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用一个带有地形项的β平面准地转正压涡度方程,进行2组积分时间长度为48h的试验,分析旋转大气中地形对多涡自组织的影响。地球旋转作用的引入主要会引起以下的差别:无旋转大气中,多涡自组织的特征是准终态涡将初始多涡全部吸收或全部组织起来;旋转大气中,多涡自组织的特征是准终态涡将初始多涡部分吸收或部分组织起来,差别较明显。中尺度地形对准终态涡位置的影响不同。无旋转大气中,中尺度地形对准终态涡位置的影响较小,有无地形的两个准终态涡中心之间的距离约100km;旋转大气中,中尺度地形对准终态涡位置的影响较大,有无地形的两个准终态涡中心之间的距离约200km,两者相差一倍左右。  相似文献   

地形对涡旋自组织影响的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
用一个带有地形项的f平面准地转正压涡度方程,实施5组积分时间长度为72h的试验,研究了中尺度地形对涡旋自组织的影响。结果指出:无地形时,准终态涡是一个带有螺旋带的类似台风的涡旋;有地形时,准终态涡是一个无螺旋带但有两个低涡量区的准圆形涡旋。有无地形两个准终态涡中心的位置可以相距100km以上。  相似文献   

用一个带有地形项的准地转正压模式,研究了不同初始涡廓线对涡旋自组织的作用。结果表明:初始涡廓线的不同,不仅可以影响到自组织的过程,而且可以影响到自组织起来的准终态涡的性质。  相似文献   

Self-organization of typhoon vortex in a baroclinic environment is studied based on eight numerical experiments with the fifth-generation Pennsylvania State University/National Center for Atmospheric Research (PSU/NCAR) Mesoscale Model (MM5). The results show that, when there are only two 400-km-away mesoscale axisymmetric vortices with a radius of 500 km in the initial field, the two vortices move away from each other during co-rotating till the distance between them greater than a critical distance named co-rotating critical distance. Then, they stop co-rotating. The situation is changed when a small vortex with a radius of 80 kin is introduced in between the two vortices in the initial field, with the two initially separated vortices approaching each other during their co-rotation, and finally self-organizing into a typhoon-like vortex consisting of an inner core and spiral bands. This result supports both Zhou Xiuji's view in 1994 and the studies in the barotropic framework concerning the interactions between the same and different scales of vortices. Six other experiments are carried out to study the effects of the initial vortex parameters, including the initial position of the small-scale vortex, the distance and intensity of the initially axisymmetric binary mesoscale vortices. It is found that the distance between the initial axisymmetrie mesoscale vortices is the most important parameter that influences the self-organizing process of the final typhoon-like vortex. This conclusion is similar to that obtained from barotropical model experiments.  相似文献   

高原低涡中涡旋波动特征的初步分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
李国平  罗喜平  陈婷  陈功 《高原气象》2011,30(3):553-558
将青藏高原低涡(下称高原低涡)视为受加热强迫的边界层内涡旋,分别研究了直角坐标系正压模型和柱坐标系正压模型中高原低涡所含的波动,揭示了高原低涡中各类波动的频散关系及其基本特征,对比分析了两种模型下所得结果的异同,讨论了高原低涡中的波动与流场特征的联系。本研究认为高原低涡既含有涡旋Rossby波又含有惯性重力外波,这对于...  相似文献   

本文通过对一些个例的研究,分析了西南低涡的维持和发展条件,发现低涡的维持和发展主要靠中高层的辐散量要大于低层的辐合量,同时中高层凝结潜热的释放也起着相当重要的作用。分析指出,在低涡上空,对流层上层有两支气流,(上升气流和下沉气流),在对流层中下层也有两支气流,共同构成低涡的三维流场。其中对流层中下层的两支气流对天气变化有重要影响。西南低涡的东部和南部是主要的降水区,而降水的强弱和低涡东侧的上升气流强弱及大气层结、水汽辐合量有关。  相似文献   

