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The uranium-bearing granites in South China can be classified into two types. namely, syntectic type andtransformation type. A fairly systematic hydrogen, oxygen. carbon, sulfur isotopic study of uranium depositsrelated to these two types of granites has been carried out by the authors, and the results show that they haveobvious differences in such aspects as ore-forming and rock-forming ages. properties of ore-forming solutionsand source of ore-forming substances. The authors hold that the uranium deposits related to the syntectic typegranitoids are intimately connected with magmatism in time and space, whereas the uranium deposits relatedto the transformation type granites, though spatially linked up with uranium-bearing granites, should actuallyowe their formation to extension in the fault block movement in South China.  相似文献   

Uranium-bearing hydrothermal solutions during the stage of ore deposition are weakly alkaline and of the Ca^2 -Na^ /HCO3^- -F^- type.UO2(CO3)2^2- and UO2F4^-, are dominant in the hydrothermal solutions with respect to their activity.Wall-rock hydrothermal alterations ,temperature and pressure drop and the reducing capability of rock assemblage (Δeh) led to a decrease in Eh of the hydrothermal solutions and an increase in Eh at which uranium began precipitating.Therefore,the mechanism of uranium precipitation is essentially the reduction of uranium complexes.The granite-type uranium deposits are the most important type of uranium resources in China.Discussions will be made in this paper concerning the hydrothermal speciation and precipitation mech-anisms of uranium complexes in the light of fluid inclusion and geological data from some major de-posits of this type in South China.  相似文献   

Described in detail in this paper are the geochemical characteristics of the sandstone-type uranium deposits in northern Sichuan Province .Favorable and unfavor-able conditions for the enrichment of uranium are explored on the basis of the elemental abundances and ratios of U,Th and K determined by gamma-ray spectroscopy. Gamma-ray spectroscopic(U, Th and K) and XRF analyses(As, Ba) are helpful to distinguish U-bearing light-colored sandstones from U-barren light-colored ones and red sandstones (red claystone) from light-colored sandstones. Therefore, the favorable target area for prospecting the sandstone-type uranium deposits can be difined in northern Sichuan Province.  相似文献   

Calculations based on the available thermodynamic data of AuCl 2 and Au (HS) 2 indicate that AuCl 2 is responsible for the transport and enrichment of gold during the stage of pre-concentration in the source bed while Au (HS) 2 is the main gold species involved in the formation of gold deposits in response to hydrothermal reworking. Acid chloride solutions witha Cl > 10° and sulfur-rich solutions with aΣs in excess of 10−2 are held as important criteria for gold enrichment in the source bed and for the formation of gold deposits by subsequent hydrothermal event, respectively.  相似文献   

The superlarge continental volcanic rock-type uranium deposits,which were discovered abroad long ago,have not ye been reported up to now in China.This is an important problem that needs to be urgently solved by uranium geologists at present.In this paper,on the basis of analyzing the metallogenic settings and geological conditions of the superlarge continental volcanic rock-type uranium deposits discovered in the world along with the metallogenic characteristics of those of the same type in China,the space-time distribution patterns of continental volcanics and the metallogenic potential of main tectono-volcanic belts in China are discussed,and a synthetic conclusion has been drawn that there is a possibility to discover the superlarge continental volcanic rock-type uranium deposits in China.Moreover,it is evidenced that the Ganhang,Nanling,Yanliao,Da Hinggan Ling and other tectono-volcanic belts possess favorable geological conditions for the formation of ssuperlarge ore deposits of the continental volcanic rock type.The intersecting and overlapping locations of the aforementioned main belts with other tectono-volcanic(-intrusive)belts are the most potential areas where the superlarge continental volcanic rock-type uranium deposits would be found.  相似文献   

This paper deais with the geological conditions.mineralization characteristics,genetic types and space-time distribution of the Devonian-Carboniferous strata-bound carbonate-type uranium deposits in South China.These ore deposits are genetically classified as the leaching type and the leaching-hydrothermal superimposed type,These ore deposits are confined mainly to the strata (D2-3,C1)of platform-lagoon carbonate facies.Unique tectonic settings are a vital factor leading to the formation of these uranium deposits.A metallogenetic model for these uranium deposits has been proposed.  相似文献   

