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Water-Tank Studies of Separating Flow Over Rough Hills   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The present work investigates the lower boundary condition for flows over a steep, rough hill. Simple asymptotic arguments together with the mixing-length hypothesis are used to derive a local analytical solution that is tested against three different flow conditions. In all, 36 velocity profiles are compared with the proposed expression. The experiments were carried out in a water channel and velocity measurements were made through laser Doppler anemometry. The extent of separated flow was made to vary as a function of the roughness and the Reynolds number. The analysis includes regions of attached as well as separated flow. In particular, the solution of Stratford is studied at the points of separation and re-attachment and found to apply equally well in rough walls.  相似文献   

A numerical study of stably stratified flow over a three-dimensional hill is presented. Large-eddy simulation is used here to examine in detail the laboratory experimental flows described in the landmark work of Hunt and Snyder about stratified flow over a hill. The flow is linearly stratified and U/Nh is varied from 0.2 to 1.0. Here N and U are the buoyancy frequency and freestream velocity respectively, and h is the height of the hill. The Reynolds number based on the hill height is varied from 365 to 2968. The characteristic flow patterns at various values of U/Nh have been obtained and they are in good agreement with earlier theoretical and experimental results. It is shown that the flow field cannot be predicted by Drazin's theory when recirculation exists at the leeside of the hill even at UNh 1. The wake structure agrees well with a two-dimensional wake assumption when U/Nh 1 but lee waves start to influence the wake structure as U/Nh increases. The dividing-streamline heights obtained in the simulation are in accordance with experimental results and Sheppard's formula. The energy loss along the dividing streamline due to friction/turbulence approximately offsets the energy gained from pressure field. When lee waves are present, linear theory always underestimates the amplitude and overestimates the wavelength of three-dimensional lee waves. The simulated variations of drag coefficients with the parameterK (=ND/ U) are qualitatively consistent with experimental data and linear theory. Here D is the depth of the tank.  相似文献   

A family of wall models is proposed that exhibits moresatisfactory performance than previousmodels for the large-eddy simulation (LES) of the turbulentboundary layer over a rough surface.The time and horizontally averaged statistics such asmean vertical profiles of windvelocity, Reynolds stress, turbulent intensities, turbulentkinetic energy and alsospectra are compared with wind-tunnel experimental data.The purpose of the present study is to obtain simulatedturbulent flows that are comparable with wind-tunnelmeasurements for use as the wind environment for thenumerical prediction by LES of source dispersion in theneutral atmospheric boundary layer.  相似文献   

Flow in the urban boundary layer is strongly influenced by the surface roughness, which is composed principally of isolated buildings or groups of buildings. Previous research has shown that the flow regime depends on the characteristic height of these obstacles (H), and the spacing between them (W). In reality, the urban boundary layer contains roughness elements with a wide range of length scales; in many practical situations these can be classified into large-scale roughness—buildings, or groups of buildings—and small-scale roughness, such as street furniture and elements on the façades and roofs. It is important to understand how the small-scale roughness might modify mass and momentum transfer in the urban boundary layer, but relatively little information is available concerning the potential interaction between large- and small-scale roughness elements in the different flow regimes. This problem has been studied using wind-tunnel experiments, by measuring vertical velocity profiles over a two-dimensional obstacle array, adding small-scale roughness elements to the top of larger parallel square bars. The experiments were performed for different cavity aspect ratios: the results show that the small-scale roughness increases the turbulence intensities and the momentum transfer when the large-scale obstacles are closely packed (H/W > 1) but it has very little effect for more widely-spaced obstacles (H/W < 1).  相似文献   

The note presents a rational approach to modelling the source/sink due to vegetation or buoyancy effects that appear in the turbulent kinetic energy, E, equation and a supplementary equation for a length-scale determining variable, φ, when two-equation closure is applied to canopy and atmospheric boundary-layer flows. The approach implements only standard model coefficients C φ1 and C φ2 in the production and destruction terms of the φ equation, respectively. Numerical tests illustrate the practical applicability of the method, where, for example, simulations with the Eω model (where is the specific dissipation and is the dissipation rate of E) properly reproduce both the surface-layer wind profile estimated from the Monin-Obukhov similarity theory and the mixing-height evolution observed above forested terrain in Southern Finland.  相似文献   

对流边界层中过山气流的数值模拟   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
采用ARPS4.0非静力中尺度气象模式模拟了对流边界层中气流过山引起的地形波,讨论了地形及大气条件改变对其的影响.模拟表明,当大气边界层是对流边界层时,气流过山引起的地形强迫,仍能在上部稳定层结中造成足够的垂直扰动,产生向上传播的重力内波,重力内波引起的波动阻力仍不可忽略.  相似文献   