Previous studies concerning the interaction of dual vortices have been made generally in the determin-istic framework. In this paper, by using an advection equation model, eight numerical experiments whose integration times are 30 h are performed in order to analyze the interaction of dual vortices and the vortex self-organization in a coexisting system of deterministic and stochastic components. The stochastic compo-nents are introduced into the model by the way that the Iwayama scheme is used to produce the randomly distributed small-scale vortices which are then added into the initial field. The different intensity of the small-scale vortices is described by parameter K being 0.0, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, and 1.0, respectively. When there is no small-scale vortex (K=0.0), two initially separated meso-beta vortices rotate counterclockwise mutu-ally, and their quasi-final flow pattern is still two separated vortices; after initially incorporating small-scale vortices (K=0.8, 1.0), the two separated meso-beta vortices of initially same intensity gradually evolve into a major and a secondary vortex in time integration. The major vortex pulls the secondary one, which gradually evolves into the spiral band of the major vortex. The quasi-final flow pattern is a self-organized vortex with typhoon-like circulation, and the relative vorticity at its center increases with increasing in K value, suggesting that small-scale vortices feed the self-organized vortex with vorticity. This may be a pos-sible mechanism responsible for changes in the strength of the self-organized vortex. Results also show that the quasi-final pattern not only relates with the initial intensity of the small-scale vortices, but also with their initial distribution. In addition, three experiments are also performed in the case of various boundary conditions. Firstly, the periodic condition is used on the E-W boundary, but the fixed condition on the S-N boundary; secondly, the fixed condition is set on all the boundaries; and thirdly, the periodic condition is chosen on all the boundaries. Their quasi-final flow patterns in the three experiments are the same with each other, exhibiting a larger scale typhoon-like circulation. Based on these results mentioned above, authors think that the transition of vortex self-organization study from the deterministic system to the coexisting system of deterministic and stochastic components is worth exploring.  相似文献   

圆形涡旋大气中的横波不稳定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
讨论涡旋大气中,存在沿切向基流传播的横波型扰动,并采用数值方法讨论了柱坐标系下圆形涡旋系统斜压气流中这类扰动的不稳定,这是一类中尺度的重力惯性波的不稳定.研究了涡旋环境大气的层结稳定度参数N2、切向风垂直切变Vz、凝结潜热、涡旋特性及科里奥利参数f0对不稳定增长率的影响.圆形涡旋中同样存在横波不稳定的Eady模态和中尺度模态,得到了中尺度模态的扰动场分布特征:流场的不规则"猫眼"结构及慢速传播的扰动均集中在低层,而快速传播的扰动均集中在高层的扰动特征.  相似文献   

西北区域几次暴雨过程中的自组织现象   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
通过涡旋自组织动力学方法对西北地区几次暴雨过程进行了分析,得到了一些暴雨过程中降水云团自组织预报的判据和指标:(1)产生暴雨的云团发展演变大都经历了由无组织到有组织、由不规则云形到有规则云形的过程;(2)造成甘肃暴雨过程的降水云团一般由2~4个范围在35km×35km左右的小云团合并而成,合并过程一般为两两合并,范围在...  相似文献   

本文通过用数值预报产品对冷涡雷暴分析,得出数值预报的形势场、抬升指数、K指数、垂直速度等,对提前预报冷涡雷暴有很好的指示作用。结合卫星云图、雷达回波图,能更好的监控冷涡雷暴的发展演变,为飞行安全提供有力保障。  相似文献   

青藏高原低涡群发性的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在对1980~2004年青藏高原低涡统计分析的基础上,对高原低涡的群发性进行了研究,结果表明:青藏高原低涡的产生具有明显群发和间歇性特点,且这种特征具有显著的年际变化;高原低涡的群发和间歇时段.欧亚大气环流表现出明显不同的特征,不同的环流背景通过影响高原地区的低层涡度、散度、中高层湿度、高层散度和垂直速度,进而影响高原低涡的群发与间歇。  相似文献   

地形影响蒙古气旋发展的观测和模拟研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
针对2001年4月上旬一次蒙古气旋发展过程中的地形因素进行了观测和模拟研究, 结果表明:依据低层冷空气是否越过阿尔泰—萨彦岭山地产生气旋冷锋, 蒙古气旋的发生发展过程可以划分为触发和发展两个阶段。在气旋的发展阶段, 斜压不稳定是其主要强迫机制。伴随地形对低层冷空气阻滞程度的变化, 蒙古气旋经历了从缓慢发展到剧烈加强的过程。阿尔泰—萨彦岭山地通过对低层冷空气的阻滞使山地上空等熵面更为陡立, 加强了对流层低层的斜压强迫, 从而使斜压强迫的涡度增长向低层聚集, 导致气旋发展强度增强。阿尔泰—萨彦岭山地及其南侧形成的峡谷地形对低空急流的位置、范围、强度及演变过程具有较重要影响。另外, 对流层高层位涡平流也是气旋发展的一个强迫因素, 但其影响较小。  相似文献   

渤海的特殊地形对冬季冷流降雪的贡献   总被引:14,自引:5,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
郑丽娜  石少英  侯淑梅 《气象》2003,29(1):49-51
对2001年12月24日由干冷的东北冷涡南下导致山东境内沿渤海地区产生降雪的过程进行了分析。结果表明:渤海半封闭型的海域加强了冷涡的强度,提供了水汽,同时其海岸线及其周围的特殊地形对这次降雪也有很大的贡献,是一次典型的中尺度系统与局地小尺度系统叠加的实例。  相似文献   