Based upon a comprehensive study of 123 copper deposits in China. this paper reaches the following conclusions: 1. The crust in China was solidified pretty late; with the accretion of the plate, the copper mineralization moved towards its margin in space and became successively younger in age. 2. The major copper ore types ever found in the world have mostly been discovered in China, in which the porphyry type seems to be the most important and the massive sulfide type in the transitional bed between marine clastic and carbonate rocks is clearly defined. 3. Carbonate strata are widespread in China and their deposition lasted for a long geological period, so the proportion of copper deposits occurring in them is large as compared with other parts of the world. 4. Seven metallogenic epochs can be recognized, in which the Mesozoic one plays the leading role and the middle(late) Palaeozoic and Cenozoic ones are next in importance. Mineralization was comparatively simple in the early geological period. and became diversified later on. In the early epochs copper deposits related to basaltic magmatism and metamorphosed marine sediments predominated, whereas in the later epochs those related to granitic magmatism and continental sedimentation were dominant. 5. There exist in China thirteen metallogenic provinces, of which the Lower Yangtze downwarping belt, Sanjiang fold system, Jiangnan axis and Xikang-Yunnan axis are of greater significance. 6. The crustal mobility in China was rather pronounced, the polycyclic evolution of the crust has resulted in such obvious phenomena as the inheritance of mineralization, the coexistence of various types and the superposition of different genetic types.  相似文献   

一、引言当地壳发生强烈变质作用时岩石中铀的运移主要取决于两个因素:(1)水的运动;(2)局部熔融。岩石中都含有水,水的运动对一切区域性变质作用(即脱水作用反应)极为重要。尽管水可以呈分离状态存在于深部发生变质的许多变质岩中,但是在这种条件下,水呈附着于矿物颗粒间的薄膜水,或者充填于微孔隙中的孔隙水状态。这时水的热力学状态可能与一般容  相似文献   

地壳超高压变质作用在世界上不同地区出现,其形成需要令人难以置信的物理参数。目前在四个分离的研究程度较高的造山带多期变形和变质基底片麻岩块中均发现了柯石英和(或)金刚石,它们是挪威西部片麻岩区(约150×350km)、哈萨克斯坦北部科克切塔夫地块(约150×300km)、中国中东部的大别山和苏鲁地区(约100×450km)及欧洲西阿尔卑斯(约75×200km)柯石英和(或)金刚石的残留体以包体形式存在于较小榴辉岩透镜体(约1~10m)的石榴石、绿辉石或锆石中,或者存在于石英岩或片麻岩的石榴石中。围岩通常为  相似文献   

以热力学观点讨沦变质作用,其矿物变化为化学反应。要深入了解这些反应,热力学和晶体化学是基础。为掌握矿物学和岩石学中的某些问题,需要具备变质反应的基本热力学知识。为此目的,我作初步介绍。  相似文献   

铀(Ⅵ)分析中的分离富集技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文归纳总结了近10年来国内外铀分析中的分离富集方法.依据分离富集原理的不同,将其划分为浮选、毛细管电泳、吸附分离、萃取4类方法.着重讨论了它们的分离富集条件、吸附容量、富集倍数以及方法的检测限等主要参数,并对未来铀的分离富集技术进行了展望.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(3-4):155-164
New structural data pointed out the presence of an older scattered migmatization event (Devonian?, M1) overcome by the well known Variscan migmatization event (Lower-Middle Carboniferous, M2) related to the Late extensional tectonic that affected the High Grade Metamorphic Complex (HGMC) in the Variscan Belt of Sardinia (Italy). The M1 event is only recognizable in the kyanite – amphibole bearing migmatitic gneiss. Both migmatization events (M1 and M2) are characterized by a syn-tectonic non coaxial deformations (D1 and D2 deformational events). D1 shows a top to NW sense of shear while the D2 event a top to NE/SE sense of shear (the shear senses are considered at the present Sardinia – Corsica block position in the Mediterranean sea). The M2+D2 is characterized by a complicate, composite normal shear network; the M1+D1 by inverse shear zones. The M2+D2 is transposed by the late D3 strike slip shear event: the D3 is characterized by strike slip shear zones syn-kinematic to the emplacement of Late Carboniferous granitoids (320 Ma – 300 Ma). Despite the absence of geochronological data about the M1+D1 event, the field relationships suggest, for first time, an older migmatization process (Devonian?) syn-tectonic with the late stage of thickness of the Sardinia Variscan Belt. Similar evolutions are recognized in different segments of the Variscan Belt such as the Massif Central (France) or in the eastern mid-European Variscides.  相似文献   