金妍  李国平 《高原气象》2021,40(2):314-323
利用ERA5再分析资料和融合降水数据,针对2018年5月21-22日发生在中国四川盆地西南部的一次山地突发性暴雨,首先对其降水强度和天气概况进行相关分析,并且通过绕流和爬流方程,将流场分解为绕流和爬流分量,重点探讨地形对于过山气流的影响及其对降水的作用.研究表明:受欧亚中高纬低槽槽后西北气流引导冷空气南下和西南低涡东移...  相似文献   

Profile and eddy-correlation (heights of 4 and 10 m) measurements performed on the Pasterze glacier (Austria) are used to study the characteristics of the stable boundary layer under conditions of katabatic and large-scale forcing. We consider cases where large-scale forcing results in a downslope (or following) ambient wind. The analysis of averaged spectra and cospectra reveals low frequency perturbations that have a large influence on the variances of temperature and horizontal wind components and also alter the cospectra of momentum and sensible heat flux. Only the spectrum of the vertical wind speed is comparable to universal spectra. The low frequency perturbations occur as brief intermittent events and result in downward entrainment of ambient air thereby producing enhanced downward sensible heat fluxes and downward as well as upward momentum fluxes with various magnitudes and timescales. After the variances were high pass filtered, the normalised standard deviations of wind speed and temperature compare favourably to findings in the literature within the range 0>z/L>0.5. For larger z/L they deviate as a result of an increased influence from low frequency perturbations and thus non-stationarity. In line with this, the turbulent kinetic energy budget (at 4 m height) indicates that production (shear) is in balance with destruction (buoyancy and dissipation) within the range 0>z/L>0.3. Non-dimensional gradients of wind speed within the range 0>z/L>0.3 have a slope of about 3.5. The scatter for the dimensionless temperature gradient is quite large, and the slope is comparable to that for wind speed gradients. For z/L>0.3 the imbalance in the turbulent kinetic energy budget grows and non-dimensional gradients for wind speed and temperature deviate considerably from accepted values as a result of increased non-stationarity. Average roughness lengths for momentum and sensible heat flux derived from wind speed and temperature profiles are respectively 1 × 10-3 m and 6 × 10-5 m, consistent with the literature. The ratio (z0h/z0m) compares to those predicted by surface renewal models. A variation of this ratio with the roughness Reynolds number is not indicated by our data.  相似文献   

Turbulence measurements performed in a stable boundary layer over the sloping ice surface of the Vatnajökull in Iceland are described. The boundary layer, in which katabatic forces are stronger than the large-scale forces, has a structure that closely resembles that of a stable boundary layer overlying a flat land surface, although there are some important differences. In order to compare the two situations the set-up of the instruments on an ice cap in Iceland was reproduced on a flat grass surface at Cabauw, the Netherlands. Wind speed and temperature gradients were calculated and combined with flux measurements made with a sonic anemometer in order to obtain the local stability functions m and h as a function of the local stability parameter z/L. Unlike the situation at Cabauw, where m was linear as a function of z/L, in the katabatically forced boundary layer, the dependence of m on stability was found to be non-linear and related to the height of the wind maximum. Thermal stratification and the depth of the stable boundary layer however seem to be rather similar under these two different forcing conditions.Furthermore, measurements on the ice were used to construct the energy balance. These showed good agreement between observed melt and components contributing to the energy balance: net radiation (supplying 55% of the energy), sensible heat flux (30%) and latent heat flux (15%).Local sources and sinks in the turbulent kinetic energy budget are summed and indicate a reasonable balance in near-neutral conditions but not in more stable situations. The standard deviation of the velocity fluctuations u, v, and w, can be scaled satisfactorily with the local friction velocity u* and the standard deviation of the temperature fluctuation with the local temperature scale *.  相似文献   