三层模式中地形对背风波振幅的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
臧增亮  张梅  张铭 《高原气象》2006,25(3):401-405
利用一个三层模式和钟形山脉研究了中尺度地形参数对背风波振幅的影响。理论分析表明,若保持地形高度不变,变化地形宽度时,当山脉半宽为背风波频率的倒数,波动的振幅可以达到最大;若地形高度和半宽按不同比例变化时,波动振幅的变化是不确定的;若高度和半宽按相同比例变化时,即保持山脉形状不变的情况下,半宽为频率的倒数的2倍时,振幅达到最大。最后利用ARPS模式对地形参数的变化进行了敏感性试验,模拟结果与理论结果相吻合。  相似文献   

In this paper, the nonlinear stationary waves forced by topography and diabatic heating are investigated. It is pointed out that (1) the nonlinear interaction of different stationary waves forced only by topography might form dipole blocking in the atmosphere, this might explain the dipole blocking appeared in the Pacific and Atlantic regions; (2) the dipole blocking could not be caused by the nonlinear interaction of the different stationary waves forced by the diabatic heating alone; (3) the nonlinear interaction of the diffferent stationary waves forced by both topography and diabatic heating could initiate dipole blocking in the atmosphere. In winter, the dipole blocking mainly occurs in the west regions of the Pacific and the Atlantic, and the heat source over the western part of the two oceans is advantageous to the formation of dipole blocking in the west of two oceans. However, in summer, the dipole blocking could be formed in the east part of the two oceans, and the heat source over the eastern  相似文献   

The quality of Arctic winter stratospheric dynamics forecast using the SL-AV atmospheric global circulation model is studied. The series of numerical experiments show that forecasts with the lead time up to 7 days are successful. Zonal wind reversal during minor sudden stratospheric warmings is predicted 10–11 days ahead. Overall, the situations of strong polar jet disturbances are beneficial for the forecast accuracy.  相似文献   

中尺度涡旋和台风涡旋相互作用的数值研究   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
用一个高分辨率的正压涡度方程模式,实施了4组积分时间为24h的试验,研究了台风环流区域内中尺度涡旋的不同初始径向位置条件下与台风涡旋的相互作用,结果表明,中尺度涡旋初始径向位置不同,可以引起随后扰动相对涡度场演变特征的改变。  相似文献   

杜梅  李国平  李山山 《大气科学》2020,44(2):269-281
基于大气运动方程组及散度方程,对高原横切变线上扰动稳定性问题以及切变线诱发高原低涡的动力学机制进行了理论分析并用欧洲中心(ECMWF)ERA-interim再分析资料对其进行验证。得出高原横切变线是高原低涡产生的重要背景场,切变线以南的水汽输送与辐合对于低涡的诱发作用是大气处于不平衡状态而引起散度场调整的结果,辐合增强区有利于高原低涡生成,低涡中心对应非平衡正值中心,低涡外围为非平衡项负值区。非平衡项负值大值与水汽辐合带的重叠区对降水落区有较好的指示意义。当高原南部的西南风带向东或东北方向移动或当低涡下游出现非平衡项负值中心时,低涡亦同向移动。若高原出现气旋式环流并且环流中心与非平衡项正值中心对应时,有利于低涡生成;进一步,当低涡中心与非平衡项正值中心对应且正值中心数值不断增大时,低涡趋于发展加强。  相似文献   

考虑探测原理和地形因素,基于Barrick表面阻抗理论和Wait近似算法等理论,利用不规则起伏地表的雷电电磁场传播模式,结合四川省真实的复杂地形地表数据,以半径r=60km的二维地表为模型,分析复杂地形对雷电电磁波传输的影响。以温江和白玉典型地势为例,分析得出:温江东部平原低海拔区域,雷电电磁波传输路径延长增量的最小值仅为182m,对应的时间延迟增量为0.61μs,温江西部多山高海拔区域,路径延长增量达到最大值,为2290m,对应的时间延迟增量为7.63μs;西部高原的白玉站,此区域地表的路径延长增量都在3000m以上,路径延长增量的最小值也达到3025m,对应的时间延迟增量为10.1μs,路径延长增量达到最大值,为8283m,对应的时间延迟增量为27.6μs。由此可见,在实际雷电探测定位中,必须考虑复杂地形引起的雷电电磁波传输路径增量和相应传输时间增量的影响,才能提高雷电定位精度和效率。   相似文献   

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