Coesite was discovered as inclusions in zircon separates from paragneiss associated with a large eclogite body in the North Belt of the Qaidam UHP terrane on the Chinese New Year of 2001 by Laser Raman Spectrometer at Tokyo Institute of Technology. Some graphite inclusions also found. However, extensive search did not reveal the occurrence of microdiamond. This finding confirms our previous suggestion that the North Qaidam UHP terrane was recrystallized at P below the diamond stability…  相似文献   

The authors studied the biomarkers (alkanes) of eight iron ore samples from Nianpanshan and Dsbaodui of Pangjiabao and Longguan, Xuanhua, Hebei. These samples have higher nC15-nC20 contents, with main peaks at nC16, nC 17 and nC18, and contain abundant pristane and phytane. These results indicate that iron stromatolite and iron oncolites in orebodies are sedimentary structures of algal origin. Sedimentary iron accumulation mainly results from activity of blue algae. This study provides new valuable evidence for the origin of Xuanlong-type iron deposits.  相似文献   


Near-infrared (NIR) and short-wavelength infrared (SWIR) hyperspectral imagery can be used to detect certain alteration minerals. At epithermal deposits, the formation of alteration minerals is, in theory, related to the mineralisation of gold and silver. In order to provide foundations for developing sensor-based sorting applications at a mine that exploits such a deposit, it was investigated if NIR-SWIR hyperspectral imagery can be used to distinguish between ore and waste particles by characterising the alteration mineralogy. Maps were produced from the NIR-SWIR hyperspectral images of 827 drill core samples that show mineral occurrences, mineral absorption feature intensities and characteristics of the iron oxide mineralogy. Partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) was applied to the information contained in these maps to investigate if this information can be used to discriminate between ore and waste. The results showed that NIR-SWIR hyperspectral imagery could be used to segment a population of waste samples by detecting occurrences of pyrophyllite, dickite and/or illite. This result can be explained by the fact that these minerals are commonly deposited further away from the ore-bearing epithermal veins, while the absence of SWIR-active minerals or detected occurrences of alunite are more closely associated with these structures. The ability to identify waste with NIR-SWIR spectral sensors means there is potential that sensor-based sorting can be used to remove this waste from mineral processing operations. Additional research is still required to assess the economic feasibility of such a sensor-based sorting application.


μ-XRF技术在黄龙铺钼(铀)矿床铀矿物学研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
东秦岭碳酸岩型钼成矿带是全球最大的钼成矿带。该带内的黄龙铺矿床是中国最早发现的碳酸岩型钼矿床之一。最近的野外地质调查发现,部分钼矿石具有较高的放射性异常,但其放射性元素的赋存形式和矿物学特征尚不明确。本文借助聚毛细管微束X射线荧光光谱分析(μ-XRF)分析速度快、原位无损、高灵敏度的分析优势,快速查明铀矿物的空间位置,再结合扫描电镜分析(SEM)和X射线能谱分析(EDS),确定铀矿物的种类及其次生变化。研究表明:黄龙铺矿床高放射性矿石中主要的铀矿物为钛铀矿、铌钛铀矿和晶质铀矿,它们与方解石、长石、黄铁矿、辉钼矿和黄铜矿呈共生关系。矿石中铀矿物后期均遭受氧化性流体改造,发生了明显的蚀变,钛铀矿蚀变之后转变为含Nb的钛铁氧化物,铌钛铀矿和晶质铀矿蚀变后矿物内部形成大量空洞,流体来源可能为大气降水。背散射电子(BSE)图像上灰度差异明显,暗示着矿物中元素分布的不均一性。  相似文献   

地质研究须注意两个观点:一是演化的观点,只有研究其发生、发展和转化的全过程,才能真正了解地质现象;二是综合的观点,自然界是互相联系的,地质现象的形成绝非一种地质作用,只有综合认识,并查明不同阶段的主导因素,才能避免片面.研究变质矿床,这两个观点尤其重要. 区域变质成矿作用区域变质矿床的形成既包括变质原岩或原矿的形成过程,也包括变质成矿后的叠加改造.但区域变质成矿作用主要限于与区域  相似文献   

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