A case study of warm air advection over the Arctic marginalsea-ice zone is presented, based on aircraft observations with direct flux measurements carriedout in early spring, 1998. A shallow atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) was observed, which wasgradually cooling with distance downwind of the ice edge. This process was mainly connected with astrong stable stratification and downward turbulent heat fluxes of about 10–20 W m-2, but wasalso due to radiative cooling. Two mesoscale models, one hydrostatic and the other non-hydrostatic,having different turbulence closures, were applied. Despite these fundamental differences betweenthe models, the results of both agreed well with the observed data. Various closure assumptions had amore crucial influence on the results than the differences between the models.Such an assumption was, for example,the parameterization of the surface roughness for momentum (z0) and heat (zT). This stronglyaffected the wind and temperature fields not only close to the surface but also within and abovethe temperature inversion layer. The best results were achieved using a formulation for z0 that took intoaccount the form drag effect of sea-ice ridges together withzT = 0.1z0. The stability within theelevated inversion strongly depended on the minimum eddy diffusivity Kmin. A simple ad hocparameterization seems applicable, where Kmin is calculated as 0.005 timesthe neutral eddy diffusivity. Although the longwave radiative cooling was largest within the ABL, theapplication of a radiation scheme was less important there than above the ABL. This was related to theinteraction of the turbulent and radiative fluxes. To reproduce the strong inversion, it wasnecessary to use vertical and horizontal resolutions higher than those applied in most regional andlarge-scale atmospheric models.  相似文献   

朱秋颖  杨薇  冯箫  张涛 《气象科技》2023,51(1):115-123
利用中国第一代全球大气/陆面再分析产品(China’s first generation global atmospheric/land surface reanalysis product,简称CRA),结合地面自动站观测、中国气象局陆面数据同化系统的能见度格点数据、葵花8号卫星资料,分析了2021年1月21—26日琼州海峡一次持续性海雾过程的发展演变、环流形势以及边界层特征,同时分析了两种不同类型雾的形成机制。结果表明:(1)21—22日为低层冷空气扩散形成的锋面雾;23—26日为冷高后部偏东气流型平流雾过程,其中23日23:00至24日14:00大雾发展最强盛,连续12个时次出现特强浓雾,最小能见度达25 m。(2)锋面雾阶段,偏北风影响,风速为1~3 m/s;平流雾阶段,偏东风影响,风速为4~6 m/s。(3)锋面雾阶段,水汽辐合中心位于琼州海峡南岸至海南岛东北部陆地,大雾在陆地开始发展。平流雾阶段,水汽辐合中心位于琼州海峡北岸至海南岛东部海面一带,大雾自海上发展。(4)锋面雾阶段,逆温层在950 hPa左右高度发展,为下冷上暖的平流配置;平流雾阶段,950 hPa以下均为暖平...  相似文献   

A realistic simulation of katabatic flows is not a straightforward task for numerical models. One complicating factor is that katabatic flows develop within a stably stratified boundary layer, which is poorly resolved and described in many numerical models. To capture the jet-shaped shallow flow a model set-up with high vertical resolution is also required. In this study, ‘a state of the art’ mesoscale numerical model is applied in a simulation of katabatic flow over a melting glacier. A basic agreement between observations and model results is found. From scale analysis, it is concluded that the simulated flow can be classified as katabatic. Although the background flow varies in strength and direction, the simulated katabatic flow over Breidamerkurjökull is persistent. Two factors vital for this persistence are identified. First, the melting snow maintains the surface temperature close to 0 °C while the air temperature warms adiabatically as it descends the slope. This provides a ‘self enhanced’ negative buoyancy that drives the flow to a balance with local friction. Second, the jet-like shape of the resulting flow gives rise to a large ‘curvature term’ in the Scorer parameter, which becomes negative in the upper jet. This prevents vertical wave propagation and isolates the katabatic layer of the influence from the free troposphere aloft. Our results suggest that the formation of local microclimates dominated by katabatic flow is a general feature over melting glaciers. The modelled turbulence structure illustrates the importance of non-local processes. Neglecting the vertical transport of turbulence in katabatic flows is not a valid assumption. It is also found that the local friction velocity remains larger than zero through the katabatic jet, due to directional shear where the scalar wind speed approaches its maximum.  相似文献   

Land Surface Processes Experiment (LASPEX) was conducted over semi-arid region of western India in 1997. As a part of this program, wind and temperature observations were taken using slow as well as fast response sensors over a semi-arid station Anand (22°35′N, 72°55′E) situated in Gujarat state of India. Turbulent parameters such as drag coefficient and sensible heat flux were estimated using eddy correlation method and aerodynamic roughness length was estimated using wind profiles. The analysis has been carried out for the data representing summer, monsoon and winter seasons. It was found that the wind speed does not exceed 5 ms− 1 during the observational period considered in this study. Relationship of aerodynamic drag coefficient and roughness length with wind speed and stability has been investigated. Aerodynamic roughness length was greater in the stable conditions when the wind speed was low and it reduced drastically during convective conditions. The resulting values of aerodynamic roughness length and drag coefficient for the monsoon period agree well with values reported in literature over Indian subcontinent for homogeneous grass covered surfaces.  相似文献   

