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To help decision-makers cope with the uncertainty of global environmental change, transnational networks of experts have offered numerous assessments of the state of knowledge, often advertised as consensus of “international science”. Substantial social science research has already analysed the effects of such global environmental assessments on industrialized countries; this study explores their influence in India as a pivotal developing country. It appears that although global environmental assessments did not remain without any influence in India, their effect is still small. These limitations could be addressed, it is argued, by increasing the usefulness and legitimacy of global environmental assessments in the South through stronger consideration of the socio-economic context of developing countries and other Southern concerns and interests, by raising the participation of Southern experts, by enhancing research capacities in and communication links to the South, and by ensuring that global environmental assessments are organized as self-adaptive processes, such as IPCC, and not as one-shot effort, such as the Global Biodiversity Assessment.  相似文献   

IPCC发布的气候变化报告表明,全球变暖是不争的事实,中国气候变化的总体效应为弊大于利;人类必须通过共同努力,应对气候变化的负面效应.在全球变化背景下,生态系统中的生物与环境要素如何变化,相关生态现象与生态过程机制如何,生态问题及其机制如何,均需要全面监测及综合评价才可能通过构建模型、建立基准进行风险预警.这也是目前生态环境损害赔偿及维护生态稳定性的客观需要.生态要素影响并制约着区域气候特征,而特定气候也不同程度地反馈于生态过程,产生不同的生态效果,这些问题的本质就是生态气象耦合关系问题.生态气象就是在生态学及气象学交叉与融合的背景下产生的新学科,并结合相关学科及遥感等信息技术,极大地丰富了学科内涵.未来生态气象监测评估及预警将全面展开,生态科学研究与气象业务服务也将紧密融合,生态气象评估方法趋于规范化与标准化,"互联网+"理念将促进"生态物联网"与生态气象的不断创新与发展.本研究对于美丽中国及生态文明建设(ECC)具有重要现实意义.  相似文献   

Measurements of the small-, intermediate-, and large-ion concentrations and the air–earth current density along with simultaneous measurements of the concentration and size distribution of aerosol particles in the size ranges 4.4–163 nm and 0.5–20 μm diameter are reported for a drifting snow period after the occurrence of a blizzard at a coastal station, Maitri, Antarctica. Ion concentrations of all categories and the air–earth current simultaneously decrease by approximately an order of magnitude as the wind speed increases from 5 to 10 ms− 1. The rate of decrease is the highest for large ions, lowest for small ions and in-between the two for intermediate ions. Total aerosol number concentration decreases in the 4.4–163 nm size range but increases in the 0.5–20 μm size range with wind speed. The size distribution of the nanometer particles shows a dominant maximum at ~ 30 nm diameter throughout the period of observations and the height of the maximum decreases with wind speed. However, larger particles show a maximum at ~ 0.7 μm diameter but the height of the maximum increases with increasing wind speed. The results are explained in terms of scavenging of atmospheric ions and aerosols by the drifting snow particles.  相似文献   

辽宁短期气候变化的波动理论研究   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
通过近50 a的资料分析得知,气候形成三大因子太阳辐射、大气环流和地理环境年际间的异常波动是引起短期气候变化的根本原因,也是气候灾害年诊断预测的物理依据。运用波动理论不仅能诊断当年的气候灾害,还能开展3~5 a的气候趋势滚动预测。  相似文献   

2008年1月中国南方发生的低温、雨雪、冰冻灾害不是一个局地或地区性现象,它是同期发生的亚洲大范围冰雪灾害链中的一环,在影响范围和灾害程度上是最严重的一环。它有3个主要特征:(1)降雪、冻雨和降雨3种天气并存,冻雨是导致南方致灾的主要原因;(2)低温、雨雪、冻雨天气强度大,根据中国国家气候中心和南方各省气象部门的统计及分析,有8项气象要素打破同期中国历史记录;(3)低温、雨雪、冰冻天气持续时间长,破历史记录。这次低温、雨雪冰冻灾害形成的原因不是单一的,是多种因素在同一时段,同一地区相互配合和迭加的结果,其中La Nina事件是灾害发生的气候背景,它为雨雪冰冻天气提供了冷空气侵袭中国南方的前提条件;欧亚大气环流异常持续性是造成冷空气不断侵袭中国南方的直接原因;孟加拉湾和南海地区暖湿气流的北上是大范围冻雨和降雪形成并持续在中国南方的 必要条件。  相似文献   

Wind data from NCEP and hydrographic data obtained during 8–27 March 1992 have been used to compute circulation in the Luzon Strait and the northern South China Sea using three-dimensional diagnostic models with a modified inverse method. Numerical results are as follows: the main Kuroshio is located above 800 m levels. It has two intrusive branches of the Kuroshio in the areas above 400 m. One part intrudes anti-cyclonically northwestward, then flows through the area above 200 m southwest of Taiwan and into the Taiwan Strait. The other part intrudes westward and flows cyclonically in the areas north of the cyclonic eddies, then flows southward through the southern boundary of the region. The net westward volume transport (VT) through Section at 120°15′E between Luzon Island and Taiwan Island is about 3.0 Sv, net northward VT through northern boundaries into the Taiwan Strait is about 1.4 Sv and net southward VT through southern boundaries is about 1.6 Sv, which finally flows into the Karimata and Mindoro Straits. In the areas above 400 m east of 117°15′E, the circulation is mainly dominated by the basin-scale cyclonic gyre, which consists of two cyclonic eddies. However, in the areas below 400 m east of 119°00′E, the circulation is mainly dominated by basin-scale anti-cyclonic gyre. The joint effect of baroclinity and relief and interaction between wind stress and relief are important in different area respectively for the pattern of the depth-averaged flow across contours of fH−1.  相似文献   

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