular momentum and of energy is quite large, both losses being about 25%. 相似文献
A. Feldmeier J. Puls C. Reile A. W. A. Pauldrach R. P. Kudritzki S. P. Owocki 《Astrophysics and Space Science》1995,233(1-2):293-299
Radiation-driven winds of hot, massive stars showvariability in UV and optical line profiles on time scales of hours to days.Shock heating of wind material is indicated by the observed X-ray emission. We present time-dependent hydrodynamical models of these winds, where flowstructures originate from a strong instability of the radiative driving. Recent calculations (Owocki 1992) of the unstable growth of perturbations were restricted by the assumptions of 1-D spherical symmetry and isothermality of the wind. We drop the latter assumption and include the energy transfer in the wind. This leads to a severe numerical shortcoming, whereby all radiative cooling zones collapse and the shocks become isothermal again. We propose a method to hinder this collapse. Calculations for dense supergiant winds then show: (1) The wind consists of a sequence of narrow and dense shells, which are enclosed by strong reverse shocks (with temperatures of 106 to 107 K) on their starward facing side. (2) Collisions of shells are frequent up to 6 to 7 stellar radii. (3) Radiative cooling is efficient only up to 4 to 6R
*. Beyond these radii, cooling zones behind shocks become broad and alter the wind structure drastically: all reverse shocks disappear, leaving regions ofpreviously heated gas. 相似文献
M. R. Raghavachar 《Astrophysics and Space Science》1984,100(1-2):85-93
The magnetohydrodynamic stability of rotating baroclinic star has been studied in the presence of poloidal and toroidal magnetic fields taking into account the diffusive effects. Necessary conditions for stability have been found by normal mode analysis under small wavelength approximation. 相似文献
A. K. Pandey Saurabh Sharma K. Ogura D. K. Ojha W. P. Chen B. C. Bhatt S. K. Ghosh 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2008,383(3):1241-1258
We present UBV I c CCD photometry of the young open cluster Be 59 with the aim to study the star formation scenario in the cluster. The radial extent of the cluster is found to be ∼10 arcmin (2.9 pc). The interstellar extinction in the cluster region varies between E ( B − V ) ≃ 1.4 to 1.8 mag. The ratio of total-to-selective extinction in the cluster region is estimated as 3.7 ± 0.3 . The distance of the cluster is found to be 1.00 ± 0.05 kpc . Using near-infrared (NIR) colours and slitless spectroscopy, we have identified young stellar objects (YSOs) in the open cluster Be 59 region. The ages of these YSOs range between <1 and ∼2 Myr, whereas the mean age of the massive stars in the cluster region is found to be ∼2 Myr. There is evidence for second-generation star formation outside the boundary of the cluster, which may be triggered by massive stars in the cluster. The slope of the initial mass function, Γ, in the mass range 2.5 < M /M⊙ ≤ 28 is found to be −1.01 ± 0.11 which is shallower than the Salpeter value (−1.35), whereas in the mass range 1.5 < M /M⊙ ≤ 2.5 the slope is almost flat. The slope of the K -band luminosity function is estimated as 0.27 ± 0.02 , which is smaller than the average value (∼0.4) reported for young embedded clusters. Approximately 32 per cent of Hα emission stars of Be 59 exhibit NIR excess indicating that inner discs of the T Tauri star (TTS) population have not dissipated. The Midcourse Space Experiment (MSX) and IRAS-HIRES images around the cluster region are also used to study the emission from unidentified infrared bands and to estimate the spatial distribution of optical depth of warm and cold interstellar dust. 相似文献
J. E. Bjorkman 《Astrophysics and Space Science》1994,221(1-2):443-453
We discuss the structure of a radiatively-driven wind from a rapidly rotating hot star. When the rotation rate is large, there is a region at low latitudes near the stellar surface where the force of gravity is larger than the radiation pressure. Within this region, the streamlines fall toward the equator, and if the rotation rate is large enough, the fluid collides with the flow from the opposite hemisphere of the star. The shock compression and subsequent cooling produces a dense equatorial disk. This wind-compressed disk forms only if the star is rotating fast enough. The rotation threshold for disk formation is about 70% of the break-up speed for B stars and is much higher for O stars. If theoretical calculations of the terminal speed are correct, then the behavior of the disk formation threshold as a function of spectral type potentially explains the frequency distribution of Be stars. The geometry of the wind-compressed disk agrees quite well with observations of Be stars; however, the disk density is a factor of 100 too small to explain the magnitude of the IR excess, optical polarization, and H emission, if current UV mass-loss rates are correct. However, recent X-ray observations indicate that the mass-loss rates of B stars may be much larger than previously thought. 相似文献
M. K. Das 《Astrophysics and Space Science》1985,114(2):295-302
The nonlinear pseudo-radial mode of oscillation of a rotating magnetic star is studied. It is shown that for a general rotational field, the coupling between magnetic field and rotation tends to reduce the average rotational energy parameterT. This result in a lowering of the maximum pulsation amplitudeq
max, which depends on strength of rotation and magnetic field. The configuration tends, therefore, to a new equilibrium state at lower value ofq
max. The analytic solution of the pulsation equation for the case ofy=5/3 in the presence of rotation and magnetic field has also been derived in the Appendix. 相似文献
Nonthermal radio emission has been observed from some of the most luminous hot star winds. It is understood to be synchrotron radiation of the relativistic electrons in the winds. To understand how the electrons are accelerated to such high energies and to correctly explain the observed radio flux and spectra require an exhaustive investigation of all the relevant physical processes involved and possibly point to a complex wind structure. In this paper we discuss the logical path toward a comprehensive model of the nonthermal radio emission from hot star winds. Based on the available observational data and fundamental theoretical considerations, we found that the only physically viable and self-consistent scenario is:the nonthermal radio emission is synchrotron radiation of relativistic electrons the electrons are accelerated by shocks via the first-order Fermi mechanism the acceleration has to be in situ in the radio emitting region the shocks formed at the base of the winds have to propagate to beyond the radio photosphere). 相似文献
A. Feldmeier 《Astrophysics and Space Science》1994,221(1-2):393-408
Due to the instability of the radiation line force, the winds of hot, luminous stars should show a pronounced time-dependence resulting from the nonlinear growth of initially small perturbations. Following the method of Owocki, Castor & Rybicki (1988), we describe the time-dependent wind structure obtained with an independently developed code. Under the central assumption ofisothermality, our results are in very good agreement with the ones by Owocki et al. We find that the response of the wind to periodic base perturbations remains largely periodic, at least up tor 2...3R
, with no clear evidence of stochastic behaviour.In order to test the foregoing assumption of isothermality and to compute the X-ray emission from models of structured winds, we have also incorporated theenergy equation into our simulations. We encountered the numerical problem that all radiative cooling zones collapse because of the oscillatory thermal instability (cf. Langer et al. 1981). We present a method to hinder this collapse by changing the cooling function at low temperatures. The resulting wind showsresolved cooling zones; but, for a supergiant wind relatively close to the star (r 10R
), the macroscopic wind structure is very similar to isothermal calculations. Most of the hot material is caused by shell-shell collisions. 相似文献