在科技部公益专项"沙尘气溶胶辐射模型及气候环境生态效应研究"支持下,执行期间在二连浩特气象站用GFE(L)1型二次测风雷达和GTS1型数字式探空仪,于2006年4月24~25日对内蒙古高原半干旱荒漠化草原地区春季典型晴日边界层特征进行了加密探测。结果表明:二连浩特地区边界层的日变化大,对流边界层最大高度可以达到2000 m,超绝热层平均高度为270 m,夜间稳定边界层高度可达到900 m;白天在4000 m附近存在高空急流,最大风速达到29 m.s-1;夜间近地面层有东风急流,其高度在250 m左右,观测日低空急流最强时间是在23:00,风速达到16 m.s-1;边界层内湿度变化较大,呈现多层逆湿结构。  相似文献   

Three types of previously used numerical methods are revisited for computing the streamfunction ψ and velocity potential χ from the horizontal velocity v in limited domains. The first type, called the SOR-based method, uses a classical successive over-relaxation(SOR) scheme to compute ψ(or χ) first with an arbitrary boundary condition(BC) and then χ(orψ) with the BC derived from v. The second type, called the spectral method, uses spectral formulations to construct the inner part of(ψ, χ)—the in...  相似文献   

一次超级单体风暴的气流场结构特征分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
利用新一代天气雷达强度场、速度场的资料,分析了2003年7月22日发生在玛河流域的一次超级单体风暴的中尺度气旋、旋转上升气流、阵风锋等气流场结构特征。  相似文献   

有效雨量和滑坡泥石流灾害概率模型   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
张国平 《气象》2014,40(7):886-890
针对我国西北至东南的带状区域,将其划分为6个区划单元:黄土高原西部、秦岭山区、大巴山区、大别山区、罗霄山区和浙闽沿海。通过提取并分析滑坡泥石流灾害发生频次和雨量信息,发现对于任何一个区划单元,并不存在一个临界雨量,诱发地质灾害的有效降水处于一个比较大的区间,对于给定的有效降水,滑坡泥石流灾害只是存在一个发生的可能性。进一步研究了6个区划单元内有效雨量和滑坡泥石流灾害的概率关系。相关系数检验表明了本文计算的降水因子与滑坡泥石流灾害发生的频次服从高斯分布,可以利用密度函数曲线来定量计算有效降水为某一值情况下滑坡泥石流灾害发生的概率。研究还表明我国由西北至东南,诱发滑坡泥石流灾害的雨量值增大,增大的幅度可以通过6个区划单元降水因子与滑坡泥石流灾害高斯分布的参数来定量描述。  相似文献   

西藏泥石流、滑坡时空分布特征及其与降水条件的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对1970~2006年西藏泥石流、滑坡的时空分布特征与降水条件分析,得出西藏地区泥石流、滑坡主要发生在藏东地区、喜马拉雅山南侧及沿雅鲁藏布江一线,每年6~8月是泥石流、滑坡多发时段,降水是诱发泥石流、滑坡的主要气象条件,发生泥石流、滑坡可能性与不同雨型、不同等级降水和与前期降水情况密切相关。该研究分析结论,为西藏泥石流、滑坡预警预报提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

An analytical model has been developed for the flow along a street canyon (of height H and width W), generated by an external wind blowing at any angle relative to the axis of the street. Initially, we consider the special case of a wind blowing parallel to the street. The interior of the street is decomposed into three regions, and the flow within each region is assumed to depend only on the external wind and the distance to the closest solid boundary. This decomposition leads to two different flow regimes: one for narrow streets (H/W > 1/2) and one for wide streets (H/W < 1/2). The theoretical model agrees well with results obtained from numerical simulations using a Reynolds-Averaged Navier–Stokes model. We then generalize the model to the case of arbitrary wind direction. Numerical solutions show that the streamlines of the mean flow in the street have a spiral form, and for most angles of incidence, the mass flux along the street scales on the component of the external wind resolved parallel to the street. We use this result to generalize the model derived for wind blowing parallel to the street, and the results from this model agree well with the numerical simulations. The model that has been developed can be evaluated rapidly using only very modest computing power, so it is suitable for use as an operational tool.  相似文献   

通过对1970~2006年西藏泥石流、滑坡的时空分布特征与降水条件分析,得出西藏地区泥石流、滑坡主要发生在藏东地区、喜马拉雅山南侧及沿雅鲁藏布江一线,每年6~8月是泥石流、滑坡多发时段,降水是诱发泥石流、滑坡的主要气象条件,发生泥石流、滑坡可能性与不同雨型、不同等级降水和与前期降水情况密切相关。该研究分析结论,为西藏泥石流、滑坡预警预报提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

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